The HAUNTED Secrets of GRIFFITH PARK (Caught!)

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town or hiding getting freezin it's gonna really cold that says if they want us about to be here if you would knew even a curve the stuff we find within the parks perimeter you would never set foot it and again there's animal sacrifices satanic cults of murders prostitution so that it was haunted and we're going there just drove past not just talking about what the gate was closed and then there's two security guards simply fix a gate with an open letting three cars come in there were earth I think this is a lot more haunted than I expected what's up guys is Sammy Coby today we are back with another video with Cory and James that was the softest what's up from Colby I've ever heard of my boy I was 14 like we said in last week's biltmore video we're gonna be changing it up today we're filming instead of doing a haunted hotel we're gonna be doing a haunted hike kind of like the one we did at cava State I'll do two baby burgers oh yeah we popping champagne like we want to championship ring we are here at Griffith Park and on if you've ever heard of that before but that's what the whole Observatory has a Hollywood sign has the old abandoned Zoo in it anyway this park is huge and it's in the middle of Hollywood we're mostly going to this place because it has two very haunted famous tunnels they're called the Bronson caves and literally the Batman movie was shot here so this cave that we're going to is where Batman drove his little Batmobile it was the original Batcave it wasn't little his Batmobile wasn't little sorry but there's a ton of other stuff that has happened at this location but we are racing against the Sun because this park closes at 12:00 and we can't be trusting we're gonna die go back to jail so let's get started who would wanna race us or the Sun I think we're faster yeah let's prove it you're going to the Batcave nice marching skills brother thanks man Trail to the Bronson caves starts on the fire road easily identified by the red steel gate guys we're cool hey guys we're cool I promise I'll make a scene Kobe's not seen his demon we gotta find this giant red steel gate that's closed not them right there dude don't get in there this is the gate we might need some butter or something [Laughter] should be at the very end of this road so sunset is happening in about 30 minutes I'm so tired we haven't even started the hike bro we have two more hikes after this by the way guys after we do this Batcave we're going it to probably the most haunted part of the entire Griffith Park hopefully we can be the Sun way to promote child abuse Kolby what do you can't wait to beat your son I've never said that you literally just said that no I did it not cool call me Wade Sam is that the bench where the two people died you guys will see you throw pine cone at it you got kiss me all right oh that's like we were saying guys this is just one hike that we're doing out of what two or two or three different hikes of Griffith Park this is on the Hollywood side of Griffith Park not on the valley side so this one has the Bronson caves which are the back caves and then we're gonna go find this bench that apparently two people which will tell you guys all about this later but two people apparently died on this bench and the super haunted and multiple other people have seen like ghosts in the paranormal on this haunted frickin trail on the other side of the mountain we're also going to the bat cave and then we're going to a super haunted bench yes oh this is weird man I feel like someone's following me Bronson caves point three miles down that way where are you sure this way guys all right okay so restrict entry for just like vehicles and stuff so it doesn't say that it's trespassing how we get Sam how did you get in i teleported Wow what there's a tunnel oh my god we got it the start of the Bronson Canyon Batman could be anywhere around here know how we get Batman to come out what we just have to act like we're that joke wait how does he add was that you already hear that scream okay it's a bird they're just a random cave clear at this manhwa maybe they made it for the movie they dug it specifically just for Batman yeah but apparently this is haunted right the entirety in Griffith Park is haunted out enough this has specific stories oh yeah that didn't they said there was like six Hanna Colts and like prostitutes like murders so like all the time that's happening around here yes my partner got two meters down Oh God do your yeah you're gonna go down well that's how are we gonna do that oh yeah but you could also go round yeah yeah learn me around alright zicoba whoa whoa whoa whoa you see that what what is that it was a giant circle full of rocks for like dude rituals wait yeah and and we were just researching on the way here that they actually do have satanic rituals in Griffith Park that might be where one of them was whoa another circle of rocks dude yeah that was placed there Jake Jake put it back look you can perfectly see the Hollywood sign through this Canyon sir we don't have crack guys there's another circle oh my god what that's huge we were just saying how they like make satanic rituals here and there everywhere do you know how to skate movies that looks like an Indian burial ground oh dude oh my god dude and there's a boy right in the middle oh my god bro this is literally this literally is an Indian very whoo god there's like four of these circles everywhere what's that surrounding the mountain you said that's an Indian burial ground there's just something like alien I'll watch this movie called Pet Cemetery and in the movie they buried people there and they came back to life and killed them this is literally exactly what it looked like it was a giant circle of rocks perfectly placed with the white like in the Centers there's like a white dot this is not just one there's so many of them around here why someone put them together and it's like what would the reason be go check it out okay are you sure you should be walking on hey y'all gonna make me steak oh yeah she's just made into a heart all those rose petals let's head into the caves this is freaking me out no dude you know what it looks like though it's it almost looks like you're supposed to be able to walk in a path and like get out yeah that's what it's reminding me of I got seen this before something didn't we remember yeah walked in that circle like this this is really freaky I want to see these caves and we have like so many more haunted trails of this Griffith Park to get such as you do mrs. hikers yeah I'm sure they're just doing the same thing we are yeah Sam I know I can tell someone's a real smooth if somebody comes out with let's play back there again something Joe good like so like so play a little pomp imagine coming here at night and then walking out and seeing all those giant circles and rocks dude it's like all black meaning people probably started fires and stuff they put a car like right there and then you like take the Batmobile all the way out and surf around that's the hard thing that's so sick oh my god this right here that buffs keep exploring birthday I found one and then I found two are you playing at our birch Lincoln buy out a new collection out guys get up yours too we only have I think 500 left of this thing oh yeah actually it's running out so you seriously want this touchy no bro either a bird made that or that some like saging he was just saying that this all looks like it was burnt it might just said that and then we just found that yes you know they just used to clean some area for like spirits and demons and stuff like that and there's random formations of rocks all around this place I think this is a lot more haunted than I expected well just walk back for it's Colby come right here come right here okay turn the camera this way a little bit can I turn it more back that way towards there keep going over towards that way bro looks like they don't look like a cold is gold right there sure no it did I don't know it's like when he turns the light like you see the shadows of the face there right there and then right above it - whoa look at that one that's your face that's even worse the spears that are stuck here was precious going what is this weather like la is always perfect and then now it's all misty and foggy why do you say that you said that in last video to it we freakin of us dying how quiet it is perfect timing there is a lot of haunted history about the Hollywood sign though so maybe in a separate video we go and explain like what happened there but apparently like two people had committed suicide off the H of the Hollywood sign yeah but it was called Holly like land or something it was good land and that's why you can't even go there anymore like they completely separated because of how many people trying to go up there for suicides if you look on any website ever like something like top 10 everywhere for haunted places Hollywood sign which is all in Griffith Park so like everything we're seeing around here is like where satanic rituals happen where murders happen like it was just crazy I don't think it's a safe place to be like after dark this entire park has so many stories and so much to it right now I say we did the Bronson caves let's head over to the actual super haunted trail yes this one's the scary one I think I didn't catch that what happened guys it's like it was like a rocks were falling down this mountain like something out of nowhere yeah as soon as we try to leave we really subtle and creepy and it fell for like 10 seconds it was like there's someone up there we got high climb very top right there where it's like we were leaving and the spirits don't want us to the same number the same numbers wrong both of you at the same time how is that even possible yeah oh alright guys we just made it to the other side of the mountain oh we did some research about this place and all the haunted stories again this entire park is haunted but this trailhead in particular has a bunch of crazy stories so before we go let's do some research shared so as you guys know we are in Griffith Park tonight I lost two of them we are here to do a little research because there are a bunch of stories that happen in Griffith Park this park is huge huge it's like all over the mountains of Holly the trail that we are going to tonight though is ending at this picnic table so legend has it that on how we met in 1976 a young couple I think in her 20s 22 22 and they were experiencing a romantic moment otherwise known as sexual intercourse there knew that we know that say we're stopping the [ __ ] you don't know that did the okie pokey and he drank so we don't know that there was his romantic love so anyway on this picnic table in Griffith Park they were crushed to death by a giant falling tree Halloween night if both were killed the same time by the same tree our age broke water making kids our age broken to imagine that though it's Halloween night it's probably turn bro everyone is how a party is lit you're in freakin Hollywood you're like yo let's go let's go towards the sign or something look let's go let's go somewhere go see the to you and then you get up there and then a tree falls on you both both died a painful death I did see on reddit that 10 years before that death there was a girl who was like in her 20s I think also and she's like they found her dead at that table just laying it but at the same time I think when I read a table and then 10 years later about the tree falls over all that table kills 2 more people so that table is haunted and we're going there tonight so what makes us even more interesting is that the two people that died were both in like the entertainment field I think one was like and aspiring like actor and then another one was like a musician their names were Rand and Nancy when you can't really find like any personal information about them so it's kind of strange right a former Park renderer reportedly had a run-in with the two ghosts in 2002 he saw two sets of red eyes and after his flashlight failed and everything went quiet he felt suffocating and freezing cold a voice whispered to him leave us alone and he smelled a smell of death there's this LA Times article that they interviewed a ranger at the old park and his quote directly is if you knew even a quarter of the stuff we find within the parks perimeter you would never set foot in and again there's animal sacrifices satanic cults murders prostitution with stuff like this happening on a regular basis they see everything hanging suicides all this stuff all happens within five minutes of Forest Park so it's a pretty haunted Park and has been hunted for a really long time so we decided let's go check it out are you ready boy fun yeah Wow [Applause] all right guys so the hard part about this trail is there's probably like 20 different directions and paths that we have to take in order to actually get to this [ __ ] never done this before this is in the middle of the forest since I'm a clear path at all so who knows if we're actually gonna find this but we're gonna find this you know basically go straight uphill 4.2 miles or to know this park ranger coming right here I don't think we're doing anything wrong go so he was then he was just sit in there but he knew I got this kind of dark but it's our chance to go fast it's a car right there who knows what that's doing oh man it's dark and scary we can't afford to have a park ranger stop us I know this isn't illegal but they might ask us not to hike at night right so we're not gonna turn on the light until we get higher into the mountain only turn this on for two seconds but we found where we had to take like a u-turn hairpin right this has been a long hike so far we've been walk for about like 10 minutes I'm out of breath already series of up and down hills and trails alright guys so I know this is just a cut so you don't know how long we've been walking but I think we've been going the wrong way the entire time so we have to go all the way back to the start where we ran across the street and go on another path so you guys ready no you promised we're going to talk about we do bro I why you talk about after I promise 12 seconds later we walked on the way back to the starting point and now we're going the right way you don't know the pass so kill me now dude we got two miles on this what's up guys there was like an elderly person convention over here so I don't know an animal literally just ran by what right it like 20 feet in front of us yeah at or for really far up now we're actually in the mountains and so things are very good running as you can see there's turds guys update we went the wrong way again this is ending up being so much more difficult than we expected we'll see you guys when we actually make some progress that's how you can see how high we just climbed up yeah oh my god don't mind her we're just heavy breathing who's climbed up uh a straight up steep no yeah oh my god there is these guys with red dots on their faces okay so hey what's up guys excuse me did you guys go all the way down to like that haunted bench thing you're looking for the haunted picnic bench yeah I don't know how to get to it but you have been there before I've been there before and it is here in Griffith Park we're on a mission we're walking for another mile and I'm blurry great and oh god I can't see anything because there's this light shining my face but we're all tired we hope to take breaks every ten minutes because we suck at walking and I don't go to the gym but I feel like we're almost there so is it just me or is every single other person doing this hike like 60 do the view is beautiful behind you did everybody vote this hashtag sexy boys Sam I don't need you go and tag our instagrams out call me Brock it out Sam golf a guy and I share with Colby and the Tagus sexy boy Sam Wow there's that promo how you feeling man portable okay [Music] all right so right there is the water tower and that marks what like just half a mile more yeah or less the Marsden 12-mile we've walked look how high we are guys we started from the bottom now we here you know I'm saying shout out drink this is the most effort we've ever put in for a YouTube video so can you guys like this video please like at least 16 likes 16 would make me happy hey yo Sam is your arse getting bigger every step we take because I think of mines about as big as the Kardashians right now dude I'm down bust down dr. Yanna water I think that's the wrong one dude finally see that's not bad there do it through a trap what'd you get on your my like in high school in the glass you were slowest two and a half minutes two and a half minutes dude then she did like a five or something so he was a little rabbit I wasn't two minutes fast but I can bust them out like five minutes sit on that pole start sinking trying to keep this happy because we all are very sad right now guys we finally figured out the one thing that will keep Jake calm during a video with us have them hike for miles yes Jake this is the most quiet I've ever seen you be in my entire oh my god I was just so I know this is a lot of cuts both we just walked even further and now we're on this rock taking a break looking at this beautiful view we realized after almost dying of heat stroke and tiredness these guys when they die the celebrities are up here the mountains alone after an hour-long hike I feel like more people get struck by lightning than have a tree fall and killed like two people exact that's insane you don't just instantly die from impact thought you're falling off of a thing it's like just something hitting it yeah like what are the odds that both died and farther I get towards this and more I think about it Irian like sad that is definitely definitely and I mean they were like in love and 22 and 20 like I'm 22 right now so Jake's 20 so if you guys were on the bench together we should reenact it reenact yes you and Jake I don't know if that's isn't that very disrespectful to do ones where somebody bad yeah was that was that a human scream it sounded like someone crying but it could be a wolf or something yeah it sounded like something like wailing either if it was like an owl or something that was screeching or it was like a human like crying OH we're about two minutes from the place we can see the picnic area where all the hauntings happen and now we're just starting to hear like coyotes or screams or something in the distance we're about to be an emo started spot of all Griffith Park imagine all the stuff that we've talked about previously that happened in Britt Griffith Park yeah this is insane what ya just done just be careful what we do for you too yep now let's get left with the camera I am literally but speeding look at this I have solely rocks in my shoe I hate my life the faster in my life little sandy dog look guys that's Hollywood right there that's where we used to live 1600 vine apartment 701 go check it out we're close guys we are close now he's on top of that tree do you see him so you can't see us see what the camera don't Howell's have some sort of like dark meaning behind them or something like that like around like haunted stuff yeah why is he hanging out right here it looks like a lot going on dude that just makes this all like way too creepy [Music] here we go you're here you went this way so we went the wrong way we got to go to right all right we're close I know we are I can feel it do my oh my god 29 haunted table 29 yeah rest in peace Randi in Nancy October 31st 1976 imagine that imagine dying on Halloween together under one tree they were holding each other women died Oh kitties Wow how is this still here and they haven't moved it it's just it's kind of messed up totally because since it's like you know in the park they're just gonna want HIV danger away can I see your flashlights now what boy boy I do that took forever it's trees how is it that unlucky they were just like on this bench and it happened like that let's imagine that they were trying to bang with this amazing view uh-huh and then BAM both of them have been trapped there for a long time wait could you hold this really quick yeah look at this look what I found so this is what we need to listen to while we're around this area because it's like the most haunted you know spot in Griffith yeah nearby trees shake for no reason there's phantom moans and here voice is saying I love you or leave us alone people seem to get dragged by unseen forces towards the picnic table intense cold and it smells like somebody opened a crib so they still haunt this spot like to this day apparently especially on Halloween night imagine if it come back here whoa did you hear that tell me someone heard that did you hear what I heard do here though yeah but you heard the exact I heard like a uh-huh like a girl yeah no one else heard that I heard like a like a soft like grunting like a yeah I heard l-little said you could hear moans and stuff like phantom shut over oh we just got so much colder I just don't even say that no look goosebumps drill Oh God no Naveen like there's two people that died right here man right here he's got a horde of people actually yeah and they just left the tree and everything like it was some sort of like I don't know what can you see him exhibit like bro do you think I wonder if they're beat anything out of the branch like blood or anything oh that's what I was thinking but I don't even want to touch it well what is that what is that a giant locusts oh oh god ah the tree just falls over and then you're just what's stuck what rock duck that after I said they were stuck you heard like a rattle or something down there see what's behind whoa you know sit on that big cup I was about to you almost sat right there you guess all that huh okay who farted yeah someone actually hold me so no no I did not far dead Jake you been farting all night stop playing it everyone it's like a dark smell it's like yeah it's like musty so right now this is the most haunted place in all of Griffith Park a place known for murders satanic rituals random deaths sacrifice what are the odds you really think that on Halloween night a tree just falls over and kills two people and what are the odds that two people are under that tree like when it decides to phone and it lands on a bench like one Halloween let's doesn't make any sense on Halloween has to be the weirdest coincidence of like all history I'm getting colder I like how we out look dude I was just staring at the ground was gonna say I like how we just talked or at the end of then as soon as we finished it everything just started swaying and it got freezing as soon as you ended that sentence do you hear my god oh my god oh so much colder look at my role as I see that but they said it will sound like a guy was hurting guy do this remember I only came here I heard a girl like humming and laughing it's getting freezing it's gonna really cold he says if they want us not to be here I just I just can't believe two people died right there rest in peace cause it just drove past I didn't even know turn off the light no no wait should we not be here I mean we saw those other people or we hiked up here wait he's coming right now see she were just oh wow okay you think he's turning around ya know we've got some really weird noises what have you actually heard anything just like we had a nap and we heard some voices like we just got here maybe like five minutes ago no way oh my god that's by the birth century oh wow yeah there was a guy there and they just found a girl on the other side babe they just like commit suicide wait one was dying one was a girl yeah they just committed suicide and a guy and a girl is what died on the bed yeah the song our student forest called sam and colby said dude that guy showed us a picture of somebody hanging yeah obviously couldn't show you guys that we're not going to he pulled out his phone and showed like a picture that he took of somebody hanging right there two people have been found in the last two months hanging in these woods why though and there's multiple murders that happen there's cult stuff animal sacrifices like he was saying that all these park rangers especially in the old zoo experience so much like we could come back for like the old zoo area I think we should I think we definitely need to come back alright so after that scary experience should we um what happened when did that happen I actually have no idea I was sitting on the bench that's probably one of my hands are dirty yeah it looks like you grabbed the bench are we done here I kinda want to be done here I'm freezing we hiked for two hours and the guy said that people hang themselves here so I didn't need to see that picture today Griffith Park is definitely on - but we're gonna say bye to them pointed just go into their territory by Rand by Nancy recipes recipes alright let's go now for to our hike back okay guys let's just speed while we just ducked in the trees okay so we've been seeing people around here and this place is known for murders and weird stuff and those guys have just been seen people getting their arms cut off there was a white van following us for like probably two full minutes we hid out on the side of a mountain and they pass by but Cory saw another person to our right well they're still on the cell phone an accomplice in the middle of exactly and we we later I have probably another 30 minute walk back guys we're freakin out this is not good we still have probably about a mile left before we get back to civilization we've seen unheard other cars so we're just making a break for it or down or hiding again Oh Eric are oh my god another false alarm look at me on the mound right now alright let's keep going this is some complex right before the golf course that we parked at we're probably about ten minutes from the car we've been jogging or walking for like 45 to an hour hope you're coming here comes the car here comes a car shall we dip right now I think we're fine they were fine why were they going so slow Jake just said this but all decided that this walked down from the mountain is scarier than anything we saw up there oh my god we made it guys my god Oh after hours walking back well have to tell you about that because that was an insane experience take me away mother nature Jesus that was the longest bird ever been active in my life half my calves are tingling dude just to give a house or we're gonna be tomorrow do you guys just feel the pressure and the pain just lifting off your legs right guys we weren't really do anything like illegal it was just the fact that we were super scared of all these random cars that would pass it was closed on like we were at like we're on top of a mountain it's like the middle of the night and there's cars driving past us like people we're supposed to have access to that made no sense we get to the very bottom of the mountain and there's a gate locked so how our people are hitting on and out but yet how many vans drove passes like four fold fire and then one of the bands just randomly stopped in the middle of the road like ten feet yeah staring at and I say they watch the rights with us and like there's all these reports of like kidnappings murders like that this is like person that got their arms cut off recently so we were just like really skeptical and that was like solidly a two-hour walk down for cute petite guys just walking alone in the pitch black of the night where anyone could come and literally just cut off our arms cut off our arms dude did we really just walk all this that was hard work it might go okay I'll cut up out the other side obviously you get it this was an incredibly difficult video to fill at very dangerous and hard so if you guys do not go subscribe to these guys you guys should just quit the channel or us hey this is going in there how do they know did you get that on camera Sam yes oh my god we hate so they probably called us and as they saw us like walking down the street like there's kids I can feel that's insane we just got lucky with a flashlight exact just talking about how the gate was closed and then there's two security guards standing next to the gate with an open letting three cars come in they were right behind us all my crazy ending but really hope you enjoyed that video if you haven't yet make sure to go grab the explore merch we've got the new collection we just talked about it and we said that hey we've been decided where we're going recently how about you guys decide so if this video gets 300,000 likes this group in the car right now is gonna go anywhere that you guys tell us to it's all up to you only if you get the 300k likes yeah if not we're gonna keep picking ourselves decide we're gonna call me I mean hey if that's the top comment then I guess we're gonna that's got word from our buddies Qian and JC that they want to collab with us and go to a scary hotel so make sure you subscribe because that's coming babe if you guys remember Biltmore Hotel thousands of people wanted us to do a reaction video because apparently there's a lot of stuff that we have a cot and we're deciding on that but hey we might do a reaction video in the middle of the week for two videos this next week so so look out subscribe turn the notifications on and we'll see you guys next Sunday another video [Music] see fie fo fum put your pinkie in my bomb
Channel: Sam and Colby
Views: 7,404,708
Rating: 4.9737973 out of 5
Keywords: sam golbach, colby brock, exploring, exploring griffith park, exploring abandoned zoo, sam and colby exploring, sam and colby 2.0, sam and colby haunted, sam and colby overnight, overnight at griffith park, overnight in haunted cave, exploring haunted cave, exploring haunted picnic table, sam colby corey jake, haunted forest, ghost hunting, sam and colby scary, sam and colby haunted video, sam golbach scary video, colby brock scary video, exploring haunted trail, xplr, scary
Id: QSkQpgx03jQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 31sec (2491 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2019
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