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[Music] after he met with us things like start having to him like haunted why's that as well see if we're haunted I know Roger a little more group I love doing haunted stuff as long as no innocent people you know are her yeah the fact that we're like affecting our friends is what needs to change yeah what if it's not the places that we're going to but it's us because every single place that we go to something happens this is the most like I've ever heard something's going on the shine of light maybe it's not something that's attached to you guys but it's you yourself we just got off the plane and literally as we landed Jake got a nosebleed late look it it was bad oh yeah I was holding my nose the whole time and I think that all getnext me thought I just thought he's stank geez like as if we freaking land in Kansas for our next series not a good start but let's go [Music] ya know he's not gonna come with us yeah it just sucks it's not gonna be like the same so what do we do so this is the actual first video that he's not involved in right is it yeah I mean he said I didn't think he was gonna quit but he legit was like no I'm not gonna did the call to my three-times we even saw him in Ellen's video he was like yeah good luck in Kansas I'm not good but he said it like he was like pissed off in a way you know and being like he wanted to go but he just I mean I bet he wanted to go but he's also like wow it's I'm quickly lying to me you know last time they promised I was gonna do this like we weren't gonna doing rituals we end up doing ritual we didn't do a ritual though it was the fire fire thing it was a completely different yeah I think it was I think it was like you know if anything crazy happens I want to do it because they didn't want to do in the first place but you guys convinced me to so all I'm saying is we just have to like prove to him somehow that we're not haunted and then maybe he'll like get our trust back maybe all that negativity and you know I can't believe in like made it worse cuz you know like spirits like attached to the people that believe most yeah so like at the end of the day maybe we aren't haunted maybe it was just like our five was like too scared so now that we don't have anyone scared we can go for it yeah it was his negative energy that was you know attracting and if we could prove that to him and then you can just get rid of all the negative energy then maybe for I will come back with that's dangerous like for us yes we don't have anyone telling us to stop when we're doing something stupid that's true but that's what's gonna make this series enter hey guys it's Sam Coby and Jake whoever cuz we're at his house right now welcome to welcome to the Kansas series we are back here with not quite the full gang this time it's kind of sad no unfortunately Cory didn't want to join us this time he said that uh did you see that getting like super blurry already so today we're here to without you know the distractions or anything like that we're here to come back to the very start of everything which is Jake's houses while we grow up and we grew up and we grew on this house too this is me cause we're gonna see if we're haunted yeah guys we were here at one point when we did mom we did fine here yeah guys it's gonna be a little bit different without Cory here we are only coming to Kansas for one sole purpose and that's to be able to prove to him that we're not haunted so we can get the whole group back and he did say if this video gets 200,000 likes then he'll come back I don't know I think he did said yeah I thought I said 300 he did say but in all seriousness what do we need to do because we're gonna get our whole group back together this is the best time possible to prove if we're hot during that well I did some research before we left and there are quite a few paranormal investigator groups around here maybe they can help maybe we should actually like stop putting things in our own hands get professionals see if they can like tell us anything so we should go to the places that we think are haunted that we've been before way back when yeah and then see if if that's where things started I'm sure yeah for a little shout out a paranormal investigator would do it like we said we're gonna do more research we're gonna make sure we get with the experts to actually figure out if we're haunted or we're not we're trying to actually figure some stuff out this time I'm like which is far we need some help this time I feel like you guys ready let's do this Jake you ready yeah okay let's go okay guys so a couple things first we called the paranormal investigator and we got it for tonight we're gonna meet him at like 8:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. right around sundown had a bridge that you went to way way before in the past right what's this bridge called theosis bridge the Roses the lady that dropped her baby or threw her baby off the bridge it was all get into the story later while we were calling this guy we were kind of explaining our story and and kind of saying like how we think it could be us that's haunted instead of like the places we go to and he said something very interesting he was like maybe it's not something that's attached to you guys but it's you yourself which who knows what the heck that means later I should've got that on camera but it's just so weird because everything is lining up to what people have said in the past the psychic from Stanley Hotel series said that something bad was gonna happen to you and the quarry korie's already gone it was the witch in witch's forest literally said what we were dealt the death card that's supposed to represent a new chapter after we're all anxious all the chaos from the tower card happened to which we all went crazy in witch's forest story quit now we're here trying to like get everything so is it this like us going to Kansas the new chapter who knows that's some way you need to find out we gotta wait till sundown either way to go to this theorises bridge oh and one more thing the guy that we're talking to right now Tim very nice guy is a demon knowledge study of demon study of demons so he's our guy hey we don't know this guy who could be super creepy we're gonna find out demonology what the [ __ ] is that so do you guys want to pass the time yeah what do you have in mind you ever heard a coin get railed in the balls like that if we keep running randomly we're gonna hit our balls on this horrible idea I think this is it guys there's a guy hopefully hopefully we don't die hey Tim you're on Colby [Applause] from Kansas oh no way from Wichita okay Oakland Park Tennessee Oakland Overland Park oh is that really Kansas what all did you learn about the euro-6 bridge and your quick cramming session I'm a little bit cool filming okay cool the main one that we saw was that she was a Native American and she had a mixed baby with a white man and I guess like she threw it out of shame over the bridge right so there's a lot of variations of this yeah this is your typical cry baby bridge it's cry baby bridges all over the places each one has its own war this one actually has a little bit of fact back in the early 1800s the maps go as far back as the late 1700s there was an Indian nation in this area okay and there was a settler one of the first settlers was actually up this road and kind of maps out the white settlers and they had a child by the daughter by the name of theros from there gets really mucky a lot of people did some research on it you can only get so good in you know what the lore is obviously there's a child the child got lost and now she's out looking for a child and a lot of activity here when it was wooden people would claim that the bridge would glow purple right really supposedly if you park a car and call out to her put it in neutral your car will move but the biggest thing that people complain about RC is just apparitions around here just white shadowy mists so have you been here before I came here one time so I started the paranormal investigating back in the 90s when it wasn't cool right we're all geek seriously right we came out here and we started getting things and that's how I actually got hooked on it growing up Roman Catholic a priest got a hold of me and says hey once come work for us so I actually belong to the avid international order of Exorcist I'm a demonologist for them I specialize in demons so when somebody believes that they have a problem with the demonic entity they actually send me first before a priest to find out what's really going on and if perfect if there's something there you know typically I'm endowed to be able to take care of it there's three different types of exorcisms I can do two of them the one that TV shows is the major on the person and that's rare and only a priest can perform that the thing that's always our problem is no matter where we go like it always just seems to like we catch something every time doesn't happen usually you're wondering if you're haunted right if it's following you there's nothing that big yeah that's a very real thing that can happen okay people can get haunted a attachments whatever many people that have had attachments - sure sure I get attachments as well we were seeing shadow people in the house usually there activity beforehand and just last night I you know we have hanging pots and pans they started going across the kissable uns last night that happened oh my god let me ask you guys and truthfully yeah I mean when you get into a large social environment do you actually kind of feel crowded do you feel like you feel better withdrawn from people I do yeah we're both definitely like yeah I usually want to go home how do you feel when you're around the crowds still like I'm alone honestly all right disconnected well good trait of somebody who's the medium or has some sort of paranormal activities to be empathic you're picking up on people around you or you can actually feel pushed away you know withdrawn from them more you can actually pick up on all of their negative energy you know their psychic vampires out there the true term people suck well they could be sucking off of you and you can actually react negatively to it a lot of times you think something's going to happen and it does yeah you could be stuck being in this medium world you know so what is there any hope for us my daughter is a medium and she's actually really good and it kind of sucks in a way because we went on this one case and she was doing a walk there and she comes around this corner and looks up the stairs sort of landing and she says uh something come in a suicide here it's like what do you mean this is I see somebody hanging there from a noose and his body's vibrating I mean you would want to see that ya know so it wasn't long after that we started teaching her how to shut it off drain it out she actually hasn't come back what did you think about all that like what what do you think about this guy he's a nice guy he seems really cool did you hear what he said we might not be like attached with something but we could be mediums like if we go we just sense I can you and me yeah and or we attract that because like we just have like another sense like have you ever even even thought about that I used to think about that when I was in everybody and never I believed in that yeah me neither and I mean I've never like seen anything with my own eyes I don't yeah it's just something to think about so this is an obvious three so it has a chip in it with a bunch of words and that spirits somehow get this thing to voice the words through this he comes up to it or any to change you can tell them something's around is it already picking something up yeah it's good sometimes it gets random work so the first one was saw the second one was business does it show up right there the words out though oh you have to give the spirits permission to come talk to you when you're done you have to remove that permission to if you don't remove that permission you know yeah we have trouble saying goodbye sometimes you know look so sure you're kind of looking right inviting spirits to come talk to you do it its reliance yes yes for signs up it just got cold something just passed in front of that making that thing cold and it's literally crossed my arms right and you said that why I didn't feel the exactly feel the temperature drop that is breezing out here but I don't I'll set these up on the bridge so that we can see if they get set off and I'll set up those night-vision cameras cool cool finally going more experts in professional this Marty I'm scared when you walk by wait did he say maybe it's just me it's it's been cold ever since I've grabbed it always cold or it's hot like it's more or so just to catch everybody up our buddy Tim over here is setting up a bunch of different frequency readers a bunch of different frequency readers all across this bridge and then he's also setting up two different night-vision cameras for us to see if anything happens while we're gone so if something does happens we'll take the footage put it in there if nothing does probably not gonna Pantani rock oh my god that's not good sounds like there's like a door right behind us going oh my god fantastic [Applause] [Music] something just fell over there sounded like it fell off the legend hit right here yeah yeah but that was I set that down earlier these EMF detectors because I know I had one sitting up on the side I guess that was my god I just said I'm gonna use that door again one second later we have to check it out we hacked yeah I swear as soon as that hit - it was like crash and then he goes over there you ask for a door and you get it let's turn this back on yeah whoa what does that say okay oh my god okay just listen like this what's that say highway highway doesn't happen when we turn the camera on yeah I know it never works when we have a camera we need to call out for it right or ask for permission well how do we do that I don't have to be so formal about it just just say I give permission for spirits to contact us to touch us to speak to us I mean how far do you want to go you got to give these give it permission to do anything revoke the permission when you're done yeah absolutely there's anything out there we give you permission to contact us make yourself known in present in any way marker marker I heard a mature but okay didn't say it as formally as him so he's like amateurs my first time I kid voice I don't know if it was a kid you heard that I thought it was you know I didn't know oh my god for the love of God with boys Oh Mike you cannot focus on your Colby what sir I've been trying for the last three minutes that was just called you an amateur now did you dog whimpering or was it a baby crying you don't hear that house green now it's based that put it in your hands [Music] the dared it's you mean it is you what's that mean it's not focused not focusing on you that thing's turning cold what does that mean is that you can't define it for you is that worse than it being red you ever seen that before [Applause] [Music] sorry look Jake is fine I'm telling you I mean I'm okay there's something weird here take it wait tell you I don't do I don't know I eat in here so I'm just gonna move on believe it is in the dark like that it's changing is that a good thing we were to say what is it says Roy no as soon as it gets to me you better run brother it's not focusing all right business that is the second time this came up though business yeah the second time it's been stated that it seems a little more than random if it's hitting it twice run your business all right go get the new merger struck today Lincoln buyout blue blue but then he's green just checking I mean maybe we're demons yeah you know billion thanks I said that Colby shouldn't come down there because he's cuz he's wearing his new shoes but that you wanted to go down but I want to go and then we all sat here and immediately after it said solo don't wait it's going calling you oh it's my friend you're getting some relevant stuff here so I think that you guys should go under the bridge you should command it how do we command it you just say with all my authority I command any spirits around here to communicate with us kind of like you'd be speaking to a child okay okay yeah it doesn't necessarily mean that they're gonna be responsive sometimes it irritates them you know in into thinking whoa who the heck are you and give you a smack or something no sweetie this meter says climb so I think it agrees that we need to get down there dude I heard the noise again well yeah I mean we worried that something's going on they're trying to light drama I can't see anything out there I'll have a light what do you mean you got girl fight instead something's out there wait let's concentrate Jake say that thing about therosis baby theros I have your baby you look at this meter as soon as we walked up then turn this IR light on and late this is the most like I've ever heard like the most I've ever heard on the trip with you guys that's what I mean something's back there I'm following you soon no no no you're getting the wrong play press P oh my god there's gnats everywhere Oh Sam can you leave the way I'm scared of snakes not the Arosa I forgot Kansas has poison ivy [Music] I know that poison ivy no we're fine Boy Scout trust me okay fling the branch in my face brother yes if somebody say new shoes ruins [Music] we're gonna go under the bridge and walk the muddy part via Rosa get these bugs off man please be Rosa I command you to show us that you're here we're not asking we're demanding show us you're here oh my god what the door again yes dude I honestly think that like if we have any time just to get closer that sound be Rosa Oh weird it oh my god Colby yeah what if it's not a door Sam what if it's a baby squealing oh it does sound high-pitched here oh so if you're here right now show us the sign we're not here to play around hope we got a shoes dirty for you so we didn't oh my god you can't hear anything because there's wind it was that creep right yeah I heard that it's coming from right there right you guys heard that huh yeah you're clacking last time via Rosa I have your baby we demand you to show us a sign last time zero side have your baby was that it the creek one more time you're not gonna be able to hear anything let's go well you guys were down there this thing sounded off so we that you left at climb we know that right yeah all right so who's Paul Jay Paul is he here is it via Rosa was a Jake Paul II think she was a Jake Paulie have you ever heard of a Jake Paulie they're like a scary group of demons that haunt like the LA area yeah is the event international order of exercise Archbishop James cloud is the chief Exorcist so so yeah again thank you so much are you bad you're a huge ego thank you really appreciate you I hope nothing polish your home if it does have that for some protection okay okay and I safe journeys back to LA thank you so much yeah we'll be in contact sorry nice guy very nice guy what do you think this is oh yeah well he gave you something yeah you wanna see uh let's get let's let's get back Jake what what what do you want to just go back to your place sure okay yeah that's cool oh cool yeah let's let's head them back first this is like I don't wanna be here anymore and there's August people there alright alright so we just got back to Jake's house let's open this yeah what did he give you so bad just just to clarify for all the viewers we turn our cameras off we were like basically just like repacking up getting ready to go he went back to his car for a second then he came back with this piece of paper and he said be careful but just in case here's that use for protection watch out for each other and then whatever the hell that is what is that oh no do you think he wrote that or that was on that paper beforehand I don't know looks like Braille weird and what is this I just like a bunch of rocks yeah I don't know if it must be some sort of thing for protection because he was a demonologist okay well let's just carry that in the backpack and if anybody in the comments knows what the heck that means please let us know he kept blaming it on us he never said like oh yeah Thoros is bridge is haunted he was like it literally only likes you and I yeah and every single time we had that it was blue there was one point where I was like what's that mean he was just like I don't know I've never seen that happen to anybody before and he was talking about these all these people he's seen that were haunted like people being haunted objects being haunted not places but it didn't happen to Jake it's more or does that mean why only us but that's good though so we got some expert opinion what you know how we heat we you keep the Jonas Brother cutout in your house yeah and the colors of his machine he said this I'm hot you're cold you go around like you know like we know Kevin Jonas but we actually don't okay that makes a lot of sense that's why it's blue either way though we did finally get professional expert help no dude you know what this reminds me of though what still the witch's forest with like the whole new chapter thing like new beginnings finding out like the future chaos like it just all ties together somehow what is this I don't know if you didn't tell you did you guys smell it no no don't swallow anything there's absolutely no smell those were for our protection brother what are you doing just protecting us him like that you're just gonna stick those things up in a Santa costume alley he obviously isn't gave those well you did you two look mighty good by what the is that what come on stop right now Jake Jake what hello what oh yeah dude it was like a light flashing look there are you okay Jake Wow feels like I broke my toe no excellent Wow hello wait what do you see Sam what do you see I saw it like a flashing light like right here flashing light something something flashed right front there's nothing here you sure like Ricardo that's what I'm trying to see if like there's someone like what are the odds that like a light comes on like right after we were talking about I didn't see any of that I think are you sure it wasn't a car that just drove by wait this light just went off in the oh oh is this maybe was just that no no no no what that what do you mean it came from over here and it flashed like 20 times like a strobe light is motion sensor lights don't flash it it looked like we were getting raided by police or something yeah I thought it was like that wasn't that tonight I live I used to live here I know what that is there's no way that wasn't a car it was a headlight strung by the light was like going straight into the house and it was strobing okay are you good to go back inside yeah what I would actually have an I didn't see that he just like you tripped over like this legend every video you use yeah how was that possible okay I just have to like keep my luck my big toe like elevator I feel bad like listening to their conversation yeah let's just see who's talking about so we gotta decide what next obviously we came to Wichita here Jake's place and got the same results how are we gonna be more protected I mean we got rocks so I was thinking about this today just an idea so obviously let me know if you don't like agree or want to do something else but uh we only knew of that one place from JK we know like multiple in Kansas City and it's only like a three-hour drive why don't we just go back to Kansas City tonight oh so like go to his first haunted place ever and then go to like that warehouse like that bana GRU factory yeah yeah I think I'd like I should even come to that because you know the dude said that I'm safe I don't like I don't have anything to figure out he's usually come with us on these trips right say like we probably should stick the crew liked Aras tars worried my parents like a worried is that he then Collin on that we heard you on the phone explaining some stuff yeah and just like I mean I haven't been to Kansas since Christmas it's cool with you guys if I could just like you know just hang out with my friends like just stay here a couple days while you guys go figure it out you don't want to go get haunted again that's why yours I'm yeah and I mean like honestly my phyto like it honestly hurts like pretty bad I might hold you guys do that bad look can you walk on it I don't want to I don't want to like make something worse because like it it just hurts when I put pressure on it and you don't want to you don't want to come that's what you're saying that's cool I mean I just I just have a lot of reasons like nausea I mean the other thing I will give him is that that dude said or we've kind of figured out that it's just me and you that's haunted yeah I mean like honestly I feel like it'd be so much more important you know a few guys like cooking on yourself so you just want to show in Wichita yeah I don't have anything to figure out I guess that wasn't even his first haunting place the warehouse I mean like obviously we want you to come with us like you've been a part of every trip but we can't force you to do anything like if you don't want to come you don't have to why are weird things happening at places that aren't even haunted yeah yeah it will it freaks me out because it's like my own home too does anything scary or even happened you're never in my life dude see that's where things get weird I mean the only thing that's happened is I thought my vacuum looks like a person like multiple times but that happens to everyone yeah that happens that literally everything hey Sam can I talk to you outside just for two seconds yeah okay first Corey now Jake and Jake was out at the Blue Jake was down we bought him a plane ticket and now just like randomly he wants to bail out like what's up with that whatever we just figured out there today is that we are probably the ones getting ourselves into bad stuff and Jake is obviously not Honda maybe Cory was haunted because of the way that he interacts with negative energies but we are definitely the instigators of this why would we take him back to our first haunting place if like he had nothing to do with that like that it actually does make sense so what we're just gonna like fine but to go home and just be like all right you can chill here I like your place and just fly home tomorrow I already have him booked going home from the other airport maybe we can just transfer a transfer okay I mean it just sucks I got understand why they're upset like it makes sense but like Greek we don't like we're not forcing them to come like we bought him a ticket to Kansas just for him to bail like it just like kind of business me off but at the same time it's are we selfish bringing our friends on like scary trips like this yeah it's the same time what were the ones putting them in danger and the fact that he did I don't know if it's a stubbing a toe or like he actually like hurt his hurt his toe like that sucks like it could have been worse that's the only injury that we've ever done like that's pretty good cuz we do some dangerous stuff and I don't really want to put him through more danger if he's not even down that original warehouse might have the best answers because that's the very first haunted place we ever went to we want to do that we got to leave like ASAP cuz it's like a three-hour drive to Kansas City damn dude I mean let's talk to him about it one more time ask him and if he's still in the same boat then I guess what is peace okay I can't do anything about it really all right the show must go on don't make you walk all the way to the car but enjoy we'll see you when we get back to LA and we'll tell you what it's at okay all right all right I'm sorry I let you guys down man it's all good we just we agree with you bro we'll see you again soon we'll get this group back together okay okay got a black cat oh it's not focusing it's not focusing okay what are the odds that as we're about to get in the car a black cat comes out bro it's not focusing on this kid that's early can you see what it is yes you can see it's obviously there a black cat right leaving great why is all this happening what's up guys so we are on our way out of Wichita towards can't say we just were looking at some numbers we realized that not a big percentage of you guys that watch our videos are even subscribed so we're gonna give you five seconds five four three two one welcome to the fam guys we make the content you have to sit and watch it we go through all this scary for you least you could do is hit us with a little subscribe one click of a button why are you down there though if you want to click on the bell thing YouTube is changing up a ton of things of their notifications so if you don't have the Bell on you're probably not even gonna see the fact we have a video so go do that to go on with the videos update real quick we're on a drive at Cory's calling Corey oh no what yo yeah we're just driving back to Kansas but like to be honest [Music] [Music] I'm glad you come to the Rosie I don't know where it's going from but dude yeah that's awesome it just doesn't feel the same and like I wanna be there like yeah I mean we miss you too like it feels like weird with without having here we're super down to have you in the group obviously like if you want to do it that's go big man I'm glad you like came to the realization can't take that back now you said it we got you on camera man what's happened to Cory what happened to Cory did somebody possess him yeah I think that is not Cory that was according or maybe he he drank too much in LA he basically just said you know what I'm ready let's take this on like he totally changed maybe it got to him all the comments I something like that he was just like you know I must go because the he does all this other paranormal stuff anyway he was gonna do it whether or not he's on our channel you know what like he was saying I honestly do think he just felt left out me you and Jake we're all over here and just like doing her own thing and he's probably sitting at home being like damn like just it's so weird without the four of us you know yeah but what are the odds that she quits right after Cory's like you know what let's do it we'll get Jake back though like I'm a hundred percent sure we'll just like sit Jake down to be like listen man you'll be fine okay like we'll get Jake back we live his one let me gain back another lose one again I'm still just like mind blown that he's even just down to do crazy stuff but you don't even just say crazy stuff he's like let's go facial that's amazing the group will come back together later yeah the group's coming back we need to figure out what the heck is going on with us and by we're haunting and then as soon as we can figure out how to not be on it let's go big what core is watching this we're proud of you we love you man what's you back no doo doo doo doo doo no caller ID no way it's happening again it's out of nowhere okay hello talk that way who is this hey Nate Nate yeah Mike Nate Hardy yeah what your numbers showed up as a no color idea or some crazy person may you scared the crap out of us dude you can't do that ever yeah no yeah we are in Kansas why what are the odds that's insane yeah what we're filming a video and we're like I'm gonna be in Kansas the rest of the weekend where you enter you can turn it down here you know we're actually still in Wichita but like this weekend we're coming up to Kansas City how long are you gonna be there hey thanks man yeah we were just having a conversation that when we go up to Kansas who would hit the warehouse you remember that go back like I just feel like from back in the day yes it was always superstition that works out so perfectly dude let's just meet up with him tomorrow yeah yeah what are you doing tomorrow okay sounds good man ah well then I'll call you tomorrow we'll get together like mid-afternoon dude what are the odds what the why to come up any sense I thought he was like some ghost can't call us like the demon it would be room and he's here I guess it makes sense cuz it's summer break even think about that look right after Hawaii yeah he doesn't go back to school for what another couple months yeah it's no wonder he's back but luckily just Nate now I got something to look forward to I'm gonna meet up and everybody here knows who Nate is yes they do old videos like he was in all of our old Kansas abandoned videos and the abandoned Six Flags video so we can't this won't be that bad after all let's meet up with him tomorrow for sure our journey to you mate Nate [Music] so just update you guys all of our old friend group used to meet at this gas station called quick trip so we just had Nate meet us here and we're gonna go pick them up yo Nate why the heck are you in Kansas dude that's so random dude I know I just had a couple days off work so that I come back see the old stomping grounds man plus Mason's here I haven't seen him in years that is so random like the day that we decided we wanted to come back he's just here here like that doesn't make any sense funky dude that's great and we just saw you in Hawaii it's like perfect it's been like exactly a month - no I saw y'all's a story on Instagram I was like oh I got to see if they're in town so that actually works out perfect like we came back over to this side of Kansas because we're looking for our old buddies first haunted places and we're like you know we should go back to all the old places that we used to explore and then you had the Albany of the barn to the bar you remember the barn with the wreck oh you bet that got tore down I did get torn we went there like last year and it's just completely demolished now so surprised but we did talk yesterday about the warehouse yeah first you still gonna go to that today how is that even a question yeah do you have like anything to do like the freedom eh nah dude I'm free agent I got time that's sick okay yeah we've been going through some weird stuff lately over the past like three months every single place we go to we end up finding some crazy experience and like feeling like we're haunted hotels forests like even when we went to Hawaii after you left like we yeah we told you about that story yeah I got super haunted like weird you say haunted like I mean is it just these odd occurrences or is it this perpetual like feeling no it's just like every single place that we go to something happens to us and we're starting to think that it's not the places but it's actually just oh that's no that's what I'm saying cuz that's that's crazy and what I'm wondering is why you feel like heavier do you feel a presence of something or it's just weird because I we're always we've always been skeptical ever since we've yeah you know back in the day going to these places we'd expect you know hey maybe a handful the places would have some crazy paranormal experience but every single time something happens to us dude I there's not to freak you out and then not to here not a pro being freaked out but that's giving me chills man like yeah yeah for real and I know this is gonna sound crazy but like since we parted ways in Hawaii no I'm not I'm not messing with you man like I've I've just had this immense like heavy feeling no way well I just so it was like that time my freshman year I binge that but it's that feeling that's like it's like it's like that sense of paranoia I thought it was just the post travel kind of jetlag you feel yeah and then after that it just stayed and there was a sustained heavy feeling and I've been having these gosh gnarly and heavy dreams and like this sense of you know when you say a word so many times that it stops feeling like a word and there's that dissonance that cognitive dissonance there it's like that perpetually so it is having these crazy dreams to where it doesn't even seem real yeah yeah and they carried like the line between dream and reality sometimes feels life is just but ya know that's just been in the past month I thought I was losing my mind you haven't had like crazy dreams like that before not that sense no it I kind of relate to that in a way ever since I went to Stanley Hotel I've been having these like weird dreams as well but just recently this past month has been like a lot worse I don't know about you Sam but like for me it's just like it just feels like I'm always being watched in a way they even if I'm alone or even if I'm not in a crowd of people and nobody's looking at me that paranoid feels like you're always there's just always something behind you like watching and we went we found like a paranormal investigator yesterday I don't know if we told you this and he gave us this device that like could tell if there was like something near you and when Sam and I grabbed it it lit up like blue like there was something near us but Jay our friend it was nothing and so it like really just made us think like cuz he's Pierrot dude this T's tooth period hello I was wondering what your channel name is again I completely forgot it I knew I I do I noticed you from somewhere names David Scott on YouTube hey there you go it's gonna be the next Alex and target the exam to be Nick from quick trips that is crazy but it's just the dream right nothing weird actually happening dude it's like something weird happens to us all the time we just want to make sure you're not actually gonna be levitating and like possessed my eyes like rolling back like moving backwards in Latin there's one thing I'm just uh I don't know if I want to bring it into this dude and this was after Hawaii - yeah this was recently this was like last week well do you think it pertains to being haunted or is it more just like a weird thing it's like a weird thing but it's in this same vein of it feels like there's just you know how forces actually people it feels like that where it was just a direct line like to that kind of domain huh but you're not gonna tell us like exactly what happened well maybe just give us a sparknotes give you the sparknotes all right hey I'm glad that's catching on and then a homie up in a town I was living in awhile ago everything was going well it was the first time we'd really actually had a conversation we were acquaintances prior and basically sat me down and told me he used to work corporate for like ten years until one day he got he got kicked out I asked you know why what was that like he needs a lot had an epiphany and I said well you know you're gonna have to something about that now and he essentially said I died for 30 minutes I was the Hill Lord okay this isn't something you just need you don't just drop I died for 30 minutes over rosemary chicken he had been and believe it and so of course I had to pry into it and essentially the dude offered to introduce me to guide this random dude or is he like a good friend no we'd been acquaintances like a good friend god sounds like he's about to kill you yeah well there was a point in the conversation where I was sitting there like oh you don't know how much further we want to go we run now yeah yeah anyway his way but yeah like you're saying we want to go back to the warehouse because we think that it might have all started from there because I don't know if you knew this but like Sam and I went there when were like 13 14 we're always trying to find the origin of all these like haunting experiences and the warehouse is definitely the first creepy place we all ever went for sure so if you're down it does kind of seem like the epicenter of all that and if it is us like let's say something is attached to us or like we're mediums or whatever whatever it is and go there and like figure out like once and for all like what's actually happening yeah down in half voice and are you sure like is Mason cool with you're just like leaving and hanging out with us are you staying in for any reason or just to catch up with friends Oh in Kansas yeah yeah I'm just you know chill man okay yeah yeah man let's [ __ ] get it it just seems all like dude like we come here for what four or five days we lose Jake but then randomly Nate's in town like it's weird there that's strange cosmic jigsaw puzzle man [ __ ] everything happens for a reason [Music] all right guys we just got back to my house back in the old room it's too sad if you um oh no jeez Samy Colby Finn you know what this room is this is where we started our very first youtube video very awkward videos back in the day we just want to come talk to you guys and talk to each other a little bit for a second cuz we didn't even realize that this whole thing was affecting Nate too he was basically saying after he met with us he's like starting to happen to him like haunted wise as well Corey he quit last time he just quit on us last night saying it's too dangerous his parents were worried about I'm tar was worried about all of our parents are worried about us yeah speaking of like I want to talk to them about that what we're trying to say is that it's not only affecting like the friends that we recently made in LA not recently but you know it's affecting like our lifetime long friends I've met Nate when I was like in preschool so yeah I've known him forever and the fact that it's even affecting him and he said that it was after Hawaii when he saw us so what if whoever we're talking to whoever we come in contact to or affecting like we have to yeah like we need to do something and that's what I'm saying it's like I think whatever happened way back when make us haunted started at the warehouse so if we do some sort of cleanse there if we you know figure out what could have made us haunted back there maybe you know it'll cleanse us completely that's what I'm thinking because I love doing haunted stuff as long as you know it's like the place that's getting haunted no innocent people you know are hurt yeah the fact that we're looking our friends is what needs to change yeah if it does change I'm down to keep doing it but if it doesn't change and like we're just putting people in danger that we don't need to right but if we do some sort of cleansing ritual tonight at the warehouse where we think everything started happening maybe we'll be free once once for all we got to definitely figure out some sort of ritual to end everything obviously that we've said in the past year of the ritual guys so just be thinking of what I'm sure like we'll think of one eventually or we can look one up let's go at like sunset or something like that but we got a couple hours till then so maybe we can figure something out I can look something up I just wouldn't it affects the friends it's like oh that's one aside that's when we have we have to do something so reason like Jake didn't want to come with us at all he got a bunch of calls all day from tatra saying like she was really worried and even though his parents are out of town in England they were calling him over and over and over again saying like something like they're worried that he's continuing doing this which is weird because his parents had not really said anything for some reason they start getting worried this time and then after the whole paranormal investigation we did in Wichita weird stuff happened at his house making him even like more weird and long story short I'm having outside his house and he ended up tripping and following I don't think anything happened because he always trips and falls into Jake though through all these different things are happening and hem when to get back to film he said you didn't even want to go and Boo are kind of you know pushing Jake ever ever shown any sign of like wanting to stop yeah it just kind of got us worried and because everybody was over him yeah we just want to kind of know your opinion like do you you guys watch all this stuff right like it can't be as worried as his parents ones lately or scary the one that shipped me the most was this last one at the witch's forest with that baby thing oh my god and that scared me and I yeah it scares me that you guys are still doing this now yeah no no we still honest-to-god do not know what that thing was we still think it's like I mean I didn't even see it so I ya know if I believe you that stuff scares me that you guys are still doing this I know me I'm game for anything a few broken bones a couple nights in jail play around as a fund some of the stuff you've been doing since around the Queen Mary time frame and since then it's it spooks your mom and me quite a bit ever since say McQueen Queen Mary's been like pretty intense ever since we stopped doing the abandoned stuff and it's affecting everybody around us yeah and now like Jake just left home I we never thought he'd say yeah idea came out of everybody we were just cleaning out some closets the other day Allison moved to Rochester we ran across that old block she brought home that night that that old green box had lock on it I don't know if you ever found it was in it but we pulled it out kept it for them box box nine you brought it home back when you guys were first going out doing stuff it was way before you did did social media back when he used to do the bonfires away to go out there and need to explore the warehouse yeah what I was I was with you right I don't like the do wait we still have that guys we're waiting wait this is sick what [Music] what are you talking about it's so crazy what you mean to tell me that you brought a box back from the warehouse and didn't tell us about it no I thought I did I swear to God I told you guys it's like oh yeah yeah yeah look at this look at this what isn't this the weirdest thing this is the first thing I ever brought back from the warehouse you're a professional Explorer have you found a treasure chest you didn't tell us about its lights just a box dude no it's kind of from the warehouse you're not supposed to take anything it's a wee box wait turn about we talk we take things from haunted places all the time no reason like we're being watched like it's mystery thing I forgot about a completely because we came home couldn't open it and I was just like whatever and then my dad was like I mean I can keep the toolbox we go and I was like sure okay but how could you forget about that it's been 8 years what are you talking about we've been to the warehouse four times since then like on camera and off camera 55 times this is not a significant thing what of course it is dude this could be the reason why we're haunted what do you mean the saw significant you're telling me that a little tin box is the reason why we're haunted maybe you know what the ghost chooses to haunt no come on yeah this is the way you get haunted you take something from the source and it latches on you with leeches dude it's like the the key you know it's like that brought this thing in to you no boy I actually didn't tell you guys about this cuz I thought you I thought you were there was that just with Mia Mason I would have remembered this and I would have like busted the heck out of it to fight because I wanna know what's in it dude that is true when I was like 13 I was like trying to pry this open with just my hands we could probably break this yeah let's do it okay okay crazy idea whatever's in there what if that's what we need to burn like you know how we did the fire ritual and witch's forest you built you burnt the biltmore key yeah which is where it all started no what if it started way back before that like way way before them and what we need to burn is in that box does that makes sense if I'm not you making perfect sense dude that's like yep straight straight up a cult right there I think that's that's what we did burning stuff like as a ritual to cleanse ourselves but it's like we've been taught that this entire we need to burn something else wait yeah I know yeah I know exactly what we need to do well grab this okay actually this is great we all the time is it we need to plug some dumb right now let's go let's go [Music] let's get in there real quick the neighbors called the cops last to be back here yo you remember that frog we found laughs I did I bet he's got a whole frog family here believe we're staying overnight again coming full circle is that what is that let's go look at that [Music] I think that I feel very that alright guys so the reason why we had to run is a lot of the neighborhood people call the cops on people that come back here and as you know we don't have a great history with abandoned places if a lot of you guys have not seen the warehouse videos we've done in the past we used to go to this place all the time like this group went here every day like ever every single weekend this is the place we hung out this is the reason why we started exploring a bad this warehouse is where everything started crazy is the place that I found this box was called the murder room and not that many people know this story and I think we told it in our last video but the murder room is where obviously a lot of people have gotten murdered all the time we used to see people get helicoptered out to this warehouse because they got killed in a specific room that's where I found the box but we were never able to open it so like I didn't think it was that big of a deal that's that's the main area what do you mean sure yeah this will lead up and around I don't remember this Oh God hmm that's how it starts - dude this place there gives me the creeps man you remember that feeling you got the first time we ever broke in here dude that was gnarly yeah oh we just made it before sundown this is gonna be horrified [Music] yeah this is where it all started what the hell is that did that thing just freak out oh nothing just died in front of you yeah it's freaking out right now alright changeable lights real quick there we go damn dude this is so different there used to be a big giant wall there with the window remember oh my god I got so destroyed do trees go up [Music] we got to be more careful this time cuz it's another like six years old dude do you remember that hole in the roof over here that Colby almost fell out so you want ups and do they fly in you [Music] you guys feel heavier in here oh yeah was it just cuz we pull away dude this place is so different yeah what do you mean fools they're on Kobe are you almost like yeah right there what is that sound like my gosh Moschino on what about that let's find some sort of like a base camp alright wait what were you saying about this we we turn the cameras off to put on bug spray because I was getting eaten alive yeah you would be really mean to that horsefly I'm just kidding there's an [ __ ] dude so the last time I was here there is this artist I think the names Graham on both sides of this wall and did just incredible that's unfortunate if we're supposing that this place is where we caught those those demons or ghosts it whatever yeah um the verse Romans 8 5 through 6 according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires but those who live in accordance with the spirit have their minds set on what the spirit desires the mind governed by the flesh is death but the mind governed by the spirit is life and peace and is it any surprise that right through that message yeah that's messed up Dan I just can't believe we're back and this this is ten times worse than the first I was dead yeah hot there's bugs or more haunted and we came here eight we have to stay so long it feels like it feels like the sound of someone smacking their food oh god I just trying out I look very greasy I look like I was in a sauna fer what was that yeah dude remember a last video we'll put a clip in it but doors started randomly slamming the middle of the night in the murder room in the murder the door just stand in front of them what was that yeah the bird was oh just killed us actually it's a scary bird that was terrible yeah died by bird yeah pretty yet yeah bring it on birds okay okay you know what I do remember about this place the noises yeah he just maybe wasn't absolutely horrified every two seconds speaks man it's freaky there was a massive wall right there it got destroyed no idea sorry sorry what was that it was TIA those wind things on top rotating oh you went on a prisoner yeah positive because I freaked out so much that I turned off the camera and turn it back on and that's a lot of fruit you know there's a lovely I mean it's gonna show you freak out you film it I'm trying to film it I filmed it twice that it turned off yeah oh yeah look right here that way of like a but we said something was like big Nick and we could try to kill it oh yeah yeah we shopped it okay we do I don't know if I even liked this place it's nostalgia but during the night it's major haunted I don't think we did I don't think we even said that like every single time we go here something happens right well though I start noses happen dude I still have like dreams about that yeah yeah that's freaky man it was when you have that long beautiful hair Nate what happened yeah oh my god was that a bullfrog okay who's acting somebody going oh yeah let's say ethic of those yeah I go that's the sound cows make when they make more cows but cows are all female so how would I happen to me you're right hey there's cows to be whatever they want chill chill so what happened to your hair I told you I just got rid of it yeah I liked it full on Eleanor Anna try grow my hair out alright you want to race so you can get those to their nipples first I have to be able to grow facial hair for 22 years so I think you might win that oh no way dude look look look Sarah Colby fan you bit right where we did the video and that's awesome I wonder if there's like more stuff about that cuz we thumbs what six videos here we did dude like graffiti wears off you know what I mean yeah that's crazy though it was the place we found Django wasn't him about that corner over there past the murder room yeah I think we should go over there let's go back yeah to our old base camp and they'll be good on there's the murder room no there isn't oh my gosh up there last time oh this is where is the dwarfs land and there was a bird in here that was swooping door slammed like five times and the reason why we they call it the murder room obviously the murders but there used to be red paint all over this room away from home yeah yeah I'm 48 that's eight hours when sunrise Siri when does a sunrise Hey okay cool so a little bit before six eight hours eight hours from now we got this all right Sam you were so adamant about getting here superfast thing you knew what to do so what do we need to do I honestly think I know but is this thing called the moon ritual and to do right we need to wait till is 12 o'clock midnight did you just forget about that until we saw the box like what made you remember just like you just remembered randomly you have a light you have a light [Music] oh my god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] there's no later I like putting something together if also standing around something it leave I don't know [Applause] sorry we go where'd it go we have to let go got to be quiet what do we do we go to the pack this way yeah I school districts office ads we just say how was the previous thing that's ever happened on entire life what do you think they have bombs throwing high skids but what like that while standing in a circle chanting just way they could be doing something okay let's just hide out here for like you know 20 days and see if the loud noises they're making cops are gonna come that's right cops will definitely um yeah yo I yeah we're gonna be because we're gonna be haunted for the rest of you in forever yeah we came here specifically do that ritual which we about to explain you know what this is right what this is this is the energy of whatever's following us trying to stop us from getting rid of this thing dude I just got details yeah of course this would be happen to us as soon as we're trying to get rid of our energy once and for all something comes in randomly and stuff yeah go Hey [Music] Hey Oh no way mate you kept running I didn't see you I thought you got ran over yeah thought you died no we stopped running my god how the rails like new it on fire Oh it goes on forever [Music] my god dude no no don't touch it oh my god I've never experienced I mean dude that was so close we almost we weren't that came around that so fast I did not see that at all it didn't even blow its horn before it got here it was just like on us immediately Oh turn off lights again okay so we've been here for like what 30 45 minutes I'm like it just waiting haven't heard any more explosions go off haven't heard any people in there so I think we're just gonna go and check it out again but uh what were you saying about the Train I mean that that's like there's something trying to stop us from doing this reverse say oh yeah we started talking about the moon ritual which we'll get into in a second you ran out and then the Train block our path to get back to your warehouse as soon as we try to start the moon yeah something stopped us and there's like weird thought we were saved the Train happened when that thing hurtled by man it was like standing next to Halley's Comet to just let's go check the floor is good to do this ritual it is almost midnight should we do what that other group is doing and do a giant satanic choir song so that everyone else inside is scary oh we did guys I got picked up by God and piss on him so I don't think we should call out like you usually do yes that after the train passed they vanished yeah the train hits like we never maybe I didn't hear another sound now there's no one here yeah we didn't hear anybody for the next 30 minutes that's why we're coming back in here I'm gonna try to turn this up a little bit so you guys can see this is what it looks like all right so I'm pretty sure what they did is in this manner they loose something up we were sitting right there watching them right here that's so sad right a good Zelda ones not good it does yeah rancher commercial oh who did that and why they were singing while they do it that's just the rear part you know how they would sacrifice animals to pagan gods yeah maybe they're sacrificing fruit to vegan gods kind of looks like it's clear I think just to get things over with let's go back to the murder room and do this miracle before anything else has to stop what a murderer because that's where I found the box originally I thought I did I had to it you guys just must not remember do you remember I don't think you ever guys so we're coming back to where we were sitting when the random cult like choir came in because we forgot a light that would have been a dead giveaway if they came out here that someone about hmm a random flashlight that looked perfectly on you yeah this is the one I couldn't turn out to and they were like right there and I was like God they were literally right there can't believe we've got away that's insane hey boys your name right there negative - Sam called me and they all in rented it ready so simcha we're on this wall - no yeah I said Sam Koli from the other side and then dude yeah not to be that guy but let's do the membership for any other random becomes yeah let's see the murder room we go satanic symbols already happened that's crazy when we were in danger last time we ran that way out of the murder room into the roof we're in danger this time we write it into the murder room in now just think about this somewhere in this room but multiple people have died and had to be helicoptered out in comics raped and stuff if there's been a lot of bad crimes in this room yeah this is not the place to do that graffiti says you should have died seconds talking to us I was gonna say don't say that whatever dark energy was attached to us this is like its subconscious mind and we've wandered into it and these are the things that it imagines like his walls are synaptic man that's so freaky yeah I'm just gonna start dumping all my stuff out here but you know how in which is Forrest the witch was talking to us about living by the moon cycles yeah the moon cycles so far like what we're experiencing right now it was like a half crescent moon and so it it's good going towards a new moon which is symbolizing a rebirth so again some new chapter in our lives I get the death card if we do this right we can surround all the elements of the earth so earth when fire water like you have a car yeah I want to be the Airbender and so we can put the Box down there and if that is what is haunting us it should have a rebirth of that box and thus if we have it back here we aren't gonna be attached to it a little demon one so how is everything you're so quiet okay so how completely done yeah is you know when you can't see the moon anymore so once I hit sunrise also we should be fine we just need to do this we should do this at midnight and then it once once the moon's over with it should be rebirth and we should not have anything on us cool cool all right you want to put the Box down out here dude what oh no no look at that did you even see that before I've never seen that no what did I have time to do that running for the Train here Nate shine your flashlight like right there yeah there you go what you swear you never saw that before like what are you down on first time this is this is this is ms-dos so actually I probably actually we weren't scared of that yeah see it I was just like okay yeah sure you know yeah I didn't really know what men oh no man let's supposed to do this so but that might just proves that it's evil okay have this note from the very first episode this series we can use the rocks and these stones he said there's protection stones yes so we can put the stones around and that can be a berth salt around bug spray we can put that around what is this that is uh it's like a perfume oil thing that will like the tech out okay let's do that if you can open that we're gonna rub that on us a little bit we're just gonna rub it on your yeah it's the how what we're gonna do yeah I kind of feel like I'm in the middle of like an OxiClean commercial like hey look at Billy Mays back from the dead here oh you've got a legion of demons trying to ruin your existence just rub some of this all over jack helps to you oh you really what's going tangerines oh my god actually you can't Cassie you better filmer seance or apartment we're protected let's protect over there a little bit [Music] we got everything set up vault circles around here so yeah we put a bunch of protective methods out there as you guess we have fire we have earth we have water we have air around us just to specify what we're cleansing we actually have a picture out here if that's not enough just for us all being here these are the four people that we usually have in our group that always got here and we're haunted so we're gonna put this down to hopefully bless us to whatever supposed to say something specific yeah there's an invocation that we all hold hands and say the same thing three times and then after we do that all we have to do is wait till the sign and then if this place if this thing was actually haunted the box then it shouldn't be hunting us anymore I should be going back to its old place okay rebirthing thirty minutes tops being which we can open it and find out what's actually inside but that'd be sick join hands means oh all together I'm gonna say the invocation you guys are going to be saying free us from the spirits harming us all eight times three all right ready let's get it done fast good Transpo we invoke fire wind water and earth free us from spirits Garmadon free us from the spirits that are harming us free a [ __ ] can't leave yeah we hit wait we can't leave stay inside gotta go we gotta we have to go back we have to the tanks blocking the [ __ ] was that does that mean we didn't finish the ritual to that did whatever just happened stop us again on the last thing on the last words it stopped us I can't go back you gotta go back let's go back yeah yeah yeah yeah they're back on ice you're back wake up you're back did you put that there but the wasters Nate this right here is this girl named Jennifer ski how is that possible oh do you think it wasn't I checked by a hundred percent checking like fully check you think there just fell out of the backpack yes how how would it do it seriously I lost this a month ago I've used that backpack like five times larger was like deep down in the pocket you were just hitting it all out I know about this dude no way I have energy moving through our like none other to me okay I don't mean to sound crazy but imagine if this key were to open that box out of some random that wouldn't make any sense but why is it here what do mean right here you left it in the backpack let's just try it large way down no that's a sticker no I'm not sick y'all are fires going out we should probably get this seance done I just want to know what's in that box [Music] [Music] what look what is that did that come out there I don't know something metal you heard that on the camera what the [ __ ] is that it's almost there there's just a bunch of rocks Oh anything else in here I shake it oh wait wait wait what is this there's something there's something vegan it's almost happened sure Can I grab it yeah yeah yeah you see it yeah you got it dude there's nothing else look at this I'm literally shaking nor Norrell it's a mirror hold mine look at my did you would you have the other thing that was in there it's over here what do they mean well I was what does that mean dude is that actually a bullet or is that something still no what what is that Nate do you know it looks like a roll let me see it dude I'm shakin - it's cracked on their outside what is this like a dagger that looks like it might be a letter opener this oh that would make sense it's not like a dagger look at the sides remarkable they're like what what does that mean well yeah what why would you need to know that what letter do we need to open is that question I'm asking what letter did this open previously that that guy just shoved in a lockbox and threw it a random yeah you know abandoned why would he put a mirror in there - I'm trying to connect my own dots ears I've caught me a little bit crazy but we've been saying it's us the entire series and what tells you it's us more than a mere pointing back to your face I mean what what if that's the reason were being haunted any because you took that box and it had a mirror and they're playing that it was us the entire time we need to leave this here oh yeah I'm definitely leaving this area but I'm just saying like that could be like the answer so if we quote rebirth this when the moon ends tonight leave it all here maybe just maybe that would end this or at least end where we started at the warehouse we need to finish the ritual one last time say three times make sure we all say it without anything happening like that we got to put all these objects in there - let's do this before we have no no more fire okay let's do it just get this over with you got the clocks we got the two things all inside of it one last time we invoke fire earth wind and water freezes from the stairs that are harming us free us from the spirits that are harming us free us from this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we made it it's crazy dude everything about this whole thing like just came so full circle you know like this is where everything always began and we finally like are successful in a ritual for the first time ever yeah I mean I hope we still don't know all right it feels like there's some sort of weight that was lifted off my shoulders but I don't know it just could be because I'm tired yeah and like coming back to Kansas always like resets things yeah but just this has been like a crazy like journey even back at the Stanley you have met much less even like way back at Queen Mary it's like when we first started pairing all this stuff it's like we're honestly just doing that for the entertainment you know as part of like exploring but dude it's like affected our lives so much like took us all the way back here to a place what we never thought we'd go again not even just affecting us though it's like affecting our whole friend group and surprisingly even like Nate yeah speaking of guys big thanks to Nate let's go home man he has a Instagram if you want to go follow it you should do that keep up with them the second half of this videos gonna be back in Los Angeles we'll keep you up-to-date with what's going on in our lives and how this like really affects us cuz we want you guys to know whether or not this worked or not it's definitely not over we're gonna go meet up with Jake and Cory again or he seems like he's ready Jake needs a little bit of convincing but we'll go talk to him right now and I think after this I'm feeling I feel more than I ever have yeah yeah it's just so interesting I feel like we just started scratching the surface a little possibly you know I just learned it the hard way I just hope it worked and we're actually good see backing away [Music] a month almost exactly yesterday it had been a month since we got back from Kansas City Kansas Kansas against our hometown guys and guess what we're feeling better than ever we think it'd work we've been doing a lot of stuff a lot of travel Anna and honestly not that much that's scary no not at all east of here things talking to me at night don't hear those anymore talk about that all jokes aside like I haven't like like nothing's happened it's so weird cuz like for the last two years like we always have things like happen here a couple of weeks it's like oh yeah you're still haunted right not gonna let you forget that but yeah so we decided to call up Corey and Jake to talk about the next step look what we want to go forward cuz you know Jake had quit earlier this season we'll get him back Corian quit earlier this season but he gave us a call and said you want to talk about it so we invite him over there coming over about five minutes and then see what we can do yeah yeah maybe it's time to take it or why do you turn to maybe it's time to step it up a notch those are really good let's go talk to him [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so you might be wondering why we came here Hey okay so might be wondering why we came here today we got some good news brothers what is it I don't think we're hotter than before we did we went to this [ __ ] see but in all seriousness we went to a very first haunted place we ever went to even before social media the warehouse we did this ritual we did it correctly I didn't actually like war we've been testing at this last month and we haven't filmed anything scary for a month but nothing paranormals haven't do it for a month nothing's happening afterwards the warehouse tech I think we farming and we did the ritual at the warehouse and we think that listen okay actually how does that on high-mid Cory because we were the ones that were bringing the haunted piss to the places the paranormal investigator and the witch all said it started because we brought you on these things so you did a ritual that made you unhappy yes it's called the moon ritual now how I originally burned random objects so it cleanse ourselves those are the wrong objects it didn't start at the Belvoir didn't start a Queen Mary it started with us like a you gonna burn my first time here yeah way way back when to get rid we got hot because he took something from the haunted place and we put it back so does this mean that you're not doing rituals and all that stuff anymore they could get Yuri haunted well what we're trying to say is that we think we know how at yun haunt ourselves if we were to get haunted again just gonna start burning everything yeah yeah we have to bring that's why we came here today it's like we're like guys if we're gonna do this we definitely don't want to go figure unless we have the full group back and I know it's been back and forth a lot but if you said on the phone Cory like a month ago you said your dad I'll maybe come back I'm still down so what you guys just told me it does make me feel more comfortable now like knowing that you did something to like get clean or like it's something all of you it just scares me still what we might end up doing because it's always some crazy you said some of that you want to go bigger and so now we're here to say do you guys actually want to go bigger like hitting like the most places in the world like I'm so used to long to like basements or just like houses bro you guys like to go to castles yeah we might have put the garden most headhunted places in the United States we take it later national imagine that those videos will be crazy we're gonna get haunted by a British ghost can you promise us that we won't be fighting like literally like like both yeah have you ever been figured out you're done you're not go I'm down bro all right international brother rolling we're gonna get some shaky what's the key for did we want a car no in a car are we getting a car to go on these investigations oh you know I will get you a car if you come to Internet what was the key there he doesn't put that away tell the viewers and see you guys down today and say are we back no more splitting up we're gonna go in which together unhaunted this time we're back well let's do this alright guys it's time to go international three two [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Sam and Colby
Views: 4,091,742
Rating: 4.9506431 out of 5
Keywords: overnight, sam golbach, colby brock, exploring, abandoned, sam and colby, 24 hour challenge, sam and colby series, sam and colby haunted, haunted overnight, kansas series, the origin, exploring abandoned building, ghost hunting, sam and colby overnight, sam and colby queen mary, witches forest, scary videos, top 10 most haunted, crybaby bridge, haunted bridge, overnight at bridge, sam and colby scary, full movie, scary documentary, horror movie, abandoned warehouse
Id: DxUmmK0qT0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 3sec (6483 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 22 2019
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