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I haven't done a scary video in a while oh my god those guys what's up guys it's Anna Colby today we are here in New Jersey with Matthew and Alex launch what's up guys this is their first time ever doing and a been an exploration video especially tonight get a little exploration last night file run last night we're right here at playlist now across the street from us right here is an abandoned prison in downtown New Jersey and we heard that there are a lot of homeless drug users that reside here anymore our friend Josh went here like a year ago and he found somebody inside sleeping so the fact that is nighttime like 10:00 p.m. people are definitely going to be inside so please return to get in here before someone raps on it I love you Matt [Laughter] definitely way in there but yeah let's maybe do a perimeter real quick there just to get a sense of the area worst comes to worst you can always find out Walter do you think ends there's just a giant 30-foot drop look at this you gotta climb down on that just like little angels and this head is cut off of like the woman oh god I shouldn't have touched it in the first every noise is scaring me I like who were in like the middle of a pretty busy area too and this is a jail right here yeah it's like building building building building giant cement wall and scary forest like what really yeah whoa perfect if it's that easy scary dude if it's that easy to get in that means you know there's so many people in here also a Saturday night like it's party time Party Time boys I'll start the party what are you already scared bro probably they do but let's get out of it okay keep going you're fertile early I haven't done a scary video in a while glad we're a group before not group of two I'm just freaking out internally a little bit oh my god there's these there it is guys don't do this really time to go yeah you got the stick somebody might be down there that looks extremely dude turn off light oh it was a prison they'd probably have tunnels underneath all right kind of cryptic weird see the cops keep getting closer I smell them now I smell now where evil dwells keep your ears peeled you're pouring up the door how do we get in we all share the same manager we say we're going on this trip she was like don't go to jail one thing she's like please just don't go to jail yeah that's not good I'm not really down for you like I like we're happy with do you guys know usually [Music] doesn't mean actually your ticket thing that does not look super abandoned that's crazy yeah water bottles beds guys all right on the count of three close so the infrastructure is probably not the best source are you saying if I [Music] could suck there are most likely people here so I mean it could be animals - sure haha that's something happens outside yeah that's outside let's get out of this area so we're not opening the blanket oh I took you guys with pros you got this go for it yeah yeah yes we're not scared at all someone probably lives here or did live here in the past usually the first floor is the most destroyed so let's get to the top as yeah we're the homeless people are sleeping good idea okay go to the third floor okay let's drive up there there's one set of jail cells two sets of jail cells and in that whole wall and then behind that wall there's another set so this is was a huge jail like how we're making the new guys just go so the curse the one guy who's never done this before who doesn't have a force although he's a pretty high drop oh geez oh yeah there's no railing guys [Music] I saw the ledge you know I thought was a person I'm sorry oh there's another room right there oh I see it a ladder it's good you ladder that could probably fall off at any second who wants to go first I mean you gotta go straight oh he's going I usually the one that goes first this is awesome he's really all I could find about this channel this was the biggest building in architecture in this entire county but because it was here one of the first building in this county there's a historical landmark so they can't sell it that's why it's still here in the middle of the city or destroyed yeah they can't destroy it or tomorrow so it's a plant market yeah are you gonna make me try to climb with the camera and maybe we slowly start whispering but we started off like talking football you and then it went like a couple decibels lower every time we got more scared look at email it over there yeah definitely we can't even go that way if we want to do this is supposed to be the thing that's holding everything together Oh God yeah the roof we got to go back down the ladder Jesus my guys made it to the bottom there's a couple cop sirens outside but it should be good oh is that a tunnel yeah I don't know exactly what it leads to if it was the biggest county jail and it was longest-lasting and probably had a lot because people are rot in jail we're right where we first came in so guys this is where we entered and see if there's any more parts of this building with door like courtyard or something look at this oh yeah it looks like another building I just I've torn to shreds out here this just looks like outer offices or something like that but it's all destroyed like completely destroyed the jail did its job no matter what happened to this building the people were gonna stay in prison but to litter those the only things still intact double barred up you have this first line of bars and then then it's your actual door the B guards walking right here oh it's just yeah so you literally could see everything going on they should have Boise and like crazy and chaotic it wasn't here everybody screaming honestly the way they did jails back then I just made people more crazy and help him no I'm not saying they deserved much better but I'm just saying it wasn't helping like the whole blanket was like body do you think somebody was in there I think so obviously they're sleeping yo who's the lucky prisoner they got a freakin barbecue everybody the sad thing about banning places guys people come in and they absolutely destroy it if you guys go out and explore please don't destroy places just keep it amazing because imagine this like the year after his abandoned how like insane this would be people like to destroy stuff Kate oh god those people should end up in abandoned prison yeah they give keys to each of the cells I don't know but there were there were other snares that we could have taken me to do because remember what I showed you from those gates I staircase hanging up clothes to dry or something it's not there's a blanket off that door well hi are you open the blanket comes everywhere I'm kind of getting scared so is there anything else we need to explore I've seen we go to the top floor which is definitely gonna be the scariest cuz I swear Josh found the other guy right yeah and then if we don't see anything we'll just get out and since these things where's the top right cuz that's where the least likely we found yeah exactly where's that noise why don't we why don't we it sounds like a great he's tall enough you can just look over the blanket like it's not gonna cope anymore this is fresh dude somebody who lives in their hundred percent let's bring these cells have stuff in it this one has bags doesn't weight over there's another one dude you're crazy there's somebody there there's somebody there so it all makes sense now the clothes hanging up there all the food there somebody's sleeping in the car okay by sleeping guy my staircase like any other sleeping guys that we messed up too goodbye jail dude I can't believe we just ran into it sleeping yet it's reading an amazing jail that actually is cell it's pretty like time to go fill them right yeah okay so I just let's just leave these you guys seen these spiders spiders are they real oh my god they're real that is reason alone for me to jet back okay that's cottage one scarier than a sleeping guy let's get out of here coughing cops again you don't watch yourself okay so there might be somebody over here now guys so we're just gonna try to make it out as fast as possible through all this brush and trees when he branches all right lights off there's a car we did we did there we go alright guys hope you enjoyed that video big shout outs to these guys go fall outs and that all got a shout out to you guys our adventure that was actually really previous lecture the first one I can't imagine that if you guys aren't following them on Instagram what are you doing their stuff is gonna be down below so go follow them right now that being said this is very haunted feel if you guys haven't already get the freaking haunted Halloween merge forget the Explorer line and all that stuff's lingo scription if we get 100k likes on this you guys are gonna come on video well constant 1 billion percent but I'm not going first anymore hundred and two thousand likes and he'll go first okay okay one hundred and two point five alright guys let me say we'll see you guys next Sunday with another video make sure to go follow subscribe all of us [Music]
Channel: Sam and Colby
Views: 2,429,995
Rating: 4.9641423 out of 5
Keywords: sam golbach, colby brock, exploring, abandoned, alex lange collab, lange brothers collab, exploring inner city jail, exploring haunted prison, exploring abandoned jail, exploring with sam and colby, exploring abandoned New Jersey, sam and colby scary videos, sam and colby haunted, overnnight at abandoned jail, exploring abandoned buildings, sam and colby alex lange, found people inside abandoned, exploring abandoned prison, most haunted prison, most haunted jail, new york
Id: ZeCmBKiGm6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 07 2018
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