Exploring World's LARGEST Haunted House | Winchester Mystery House

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sarah built this entire house to get rid of all the ghosts she believed that once the house was being done built she would die she could never stop building the house what's up guys it's sam mccoby and i don't know if we've told you this yet but you can text us and this is our number right here i know it sounds fake guys it looks kind of weird but trust me we've been texting back so many of you for the past couple months so i don't want you to miss out text me right now plus starting this week we're giving away five pieces of merch to y'all so freaking text us and we're gonna get you some merch and we have a super secret project that we're only telling our texting community about so guys text us if you want to be in the know trust me guys the texting people they know first so if you want to join our super secret family text us enjoy winchester what's up guys it's sarah colby today we're in san jose at the very very famous winchester mystery house and today we're hunting ghosts all right guys let's get in the spirit for some spirits so before we started filming we went on a little personal guided tour so we know a little bit about what's in this house and let me just tell you guys there are staircases that lead to nowhere 2 000 doors for no reason at all in random spots too that you wouldn't even expect it doesn't make any sense 160 rooms and yes this is technically the world's largest haunted house that's what it looks like guys it's huge oh yeah and did we mention we have it to ourselves just to show you weird door placements on the side of the house there's a door leading to a 13 foot drop i went down there and it hurt oh dude this is from the door to nowhere why would she create this some people say spirits told her to but that's the mystery we don't know why she created it like this our tour guide also said that you can sometimes see silhouettes in the windows out in the front which is terrifying i heard the guy talking earlier he said that at nighttime they'll see a david archuleta walking around here also guys we're actually brought out here to the winchester house by our friends here at hot topic who just released a winchester house line of t-shirts you guys don't know sam and colby explore line is in hot topic as well we're really cool with them so guys check out their freaking shirts yes they have a whole winchester line themselves so go check that out as well you guys want to come inside my house you guys hungry mm-hmm what do you got you want t scott burger this is all to us all night this is the first room you see when you walk into the house [Music] and here is the grand ballroom room it's crazy how much architecture went into this like of all different eras too the guy was saying like there's like a mixture of egyptian japanese like so many cultures just all in one house we want to give a little backstory to this because this is probably one of if not the most interesting place we've ever been to because of how mysterious the story is winchester house stands for the family of the winchesters also known as the people that created the winchester rifle which is one of the most famous rifles in the entire world however sarah the one that actually owned and built this entire house became a widow once her husband died and then shortly after that their child died at five weeks old everything that was important to her was taken away from her now the legend says that the reason why these guys died is because the winchester rifle that is attached to their name killed so many people that all those ghosts haunted her and her family she was really freaked out thinking that everything was going to go wrong in her life which it had been at that point so she wouldn't talk to a medium that medium told her the only way to get rid of all the ghosts of the winchester rifle would be to move out west and continue building a house constantly 24 hours a day seven days a week years on years on years never stopping they believe that the construction of the house and like the banging and all the noise of the construction would like drive away the spirits she believed that once the house was being done built she would die she thought that this house was like her life in a way which there is some proof to that because there was a time when she was about one month away from finally completing the house and that was when this whole place was seven stories tall then in 1906 there was a huge earthquake that completely destroyed the top three floors of the house proving to her that she could never stop building the house in which she did not until the day that she died there's also a room dedicated to talking to spirits here called the seance room but she went there every single night at midnight to talk to the spirits to get new ideas of what to do next with this house and like i said earlier there's like trap doors here staircases leading to nowhere as you guys saw like outside like the door that just opens on a second story with nothing below it like a lot of weird stuff she loves the number 13 there's there's 13 lights on this chandelier there's 13 little panes in the ceilings everywhere around here you'll see that everything like revolves around the number 13 which everyone assuming is her favorite number but isn't that like an evil number two am i crazy for that shut up 13 13 is a great number wasn't that started by the jason movie no friday the 13th every hotel every hotel doesn't have a 13th floor because of friday the 13th yeah all the architects that she tried to hire she denied all of them so most of the house is built by her vision and she talks to the good spirits that tell her what to build to confuse the bad spirits it's all to confuse these ghosts and to protect her how did it turn out to be such like a beautiful historic masterpiece there's a lot of flaws but it's still so i think that's that's what makes it beautiful though the craziness is beautiful like whenever you see like a door leading to nowhere you're like damn also it's said that sarah winchester only dresses in blacks if for some reason we see a cloaked figure walking around then you know it's her i hate that she was goth was an e-girl check this out should we start here go in there man and then like they'll have like weird things like this where one door will lead to nothing and it's tiny and then we have a regular door that leads to a closet like why why do you have two doors like that push in on the knob first ready yeah did sarah have that unlocked something opened yeah i think the alarm just went off yeah the door's being weird we should get out of here for sure yeah guys when you're watching us walk through this house trust me if it's as confusing as it looks it is for us as well like we're in a room right now that literally has no floor why why sarah the spirits told her to do it but why because they wanted to trick the bad spirits man okay she apparently had arthritis so every single stare is like two inches tall two inches is still big yeah two inches is huge this is the staircase to nowhere check it out so if you go in here oh my god yeah come on guys let me show you did you slam into that literally a staircase to nothing wait the rumor has it guys if you put your ears to the wall you can hear sarah humming is a closed room bro there's 13 of these little bubbles this was a hand designed window by sarah herself 13. what was with 13 wait did you did y'all just hear that that wasn't you i thought that was good no that wasn't a floor i know my words what's creepy about this house is that the floors are so wobbly that whenever you're stepping on the wood it literally you feel your foot like sinking with the wood during covid there is no one here there's one manager but he's on outside the property if you hear any noises or footsteps we're the only people in here that's the creepy part dude there's someone behind you jake [Music] the shadow man yeah i heard that too that was big yeah it sounds like something's up there sarah was 411 410 so she was here right now if her ghost was haunting the place she would be about this high which explains the short tiny doorsteps god dang it yeah this would be terrible for someone like shaq to walk through check out the size of these tiny little stairs you have to go back and forth four times to get up [Music] don't untie my shoe i was sleeping how would you like escape if there was a fire right there there's gotta be some fire hazards you would you would hit your head this is all one staircase to go up one flight of stairs what the [ __ ] where did that noise come from because there's nothing oh wait yeah he turned off like all the audio stuff i genuinely thought it was like the tv up here is it just somebody like outside that wasn't but it was three screams in a row who's screaming the property's so big we wouldn't be able to hear that someone's probably just torturing children or something that's the most logical answer i don't know about you but every single time i walk into a new spaces it's also like a different vibe in each room and like a different temperature you feel that too yes definitely okay some rooms are super cool and some rooms are super hot speaking of super hot rooms this is the sarah winchester master bedroom she actually died in here when she was 88 years old dude she might have actually like died right not in this exact bed but like right here wait dude yes yes 100 did y'all just hear that yeah there's been a lot of like footsteps and door closes in and out of that door she used to use a lot of people here it's a weird ghostly issue here's a mr winchester himself the guy who created the rifle he almost sounds like a really sad look in his eyes if he got cleaned up he'd be pretty handsome man hey i wish that's right sick be here dude [Music] guys this place is literally like a maze i don't even know where i am to be honest i don't know if we're on the third floor or the second floor i forgot honestly if she was such a recluse and she lived by herself i would not doubt that she thought she was haunted dude sometimes i think i'm haunted when i'm home alone [Music] look at that did the tour guide just let us have candles is he trying to make us do a sales so the tour guide said that we can't have actual flames in the house so we get these candles instead one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen the littlest details everything i wonder why she chose this specific room as well i feel like it's kind of like in a weird spot well apparently they call this the very center or the heart of the entire winchester house like we're on like the mid-level and like way way in the very center but this is where she would like come in and actually do real seances where she would wear 13 different cloaks hang them up every night sitting here and talk to the good ghosts see what she should build about the house to get rid of and confuse the bad ghosts so you're telling me where we're standing right now is where she decided to make her next decision on her house every single day every single day and she didn't really want to be seen up here ever so when she had like the butlers and employees and stuff they would like see her walk up here and they wouldn't know where she really like would go so she had built in a trap door where this just looks like the end of a closet so that she'd sneak in and out of this place without anybody i feel like there are so many secret passageways that people just don't know about exactly if there's 160 rooms that we do know about how many like our underground or some random place you know yeah there has to be secret stuff there's probably like at least like 13 more that we don't know about wait so are you guys down to do a seance ourselves in here this gets 1000 likes later in the video we'll do a sound yes but you have to like it right now yeah we can tell we'll put it in but if it's not 100k lights then we're going to have to cut it out my favorite part it's an amazing design she has the world's tiniest bathroom to take your shite it's a glass door so you could just watch someone take crap right there corey didn't you say you needed to take a crap who has the bathroom key we only know the things that the spirit said to her about the house because the house is so weirdly made but we know nothing about other things that the spirits probably said to her like what if they said like take a dump on the front lawn two times a day it's true we don't know anything anything i thought you're going to go like a little more deep than that like she had two hour long conversations with the spirit realm but like the taking of dumb things no yeah but think about all the things that the spirits have told her she had two hour long conversations with something upstairs for 38 years that sounds like they took over her whole life yeah they're probably like it's one potato a day two steak one broccoli three water two apple juice did you think it was that detailed for those of you guys at home to think like she's just some crazy woman who was she talking to you know she was every night she was the only person that would go up there she would not let any butler any employee ever go into the seance room who was she talking to for 38 years why would she spend that much time talking to these spirits if there truly wasn't anyone there what if she was talking to her family she actually was talking to her husband my husband's like build a staircase to wall build a window on ground this is like a victorian wreath every little part of this whole wreath is made out of human hair hair you guys see that you can see hair where there everywhere where hair oh right here right there you know if i really wanted to i could just take you down in the ground strangely until you die and nobody would ever know because we're alone in this house me and sam would know he always does that he invites me to play these fun games and then he just dips he runs away i don't get it can i make a bracelet of your hair i think the coolest part of sarah winchester's house is it comes with 7-eleven staircase specifically not the gas station uh it's the staircase so you go down seven stairs but then go up 11 stairs but you're still on the same floor why would you why would you do that at all you know they were uneven stairs one stay on one side's bigger than the other [Music] i don't know if you guys know about this but seven means like good and like heaven and stuff like that it's like a heavenly number but 13 is the opposite of that very bad do you think it was something religious that she was going through a lot of people were saying that she was in constant grief for this whole 38 years until she died because you know her husband and her only child died since you're a little kid don't you guys have like a number that has always like stuck with you that like you do stuff in that order what's your number three so you do things in threes she does that in 13 that's why corey only wipes his ass for three seconds yeah i've only wiped my ass three times even if it still needs more after three wipes are wasting toilet paper true this is daisy's bedroom so apparently this is her first bedroom before she was able to make her other one until one day they had an earthquake this whole wall caved down and locked her inside and they had to pry her out and you can still see the pry marks right there by the tools the crowbar crowbar like she was so close to being done with the construction and then something just destroyed everything coincidence i think not so this is what i was talking about earlier literally the wood bends with your foot i feel like i'm going to fall through well they said that there was a lot of furniture taken out so there was a purpose at one point and i think this were almost full you think this is the place to fall that's what the trap house needs jake i could push you right now and kill you yeah intrusive thought have you ever had an intrusive thought have you ever been with your uncle and you're just like what if i just beat the [ __ ] out of you right now you don't really want to it's called an interesting thought oh my god oh dude oh did you just hit your head what was this for that's the smoke lounge you can really tell why she's like 4 11. i can't even imagine like a 4 foot girl just like walking around here like it's our house like hello okay so this is the witch's cap they say this room changes it smells like blue yeah it did not smell like this the first time so the only information we have on this room is that sarah liked it it was very special to her could have been a seance room as well but it looks like a witch's hat and it said that a lot of employees a lot of guests would not even set foot in here so i don't know how we're always coming in here chilling that was horrible the tour guide said that if you stood on this exact mark right here only right here and then like face that way and just set something in your ankle yeah cause it's like does none of you know naughty flushed it out of [ __ ] it does that though i really thought you were gonna fart for it and then here's the highest point of the entire winchester mystery house this is what we were looking for you guys didn't notice this but it probably took us at least 20 minutes just to find this because it's so confusing you have to like go downstairs and cross a hallway and then find other stairs that go higher to just get to this spot but dude it feels so peaceful up here yeah it's nice [Music] [Applause] [Music] they say that most people when they hear their hauntings or our footsteps is through this hallway right there okay he's mine jake okay so this is rumored to be the single most haunted room even more than the seance room for some reason yeah apparently guests that come here even people that work here now don't even step foot in this room for some odd reason nobody knows why but there's nothing in here you know everything got like completely destroyed during the earthquake i don't know why but maybe we should try to make contact here too so guys this is basically the end of the tour there's like so many different rooms but these are all like the biggest hot spots and the crazy stuff so now i guess it's time to start contacting some ghosts wait we forgot about one spot what's that the basement the dungeon oh there we go the wheelbarrow goes guy i won't go down there wait what's what's the wheelbarrow ghost apparently there's been people that will come up after a tour and they'll be like oh your actor down there he's really good and they're like who and they're like you know the wheelbarrow guy the guy walking down there pushing the wheelbarrow and they're like we have no idea what you're talking about like that's not the tour oh my god he was one of the original workers that worked for sarah oh he's really old what year did sarah die no 1922 something like that he's only 100 years old dog oh i'm sorry i guess he had the wheelbarrow when he was zero dude smell right here it smells like a meal oh yeah god dang it i don't know if you were filming i was like it smells like cheerios in here it smells like feet in there it smells like that that is just the conversation me and jake just had that each room has a different smell and a different temperature colby did the seance room smell like feet to you yes yeah yes it smells really bad and then the witch's room smells like piss dude just look at this really quick what [Music] that looks so scary it looks like a jail cell great is there like lights or something oh yeah nice so like corey was saying oh my god wait why did that flicker corey did you do that yeah just like cory was saying a little bit earlier if you look down this hallway apparently people have been able to see somebody with a wheelbarrow there's a light that keeps turning on and off back see look wait just watch watch look what the [ __ ] oh what the [ __ ] didn't they set that up or something what the [ __ ] is that well i've seen scary movies [ __ ] that dude so we shouldn't go down all right cory you go down and check it out wait so see wait now now it's on why is it just i hate that i'll go with jake goes yeah go go guys you got this jake's just going for it if he gets murdered right now he'd be so mad imagine dude i hate that he's just trying to be funny come on don't walk down here oh my god jake jake [Music] [Applause] really quick guys so what you're seeing right now is just like the plot points of our adventures but if you guys want to see unseen footage and some bloopers and just all around weird hilarious content that we don't put on our youtube channel then you can sign up for our channel memberships we also have podcasts on there and extra videos for you guys again we're always gonna be posting these videos this is just extra content for you guys if you want it and to join you just gotta click that big blue button that says join right next to subscribe so see you in the membership come on comrades assemble assemble yes yes yes comrade this is what we're gonna do we're gonna split up here's your flashlight there's your camera which places do you guys want to go explore three two we should go to utah i want to explore the castle oh my god i'm seeing purple everywhere all right here i'll tell you where you're going to go then you're going to go to the witch's cabin oh the place that smells like yeah and then you're going to go to her room sam and i will take the most haunted room sound like a plan split up on three one two three four logical thing to do in a house is split up on three one two [Music] just hear that three so we're on our way to the most haunted room right now and there's already creeks down this hallway again no one's in this house except for us jake and corey are way way on the other side you can faintly hear their voices okay how do we get there that's a real question oh yeah it's through this creepy f hallway oh my god why would you have a freaking grandma's chair right there the rocking chairs are always the worst jake what do you know where we're going no is this the witch's cat oh it is we found it dude now what this is no bro oh yeah it does kind of smell like peanut butter i'll just say this might be like a different smell bro it smells weird yeah that's so weird what do you think this room was for i have no idea dog ready i'm going to test this out oh i have to face this sword apparently this is the most haunted room all right so again like we said we have no idea why this is haunted we got zero backstory but apparently just people get weird vibes in here and just always want to leave so i don't even know what this would be used for keep quiet for two seconds see if anything just does anything if not i say i was called to things maybe try the spirit box sarah winchester if you or any of your workers or anybody or any spirit that's still living here want to make contact with us please let us know we've heard a lot of stories about this particular room is there any spirit that can hear me right now that wants to make themselves known to us this is your chance [Music] so this is what the the tour guide told us that like people feel a vertigo dizziness slash nausea and when i first walked in here i kind of felt like a little queasy not like to where i was gonna throw up or anything but it was definitely like a different vibe like yeah like this is definitely a different happiness than the rest of the house like this is definitely like dull and like i mean like look at the vibe of the room it just looks kind of like beat up old comparatively to all the architecture and the painting art throughout the rest maybe try a spare box yeah we can try that all right so bro do you hear that yeah [Music] if you are in this house or if you are in this room with us this device that i'm holding will let you be able to communicate with us so sarah if you're here with us can you please make this device blank to a different color i'm gonna try talking to whoever can hear me right now one more time this thing that i'm holding will let you communicate with us make this flicker to a brighter color this is a spirit box it scans radio frequencies very very very quickly and if there's a spike in energy then that means the radio word will pop out so if the spirit is trying to connect with you it'll use these words to answer our questions so sarah winchester if you're in this room please let us know through skirt box right now [Music] does any spirit want to communicate with us right now [Music] if you tell us to leave right now we will leave do you want us to leave this room we didn't get anything just talking here or even getting things investigating here either so maybe just this room isn't as haunted right now yeah so let's go change up locations if you died by the winchester or if you're named sarah or if you worked in this house please give us a sign that you're still here come on makes on the knock hit the wall let's go to our bedroom instead yeah let's go guys we took a pit stop in the ballroom immediately after sarah winchester died apparently every single worker that was working for her because i remember they were working 24 7. as soon as they heard her that she died they dropped everything and left so they're still half hammered in nails and everything from when they left they just really want to get out of there obviously they weren't treated that well however when the word got out to the public everyone came into the house trying to find her treasure she hit her most valuables in this room right here not one door that opens up to a complete steel door to what a six inch safe that opens up to another safe that opens up to a bend and in these bends right here was the eulogy and will and a lock of hair from her daughter and her husband so that shows you that out of all of her riches and everything that she has owned the most important thing to her was still family [Music] oh is this her bedroom is it it is yes that took so long that took so long dude that's what she looks like what was that it sounded like something crawling on the wall what what was that dog that literally sounded like crawling in the ceiling that was like in the walls oh my dude it was in the walls listen sarah sir are you in here sarah if that's you could you make that noise again if that's not sarah can you make that noise again what the [ __ ] it was that was an eye sarah did you just knock on the wall if that's you talking to us can you please knock on the wall again sarah why did you make your house like this dog for real what was that i don't know we weren't creaking it we're staying still no we saw my creeps no bro that was something in the walls it was knocks and crawls [Music] you're standing right over where she died [Music] what was that oh what it went to red it went all the way to red sarah if that is you can you please oh what the [ __ ] [Music] oh my god right where her body was dude well i'm scared [Music] so guys we're sitting right here we hear footsteps like as if it's walking in the room we thought it was sam and colby we are gonna we yell their name nothing happens i said let's go explore and jake goes we'll only do it if we hear it again and then immediately footsteps right here like and it wasn't just no like it was like eight footsteps [Music] i heard [Music] oh that worked out perfectly right when we walked in we heard like something crawling up the wall oh right by her bed did you guys get anything on the reader oh yeah we put this on the bed next to our pillow and we were trying to see if the door was closed and this just started going off really it went off nowhere else nowhere just on her bed and that's where she died right where she died yeah we did not catch near that much so that's crazy but uh you know what time it is now guys are you ready what time is it now um what you say well is that it yeah every single night sarah winchester did oh right when you said sarah winchester just went all the way to red all right to the sound stream we're gonna go [Music] this has a quick reminder this is where sarah went every single night at midnight to 2 a.m to try to talk to the spirits and apparently every single night they gave her another clue of what to build next to this house all right let's give ten seconds of silence to actually get in zone because like if this is the largest haunted house in the world we should be okay something because all right just take 10 seconds look eyes closed all right what's up yeah it's like this yeah but even lighter yeah oh yeah way better like it's in the wolves any spirit in this room that wants to communicate with us please feel free to take our energy from either the camera or ourselves to make some sort of sound or sign does anything else feel like the floor getting very rocky yeah i feel the floor rocking what was that that was a female voice yeah we're in the very center of the house sarah winchester is this you giving us did you just hear that yeah no there's something else right before you said yeah sarah oh my god there's no electronics near either way it's it went off for like a whole 10 minutes please do anything right now make a noise hit the wall and we'll stay oh it's just a bug right what'd you hear i heard like a yeah like almost like a cricket noise or something like that yeah if there's a spirit here show yourself we want to talk to you okay this is the last chance this is your only time to prove that there is some sort of spirit here at the winchester house please give us some sort of sign what the [ __ ] what was that right now hey what's up oh my god dude right itself says that the odds i thought satan was walking into the room and he's about to throw me off a cliff i thought satan wanted me to [ __ ] my pants and it was right at midnight so it was probably just sarah winchester coming up to do a sean so what do you guys think about the winchester house i totally think it's haunted bro i think it's haunted i think we got a little bit unlucky tonight but there's definitely some weird stuff about this yeah do you guys not remember what me and jake got true there was someone [ __ ] crawling in the walls yeah that's going to be crazy five times and we did get a lot of k2 spikes as well i'm not saying this is debunked by any means this is a crazy house and like jq's pointing out a lot of the mysteries in the labyrinth and the architecture of this like why you know it's such a weird mystery it's this huge puzzle that no one can understand and that hurts my head so guys if you guys want us to go and check out another haunted house in the united states please get this to over 150 000 likes and we will go do anything you guys say in the comments we have explore merch and hot topic as well as hot topic is now carrying this new winchester mystery house line so go check that out go get it and again guys this is season three sam and colby so it's gonna be all new crazy content we're just getting started so don't miss out subscribe right now it's literally free we'll see you guys next one with another video adios [Music] i know what i want
Channel: Sam and Colby
Views: 3,902,875
Rating: 4.9708743 out of 5
Keywords: sam and colby, exploring, abandoned, overnight, treasure hunting, sam&colby, sam & colby, sam golbach, colby brock, sam colby, xplr haunted, exploring haunted mansion, winchester mystery house, exploring haunted house, sam and colby scary, sam and colby haunted, sam colby jake corey scary, sam and colby paranormal, sam colby winchester house, sam and colby overnight, overnight in abandoned mansion, overnight winchester mystery house, sam and colby mansion
Id: FV2xyTwVN-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 6sec (2586 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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