Ultimate Animated Movies Pitch Meeting Compilation

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so you have a movie for me yes sir i do it's a fun little animated movie for kids oh that sounds like fun what's it about it's about this girl coraline who finds a magical secret passage to an alternate world that has alternate versions of her parents oh that's actually perfect i've been promising my daughter that i'd produce a kids movie and let me just call her real quick okay she's gonna love this sure hey cindy daddy's finally gonna make a children's movie just like he promised okay such a sweet moment she's super happy this is really gonna help her family situation anyway coraline's other parents have buttons sewn into their skulls where their eyes should be daddy's gonna call you back okay cindy bye cindy what was that about the buttons oh they all have buttons sewn into their eyeballs and coraline's other mother has a history of stealing children's eyeballs and sewing buttons in their places oh my god with needles so sharp you can barely feel them oh i thought i heard you say it was a kid's movie yeah yeah kids are gonna love it there's a talking cat and stuff oh talking cats are tight they sure are sir that button thing sounds like a super horrifying element though but start from the beginning maybe i'm not getting it sure will coraline and her parents move into a new place but her parents are too busy to spend time with her sounds like a good kids movie so far and she meets this local kid named yb oh that's a cute name it's short for y born wow okay that's like one step up from naming your kid mistake yeah and he says that his grandmother owns the pink palace apartments and doesn't usually let kids move in but he's not supposed to talk about it oh and later if you put two and two together you're like oh it's because she knows that kids keep disappearing from there yes so why does she allow coraline and her family to move in so the movie can happen gotcha so anyway yb gives coraline a doll he found that looks exactly like her except it has buttons for eyes instant red flags so she throws it away no she carries it around and eventually it starts changing places on its own another massive red flag so she throws it away she does not and eventually she finds a passageway to the other world that's like a more colorful version of her home where the parents have buttons sewn into their skulls please tell me that's a red flag for her oh yeah that does freak her out okay good for about five seconds then she immediately and completely gets over it and has dinner with them oh she does yeah and she's gonna go back to the real world and that's just gonna confirm how amazing everything is in the other world how so well like she wants her mom to buy her a pair of 25 gloves but she doesn't want to totally reasonable decision actually so coraline's gonna go back into the other world and just have a great time oh yeah what kind of stuff does she do well these two silly old ladies are gonna put on a big show and the audience is gonna be filled with dogs oh okay you know what other than the button thing and the doll thing this actually sounds like a pretty good movie for kids and the two old ladies are gonna be practically naked one of them's barely covering up her nipples oh there it is and eventually coraline's gonna start to catch on that stuff in the other world is kind of weird finally so how does she start to catch on well first of all her other mother tells her she can stay forever if she gets her eyeballs replaced with buttons wow at this point i'm surprised she caught on that that's a red flag and also her other father and other yb start to warn her that other mother created this whole place just to lure her in so how her other father and other y be able to warn her what do you mean well if the other mother created the whole world that means she also created other father and other yb right so why would she create them with free will and an understanding of good and evil i don't know fair enough so eventually coraline's gonna get thrown inside a mirror where she's gonna meet the eyeless ghosts of children that have been there so long they've forgotten their lives oh why are you like this it's just fun times what kind of awful stuff happened to you as a kid you couldn't possibly imagine so anyway the dead kids are like if you find our eyes you'll free our souls so she sets out to find the eyes yes she has to find all three of them i thought you said there were three kids so she'd have to find six eyeballs listen who's to say how many eyes humans have biologists yeah nobody knows so i imagine it's gonna be hard for coraline to wander around in a world that other mother completely created and look for the dead kid eyes actually it's gonna be super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yeah we're gonna say that the other mother has a thing for games so coraline's gonna be like i have a game let me try to find the eyeballs and that works it does and so then she does wow well i'm glad the horrifying moments are over and we can wrap up and another mother's gonna turn into a giant spider with needles for limbs and her eyes are gonna get gouged out and she's gonna blindly chase coraline through a giant disgusting web and try to rip her eyes out did you hear what i said i did i did so so what do you think of the movie well it sounds absolutely horrifying but i already promised my daughter we'd make it so i guess my hands are tied fantastic and i think if i hire a band like they might be giants to put together kind of a fun soundtrack we could maybe make this enjoyable for kids oh that's a really good way to lighten things up i'm going to make sure that doesn't work out what [Music] so you have a pitch for a kids movie yes sir i do it's called the boss baby but babies aren't bosses nope they're not but in this movie there's a baby that is a boss but you are blowing my mind right now you need a minute yeah maybe just a minute okay so the baby is a boss yeah he's got a little suit and a little briefcase and a really deep voice why does he have a deep voice because he's the boss yeah but men get deeper voices during puberty when their larynx grows thicker and larger yeah he's the boss though so he needs a deep voice so you're saying that physically he's a baby in every way but he's got like a man throat yeah i guess so okay just checking so anyway the boss baby is in middle management at baby core and he infiltrates this family baby core yeah when babies are made they're either sent into families or they work at the baby corporation what kind of company is it it's like a business company but what do they sell like what's their product or service i guess the product is the babies themselves so they sell children well yeah but it's much cuter than that like the babies are very concerned that puppies are getting more love than they are they've got like love charts and stuff oh so like instead of dealing in money they deal in love well not exactly because the boss baby's gonna have like a lot of money he's very rich so they are making money off of these babies somehow yes so they sell children well we're not gonna call it that because i feel like that might have some human rights implications but they make money off the distribution of babies right but in a cute way sure also because it's baby selling babies it's probably okay maybe so anyway what's the story about well boss baby goes into this family where there's a seven-year-old named tim and tim is not happy about that how come he's mad that the boss baby is stealing his parents affection and he's also freaked out about the fact that he has a brief case and wears a suit all the time the parents don't seem concerned about all that they do not huh so anyway tim finds out that the boss baby can talk so he's like what and then we're gonna have a bunch of business jokes nice yeah you know how kids these days respond really well to business jokes do you have an example of a funny scene well for example we'll have tim spy on the boss baby as he's trying to run a meeting with other babies oh boss baby meets with other babies yeah but it doesn't go well for him how come well he's meeting with a bunch of babies so they're all super incompetent but he's a baby yeah but these babies won't have any of his skills for some reason oh anyway we find out that the puppy's getting too much love thing is a serious problem for the baby business oh no yeah and apparently a company called puppyco that tim's parents work for are launching a new type of dog in las vegas they're launching a new type of dog exactly what does that even mean like they made a new dog and they're having a product launch that doesn't make any sense oh i know why do you sound so proud about that because at the end of the film we're gonna reveal that this whole movie was just him telling his daughter his super imaginative recollection of how his baby brother came into the family oh so nothing in the movie actually has to make sense exactly so i basically gave myself a free pass to write literally anything i wanted amazing yeah so the script is gonna contradict itself it's gonna have world building that falls apart if you think about it even a little bit wow and it's gonna be very unclear what's real and what's not and it's all okay it's all okay because it's not real and nothing matters that's very smart right either that or very lazy no it's very smart okay anyway so boss baby and tim start working together cause if they find some info on the new puppy boss baby can finish his job and leave the family so what do they do well they go to this bring your kids to work day at puppyco but then they discover that the ceo wants to use this formula that keeps boss baby a baby to create a forever puppy to boost sales and put the babies out of business none of that makes much sense at all nope doesn't have to what would happen if the babies got put out of business like there'd be no more babies i guess humans would just love puppies so much that they wouldn't want to have babies anymore essentially yeah the human race would come to an end because now there are puppies that don't age that's what we're going with all right anyway so the bad guy kidnaps tim's parents and brings them to vegas so you know tim and boss baby have to find a way there too is that gonna be hard for them to do no it's gonna be super easy barely an inconvenience how so will they pretend to be an elvis impersonator so the elvis impersonator working at the airport just lets them in why is there an elvis working at the doesn't have to make sense right i keep trying to make sense of the stuff you're saying you got to stop doing that yeah i'll try anyway so they managed to stop the bad guy before he can launch all the forever puppies and so he falls into a vat of formula and turns into a baby himself that is horrifying it's pretty terrifying yeah what happens to all the forever puppies what do you mean well they're still alive right are they gonna be adopted no because if they did the babies would get less love remember right so does that mean that the puppies are gonna die well i mean we're not gonna go that far but i guess they'd either have to die or be homeless for the babies to stay in business wow yeah but anyway nothing matters exactly nothing makes sense and nothing matters so it's all good all good so what do you think well i think people will enjoy it despite its flaws so what the hell let's make it great i mean we shouldn't expect any oscar nominations on a project like this but it'll be a fun little movie [Music] so you have a movie for me yes sir i do 2016 baby what 2016 my man 2016. why do you keep saying the current year because it's the best year there's ever been i don't know about that and it's the inspiration for the movie i'm about to pitch you oh how's that well what was a surprise massive hit movie this year i guess deadpool exactly and what was like the biggest mobile game of the year pokemon go that's right so i figured we could you know oh yeah you wanna hold hands what no oh okay no that's okay i'm talking about doing a pikachu movie starring ryan reynolds you know basically doing a toned-down version of deadpool oh yeah that sounds like it would make a lot of money so how do we approach this well what's the first thing that pops into your head when you think of pikachu i don't know he shoots lightning he solves crimes that's right but that doesn't come to mind at all oh well it should there's an averagely reviewed video game called detective pikachu on nintendo 3ds oh when did that come out when do you think 2016 2016 yeah i thought so so what would happen in the movie we're gonna get to see some pokeballs get thrown around oh you're darn right we will amazing once briefly at the beginning oh yeah so we're gonna start the movie with mewtwo escaping from a lab and making a car crash okay and then we're gonna meet this guy tim with a dead-end job and a dead mom who finds out his dad's dead oh my god that sounds so dark oh it will be the first 20 minutes are going to be very depressing for the most part geez so anyway tim has to go to rhyme city which is this place where pokemon and humans coexist peacefully very cool and when he goes to his dad's mailbox he meets this reporter lucy stevens and what's her deal well she's looking into his father's death and if we could get the actress to be like super bubbly and over the top that'd be great oh i feel like that's really gonna clash with the tone we've been working with yeah for sure it's gonna feel like she's acting in a different movie i mean okay so at his dad's apartment he runs into a little pikachu with a detective hat and amnesia and a coffee addiction oh addictions are tight no no they're not coffee and chocolate are the only socially acceptable ones that's fair anyway somehow tim can hear this pikachu talk and let me tell you something he sounds a whole lot like deadpool money and they find these mysterious vials of purple gas that makes pokemon go crazy that have these r's on them oh team rocket no shut up okay and so pikachu reveals that he was tim's dad's partner and he thinks he's still alive oh interesting so tim and pikachu are gonna try to solve this case you know by visiting all these different pokemon products nice sorry did i say products i meant characters no i liked it the first way okay so anyway they're gonna meet this mr mime product that mimes everything he does but he actually makes the things he's miming oh very cool and so they're gonna mime dousing him in gasoline oh very dark and then they accidentally mime lighting him on fire oh my god anyway so moving on wait did they actually kill the mr mine i don't know well okay then so anyway we're also gonna meet this guy howard clifford who founded rhyme city oh and what's his deal well he's in a wheelchair and he's always talking about how pokemons can evolve but humans can't oh so he's the bad guy no seems pretty obvious that he is though uh he's not but he probably is though and we're also gonna learn more about mewtwo like apparently he caused that car crash to save tim's dad oh okay and we're gonna learn that with his psychic powers he can transfer a human's consciousness into a pokemon oh so pikachu is actually tim's dad what no i mean oh and also we're gonna see tim's dad a bunch of times but we're never gonna see his face so his dad is actually ryan reynolds you sound insane right now what i don't think these twists you're setting up are gonna be as twisty as you think they're gonna be i don't know what you're talking about so what else happens well we're gonna have this scene with these giant torterras walking around it's gonna be like an inception type thing it's probably gonna be pretty expensive oh yeah that does sound expensive and what's the point of that scene it's so pikachu can get a little bonk on the head and no other reason i guess that's worth the money yeah so then mewtwo shows up to help but he gets captured by howard's evil son uh-oh and then we're gonna find out that howard himself was evil this whole time no yeah i know and he wants to transfer everybody's minds into their pokemon why because that works and so in his office at the top of a skyscraper he puts on this little headband thing that lets him control mewtwo so tim is like you know uh-oh oh man yeah it's gonna be impossible to stop him when he's controlling a powerful pokemon like mewtwo actually it's gonna be super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yeah see he flies off as mewtwo but he leaves tim in the room with his vulnerable body still wearing the unsecured headset oh that's pretty irresponsible yeah he does leave tim with a ditto to fight though oh a ditto huh yeah it's gonna be this twist see you think that howard's son is evil but it was actually a ditto taking his place the whole time oh a ditto can take the form of a human what's that gonna look like oh it's gonna be really cool it's gonna look kind of like this oh my god that's horrifying oh it is oh yeah that's the worst thing i've ever seen i hate that oh my bad that's just what i look like with my glasses off oh boy okay what happens next well howard needs pokemon to like go crazy before he can do the consciousness transfer so he needs to use that purple gas on everybody okay and i don't know why but i had this amazing image in my head of him maybe using parade floats as a way to disperse the gas i think you might have that image in your head because that's exactly what happened in batman back in the day oh whoops whoopsie anyway so then tim takes the headband thing off of howard so he doesn't control mewtwo anymore well good but then pikachu falls from the height of a skyscraper and somehow tim gets down there just as fast but in a safe way oh wow that building must have crazy elevators yeah probably and then we're gonna learn that pikachu was tim's dad the whole time right didn't see that coming did you no yeah you spelled it out quite a bit very twisty and then at the end we're gonna see that it's ryan reynolds yeah so well it sounds like it'll probably make a lot of money yeah you think yeah i mean you took two of the biggest money makers of 2016 and smashed them together i did i did i wonder if there's another money making strategy we could use to take this whole thing to the next level [Music] so you have an animated movie for me yes sir i do and it kind of takes the things having a secret life premise from toy story but for like a new generation that doesn't play with toys anymore oh so what's going to have a secret life what would a kids use more than toys these days okay i think i see where you're going with this yeah yeah you want to make an emoji movie oh my god no yeah as soon as i said it it sounded like an awful idea nobody should ever do that and i pray that they don't that would be truly terrible yeah no this movie's called wreck-it ralph and it's about the secret life of video game characters that live in an arcade oh sweet kids are always at arcades these days yeah not only are arcades all over the place but they're always packed it is a good time to own an arcade so what happens in the movie well the main character ralph has been the bad guy in this video game called fixit felix jr for 30 years and his life kind of sucks when compared to the good guys so he decides that he's sick of being a bad guy wait he's been living that crappy life for 30 years why only do something about it now it's the 30th anniversary of the game right but he must have been feeling this way for a long time what makes this moment so special this is when the movie starts gotcha so anyway to be a good guy he needs to win a medal so he decides to sneak into another game to do that how are the games connected well they're all plugged into the same surge protector and if one of the machines gets unplugged the characters in it die wait so they've never once unplugged the game in 30 years that's what we're going with what if something that's not a video game gets plugged in like what if the janitor plugs in as vacuum can they go in the vacuum oh please don't think about the world building this much why not well it's the kind of world building that falls apart if you think about it so it's best not to do that fair enough anyway so we find out through sonic the hedgehog that if characters die outside their own game they're dead for good so ralph goes into a safe little game to win a medal no he goes into the most dangerous violent murdery game in the whole arcade oh he does yeah and then at this point in the script i actually ran out of video game jokes to make must have been hard to finish a script about video games without any video game jokes left actually super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yeah i just had ralph head over to this game called sugar rush so we start making candy puns instead of video game puns oh abruptly switching your pun strategy is tight anyway so sugar rush is this kind of racing game and ralph meets this character vanellope who's not allowed to race because she's a glitch okay and she steals ralph's medal to sneak into the race so if she doesn't win he's not getting it back well this character sounds like a massive glitch yeah it was a real glitch move on her part but she's actually pretty nice so what else should i know about rush will the place is run by this guy king candy oh we should make him be like the mad hatter in alice in wonderland what do you mean like we just straight up make him look and sound exactly like the man hatter why would we do that though why wouldn't we do that but why would we listen i just really like alice in wonderland so this is something that's gonna happen okay but i don't understand this is happening are you on board or not oh my god i guess i'm on board great well that got scary so what else happens in the movie well at the end we're gonna find out that he's actually a bad guy named turbo in disguise and he snuck into the game when his game got unplugged then he completely recoded it to make vanellope a glitch instead of the princess that she actually is how does a video game character know how to re-code an entire game i don't know but he also erases everyone's memories so they don't know that she's a princess how does he know how to do that dude i don't even know well this guy has such a convenient skill set anyway so vanellope ends up winning the race which completely fixes and resets the game why would winning a video game do that because that's what i wrote fair enough so then ralph goes back to his original job but everyone's happy now so so what's the message here exactly i don't know i guess it's kind of you should just accept your position in life no matter how crappy and just do your job with the smile and keep your mouth shut that is an important lesson for kids to learn yeah yeah yeah so you said that sonic the hedgehog is gonna be in this movie are there any other well-known characters yeah i have a few but to be honest they tried to keep it to a minimum how come well it kind of just felt like a cheap gimmick to get people to come watch the movie oh yeah that's not our style we never do something like that [Music] so you have a movie idea for me yes sir i kind of do kind of well i was pitching a commercial to the people at lego and they were like this is kinda long so i was like maybe it could be a movie so your movie idea is just a really long commercial for lego right we make an extended commercial and call that a movie it'd be super easy barely an inconvenience don't get me wrong i love product placements but usually we try to be a little subtle about it well i figured maybe if the entire movie is one big product placement then maybe people will forget that we're trying to sell them toys oh that's kind of evil well maybe but if it works we're going to make a ton of money oh making money is tight hail satan what nah because they are rushed oh you're kind of freaking me out you freaky boy so what happens in the movie well we're gonna follow emmett the main lego product don't you mean character no so anyway there's a prophecy that says that emmett is the special kind of like a chosen one sounds kind of like the plot of the matrix oh no this is nothing like the matrix it's not no it's just about a plain loner guy that meets an edgy badass looking girl and she tells him about a prophecy of a chosen one then he finds out that his world isn't what he thought it was and his whole perception of reality is shattered and then there's this wise trainer guy that's super into the chosen one prophecy and they go inside the main guy's head for training there's also a ruthless law enforcement type with sunglasses that's after him there's sentinels that attack everyone and the main guy is gonna seemingly die but then come back to life with the ability to see reality in a whole new way and basically has superpowers now that sounds a lot like the plot of the matrix no see batman is in this oh batman is in this okay batman's not in the matrix right so what else happens in the commercial well emmett is going to stumble upon this thing called the peace of resistance and that's going to give him like a magical vision oh very cool but then later we're going to find out that the entire prophecy was made up by this lego product vitruvius so how did the piece give him a vision i don't know fair enough yeah the thing is at the end of the commercial we're gonna find out that the whole thing was kind of playing out in the imagination of a child oh so things don't actually have to make sense exactly a little screenwriting gift i gave to myself very smart yeah so basically the whole movie the main lego products gonna jump from crazy place to crazy place and meet a whole bunch of other lego products so is there anything else i should know about the story not really everything's gonna move so fast and have so many joke attempts that the audience won't be able to focus on anything oh it's like add the movie yeah it's gonna be like flipping through a lego catalog while an action movie plays in the background and someone shines a strobe light in your eyes i love it and then you get to the end of the catalog and will ferrell walks in and you're like i guess this was nice so you said this is all kind of happening in a kid's imagination yeah it's gonna be a big twist emmett's gonna end up in the real world where it turns out this kid was playing with his dad's lego products the whole time okay and emmett's gonna start moving around to get the kids attention in the real world yeah so it's not all in the kids imagination i don't know fair enough anyway the dad's gonna get mad cause his kid did a bunch of weird stuff with his lego products oh doing weird stuff with lego products is tight but then he's gonna bond with him because he did a bunch of weird stuff with his lego products oh did the kid do something to change his mind no but there was like a battle in lego world or something i'm very confused about how the real world stuff works me too but if you don't think about it at all it has kind of a nice heartfelt message what's the message uh that you shouldn't follow instructions don't the lego products we're trying to sell come with instructions right but kids should disregard those i guess okay but also sometimes it's good to follow the rules what and also everyone is special kind of a lot of messages going on here and people should avoid getting brainwashed by mass media and corporations i'm not sure we're in the best position to be preaching about that well we're gonna preach about that well all right then so what do you think well i still think it's gonna be tough to trick people into coming to watch a feature-length commercial you know i guess i mean people always skip commercials on tv and youtube pre-roll ads yeah i guess we are asking them to pay to come watch a really long one but i suppose we can give it a shot and see if it works great and oh man if people fall for this we're going to make a ton of commercials [Music] so you have a movie for me yes sir i do i've been working very closely with jerry seinfeld on this script oh jerry seinfeld interesting yeah it's gonna be called b movie you know like a b movie but this is about actual beasts oh the title is a pun that's that's something yeah i don't want to name drop but this whole thing started when jerry was having lunch with steven spielberg oh spielberg and steven said he absolutely loved the idea so we just ran with it if he loved it so much why isn't he producing it i i i don't know do you think he might have said that as a joke oh my god but you said jerry seinfeld's attached yeah he is okay well then i could sell this thing no problem great anyway so what's the movie about right so the main character is named barry b benson okay you see how his middle name is b right please clap oh uh thank you so we meet barry and he's starting his day you know he sharpens his stinger listen that's very clever but i can't clap every time you make a bee joke oh that's fair cause you'd be clapping this whole time i should probably point out though that male bees don't have stingers i'm pretty sure bees have stingers sir not male bees no well anyway so then barry talks to his mom and dad about how wait his mom and dad yeah yeah but hives have queens and they give birth to all the bees so he wouldn't have a mom and dad well how was i supposed to know that did you write an entire movie about bees without doing any research on bees first of all yes okay second of all in this movie if i have the chance to make a b joke then facts will absolutely come second okay oh disregarding facts for the sake of puns is tight puns are all that matter in this world sir oh i think you might have just revealed some of the darkness lurking deep within your soul oh whoops anyway so barry has to go to his graduation ceremony so he and his friend adam hop in their little bee car and they drive off they have cars but they can fly listen jerry seinfeld likes cars i don't know what to tell ya well okay then and then barry finds out that when he picks a job he's stuck with it for life how did he not already know that unclear huh so he goes out on a pollen mission in central park and almost gets killed by a couple playing tennis okay and then it starts to rain and he lands in the apartment of the tennis players he lands in the apartment of the same people he encountered in central park that's right what are the odds of that i don't know math is hard that's true it is so anyway this guy ken is about to kill barry but then his wife vanessa saves him wow that's very nice of her yeah so then barry's gonna you know instantly fall in love with her what yeah he gets all nervous and flustered he thinks she's just beautiful you're saying we're gonna have a romantic storyline between a human woman and a bee that's right sir we are but how would that even work well i'm glad you asked that question because i actually have some very detailed drawings i'd like to show you oh no no no no thank you oh okay i'll just email them over to you then please don't oh should i burn them absolutely yeah please burn those as soon as you can i'll get right on that after this meeting sir i have a flamethrower in my car you what anyway so the bees have this one huge rule where they're not allowed to talk to humans right okay but barry's in love with this woman so he goes ahead and talks to her oh wow so what's gonna happen to barry for having broken the rules absolutely nothing oh and then barry discovers that humans have been stealing honey this whole time right they didn't know that nope they didn't so then barry is gonna sue the human race on behalf of the beast oh he is yeah so then the movie's gonna take a sharp turn and become a courtroom legal battle and that's gonna be enjoyable for kids to watch oh yeah kids love legal proceedings i guess a couple of minutes in a courtroom could be funny this is gonna take up a third of the movie oh it is yeah and then vanessa and barry are gonna joke about a suicide pact very kid-appropriate and then at a certain point barry's friend adam is gonna sting the human lawyer guy male b's don't have stingers though and it's gonna be a dramatic moment because the whole movie we've been saying that when a bee stings a human the bee dies so he dies nope oh you're not even following your own rules anyway so eventually the bees win the court case and they get all the honey back and they don't have to work anymore wow and then because of that all the plants in the world die uh-oh so then barry and vanessa have to take a plane to go steal a flower float but then on the plane ride home the pilots get knocked out and they have to land the plane themselves so they do it with the help of millions of bees sure all that might as well happen yeah we had no idea what to do for the climax so we just threw some crazy stuff in there that's probably fine yeah we figured who really cares at this point let's just throw some action on the screen but what are they gonna do about all the dead plants it's gonna be hard to reverse that damage actually it's gonna be super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yeah they just sprinkle some pollen on the plants and they instantly come back to life that's not how that works at all it might be it's not okay well is that really gonna change your opinion of this movie no it's fine at this point we're just straight up making anything to be honest oh you are yeah i mean we just green lit a movie about a panda that does kung fu okay yeah the b-movie's gonna look like a masterpiece compared to something like that [Music] so you have a movie for me yes sir i do so i was thinking nice yeah so 7 out of the 11 pixar movies from the past decade have been sequels or prequels or spin-offs ate a few include planes i do not fair enough so i figure on this one we could try something original like we used to i don't know sounds kind of unsafe and risky well if it does well we can make a sequel or a prequel or a spin-off that's a good point so we putting like a pixar short before this thing no i thought we could have a simpsons short oh show off some of disney's new purchases i like it yeah yeah yeah so what's the short gonna be about maggie simpson getting romantic but like in a cute way oh okay and what about the actual movie well it takes place in a fantasy world where magic exists but nobody uses it anymore because they develop technology which is easier to use wow wow yeah so we're gonna have like unicorns acting like raccoons the main characters have a dragon that acts like a dog that's not an animated movie without a thing that's not a dog acting like a dog exactly so who are the main characters in this thing these two elf brothers ian and barley what are elves like in this world they're basically humans but blue with pointy ears okay gotcha so ian is 16 and very unsure of himself right right and barley is his older more confident brother that's obsessed with this d and d style game called quests of yore okay and so their dad died a long time ago when ian was just a baby oh i love it parents have no business being alive in animated movies well they do still have a mom and she actually has a boyfriend who's a centaur he's a centaur and she's like a human-sized elf that's right i i have some questions oh please don't ask them oh okay yeah no i'll keep those to myself anyway so this centaur is kind of a goofball and he drives since it's easier than running running is magic no it's just inconvenient so he has to squeeze into this little human-sized car if the magical beings are the ones that develop technology why don't they have cars of different sizes for different creatures i don't know oh fair enough so anyway the kid's dead father leaves them a staff that lets them bring him back for 24 hours okay but they mess up the spell and only bring back his lower half so like his crotch well like legs but like a crotch though we're gonna be looking at a man's crotch quite a bit okay yeah sometimes we're gonna be looking at a crotch and i know it sounds weird but it's actually quite touching oh touching crotches are tight oh my god oh my god i need to start filtering some of the things i say are tight you sure do sir so anyway sometimes they're gonna build a fake torso for their dad to pretend that everything's normal oh fake chests are tight what's that gonna be like have you seen weekend at bernie's sure yeah that well okay then so if they want a shot at completing the spell and speaking with their dad they need to track down this super rare phoenix stone oh movies about tracking down valuable stones are very hot right now yeah so they take off to go find this thing because after 24 hours that's it he's gone they don't bring the mom along they don't now very insensitive yeah i guess but she's gonna try to follow them the whole time so we'll check in with her oh okay so they take off on a road trip in barley's van and they meet this manticore lady and what's her deal well she used to go on adventures and sent people on quests and now she runs a restaurant but ian and barley make her go crazy and like reignite her taste for adventure how do they do that by talking to her for about 30 seconds oh that didn't take much yeah i guess she was right on the edge wow so they keep going on this road trip and you know what they encounter well if this is a road trip movie i'm gonna assume they encounter bikers of some kind they encounter bikers of some kind do they do that thing where they accidentally tip over all their motorcycles you know it never gets old never gets old right oh god i hope so so what's up with these bikers well they're these little pixies and since nobody uses magic anymore they travel on these big motorcycles instead of flying why wouldn't they fly well at the beginning of the movie we show that planes exist so nobody flies anymore right but you can't fly a plane through rush hour traffic oh yeah no that's a good point and if they're tiny how would planes help them like reach shelves and stuff listen sir i'm gonna need you to get all the way off my back about the magic logic okay oh yeah okay let me get off of that thing oh thank you so much so what else happens well this is a quest so they basically travel from obstacle to obstacle and try to get past them oh man is that gonna be hard for two teenagers to do actually it's gonna be super easy barely an inconvenience oh really you see a whole lot of the problems they encounter can actually be solved by magic spells that ian learns oh barley can't do magic no but he knows all about it how come ian is the only magical one i don't know fair enough so eventually they get the phoenix stone but there's a curse that sends this big dragon stone thing after them oh no yeah and there are only a couple minutes left before the dad's visitation spell wears off oh no but see ian had this checklist of things he wanted to do with his dad and he realizes that barley actually checked all those boxes off by being his brother okay so ian fights off the dragon and lets barley say goodbye to their dad which he was too scared to do in the hospital as a kid okay so this is how we get the tears this is how we get the tears i was told that was a requirement oh yeah pixar runs on tears right we run on tears oh my god so what kind of voice talent were you thinking on this thing well i thought we could do some more cross-pollination of things that disney owns and grab some talent from the mcu that's smart so who should we get to voice barley well overly confident character who thinks their plans are always the best sounds like a certain somebody from guardians of the galaxy oh okay yeah so so you're thinking i am uh-huh uh-huh glenn close no chris pratt oh yeah that is a much better choice what about ian well he's an awkward scrawny teenager that's tom hall into a t oh yeah that's a good point we better snatch him up fast before another animated movie takes him for that kind of role oh yeah we're gonna want to be first on that for sure
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 2,554,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: screenrant, screen rant, onward, the bee movie, bee movie, coraline, wreck it ralph, the boss baby, Detective Pikachu, The Lego Movie, ryan george, pitch meeting, animated movies
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 8sec (1988 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 26 2020
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