Dan Crenshaw blasts Biden over border crisis: 'Dereliction of constitutional duty'

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if somebody walks into the country right across the river does somebody ask them to see their vaccination card as individuals come across the border and they are both assessed for whether they have uh any symptoms if they have symptoms they are the intention is for them to be quarantined that is our process they're not intending to stay here for a lengthy period of time i don't think it's the same thing yeah they always leave right away uh fox news is peter ducey pressing the white house on the status of covet testing for migrants as border agents grapple with more than 14 000 illegals taking shelter just under a bridge in del rio joining us now to react is republican texas congressman dan crenshaw good morning to you congressman good morning good morning yeah you heard peter ducey asking her about that you know if you go over let's say you go to europe and you come back into the country you have to show that you have a coveted test when you're at the airport yet we have all these people coming in from the southern border and they don't have to show any any results like the hypocrisy is is really beyond the pale and one thing that really stood out to me that saki said is that well they don't intend to stay here that long yeah like everybody is trekking hundreds of miles and paying off they're coming up they're not they're not going to stay here very long they're just day trippers they'll be right out and maybe just do some shopping no yeah i don't think so i don't think that's what's going on you know if you're if you're a european you have to have a vaccine before you can even come into the united states if you're a u.s citizen you have to get a covet test before you come back into the u.s but if you're an illegal immigrant you don't have to have any of that and we'll give you a hotel we'll give you free transportation and if you're lucky the democrats are also trying to give you a green card and a pathway to citizenship so it's a pretty good deal if you just skirt our laws and cut in front of the line of everybody else in the world who possibly has a valid asylum claim to our country and i was reading this morning um congressman you know the administration is going to welcome international travelers if they show the vaccination record starting in november but what's going on on our southern border right now you know has been going on for a while during the covid pandemic but what's interesting is all the people from europe we would love to have them come over because they're bringing billions of dollars in tourist money to places like new york city and and your state and things like that so we want those people over but you're right the double standard is just a head scratcher well the in the irony of her statement about that again was the people who are actually day trippers the the short length of vacationers those are actually you know europeans those are actually people from around the world uh the people who are crossing our border are intending to stay and look at this there's like 50 000 people who have crossed and don't even have a court date don't even have a court date so there's zero chance they'll show up for a court date that they don't even have they're definitely intending to stay and the people who do have a court date only about 13 have showed up for that at all there's hundreds of thousands of people being let loose into the interior with no way to track them no way to get them back and no way to enforce our laws it's it's this is such a dereliction of constitutional duty that is that the biden has engaged in um it's egregious it's egregious and it's also dangerous because well guess what else is coming across the border hundreds and hundreds of pounds of fentanyl okay human trafficking is occurring at record levels as well so this is dangerous to our people it's dangerous because of the pandemic it's dangerous because of fentanyl overdoses and it's and it's blatantly unfair and immoral when considering that there's thousands of people around the world who want to come to this country they want to do it the right way and our system is so clogged up that they can't do it you see this poll out congressman that says 56 percent of texans uh hispanic texans have a view negative view disapproval of president biden that's not the numbers that's not the way you turn texas blue have you noticed that with your constituents texans that see what's happening at the border and are not being won over yeah that's exactly right south texas which is largely hispanic is really turning against democrats because they're tired of seeing their communities overrun by hundreds and hundreds of illegal immigrants at a time it's unsustainable it takes away from their education system from their health care system uh takes away from their quality of life look it it infringes like in a fundamental epidural it infringes on our national sovereignty and that should matter to people sometimes but it but apparently it doesn't for these folks and look let's just be honest let's let's stop pretending that the bite administration and democrats have any intention of ever enforcing this because look the reality is they do believe that they might have a voter block from hundreds of thousands of new people coming across that's why they couple these bad these bad enforcement policies with um path to citizenship policies on the back end but at what cost all right congressman thank you very much thank you
Channel: Fox News
Views: 150,476
Rating: 4.8756909 out of 5
Keywords: border crisis, biden border crisis, illegal immigration, border security, joe biden, fox news, fox news channel, fox news media, dan crenshaw, dan crenshaw fox news, border patrol, us border, open borders, president biden, remain in mexico, illegal immigrants, us mexico border, biden immigration, rep. dan crenshaw, biden administration, dereliction of duty, border crisis texas, fox news border crisis, border crisis news, biden immigration policy
Id: tTlTgLJzRtU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 58sec (298 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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