A Horrifying Encounter At ABANDONED Warehouse

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why the heck are you in Kansas I know this is gonna sound crazy but like since we parted ways in Hawaii I've just had this immense like heavy feeling the fact that we're like a fecking our friends is what needs to change yeah then across that little box you brought do it wait we still have that oh yeah yeah yeah look at this look at this this is the first thing I ever brought back from the warehouse this is the way you get haunted you take something from the source and it latches on you with leeches dude that's what we need to burn you know we did the fire ritual and wishes for us what we need to burn is in that box what time is it we need to let the Sun down right now let's go let's get in there real quick do neighbors call the cops last to be back here yo you remember that frog we found last time I did I bet he's got a whole frog family there believe we're staying overnight again coming full circle [Music] let's go look at that [Music] [Music] I think that I'll see you marry that alright guys so the reason why we had to run is a lot of the neighborhood people call the cops on people that come back here and as you know we don't have a great history with abandoned places if a lot of you guys have not seen the warehouse videos we've done in the past we used to go to this place all the time like this group went here every day like ever every single weekend this is the place where you hung out this is the reason why we started exploring a bad this warehouse is where everything started crazy is the place that I found this box was called the murder room and not that many people know this story and I think we told it in our last video but the murder room is where obviously a lot of people have gotten murdered all the time we used to see people get helicoptered out of this warehouse because they got killed in a specific room that's where I found the box but we were never able to open it so I didn't think it was that big of a deal that's that's the main area what do you mean we're going the wrong way are you sure yeah this will lead up and around I don't remember that looking like this do I Oh God hmm that's where it starts gosh see this place there gives me the creeps man you remember that feeling you got the first time we ever broke in here dude that was gnarly yeah oh my we just made it before sundown this is gonna be horrified [Music] yeah this is where it all started what the hell is that did that thing just freak out oh dude that thing just died in front of you yeah it's freaking out right now alright changeable lights real quick there we go damn dude this is so different that you see a big giant wall there with the window oh my god I got so destroyed dude trees go up we got to be more careful this time cuz it's another like 6 years old dude do you remember that hole in the roof over here that Colby almost fell out so you want ups and do they fly in you [Music] you guys feel heavier in here oh yeah was it just cuz we pull where dude this place is so different yeah what do you mean rules they're on Kobe are you almost like yeah right there what is that sound like my gosh Moschino on what about that let's find some sort of like a base camp alright wait what were you saying about this we turn the cameras off to put on bug spray because I was getting eaten alive yeah you would be really mean to that horsefly I'm just kidding dude so the last time I was here there is this artist I think the names Graham on both sides of this wall and did just incredible that's unfortunate if we're supposing that this place is where we caught those those demons are ghosts at whatever yeah um the verse Romans 8 5 through 6 according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires but those who live in accordance with the spirit have their minds set on what the spirit desires the mind governed by the flesh is death but the mind governed by the spirit is life and peace and is it any surprise that right through that message yeah that's messed up Dan I just can't believe we're back and this this is ten times worse than the first timers day yeah hot there's bugs or more haunted and we came here eight we have to stay so long it feels like it feels like the sound of someone smacking their food oh god I just I look very greasy I look like I was in a sauna what was that yeah dude remember a last video we'll put a clip at it but the door is started randomly slamming the middle of the night in the murder room in the murder yeah killed us actually it's a scary bird that was terrible yeah died by bird yeah pretty yet yeah bring it on birds okay you know what I do remember about this place the noises yeah he just made wasn't absolutely horrified every two seconds speaks man it's freaky dude there was a massive wall right there it got destroyed no idea sorry sorry what was that it was the UH those wind thing is on top rotating oh you went on a prisoner yeah positive because I freaked out so much that I turned off the camera and turn it back on that's a lot of fruit you know there's a lovely I mean it's gonna show you freaked out we film it I'm trying to film it I filmed it twice that it turned off oh yeah look right here that way of like that we said something was like big Nick and we'd try to kill it oh yeah yeah we shut it okay go we do I don't know if I even like this place it's nostalgia but during the night it's major haunted I don't think we'd I don't think I even said that like every single time we go here something happens right well the last time noises has happened over there dude I still have like dreams about that yeah yeah that's freaky man it was when you have that long beautiful hair Nate what happened yeah what happened oh my god was that a bullfrog okay it was acting somebody going oh yeah let's say death of those ogre that's the sound cows make when they make more cows but cows are all female so how would I having me you're right hey you Discalced me whatever they want chill chill so what happened to your hair I told you I just got rid of it yeah I liked it full on Eleanor Anna I grow my hair out alright you want to race so you can get those two their nipples first I have to be able to grow facial hair for 22 years so I think you might win that oh no way dude look look look save a Colby fan you did right where we did the video yeah that's awesome I wonder if there's like more stuff about that cuz we filmed what six video there we did I don't know dude like graffiti wears off you know what I mean yeah that's crazy that was awesome it was the place we found Jenga wasn't it about that corner over there past the murder room yeah I think we should go over there let's go back yeah to our old base camp and it'll be good on there's the murder room no there isn't oh my gosh up there last time oh this is where is the door slam and there was a bird in here that was swooping door slammed like five times and the reason why they call it the murder room obviously the murders but there used to be red paint all over the home away from home yeah yeah yeah I'm 48 that's eight hours when sunrise Siri when does the Sun Rise [Music] Hey okay cool so a little bit before six eight hours eight hours from now we got this all right Sam you were so adamant about getting here superfast thing you knew what to do so what do we need to do I honestly think I know how to reverse this but it's this thing called the moon ritual and to do right we need to wait till 12 o'clock midnight did you just forget about that until you saw the box like what made you remember just like just remembered randomly you have a light you have a light [Music] oh my god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] there's no later I like putting something together if all standing around something wait I don't know [Applause] sorry we go where'd it go we have to let go you gotta be quiet we go to the back this way yeah I stacked the previous thing that's ever happened in our life like that while standing in a circle chanting just way they could be doing something okay let's just hide out here for like you know 20 days and see if the loud noises they're making cops are gonna come that's right cops will definitely go oh yeah we're gonna be because we're gonna be haunted for the rest of you in forever yeah we came here supposedly do that ritual which we about to explain you know what this is right what this is this is the energy of whatever's following I was trying to stop us from getting rid of this thing dude I just got yeah of course this would be happening to us as soon as we're trying to get rid of our energy once and for all something comes in randomly and stop Hey [Music] you
Channel: Sam and Colby
Views: 4,202,915
Rating: 4.9533277 out of 5
Keywords: sam golbach, colby brock, exploring, abandoned, sam and colby, 24 hour challenge, paranormal investigation, sam and colby series, sam and colby haunted, haunted overnight, overnight in abandoned, kansas series, the origin, exploring abandoned building, ghost hunting, sam and colby overnight, sam and colby queen mary, scary videos, top 10 most haunted, sam and colby scary, abandoned warehouse, they came for us, scary overnight challenge, overnight challenge
Id: 7PWa97xjSYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 5sec (1205 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 07 2019
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