Lost In RITUAL TUNNEL at Enchanted Forest

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more on the story last time I went to the enchanted forest we were looking in the wrong place at the end of this tunnel that's where the animals are sacrifice no no God actually looks like real boom yeah do people actually might be here right now want to go in there or lost it yeah yeah like there's no trail towards you or they were on an animal fear this is probably the craziest thing we've ever done [Music] man without you oh we are back boys and girls let's do this what's up guys it's Sam and Colby today we are back at the enchanted forest with Dame azmuth and Elton what are you wearing like that look like you're from the wild wild west mmm that wasn't a good movie though I don't even know I came ready to explore but you guys don't remember we went about three weeks ago right back to the cob is stay with these guys and we actually got chased out actually coming go go go go this is serious so yeah we just decided to come back not really any reason to no reason we got emailed after we posted that video girl was just saying you guys miss the best part there's a haunted like tunnel cave thing at the end the ad I'm pretty sure it was like a 20 year old dude we did some more research and we'll tell you more about it on the way but apparently hast the mansion where pump supposedly is very haunted at this Cobb estate there's actually this tunnel in the middle of a mountain called an haunted tunnel 13 where all those crazy satanic cults and animal sacrifices happened yeah that's the tunnel that's where we're going don't tell me this why don't we fare like haunted tunnel number one like work away yeah didn't tell you guys that it's a 45-minute hike well and it's probably the most impossible hike ever so we try to get here in daylight but we really didn't hit the daylight too well now let's do it trafficking in LA but here we go let's try it out literally last time we were here we were running down this path from what a satanic cult or something and then when I watched back the footage on that we're literally screaming like bus down bad Tiana do you hear that oh really I don't think so wait why do you have an axe but today we get chased out by something guess what whoa what do you been doing did you look like the Beast maybe or maybe you say by the way I loved you in Game of Thrones you look like you're like a professional fencer like somebody that can just like they wear like t-shirts and a sweatshirt these guys are coming with battle axes and looking like Narnia and there's the big pearly gates - Bob estate baby oh god there's so many people here always give me a million people trying to hike with us we're gonna go farther than all of them because we have this crazy very intricate 45-minute hike that we have to do helps and you look terrifying look cooler no can you thanks guys are you so white hey if you guys didn't watch the last cop state video what are you doing but it's okay we'll remind you of what happened and we're gonna give you a little more research on why we're going to this ritual tunnel oh yeah do you even tell us what it's called no nothing telling that you're gonna be so hot by the time we get to this tunnel I swear to God yeah we didn't tell you guys this it's called the ritual tunnel ritual tunnel the ritual tour of that is that because they don't have rituals I've never done a ritual sacrifice really do animal sacrifices here why did I bring a tax no you're gonna sacrifice out that's fine we could do that mykes we're gonna sacrifice else we're going to a place called the ritual tunnel in the enchanted forest up in the middle of the mountains yes we are in like the fact that we got chased out by a satanic cult last time really scares me that this is called ritual tunnel and it's like 45 minutes into the woods so if you guys didn't see the last video here's some recap of what happened last time why this was haunted and why we're going to the ritual people report negative feelings being washed or even touch strange lights laughter screams along with tales of satanic rituals and KKK gatherings okay doesn't sound really like it's haunted it just sounds like a lot of horrible things happen there and a lot of bad people hang out there did you say help she just screamed help me is there actually like some like colts going on right now wait desert those are like new girl was here hey Google turn the lights red now it's time so yeah guys that was a little recap on what happened earlier three weeks ago at the Cobb estate but this is why the Cobb estates haunted used to be a guy named Cobb and he had an estate hence the name comma state and it ended up being destroyed and everything and the park was still always open to the public and there was a bunch of like hooligans I would go there and do a bunch of satanic stuff there was a lot of gang members apparently so eventually the word got out that it was haunted and specifically behind where the estate was was the most haunted part and that's like where we went but nothing really happened to us however we didn't know about one thing and that's the fact that there was a place specifically where these rituals and all these gang members did like their satanic stuff and that's where were visiting tonight the ritual tunnel is like he said where are these animal sacrifices crazy demonic rituals how apes and like murders all the crazy stuff so whatever what happens tonight it's it's where the actual stuff happens so on the Cobb estate a long long time ago obviously it was owned by this guy however after he passed away they made the surrounding property a mining area so there are 13 tunnels that used to be mine eight of those 13 were filled up entirely now the last one tunnel 13 which is an unlucky third Tolman like really that's the bad tunnel that's like opens 13 is that what that crap anyway so tunnel 13 got converted into the ritual tunnel because it's the deepest into the forest and the longest out of all the tunnels exactly a why would be a perfect spot for a bunch of gang members to go and kill animals and do sacrifices and all that stuff more on the story last time I went to the enchanted forest we were looking in their own place but tonight sadly we found the right place guys this is going to be like a 30 to 45-minute hike it's not gonna be easy to get here at all we don't even know if we can find it we're just going off of like websites and YouTube and stuff like that so which mind you every single YouTube video every single blog post said the worst possible thing you could do is do this trail at night the person that reached out to us to tell us about the ritual tunnel actually said the one time that they went to this tunnel it came back with scars scrapes in blood all through their like legs I'm back and they don't know how exactly they got it this place is very very haunted and a spot where a lot of bad people do it not bad stuff so with that being said I hope you guys enjoy so if you don't want to look like Elton which I don't know why you wouldn't but you just can't really buy that you can buy the new merch another hoodie wearing a shirt right there a slit on there oh yeah we got new stuff we got actually got a whole new drop it's called no limit no limit no we don't have limits let me see the back of this I'm sick oh it's the same design on the front as well yeah you've got socks too we got everything now everybody we're coming out next month the video that we watched how'd it get here that was like seven years ago so what if the paths are like overgrown the guy or girl I'm not quite sure again that emailed us about this tunnel they went two weeks ago but they said that they went back at night and it was the worst decision of their life they came back all cut up wax all over their legs and back there was like bleeding scars and they they said guys do this during the day we tried to go during the day you know we failed um I got a got a thing you know that thing I got to go do remember I told you guys let's just go oh here it is here it is oh it's the day we went left last time which was a really bad idea so let's go right this is where the actual mansion was and apparently where the haunting stuff was we found a girls glasses last time what we do there's dogs yes watch this happen every time dogs and then they're coming back alright well let's just know that there's gonna be a bunch of other groups with us they're all going to the same tunnel the same sacrifices but we have an axe that's right and a bear no no we're doing no pretty good you guys are doing fine this is all crazy for the youthful yeah we just have like a little bit yeah yeah nice all good we've only done like less than a third oh yeah yeah Matt it's gonna be okay Matt I get luck Matt and what are you gonna do with that a hex yeah we made it we found the fence this marks one third of the leg is yay now we go down into the woods oh I don't think we go any higher here we go boys dude you hear that it might be it rained all week yeah the cave could be completely full of water maybe there's some swim now these guys are so slow all right so we have a dilemma as to different pies to the path no no way is this where Narnia's or is that like a wardrobe or something you know we're trying to make it clear okay we're trying to you know create a path yeah why am I in front then because you had that makes sense and it becomes even more Oh God wanna die I'm scared these are very gnarly drops okay okay I'm not going first it's like anybody can be you're right in front of me I don't like that I don't like that at all dude there's the first tunnel did all right ton tunnel number something no Pokemon loud God why is it smell so bad in there really it does smell like a skunk I'm scared I'm scared the part where we have to scale the scary wall of death alright I'm holding the camera oh yeah yeah I'm cool man Elton you have a hole right where your couch is hey I was on that we're up here oh yeah you got on the left side okay jump back over yeah pretty sure the right side no I said no I said no River supposed to be on your right so it's on the left side actually I've done this like three times sorry just Josh yeah you know what it's that way okay it's up there is it just fly away Matt you actually look like you're I'm gonna go to a ritual a we didn't climb all this way for nothing what warm hot cocoa by the fire what happened you know we can do that after this girl is on YouTube Matt smells like a Christmas tree dude we should just take our Christmas tree from here it's probably just Elton wait Elton is nowhere to be found Oh Elton hey that means we're going the right direction what happened we need an arm no dude at least they're nice enough to sign it guys so this is probably one of the mining tunnels just saw like sealed up all filled up there's apparently 13 caves like this we've seen probably three two or three something probably hidden all over the place Oh guys I think I found it Jessie wait what wait what oh do I gotta go up there sue oh it's just a little waterfall no we still gotta keep going my bad we gotta go straight up this wall a hundred more feet sent your way dude how does Dora do this every episode Oh God yo sim dude there's a scary AG thing you see that oh no this is where I actually turn back we turn back we never turn back dude you're like there's smoke coming off of you it's kind of dope just so hot this is like a plot of a horror movie they're like two friends though we've known for like 20 years they're just like yeah you come with this cool hike that we always do and then we end up being like your first two murders and then Sam and Cole we just go on to start inviting friends out that never returned getting less confident every step I take I'm never like doubting it more and more yes we made it oh yeah it's time to celebrate oh wait wife points their footsteps like oh that's a cute dude there's wet footprints over there there's wet footprints over there and why is over there it's a mannequin yes remember we saw the arm earlier that was like a mile away must have floated down the river do people actually might be here right now I don't like those up there look this is how small it is look at the wing thank God we didn't have to keep walking [Music] there's two different [Music] lambu oil that can be used to burn true furniture yes water over here oh my god how did we find something like this no beer here's the fuselage no no no no torch fuel and they burn animals here yeah I don't like this yo this is actually I thought they were kidding you know about the animal sacrifices this looks real cool I never think we can - dude we've never been to anything like this this is insane we're carrying white candles okay yes Oh white candles and tiki hut oil or whatever it is port oil they're definitely doing satanic rituals down here dude how many times are we gonna say turn back before we listen what's back here yo I'm just strangely cautious lucky memories no I don't want to like I just feel extremely claustrophobic because I hate small areas like this especially it's super hot thank you please no no I heard that too it was that someone out there happy we can't get going we have to go back that way he was dead something's out there you know we came in here expecting satanic rituals we go to a lot of places that have those and like say they do that yeah but this has fueled white candles plays like tape and garbage bags but people were in here doing some weird demonic stuff and it goes on forever like we my people could be anywhere in here because I didn't even realize it was this many tunnels to different places yeah if you get lost in here that's not good dude this seriously rough just above them up here yeah wait no yeah there's not rocks though so you know one was holding a rock right there's no Murli handles or something just fell okay okay that's not good okay okay it doesn't matter housekeeping yeah stuck to the wall candles handles a little Barbie good look at that that's kind of sick don't worry good so we were just talking and after seeing all these candles we realized that people actually do rituals here all the time so originally told ya so with that being said if other who are doing in that often we might have success if we did it if we did our own ritual yeah just like like a bit more like an actual like rituals like something with tons of candles lighters and fire we actually do something do it if like they want to see it let's be like if you guys want to see that and like this video so hundred thousand likes two hundred two hundred thousand levels are those and Lex will come because if we're doing over each one of ritual tunnel boy this is the worst place to do it okay so two hundred thousand likes you and you guys will do about two hundred and fifty thousand and Matylda with us there you go two hundred thousand we'll do it two hundred fifty thousand now I'll do it and sixteen links wait and if you go old we go Elton oh you went all the way down yeah wait Elton let's go find how far did you go to see the flashlight Elton Elton Rory wait guys this keeps going where is he we're just going out there there was there was there was footsteps behind or leaving Alison don't screw with us let's go I don't like I something was back there else it dude it keeps going hey whoa Matt was that you okay it's not good dude how long he couldn't he couldn't have made it this far it's did he run that way okay cuz I honestly got it seriously what are we doing here we're gonna cave this is like not the place to be stuck we just started talking or we would have heard and we would have heard him if he's he stopped somewhere then let's just keep going this way you say will be where you could go Matt where are you going he comes back here you know you're gonna wait there alone okay alright let's make it fast I don't like this dude it goes on forever no we're gonna get soaked we're gonna get lost yes all right let's get to that room but that's not whoa guys dad scare ya I don't know another rock another rock how do we lose Elson again how big where's this tunnel dude do we have another time that we could come back and go further what I was going to do I'm just saying maybe you should get out better than others yeah that goes place just like we made it so far okay it's getting smaller yeah dude I'm ducking hard yo we're going like 200 feet down in there and I'm still hearing noises I don't like this dude this claustrophobia and everything yeah I'm not liking this do you know what I mean it's it's ending wait so what does that mean dude Elson is here somewhere what happened to any high formulas is or was there any like other tongues that we missed this is one way this whole time he was in front of us right when we were doing that like thing yeah it was this okay hello okay another ocular progress you're not supposed to make noise underneath the television let's go Alton here we go look at this look at this don't live and do what you what is that content it's your helton how do we not see you we went down there what how are you right where you just like right actually happy was this you security matters mmm who is that nobody thought that like Shh wait how did you do that without a flashlight just tall bald okay I hate him one of the scariest things I've ever experienced I hate that and like seriously that was horrible let's go I thought someone else's in here do you think you just screamed spring see I turned around and I saw you was in a top hat I figured you wasn't that miserable you know save your son and then like don't they tell you on the plane secure your own mask before helping somebody exactly right usually the other way around I think we should give up yeah secure your own like deep rumbling hello maybe all right we made it all the way back to the deep water which means we're almost to the end before we leave how does when I ask again are you actually down to come back and do virtual 250k oh he wasn't even there did you hear that we're doing original you see you see how those yeah we're gonna come back with some white candles and some lighter fluid and Dora - Wanda and that ritual is gonna help us get likes yes but well that's all right old man I do yeah just like yeah we're gonna get some legs gonna sell someone this match the Billy yeah so smash the like button so it's gonna it's gonna summon all the logo ball yeah you guys are like making like a youtube joke about this every time i pan over to Maddie's like got a different face of like Oh what are we gonna do Oh God to give you an idea of what we're doing for this video it's about a foot full of water wait which way did we get over this battery we got this all right we made into the insurance oh wait whoa whoa whoa Altana Hilton did you put it on there was a bunch of rocks there but not the stick don't even think that was wrong are you sure I thought that it was easy to get that Oh Oh God aha oh my god dude my backpack and you like your jacket I thought there was some person right watch your head yeah this is pretty sick turns out this guy's please all right [Music] that's so creepy oh god no so we're just not going to talk about how there was like two sticks like a the entrance didn't do that I'm pretty sure that like we went ahead so I had to go to them guys come on you helped me take the talk when we both went in because I remember the rocks being there but I do not remember it was no hard to get in not only do we have to go downhill but also we're soaked yeah we're going to slide down this moment Oh true Oh God video but I know dude I'm getting strangled in front of you and all you do is film it you know what's good what I brought two pairs of Explorer socks first Explorer socks hey hey wait - come here dude dude dude dude come here dude get that frickin leaf up here I can add it all on my leaf off my fricking help or lost in new boots yeah yeah like there's no trail again oh no don't remind me wait I don't don't we just do don't we follow the pipe right no pokes made it to that pillar so we're going to right way this walk that guys is awful I'm pretty sure I have blisters all over my feet and my toes these are cold cuz they're still wet and it's like a mudslide but we're almost there this is where we climb up the scary wall of yeah is it called the scary Waldo I just named Tibet do it cool oh my god oh my god scary well I might I might die I mean hello look at that guys appreciate what's around you that's so beautiful I am happy to be alive look at that la wow we made it back to back to the main road Oh Matt Matt what are you wearing it wait wait oh I see that what's that wait turn oh good dude that looks horrible man you wore that in the tunnel I would have yeah we would have all crowd our fans on that and got scared the people before they scare us right you know deep down boats kick but we've already been scared well she's thought of that before I just now put this off there are some people over here we look scarier than you daily hiding an axe what's up they know who I am dude wait really ya know what they say they said they don't know you order the Newhall what's up guys I love you too alrighty we finally made it at how god that was such a long hike we know someone messing us right I think that guy's messing is you did luck sacrifice yoga actually looks like real bad yeah that's not in that car I think we should yeah let's get out over oh god dude that looks like handprints - yeah let's go let's go yeah dude I don't know those crude mules get in the car ASAP yeah man sure all you came here because of the video yeah okay what was that that was the weirdest thing though your hands almost unless someone's trying to mess with us cuz it didn't look like super liquidy it looked like some kind of solid and like red that one spot it looked like somebody was just trying to get it off their hands it looked kind of fresh too late like it was like recent well I mean it wasn't there when we walked down yeah those guys looks like if you guys get the likes we're going back and doing a ritual at the ritual tunnel and forest that was unlike any other video that was so cool I love that tunnel went so deep and far geez God that sounded wrong we force these guys twice to make that giant hike so go subscribe to Elton and met all their links will be down in description below through it and they're gonna have to come back to if you ask is like so again if you assemble the logan polish he also got some new merch like we said like 50 times in this video so no limit so go check out links description and we'll see you guys next sunday at 114 PS with another minute children so I know [Music] oh god I hope
Channel: Sam and Colby
Views: 6,839,075
Rating: 4.9730844 out of 5
Keywords: sam golbach, colby brock, exploring, abandoned, dangmattsmith scary, tfil scary, tfil overnight, sam and colby overnight, sam and colby haunted, sam colby elton matt, exploring cobb estate, exploring haunted trail, exploring enchanted forest, sam and colby paranormal, overnight in haunted forest, sam and colby ritual tunnel, haunted caves, sam golbach scary, colby brock scary, haunted mansion, attacked in haunted, ritual tunnel, xplr, california haunted, LA haunted
Id: GDit46QI3nA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 42sec (2382 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2019
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