Scariest night of our lives. | Queen Mary Room B340

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honestly like we all want something to happen right I don't believe it when something happened in the second right all right let's call it a night let's grab our bags let's head out boom that's when we get our sign oh bomb sound then crashing the battery swear to God like I swear to God we don't care if you believe us that proved it to us right there I got so before we start this video just a little disclaimer here we just got done editing the video and even though it seems like the errata were all happy making jokes and stuff something very serious happened at the end off-camera it's just something not to joke about the events that took place there on and off camera at the Queen Mary ship have forever changed how all the roommates view life and it really was traumatizing to say the least so with that being said we don't really feel comfortable publishing every single event all we're gonna say on that subject is what happened that night all of us will remember forever and we all 100% believe and afterlife and things that are other than humans because of what we saw and heard but with that being said this is what we feel comfortable showing you guys hope you enjoy what's up guys of salmon Colver today we're here with all the roommates back at the Queen Mary haunted ghost ship boom but today we got permission as you stay in the haunted room 340 take a the most haunted hotel room in America yes and if you guys don't remember what happened to us last time this is what happened 3:40 something's killing people behind those doors [Music] we'll get more into the details but multiple multiple people have died of unexplained heart attacks in the room that we're trying to stay overnight at right now let's go show you guys the haunted room are you scared Cory you shut up obviously I'm scared how many people's died here probably over five to five people dying in one room that turns out to be the most haunted room in the world from heart attack we're making jokes right now but this place is no joke that's where the guy like 3:00 a.m. you hear daddy but in all honesty guys they have not opened up this room to anybody in like years like they just open it up this year like about a month ago or us it's a bellman stuff like that truly haunted is that only limited to like they're closing it again yeah they're closing in very soon so we like got in the one window of time before all the viewers crap on us because they're like we know Stan this room no Shane didn't stay in this room we're doing that first they just open what do you mean like did like me three weeks ago shut up yeah you're still do know 90% look on a website what years and this is like the first time to go 3 or 3 weeks ago they opened it for a limited time bro they're about to close it's only 2 months they're gonna open this like haunted room they open it every day here so someone can do it it's Friday the 13th it's not for those of you guys that don't know and didn't watch our old video this was an old military ship but they used to use and like soldiers and medics like died here on the ship so I was originally haunted and became a hotel all this crazy stuff used to happen like heart attacks and diseases of just creepiest elevators down but like I was saying people get like diseases and the heart attacks were like unexplained that is a hotel room so that is why it's supposedly haunted the whole place is super crew died in an accident and there's like janitors that walk around the five family but that would be so scary also I've seen three janitors instead of an intercom system we just all have we keyboard sound we go this is already here I just heard a breast well let's read the paper read number 340 this is what she gave she printed this house is like records that they've gotten from people reported sealed off to the public a passenger Samuel no way no suffered from dementia and was locked in the room the door could only be opened from the outside in the morning he was found dead death by his own hand was impossible so the way that he died who could not have done that by your own hand he wasn't alone in there is what they said there has been suicides in there there's been people that have killed their own kids inside this room this entire list right here shows like all the accounts of what's happened to people and they just opened it back up to you know I even heard that at night like hands come up from under the bed and they touch you oh yeah that that might happen to you guys is that gonna be from what go super I'll know man it could be anything at this point this is the room 340 wait have you guys noticed that like literally it's all cold until we got here yes dude I'm scared I was standing right here right I was filming it was my perspective Sam was over here so I was all the way over here so we were not close whatsoever 20 feet away hide me we just here up I was like how did that even act like that he was thinking the same like I heard it from over there and I was about to say like we had to keep quiet because we're trying to scare a friend mo when we came over wait was that you and he's like I was about to ask you the same question we've listened to this air conditioning for the entire time and it sounds nothing like he went and knocked on the door 3 a.m. and we heard that one knock back remember that dude this place is scary let's just get inside I kind of resent mr. birds honestly okay my chest hurts like I'm that scared we do a bunch of scary stuff but honestly the only thing that has really made me like freaked out and not be able to sleep is this place what did that what did you get out of that say that what yeah that's good I know I just kept it on it yeah you set the tone pretty I don't know I don't know if we mentioned this on on camera yet it is in the top 10 most haunted places on the entire earth on earth on or not just America there are nine places ever one guest woke to the sight of a man sitting in a chair next to his bed he said it felt as though the men have been watching him sleep oh I'm gonna cry so we're not sleeping tonight let's let's think about this real quick we're actually gonna do this like ever comes in this room like this is super rare this is closed to the public the reason why it's unmarked is because they don't even want people thinking this was a room they didn't want people to know everyone wants to come back to that the lights are on why is the squeaking oh dude okay they have stories of everything that's happened someone has hung themselves in this very room yeah why does that such a weird smell dude that's the chair I think the one that he felt someone was watching him no it looks a literally like there's a person there that scared the crap out of me but yeah let's have the door shut the door dude oh my god wait they have a crate here is that this haunted room just comes with a crystal ball tear it deck you were telling me about this earlier bro okay okay well we have everything what is that that's like a giant crystal black crystal okay why in the world would they keep a black crystal in a nude and they give you directions I was doing my rounds of the ship when I noticed that a normally secure room was unlocked I looked inside and saw a little girl standing in the room she looked at me stretched her arms out towards me and then disappeared oh my god that was it here you know the scariest part about this room there's only one bed oh yeah what who in the world sets earplugs on your nightstand there are ghosts here you know this is a closed room all my wooden bench it sounds like an alarm right yeah why is there a siren going off I don't think we're gonna sleep tonight dude this is that an option here sleepy good option yeah it's okay we can all go all five of us yeah in there just turn off the camera bro no oh [ __ ] Obama that's what it it's cuz i watch you did that twice no no there's that was hitting with do you hear that moaning sound - that's what I was saying on the couch okay I think it's a it has to be that's good to do it right now call me there's any spirits in here with us right now turn on the slave that's weird that's super strange what what it won't like what I don't like go in there why did this one flicker yeah that one flickered we got to do this it gives us instructions to do Bloody Mary and then oh my god oh my god if it was ever gonna work it was gonna work tonight you're gonna try new words we're gonna cry the world it's gonna work in here just a quick update for some reason this light now works whole sudden it didn't work at all for the first 15 minutes just flickered same with that it's been flickering and now it's on in this - what's this always like this it's hanging off look like over Cory I didn't notice that this cheese let's turn off all the lights and sit in here - and go drop the claws and turn out the closet light I have the trunk whew doo doo why do you look at in that closet it's okay yeah what Aaron just collapsed fine I'll do it everyone just be quiet for five seconds did you make a noise no I heard something like right here did you hear that oh wait wait are these like hand prints on them like scratches right here scratches can you see them yeah yeah whoa barely exactly where I heard that noise look right here I heard a noise I swear to God like it sounded like a like a bone crack or something all right let's go explore the ship so we all just left and Aaron still in there for some reason should we hide he's probably watching Ninja know isn't that kind of weird though why just that's that's weirdoes No did he go to the bathroom before we left dude he's Ben's trying to stay in the dorm this one time when we were filming we've been in there for like an hour now been turning off the lights and just sitting in the silence just to see if we came here I'm here see something the shadows that he's been wanting to stay in the dark so long yes good check should we get the key yeah what are you doing why don't you come with us are you serious I heard like little taps it was like hmm and maybe it doesn't work when we're all in here so I just sat in here for a bit listen no that happened and then you guys came in yeah no it actually just happened I know I know I heard it again you just heard it right now wait that that what right now that was not from the video no that happened right there I told you bro just get out let's go let's go I was looking at my DMS on Twitter and people were saying oh my god face rock just did this place too so oh really yeah okay well a bunch of other youtubers probably do the same thing so I open for two months so a summer here the state in this security closet and something the devil above us at the end of the video there's handprints on the wall Oh shoo didn't even see that one last time the Sun was gift just kidding oh my god well that's dimmadome owned by Doug's Dale dimmadome here and what are you doing knock it off the play Jack keep his jacket on or should he take his jacket off oh he said jack aha can we even get it are you guys getting married Dobby the priest Sam okay you sit here Kobe using your jig stone this I got this I'm a mom my dad I now pronounce you Sol be I'm not oh yeah we're all going the entire pillar is covered and like plastic what are the odds that the only one we go on is the one covered putting time I don't know stick on top of last time a Giant Ladder what could they possibly do to it alright guys so we've explored most of the [ __ ] or at least the interesting parts of it and so now we're gonna go back to the room take some time to just chill and stuff wait till it's 3 a.m. and then do a bunch of ritual we got um it's about 2 o'clock we got mcdonalds come back in we're gonna see if anything's moved from when we first came in people whoa alright what time is it I just want to let everyone know updating everybody good like we just heard some noises 307 a.m. we have literally just been sitting here around a circle like with just one light on for the past hour waiting for devil's hour honestly just been talking and stuff and we got some Mickey D's it that just waitin this time that where's Aaron all right look at myself I just don't like how for like an hour it's been chill and we literally just heard something and it's what 310 seriously like as soon as we gets the Devourer that's weird so you're the one that knows the most about the devil hour for the viewers out there that don't know what it is what what would you say 3:00 a.m. 3:00 a.m. is called the witches hour all witches in order to contact demons or Devils or something the only tower than which they would be able to contact is between 3:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m. any time that we would get any devilish spirits or demonic things happening in here the most likely time it would happen is three o'clock right now we have some black crystal thing there tarot cards and obviously the Bloody Mary in the Queen Mary ship if there's ever a time her Bloody Mary to work it would be on Queen Mary's ship can you talk to us about something airing because every single time we ever do a single ghost video you're horrified or Ouija board or anything and now all of a sudden you want to sit here alone in hotel rooms do Bloody Mary sit in the closet record videos dude what's getting into you because like at our house stuff actually happened a regular basis here oh and sat in there for like five minutes and nothing happened to me five minutes I said an art and entrepreneurs and fan heard so many noises and sounds and stuff and yeah you're like bark bark in turn a V go bark bark you know Colby say hey do you think it's a joke but I legit heard like voices so you're saying this is BS comparatively to our house like for being the most fun I'm new in the house like it's Tyrion yeah we've been just messing around not a three in believe it when something happens 3m was the hour in our house when I would get the most weird yeah that's when all the challenges what do that Dean all right it is 3m yes there is something in this room if there's a spirit if there is anything in this room please give us a sign by either making that light flicker or a noise or something just please let us know that you're out here going to get deeper into it you know one of the panels down here and then turn off the light there's everything I can turn off that layer that if anything were to work good beer dude I look in the closet small groups of the closet all right I don't want to sit directly facing it wish me spots all right I'm sorry in all honesty though if anything's gonna happen we have to take it seriously and we've been laughing like so much throughout this entire night so I think Aaron's right nothing's gonna happen in this whole room because we're not taking it seriously whoa what what turn the light on I don't want to say that's something bull I don't know why I said on me bro a face just popped in front of my eyes for like a point for like half a second it disappeared right on top of this table like right here are you closing your eyes no bro I just looked right there and then for a half a second it was like face gone and I swear to God like I swear to God look at this dude I'm freaking the cow right now you don't know your legs his legs dude dude oh my god dude I know it just department mind playing tricks on me but I swear I saw like only half a face like it was only half a face nothing else and it was see-through I'm gonna put this up here we're all gonna be very quiet and we're all gonna try to summon something right here just at 3 a.m. be super serious about it's pretend the camera's not there and honestly like we all want something to happen right you want to prove it yeah you see that light in the closet shining at the top of the closet no no no in that something it was like a white light at the top the closet that was floating around in the circle that was what what what you wanna switch spots to be so you're the main man of the image yes the only way it works is if everyone is trying to believe it yeah and puts energy into any one of us Thanks as a joke or making fun of spirits and it's like mad try to feel something that's not there we're just gonna read one of these really quick somebody reported that she awoke to find that she was being lifted into the air by a paranormal force in this room that was a complaint that someone wrote yeah try right now to put yourself in place they can't believe that there's something else in this room if there are any spirits here please make yourself a parent I'm making any sound noise there are any spirits here please make any sort of noise to let us know that you're here if there's any spirits here with us make yourself known I really experience because is there anybody here with us you know what was home to them you asked I don't want to do Bloody Mary iris I like if no one's here right now but this is the home most haunted place maybe they just need to be called out okay guys so in your alone and I'm gonna see if I hear something I'm gonna turn the light off for just a little bit okay here we go I don't know how's your mother okay I didn't hear anything all right guys so obviously this is not working probably come to the conclusion that nothing's here right now so in order like figure out if it's haunted we need a song and last thing we can do is what a Bloody Mary game I mean that would be the most logical thing Bloody Mary on Queen Mary you guys cool it though that's not gonna work than nothing haunted on this is more you don't wanna do it bro Tory wants to do bloody Gary here the Bloody Mary rules turn to the mirror turn on the candle turned out the lights what the lightly run some water spin around three times Stan come here Bloody Mary three times watch closely as in some in this beer I'm gonna turn off the light we're gonna do that one oh why did you do that without my empty space finally three Bloody Mary Bloody Mary there was just a woman talking me and Colby just heard it there was a woman tall right I was up at the Wynn and wait hmm I don't was in the rumor was a long way but there's a woman I heard that but I thought it was in my head so I did say anything no that was right outside the door why should we what where did you see that bye bye Goldie it was pioneered in the hallway that was weird that was good that was recording no no right after we summon Bloody Mary we hear a female voice we haven't heard voices the entire night female voice again all right we just heard a female voice what was her the first time I heard that it was ever by the Ouija board yeah I don't hear anything dude you didn't hear either those neither problem is coming from over here yeah was it not you know this sounds like it's like a mm-hmm yeah like a hello mmm not even talking it's just like a home you know why my thing that we always try to hear again because like this is actually scary there's someone there is there a woman in here trying to communicate were you just humming is someone getting text that it might be a buzz you know I was from 2009 is there a battery full maybe someone else no one's out here nothing and there's that woman [Music] to Bloody Mary Bloody Mary Bloody Mary was that no it's sort of like a thud right yeah oh did you die here then no dude it sounded big thud in the room there's something the mirror in the mirror in the mirror would you would you see there was something right in between me and you dude I heard a thud did you not hear that what outside yes there was a thud like in the middle part yes dude I kid you not there was someone in between us swear I heard of thud I don't know I just heard the home again that's what it sounded like like the girl huh yes would you hear that I don't know like somewhere yeah that's something fell over what the heck bro that was on a table right this was almond all right this was on the table yo that was it that had to be here we have the crystal ball are you a hundred percent sure guess what I'm I'm possibly left without almond tables we all picked it up we could have thrown that on the ground what I don't think so I think we know well is there anything else that moves because I don't know who got the paper what who got the paper when you were sitting down reading that one there I was a my waters right there like you can see it but I didn't it's not like I just built it on I would it be right there - yeah that doesn't make any sense what's guys we just had the sink on and now that I know I should turn off all the lights what I was - 12 minutes left it here 348 348 we have 12 minutes left to the développé doubles are we got to catch something okay whatever we just saw in there is here that home yeah that was terrifying yeah you think I feel like we're the only ones I know what to do I you heard it I heard the very first one we like all the homes like the first one you said that it's for thought yeah I just turned off the light maybe that was it you know I've done Bloody Mary challenges before and there's two a split you can either do it in front of the mirror and say three times the other way to play is say her name over and over again repeatedly with a group until she comes yeah so I was thinking if we all just sit here I can I can set up the camera over here and we just all like chant your name until we hear we only have ten minutes left of the devil's RNA okay yo can we close the closet door we're trying to catch something yeah I know but it's like it's like freaking out dude like I'm down gonna just don't look at it I'm Donna closes we're just gonna start shopping [ __ ] married right now well something wasn't a bad thing this thing was falling over whether or not they have it beforehand or after and now it's in the middle something's here we all have to do it without again what is that holy I just heard the home I just heard the home I heard the same thing by the bed yes Jake wait behind what Jake something's behind you Jake go wherever that knocking was wherever that knocking was did you just hear that yes yes honey the same right after the hum there was a knock dude my entire legs are like getting goosebumps did you guys not hear that Jake Colby was right behind you I've heard it before I didn't you're right they're the same knocks that Aaron caught on ax on his video earlier or something's in here now no bro there's like five minutes left leave them off until Forbes I really don't like just got chills bro did you do dude I got chills everywhere this my god what what what what whoa whoa whoa dude what I just saw like blue and red lights well I'm singing again what the [ __ ] are you talking old where's well here what the why don't you see what you hear that what are you saying what what was that oh my god that comes from the bathroom wait was that a shower curtain no no grab grab the key grab a key I don't know my shoes on this dude I just don't want to be in that I just don't want to be in that room just get her stuff go get out of here dude something was something was something has to be out here who who is the last person to leave the shower who is the last person we all ran out there so fast did you hit it did someone hit that shower that literally sounded like some metal thing from the shower and then all of a sudden it's open it's 401 we're fine all that happened fine like one the last minute literally yeah that that noise was probably like I'm one minute I'll go exactly and now it's 401 that's so weird there was literally like four noises within like 10 seconds I still don't feel like safe at all that's so weird you guys all heard stuff and not like I could not hear I mean what you started you started hearing the hums in the bathroom and then it was more and more frequent into like that last time after we were chanting Bloody Mary it was like hum knock sound then crash in the bath or it was like constant something was here [Music] [Music] holy Sh your dude holy no no no no no no no yo yo you heard that right okay update update we were all talking about leaving right this second and the faucet turns on we were like this and tie it like oh my eyes bro this is real look at my eyes bro dude bro okay we okay I don't care if you guys don't believe me or not whatsoever we're sitting here for a solid 20 minutes negotiating about leaving this place because we're like you know what we've been hearing noises but nothing concrete and then we're saying all right let's get up and leave and as we were saying that exact moment we heard the shower turn on it and the water sort of dripping water started dripping as we were saying we need a sign we need something to say this is real instantly that's the crew that's the craziest thing I've ever had all of us jonesboro noises or something Sam literally got up for his life camera gear dude I was like I'm recording this goddamn thing dude we hear noises we hear thuds and other rooms but that was water dripping the second row water dripping the second we said want me to sign there's somebody like like turn it on I'm generating even turn it off you're like look at this it's not like wasn't the box or the shower so you get to pull this wait wait wait did anyone turn the shower water on no did anyone turn the shower water on it you did or what one time because there's water all over the floor look how far I have to turn this before the water turned on that was how that was how much how hard it was like running three second or three seconds is it good okay was it the faucet or the showers I don't know it might have been the faucet actually I saw the shower I just want to explain to you guys how incredibly perfect timing that was we were about to leave so we sat down and talked about everything that has ever happened to us to make us believe in haunted ghost and we're saying we've heard a lot of things we've seen a lot of kind of dark shadows but we've never going to true and as we're getting up to leave the second we were saying I don't know man I just want to sign for that to happen that the water because here's the thing like we've convinced ourselves that these this paranormal stuff only happens when we turn off our cameras because a lot of the time like we stayed here but it's 4:30 right now and it's 4:45 almost 5 o'clock in the morning we're obviously not filming the entire time so when we hear these noises it's like when we turn the camera off so it's almost like the spirits to know if we're filming her that we're not recording don't know how crazy is that that we sit here in the dark we've been doing this all night taking turns in the dark just sitting here waiting for a sign calling spirits saying please talk to me nothing nothing nothing nothing we've been here for what six hours in the second we're like alright let's call it a night grab our bags let's head out boom that's when we get our signs thank you so cute that's not even like a few seconds thus say I literally was getting up as I was getting up off the bench it turns on yeah like coal you're saying we don't care if you believe us that proved it to us are there this rooms on you let's turn the water story no that was some shower though no no no no we now that you heard the faucet again it was definitely faucet it was a [ __ ] the reason I know it's the boss is but I tried the shower and the shower drip like that the handle would have been wet cuz when I turn it on and drifted to handle got wet from it so what I turn it on show and it's been what 45 minutes since we turned on the faucet [Music] all right guys it is about 45 minutes later from when we were deciding that we're gonna leave a lot of things has happened that we cannot speak about just for personal reasons but it is past 5:30 in the morning and we are leaving and we are never going back doesn't matter if they don't doesn't matter if you don't believe us because we all experience something crazy tonight so that will forever change our lives but hope you guys enjoyed what you got to see in this video and we'll see you guys next time you
Channel: Sam and Colby
Views: 14,000,305
Rating: 4.9266825 out of 5
Keywords: sam golbach, colby brock, exploring, abandoned, exploring queen mary, exploring sam and colby, overnight sam and colby, sam and colby haunted, haunted ghost ship, exploring haunted places, shane dawson queen mary ship, overnight at queen mary, room b340 queen mary, most haunted place in the world, top 10 most haunted, 24 hour overnight sam and colby, catching ghosts, exploring ghost ship, corey scherer haunted, sam and colby scary videos, 3 am challenge, faze rug queen mary
Id: Xr2B_FrPyjA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 35sec (2315 seconds)
Published: Sun May 20 2018
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