The Day We Almost Died (w/ Footage)

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someone came full-on sprinting he was pointing a weapon straight at our chests I see this guy take his head and literally shove it against the fins he'll be dead and we would have no one to blame but ourselves right today is not gonna be a regular salmon call a 2.0 video so if you came expecting the content that we have been posting on a weekly basis then sorry it's not gonna be it the reason for that is we haven't really been feeling ourselves recently because you know we've been doing a lot of these videos and a lot of them are pretty like crazy I mean like we said it's like the scariest or craziest night every single we get made fun of for that because we say it and at the end of the day believe it or not like these things do kind of like carry a weight with them just kind of making us feel not really into it so until we get back in that headspace of wanting to do those types of videos like putting ourselves out there we're gonna hold off personally it hasn't really affected me too much like I've still been fine like I still been able to hang out with friends have good times and stuff like that I think it's hit you a little bit harder like I know I've seen you like tweet next day like Instagram stories about how it's been affecting you because like we capture everything on camera you see what we experienced and that that's scary especially when you're commanding you go to the Queen Mary the next night you're laying in bed and you hear something in your room that's you're like messes you up we first saw when you guys all told us on the comments that I was acting super weird the Queen Mary night and that's I think because I really didn't want to do that I think I was just kind of forcing it and just going into that and like forcing a video and then all that extra stuff happening just kind of made me be like okay wait we probably shouldn't do this everything right like when when a cameras on were really focused on making a video so during the Queen Mary when Sam's like trying to get us to play the Ouija board or for example like knock on the door and stuff like that it's honestly just for the video but at the same time it's like scary and messes you up with that being said a lot of horrible scary things have happened to us in the past and as you can tell by the title we're gonna be talking about one of those and showing video evidence of that today this is a story that we have not told anyone know we haven't even told our families no mom I'm sorry but that being said one thing before we start this video we do not put any blame on anybody but ourselves we are the reason why this happened to us and should be quite honest we could be dead right now born the abandon is a very dangerous dangerous activity we're lucky that we're even standing here right now so yeah based on what we're trying to say is hopefully you take this video you see what happened to us and you realize that it's probably not the smartest thing to go out explore we're dumb just remember that we're the dummies you you guys be smart and another thing this is not what happened in Florida for the whole jail situation we did not get arrested for the things that we're about to talk about this is not about the court cases anything that again we still have to wait for a couple more months before we can talk about it for now this is what happened two days prior to that before we get into this keep in mind that this was supposed to be a video in itself on Sammy Kobe back when we did the Explorer stuff we're gonna be kind of telling the story but we're also gonna be showing you as much as we can of the actual incident so with that being said the start from the beginning what's up guys a semicolon welcome to my yummy food guys we literally just got off of our plane flight like 30 minutes ago it wasn't a regular plane flight it was a overnight flight so we have not slept more than like three hours in 24 hours something look a little rough that's why we just got this Ram diem and she was like hey you can park at the Shell gas station right by the airport and bam there's a hospital who knew how the one thing is they didn't tell us how to get in and we heard three cop sirens because this is right by the airport so it might might suck trying to get in so again just recap this was our very first video in Florida eight o'clock in the morning we had no idea about this we got the information from a DM but yeah this is us actually going into the place of the street there's a huge high Casilla D right there yeah that had probably 400 cars in it so looks like a full working office right next door keep that in mind guys we thought this was an office it wasn't an office will tell you later but wasn't an office you will see it is surrounded by a ton of huge buildings in the middle of an airport area so we were not trying to be sneaky about this I guess which was our fault all right he figured it out you got this man you got this man Jimmy your way you're good you're good a hole she worried oh my god dude look at that what dude we're minding our masts for this place my heart is pounding why probably cause it has climbed something I suck at climbing but also it's kind of scary so the thing about this place is obviously not in this room but as we go higher and higher there's gonna be open windows and like the entire wall on this side of the building is just completely demolished that means the highway can see us and we're gonna have to like a ploy at all outside areas we did we didn't avoid any outside area yeah this is probably one of the most open abandoned places ever been and we were not prepared yeah we found your staircase there's the outside right there like you said all that faces the highway you're just talking about this off camera guys but again if it was that easy for us to be able to get in here like without even trying basically then most anybody could so there could be any homeless people in here like no this looks literally like a dressing room it's probably where you let go put it girl Hostin actually I might have been a break you know we're so close to the highway that any of that could just be bracing okay okay let's find the staircase I want to get to the top yes that's where we are in relation to the highway easily you see that's insane oh come over here there is a full-fledged office building right there that's what does social I'm gonna show you guys really quick but visible working office building you can't even see cars in the parking lot right now so that means they can easily see me so again keep in mind on our right is that building that you saw on our left was a highway and then there was nothing basically it was like around an airport area and that was it again over and over and over you guys hear us we think it's an office building now if it was an office building circumstance that ended up happening probably wouldn't have happened as you can blatantly see from the footage it wasn't an office building this is where things start to get interesting mm-hmm here's my area the whole view of the city the second that you said we shouldn't get caught there's police sirens right yeah and I was only on for like two seconds dude this is why I love exploring yes it's 9:00 in the morning I don't care we just we just flew here didn't get any sleep on her flight I was gonna say dude we literally landed 45 minutes ago maybe an hour max we've already seen like the whole skyline of Miami oh speaking of holy crap man I think we should get up there that every single person versus yes we can only stand for like five ten seconds oh Jesus we're so seen right here 110 oh we gotta get out yeah all right guys welcome to Florida that's beautiful it wasn't beautiful for very long was this no so at this point was our very first mistake as you heard us we knew it was gonna happen no we said probably 10 times throughout this video that if we go to the top someone is gonna see us because of how populated it is however we did it anyway and paid the price for it someone did actually see us at the very top and we'll get into that later what was that put your phone away we gotta make a run for it we gotta make a run for it guys we got that on camera I'm shaking right now what the wasn't it he was definitely in there following you so as you guys can see there was somebody in the premise we literally heard something slam as soon as we got to the bottom and what we saw or I think you saw a lady like in like a yellow working outfit we thought we saw someone in there we cut it down a lot but we ran a back and forth trying to avoid getting seen for probably about 15 minutes when we finally thought the coast was clear obviously were taking him very carefully comparatively to everything else that's when we kind of knew all right if someone's downstairs and we were up at the very top getting seen we're probably getting it screwed when we ran across the field we had entered through a giant opening the fence like we thought we could just walk back out and be fine however at that opening in the fence I saw a lady coming in with like one of those security vests you know like the bright orange ones and that's when we knew we were screwed so that was the entrance we came in the only other way to go was to that office place where we had to jump over a little fence and then run through the parking lot to safety it turned out it was not an office and this is where everything goes wrong we'll just play out what we have so far and then we'll let you know the full story of what happened when we couldn't film anymore go take this up put in a backpack I was a girl in a yellow security vest walking towards us through the interest that we took she's probably following us out right now we're gonna have to put away for the camera when we hop the vent but we'll tell you everything in a second like I just said at the end of the scene I was gonna pull out my phone and record and for some reason we're trying to upload this onto our premiere like editing software and it's not working so I'm gonna have to show you it on my phone right here this was literally like five seconds after I stopped recording on the camera on my phone now there's a litter your lady following us right now but I think we'll be fine especially if we go [Applause] starting the story for legal purposes for YouTube purposes and for our safety we're gonna reference that thing that police officers carry on their hip as a weapon we're not going to specify what type of weapon but you guys get the point so from my out film video you guys were able to see that we went up to a fence that had this guard post right so like you know whenever you go into like a parking garage and there's like one of those bars that lower and then you have to like click it for a ticket and then it raises it was like one of those and I have a guard post right next to it we saw a car sitting there so we just decided as soon as he was gonna press the button we'll just run right through it won't be free I don't know if you guys could hear this but there was literally someone else said hey and they said you know or like started to say something and then immediately cut my initial reaction was I'm not gonna film this there's this police officer screaming at me so I went boom like he said it was a police officer someone came full-on sprinting with a bulletproof vest on a whole getup he was pointing a weapon straight at our chests at this point we had no idea what we did wrong what we were under the impression that we're just walking out of an office building what's going on he kept screaming put your hands up put your hands up put your hands up we immediately said yes sir like we do not understand what's going on like at first I even thought it was a joke I literally thought someone like was pranking us we quickly realized it was a serious situation when this thing I came straight up to us probably about 10 15 feet away waiting straight at us this student was screaming at us saying freeze freeze freeze stop what you're doing while we were just standing there not moving at all just being like whoa what's what's going on at this point we were frozen we were not gonna go anywhere he understood that so he yelled into his walkie-talkie for backup within about 15 seconds two other cop cars swarmed us pulling out weapons pointing at our chest as well now this main guy who called in was 15 feet away these guys individual officers came straight up to us probably three feet away as far as this camera is from us there was a weapon pointed at her face this was the very first time I had ever seen a weapon pointed at me in general I don't even know if I've seen like a weapon out that often and in this moment all time seems like slow down and we were on game mode of wow our lives are in danger right now and we need to follow every single direction or else we could die and the reason why we thought that is because these guys were aggressive our main guy was obviously screaming at us but these two guys they had no idea where we had just got caught all they knew were these two random 22 year old kids we're running out of this office building and we had to look back pass and explore merch on and stuff like that they were pissed down get the we were so we got you you guys are done you guys are absolutely so we believe that immediately and we're like why why why why what are you doing at the school what school what school we were at the abandoned hospital we had no idea but that place that we were actually going through to get outside was an elementary school that tall building was an elementary school and we of course we didn't have like we had no idea I've never seen an out elementary school with more than one level it's always like flat I don't know if you guys had this where you lived but we did these things called code Reds which means that if there was a stranger in an elementary school or a school there would be a Code Red and literally the entire school gets locked down and everybody like hides like in corners of their room and stuff because there's a stranger on the property so basically there's us to 22 year old kids running with a backpack in a school of course it's a very serious situation so they call it Code Red which immediately call another three the six cops swarming us again the school cops came out all the people on the parking lot like left we were sitting there with at that point probably five weapons pointed at us they're all screaming what are we doing here we were trying to explain but we couldn't they wouldn't even let us explain like we were trying to just talk in the nude your tips what are you doing well yeah just screaming we're just like what you like we're not doing anything hands up in everything very very chill I don't know we could completely understand why they were doing that because it it looked really really bad however the way that way it went down freaked us out it was almost traumatizing because if you can imagine us - there's three or four police officers on a perimeter pointing weapons at us and there's two individual coming straight at us turning us around throwing us up up against a fence they were being aggressive screaming in your ear like this close you are up - you are going into jail and we really believe that guys I kid you not I looked over at Sam during all this chaos and I see this guy take his head and literally shove it against the fence and just start screaming or just like chill chill we're not doing anything wrong we promise and they just wouldn't believe us they they just kept yelling so immediately we were handcuffed they took my backpack they took all our phones they threw us on the ground and they kept pointing their weapons at us and called in more backup guys this was a huge deal I don't know how many because we were faced towards the fence on the ground we're told to look at the ground but we could tell there was cars on cars on cars the police actually shut down the road next to us it was insane so while they're yelling and everybody still has their weapons pointed at us and everything they put us in handcuffs very tight by the way probably still have bruises from it just kidding but it was like bad were nice to us at all dinner lettuce talk had us against the fence the entire time then shoved us onto the ground to where we were sitting crisscross towards the fence they like took our IEDs they called the Miami Police Department which we didn't clarify this but the police that were on guard of this elementary school were actually working underneath the school department so they were not technically real police officers they were the school police officers so they had to go and call the Miami Department to come down here on their way it took 30 minutes of us unable to talk to each other unable to look at each other sitting opposite facedown handcuffed and we thought it was the end we were like oh god we're going to jail we're getting arrested we're getting to find something 100% this was the scariest part guys because during all the chaos our adrenaline was pumping we were just like Oh what do we need to do and we were on that slow-motion let's figure this out mode but as soon as we got time to sit down and they kept saying you guys are you guys are going to jail like ha we caught you they were laughing in our faces basically making fun of us that was when we had the time to where I was like shoo I'm about to go to jail I'm gonna have to call my mom and tell her that I'm gonna be locked up that's one of the worst thoughts I've ever had in my life nari not even kidding and if you can imagine right now two kids growing up from Kansas like we have never experienced anything like this at all we had just looked down the barrel of five weapons pointed at our face from ten feet away and now we're getting thrown up against fences thrown on the ground telling us that we are getting yeah this was just a traumatising point in our lives and after about 30 minutes the Miami police finally showed up finally showed up and this is where things kind of take a turn because we finally had a chance to talk basically the sheriff comes out of the car asks all the school officers what the situation was and they try to explain it even though he didn't let us explain what happened he comes up to us asks us what happens we're very polite very respectful and to him just everything we say you know we're two kids we were filming a video in this abandoned hospital from LA where youtubers yeah we're not even from here we've literally just landed like an hour ago or so decided this was the easiest way to get out of the hospital and to just go through this fence and then that was saying we were gonna be on our way out we had no idea that it was an elementary school even say like up until this point we had thought it was an office building so we're so so sorry you searched our bags you saw that we had cameras he saw that we had masks and stuff like that flashlight so obviously our story you like made sense and our record was clean we had never done anything this again what we said this was two days before the actual other arrest happened that we cannot talk about how ironic a super ironic however so this guy picked us up basically said I know what you guys are doing I did the same thing when I was a kid but this building over here could fall over at any point you guys could die and I'm also do you guys realize that my men pointing out so the guys that were carrying the weapons could have fired on you and they would be in the right have all right and jurisdiction to shoot to kill us and we will be dead and we would have no one to blame but ourselves right into that moment I was like wow we actually could have died easily I wish you guys could somehow see obviously we didn't record it but I wish you could see how aggressive and unnecessarily mean they were being because then you would have a hundred percent believed that yeah we were gonna die and that's why we kept this off of social media for so long was because we had to like take time to like heal from that traumatic experience like I remember I still think about it me too me too and that night when we got to the hotel like it just ruined our entire mood for the rest of the day and we just oh man we say this was crazy experienced traumatic and unnecessarily aggressive but we can't blame anybody but ourselves we put ourselves in the situation obviously the police were just doing their job so again absolutely no hates to Miami the police department they were just doing their work obviously like telling us that we're gonna get [ __ ] and laughing at us was not a great image which was the school officers that was the school yeah not the actual Miami people everyone from the Miami team was super nice so going back to the story the sheriff after he told us that said all right these guys have basically been traumatized enough they basically looked death in the eye today I think we should just let him go after we walked away I was shaking I was like shaking for a good hour it was nuts obviously as you see us we have done videos since then were okay we're not dead obviously but we could have been it was just a traumatic experience that we've waited a long time to tell you guys because we wanted to kind of frame it a different way than the way we experienced we filmed this video the night of actually happening but we've realized that there's a much better way to come about this and we could have avoided the whole situation if we didn't go to this abandoned building so we kind of want to let you guys know this is dangerous things could happen to us or could have in the past you guys might have never seen us again after that because our mistake you never know that's why we really wanted to take this week especially just to think about everything or reflect because I just feel like I since a Maccoby 2.0 has started it's kind of just been like a weekly what can we do to do better what can we work where can we go next like how can we up this buh buh buh buh buh bah blah and it's just we need to slow down and think about situations like this to where things can go wrong we started at sama Colby 2.0 to not be in dangerous situations but we've been pushing the bar over and over and over again to where we're kind of getting back into dangerous situation right right like is it worth it is it worth our safety like whether it's paranormal or having weapons pointed on our face like I don't know this is kind of just a story to catch you up on everything that we've experienced in the past kind of learn our lesson through our actions without actually having to go through it but more the story don't do what we do I know we say explore the world but explore it in a safe way go out with a big group of friends to like public areas go travel to really cool places don't go to like sketchy parts of town or do illegal activity because you will regret it yeah leave that stupid stuff to us or our old selves yeah we're not trying to do that anymore we learned our lesson and I still think about it we obviously don't post that content anymore have we filmed four to five Florida videos that were Samak will be 1.0 types of videos we are going to be publishing those including this video in its full length on our channel memberships because we don't have a channel for it anymore you guys don't know what a channel membership is right next to that subscribe button there's a button that says join click that and you'll figure everything out yeah we have podcasts on there that go up but now for the next four or five months we're gonna have also these exploration videos that we're gonna go to waste before this we did a lot of crazy stuff dude yeah I wish videos I wish that we could too but it just wouldn't make sense for our channel so I hope you guys understand I hope that doesn't make you like upset but if we posted our explore videos right now it just would be backtracking especially with all of our court stuff going on it's just not smarter we did this video to take a break because of all the crazy stuff that we've done with Sam Colby 2.0 we kind of needed to get a better mindset at this point we don't know whether we're coming back this week or next week we just got up our plan but if you want to keep up to date obviously you can't make a video every day we have all these other socials so go check us out on Instagram and Twitter and snapchat all that stuff we'll let you guys know on our duo Twitter which again is right here if we're gonna be posting this next week but yeah that's the best way to like find out I hope you guys understand and guys we love all your support I mean I those fans in the world seriously you guys are always there for us if you enjoyed this and you like these sit-down videos just the best thing you can do for us is give it a like it shares the video gets this message out to all of our followers that'd be great and this is like the worst video to plug merch on but if you want to go get some merch you it there's a sale yeah I think this is the last week we're actually selling this to that so well oh shoot so you guys you guys gotta hurry go do it there's that too but we may or may not see you guys next Sunday but whatever Sunday it's gonna be it's gonna be at 114 PST so we'll see you on socials we'll keep you up-to-date hope you guys liked this story time [Music] welcome to my yummy flora
Channel: Sam and Colby
Views: 7,796,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sam golbach, colby brock, exploring, abandoned, exploring abandoned hospital, sam and colby abandoned hospital, sam and colby storytime, sam and colby jail, sam and colby arrested, sam and colby florida, the day we almost died, sam and colby died story, sam and colby serious, sam and colby exploring, xplr, sam golbach storytime, colby brock storytime, sam and colby scary
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 26sec (1586 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2019
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