The Scary Ritual That Changed EVERYTHING

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the fact that we're looking our friends is what needs to change yeah I meant across that a lot she brought wait we still have that this is the first thing I ever brought back from the warehouse this is the way you get haunted you take something from the source and it latches on you it leeches why we need to burn is in that box never believe we're staying overnight again coming full circle to the murder no there isn't [Music] yo yo wait Hey [Music] nice no way mate you kept running I didn't see you I thought you got ran over yeah thought you died no we stopped running [ __ ] my god how the rails like new it on fire it goes on forever [Music] [Music] my god dude no no don't touch it my god I've never experienced I mean dude that was so close we almost we weren't that came around that so fast I did not see that at all it didn't even blow its horn before it got you it was just like on us immediately Oh turn off lights again okay so we've been here for like what 30 45 minutes I'm like it just waiting haven't heard any more explosions go off haven't heard any people in there so I think we're just gonna go and check it out again but uh what were you saying about the Train I mean that that's like there's something trying to stop us from doing this reverse say on yeah we started talking about the moon ritual which we'll get into in a second he ran out and then the train blocked our path to get back to your warehouse as soon as we try to start the mingling yeah something stopped us and then there's like a weird thought we were saved the Train happened when that thing hurtled by man it was like standing next to Halley's Comet to just that was all right let's go check the floor it's good to do this ritual it is almost midnight should we do what that other group is doing and do a giant satanic choir song so that everyone else inside is scary Stephen oh we did compete in my hand guys I got picked up by God and piss on him so I don't think we should call out like you usually do yes that after the train passed they vanished yeah I was like the train hit and stuff but we never make I didn't hear another sound now there's no one here yeah we didn't hear anybody for the next 30 minutes that's all we're coming back in here and I try to turn this up a little bit so you guys can see this is what it looks like all right so I'm pretty sure what they did is in this manner they blew something up we were sitting right there watching them right here that's so sad right it's over one that's not good it doesn't your commercial why who did that and why they were singing well they did that's this the rear part you know how they would sacrifice animals to pagan gods yeah maybe they're sacrificing fruit to vegan gods looks like it's clear I think just to get things over with let's go back to the murder room and do this miracle before anything else cause to stop a murderer because that's where I found the box originally I thought I did I had to it you guys this must not remember do you I don't think you ever I guess or coming back to where we were sitting when the random cult like choir came in because we forgot a lot that would have been a dead giveaway if they came out here that someone hmm a random flashlight that looks perfectly on you dude this is the one I couldn't turn out to and they were like right there I was like they were literally right there can't believe we've got away I've been saying your name right there Nate eater - Samko be and they all in random Joanne ready alright you see so simcha we on this walk you know yeah I said Sam Koli from the other side in the nude yeah not to be that guy but let's do this membership or any other random becomes yeah let's see the murder room we go satanic symbols already have that's crazy when we were in danger last time we ran that way out of the murder room into the roof we're in danger this time we ran into the room in now hey just think about this somewhere in this room if multiple people have died and had to be helicoptered out in comics raped and stuff if there's been a lot of bad crimes in this room yeah this is not the place to do that graffiti says you should have died like it's talking to us I was gonna save you don't say that whatever dark energy that's attached to us this is like it's subconscious mind and we've wandered into it and these are the things that it imagines like his walls are synaptic man that's so freaky yeah I'm just gonna start dumping all my stuff out here but you know how in which is Forrest the witch was talking to us about living by the moon cycles yeah the moon cycles so far like what we're experiencing right now it was like a half crescent moon and so it it's good going towards a new moon which is symbolizing a rebirth so again some new chapter in our lives I guess devgarh the death card if we do this right we can surround all the elements of the earth so earth when fire water like an avatar yeah I want to be the Airbender and so we can put the Box down there and if that is what is haunting us it should have a rebirth of that box and thus if we have it back here we aren't gonna be attached to it little demon women so how dumb is everything you're so quiet okay so I was completely done yeah is you know when you can't see the moon anymore so once I hit the sunrise also we should be fine we just need to do this we should do this at midnight and then it once once the moon's over with it should be rebirth and we should not have anything on us cool cool all right you put the Box down right here dude Oh No look at that did you even see that before I've never seen that no I have time to do that running for the Train here Nathan shine your flashlight like right there yeah there you go what you swear you never saw that before like what do you know first time this is this is this is miss those so actually I probably actually we weren't scared of that see it I was just like okay yeah sure you know yeah I didn't really know what meant oh no man let's suppose do this so but that might just proves that it's evil okay I have this note from the very first episode in this series we can use the rocks and these stones he said there's protection stones yes so we can put the stones around and that can be a berth salt put that around bug spray we can put that around what is this that is uh it's like a perfume oil thing I would like to test out okay let's do that if you can open that we're gonna rub that on us a little bit we're just gonna rub it on your yeah is that what we're gonna do yeah I kind of feel like I'm in the middle of like an OxiClean commercial like hey look billy mays back from the dead here maybe you've got a legion of demons trying to ruin distance to rub some of this jack off it helps to hold you really kind of tangerines oh my god actually can Cassie you better filmer seance or appointment we're protected let's protect over there a little bit Thanks [Music] we got everything set up salt circles around here so yeah we put a a bunch of protective methods out there as you guess we have fire we have earth we have water we have air around us this is specify what we're cleansing we actually have a picture out here if that's not enough just for us all being here these are the four people that we usually have in our group that always got here and we're haunted so we're gonna put this down to hopefully bless us too I think what I was supposed to say something specific yeah there's an invocation that we all hold hands and say the same thing three times and then after we do that all we have to do is wait till the sign and then if this place if this thing was actually haunted the box then it shouldn't be hunting us anymore or should we go back to its old place okay rebirthing at 30 minutes something which we can open it and find out what's actually inside but that'd be sick join hands so altogether I'm gonna say the invocation you guys are gonna be saying free us from the spirits harming us three times three all right ready let's get it done fast the train's coming we invoke fire wind water and earth free us from spirits free us from the spirits that are harming us free a pedant leave yeah we hate waiting we can't leave stay inside gotta go we gotta we have to go back we have to the tanks blocking the [ __ ] was that does that mean we didn't finish the ritual so that did whatever just happened stopped us again over the last thing on the last words it stopped us again let's go back you gotta go back let's go back yeah yeah yeah yeah they're back on ice you're back did you put that there wait Nate this right here is this girl named Jennifer zki how is that possible oh do you think it wasn't I checked I a hundred percent checked like fully checked you think there just fell out of the backpack yes how how would it do it seriously I lost this a month ago I've used that backpack like five times larger sure was like deep down in the pocket you were just hitting it oh I know what about this dude no way that energy moving through our like none other I mean okay I don't mean to sound crazy but imagine if this key were to open that box out of some random I want to make anything but why is it here what do you want here you left it in the backpack let's just try to walk way down no no that's a sticker no I'm not sick a lot of y'all are fires going out we should probably get this seance done I just want to know what's in that box okay [Music] what look what is that you better come out there I don't know something metal you heard that on the camera what the [ __ ] is that it's almost there there's just a bunch of rocks Oh anything else in here I shake it oh wait wait wait what is this there's something there's something big it's almost out sure Can I grab it yeah yeah yeah you see it yeah you got it dude there's nothing else look at this I'm literally shaking no or nor Alan it's a mirror look at my did you have the other thing that was in there it's it's over here what was what does that mean dude is that actually a bullet or is that something still no what what is that Nate do you know it looks like a bullet dude I'm shaking - and it's cracked on the dirty outside what is this like a dagger that looks like it might be a letter opener this oh that would make sense it's not like a dagger look at the side remarkable don't like what what does that mean well yeah what why would you need to know that what letter do we need to open is that question I'm asking what letter did this open previously that that guy just shoved in a lockbox and threw it a random yeah you know abandoned why would he put a mirror in there - I'm trying to connect my own dots ears I've caught me a little bit crazy but we've been saying it's us the entire series what tells you it's us more than a mere pointing back your face I mean what what if that's the reason were being haunted me because you took that box and it had a mirror and they're playing that it was us the entire time we need to leave this here oh yeah I'm definitely leaving this area but I'm just saying like that could be like the answer so if we quote rebirth this when the moon ends tonight leave it all here maybe just maybe that would end this or at least end where we started in at the warehouse we need to finish the ritual one last time say three times make sure we all say it without anything happening like that we got to put all these objects in there too let's do this before we have no no more fire okay let's do it just get this over with you got the box we got the two things that were inside of it one last time we invoke fire earth wind and water freezes from the spirits that are harming us free us from the spirits that are harming us free us from the sea yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we made it it's crazy dude everything about this whole thing like just came so full circle you know like this is where everything always began and we finally like or successful in a ritual for the first time ever yeah I mean I hope we still don't know all right it feels like there's some sort of weight that was lifted off my shoulders but I don't know it just could be because I'm tired yeah and like coming back to Kansas always like resets things yeah but just this has been like a crazy like journey even back at the Stan Lee yet much less even like way back at Queen Mary it's like when I first started pairing all the stuff it's like we're honestly just doing that for the entertainment you know as part of like exploring but dude it's like affected our lives so much like took us all the way back here to a place what we never thought we'd go again not even like just affecting us though it's like affecting our whole friend group and surprisingly even like Nate yeah speaking of guys big thanks to Nate helped out so much oh let's go home man he has a Instagram if you want to go follow it you should do that keep up with them the second half of this video is gonna be back in Los Angeles we'll keep you up-to-date with what's going on in our lives and how this like really affects us cuz we want you guys to know whether or not this worked or not it's definitely not over we're gonna go meet up with Jake and Cory again or is seems like he's ready Jake needs a little bit of convincing but we'll go talk to him right now and I think after this I'm feeling feel more ready than I ever have yeah yeah it's just so interesting I feel like we just started scratching the surface a little possibly could find you know right I just learned it the hard way I just hope it worked and we're actually good see back in highway [Music] have been a month almost exactly yesterday it had been a month since we got back from Kansas City Kansas City Kansas our hometown guys and guess what we're feeling better than ever we think a war because we've been doing a lot of stuff lots grab Elena and honestly not that much it's not scary no not at all east of here things talking to me and I don't hear those anymore talk about that they're all jokes aside like I haven't like like nothing's happened it's so weird cuz like for the last two years like we always have things like happen here a couple of weeks it's like oh yeah you're still haunted right not gonna let you forget that but yeah so we decided to call up Corey and Jake to talk about the next step look what we want to go forward cuz you know Jake had quit earlier this season we'll get him back Corian quit earlier this season but he gave us a call and said you want to talk about it so we invited him over there coming over about five minutes and then see what we can do yeah yeah maybe it's time to date or why do you try to maybe it's time to step it up a notch that was our really good let's go talk to him [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so you might be wondering why we came here hey okay so might be wondering why we came here today we got some good news brothers what is it I don't think we're hotter than before we did we went to this [ __ ] see but in all seriousness we went to a very first haunted place we ever went to even vote for social media the warehouse we did this ritual we did it correctly I didn't actually like war we've been testing it just last month and we haven't filmed anything scary for a month but nothing paranormals happen to us for a month nothing's happened to afterwards the warehouse tech I think we finally did the ritual at the warehouse and if we think that listen okay how's that on hi I'm Anne Cory cuz we were the ones that were bringing the haunted pistol Oh cake the paranormal investigator and the witch all said it started because we brought you on these things so you did a ritual that made you unhappy yes it's called the moon ritual know how I originally burned random objects so it cleanse ourselves those are the wrong objects it didn't start at the Biltmore it didn't start a Queen Mary it started with us like eight years ago you're gonna burn my first time here yeah way way back when to get rid we got hot because he took something from the haunted place and we put it back so does this mean that you're not doing rituals and all that stuff anymore they could get you to Rehan Ted well what we're trying to say is we think we know how to unhide ourselves if we were to get haunted again just gonna start burning everything yeah yeah we have to bring that's why we came here today it's like we're like guys if we're gonna do this we definitely don't want to go figure unless we have the full group back I know we've been back and forth a lot but if you set on a phone Cory like a month ago you said your dad come baby come back I'm still down so what you guys just told me it does make me feel more comfortable now like knowing that you did something to like get clean or like it's something all of you it just scares me still what we might end up doing because it's always some crazy you said some of that you want to go bigger and so now we're here to say do you guys actually want to go bigger like hitting like the most hard quizzes in the world bro like I'm so used to long the like basements or just like houses bro you guys like to go to castles yeah we might have put the gone in those headhunters places in the United States we have we'd take it later national or imagined those videos would be crazy we're gonna get haunted by a British ghost can you promise us that we won't be fighting like literally like like both yeah have you ever been figured out your doctor may I go I'm down bro all right Internet no brother bro like we're gonna get some Shh that's freaky what's the key for did we win a car are we getting a car to go on these investigations oh you know I will get you a car if you come - what was the key there he doesn't put that away the bureau's and see you guys down today and say are we back no more splitting up we're gonna go in Mitch together unhaunted this time we're back well let's do this all right guys it's time to go international three [Music] [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: Sam and Colby
Views: 2,908,267
Rating: 4.957428 out of 5
Keywords: sam golbach, colby brock, exploring, abandoned, sam and colby, 24 hour challenge, paranormal investigation, sam and colby series, sam and colby haunted, haunted overnight, overnight in abandoned, kansas series, the origin, exploring abandoned building, sam and colby overnight, sam and colby queen mary, sam and colby stanley hotel, scary videos, top 10 most haunted, sam and colby scary, overnight in warehouse, overnight challenge, the end of a chapter, sam and colby final
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 58sec (1738 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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