THE GRAVEYARD: The Night That Changed Us Forever... (FULL MOVIE)

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I would love to see them go back to London. The London series was probably my all time fave S & C content. It was by far the most scary, in my opinion.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/mandyb120 📅︎︎ Jan 05 2022 🗫︎ replies

I want them to come back to the UK it would be a great series like last time.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/gacha_riverdal 📅︎︎ Jan 12 2022 🗫︎ replies
what's up guys the same ecole we just wanted to say before we started this video that this video is sponsored by currents so does last weekend was Black Friday and a lot of people were telling us that they got paid but when they try to deposit their check to the bank the bank took so long to doing the transactions that they couldn't afford the deals they couldn't get the March so we'd like to introduce you to the black premium card which allows you to get your paycheck in your bank up to two days faster so current isn't like any other banks that has no hidden fees no overdraft in no minimum balance so it's the card you need to get this is the card of the future you can connect it to cash app venmo you can either deposit your own checks directly from the app itself and guys listen it only takes two minutes to sign up and then your current card is gonna be shipped to you for free my favorite part is the app notifies you when you spin it automatically helps you put away money into savings pods I don't have a problem with spending but this has helped me so guys get with the times get card it's the first link in the description down below and enjoy the video [Music] Santa will be right here with a sound good Davis voice our next guests have cultivated quite the following this time we took ourselves and our friends to the UK this is our scariest one yet like by far for a long time like I was basically an atheist but the more and more we do paranormal investigations and everything I believe more there is something out there that's awesome we captured this we want to show as many people as possible [Music] what's up guys it's Sam and Colby welcome back to our next series going international this time and speaking of we just finished buying the tickets for our next trip we came all the way over to our friend's birthday party because Cory and Jake are both here right now so we're gonna Surprise them with for the news yes [Music] darling step in cowboy boots and this comes out in a month that trends gonna be dead that trend died two years ago if we're talking dog ears I never learned it small second goes a couple months ago when he first talked about this we said we were gonna go one international but to to the most haunted places in the world so after doing some research there is a country this is actually the most haunted country in the entire world what that means is there is more ghosts or paranormal activity per capita than any other place ever it's the home of the Black Death killing tens of thousands of people we're going England oh my god wait no this is not real where the cameras okay hold up Queen Elizabeth Queen Mary Ellen the senior-class Queen Elizabeth is Queen Mary and that's the Bloody Mary Queen Mary Queen Mary from the ships yeah that's something we didn't tell you guys but the home of the Queen Mary the one that we all know is in England you're barking up the wrong tree brother going to the home of Queen Mary guys are you excited let's break it catch some ghosts international goes we went to the Queen Mary ship mm-hmm do we all agree that was like the craziest investigation you're anything that's almost ever happened definite wait now we're going to her house what's gonna happen is we are now not as haunted or not haunted at all so we're just going there to invest to reopen it okay where are we going are we going to her house we're going here going we do to her country where we'll be surprised but you guys can't know yeah you can't know about something boat yeah let's just say we'll get there surprise this with traumatic experiences Thanks that's what we do best pack your bags or going to London baby see haunted ship imagine what our house is gonna be she on the flattened boat what do you think our house is gonna be listen guys we're gonna be fine because we have the power of friendship yes friendship come defeat and he goes out there in the entire world ready 1 2 3 friendship fresh I think a big friendship problem [Music] robots we in London brick wall Hager maker brick I'm aside for new ventures yo give this video a big fat like if you think between dumb thing look at how different the condoms look here are you guys gonna be safe driving on the opposite side of the road oh my god I didn't even think about that the steering wheel Bravo Oh No how are we gonna how we're gonna do this right from the left all right you're gonna drive okay we're gonna make you drive opposite side you all your hands have to be like this so I just kind of wait yeah we're in London all right be careful we're screwed wow we don't have insurance you're not supposed to turn that way there's only an arrow pointing that way oh dude dude every one foot forward and you open this [Laughter] all right let's go we're putting a lot of trust in you you gotta actually pay attention and be careful because you don't have insurance on the star Zim insurance go be the steering wheel back why do you take it oh god there's people too we don't even have service in here they're like fine while we're going Sam you gotta try but everyone's against you okay all right boy so this is what we're doing going to the Langham Hotel which is known as the most haunted hotel in the UK and also top ten in the whole world yeah that's fine dude that's great hey let's go on a trip we're not haunted anymore let's go to the most haunted hotel in the world yeah I thought you said you were ready for bigger bigger things I know there's a difference from like investigating and then like you being asleep and a demon taken over your body because you can't tell because you're asleep I actually belong to the Abba international order of Exorcist I'm a demonologist the thing that's always our problem is no matter where we go like it always just seems to like we catch something every time you could be stuck being in this medium world in our last series the origin we talked to those guys like a demonologist he says he's white we're a lot better at it than normal and he thinks we have a gift so this whole trip is trying to prove that our group is the best ghost hunters on YouTube and because of that we are meeting with two pair experts of the studying the paranormal and demonology for years and we're doing an interview here in an hour yes the best because we wanted to get professionals into this because we're just little little boys illness just died it was a car literally in our lane coming straight at us you can drive on any lane here I'm just gonna take this one laying ham Hotel most haunted place CDC big big brown what oh here we go yeah awesome thank you so much my bags will see in the room so we have a reservation under Goldbach we put in a request we don't know if it was being able to be fulfilled but we're trying to do room 3 3 3 absolutely you've been out getting nothing oh really ok sweet they said we didn't it so that's perfect we heard online that room 333 was like haunted or something like that this is why you have the camera yeah there is the collection yes have you heard anything about that we can't tell you my do you believe that personal in one year that I've been here I didn't have any complaints and so on but you can check let me stay there with a camera [Music] you guys don't mind being come right of course fast forward a little bit guys we just checked into the hotel we want to reintroduce you guys formally and you state your name and what she kind of do and the spontaneous cases committee of the Society for psychical research founded in London in 1862 whoa all right my name is Rosie a Carol I'm a member of the ghost club sweet my name is Sam this is Colby Jake and Corey or coming for our channel but these guys are always into it and whoa there's so many things are correct everywhere yeah guys we're just gonna hear a bunch of cracks throughout the entire interview but right as we turned around from checking in you guys are asking us about room 333 we just rented out room 3 3 you everybody stupid we don't even have any told them why that's a significant number but do you guys know much about room 3 3 here in the Lancome hotel where the story goes that's a Victorian doctor spent the night in room 33 with his bride it was his wedding night who knows the circumstances but the story goes he actually murdered his bride 3 3 3 so fast forward now to 1973 and the journalist James Alexander Gordon was staying in room 3 3 3 whoa he's woken in the middle of the night and it said he saw a fluorescent ball of light that slowly formed into the figure of a man but there was something strange about this man he was dressed in full evening suit very smart but the bottom half his legs were actually missing now the Robert the journalist actually tried to speak with the figure but the figure didn't speak to him he just walked towards him with his arms I wish brilliant the journalist ran off as most people would the other story that's associated with the room is there was a famous cricketer he was staying at the room and in the middle of the night he was woken by the sound of taps turning on he went into the bathroom water was gushing out through the tax do you guys know what else happened with the faucet some attempts Queen Mary we had a pretty crazy experience at the Queen Mary in Long Beach California a while back but anyway continue story okay well story guys turned off the tap went back to the bed what he could hear was still the sound of running water gushing out it's not so you know the claps the interesting thing is like when I hear a story like that there's a theory that ghosts are tape recording in some way and quite often when they you can only see half the body it's possible that maybe the floors been slightly lowered raised at some point can you explain that a little more ghosts or apparitions or anything could be a tape recording what do you mean by that one theory is some certain types of students possibly associated with a damp atmosphere as well can kind of hold a particularly traumatic experience and we play it like a tape recording under certain circumstances you can't really communicate with them but that's why you get a ghost is the same walk and maybe walks in a wall what I do it might be one time so you can't interact with it because it's literally just a thing that's playing over and over again of an eighth of an experience yeah that's interesting I never thought of it like that that makes a lot more sense you know a lot of the things that we experience have to do with each other I don't know if we see repetitive stuff overnight I mean you see the same shadow figure often doing the same thing okay so we don't have to if you talk about it that gives it energy and it makes it more active and makes it more go to you yeah see that's why I won't talk about overall do you guys believe that the Langham hotel is haunted happy not stayed here myself I haven't paid for my debt they're saving a lot of stories and the fact that there's also a story that Butler and Napoleon and the butler's on the third floor as well very justly we have two rooms on the third floor I also had that a German princess meant to have jumped out of the window and his ghost is also seen but you know with every theory with every story you want to go in yourself and find out and see if you actually sense anything or see anything because you know stories can't get changed over the years I think you guys will be in a better position to tell us after a couple of days can you guys pick up on energies is that something that you think you're gifted with or is it more just like your ghost hunters like us I can sometimes pick up on energy or especially when I kind of just go into a room for a first time sometimes I get a real sense of all something's here and then it tends to sort of fade away so I can pick up all the feelings but I don't necessarily know what what's causing it but like walking in here did you feel anything or was no no when I first came in so everything into the house how about us are you guys ever really concerned about your safety of putting yourselves in these dangerous situations I'm not because there is deep down there's no real history let's assume the paranormal exists which is came to the question itself but there's no real history of anyone coming to serious harm on it pull together probably the potential them of scary phenomena nobody has as far as I can see other than the odd scratch in the armor what have you come to serious harm and that's always a good place to start if somebody's being scared by it I hope I'm not going to prove the exception I do think if somebody's kind of a bit mentally fragile or getting involved in ghost hunting could be potentially dangerous especially things like Ouija boards people can get drawn into that and and I've heard some horrible things coming through Ouija boards that have quite upset people whether they're true or not the people involved certainly believed they had got in touch with something you're not in your head you have an experience like hundreds like for like six years I've played with Ouija boards in my house growing up the house that I lived in for apply like 16 years like we haunted it it probably got haunted when I was like 10 or 11 because that's when like I first discovered a Ouija board and started playing with it and then after that it became like a party trick I would just have my friends come over and be like hey look at this I'm gonna talk to ghosts and then I would say something on the Ouija board the lights would flicker like my closet would open and when I was younger I didn't know that 3 a.m. was like that serious but it is but we would put my phone in the hallway and put it to record only audio every time to be pulling into the room to listen we would catch like whispers and to the phone like yeah that's a good save root of 3 3 3 and 3 I am great time is that by to get 666 oh my god you said you were like slightly skeptical do you believe in ghosts they thought that there might be something else is kind of fascinating everybody obviously reading about it and hearing about it fascinates them still and if you want to take it one stage further actually investigating and trying to find out even just convincing myself would be absolutely fascinating that's why we do it especially a cold man I've been on we were very very skeptical but over the years like just seeing all this it kind of makes us believe in more and kind of you know like you said like the fact that there is a mystery something greater out there it's kind of I don't know we're awarding so I guess the last question would be what advice would you have for people like us we don't really know what we're doing we're just doing our YouTube being so any advice first of all always keeping in mind if a friend or a colleague is in genuine trouble and obviously put away the cameras and it's about them don't use too much equipment most people don't know how what they're trying to record and that would be my first level of answering the question ok the second level is some math of a copy of mine book and vedettes oh thank you so much my advice for ghost hunt is is don't ghost hunt on your own because anything you see you need a witness it's no good you saying I've seen a ghost but if two people see the same go student team thing then it becomes interesting and then I'd also say keep the camera running because the number of times I've saturated with the tape recorder turned off that's when the noise this happen because I don't think guys necessarily wanna be yeah caught on camera or make contact you know yeah yeah and a lot of times you could just be having a normal conversation and something will happen well again thank you so much where can they find you I know you can find you through your book but if you Google Society for psychical research it will come up and the guy's condom ignite 18 1861 thank you so much for the information you know try try to use that and our adventures try to be more safe with that [Music] what you guys think about those people that's pretty cool oh it was pretty cool cousin awesome you but I feel like big peepee big peepee feel like they looked at us or like amateurs you guys don't even know how to go stunt I know but it was interesting how he said he was slightly skeptical even though that was his job oh my god I feel like being skeptical was part of being a professional but the one thing that he was scared of was room 333 across the street let's do it I'm spending that in the most haunted hotel in the world [Music] [Music] and IO mateys oh wait that's Austria what's up guys it's Sam Colby that way I don't know if you guys can notice or not but we all got a little bit of souvenirs I got the Queen and I am his queen Oh so you pretty much got me Sam we decided we wanted to give you guys a little bit of history and tell you a bit of the scary stories and scary things that have happened here back in 1776 George Washington defines the Declaration of Independence with his foreskin hair the hotel was built in 1865 so 500 rooms all supposedly haunted now and as you guys heard from the earlier interview there's been a lot of different types of goes under someone commit suicide oh yes yes no the dude the dude killed his wife here in room 33 in our room in room 333 that's like the main to it so like you said the German Prince stayed here and jumped out of his window also a doctor not only killed his wife in the room that we're staying in then also killed himself no that's just the stuff that happens in 333 but all of the third floor is the most haunted I was just reading this online it's so hot that you like can't sleep at night cricket teams stay here during their competitions and they like always reports that they can't fall asleep especially before games and they just get back so Hollyweird dude it's hot right now it's like damn bro that's a big fit right there that's a my graphic see that's what that's what little pomp in Konya yeah yeah so kind of like the Biltmore Hotel and the Stanley Hotel this is another was that he's haunted that we have a bunch of scary equipment and ghost equipment stuff so we'll probably just play like the waiting game tonight see if anything happens a son of literally summoning demons and putting ourselves in danger did you boys hear that no well is that another ghost did you actually hear something there's egos a lot I heard like like an animal of some sort Y like a duck guys I literally just found this egg what's your name do you know with all that display right there even though we're messing around now we are wanting to be more professional this trip actually gonna try to find out if this place is haunted like they said it's case by case we don't know if everything's paranormal a lot of things that have been in the past happen for normal but hey right now could be just a myth so let's go find out cheers Cheers 333 that's good we just hit level three and we told the concierge to bring up all the luggage oh my god I just asked a worker which way around 333 was and he goes oh room 3 3 3 it's that way well I guess so reluctantly why couldn't he just say that way I know he knew something was like why are y'all staying in 3 through 3 that was like the look on his face oh wait wait it's that way yes and look at all these random and painting that's like what is that dude again the same exact paintings - just that creepy room 3 3 3 I got butterflies I got butterflies Oh Donna find you but there's a ghost alright so this is the most haunted room in the most haunted hotel in all of London room 3 3 3 and it doesn't why are you very good oh nice like old people you know what that means that means a Tony dude it's tiny obviously four guys on this one bad I know we've never done it before done before damn guys we'll just have to squeeze dude two people got murdered in here it's so tiny what the window you can't jump out because that guy that committed suicide you know what it freaks me out look at how tiny this room is just do a circle do a circle yeah somewhere in this room it could be right where Jake's lang could be where I'm standing could be where you're standing someone got murdered and two people got new people what is that is it locked [Music] oh my god and didn't they see online how hot the room is yeah it's hot guys it's literally like in the 90s in this room see I wonder why rooms like this have so much evil energy that it just makes people douche like that you know what I mean like I never understood that man getting possessed or is it more like just the negative energy making people sort of press that they feel suicidal in their own of themselves both and then I personally I think that like because it's room 333 that is like what brought negative energy to this hotel well 333 is like a devil's number in itself right it's mocking like the Holy Trinity yeah if you if you hear a knock three times and that means it's making fun of them like god oh my god I can't even why are so many people died in this room bro and it's so small yeah like really pitching like just like a dead body laying right where we are I just got chills really what the frak is that looks like a demon drawing why do they put scary drawings in haunted rooms what [Music] just kidding we need to burn these robes oh I'm not trying to have any more robes move when we're sleeping okay oh we should leave the closet open while we investigate will be what is that oh you did not just open an umbrella indoors you can sleep in here I'm gonna sleep in the hallway we do have a second room oh yeah we got two rooms like there's no way we can all just like to share this bed where's the second room at it's just down the hallway I think it's like yeah I mean we can if you want to look safe really nice how did you do this it was locked early Sam Sam they took out the things to stop it from going up do we just try that though reach me and Sam tried opening it it was locked we go in there that opens up like five inches cuz the window locks the window locks are now not there whoa open that all the way up creaking that was happening during the interview yeah it sounded like I don't know like I got there yeah why not creaking but like I'm never saying like really high pitch yeah did you did you just do that the table just went quick those are backwards I can't wrap my mind around the fact I like to like in-betweener yeah we're like on the bed it's so think about blood be everywhere just soaking everything and then just have to strip everything out and remodel it I'm say in a way how they died well it is like getting late so let's go explore the other room the whole hotel they still allow us because if it gets too late they might kick us out filming we said we want to do a seance so we won't do that but I think we should stay up till 3 3 3 3 and 333 it's gonna be insane and there's three three three of us there's a literally three of us and there's three of us here how crazy is that like what hello there's four Oh God what good every small hotel we go to it's like a long scary hallway dude whoa bro it's Kobe's rings oh I had to do it three times and then it worked the lights I mean we're not gonna talk about this there's a burn dude we were hearing birds oh no way how crazy is that dude we heard a bird earlier like something like that and then there's just birds sitting on top of this well supposedly this room isn't haunted it's just a floor so we're good so you guys are fine salmon are gonna have a bad night you guys remember those balls in the TV channel the magic oh yeah okay Jake you're gonna break something why can't our window open all the way and the things are missing but even this one can that no guesses why is it so babes lock up everyone off except for the hot massage except for three through three yeah well a guy jumped off of if I never ended there's always whoa dude we're going for the Fillmore had a club like this it's warm in here dude Sam another bird what is up with birds in here wait what is that place guys dog going to this dog he's about to land I think those Moe's definitely host decoration that's some sort of like haunting energy to me for some reason like symbolizes like loneliness or something that's a little kid that's dude their paintings are so strange there's another one you earth are we did that did did you just get this what the door just like Randall it came back open the door just went was that not you know my hair break you saw that right didn't see it on the camera what kills me is like it wasn't even that hard or that loud it was like way softer it was not it was like yeah oh my god another bird bro they love birds we continue to hear birds tonight like we know why pretty birdy bird with now there's pictures of birds whoa whoa the other spirit always yeah yeah wherever we said the Biltmore guys if this gets 300,000 likes we're coming back to London in doing a Presidential Suite 500 500 thousand cuz it's a million and 500 okay no fair beautiful that's your tradition here so cute and humble I forgot to bring this up but I think the craziest thing that the interviewer said today was that ghosts could just be like a repeated never-ending loop of energies that are always doing the same thing yeah so easy so it's like section of time as opposed to like actually a living being which can make sense because that's why they're always in the same outfit was same thing and why like some what's a ghost and Queen Mary would never leave the same room that's interesting or a ghost in be 340 who died 150 years ago might still be there and they said what a butler haunts the third floor and walks around yeah what if that Butler is just constantly Hong this same schedule of walking the floor we can never tell them is the ghost or a real Butler whoa is this considered a portal whoa do we found it on four tanks brother for anybody know what a vortex is it's like technically a portal for whatever the paranormal or ghosts or demons because there's a mirror facing mirrors and then there's a mirror face in the mirror and then there's a mirror facing the rear this whole place mutely all the way back look did you did you did you just do no no no do you see that can you see that on the camera yeah let me get my yeah no no I can't it's a giant like a huge right as you just said that oh my god raise it back up raise it back up it's like right there yeah oh my god and Sam look boom whoa dude it's like Gortex after blood attacks dude way down it's a square of like Texas so it just tells you like any place you have that has a vortexes hot ticket the trap house the 24 PP room we went out of order we've even put that together so pretty much act removed out for text so scary guys should we be anything wait do the interview people say the basement was the most haunted place oh yeah whoa I had like an identical dream to this exact room no a/c first look at all these strange pictures - like there's an old dude riding the carousel for kids and missiles little kid walking in a cat you see that it's like this place wants to be weird oh where you going now you want to go to the lake where the did you get an apple [Music] eh yeah I'm sorry he wants to go bowling brass boring oh my gosh did you just feel that gust of cold wind just hit your face as you walk through yeah this sounds like super old your that what there's like plates moving back there there's definitely people back there what's in there you're good yeah I think you are you're about to cry no I'm just I think it's like because we slept on like an airplane or something but I've had like a really bad headache all day it's like not like a headache it's like only a painful migraine like for two seconds like right there but it's happened like four or five times today so I think it's cuz we slept on a plane overnight no they say when you get a headache or if like the back of your neck starts her and I mean just like a spirit or like demon trying to attach to you grew yeah what and they say that the universe start getting a headache during investigation they're supposed to go like go straight outside it's also super hot and I remember that expert lady saying people were complaining about the temperature I'm saying is so hot in the hotel and they start to get freaked out that they can't even sleep we came outside to get some fresh air really quick this is what it looks like on the outfit oh I know what wrapping to do it smells like it's so awful and let's get to our room do a nice yeah my dear wanna good today yeah did we agree on seance or no seance seance I feel like we should just play it like normal ghost investigators let's just do it like everybody else just set up all of our ghost equipment and see what happens you know yeah this isn't about putting ourselves in danger it's about figuring out if things are paranormal she finally did get a few new gadget thingamabob er so let's set that out and see what we find it booty on my duty with the courtroom and nickel and I got a little pickle and it's second on my hole Oh first of all thanks Auggie Steen is where we bought these imported from his hometown that is so crazy why are you freaking her up that's crazy I'll tell you know yeah you guys all know what this is of course everybody knows no this is an EMF meter so basically it detects electronic frequencies or other energies in the room so far we turned off the master light so there's no electronics on right now so we turn this on should it light up if there's more energy in the room and if it's red it's bad right yeah but green it's normal okay so we're doing right now we're chilling right now Jake they also have this which is a green grid you'll see back there I'll show you when all the lights are off basically do this and you can detect if there are any movements you can see I'm still happy you guys got that good I would start frying my pants if I saw something as it snowing in the shadow I just agree but whip it here nothing and then finally oh my god I think he's the only one that's ever use them before oh yeah I bought these the dowsing rods throw down saying it or divining or water witching you know how I've used these a few times stopped using them recently when I was using them like weakly like a lot of stuff was happening I got a lot of comments saying that these are just as bad as Ouija boards why I don't know never said why they're just like you're an idiot like dolly rods are worse than moving towards now it was because it sound like a it's like a what like a witch's tool or something yeah it's literally and literally water witching right now he's eventually downs who became known by the church as a work of the devil over time and therefore disappeared by the public view peasants needed dowsing to find their water source so it was done secretly spirits would tell them where water was yeah exactly why well not spirits the devil fruit dowsing is an extension of one's natural feeling and into intuitive perceptions with the aid of one's super conscious mind and a suitable device you can find basically anything all right there's no where's my girlfriend ah so how do you work this you just hold them up like this for your house up you have to just be super still so get it to where they're not moving at all yeah and then you ask the question we were saying like if there's anyone in here with us make these rods cross each other right now and then normally the Roger no no what the room whoa what it said is that it's like and it's like an extension of your subconscious you're you legitimately have so many goosebumps cuz I'm freaking out bro that shouldn't have worked that quick like normally we're like what if it goes the other way we'll save when we cross it like okay you cross it now uncross it and it'll uncross I'll ask the same question I'm like okay now I may not make them turn outwards and then they'll cross outwards and do a full circle okay let's set it up and get these things to work I guess we'll just start with the EMF meter I've seen a lot of people use this and I'm kind of a big skeptic on this one I don't know about you guys like I've never ever seen it like freak out it goes super red so well that's why we turned off all the lights like look at this the master is off so that no other electronic frequencies would be doing anything in this room put on our phones should we open them pile them up or something what what in the closet what is was it a squeak yeah I heard it that's what it sounded like wait here my god dude it literally sounded listen it was like the hangers is that is that what you heard yeah it was more of like it being like oh did you see that it wasn't cuz I did you see that or now was that on camera that's CAS barely did the second green Oh Sam what Sam the hangars the hangars are lighting up so the same thing that you just said was squeaking can you make this device light up yellow dude it's gone didn't no one here that Colby here what well be factual it wasn't me what was it wait what y'all decided like really it was like a creek was like from wait wait wait it's not it sounded like that but over there I swear to god the camera will pick it up but if the robes keep moving where we're going because it's the closest thing I'm sorry to interrupt robot vortex right here no way no like me why this oh my god cuz that's not how you guys's rooms was think about that that's why your bathroom was completely different oh my god it is so much yeah oh my god dude it's so much hotter in here yes it's orange in a spot right next to the mirror oh my god I've never seen him do that before either and look when you when you turn it away right there but when you get next to the vortex wait which window did he jump out of oh we might have been this one wait bring it towards the window okay let's bring it towards the other window you do mirrors don't have any no they're why no Amir Amir would not have electronic energy look ready wait oh oh oh my god I've never seen this in a movie is it those lights you think no I turned off all the lights see that look it's not doing it on that side it's the exact same light what is going on right here you think that's where someone committed suicide in the bathroom what if the murders happen in here yeah they never specified Oh oh my god no it is definitely this bathroom dude look it should be lining up on the phone and it doesn't hole you do I've never seen that before this is insane I cannot believe we got this to work dude there's something here look at it blinking it keeps like going in front and past it look yeah here hold it up towards where you are actually because that's like right right yes right there I don't know why this area is the word dude I have a horrible like headache right you too yeah dude no right here that's my Lexus my green on the left side yeah mines on the back right here and yours this right there is anything oh yes holy what what is going on bro I have a theory he Smith the doctor he came in the bathroom while she when she was hour and then he killed himself he gonna kill her like in the shower or something and that's why the bathrooms going crazy dude cuz it's not over here it's not on this side but it's literally like right here where do we try this window yeah yeah let's go over there and then I want to come back and see if it's still like that when we all leave hey guys if it goes off out here like woah did you guys hear that's a good creepy ambience to hear that I thought that was like footsteps but I then again we're are in a hotel you could have jumped from here the girl could have been killed in the bathroom yeah there could be a lot more energies go set it on the ledge set it right there we should try talking to it if there was any person who jumped off the edge whose energy is still with us please let us know I'm signaling on this device if there's any energies at all with us please let us know by signaling on this device well let's set that meter up on the bathroom but then also let's set up the green red and in the bathroom with the mirror yeah see if anything moves dude it's just like the crazy how we put the pieces together about the vortex and then that happens you know look how the orange is blinking yeah dude why is it just blink you know like doesn't it make sense is beeping in the bathroom this is the only hot room in the entire room and also the only cortex and the only vortex yeah no it makes sense cuz even if you close these doors it creates a vortex right here with this mirror no Matt looks like a concept vortex and no matter what you cannot escape the vortex is about you can't oh that's so true if you close these doors it gets rid of this vortex but this one is inescapable you're right I think whatever is funny is going on in the bathroom he's not even lighting up orange anymore at all as soon as we all laugh I said we left the bathroom wait just lift it up for a second oh yeah yeah this bag whole leaf boy but you guys walked in here the bed did this no it should and then right after it shook you guys said oh it's bad I swear to god I'm in nomination chills I Barney shook on the bed and you see you guys said it's there it was like it got up and came here I swear on my life this is where it's the most clear right the if she was doing her makeup has ever hit the fourth one is it just that now interesting if there is an energy here and wants to talk to us please make a stronger signal why right there though if it's a vortex that's creating this why don't we just make that vortex ten times stronger and still say I've never seen it go on not yellow this long dude I've seen countless like I'm talking hundreds of videos where people are using this same device and nothing so I honestly it was a skeptic of this but I've never seen it light up like this before in the comments if you guys know why this would go off in a bathroom to debunk this please let us know because the like only thing electronic that has power is this as a camera but we're getting close to the camera it only gets closer yeah I'm like this is electric the camera look is still still not taking it off you know when you go straight up here it's orange and then off right here and an honor it there if you guys have an explanation or maybe you can debunk this in the comments please let us know literally just what what's wrong okay Jake was just showing me how the bed was like shaking and so we were just like yo we're off camera like let's see if anything will happen off camera yeah so Jake was just like if there's anything in here can you please make the bed shake and something just went like you like our boys in the closet whenever we go in the bathroom I feel like it comes to the bathroom with us when we leave the bathroom it goes to the bed you're sure cuz it was still lighting up when we were stuff was going on in there still it was still like yeah I Cory pointed out there's multiple people that died here it doesn't have to be in one place bro if you guys lay on the bed you'll feel it you will feel something with you here can you hold this when I was laying with him we could feel it shaking if there's anything in this room right now shake the bed close your eyes bro so you really concentrate on what was that like a whistle didn't it yeah bro I swear to God I heard like it was like a word but it came out as like a damn flat down on the bed okay all right you should turn off the light I'm bringing the vortex to you do you guys feel the bed shaking at all maybe barely German press the doctor's wife what Oh what I swear bro I can't find the light brick what happened right after I asked that I felt they go back and forth from feeling now that might have been like just someone else like walking but that would have been perfect timing if that happened I never moved and he was sitting down next to me no I meant like up or down or something like that like someone else in this there's no way it cuz shipping this floor though yeah I just like wanted to feel it and felt it but like that was weird I don't know bro Rock bro we're gonna try to combine the two instruments to see if in catching anymore in the mirror it only gets really crazy right around here and above so here we've got the most activity like right here so this is the best spot not it's so hot in here I wonder if it's if that has anything to do with it exactly how to make this work but just kind of see if there's movements with all the Creator yeah turn off that light and just everyone like we should all stand like in this back corner I'm gonna turn this light off - oops oh those gay whoa whoa oh my god that is tripping the camera cuz there's like a few on the lift moving so well this right there is definitely where it smells so anything that's gonna be a bit of a litter up there so yo Sam what turn that back one what is that what what was that noise oh that the bed you heard no wasn't no bad wasn't don't know if this is working too much in a mirror it's like so confusing do mom realize how do we get out okay market oh my god guys watch look at the wall now if any start like flickering or like disappearing I don't know about this light thing is I think we should try like the voice box what is supposed to happen in a perfect world you keep it still you know you said it somewhere and then you pretty much try talking to it for like 10 to 15 minutes and then if you see like an area no moving like dots are moving then you normally like go over there start investigating normally that's where like activity is like this will kind of pick up where well we should go yeah yeah yeah I just wanted to actually try it for a second did you did you all just hear that right exactly where all the energy was wait what'd you say so my little brother just sent me a text out of nowhere and it's kind of freaking me out where do say he goes hey so I just saw your new video and at the end of it when you were talking about for them my video we use a spirit box that's not like in the spirit box it kept saying like save me or help me so he goes in the part when y'all were saying how it kept saying save me and you were wondering like what you should do I just wanted to let you know my little brother's 14 by the way because I just want to let you know I went to a psychic lady and she told me that I have powers to send ghosts to the other side lol all I have to say is you are free to go to the other side and it helps them go through and know this sounds really stupid but ever since I talked to her I've been seeing giant black figures in my room every night when I sleep it feels like someone's watching me what that's what my little brother just texted me so you think your whole family's got something because of the Ouija boards with you my whole family did the Ouija board broke like my little brother was like five when he was doing it with us he just said I keep seeing giant black figures in my room when I'm trying to sleep and I can't because it feels like they're watching me that's insane what the out of nowhere and he's 14 14 I was 14 when I first saw the Shadow Man whoa say anything it's getting passed down I really do you think it's been following you for a while yeah like everywhere you go type thing I don't think of it like that because I didn't right now but like I don't know I don't know I don't like to think that deep into like when we're being followed I like to think that they only do stuff when we do investigations if the shadow man is following me or something like that that's like some real like devil type stuff you know some things like attach to you personally and if it's attached to me and now my little brother's getting it yeah but didn't she says kind of like why you want to do this you want to kind of figure it out oh yeah bro like that's what I think especially with everything that we've done like we're all screwed like we're all pretty much guaranteed to be haunted for life and so we can either that's reassuring dude it's a fact we're screwed like cuz we don't know what happens when we're gone like you know we can talk to as many experts as we want there researchers for like the unknown knows for like something refer like what we don't know and like that's something that we don't know like when we play with the spirit world what happens when we go to it and like I'm kind of just in this mood where I'm kind of tired of running and I just want to figure out what happens and I want to learn what happens when I want to yeah bro cuz I don't want to die and then I'm in a blank room with the shadow man staring at me for a billion years especially if it's affecting your family if my little brother is seeing the shadow man right now then yeah this is a big maybe it's not a generational thing maybe it's just the fact that so many people around you did the same Ouija board stuff but if you can figure out how to control it or how save yourself for how to understand it then you could definitely save them which is what I want to do and I think that's the whole reason we're all doing this is so we get a full understanding of it and so that no matter what comes our way we can you know combat it well with Jolla Dubrow if your little brother or sister texted Joel and is like hey I think I'm seeing something in my room like would you not feel responsible like I I kind of feel like yeah I would definitely feel responsible especially from the same stuff that we've been doing but it's also now a responsibility to understand it more than ever be able to answer his questions when he's got questions for you know we just got to figure out how to help him like if you feel that it could be slightly your fault then like let's fix it maybe it might be good if I call it a night I'm sorry guys I just got really weird I'm sorry for bringing that up no that's like that's your family like it's totally understand what though during an investigation it is getting late anyways what you say this ghost box is like ruined or something what is this on there well that's the TSA message it with all the candles and stuff and so now that's dead and it's out of battery okay so charge of stuff it's getting late anyways like we just meet up again at like 3:00 or something yeah yeah right best you can see what possibly happens at 3:00 and then honestly just move on now it's getting serious and now it's more just like well let's understand it more yeah we'd have to grow like we're not dead you know we have to like figure it out now it's not even like we're just ghost hunting anymore bro it's like if we're putting our family in danger bro or yours I mean I don't know after the origin I think I haven't really experienced anything but yes what was that what was that what was that you're immediately after you talking about your family holy all right okay it was a random number I was gonna say we're going back to Cali oh my god okay let's set alarms perfect three or something like that but I think it's good to take a break for a minute like relax and then we'll come back to this in a minute [Music] [Music] thirty you saw I do this yeah actually it's dawn Jade for a cause if you think about it we actually just supposedly slept like a couple hours [Music] your call has been forwarded to an highness they're obvious honestly I didn't set alarms [Music] [Music] [Music] who's Corey Corey cult yeah was it oh my god it's 333 I think you just really woke up right now maybe something happened yeah I've never had a library night until I get this week I think it's the jetlag honestly no I mean it's just like unbearable for like ten seconds woke me up okay because I feel like I have a like a slight headache too but it's oh my god we're still filming a sleeping should we just go over there yeah this is what we do for you guys they like the video bye bye the March let's go wake up Cory oh yeah good morning well you guys dad yeah what's up sleeping what are you guys doing coming over here cuz let me try to call you but you didn't answer my phone's on the charger did you call this like couldn't takeso Snow White I didn't call it not like two minutes ago didn't you just call us my phone's literally charging on the port what like like at 3:00 and I called you guys at 3:33 it's it what wait I've never called you my cheekbone you got a call like ten minutes ago from Corey you know were you up no cuz because we called you guys a three and you guys didn't pick up and so we thought you're calling us back dude right before that I woke up 3:33 sad I just processed and yeah we 333 cuz I woken up just like one or two minutes beforehand because like my headache will not go away and then automatic I just hear your phone ringing I was like thank god he's up it said Corey sheer yeah like it wasn't like a block no no I D have your phone does it say for sure sure you can ask Jo we both in asleep reasons 334 I never called Kolby what the on COBE saturday two days ago let me check out of the hotel we were thought we were gonna get up at 3:00 but when we got up at 3:00 and it called you guys nothing was happening and so we decided to call it a night my phone called Kolby or maybe is this a glitch it might have been like from a past call that he just grandma got a notification so you guys didn't like two hours ago yes over we we we like set some alarms to try to like wake everybody up and go for a three o'clock but I guess that didn't happen was that who was up a three we have so much stuff planned tomorrow shall we just leave now it's only like uh what was it a little almost four I feel like we should at least try till I sleep one more time long wait now yeah okay yeah oh wait I would even tell you guys when we came in here earlier this was literally like that and I asked Jay cause like did anyone touch it like did you ever touch a prayer in there and he was like no we went downstairs to get water we came back up and it was like this why it's not only why itself where's the vents could that be part of it oh yeah there's let's know there's no way this hotel room well I definitely agree that we should it's what for oh my god Jake the only thing that I can think of is you guys know that like prank call app where you can type in a phone number Oh how would somebody know my phone number in your phone that the reader anything unless it is one of our friends we 33 like if somebody was doing it back in America how would they know like we'll try to get some sleep and as soon as you guys wake up just let us know and we'll tip out of here sorry for freaking guys out oh thank you of course dear I got you thanks Larry we'll see ya don't get too scared [Music] all right you don't explain to the viewers why the you are up okay so what the was that was that what the the phone the phone holy holy kids let's go what the go yeah yeah weird going what dude what seriously get your how he done the phones it did we throw the phone down earlier no okay these sites maybe Cory and Jake were right we should just get out of here how's the you waking up why were you even awake dude okay so I was checking footage and on the other camera yeah like I couldn't go to sleep after we talked to Cory and so I was checking the back footage and dude like how you gonna have to show you something I'm pretty sure I'll show them all let me get outside the listener can go for the record I'm done trying to make y'all comfortable for you photo record ain't wrong late no China wish hello everybody good morning we've been driving for the past I've been driving for the past two hours it's been raining it's been terrifying I almost ran over a policeman but we're here and we're live in Jacob's dead asleep in the back Jake [Applause] as you could tell it was a very very long night we are on our way to our second location which i think is a good time now to tell them what that is so do you guys like camping camping fun I don't like you guys the waitress for us what about indoor camping why would you can't how was it camping well it's not it's called a church camping Church camping I've never heard of that before I think it's the only look at European but these old ancient haunted churches are just left to rot but they want to still make money off of it so they just let random people rent it out and we did that so we get it all to ourselves all night just to mess around in a haunted literally being in a church of course we're sleeping in a haunted church that hasn't been used as like an actual Church in so many years that sounds so fun and terrifying there's the thing that the interviewer said that sometimes ghosts are less of like an actual being that you can see and more of like an energy recording of like a traumatic event we're trying to like figure out especially with all the stuff that happened last night whether or not the stuff in room 3 through 3 was because of us or because of the actual room and it just replayed because we were there that's again why we want to go to the second location in the UK because that's just another test to see what we haunted or is it the specific places I mean that's really just the whole point our YouTube channel now it's like we just want to see if we can and evening also if we can find things that replay over and over and happen the same way or if we can catch something new that hasn't been recorded and in like the past because the one we know Paranormal Activity isn't a recording it's more like an actual being so if you guys aren't subscribed we need you to take five seconds of your life and view that right now five four three two oh and just one more thing we were looking at the footage last night and we are pretty sure we got something on camera so if you heard that please let us know in the comments [Music] [Applause] my parts they smell is this hair right here this kind of looks like a be it church hi guys this is it right here but we got to go park our car somewhere else apparently wait so it is the creepy freak it's the creepy freaking church with a graveyard in front of it supposedly super haunted st. Andrew's Church look the graveyard solutely like surrounding it is that not the creepiest thing you've ever seen in your life we're sleeping there tonight that's a thumbnail right there guys ready just spend the night of that graveyard Church right next to us no to the church we have to go through that oh my god do walk through it party in it we're so scared of spiders but not a ghost Oh [Music] oh my god what cinema's sorry what does that noise variance dude you've rented the church for a day yeah yeah so we own all of these bodies for a day God's like enjoy for 80 years and then we're gonna put you on to the ground for a billion oh my god this is straight out of a movie I swear to god we're really opened up with this international trip dude this is one of the craziest things that we've definitely done yeah hotter person Stan actually like we have to ourselves why are you filming tik toks over there you take talker get up on a big bat beach this is it's not crazy history with Steph wait does that sounds like crows do not just like a few that's like hundreds listen all right close like a really really really bad sign like crows or like oh my god you look there's like dance or something oh my god behind the trees not to put a damper on anyone's mood why did you just do that alright guys so we're in front of the st. Andrews church we're about to go in we haven't even looked on the inside haven't even looked at pictures of the inside but we decided to do some research it's been looking up things to the past five minutes and cool gonna I think actually you guys should just read off the information yourselves yeah cuz this okay the supreme we always say the I don't know it's your turn is it that scary Stern Wow the stones for the church came from the public buildings and the Roman town come on our way in do you guys remember seeing all the ruins all of the ruins around this used to actually be a Roman town now it's completely deserted and everyone has died Ahana ghost over oh why didn't they at least preserve it dude that's like history is so good there's there's like 20 birds surrounding us right now it once had 15,000 people in it my hometown only had 1500 people in it what yeah geez so ten times the animal people and yours is still alive mmm-hmm why it was a spider the temperature dropped and there was an icy chill okay so we need to look for that yeah okay the feeling of an unwelcomed presence was intense we left rapidly both shaken by the experience these are like people that have gone camping before think about it intense camping and tents it was intense but it was also intense intense yeah alright so apparently there's this guy named Thomas Bromley who was the executor of Henry the eighth he lies here alongside his wife Mabel resting for eternity he's supposedly the the main guy to like haunt this area where he killed people I'm sure he killed hundreds of people he was an executor so all in all this has a lot of history and a lot of deaths around it literally standing on the graveyard his place is gonna be haunted there's a lot of energies of and no one really here still besides now us for the night and a lot of people have been champing church camping in this church have heard a lot of crazy sounds and felt a lot of weird stuff even to the point where they run out like there's multiple people the end up just not staying overnight oh cool let's get started let's let's walk in thank you so we were just talking and I don't know the exact date of when the Black Plague happened well what if it wiped the town out oh it definitely happened after this was built definitely yeah a dude I heard I heard it wiped out two-thirds of England that's again why England is like the most haunted my country in the world is because of the Black Plague and all the wars that happen here we can't figure out how to get in because the keys are in a cabinet hidden inside the bottom drawer of an antique cupboard somewhere around here you know once we get that key we can unlock this porch what so there's just gonna be like a cupboard and like lying around we're explorers xpl ours that sounded like a grape creaky no period nighttime no this is our in the day gargoyles are those placed at the very top if you look closely I saw this on a picture there holding it's really what's up with birds in it like a hotel yesterday I have a bunch of birds everywhere too I don't know what the theme about the crows and the birds are but that's somewhere around here the new moon there's a tooth on the green there's a tooth oh my go whoa dude Alai oh my god and that looks pretty new too what kind of tooth is that it has like thanks oh my god it actually is it to fly boy eyes are a tooth when a good boy that grape is literally broken into look you can see why would they make it so hard to get in here I'm so confused thank you all right thank you so much for by wait let's act like we just figure that on our own go back up there okay I have a crazy idea what maybe there's some sort of weird locking system we just have to figure out okay let's try that's a great idea you guys go first we got a knock in a pentagram I'm long as you do that on the church great job Sam good job hey guys welcome to st. Andrew's Church oh that's where were sleeping or tribesman oh oh oh this is gonna be the scariest night of our lives yeah this is gonna be super pretty there's lanterns and then there's also like a place where there's more Keys oh look we got more cots and stuff too what is that what is that right there find the cabinet see somebody say be skis [Music] this might be where that Thomas guy would fit he is actually right I'm Thomas the guy what we just read about this is the guy that haunts the church apparently right next to his wife a bird no way why is it only the guy that's apparently oh look these people don't even have hands no wonder bodies yeah I think the grave is right underneath that's a crazy skin look it has all the Roman marks at the market dude this is exactly what they look like like you're literally looking at them my only thing is I'm so confused why these guys have their hands in a praying position so did they these guys don't have hands and there's no other people right here that's just like two babies with wings it says who departed this life whoa this is life like he went out to the next one alright guys so we're looking for the key right now that the labels turn on the lights and stuff keys are in a cabinet hidden inside the bottom drawer of the antique cupboard so if we're not dumb about this that should just be like we got the key dude that was like nailed shut right when you pulled that open I saw like in my peripheral vision a shadow do that right there they went like this right when you're opening right behind both of us I swear to God is that a bad sign we shouldn't mess the key I don't see things like that I never sign no I'm gonna say you're skeptical about that stuff that was creepy thank God now you can see that big organ up there too oh do we have access up there I don't think we can get up there no this shook right now right it was over there yeah so I'm gonna dark out yeah this stuff is happening well I say we definitely need to find something to sleep with the grows the crowds bro that wasn't a crow that hit nos that's only your crew home like a voice to me hey kid okay alright so obviously we can't just sleep right there with nothing because it's freezing in here that's what we'll use each other or we can go get food in blankets a ton of alcohol all right so update before it gets too dark we're gonna go get sleeping bags and some more equipment to be able to set up get all our stuff and then we're gonna not leave this until morning yeah how are you guys feeling about this by the way I just locked it oh thank god like good root like we're in a church or shouldn't be like demonic stuff in a church yeah definitely no scared the whole the whole finding that tooth was scary but like whenever we go to all these places like hotels and you know we're stuff anything like demons or could be there but for here to church what God would not let a demon live in his own house you know I'm saying let's go get the equipment to catch the guests are we ever going to talk about the tooth tonight we should literally walk around all the graves and try to see if there's any more teeth oh my god that's not a 2/3 there right no so nice Rock okay let's go how's this rock if we found another that's a shroom brother [Music] [Music] [Music] sometimes do you want me to go in the front so cold it is freezing all right guys this is what it looks like at night what what I just keep hearing you guys we rafted make like multiple trips we have so much stuff I know that voice right cheek here that it know what this house is over here so we only open the left one did we what don't go in there wait what do we do what do we actually do are you sure you said it when you left as I said it's a Sheila who those booms deviers justify crackling in there yeah I find a pan moving Jeremy I don't think we even locked it when we left I did what both what was that on what was that did you guys hear that I'm in here anyway deep growl dude it was a someone could be like messing with us you're just shout in there really quick that's what I mean there's four of us hello glad we didn't leave our stuff no we didn't leave anything so that's fine Oh [Music] leave this area because obviously people can come in and kind of look like Jeffrey Dahmer like a like a younger like serial killer version and beard you look like a British hairy paw it's already British Adama I look like Tiger Woods we get this place all to ourselves like I don't think I've ever done this before when have you ever camped in the church yeah this is insane like we're sleeping here tonight this is our spot - this is our spot and it's probably and we're sleeping on graves that's guy haunts this entire church and he's laying right there slept over in a graveyard in an abandoned city Church no bodies buried 20 feet away from us insanitary yeah this one beats it for sure there's tons of spiders over here oh my gosh oh you know giant God we have to sleep in here don't know if I like this anymore when did you ever like it oh my god [Music] Oh God is this a great idea yeah please don't scratch it yeah you want to hold the bottom of the bowl oh my god okay so just like last night I'm gonna start the ghost investigation and start setting some stuff up I think we should bring out the night vision camera this time while we sleep yes something happens you know we have charging stuff here done for equipment die already getting late so just start an hour in so definitely gonna be using this thing oh good we can deal with later maybe you don't want to set up like I just said was the night vision camera just the case if you know we leave or if anything happens we'll be able to see all so let's carry this around at all times we can do like a looper like a lap around this church with that first yeah we're gonna set this up really quick what do you think should we point it out where we're sleeping or over towards like the chairs and stuff well we definitely see if anything happens to us but maybe we can set it a little further away over there okay it's recording on here now this is always the creepiest thing to look into oh my god yes holy Sh guys this is creepy yo Corey what you got like you got some like white stuff right here right here right like dungeon it's still there it's like a splash like a white something white really yeah are you good what all right so this should be perfect this shows literally no battery for this last us through the entire nights I'm just gonna start recording on this and we can go do whatever definitely should go check out this graveyard well maybe and bring that yeah reader it's getting late two guys again we're not doing a sounds kind of actually be safe about you know this ghost hunting this time let's just use those instruments like what why not I try the rods and stuff brother we don't need to do a seance in here it's a church we are not doing s I'm ready to get the spirits we're gonna pray for their presence pray for their presence I don't think we should do the rods that's literally like the devil's tool that's like a witch's tool what do you think Sam do the rods hopefully this is common by the end of this video let's just start with the green thing Ben and then will God do graveyard you know what yeah that's kind of a suspense this is gonna be really cool looking so what we just pointed this way yeah I'm also gonna turn this on to see if we get it Oh what would you see that maybe that just happened sunshine yeah but can you hold this Cory what you just went to yellow as you handed it to me just as the hand ah as you handed it to me it clicked on yellow click off that light Cory don't click oh my oh my god just what to read all the way to read he just went all the way to read no not but they went all the way to read oh my god I can tell you said turn light off I've never seen a k2 go off like this like instantly bro remember in the hotel it was barely going off it never went past four it took us like 10 minutes to find a spot it went to red but just for a split second right do it why would it go to right at all it picks up anything that means that something's passing it Oh God alright let's take a look at this whoa if something were to happen you'd be able to see it on me see how the like you have to literally hold it like this and you can't you can't let go oh oh my god oh my oh my god it's flickering at the front right over by the chairs did you just see that Colby dude it's so scared why would you do that were you ever sitting on the left side no I thought I saw Jake sitting on the left side after you walked up there and that's why I started freaking out about the lights on the right side really I swear I thought I saw somebody at the very front sitting I really hope the camera got that I you thought so too Jake you want to try talking to it it's so quiet Kolby entre yo the lights are flickering in the very back due to the lights were flickering away in the back yes oh my gosh where's the k2 hello we won't so many series to talk to us we're not here to harm anybody if you don't want to talk to us if you give us some sort of sign it tough to leave Jake Jake don't refer to show yourself yeah we want to talk to you who I'm seeing stuff I thought I just saw like a white mist above me please show us show us sure here there's any energy at all maybe this is a good sign yeah actually makes me feel better all right maybe we're just you know move it's just in our heads the hell under me how it was orange the entire time in that bathroom last night right there must have actually been some sort of energy just not one pocket because remember we would move it one foot nothing do you think there can be negative energy in a place without there actually being a ghost but if something about like let's say I'm gonna gets murdered here negative energy could be like there's like a pocket of it right here that's what we've been to like trying to figure out is if energies are a ghost is just a screenshot of a time of like a traumatic experience maybe the ghost isn't always or wasn't always here but the event happened here just like in the bathroom and that's why it was always no one same spot yeah the ghost or whatever paranormal wasn't moving I know let's go take a look around the graveyard yeah Sam Sam what the k2 spiked as you said let's go to the graveyard I was watching hot camera I don't know bro I was watching Lily from off camera I was just staring down at it Oh spike just biked again no look at that okay okay wait let's let's try it all you want us to go explore the graveyard no it didn't it just went to the second Korean so I guess that's not really a spike but as soon as I said graveyard I mean bro any spike is anything yeah if if that's you trying to talk to us and you want us to go out to the graveyard can you put a little bit more of your energy into this device and let us know try to make it spike too yellow you can take power from this camera's battery if you need to that's cool oh my god oh my god Oh Michael I have got chills what is happening dude dude you called out to that and the reasons that happened - I just gonna actually go straight through me oh my god Korey you saw that Jake where are you is this side Jake Jake yo Jake Jake Jake no bro seriously something's goin on bro don't try to scare us oh my red because what red the king god this is real oh oh dude that just went to red right here guys look at my feet I have been next to this exact same spot the entire time something is here he went to read one more so many times one more recap we literally said or Cory called out and said please just show us using our energy from our camera on this reader go to yellow it had not gone to yell at all tonight does yellow yellow yellow all the way to red we're not not move oh and every single time that happened we both got chills at the same time like something passion guys what was the battery on do you know what the battery was on it was on like 70% it's on 50 holy SH bro it really could have took energy from the camera to do that I I cannot believe that happened that's probably the well we legit me let me ask for that and it was just green yo for the entire screen just went black for two seconds and they went it back to normal what type of what screen the whole recording the entire recording screen went black it's still recording and you just asked for it to take energy from the camera yes oh when that spiked him and I at the same time got chills and were able to show it on our arms that means something went guys and guys I step outside yeah because we didn't even move it was Green the entire time and then just ran we had my clothes like a person sitting back holy do you see that yeah yeah yeah wait that's got to be just like how the blankets are set up bro yeah okay let's get outside right now I need some fresh air here come come grab whatever flashlights I gave you that was honestly insane I've never seen that [Music] what happened did one of you guys just walk past the store no I came right here what do you mean my floor crashed the house over there cuz I'm standing outside my flashlight one as I'm shining it a person shadow like walked like like own like the house like from like my flashlight did one of you guys walk right here but you you're aiming it the other way where you're putting your flashlight on the house like this you see that well you know thing is it would have to be in front of you to see it because your lights being produced yeah it wouldn't been one of ours anything behind you wouldn't be in it I've been standing right here this is what it looked like that's what I saw that's exactly what yeah what about one of our lights what I have in Ojai Nia so earlier I guess Cory found like a tooth on one of the graves so we're gonna go look around the graveyard a little bit more especially now it's super late what no another will grow another one I'd like a big - oh yeah that is definitely a - yes - the rock to me that's definitely oh wait what it's like an animal teeth oh it is holy Sh why are there two wearing their teeth that's the second tooth that we found on engraved you said that mean meant something like tomorrow well yeah I GU would it earlier says it was a demonic thing in Roman times I said back in the eighteen 1900s people would put teeth on graves and they would do spells and summoned demons so that's two already we found today - nowhere - God we're right there my god another one what what with that and they're all different the other one had four spikes and the first one was wine it was like a human but what type of tooth is that is that human what I'm saying is like all three of the teeth that we have found now are different someone is placing it all this from the same round it's great what does that mean unless it's to cast a spell or something do some something demonic it doesn't make sense I'm about to look at every single word oh my god I accidentally stepped on that sinking oh oh that's right not good let's not step on the actual when I found that first one yeah 100% they're buried in coffins yeah right I mean almost everyone's buried in a coffin what if they weren't you know how they say that everything that gets buried it eventually comes up no you guys are actually doesn't every part of the human body decomposes though right besides like bones but tooth is a bone Ellison's have teeth I thought those decomposed but I guess okay they definitely stay longer than the body 200 years is a long time 200 years wait Sam no way it's a full moon I [Music] think it's like someone trying to come here and summon something you use the teeth is like a sacrifice type thing yeah bro you know people use like chickens in my blood and stuff like that to some and stuff yeah yeah this stuff man it's like if you take some DNA then you can some of them maybe it's just me but have you ever seen a graveyard that like surrounds a certain place I've ever seen like a church graveyard anywhere just be like in the back or like to the side in one specific section but like this is covering the entire church what if it's like following up not only is this church surrounded by dead bodies but the entire town is what core are you okay you good I got super nauseous bro like the ropes like unlike my throat like I feel it oh you know and like your cheeks like yeah what though did you pick that up yeah no I was still recording the was that dude that was literally a speech so late - why would anybody be enough Cory yeah okay do you feel better inside oh my god yeah so I didn't feel like this and so oh my god what I was trying to read the graves due to my foot stomp I literally felt like my someone grabs my foot it was being pulled down I just say this right now - in no way are we trying - yeah yeah yeah we can't we can in no way are we trying to disrespect people here or the grave so if we're walking on them like just want to say that are you good okay dude my mouth is like filling up with so much saliva I don't know it's no longer no I was freaking out like when that EMF for your loss you know they say like when you get sick or nauseous that's like a demon well if you felt better inside you probably just it's getting late anyways you just want to go like lay down or something yeah yeah we don't have to do like an investigation out the graveyard like I don't to hold y'all back well I don't know like the gray bar also it's like freezing so I would rather do investigations inside guys well uh see you once we're all feeling better [Music] hey guys so just update we're just hanging out for a minute but a lot of our electronics are not working including this one we literally just use the green light we've been trying for five minutes and I click the button you can kind of see a green light barely you see the green so it's obviously still there's batteries in there so you know we didn't take the first time we ever used it was yesterday it wouldn't have just run out of batteries for those you guys I think we just need more batteries I have no idea what's going on man so when we were out in the graveyard that was probably what only like 15 minutes or so 20 minutes how did that it doesn't even work anymore electronics are going down people getting sick for seeing EMF stuff like this place has definitely got something I think we proved ourselves that this place is haunted and we might just chill in here for the rest of the night so we just decided that we've gotten so much through this whole investigation of the laying up this has been a pretty good series and well and all of us been super tired we haven't gotten a good night's sleep since we've been in Atlanta London instead of like continuing to investigate we're just gonna have the night-vision camera on all night we'll just review that footage in the morning yeah I can nassif not battery to last through the entire night so light we shall be good everybody sick and tired so we might just try to get some sleep in go from there either way I will see you guys in the morning please [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] guys I just woke up because I really really bad headache but I think I hear someone outside I don't know actually what time it is but there definitely should not be a song outside I swear to God I heard like footsteps some sort of like a buddy like we are earlier zzzzz and see see something for there I heard something why I heard something like melissa is just gonna go alone no I mean I had this like really bad headache because I just thought I'd check it out Ford is that can I come back what you hear you know we're hearing like people almost like footsteps I've hired someone right outside our place okay like if you hear something like just wake me up next time you go alone like that's dangerous you don't know what's out here yeah yeah that sounds all be inside what it's inside I thought I heard chirping again like birds doesn't make any sense especially like last night at the Langham do sul birds everywhere that guys that we ever heard or saw birds before like think it like the most haunted stuff we've ever done like no Marlin Queen Mary Biltmore I don't think I saw any birds are there yeah okay well I'm coming with you it's Oh God you thought you said you thought he hurt you saw like or heard footsteps like right here feel like right outside here like like like almost could have been in the church type thing like it was like right outside let's just make a little perimeter and then just try something here yeah we should go to the first do the gargoyles I know alright you can't even see it on the camera but what what what what what oh that was just your light on me I thought I saw something this is the creepiest thing I think we've ever dined I'm shaking hello [Music] what do you want to even do out here well I was just gonna go around one because people are not just wanting to make sure that we aren't getting screwed cuz you know so many people go camping here yeah there might other be people out here what that sounded like a like a crunching of a branch yeah hello I don't know man I don't like this I was Sam Colby Colby Sam yeah maybe we should just go inside and lock the door or something like this is done there's a thought [Music] what was that hello hello wait do you hear that what the who's that something's happening in there something's happening there wait wait yo yo yo what's wrong what are you where were you guys Jason yeah where's Sam Sam's inside Sam Sam Sam dude what were you got one good there's a scream outside yeah why are you guys yelling I won't remember what I was dreaming about I woke up to being shaken my whole body was being like someone was shaking me with their hands on my shoulders love you felt like yes it was like someone grabbed my shoulders and was shaking me two seconds ago outside there was a woman scream we got it on camera I heard something I was just gonna go check it out cuz there was some way to leave well I heard him leave so I went to go see what he was doing I swear to god there's something outside whether or not we want to believe it this place is being haunted dude why would you guys leave without us why don't you see why don't we Stan why don't we stay in the game well you guys just want to do like you guys should wake us up if you leave again could I was scary yes I I did not know what to do dude how are we supposed to know whether or not these this is just like us wishful thinking and like we're just like wanting to be haunted or it's actually still following us how do we know we're actually not oh god I look at my arms I literally just got freezing just now we're all shaking I mean I know I gotta get out of here what do you mean something following us dude the only thing that could be following us as I Cory's shadow man that's been here that's the only thing like that you brought that up yesterday too that's that could be the only like my little brother texted me saying that he thinks that shot a man swallowing now and you're gonna bring up the shadow man in a church see that's why I brought it up why are you yelling at me or the arguing with me when you just saw a shadow right after I said yes you excited that I just saw a shadow that's how we calmed you Stillman um by bringing them up you talk about them when you talk about demons like that the energy comes together bro that's what makes it smart you just instead I just but then you and all the colors are still haunted so shadow here earlier too so what is him dude what should we do lock the door stay in here like wait say up all night can't blame me for this green come from it was this way like across it the field over there literally in the middle of nowhere I think that kind of happens when we split up Sam or should we do they probably stick together I'm not gonna feel safe keep splitting up I'm down to leave where will we go you know tell or something we can drive an hour no idea was easier that way like a home that's not insane just all these weird noises man it's like like I don't even know what to do anymore I don't want to be I don't see why you guys don't want this like out of this place this is definitely the most unique and the most haunted place we've been like think think about this all night ever since we've walked in the door we've gotten stuff so why not try more that's why I like wanting to come out here by myself because I knew you guys would be down stuff worse for all the whole reason why I like these I'm doing this is because I want something to happen cuz when something happens like especially all the way back to when it first start happening in Queen Mary that made me believe right but all we're saying is we don't want something to happen to you by yourself like if you want to go see something have one of us come with you don't go only thank you when I woke up if you guys are sitting right there maybe you would have seen something on top of me shaking me or something like that we got to be with each other to know that you know we're not making something up did you do was that did you just hear that there's like a bell buoy not just feel randomly Mike the whole Mike just felt well I'm saying is I can't believe it okay anymore all I am saying is when everyone's around I can blame it on you guys like that's why I want to go alone is because what's gonna prove it to me I was gonna help me believe in something other than just this like an afterlife cuz if I hear it by myself and I know no one's around because that's what is happening to me and that's I think I I know no one's 'king with me I know this is you too but I don't want like no offense to you guys for once I want to experience something by myself where'd that lady tell us so the one rule never go ghost hunting by yourself right yeah well she said well we even if you could do that like I'd say just do it on your own time bro not one or together on a trip for this together like I think that we should stay together you really want to do it then like at least have us watch you like from a distant have us all sleeping there when it's super late at night like what if something happened to you you know like okay well I just want to make sure that it's like not you guys with me so like can I go out there and you got you guys can see the me from a distance but just like be quiet I just want to like try to call out no you can but like the fact that you even think were with you is kind of it's not like I don't trust you guys it's just I want it's for my own sake you know for me to believe okay well then we we will watch you from business like last one I wrote yeah last thing we can do everything as a group but I just want like for once just to try it yeah okay because that's one thing that we haven't tried yet it's going along as long as we know what you're doing and where you are that's all that matters yeah I don't have to go far okay is that okay yeah if you want to yeah okay let's figure it out just don't do it notice like what we're saying alright so we figured it out gifts Amazon camera and lantern you said you were gonna go out there right yeah yeah we're not gonna let you out of our sight and yeah let's do it yeah probably never quite there I just want to figure it out alright ready let's do it guys this place is definitely haunted this right here is where Corey psalm the tooth so I might start here whatever's out here there were spirits of contactors in the past it's like the Biltmore the Queen Mary or Stan Lee or anything you just make yourself known it's like just give me one sign I'm like I just I want I just want to hear by myself that he says he wants to capture something capturing stuff why does he want to do it alone I think it's just like a personal thing I think the Queen Mary actually really affected him anything we came all the way to London and I know we've gotten a few things but just one more time for proof I know what could be out here or any energy just proved to me some sort of sign it's just kinda weird thing to go and might do his own thing especially when I've like have this stuff with me like he's just walking out there with a camera you see it yeah but that's what happens when you turn it on oh thank god I think that it's smart that he's gone by himself what I mean like I understand why he's doing it like I you know did that stuff a lot by myself when I was younger I just think that it's not smart at all I think that's how you get stuff like actually attached to you I think the group should always stay together like when we go on trips like this together I guess we'll just give him the time we need we like live side one bro we gotta fall wait did he just turn could you I need this really back there yo yo Sam yeah you're right damn good yes yeah what are you doing you sucks why'd you get down so weird like that like you let it look like you collide yeah look like you just fell over I just sat down what you're talking about I have it on camera like you look at your knees bro you got dirt on your knees now why don't you just sit down I did I just I literally just sat down you fell on your knees and fell okay I know I'm fine I'm just pissed off maybe I maybe I went down but man I get it for the video I believe there's something but just like it's more of like a religious thing you know like a belief and I just want it you know extra proof walking around super late at night especially in a place like this is not smartest idea you know what I mean we're not gonna let you walk around here feel like an hour by yourself you know how it takes to get footage fine yeah let's just end this thing yeah no I don't want you to be pissed off or anything but we just we know I'm not it's it's not it's not about this I'm just like I wish it would have happened you know yeah but it's whatever them yeah there's no point in just walking around aimlessly in a graveyard it's probably even like disrespectful or something let's just go back in okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you we were all Cathy and I'll never forget Sam's face we all wake up at probably like 9:30 a.m. to the door opening so Sam and I go and look at each other what's going on and then all you see we thought it was like a fan at first we just look up and this lady's just like walking around taking pictures of the church and we're like what you're like literally with tots and stuff with our blanket boy I heard it but it didn't faze me I was really tired why are people allowed in the chariot why would you go into a church with 4 dudes sleeping and be like ok I'm just gonna walk around take pictures you see what's people sleeping sleeping if you think about it camping is like having a sleepover with Jesus that's so guys just to catch you up to speed and nothing really happened and we didn't really want to film anything however about an hour after we went to bed we all were so cold that we end up waking up and we decided hey we always get best stuff sadly off camera it's not intentionally for like a YouTube videos like we legitly believe and I want to like get this so and honestly I think the spirits or whatever we're talking do can tell when you're filming her yeah we went back to that same place if you remember I'll put a clip right here we went up to Andrew Newports grave where we had the EMF reader what going the zerk like when we first investigated and retried to get that same thing to have an off camera and all we did was just Santa stand in a circle and we've got over over and over again every time that we would ask it would spike to red to red go back to green and then we'd ask it another question it would spike to red we would say things like if there's anybody here right now use the energy of our phones use the energy of any device we have in this room and channel everything into this device and would turn red immediately after that that honestly like freaked us out again I wish you like we're able to like film these types of things but always works better without I honestly that that really helped me believe we have one last day here in England we weren't really planning on doing anything but we want to give the option to you guys our last day we can either go back to London or I just got a text from someone that says they know a guy that owns a castle about three hours in the north I want to do the council a castle a castle even though it'd be a lot more filming why not maybe go for a castle like over a you don't know her yeah I'm down for a castle other thing I was gonna say really quick is if we continue this you wanted to answer so bad last night what if we get our answers tonight with a seance I'm down dude I'm always down for a good sound I know you are oh my got it oh yeah I missed the last if it's the last investigation you know we're out here were across the country we're be the last one of England let's go do a seance all right knew we just unexpectedly got another overnight we have to sleep that hell yeah we do so freeze not solve again last day of the International like a parents or parents or parents or brothers I saw by my button the money depressor be colors that for my blessings I feel like I'm pulling the birdies back tell me above is I'm coming through Sutton that's why I call it doughnut for brushing the Sun as I wanted oh my god oh my god oh my god here we go oh my god [Music] let's go boy what were you guys [Music] you
Channel: Sam and Colby
Views: 15,628,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sam golbach, colby brock, exploring, abandoned, sam and colby hotel, sam and colby haunted, most haunted places, sam and colby scary, overnight at haunted hotel, sam and colby overnight, sam and colby queen mary, the langham hotel, the graveyard sam and colby, sam colby jake corey, haunted london, the graveyard, 24 hour overnight, st andrews church, abandoned church, haunted church, exploring sam and colby, overnight sam and colby, FULL movie, sam and colby movie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 46sec (7906 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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