The Lost Treasure of Cerro Gordo (FULL MOVIE)

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there's no power here there's no water here like no service we are like on our own nothing nowhere we're gonna go and some horrifying mines underneath these mountains oh treasure hunting time let's find that silver baby [Music] oh what's up guys it's sarah corbin welcome to season three once again welcome to season three we are so so so excited to show you guys what we have in store before we get started we've got to make sure that you guys would subscribe because hey it's free and you can always unsubscribe later if you don't want to watch our videos but trust me you're not going to want to miss this series and also leave a like right now let's see if we can get the most likes on this video that we've ever had i think season two we got over two hundred thousand so season three three hundred three hundred thousand so you guys might be wondering what season three samuel colby is all about and uh we had a call with a friend a couple weeks ago so check this out all right guys so before we continue this video we want to talk to you guys about this game that we've been playing so much called raid shadow legends and if you haven't heard about this already you probably live under a rock if you have seen it you've seen how insane the graphics are and how amazing it looks look at my mystery shard it just opened up oh my god this is the guy we got oh sniper my favorite character are the orcs we start out with gaelic but there's also zargala if i'm pronouncing that right i think my favorite part about this is you can join a clan and defeat clan bosses you don't have to count on yourself you have a whole team to destroy these people and guys this game just keeps getting better and better there's always crazy updates they just added champion fragments which allows you to summon specific awesome champion there's also tons of new ways where you can load up on high value items with the gold bars you can win in the tag arena and they extended the daily login rewards to 270 days so start logging in and getting rewards but guys make sure to use our link when downloading this app in the description below because if you do you get all these rewards and a free champion called slasher slasher and also i hear that they're going to give you extra rewards for the next 30 days in your inbox so guys if you're looking to have the adventure of a lifetime or just have so much fun in general then go down below right now and download raid shadow legends in the description now on to the finale of treasure of sarah gordo how do you guys feel about treasure hunting [Music] treasure hunting that would be like super different [Music] there's this ghost town called cerro bordeaux it's actually the ruins of this old silver mining tower and there were rumors that there was a steam ship that was full of silver and it said it's lake and now the lake is dry there are also rumors that there's like silver still left in the hill that'd be super cool but would it be legal like the whole town was like just straight up by this guy so we just contact this guy like and he gives us permission we could do this [Music] treasure hunting as opposed to like just a abandoned exploration stuff yeah i don't even know if i want to like do that sounds impractical like how are we actually gonna find the silver he was talking about like we don't have any tools nothing i was gonna say i'm just scared that like this video is not gonna turn out like we're not gonna like so i'm saying how is this like like entertaining at all like going and digging dirt for four hours uh if unless we find something but like the chances of us actually finding something i feel like other people are well versed in treasure hunting better than us so so do you guys remember when i was talking to you about the ghost town with the treasure wait speak a lot louder do you guys remember yeah do you guys remember about the ghost town i was talking to you about about the buried treasure yeah i found the guy that owns it his name's brent underwood and we have a zoom call with him in five minutes ten million dollars worth of silver buried underneath this town somewhere crazy 500 million wait wait wait what wouldn't technically be his though yeah it's his but he's invited us down and that's what we're talking about right now what happens if we find it what's the split what does he get i say that's what we ask him to knock him out and then we take it let's try to find out what this treasure's all about and see if we can find it anyway yo thank you so much for getting a call with us um so the town is called sierra gordo right yes sarah hill of all the silver in it i guess back in the day silver yeah can you tell us a little bit about that we know a little bit but hearing it from you would be best i mean the town was kind of established in 1865 by about 1880 it was the number one producer of silver from california they pulled something like 500 million worth of silver out of the mountain oh it was a boom town cerro gordo had 4000 residents and they demanded a lot of supplies and stuff and they needed a port city to support it and la was the closest port city and at that time la only had six thousand residents oh my demand of sarah gordo this kind of sleepy little town a lot of people forgot about is like the reason that la is what it is when i was doing research there was a story about molly stevens or like a shipwreck right below cerro gordo there used to be a huge lake called lake owens the silver would get mined up at cerro gordo shipped across on steam ships then gets brought into la one of those steam ships went down and the legend is is that it went down with a significant amount of silver on it and now that lake is dry so i've never heard of sarah gordo ask anybody in the street at la i bet none of them know about cereal no not at all like it was a western town law enforcement want to come up here there was like a murder a week there's a graveyard on the site whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa wait you said there's a murder every single week yeah at least the miners because it was so dangerous here they're lined their bunk beds with sandbags to stop the stray bullets so every building and i think if you weren't dying above ground from the gun fights 30 miles of mine underneath the town the mines would collapse so there's really infamous collapses that trapped 30 miners where they never made it out [Music] yeah i mean nobody's really inhabited the town in over 100 years everybody came in made their money and kind of got out so i came up here in march to fill in his caretaker you're alone up there right now yeah just kind of hanging out [Music] i saw that you you were telling a story about this girl that you saw in like the curtains like her face yeah so almost every building here has its own history right the town has a whole industry but each building has it and if you walk up one of the peaks there's a beautiful sunset and how you get there is you pass by a house called a bunk house and i was walking up one night to go watch the sunset and i saw somebody open and close the curtain and the light was on in the kitchen i turned off the light i put a padlock on it and again i'm the only one up here so i know i wanted to key the padlock and the next night as i was going back up there the light was back on in the kitchen i don't go into the bunk house now i'm like you know what there's 22 buildings here they can have their space i'll have my space so i just leave it alone but i think we might be sleeping there we'll put you all the way yeah we're gonna wait wait what i'm joking we've read a few things saying that there have there might still be a lost vein of silver there in sierra gordo yeah i think there's still a lot of silver around you know there's 30 miles of mines here um i've been diving into some of them have you ever tried to metal detect or you know find stuff down there if you guys can find it hey it might be your first stop i don't know that might be look what i got what came in the mail are these the metal detectors we're gonna get some treasure [Music] and as of tomorrow morning we go in search of the silver we're gonna find some silver we're gonna find a hundred million dollars worth of action we're gonna quit youtube if we find it because that's 500 million dollars here's the season three let's go boys [Music] would you guys like to do a little climbing adventure run jake run run run all the way up there oh my god that's not the way you go how did he do that it's so hot out this sucks ah i get it hey shoo shoo wow dude you're killing it today man you're on point hey you rock man oh my god i gotta go home now this is the first time i've been hiking since i broke my back so if i fall down i'm gonna end the trip early how high are we going all the way up dog why do we make them do this again there's no reason we're doing this this is it this is what we worked so hard on it's cool [Music] now that there's no turning back we're already here what do you guys actually think about this trip i'm trying to find some silver trying to find some silver i'm trying to you know scratch-offs haven't done it for me growing up i think treasure hunting is the way to go you know you guys put us through a lot of stuff i'm not really surprised what this trip holds oh that was very popular wow the only thing that kind of scares me is why does this guy live up in the mountains alone for months at a time that's what i was saying he said there's what like wildlife around there it's haunted and he said he's been living there for three months what does he do every single day don't you have to be kind of like a little bit strange to just like want to live in that town by yourself he bought it right yeah so he's not being paid to stay there i mean man if you think about it it's pretty easy he's probably a shape-shifter mondays he's a human tuesday's he's a mountain goat so what do we do if we find a mountain goat in the middle of the mines sacrifice it to satan and we ask our one wish to be to get silver maybe we're getting to a point right now where we're trusting people way too much we don't even know this guy and he's he's a dude that spent his life savings on a ghost town and lives there by himself at the end of the day it is four on one so if he tries anything we got them if we find the gold or find the treasure we also got them right yeah we already go down on each other yo can we make a pact right now if we find the silver we go down we go down where to now lone pine yeah this is our last stop between here and lone pine which is the final town before sierra gordo right on top of owens lake which is where the molly stevens shipwreck occurred which legend has it underneath the shipwreck millions of dollars worth of silver you know you can't just like just like a minecraft man when you're mining you don't know if you missed a diamond minecraft in real life that's going to be our title for you oh my god found our first treasure we found a random backpack and we forced colby to turn around treasure treasure treasure treasure what oh there's a trash trash bag one man's trash is another man's church [Music] oh my god is this it we're in the mojave desert guys something's poking me something's poking oh my god holy [ __ ] oh did that just come out of you brother it did i don't know how i didn't see that man we are actually in this ghost town called keeler which on the other side is owens lake which is the lake that the molly stevens shipwreck occurred and a ton of silver was passed back and forth on this lake so we're gonna go see what we can find maybe we'll find i'm sorry sorry sorry as soon as we cross this we're quote-unquote trespassing again for the first time do you see that the guy yeah where's he going where is he let's just walk normal now that's why all the way to the middle of the lake yeah right that's where it's going to be go guys we're not much time watch out for rattlesnakes oh my god what what oh we're literally walking on another planet right now oh you got something okay we got something so nothing not this time we're in the middle of a giant place millions of dollars sounds ridiculous but i'm having a lot of fun yeah [Music] only when it hits the you ground find anything what is it a giant piece of metal hey we found the treasure it's silver what's that we found metal we found what is this a tractor [Music] oh [ __ ] sam dude that guy the guy earlier he's over there with binoculars now i have no idea is this are we like trespassing right now ah kind of oh it's it's government property it's not like personal property remember last time i have over on government property oh [ __ ] that's worse actually it happens every time oh that was so stressful it was horrible holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] guys we just ran from rattlesnakes ran from people calling cops possibly speaking again let's go ran through a bunch of mosquitoes and bees and hornets or whatever the hell those were let's get out of here fast first of all yeah can you introduce yourself for the camera my name is chris langley i've lived in uh lone pine where we're at now for i think 46 or 47 years [Music] i love the history here it's a scrapple kind of life here um it's always been a struggle the indians came here first and then the ranchers when they when they started discovering gold and silver and then that began the indian war it was pretty vicious on both sides but there was actually a trail of tears to escape the ranchers they went into the lake then a big storm came up and they were afraid they were going to drown so as they came out the ranchers just sat there and shot them one at a time [Music] they were mining and melting off the oars so they were so fast that they had walls you could actually live in them until they ship them down and that much silver yeah oh my god but as of right now cerro gordo is abandoned right do you know why it got like abandoned really uh well mining is depending on having the ore and so the ore basically ran out there was a legend that i think i came across where i said there is still a lost vein of silver out there do you believe that there's still silver up in cerro gordo well there's always a possibility right that's a good mindset right there guys here we go all right so we're driving right now through the indian reservations all around us literally white people came to these indian reservations and killed them all because they only had both bow and arrows while we had guns um solely because this is a big mining town like we've been talking about and they came here and killed them solely because of all the silver and gold just buried around here and like look around like the mountains and stuff like all of those mountains have these veins of silver ore that we literally just came here and took it's horrible [Music] so plan is sun's about to go um under those mountains and when that happens it's bad because that means we don't have any light and cerro gordo is at the top of those mountains he said it's extremely dangerous if we don't go up before sundown and definitely try to get up here before nightfall because going up that road at night is not a fun activity a guy came up in too wide of truck and it slipped off the road and the only thing that caught him from tumbling thousands of feet down was a tree so he got caught by a tree so we are running low on time we're gonna have to hurry up but let's pray that i don't die on these hills guys oh yeah you don't die you have all our lives in danger too buddy it is 40 minutes to sarah border meeting we're getting there at 8 30. we might not make it you guys can't go at night man are we going to risk our lives we have [Music] to hey robert this is sam from sam colby i was just wondering if you still had a few minutes to talk about sarah gordo and all that stuff absolutely i came up there in 1997 to see if i could do some mining up there in 1877 they lost the vein they blasted into the drift cleaned it out and the vein was no longer visible main miners and owners stayed up two after three years till 1879 searching for that vein and they never found it they never found it oh my god we're in the mountains it's starting to get a little bumpy look at that freaking cliff right next to it the scariest part is that colby's driving he's got our lives in his hands right now a lot of the stuff that have been doing in the last couple years has to do with the paranormal and like believing have you seen anything paranormal or ghostly living up there alone absolutely and the worst part of it is the young man was up there from alaska visiting with me and we were in the kitchen of the hotel and a ghostly apparition walk right by us and then there's been other times when people went to use their camera in the hotel or their camera phone and it wouldn't work yeah thank you so much it sounds like an amazing place to stay and we're gonna have a really good time um we're gonna try to find some treasure or some ghosts while we're there guys this means we can't come back down the mountain for two full days and check your phones we don't have services are you sure this isn't death valley because i feel like i'm gonna die oh no this is where we need to chill down oh my god [Music] if something happens to us tonight it's gonna take so long to escape done that's it we might have made it this is it [Music] oh my god here we go sierra gordo a little worried i was like if it gets a little bit darker it might be a little more sketchy it was yeah getting dark and so you're kind of scared we made it what's going on colby colby what's up sam sam nice to meet you wow this is beautiful whoa this is the 900 foot hole miners would come up and down in this cage it's almost like this like elevator but if you look right next to the cage hold the camera tight yes there you go oh it's freezing wow it's so cold it's so cold dude look how deep that goes dude i can't it is so deep look at this so far this cage this is what all the silver got pulled out of the mine with when we talked about like this building is why cerrogordo is what it is and this building is why l.a is what it is this cage is why this building is where it is you should name it nicholas he's done from now on this cage is nicolas this is the original engine that they used to get people up and down that whole thing back in the day was only 100 horsepower i think about today like 100 horsepower engine would be like you know be able to hold your hand he was responsible for like making sure the guys didn't go down too fast like he would sit here look at that see that like dial they're 200 feet down 400 feet down 500 feet down 700 feet down yeah i guess you better trust this dude right because he's kind of right look at this i'm break dancing the door that we came through yeah it's actually open i don't know why i didn't open it today so what the crap is this crap bobcat wait wait so is there bobcats in these uh hills right now oh yeah yeah yeah in the mines yeah in the mines this is the zero level behind back here is that just the wind it has to be [Music] that's a mine that's a mine back there have you gone in that one a little bit back there it's collapsed a little bit so it's extraordinarily sketchy unsafe stay out stay alive almost stay alive human blood handle with care [Music] wait that's a fridge with a container why would it be stored have you ever seen this i've never touched that bottle of milk oh should i not have touched this this might have held human blood why would they have human blood in refrigerators they were like keeping blood here oh there's bats do you see that no i don't i don't see them flying oh they were just right there [Music] sam can you get it on camera i'm dude not bad what if you farted straight down the mine no local boy farts and mine causing collapse but yeah so this is like a ghost town now abandoned or like what's what's going on here yeah for the past hundred years or so there hasn't been anybody any residents outside of like a lone caretaker or so the town had 500 different buildings there was 4 000 residents at its peak we got like 20 left you know wow wait so what happened to the 480 buildings oh god a lot of them have burned down over the years washed away in like you know flash floods or something like that isn't it kind of horrifying being up here by yourself you've been alone here for a while right yeah almost four months i came up here in mid march when you're here for that long things start to happen up here you know whoa whoa wait wait wait that did just go up no are you sure who has a lighter i got it why did he go out because your nostril i would say when we moved into the town the town has a really rich history like i said there used to be a murder week here a lot of miners if they didn't die above ground the dow died down in the mines below there's an infamous like duel that happened over a bad hand i guess and there's still a bolt hole in the wall and a blood stain on the floor from that so people were playing cards and then yeah like his hand they flipped the table i got shot a guy murdered him in a broad daylight billy crapo so billy crapo had a little bit of an incident here oh i i saw something about that if you say like crappo like he haunts you yeah he doesn't like that yeah okay what was that you just said it i didn't need it no you just said it billy crapo uh doesn't like never like to be called crapo so if you say crapo he shoots you in the middle of the night well i'm just saying guys you've already said it like 15 times we're screwing up already what's going on dude it's getting so dark on the camera too oh oh [ __ ] wait it's so weird all the doors are closed though so what is going on it's like every time the light goes out the camera gets darker that is true there's some like weird business stuff that used to go down and yeah there was a there's four brothels it's called lola's palace of pleasure oh it's not still open is it i don't know so how did they know that there was no more silver like how did they make that guess of oh i think we're done here imagine like a giant block of silver and then they mined it and they just lost the vein and they couldn't find it again so they search for a number of years and you dig this way you dig that way you try to find this vein and then they never found it there's still an additional 500 million dollars of silver in the mountain and that the lost vein of silver is still there 30 miles of mine are in the town there's somebody told me that there's enough wood in the mines to build the empire state building out of wood but it's cool for me it's almost like a scavenger hunt you know like i've never gone back into mine and not found something a pocket watcher that a miner dropped years ago that's super cool or like a box of dynamite things to them that were garbage let's say like 150 year old dynamite that's crazy yeah so if you're driving down the road and you saw a backpack on the side of the road would you turn around and pick it up i so if i saw that that's a good question what if it was obviously a trash bag and see we have this experience on our way you found it you saw a backpack no it wasn't just a trash bag we thought it was an adidas bag so what's the coolest thing you found this letter of a miner written to another miner about like what he had found that day the human element of it made any clothes for me we haven't found jeans yet jeans are the the blue gold of mines so they originally made jeans for silver miners so levi's first pair of jeans ever was in 1871 but you can find a pair of like original levi jeans they sell for a hundred thousand dollars up in auction you're saying if we find this amount of silver we'll get 20 bucks right if we find jeans it's gonna be over 100 let's go for pound we're looking for jeans silver pants oh could you tell us a little bit about where we're staying tonight in the bunk house like i was saying there's a few hot spots so to speak as far as previous people have been saying here's experiences with paranormal the bunkhouse is a long hallway there's three rooms on either side six total rooms the back left room is the room that almost everybody that stays in there has some type of uncomfortable experience so there's like a dresser there and he said that his stuff that he had put on the dresser was in the dresser and he's a pretty sharp kid and so like i believed him and when i recounted that story to robert our caretaker he's like oh yeah that's the common mischief that they play in the bunk house and independently people that don't know each other have all reported seeing a very similar apparition when they've been in there yeah and then this one just blew out i'm not responsible for your desk yes we will go search for we signed the waiver right we will go check out some mines say that again brynn showed you what brent just showed me this crazy old body branches brent just showed me this crazy old bottle that was left here from the 1900s no way it's called hard seltzer a wit glow witty cloth a witty claw this must be poison should we shotgun it [Laughter] did you notice i saw in his videos before we came here that he has guns just in case well i think he's a nice guy but i mean it's kind of dope no bites yeah this is cute so the fact that he let us just walk around and just roam free is awesome this is a 150 year old rocking chair and he's letting us roam free that is awesome feels like an earthquake is that is this is this an iron ore is this silver yes that has to be dude so that's what we're going to look for in the mines where's the white claw man this literally was the town's general store that's crazy i'm just trying to imagine like i know i can't even imagine but like like yeah people just strolling in here buying stuff yeah dressed up like well there was probably a bunch of miners here so probably like dirty like big like bearded dudes just come in here and drink some whiskey afterwards and getting a flying shoot each other after going to a brothel and yeah fighting over they weren't fighting fists they were fighting guns yeah instant death every time you say brothelman i think of soup fly to hawaii for 80 bucks we could go home for 80 bucks what dude that's covered prices dude look at that tiny little handgun old binoculars hydrogen peroxide who's trying to get [ __ ] up wait that's not lean what the [ __ ] so we just explored the general store pretty cool actually they had a lot of artifacts in there i think we should uh split up in pairs and you guys maybe explore the bunk house and we can like take if we get the punk house i don't want to go there corey's not going to go there we'll take the bell shall house which is right there bunkhouse we can meet you there in a bit okay because we're sleeping there so come on down when you're ready hey see you losers all of you guys [ __ ] you [ __ ] you yeah bunk you in the ass dude dude that'd be tight no it's not as tight as mine hey mine's gaping bruh this house is where he said he usually sits okay first of all that hat is hard that's a dope [ __ ] that is so hard whoa this doesn't look so bad you know except that there's no power and there's no one around to hear our screams other than that it seems nice okay oh that creepy hallway is definitely bad vibes this is right where brent if you remember burnt sauce almost standing in the window in this living room oh creepy creepy creepy how are we gonna sleep here dude nice library over here that's probably where he sleeps in that room right there i don't know how he does it man every night by himself this door is nailed shut it is why what and look they put glue on the bottom that does not make any sense are we gonna get murdered after you sir you got this holy [ __ ] sorry buddy we'll just walk back man didn't mean to bother you man there yeah yo what if you got on my shoulders and then you stuck the camera up there and like turned it to look through turn around kid no no okay you know what i was just thinking about what was that um he was talking about how the drawers the ghost would put the clothes and the drawers and out of the drawers we haven't seen the drawers yet in here so you're right could it be oh my god dude that was so weird wait wait wait dude all right so this is the room that we're not staying we're making this oh my [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] i don't know if i got anything okay you're good you're good that was a bonding moment man we are so much closer now because we did that what the [ __ ] dude you know what that looks like god that looks like a voodoo doll look at the face there's only dolls where there's dressers and there's only the ghost activity where there's dolls and dressers okay so see where our eyes are looking yeah okay so move out of the way [Music] [Applause] wait are you come here come here come here come here look at the look look into the look into the camera if you were sleeping right there this doll is looking directly at the mattress oh my god okay okay so i swear to god man we're calling what hello corey dude corey did you see coleman cory hold up holy [ __ ] corey wait wait call it no wait wait no no my heart's pumping no no no come over here come over here cory colby oh wait what the [ __ ] was that off camera was that them i don't have no idea like on or off camera my heart's pumping my heart's pumping what the [ __ ] was that do you guys have any bacon [ __ ] you guys [ __ ] you bacon thank you we're really hungry that's not funny man go fart somewhere you do not know what we just went through you have no idea what happened [ __ ] you [ __ ] you that's a lot of beeps [ __ ] is weird in there so are we sleeping here tonight boys no yep no yeah so you'd rather sleep alone in the bellshot house do you want to sleep with brent you want to sleep with us i want to sleep with brent your choice us or them almost have a friend if corey gets to sleep with brent i get to sleep with brent too no see the house agrees you heard that i heard that now after that season three sam and colby were supposed to become treasure hunters and we still end up doing haunted [ __ ] the front we read there was like actually just a hotel can we stay there instead of the bug house the hotel actually burned down uh a couple days ago a couple days yeah it um oh my goodness wait wait wait wait what like just now a couple days ago in between when you guys first contacted me and now [Music] i woke up around 3am to i thought was kids shooting out fireworks and i looked out and the whole hill was illuminated and i thought maybe somebody was shooting off flares just because my mind couldn't jump to the fact what was happening and as i got out of my room i just saw like a 60 foot wall of flames and the whole hotel is on fire the fire department came in about an hour and a half but by that time it was completely gone not even any of the structure left just to the ground that's where the fire happened this used to be the crepo house here this is the little store where the antique sign out front so the view i used to give was walking up these stairs and i would pan up and see the top of the hotel and pan down and see it we're going to need a lot of help um we need people to help clean we need people to help try to rebuild it and we need money to do so i've never experienced like trauma like that where in real time the gravity of what was happening hit me meaning like i knew that the history was that was being lost will never be regained like if a if i had an apartment and it was burning down i would be able to be like you know what you can always rebuild an apartment but like you can never replace the history that was lost and you can replace the stories that were lost you literally see your hopes and dreams and wishes go up and like literally in flames in front of you and so that hour and a half before the fire department came felt like a century just because i was waiting the destruction of your dreams in real time and like slow delayed happening and it just it guts you man the reasons haragor was interesting the reason that we love this town is the history and we lost you know one of the most important pieces of history in the whole [Music] town horrible tragedy here in sierra gordo we just found out about but if you guys want to help support that that'd be awesome of you guys because we really want to help him rebuild this town because it's really [ __ ] awesome it means a lot to him too you can tell he loves this is our compassion as we're talking about in uh our earlier interview with brent he might want to take us on some mining adventures tomorrow inside the mines we have a lot more exploring to do but it is one o'clock we got here way late because we stayed around metal detecting for absolutely goddamn nothing i mean dude we almost found a nail earlier we almost did find a nickel dude we found a coke cap that's pretty cool that actually pretty is that you guys did cool yeah overall i feel like brent's a very very nice dude and i could see how like you could be wrapped up in this place you know i don't know even though it's like haunted it's nice and like this they don't know about this yet but there's goats here too yeah we'll show you them tomorrow guys this is literally the first goats town we've been to but we have a list we have a lot that we can actually do so if you want to see us do more stuff like this treasure hunt in other places leave a like right now if this gets 150 000 likes we will guarantee do another one so also subscribe if you haven't because it's free so why not and if you don't like our videos after you subscribe then you can just unsubscribe because that's free subscribe to these guys too they we're dragging them and making them sleep in this bunk house ours cost 50 cents though to subscribe don't subscribe to them just subscribe to their only fans so wish us luck we're gonna sleep here and then tomorrow morning we're gonna go in some horrifying mines underneath these mountains no treasure hunting time let's find that silver baby we always like to you know have a little one-on-one talk with our audience since it is the same includes yet does this sound gorgeous and i feel like we're back now yeah it feels seasoned we haven't filmed for this channel like actually actively in seven months yeah it's been a long time so we really hope you guys enjoy this and best way you can let us know is why like we said leave a like or like comment down below if you like this idea we're going with like we'll keep doing stuff that like actually makes us genuinely happy like we're talking about jake and corey and i was like yeah hotels are cool haunted stuff is cool but the reason why we got into this is to explore [ __ ] awesome places like this that no one else gets to see how many people have gone to these mines or slept in these like cabins like hardly hardly any besides like you know hundreds of years ago which is another crazy thing it kind of feels like we're taking a step back into time you know what i'm saying there's no power here there's no water here like no service we're like on our own nothing no bars and if we tried to even drive down right now we'd probably fall cliff this is like completely out of our comfort zone even although we love these explorer videos like now i'm getting back to that like oh god that feels like explorer is like kind of difficult to fill yeah i love it yeah 2017 vibes like i don't even know how we're going to sleep tonight [Music] this is adventures of the lost cinder blocks wait wait did you move them i'm asking for the [ __ ] cinnamon okay dog i swear you're close shut the [ __ ] up you just had them they're in this dresser remember how we said that no if they hurt the dresser okay they're in the dresser no they're not doing that no they're nuts you guys put them in the dresser no you put them yes these are up there i was looking for this i did not do that dog no you did not i put them on the floor you closed them so you would have had to put them in the dresser no i've never opened that dresser drawer i've been sitting here until i got up and i wanted some cinnamon buns so you guys are [ __ ] with me dude we were sitting here the entire time i swear i think it's jake because he's smiling jake did you seriously smile like we were different everyone smiled like jacob except corey because that's [ __ ] scary [Music] hey guys i am the goat whisperer [Music] you got it i think we should just take this goat dude this is the best part of the whole gosh this is the series who let the goats [Music] check out this view though imagine you lived here you woke up a little corner of your bed you looked out wow that's incredible this is bringing me back to the old explore days shower right here yeah so you guys are just chilling over here taking a shower and then you look out that's your view of your morning shower oh my god [Music] the perks are not perks of having a broken back these are the perks of having broke back you just chill you get to chill whenever do you think we're actually going to find silver i mean he said he's found him before and robert thinks there's something these are like the unexplored mines i guess anything could really happen huh [Music] those are pretty cool so they heated it up yeah so they would melt down the ore in those cups and then they would get a little bit of the sample and they would sample it here in the assay office to determine how uh pure the silver was the reason they stamped them is because like if you recall one of those bars you weren't supposed to have one of those bars you probably end up you know in the cemetery at the top of the mountain or something whoa how much how much uh would one of these bad boys cost i mean back in the day i think it was like 500 bucks but now adjusting for inflation that was 5 000 bucks this is five grand right now pick it up dude you must be a five grand yeah is it super heavy it's pretty [ __ ] heavy whoa man curl it dude this is oh yeah let me see it i'm good this isn't the baby goat man this is the 300 pound goat in the future so this is pure silver right here [Applause] oh my god he gets the rocks he melts him down he makes them into these bars so he found them recently like the last 20 years yeah so they're still silver here guys i'm honestly gonna keep this forever because i really do feel a deep connection with this place uh brent's gonna take us to death valley but instead of just going on a car we're hop on the back of this truck we're going here on the side of a mountain yoga cool right that was sick all right here take the camera we are here to find your silver oh we're going down do oh have any diapers i think i just [ __ ] my pants so most of the miners looked over here and there's a bunch of little cabins like this and this is kind of the last one that remained wow look at that whoa oh whoa wow dude you got your tobacco you got look at that dude i think that's like it might be like a camera of some sort i don't know what is that yeah is this your vlog camera yeah that's what i like to take the videos out here with oh you gotta blur that out hate and blur that out you got jerk material right here yo whose hat is this it's yours now brother break it what what take it take it right now welcome to the team brother thank you [Music] man [Music] yeah take it off man this is very serious i need everybody to quote this and put this in the yearbook when you graduate high school unless you've already graduated high school then just write this down it missed of all the destruction a beautiful rose can still emerge therefore in this pandemic that we're suffering in right now in 2020 beautifulness will emerge thank you whoa i just saw two green glowing eyes and that it could be a bobcat guys wait you think there could be a bobcat in there of course yeah guys there could be a bobcat in there oh come on kitty kitty kitty wait until we got are you going through it yeah why not colby's really going through it i know i heard yeah next thing you hear is like no bobcat come on in wait did you come through here yeah oh my god oh my god the amount of spiders damn it's nice in here wow so we're all going through it right now in the cave okay okay yeah yeah okay look what's holding this cave up there's a little stick oh there's a little stick one piece of wood no way god damn jake yeah look at that ass that was god damn that was pretty stupid this is the american hotel here the entrance is right here these beams kind of signified the porch where you would enter it this would usually be the entrance and then back where the stove is obviously was the kitchen and they would say back in the kitchen there was a window just above the stove that was the most common place that people saw paranormal activity here you all see a very similar face that everybody independently of knowing the other stories had all seen him out the back window and what's crazy is even the day that it burned down robert the caretaker had been giving a tour to a guy and they walked out right here out of the porch and i was doing something over here with the bushes and i the guy turned a robber and said did you see that and everybody goes yeah the guy in the hood in the kitchen that turned to the left and the guy's like yeah i was wondering if you saw that and that was only like eight hours before it burned down no way so there's a lot of paranormal activity in this hotel and then it burned down do you think after it burnt though that kind of like you know put ease to the paranormal stuff or i don't know i another thing i was talking to somebody and they say that sometimes when you start moving things and doing renovations it disturbs like whatever spirits could be there yeah and we've definitely been you know painting walls and moving furniture and so i mean it's a building that sat pretty much untouched for 100 years and then you know this is what we got left now [Music] just staying alone here like at cerro gordo like make you more spiritual at all or like just change change like the way you view the world or think about things in general or yeah i mean it definitely it makes you slow down a lot because i think like when i first came up here you think it's going to slow you down but i was still like running i do archery i have to fix this fix that yeah so definitely like made me like sit still and be okay with sitting still what that revealed is most important was sarah lordo and then we had this you know the accident and it was heart-wrenching but yeah at the same time that clarity gave me you know it's you know what's going to rebuild it i think do you ever plan on leaving i don't want to i don't think so yeah i like it here i mean if you would have asked me like a year ago like how had robert stayed over 20 years i would have been like i have no idea but now i'm like no i get it you get it get it yeah yeah so is is that your main goal and like mission now yeah since since it's burned down you're like i need to like make this yeah like this building yeah 100 two saloon doors here and you would walk through in this side thing but this is the card room this is like there's a card table here there's an infamous murder that happened inside of the room where there was like a bullet hole in the wall and a blood stain on the floor right here i mean it's tragic because it's like that's the type of history that you just can't replace right right uh the original force this is like the floor of 1971 trying to preserve it and like if we could like work it into the new floor it's kind of like a nod to the fire and that'd be cool like show some charred pits yeah but now like i mean it took a while to kind of accept what happened but now it's like i don't know nobody's been nobody's seen that dirt 150 years yeah so you never know silver lining silver lining in a silver town get some uh american hotel artifacts all right i'm gonna try the magnet out real quick i found something found a screw oh god i shouldn't have done that [Music] that's the thing about metal detecting is you're gonna find a million small like nails and stuff like that and things don't disappoint you but it's just that one in a million chance that you're gonna actually find something really awesome whoa yo brent what is this you know what this is melted glass of some type melted glass wow they just found that yeah you guys are finding all sorts of stuff this place down here is a lot it's like all the kitchen supplies oh wow jake found something we got a knife oh we got a knife we got a sharpener here we'll sharpen that back up and put it back in there oh it just poked me man it's already started might not be fine and silver but a lot of cool freaking things yeah man these are like parts of history you're digging up yeah man what's the worth of things in the world we make the worth of things and to this this is worth more than silver man yeah [ __ ] silver yeah it's all about friendship and having fun until we go to the mines then we'll go for silver do you guys also feel the same thing like i kind of want to stay here now yeah dude though this place is very unique corey do you have service no dude i'm literally looking at like my instagram feed from 18 hours ago that's the last time i refreshed i actually really like it there's something very peaceful and calming and it's like perfect weather it's nice it's just weird that both chris and brent have said once you're here like you don't know how to leave you'll be back yeah and if you do leave yeah you'll be back why did he stay he said for two years he'd been coming here back and forth and then all of a sudden one day he just decided i'm gonna live here dedicate my entire life to this place i get it i get why you could fall in love with this place so quickly [Music] [Music] don't go on any ladder uh the ladders you have to figure 150 years old keep a good eye out below you like on the ground in front of you because there could be just like mine tunnels that go straight down don't touch any rocks you know if you see a pretty rock because you don't want the mind you know collapsing after 150 years of trapping assault okay so don't move the shaft yeah hold this thing together exactly to properly claim your space that was your mind you'd have to put up a pole that was at least four feet tall made out of wood inside the tin you would write down who had that claim and you had to renew it every year you have to prove that there's like minerals worth mining there okay so you have to show that a reasonable man would spend the time and effort to get the minerals out of there they had nailed it here if they're not nailed there sometimes they're down like uh they'd put them down in the basement wait a second [Music] that's a funny claim oh my god we just found that you've only found one ever oh my god here let you here you should touch it i don't want to do this by myself so this one is like out of reno reno nevado mining claim notice oh dated march 1986 1986. i don't even know they're mining this area in 86. jody stewart is the owner that owns cerrogordo before us oh my god that's amazing we just found that this is the coolest thing we found in like six months [Applause] that's [ __ ] amazing sam and colby the treasure hunters [Music] do not enter wait a second i just want to show you guys this because you can't see but look listen guys the cool thing about explorer so it doesn't matter what you do you can treasure hunt you can hunt for ghosts you can just get off the couch and go to the park and walk around and you're still exploring in a way it's literally like 45 degrees it's freezing it feels like we're actually going from summer to winter feel the cold air like blasting super cool yeah jake is going first dude this reminds me of the enchanted forest you remember oh the ritual tunnel oh god we're underneath the goddang mountain guys yo brett what is this i'm hoping it's not what we think it is it's not is it it's not i mean is it mine related yes please tell me that's my knowledge the only thing i could think is we're trying to warn people not to go that way really see that right there do you not get near or touch it that's dynamite what that is right there what would happen if it's a crystallized dynamite it would send us into a different uh different realm oh my god that's dynamite right there that's dynamite holy [ __ ] maybe that's why they had the new stuff just to tell people not to go but there might be more so we'll go the other way spin it around yeah [Music] dude just stuck straight down in there oh it's a dead end hey man are you sure yeah you didn't like it over here well why don't we look around yeah there might have left some stuff here yeah what the heck there's still grass down here that means an animal is bringing it back oh yeah there's an animal hole right there there's so much haze here oh god there's an animal oh god [Music] it's a small hole though why don't we keep looking do you look at all the corners colby yeah so there's a little animal hole right here there's a little apple bringing back food well that's cool damn everything's so sparkly too i don't know if you guys can see that on the wall i know it's sparkling yeah i wonder what the [ __ ] that is all right let's watch that's an example of like the dynamite whip oh dynamite wicks so they usually use these wood things like cut the wicks and usually it was like one foot of wick was one minute of burn time so if you want five minutes cut off five feet wow and so hey keep that hey what's up in here dude this is so tiny one way in one way out bruh jesus christ i'm just trying not to touch anything yeah i'm not getting over oh sam wants to knock this down so bad i'm sorry oh sam am i just hitting the rock sam is causing a collapse so how do we even know if we're finding silver or not like is there any telltale sign of what it looks like like the ore the ore is gonna be like it's gonna be potentially green because of the oxidation but the really giveaway is going to be it's super heavy so like imagine however you think a rock should be but the rock will be maybe like three or four times heavier than you think so lift up some rocks hey colby exactly what he said oh what happened found a bottle no way yeah hell yeah dude there's like four different ways to go from here oh my god dude there so you haven't ever been this far in the mind not in this one no new territory for us this is crazy let's make the uh the bottle a checkpoint checkpoint so cool we found uh something cool what happened yeah i think i found uh places in the wall where you just stick the dynamite it's like perfectly cylinder holes in this wall see like that's a perfect circle they probably just stick it in there light it up boom definitely dude this looks like cloth imagine we find jeans isn't it funny how we came here looking for silver and we realized that like jeans is where it's at yeah [ __ ] silver dude we're making some levi's we're making levi's hurry what do you mean what no way is that what we think it is dude it's like a shirt or something oh that was jeans dude dude these are like overalls he said it's probably from that time when they were minors wait so we might have an option to find some jeans back here that's a fabric already dude imagine all right so we're doing anything with a button that's super cool because then like the button you can date it a little bit better so you'll be able to like ask somebody and uh figure out exactly kind of how [Music] holy [ __ ] this is amazing this is the first time we're seeing this too oh this is the first time what what what what oh my god actually denim don't call to collapse that's crazy an original pair of levi's sells at auction for over a hundred thousand dollars and that's probably like the cuff you know that's what i'm saying so like if this is here then there's maybe this is like you never said that there's those parts that they use as dump we have to keep moving rocks and we'll find some stuff oh my god good job guys yeah this is insane this is so cool dude this could be worth something this i think has done them too oh no way yeah oh my god i've never found this much denim you've never found this much denim and you have only found the one uh you guys are good luck we're actually succeeding he's never found this much denim ever ever we found a mining claim which is only found once ever and more denim than he's ever found within just the first no way we're actually doing it we do we're actually like we're treasurer we're treasure hunters brent just found it's kind of a climb to get there but he sees fabric that's like stuffed in a rock and he thinks it might be worth it to climb and get it i'll go for it i'm going in there to try to find some all fabric can we shine as many lights as we can over there [Music] yes yet it's definitely fabric [Music] oh oh wait there's buttonholes no no bring it out bring it out dude that's a collar yeah it's a it's a shirt it's a shirt look yeah even right there here's how you hang it up right there what does it say on it's got a tag it has the tag and everything it's awesome with that then we'll be able to figure out exactly how old it is you know oh that's awesome like yeah it's probably a 150 year old shirt oh my god it's moments like this where it's like i just take a step back and live in the moment and be like what the [ __ ] am i doing exactly we're both 23 years old dude coming on this random exploring trip now we're up in the middle of a mountain looking for jesus what are we doing 10 minutes later walking this is all starting to look the same it's kind of scary that's what i'm saying here's another pocketed does that have buttons oh it does right there oh my god another shirt it's a shirt again wait like and a good half of my shirt oh my god oh my god look how many gloves we just found that was jesus 10 10 gloves nine gloves yeah we're getting so stoked over gloves it's awesome man is that another glove oh wait oh that's a rabbit animal oh my god oh my gosh damn he probably got lost because uh nothing ate it wait let's look like right here and then we'll turn back because i think that's where it stops yeah drop there we go oh whoa why is it so creepy that way oh no man all right should we turn back what do you see i didn't see anything it's just really steep you know should we turn around and keep going fly turn around what do you think brad what was it like steep yeah he said a street oh not steep not steep just small small uh i turn around what's up what's up look at this pick that up pick it up oh my god no [ __ ] way that's gotta be the coolest thing ever holy crap still got the inner workings too well that's a crazy fine that's something that's really crazy fine 17 29 17 29. this this watch is from 1729 it can't be what if it was passed down in his family brent we need a fact check [Music] oh my god wait is that the oldest watching found ever wow take a look [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] damn yeah from 1729. and he said this is the oldest artifact he's ever found he's ever found so we succeeded dude this is like treasure this is it because that is even before the mines that's probably passed down generations before even a miner went in those buildings in those holes that's what i'm saying yeah it's probably one of these miners great great great grandpa's hand-me-down stopwatch it's not even from this time [Music] we're treasure hunters now this is episode season three season three [Music] so we got denim shirt other denim sure with buttons another shirt buttons a giant piece of denim this is the one we pulled out the gopro literally has a label still on it and then the prize jewel here's our treasure terra gordo [Music] i just found an antique cowboy hat [Music] so it's just us now no more brent what time is it unfortunately it's 10 o'clock 10 o'clock we're gonna explore this mine by ourselves because that means if we find treasure we get to keep it exactly what sucks is right before we left we asked brent what well what sucks is right before we left we asked brent like yo can we go explore by ourselves and of mine he's like exploring at night is super dangerous in the vine here we go guys we are going to mine by ourselves so uh we gotta be careful not the best idea but that's okay it'll be fun right yeah we only have the one last night here [Music] oh that's not cool for him to put right there what the [ __ ] oh god there's a goddamn mannequin that's horrible that's pretty funny oh look at this whoa whoa whoa whoa what what oh dude look at this a whole living room dude who's got a living room inside of mine yo we can sleep here tonight wait i didn't mean that no that's a great idea you know since mine's gonna collapse sometimes you know probably not but when's the last time that you could say i slept in a moment i slept in a mon overnight oh wait isn't this also where a bobcat could be no it's got phone service or gucci it's all that matters wait what what's right behind this we're not supposed to go back there yeah sounds like it's blocked out all right you first dude the second level right there yeah is it stairs it's it's a ladder straight down why not what do you mean why not we didn't go on any goddamn ladders that we looked at earlier yeah cause we were with brent but now we're on our own we can yeah much safer much safer man oh get out you're gonna push him into the mine seriously stop man don't hit my g-spot if we hear you guys to scream we'll know to come back you don't want to go that bad which way should mean wait where are you guys gonna go then same probability of finding silver down that hole versus going down this hole okay so do you guys want to go down that hole we'll go down on this hole we'll just like keep in like yelling distance i'll go down any hole anyway so this is the meeting spot yeah we should name it like a like a meeting oh like the g area the g spot the g spot ah yeah yeah if you guys want to go to the g spot just find your way through the whole okay sounds good man good luck good luck hey good luck to you good luck don't die guys yeah same to you and merry treasure hunt hopefully you're coming back with 500 million dollars there's a drop right here oh we could actually go down there what the [ __ ] this dude no i'm gonna slip don't slip oh i'm gonna sleep don't slip dog dog is it going to be easy to get back up yeah easier to get down you sure okay dog don't slip i'm about to sleep i'm about to sleep like dog please don't okay oh my god what was that i thought that was another rung oh [ __ ] okay you good you need my hand no okay okay okay all right really hoping brent was right [Music] but it's a lot further than 15 feet just don't make a collapse man or i'll die i'm under it i know but i gotta push against it yeah i got you thank you oh man this is that end what the [ __ ] why did you have me calm down yo what is that cloth huh right in front of you no no right right there what right there oh cool whoa oh oh my god that was oh [ __ ] dude there's no [ __ ] way i have to go down three separate ladders three separate letters holy [ __ ] let's go see what uh corey and jake found because this is gonna be a dead end there's no way we're gonna have two people down there yo look at that what that look what is that looks like mickey mouse oh dude that's a lot that's a lock what if it was like a lock for you know like a like a safe oh a chest a chest or something what kind of thing with a lock would be down here you know they wouldn't lock the dynamite that wouldn't lock their work equipment it had to be something they're keeping away from someone thanks bro look at that [Music] what different color that rock is yo oh that looks like a different one too [Music] that's like completely different than everything it's got the sparkles like the other one i wish i knew more about these rocks he said they're heavy and they're black yeah is like super sparkly [Music] oh bat oh oh oh oh [Music] there's bess this mess [Music] where the hell did it go how we're gonna get back to some cold bro i feel trapped we're gonna get eaten by bats [Music] didn't you say the bats have rubies yes most of them do dude if i get rabies my mom will be so pissed i know my mom would be pissed if i had babies too what what what is [Music] they keep following a student flying over our heads they attacked cory it literally [ __ ] attacked where they know this so you said you don't want to go out that's the entrance it landed on my head how the [ __ ] are we gonna get out here oh there it is it landed on my head no it didn't die but me and jake were trying to run away no it did not if you didn't have your hoodie on dude it probably would have bit your head it started circling us and then it like i felt it hit my head he's like it's going i'm [ __ ] done so we tried to go down the ladder it ended up being like 50 feet not 15. yo brent said like the fact that it was like 10 15 feet down no no it was like 50 feet dude was the ladder sketchy it just it was kind of sketchy it was 150 year old ladder i just was like it bummed because we spent the entire time trying to figure out how to get down that ladder we didn't really find anything we found something really jake wait actually do you have it yeah look at this oh what's that what the [ __ ] dude we think it's like a chest or something to make it yes well it wouldn't be on a door because it's in a cave and what are they trying to keep from the other miners like what are you trying to keep saying or something there wouldn't be a lock on it what if it used to contain silver like they kept the silver in there oh like when they would find the silver that would be the chest or box they put in and then lock it lock it up ship it out the box could still be there because we we crawled into a cave that collapsed what the why would you do that yeah this was down there so maybe the chest is on the other side dude this is a good find we found one of those rocks we found earlier you know how like they're all like shiny at the very end of the cave this one's like super shiny you know they said silver like it's heavy yeah feel that dog wait wait look at this if you put the light on that's what i'm saying is it looks like super shiny wait and it's it's green it is green oh it is is this heavier than a rock this size i think it's pretty heavy you don't think this is silver do you what if he found what if he all just found the vein we found possibly silver and an old rusted lock these are great fines we found so much today but wait can y'all believe that we found this on our first like treasure hunt if this is silver we did it yeah it's like that was like that was our goal like we came here to find silver and like either way though we found a lot of stuff i feel like we have been definitely good treasure hunters yeah 100. all right guys so uh tonight's our final night at cerro gordo we're gonna be sleeping in this haunted bunk again with jake and corey um i think this went pretty well honestly i know we just talked about this but we felt like we came out here with a mission to be treasure hunters which is a completely new thing on our channel we've never tried before and i think we succeeded yeah obviously guys we love the paranormal we love doing all those videos with jake and corey and all the hotels and stuff cory shadow man but season three is gonna be about getting back to the original reason why we started explore back to like what we've been doing since literally we were in high school i think we found that i think this treasure hunting thing like even though it's different this is so much more us than the parent almost it really taught me a lot and like brought me back to the old sam colby which i really missed and i think a lot of you guys did too so please like yeah leave a like on this video if you do like this type of style uh because that's the only way we'll know like if you guys like season three content treasure hunting more than the paranormal stuff then leave a like that's literally the only way yeah again because like we think corey and jake are like the paranormal people you know they're they're the guys that will go on investigations like that but like it was hard to drag him around mine but we'll always still do that again we're never going to leave parallel in the in the past even coming to cerro gordo we ended up having some weird haunted stuff happen to us out of nowhere trust us we're not going to leave the haunted but i think we're just gonna gear towards more of the original explore thing so hopefully you guys are along for the ride welcome to season three welcome to season three hope you guys enjoy it uh and like you said leave a like that's the only way we know subscribe for more content in the future just like this it's like i think this is just the beginning even though we've been around for a long time we're getting kind of old uh are we getting all this we're 23. come on that's all we started we were 16. all of our older viewers that are watching us like really sorry guys don't mean that but yeah speaking of not doing haunted let's go sleep another haunted bunker all night with no power it's our time to say goodbye now been at saragorda for what two days now and yeah it's been awesome super fun i want to say like huge thank you for allowing us to stay here and stuff and especially film it something i'll never personally forget i don't know about you guys but that [ __ ] was awesome it was some of the best time i've had at cerrogordo actually really i can't talk about last night but it was crazy that was something i'll never forget and i mean we found some cool [ __ ] yeah speaking of finding stuff actually uh we went back to the mines as you know like just us four last night and uh what did you tell me what this is yeah that uh probably some silver oh we thought so we didn't know for sure yeah wait why look right there see how it's a little it feels way heavier than a normal rock would feel yeah there's a little flakes showing right there i could test it 100 but i would put myself at like about 90 90 dude imagine so we actually did it that was our goal this is not 500 million dollars this is probably what like 50 cents we went out to find somebody to point out where it is because it could be you know our clue in the right direction oh this entire series has been only because brent has allowed us to do this and been our tour guide there's no way we would have been able to do this mining stuff without him or known any of this history so guys he actually has a youtube channel if you guys want to keep up with the adventures here at sierra gordo go follow him subscribe to him and honestly the best thing you can help him out is obviously this hotel tragically burned down please donate to the gofundme we'll link that description below bring it in bring it in yeah [Music] back to l.a in the next adventure guys [Music] so halfway down the mountain and we're pretty sure we have a flat top tire because this light just came on uh it just has low tire pressure and then you can hear it you can definitely hear the the air like seeping out of it uh we don't have any service right now dude how are we gonna get out we're like like seven miles deep in a mountain no service okay yes that's my super no it's low tire pressure yo yeah it's definitely making that noise still what is it no it's like a so let's just keep going slow oh [ __ ] yeah we got a second flat too all right guys recapping the story because it's so crazy we're all sleeping in the back left room right i woke up because someone was inside like i heard the door open people like walking towards me so i was like should i wake everybody up like this kind of creepy and i heard like steps like like this and another door open like they're coming closer i was like all right brent or something is going to like wake us up or like scare us like actually either get the camera or do something so i got up i made noise and then i was like waiting to hear like what they did and then they like turned back around and like walked out and i was like okay thank god like he heard that we're awake or whatever so he didn't have to wake us up whatever it was all good so i started walking out this door is closed not to someone open available and walk like this to the point where it woke me up and like got me out of bed and then i opened the door to see if anyone was like [ __ ] with us and i look up to our car over by uh brent's cabin and all the doors are open all the car doors were open all the car doors are open and then someone walked in and out yet that was impossible you heard footsteps doors opening car doors opened and now our tires popped yeah the day that we're planning to leave yeah and everyone was saying you're not going to want to leave so you're saying something's trying to keep us here all right guys we just made it back to our house been a couple days and after looking back on the footage this is going down in the books yeah honestly this was one of the craziest adventures i've ever been on and it it felt like a movie yeah it had crazy abandoned it had haunted it had treasure hunting like we've never done anything like this definitely and this is only the beginning in so many ways so if you guys want to be a part of the journey with us then subscribe right now we can't stress that enough not only is it free and you can unsubscribe at any time but hey we're about to embark on a whole new different side of st mccolby's season three get hyped like we're so so excited for this we have so many more things planned and just wanted to say if you know a youtuber who you think could uh stand up to the challenge of sam and colby season three whether that be abandoned haunted or more treasure hunting tag them below yeah again attention all youtubers out there or social media influencers we are calling out to you right now do you have the boss to come with us i don't think so let's find out also because it's season three sam and colby we're gonna try to get 300k likes on this video let's see if we can do it if we don't i'll just cry myself to sleep it's all good and we just wanna say with season three we're gonna be filming a lot more i know we took a long break between season two and season three but that is no more and if you guys want to keep up to date with us and everything that we're doing just text us so this number right here you can text us you'll get merch updates you'll get updates on when we're filming where we're filming when the next series are coming out and just generally random stuff that we're doing around town so with all that being said i hope you guys enjoyed the first series of season three hopefully you got the season three merch and we'll see you guys in our next series coming up soon adios i know what i want you
Channel: Sam and Colby
Views: 1,608,309
Rating: 4.9454308 out of 5
Keywords: sam and colby, exploring, abandoned, overnight, treasure hunting, sam&colby, sam & colby, sam golbach, colby brock, cerro gordo, treasure, found treasure, searching for, searching for treasure, sam colby, sam colby overnight, sam colby haunted, sam colby full movie, cerrogordo, cerro gordo full movie, found, scary, sam colby scary videos, treasure in cerro gordo, mining for treasure, mining diamonds, sam and colby treasure
Id: p_Ev_11fLEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 6sec (5646 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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