Our Horrifying Experience at CLOWN Tunnel (ft. Amber & Kat)

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beware there's killer clown that is a sexy clown we're talking about the wave of creepy clown sightings across the united states what's up guys it's sam and colby today before we start the video we have a hilarious and amazing announcement that we've been working on for what like half a year so long now oh my god this is super exciting today we announced the launch of the sam and cole reaction figures check this out i've always wanted a little action figure and now i got one we're actually like little dolls like this is so funny it's so detailed even has my tattoos and stuff it's crazy oh my god we're wearing merch we're filming like this is us littles whoa we have been spending the last like six months designing the packaging designing the little dudes going back and forth with you twos so this is actually like our creation which is awesome this very very limited edition just like any of our other stuff that we sell and again this is not just like a random brand deal from a company this is actually our own doll so buying this supports us it's just like any other type of merch can't believe that it's so crazy looking what's super exciting too is we're actually giving away some of these guys before the launch on october 18th three of them to be exact all you got to do is go down in the link in the description you're into the giveaway and you guys can choose if you win which one you want and then for everybody else on october 18th because the ads are going live so anyone can buy them yes guys again i'm so excited about this it's so funny this is amazing it's like a dream come true you always wanted to like be your own action i know it's so sick we got a really scary creepy and also weird video today so i hope you guys enjoy one second of the trip colby's getting arrested by 45 cops out there oh my god did anybody ask my name's jose i knew i didn't pay my credit card though oh god and he's after us i'm outta here what are you guys doing oh he looked at us he's [Laughter] what's up guys it's sam and colby today we are here with our new friend andrew aka smithereens on all platforms and he is going to be taking us these lovely ladies katrina and amber out to the clown tunnel are you guys excited no no i literally feel like i'm going to throw up i'm stoked it's not that bad like kind of bad but not that bad you have like a 70 chance of making it good odds all right guys we got this this is actually i think the first time we've had female people exploring with us give it a hand guys good job here we go so let's go get eaten by a clown no no we're not manifesting that i don't know [Music] are you guys actually scared or not i don't know if i should say yes or no we're just following this random guy i mean he seems super nice we just met him like three minutes ago this was the dude that we saw on tick tock in one of my videos roll the clip andrew smith let's go to your mind i want to go in your whole that video guys we just randomly reacted to it and now he's our best friend yeah for forever hopefully he doesn't lure us into some like you know mob thing yeah kill us all maybe he's the clown by the way i'm living in hell right now why because i don't know if you can see the herpe like structures on my neck structure but they burn and they itch and they're blistering currently and it's everywhere on my body they're blistering everywhere what does that mean everywhere and this happened because of last week's video if you guys haven't seen it it's right here on the screen got stuck on the side of the mountain and i think i ran into some poison ivy with some poison oak and i am paying the consequences please don't make fun of me in the comments we're doing this for you guys we're posting every single week sam and kobi are back we're just gonna show us to leave a like on this if you like us posting every single week and subscribe because we are gonna start amber yeah how much life should we get right now um thousand million ten thousand million yeah that's equivalent hundred thousand five hundred thousand five hundred thousand thousand thousand likes okay so well you guys go to the end of the tunnel if it hits 500 000 likes and they subscribe yes let's get it we're losing them dude let me crash right here why are we going here where did we miss a turn andrew what the [ __ ] we trusted you you said you've never been here at night i've never been here at night i've been here in the middle of the day and it was fine night time maybe not so much i will find out so on a scale of 110 how dangerous do you think this place is i would put it at like six and a half to seven that's a passing grade better than eight though so oh that is true you know numbers we got this is this not someone's house someone might be in there there could be someone in there what do you mean there's someone in there what who else would come here i'm sure they're nice there's nothing to worry about that's what they'll say before something horrible happened you guys remember the scene of it where clowns in the sewer journey is like hey come play with me i don't think he had that accent brother he got something else that's what's tonight's going to be dude whatever you do don't grab the balloon have you ever seen balloons or clown stuff in here oh there's tons of clown stuff there's literally like last time i did a video there's so much graffiti here that are all purely of clowns like all of them [Music] oh god guys wait woah oh my god where's the [ __ ] give me a flashlight there's so many do you want a flashlight oh [ __ ] oh my god don't die already dude all right so anyways it's not just really comfortable we haven't even walked down the sidewalk oh my god i'm gonna lead everywhere all right have fun have you guys seen that the the clown trend that happened in 2016. we're talking about the wave of creepy clown sightings across the united states like reoccurring like right now don't say that don't say it i don't know that the president has been briefed on this particular situation 2020 is already bad enough it's hard to get any word in with this clown clown excuse me this hey let me just say power numbers we have five people yeah yeah and i have this flashlight it's kind of sketchy you kind of have to go down there so nobody fall what do you mean nobody fall i just fell on flat ground how are you gonna tell that [Music] on a white skirt i'm not on my hat nice nice oh that was a lion oh yeah this is zoo right next door get all the herpes on my ribs why are you carrying a monster you're going to go explore a clown hotel with a [ __ ] monster yeah we gotta get energetic for these clowns i'll catch you you got it you got it faceplant there you go are you coming oh my god oh we're going in the clown's hole right now yeah and it's deep dark and scary man wait so how is it too late to back out of this video yeah yeah you you go and uh hang out alone outside of the car oh my god dude what the [ __ ] i really can't keep it together dude gravity does not like you how far have you gone in the clown's hole before so i've gone about a solid i'd say a half a mile into the clown's half a mile at least half a mile maybe pushing a mile so he's got a really deep hole we're talking very deep wow probably widens out a little bit once you get further in but yeah i heard that's a good sign actually that means you're getting closer to what you need oh that means we need to push his limits guys if you will you want to go further than that oh i always want to go further anyway we're going to continue on with this video oh [ __ ] first the first of many oh my see it's hard to walk oh wow that is a sexy clown oh look it says we saw this on tick tock right next to us that is great yeah that was definitely your video bro all right so hopefully we see a lot more clowns like this guy in there wait i mean we don't know what's coming from inside did you hear that what do you mean from in there what the [ __ ] she [ __ ] bolted dude what was that oh my god are you throwing that dude that was like a big boat i'm like looking at him wait you didn't hear it no i did i [Music] it might be like our echoes you know oh my god we should yell into the abyss that's a great idea yes yeah yeah go go yell at them don't fall down again fun come on what there's another one isn't that a clown face right there oh a really big one a really big one manny mua he was here he was here already what without us how are you just ignoring that what is happening do you hear it it's a loud booming er quiet booming no wait that's kind of fresh though wait that is kind of fresh do you think someone actually does live down here maybe but they forgot their spaghettios you forgot your spaghettios look at that spiderweb it's like perfect that's a massive spider three two one am i playing camera's going first all right cool nice i have to fit in there come on been doing some cardio oh my god hold my chanel no no no no no no no no no no no no [Music] run run run this just reminded me i think we should take someone here and actually scare the [ __ ] out of them like you're one of our friends to dress up as a clown and then scare them without them knowing yes enough there's actually a clown here but like we could make a clown here and prank them easy guys comment down below which youtuber we should invite here to prank the [ __ ] up and if this gets 200 000 likes yeah then we will prank someone with a clown costume let's do it whoa nope giant spider nope nope my god all right you made it so only one way no we just made it inside as whole before we go any deeper we did some research at the house so check this out today we're here to talk to you guys about clowns especially since we're going to the clown tunnel as you guys might know clowns are one of the largest fears ever why is that clowns they look happy but they're so creepy what is it about them that makes them creepy doing a lot of research we feel it's though clowns don't actually look human they look almost human but something about them and the way they act and the way they talk just kind of is a little off the fake smile the big eye giant red nose the melting white face giant feet just a little bit strange the way clowns look is more like an exaggerated version of ourselves it is like a nightmare if you will the weird part is clowns haven't always been a fear here comes the clouds again lots of clowns to keep us laughing laughing it's only been in the last 40 years or so that clowns have really struck it big in the eyes of people's fears and especially when clowns are sighted outside of a circus oddly enough there are these clown sightings all the time but most of the time it's around this four year increment right around election time if you were colleges as well as we do around 2016 the last election time there was a giant outbreak of clown sightings there were so many people all over the world talking about and reporting clown sightings around their town where they would see people dressed up in these clown costumes doing horrible scary things now it's come to our attention these clown sightings have come up again randomly after four years we realized oh wait it's about to be election time again and that's what we want to figure out today are these clown sightings just a hoax to distract people around election times or are clowns actually terrorizing people today we're going to what's called clown tunnel which back in 2016 around this time in october there were calls actual recorded 9-1-1 calls to the police about clown siding specifically in this area so this says on october 3rd 2016 there was a mob later called the penn state clown riot where a rumor spread online of three evil clowns on campus thousands of students amassed to search for catch and punish these clowns the initial reports were a false rumor oddly enough after october 2016 that same year the reports slowly faded away these phantom clown panics have been reoccurring around every single election ever since 1981. so now it's 2020 around election season and basically this has been the craziest year of our lifetime so if there was ever going to be a clown sighting it would be right now and in fact we've seen a lot of new trends about clowns a lot of tick tocks and viral videos about clown sightings recently even this month so what better time to take some people clown hunting i don't think people are going to want to be our friends anymore after this that's what we say every single video either way hope you guys enjoy let's do this andrew what town was this you said we just like read something about how this was a major spot a clown sightings like this town alone like much more more than l.a it did sound like a whisper behind them we're freaking ourselves out guys holy ghost oh that's not a spider oh my god no no no look at the giant spider right there oh [ __ ] dude oh my god you can see that let's let's get out we gotta look we can leave now watch oh you meant forward yeah you bring chanel shoes to it you didn't tell me [Music] that's what she said you look there's like a scary face on the walls is this a loud oh wait what the [ __ ] is that [Music] oh my god what is that that is like the end of a femur dude that's like a full-on bone yeah that's not like a tiny like dog bone or something that's oh damn why is there a bone in here how crazy would it be if that was like actual like you know like a real human bone it might be what we thought about it on the news we were like we found that totally looks like it could be a human bone [Music] well hopefully we don't find any more of those gnarly yes disgusting it's almost like we're like in a sewer or something is that why it smells like [ __ ] in here oh no i just put my pants oh [Music] don't be [ __ ] rude what was that holy [ __ ] that was so loud [Music] for you [Music] are you sure it's not one of us there is five people [Music] what's like the creepiest thing that's happened to you here cause you've been here like what two or three times yeah okay so last time we were here there's these little tunnels that go off the side went up one and we went probably a good like 10-15 minutes up inside of it and when we were inside there was these really really loud noises from like both sides and they echoed all the way through i don't know what it was but it was really really loud and my friend was like freaking out so we ended up running out of here damn oh god look at that clown [Music] wait look at that clown holy [ __ ] why don't you just run down there with no light do it do it see ya sam see ya wait go until i can't see you anymore [Music] oh my god why did you do that dude i can see the explorer reflection oh god he's running [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] wait what that was an actual voice [Music] [Music] [Music] we shouldn't go that way then right yeah but you just have to trip sam dude [Music] we have never been in like a tunnel with this much noise so the biggest life lesson i've learned thus far on this trip [ __ ] it before it [ __ ] you whoa it can literally be used in any scenario because we've been walking for like five or ten more minutes past that last clip i know this [Music] yeah whoa wait so the car's actually passing right there i don't want to be here when it goes straight over here why [Music] cockroaches yeah [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] it goes forever oh my god [Music] [Music] you saw bats yeah there were bats in there we came up there was a ton of cockroaches and then a bat flew like straight into his face wait did we start walking this way or this one this way onward [Music] a lot of bangs down there that's where they were last time wait this is the tunnel they heard everything last time this is where we turn [Music] oh that sounds that sounded like yeah like the manhole like opening up and someone walking down that's so crazy all the other like bangs and stuff could have been explained through like maybe cars or something but that was a 100 percent down that whole thing moving it and a clown right here [Music] oh my god oh my god [Music] oh my god wait sam too those are definitely oh my god dude hundred percent tracks holy [ __ ] what he says the farther you go in the bigger opens up yeah i've heard that before [Music] where the [ __ ] are you going should this be our new slogan i said what's up guys it's santa claus what's up guys it's sam and colby what's up guys what's up it's bubble honey this is so renting [Music] and now there's like a little ball like a little toy [Music] does that mean we're on the other side does it connect to another side i have no idea i mean i'm sure it does if it's just like a big drag oh my god look there's no echo anymore well it's up straight up oh no that's so sketchy so we either go back where it's possibly safe and we could go to you know check it out from the other side but how much longer is this you know i thought we'd be there right now 30 minutes ago you said five to ten minutes i definitely did i was probably a little bit wrong all right we're putting our trust in smithereens holy [ __ ] trina are you feeling okay it's hard to breathe oh my god you want to run why are you running dude out of here oh wow that's like really fast running water where did he go did he go he went up [Music] we always get [ __ ] lost dude it ends i really do [Music] like i got [ __ ] to do i'm as confused as you guys are at this point i feel like you should be there [Music] what no we don't even know where we're at i thought that was the way out wait did we start walking this way but how much longer is this you know i thought it would be there right now we always get [ __ ] lost dude half the group go left half goes go right let's see what's up i'll go left all right we'll go right see on this side guys wait a second wait a second what is this outside dude is this outside holy [ __ ] oh we made it we made it dude we're outside how do we get out [ __ ] we didn't actually get out or at least out in the open air don't even feel more it smells so bad [Music] everyone watch the ads for this video so we can buy her a new parachute my sock is actually wet can you pull that out of my shoe ew oh god oh look beware there's killer clowns no no as the car pulls up that's insane beware there's killer clowns go follow our instagrams right here all their instagrams right there how could you do that to me i was gonna drink that [ __ ] wait it goes up that is an exit last one out has to walk back let's go [Applause] we made it success we made it we're alive okay thanks all right guys we made it back after what two three miles that was insane so what do you guys think first exploration exhausting was it fun honestly it was fun but at the end i was over it i was like get me out of here i need to get out of these things that we know of there was those people crawling down the manholes we don't know who they were you never know so if you guys want us to come back here dress as clowns to scare our friends get this 200 000 likes make sure to go follow these guys their links will be down below text us we won't text you guys back join the channel memberships by clicking join next to subscribe subscribe because we'll be seeing you next week with another video so adios [Music] [ __ ] it before it [ __ ] you
Channel: Sam and Colby
Views: 4,507,056
Rating: 4.946218 out of 5
Keywords: sam and colby, exploring, abandoned, overnight, treasure hunting, sam&colby, sam & colby, sam golbach, colby brock, sam colby, sam colby haunted, sam colby scary videos, haunted tunnel, sam and colby tunnel, sam and colby cave, clown tunnel, scary clown tunnel, sam and colby clown, exploring haunted tunnel, sam and colby exploring, clown sightings, 2020 clown sightings, 2016 clown sightings, amber scholl, katrina stuart
Id: 0iCVezdZjhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 16sec (1936 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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