The top ten things YOU didn't know about Darth Vader's suit!

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So now we know the downsides to building Death Stars, major budget cuts to the empire's hospitals

👍︎︎ 136 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 01 2016 🗫︎ replies

Vader's most powerful enemy: budgetary constraints

👍︎︎ 125 👤︎︎ u/TheRazorSlash 📅︎︎ Jan 01 2016 🗫︎ replies

This is the funniest video they've had in a little while. I always ramp up for laughter when I see it's just Mike and Rich, because I just know the whole point is to make Rich lose his mind through sheer attrition.

👍︎︎ 73 👤︎︎ u/stevealive 📅︎︎ Jan 01 2016 🗫︎ replies

Last day of the year

New RedLetterMedia video

24 minutes long

God bless us, every one

👍︎︎ 138 👤︎︎ u/Nerfman2227 📅︎︎ Jan 01 2016 🗫︎ replies

I'd pay so much money for a series of just Mike reading the Star Wars wiki to Rich Evans.

👍︎︎ 172 👤︎︎ u/Thats-right-Jay 📅︎︎ Jan 01 2016 🗫︎ replies

Mike laughing makes me so giddy.

EDIT: Holy fucking shit. The Emperor Palpatine Surgical Reconstruction Center. I'm in tears.

👍︎︎ 107 👤︎︎ u/AK_TheOtherGuy 📅︎︎ Jan 01 2016 🗫︎ replies

I had to give it a go:

👍︎︎ 89 👤︎︎ u/Fortyseven 📅︎︎ Jan 01 2016 🗫︎ replies

How did Jay manage to stand still for so long?

👍︎︎ 42 👤︎︎ u/Wahoo_McDaniel 📅︎︎ Jan 01 2016 🗫︎ replies

Vader did physical therapy sparring while holding onto his kitchen counter.

👍︎︎ 38 👤︎︎ u/kettesi 📅︎︎ Jan 01 2016 🗫︎ replies
well for those of you out there who love Star Wars and that's pretty much everyone am I right you are familiar with Darth Vader but how much do you really know about his iconic suit what is that bidding the top ten things you didn't know about Darth Vader's suit rich are you ready to talk about Darth Vader's suit yes I am I am more than ready to talk about Darth Vader's suit for the longest time I thought it was just something some costume designer slept together in the 1970s from Ralph McQuarrie's drawings but it turns out there's a lot more we didn't know are you saying that every one of these buttons has a specific function that was intended by George Lucas your God right wow I didn't know that clickbait number one following his near fatal duel with obi-wan Kenobi on Mustafar in 19 BBY darth vader received a mobile life support system encased in a suit of distinctive black armor okay Darth Vader's armor serial number II - 3 7 7 8 q1 it has a serial number yeah was designed to maintain and protect the young sit apprentices charred body while exuding an air of intimidation and control his suit followed an ancient Sith tradition in which the Warriors of the dark side of the force would adorn themselves in heavy armor the suits construction incorporated Sith alchemy to augment Vader severely diminished physical strength and vitality the suit provided a suite of life support systems and gave Vader relatively free movement without having to use a hover chair I guess it's like a wheelchair yeah yeah the suit was finally irreparable broken in 4 ABY when Vader absorbed Emperor Palpatine powerful force lightning in his face number 2 you like traditional Sith armor and formed after ancient Sith droids Darth Vader suit was made to be both intimidating and fearsome his helmet was black with a highly polished finish from wudu hide a one-eyed the helmet had a raised Ridge that ran from between his eyes to the back of his head where merged into Durasteel obsidian and class 2 steel was plaster steel its steel with plastic plastic steel that means it looks like cheap plastic made in 1977 but durability of steel to us jagged ridges swept curving over the eyes of Vader's mask proper and served to accent them the jagged edges also acted as a means to deflect potential energy blows onto the thick shoulder armor that's what that means to you the armor also came in 10 layers each subdivided into three primary layers the first primary layer was a self-sealing surface similar in function to standard m'not suit worn by most Imperial officers the outermost layer was a black insulating shell and the inner layer was an and Waddell crystal matrix the second primary layer dealt with impact protection from physical shock due to the irreversible damage to the torso the second layer was some ortho fabric this was a some more some may even add we don't know that we know we know the other things for sure we have the documents it was just someone forever number three the helmet locked into the mask via a pressurized seal comparable in integrity to a Class C spacesuit Class C attractive no fur no no besides protection it also stuck needles into Vader's skin when fixed in place which fed neurological data on brainwave activity to the central chest computer the masks appearance was given a sim appearance to a skull in order to enhance the fear factor of the Dark Lord of the Sith components for disassembled soro sub D H - 5-7 comm links were also built into the masks interior as a result of it being a cheaper solution compared to a custom-designed new unit of course their own concern of all costs it was also equipped with audio enhancers and sonic dampeners the latter of which were also capable of reducing noise as a defense against sonic weapons and they can extend Vader's hearing range to 40 kilohertz enough to be higher than a want oh I guess a Rondo is a creature that can hear really well it's like a dog that means something to somebody it also came equipped with a voice synthesizer which upon picking up the electronic sounds from a built-in vocoder translates Vader's otherwise weak speech to be audible and also added a timbre base an amplification to sound like an elderly black man to produce an impressive amount of oh well the collar along with the chest armor were also lined with electrodes that fed information status of the suits performance during monthly maintenance sessions at M palsu recon the collar was also equipped with feeding straws that allowed Vader to feed himself from an implanted bladder filled with rough mud vitae pastes I love that rep med vitae pasted on his hands he wore black gloves the right glove being a Mandalorian crush gaunt fitted around one of Lord Kahn's indestructible Sith amulets and modified to include grip augmentation circuitry the gloves or more accurately gauntlets were also made of micronized Mandalorian iron weave to protect Vader against glancing lightsaber blows during the patient's physical therapy sparring sessions I'm trying to picture what that was I'm picturing him holding onto one of those railings he's got one hand in a walker and the other had a lightsaber number 4 there were also two chefs located on the left and right control box acting as light function sensor arrays the data slots accepted rep Med data wafers 1 X 4 for a and 1 X 4 for a X both kinds of data wafers acting us that love function sensor arrays his belt which went over his Tubber is also mostly black it had 3 metal boxes around the rod electro magnetic clasp the other lock that includes clay knobs to mean just composing of a manwich toggle with any two grand on later at the same or services just before the rifle gun reloading we drop into a system at the rate associated binding cells and just of emergencies as well well what what his nervous system sustained the least amount of damage from his injuries at Mustafar nonetheless it was implanted with sensor webs tracing activity running through his cerebellum along his spinal cord to the sensory and motor neurons so it could be constantly and closely monitored as such if his neurons were ever unable to communicate with his metallic prosthetics Vader would be rendered immobile and a programmed alert would go out to M palsu recon via hyper wave signal basically they're saying Vader fell down the stairs bless life alert would go off I've fallen and I can't get up help me help me I've fallen to the dark side and I can't get up exactly number 5 nearly a decade before his death the Sith Lord Darth Plagueis and his apprentice Darth Sidious committed an act that directly violated the nature of the force to advance their plan for galactic domination the two Sith attempted to will a being of their own design into existence pouring their abhorrent intent into waves through the force to the countless midi-chlorians that were spread throughout the galaxy the experiment failed however in the midi-chlorians not willing to obey not only frustrated plagues accounts but countered in reprisal conceiving a child with some lady named Jimmy Skywalker so basically what they're saying is Darth Plagueis and Darth Sidious shot their out all over the galaxy I'm alright yes they tried to impregnate spirituality itself with their evil they essentially raped God yeah yeah just like really really wrong number six so Palpatine finds Vader's ravaged body after he's is defeated by obi-wan Kenobi on Mustafar we all remember these exciting events this is a great sword fight Darth Sidious newly declared emperor of the Galactic Empire soon arrived and snatched what remained of Vader's body from the bank of the lava river placing him on a medical capsule and willing him to live you remember this yeah he then took Vader back to Khorasan repairing the damage to Vader's body through intensive cybernetic enhancements with the help from arcane Sith healing techniques at the newly renamed Emperor Palpatine surgical reconstruction team surgical reconstruction Center that's the first thing you're gonna do hospital after me it's a lord Vader that just makes me like it for Palpatine even more I just want to see what the sign looks like does he have like his picture on the side too smiling smiling with his monster face there's a statue of him in the lobby going but to adoring children looking up at it he was repaired and rebuilt over a period of several days by a hyper sophisticated Oubre key and prototype DD 13 medical assistant driver named DD 13 / HK a21 be surgical droid by the name of - one b / dr x and an enhanced FX 6 medical assistant droid the you Burkean galactic chopper DD - 1 3 / h k oversaw the installation of cybernetic implants prosthetic limbs and synthetic organs Vader's eyes Vader's vocal cords scalp face arms legs lungs head neck buttocks but especially lungs yeah yeah the surgery was also less than Pleasant - one b / dr x deliberately did not perform reconstructive cosmetic surgery - Vader's face as it would be in behind a mask okay hold on sir Vader appreciated that Emperor Palpatine quarry construction not plastic surgeries on it ever Emperor Palpatine doesn't want you to be as pretty as he is budgetary limitations and lack of effective equipment imposed by the Emperor also acted as a factor to shoddy attempts and repairs Vader didn't rebel to one bead slash DRX likewise ordered for Vader's helmet to be waxed with wudu hide in the hopes of that with the resulting shine would distract Palpatine from Vader's shortcuts that they were forced to implement during the surgery mega soma Shetty but we know the medical droid made us helmet shiny to distract palpite all like that's right bad again yeah to 1zz the arocs likewise ordered for Vader's helmet to be waxed with Wu to hide in the hopes that the resulting shine would distract Palpatine from the short cuts that they were forced to implement during the surgery oh wait listen from the distract Emperor up team of the shortcuts they were taking they were taking shortcuts because of the budgetary limitations imposed by Palpatine in the Palpatine reconstructive surgery hospital it wasn't brilliant a story going on there number 7 during the first few months of living in the suit Vader felt trapped within it but after a short while he had learned to use it for both intimidation and isolation on one occasion early on in Vader's career as a sip Palpatine threatened to use force lightning against him whether expressive measure with a dressing-down Palpatine was giving him Palpatine revealed on that occasion that he was well aware that the delicate circuitry that allowed Vader's life-support systems to function were vulnerable to electrical discharges Bader would later outfit his armor with electrical insulation I'm just abused with like the Emperor threatening Vader like a child I use my electric boats like you you know I could short out your life support system didn't sleep how did he do that without Palpatine finding out about it that's my question no this document doesn't answer that sure there's a paragraph in there somewhere explaining who the contractor was Vader hired on blog go Magog mean thing that's notorious a hot insulation manufacturer tink is a lightning prove insulation in his suit this was done 13 years BBA wrote everything in there there were many problems with his armor the synth skin that's substituted for what was seared from his bones pitched incessantly and his body needed to be periodically cleansed and scrubbed of necrotic flesh Oh and the incessant rasp of his breathing interfered with his ability to rest let alone sleep in rare moments that came to him Vader's sleep was a nightmarish jumble of twisted reoccurring memories that unfolded into excruciating sounds memories of like Jar Jar Binks and working on the pod spinning Mexican tricky give me up at nights too and when he attempted to rest his cybernetic limbs strained against his ruined flesh oh I got the same problem worse the implanted sensors lacked sufficient discrimination so that too many ambient sounds were picked up and their distance and Direction were difficult to determine sometimes the sensors needled him with feedback or attach to echo or Sobrato effects he - even the faintest noise just [ __ ] kill myself the pectoral armor that protected the artificial lung weighed down on him as did the electrode studded collar that supported the oversized helmet the delicate systems of the mask an oversized heavy helmet I guess had to sleep in it maybe this was before his chamber that's what you get for joining the Monster Mash and the ragged scars in his hairless scalp which owed as much to what he had intended on Mustafar as two attempts at emergency transplants of hair follicles during his trip the weighty cloak at pectoral plating so restricted his movements that he had difficulty lifting his arms over his head only doing so when necessary so like when he had to throw Emperor Palpatine into a pit number eight the monitoring panel beeped frequently and for no reason the lights seeming to surveys only a study reminder of his vulnerability he's designed to annoy him yeah I think so I was electrical system that were woefully delicate and what and he was forced to protect his vital vital chest panel while dueling the system was so vulnerable that Antoninus Tremaine was once able to deactivate Vader's entire suit by pressing one button on his chest control panel oh holy Luke me that I'm just I'm just picturing Emperor Palpatine like talking to the suit designer and I what I would have heard a button on his control panel that just beeps every dollar that keeps him from sleeping just just to annoy him just give me put out an alarm clock inside of his helmet there goes 15 minutes every every two hours I want him not to be able to breathe just for a minute that way I won't ever one leave me instead of using Durasteel for his leg prosthesis the medical droids had substituted an inferior alloy and had failed to inspect the strips that protected the electro-motive lyons dura bronze as a result the inner lining of the pressurized bodysuit was continually snagging on places where the strips were anchored to the knee and ankle joints additionally the tall boots were poor fit for his artificial feet you can kiss gingerbread these devices made it even more difficult for him to move with ease much less any grace raised on the heel the cumbersome Footwear canted him slightly forward forcing him to move with exaggerated caution lest he stumble or topple over do you think I have enough and well you why do you react if you like the Stormtrooper that's in the hallway Darth Vader falls on his face in front of you clunk Oh worse they were so heavy they often felt rooted to the ground or as if he was moving with high gravity he even felt he needed to use the force to move number nine as of zero BBY I think that's a year okay a stardate maybe Vader was given an opportunity to have a new suit built for him the suit would have been far more advanced technologically superior and much more comfortable than his original however due to budgetary risk and number 10 despite how cumbersome it was the suit did provide Vader with a number of benefits but the first is stuck in a giant coffin the first and most obvious was that the suit functioned very well in its role as armor providing Vader with extraordinary amount of durability allowing him to shrug off otherwise fatal damage or injuries so we can't move he's in constant pain and he's constantly getting shot oh I want to die too remember this was deflective laser blast down to his chest armor you guys should be at the head it'll just deflect also don't shoot me here why not put it in the back but right here oh no they shot me on my computer now it's beeping more I'm not gonna sleep today no it's beeping every four seconds the shoulder armor itself weighed 12 point 2 kilograms overall was resistant to both blasters and energy blades a drawback however is that its weight made it difficult for Vader to race his lightsaber to full height that's a style that's the Magoo lightsaber style which favours heavy strong slow attacks Oh Magoo Oh Magoo it was that real word is that on Wikipedia I'm sure I'm sure it is I'm sure there's a name for it whoo so kya Kehna misses who tsukai Ken's style yeah cuz it sons sounds japanesey oh so Chi Ken that sounds like karate buzu Chi ken was the the famous Jedi warlord who he had had an injury that he couldn't move his elbows as fast so he had to do he had to hold his arms out straight and slowly swing the saber Oh sook I can also died shortly after inventing the style equal yes yes pursue well rich have you learned anything that you didn't know about Darth Vader suit what what I've learned today is that at the end of Jedi when Darth Vader says it's too late for me now take my mask off he was lying he just wanted to die I I can understand Oh Oh my marrow Oh Oh all my bones and skin and organs oh no I have to do stairs again Oh what fallen and I can't get up I'm fallen and I can't get up
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 2,333,357
Rating: 4.9033694 out of 5
Keywords: Darth Vader, Red letter Media, Rich Evans laugh, Star Wars, Clickbait
Id: FVzc20Bm8Xo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 34sec (1474 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 31 2015
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