THE STANLEY: USA's Most Haunted Hotel (Full Movie)

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[Music] it's one of the spookiest places in America you've lived in Denver long enough you may have heard about the legends of ghosts and Cheesman Park I thought maybe a little a little girl ran by you heard that right yeah Lucy was that you willing to come out and let us know the two around yeah what's up guys it's amico here today we start the very first video in our Stanley Hotel series which our friends have no idea about so we're actually gonna go get them right now all we said before this post for Jake and Cory to completely clear their schedules for tomorrow but they don't even know that we're picking them up right now so let's do it give me Bart you scared the crap out of me where you're a little person we're getting the squad back together man oh wait so we're gonna go pick up Elton - yes No [Music] come pepper let's go out here my neighbor I thought I supposed to get evicted alright so we gathered you all here today for one reason one reason only listen brother we're back on YouTube and we're going to the Stanley Hotel don't get my start whoa wait what would you wait wait wait we're going to this Stanley Hotel where's that Colorado when what tomorrow we're going tomorrow we already bought you guys tickets plane tickets halfway across the United States do you know what the Stanley Hotel is yes I know this family go to the one that was the shining spaced-out hell yeah no way yeah I love the shiny what I'm so down this do be sick all right are you as down as he is no okay this is known as one of the most haunted hotels in the entire world and the most famous haunted place in the entire United States look it up anywhere top haunted and there's anyone died there I'll get into that yeah well so I can't go guys there's so many hauntings that have given people nightmares of like they can never live down that Stephen King wrote an entire movie about it I might be a psychopath but I'm excited I love that movie one of my favorites Stephen King I love him be brought to you Cory Cory but we're gonna have to go get him he didn't drive here we picked a puppet okay this is why we picked you up so we actually brought you here tonight because we thought it'd be a good idea to not go in cold like we usually do so instead of doing all the research there in Colorado we want to take you guys here and tell you all the stories and hauntings and stuff before us Oh awesome so we get to be super scared before we even fly there yeah perfect dude thank you guys oh the flights is 7:00 in the morning tomorrow soon you guys yeah so that means I get LAX no Brianne we got that 5 a.m. no wake up at 4 a.m. are you ready all right breakfast is on you guys so before we actually leave California let's figure out why this place is haunted The Shining which is a movie and a book by Stephen King is why this is the most famous haunted hotel in the entire world and basically there's a story behind that we're in room 217 which is considered the most haunted room of the entire hotel Stephen King once stayed there with his wife and had this horrible horrible nightmare where his kid was running away from a fire hose that was chasing him down the hallways and then it eventually caught up to him and strangled him like a snake woke up he was all sweaty he was like one of those like craziest nightmare he's ever had in his life so he went out to his balcony and started smoking a cigarette by the time he finished that cigarette he knew that he was gonna make this shining and came up with all the plot points of it wait so he stayed there before he knew who's gonna make a movie about it yeah it was yes it was wanted like low key because the movie know if you guys have never seen that famous scene of a little kid riding his tricycle through like the hallways the cameras following at him and there's like those two girls that are just like dead in the hallway that's the shining and that's based off the hotel we're going to murder backwards or blue rum yeah we're not discriminating here thank you Sam so yeah this is the hotel literally looks like a castle it's so nice and it looks so inviting this is going to be so scary the most haunted places in the Stanley Hotel are obviously the room that Stephen King and stayed at room 217 so we'll definitely visit that but then also the entire fourth floor is known for all the other spirited rooms yeah that's where we're staying it's hosted numeral paranormal investigators now us it appeared in shows such as ghost hunters and Ghost Adventures Wow now it's copying them and Shane and Shane Dawson Shane Dawson did this a long time yes the only thing does is hmm that's problem we're gonna be doing to us no and that's the whole video okay we're just gonna hate Jake in the comments cut all this out girls King stars coming for wait what there's a place called the vortex it's a staircase between floors in the hotel's main guest room and it's a natural spiral of energy for ghosts that are known to haunt though yo I read about this they say there's a portal in the middle of the hotel and that must be it there's a girl that was spotted as a grand staircase and it's like one of these pictures that I no one can figure out why it out because there's no girl there USA today it's crazy news all over the place did someone take that pictures I'm gonna took that picture and on the security cameras there's nothing one of the very first stories of all the ghosts was this girl named mrs. Wilson is back to your story about people dying there was actually a giant gas explosion a ton of different rooms were destroyed but the lady that was staying in the room that sparked the explosion survived and because of that people say that she's still there working there today Elizabeth Wilson yeah right here she's kind of hot like for her old lady yeah but then the last story I want to mention really quick is about a girl named Lucy who was a squatter 13 to 16 runaway didn't have home basically orphan and she hid in what's it called the concert according to the hotel maintenance men came to survey the basement before some major construction below the concert hall they stumbled into Lucy and forced her to leave that very night temperatures dropped below zero and she was later found dead frozen by the elements so this is a video of a door closing while they're doing like a news story so it's a live broadcast news television if the door closes behind the plate that's talking please Lucy Lucy Thank You Lucy you cold that is what Lucy's known for most Steve doesn't do any harm but she'll close doors behind you when you walk into rooms and then if you like have like lollipops or like candy so chooses this little girl she can make them move or like fall off your hand that's dude what if you're holding a lollipop is just chilling in your hand and I'll send you here I would literally throw down on Lucy if she did that to it you're gonna throw down on a 13 year old girl so with all that being said we have the research I think we're ready to go but we decided to give one more precaution what's that sir we hired a psychic and she's come earlier but we're leaving in the morning when would you night 15 minutes 10 why in 15 minutes this psychic might tell us well then I won't have a good experience or bad experience or if you tell us if we're gonna die tomorrow what you want to know if you want to die tomorrow maybe I won't go if we're gonna die yeah no I know you guys just don't want to go okay I'd still go see if work on I know where haunted a little more proof let's ignore it we've all come back when the Sun gets here but she should be here any minute so we'll see you then oh my god yes I think that we hired just arrived downstairs we're gonna go get them I'm gonna see what she has to think about our next adventure we're both pretty highly skeptical of psychics but we thought it'd be nice because if she could tell us something you'll be a good experience maybe a bad experience we don't have at least we'll find out right now and what I weren't enjoying this nice little elevator ride down to our lobby guess what we got merged boy we released this last time when we left social media and we haven't been I will talk about it for a month so yeah go check it out gold edition this is sam and colby 2.0 merge is the highest stuff we've ever released got this crazy thing on the hoodie but now a psychic is right outside we got it upstairs Jake get out of the freaking blanket which is hot I got some things to do have you guys ever been read by a psychic a few times really first time Cory's a professional yeah you know can just go like this and then stuff happens it's pretty cool how about you Jake no are you excited yes all right sounds good you need anything to start or should we just go ahead I I would like different light and proposal because these lights already have so many colors to them okay that it kind of confuses so just like a plain white light or something amazing okay we got going on right there basically what I do is I pick up the vibe right and we all do that but every living thing gives off energy and is known as aura your plants have them every living thing has and you know when people get too close to your personal space they're kind of invading your lease over the aura has colors in it usually kind of matches that part of your chakra system but that's kind of what I'm going to be concentrating on is just your general colors and then what's kind of coming up for you sooner rather than later any questions [Music] no interesting is that we're attracted to different colors if you guys have your hair colored a certain way and you are wearing yellow and that happens to be like the first kind of general color I picked up from you which is kind of an adventurous leader kind of spirit and your hair kind of matches that you know so you're presenting yellow and that's a lot of fun there's a lot of good things up ahead go through it you've got more blue blue those are more creative writers different centers and began oh you make me that's make a good team together so I told you about the future side and yours is fine yes it's to me you have something going on something coming up for you in the future doesn't necessarily mean it's tomorrow but it is coming up and it's a little bit darker than I would like to see are you guys taking precautions well if you've done this kind of those flunking stuff before right yeah so what do you do to protect your energy to protect yourself from running into something or or picking up something that you didn't want yummy she always thinks we should yeah yeah you should I mean I've done like staging all her before I know it's awesome all that but these boy is never it's so hard to predict exactly it's just like feelings and colors I can't tell you you know a turn right instead of left or anything like that it's not an easy path it's not the safest path you guys are all pretty young these spirits are not yeah they are older and wiser than you are yeah the singers a little black in that future field and I don't like that color it's not not a good color what colors do you wear when you go to these because and what is it why do you guys relax style I mean yeah it's easy right everything goes yeah I guess yeah I would suggest a little green because again green is the heart color so bring along something a little green gold good Irish Lincoln bio gold are you able to do like a personal like a hand reading maybe too you know I can look but I'm not that's not really my thing okay but I'd love to just give them in I've got a check through and see what I see more right you're just just you bro you know I can just watch yours that I could just be like oh that's cool I like to pay my nails good that's good yeah so we were talking about you'd kind of giving off more of a blue energy as far as tomorrow and that that darker energy that's that's the future that's coming up for you well we talked about protection and and maybe wearing some green well let's see what your palm says yeah again this is not my specialty um I like the rings thank you I like the nail polish thank you it's a playful kind of energy you know these probably more of a romantic than either of you yeah yeah okay so let's look at the lifeline lifeline goes this way and then yours just kind of branches off here mm-hmm I don't know what that means sign up for that now your colors we were talking about your colors and finding the brown a slightly muddy part yeah I guess it's it's more for me right now it's more about tomorrow or in the near future this this thing that you're gonna come up against that you've come up against before and I want you to know that though it may be frightening you'll be ready for it so you're saying that the the bad that you see is most likely tomorrow well it's it's gonna come up too soon but I don't want you to panic yeah I mean I got my cross you know I got my rings with my crosses and everything's right there corner all right yeah dude I'm not scared at all yeah you know I've been ready for this trip since about 30 minutes ago yeah that's amazing yeah again we label things bad now when you're going into the spirit world you kind of are crossing into territory that's but most of life is not good or bad it's just experiences to help you grow and move on and how long do you want to continue doing this girl stuff till we get timber subscribe yeah if we hit 1000 subscribers right now we will all go to a stay there I tell you you feel like you guys are pushing your luck by doing this I mean yeah I was the whole reason that we quit YouTube for the last three weeks this it was getting way too dangerous yeah it's scary but I have fun yeah say year you're looking forward to this yeah how do % I'm excited how about you Cory huh you're looking for it's closed rapping Eminem song your lifeline man strong take that Kobe oh yes yes okay something is weird gonna happen I'm not sure and you said if with Cory it had to do something he's seen before it feels like he's coming up against a previous experience that he had when he was younger and just it's gonna be a little different and you know dude wait you've told me about that before I was ready for it because he's been holding this in his energy and he's ready to let it go and I'm afraid it may take a shock or a jolt to do that mm-hmm but that happens to all of us if we if we want something and we and we don't follow through it with it like something happens and you're pushed into it you know you're you get fired from your job but that you hated yeah it's that kind of thing so you're ready for this healing it just may not feel like a healing at the moment sounds like the shadow man sounds like some demon was about to return make sense you've seen me like met us or like way way past okay then I didn't find out what it was until I was like 17 forget I've seen it for years for the viewers that have no idea what you're talking about and for her what exactly happened maybe she could help you figure that out I used to play with a Ouija board a lot I was a little kid by yourself yeah by myself with friends with family but up by myself yeah a lot cuz I thought it was so cool you know I'm saying I thought I was the coolest thing ever and then yeah I read before I was like 18 just some really bad things with a Ouija board happened like long story short me my friends played it they didn't believe in the devil or God then all of a sudden that started spelling out Zozo then we ran into the other room the other rooms door knob starts shaking the door shaking shadow started walking under the door my friend goes your parents pranking us open the door there's no one there so then we shut the door and then we're like we got to go do something we open the door again all the lights in the kitchen are just flashing on and off and then my homies girlfriend was like can I pray in your kitchen and I was like yeah she starts to pray and as soon as she says Jesus Christ all the lights go out like we ran back to the room yeah yeah it's pretty so good stuff like that it is I think and that's that's actually opening a portal you don't really want to open I mean going to a haunted place is one thing but trying to direct communication through a Ouija board yeah yeah I mean it's horrible it's horrible we have to go tomorrow I already bought the tickets bro positive yes okay non-refundable I could have swore there was like a new movie coming out tomorrow though but it's fine oh you wanted to go watch that said yeah it's cool I was called The Shining part too I mean I wasn't prepared to hear ya but I'm ready I mean we've been planning this for so long now like we just have to do it yeah don't forget bring greens you guys bring one clean yourself off on you yeah yeah all the way down your take thank you so much yeah yeah everything meet you yeah so scared can't wait to see what happens well thank you for everything that you just told us you know saying but that you're ready yeah you are full of strength you're grounded in the earth I'm only Jake's nerve it's really just talk I'm sorry well I'm shy sometimes and you know what else you could do gentleman you couldn't hold hands and then I want you to do this tomorrow - before you go in so you just take a second to connect take that breath again in through the nose there's a mouth if that sensor is in your lower lungs and when you take the time to breathe into that space it signals your body that everything's okay because you can't do deep breathing when you're scared or huh yeah thanks again prettier who are you like you scared now like dude what does that mean yes no it's very weird because I've been talking about a Ouija boards a lot lately thanks she knew something yeah bro she's a rear right how did she just call all that I was gonna say she's pretty accurate for everyone except maybe Jake but he didn't say much so maybe I believe that those people are real bro I believe that people like that like have like a talent and all that's real next video you're gonna see me like looking like a leprechaun I'm gonna have a top hat like a green suit on just walking around the hotel tomorrow let's go baby that's it I'm tired and I want to die what's up man we did any of you bring a green oh we're like two oh are you gonna pivot you pinch us I didn't bring good on purpose all right guys we're tired it's 6:00 in the morning right let's do this thank you the next stop Stanley Hotel ever had this before I can't believe Kansas just wanted to show you guys my parents house for so long why does your parents live in the San Li hotel do you because they're part of the shining here mom good good Stanley Hotel stay happy know anything about the Stanley Hotel I've been through there once in this old hotel this had a concert there my son went to [Music] there's a broken window oh my god this is it we're all wearing all black I don't get it man because it's like picture ghosts just you know chillin going around oh no he's wearing green he's cool man should we do with that little like ritual thing before we check in yes this is the start of the Stanley Hotel okay wait dude this is Colorado there's create everywhere brother that's why that goes like scream how cool be you're holding my hand too hard I just have brings breathe in and out actually did the first thing that we do when we get here is what the medium said what did we just do it made fun of it it's not scary because it's daylight outside made fun of the ghost do you think it's pissed already yes all right let's go yeah let's check in did you see that oh god I kid you not there's a giant famous picture right here in a window right up there like they see a ghost in that like when she put yours back you guys first welcome to the Stanley Hotel dude I recognize this place just from the research and Shane Dawson's been here remember that right there was where like this all the ghosts Oh another one yeah there was also a bear that randomly came in here and just walked around the lobby I don't think it was a haunted bear I think he was actually just a bear we think he's talking Ramson in the hallway and stuff like that which is the building dummy and stuff boards off and I was with co-worker and get some stuff out of there he decide to take burst-fire picture you know where takes 25 pictures in one second yeah yeah this one was different than the one before it and one after it was riding around picture 22 because there's a shape there and a shape there that were not there in the pictures before after that's that's crazy that was me and Nicole I didn't sense anything I didn't feel anything I didn't hear you think see anything nothing but but there's definitely something there [Music] what the crap do you want the antelopes follow us everywhere we go no way just like Bill Moore dude uh-huh does that cut the butt McGregor room they say that if you listen carefully you can hear him actually practicing in there listen listen was no blankets Kidada she's sucking up the ghost in the vacuum just like Luigi's Mansion no yes wait one second Jake we were coming here to be scared and we're gonna come here burger playing luigi's mansion on real life we're not here to desert oh god something's wrong Cory guys these are all ghosts that's the guy at the front he says this whole building is open 24/7 no way into like the scary concert hall the ballroom I like I just found a picture on the wall that looks exactly like Colby does that look like Niko be literally ask for why is there always an ominous mirror at the end of hallways I know it's the same way as like Biltmore it's like super warped unless we're right next to it Oh Sam wait dude wait we got to do we got to do it again we got to do it again Tori get in here okay okay get right here get right here I understand what you're doing Jake yeah but do you understand what's behind you and Colby what pose for two seconds before we all freak out I'm flipping out already okay what was that it has to do it has to just be like if people are walking little the cracks in the ceiling hey this is it this is where Stephen King stayed and have those nightmares he created the shining on the balcony in this this is also where Shane Dawson stayed because we watched this video what do you mean that doors open don't try knock knock first oh I've been really likes to take your phone or your camera like through these doors or oh and like see what's through the other side that's so you do it's disgusting look dude there's like a neighborhood right behind this I didn't even realize that Stanley be careful 90% of the activity nowadays happens on the 4th floor they sectioned off different things called spare rooms yeah I just watched that light turn off and that door wasn't open I literally just watched that way yes certainly I was hearing somebody I met worth me remembered we heard that noise well Frank is either he walked out yeah sure no way dude there's nope oh there is somebody in there you see it ghosts you're like oh my bad and the ghost just fades away usually we do videos at night you can't see it Jack crap anything we're gonna go take a look around the outskirts of the hotel so we got our like put our bags you know by the front desk don't do that like it yeah and a little holder for us all I can think of when I see these hallways is that little kid on this tricycle did you never saw the shining right I've seen somebody collapse no you have a little kid in them there's two girls the twin girls like shed in the hallway dude I wonder if it look it happens that the same same thing on the other side right there yeah dude why are you crying do you know what the Franklin dude do you know what this room is what all these mirrors are facing each other you are not they they said that that's like worse than a Ouija board dude that's like it oh no dude they said there was a portal in this the for text remember there's a port that's that's right here a vortex yes yes you're right brother right there it just so happens that that guy the painting is almost making like a double marriage yeah man you can see in my camera that it just goes on forever and you're not supposed to do that especially in paranormal locations so does he all floor do you understand like that's actually really Frank bad this is where they saw the woman yeah right right on all right like yours down here with all these meters are facing each other and that's where they caught the most famous picture of the ghost right or the two years and all the hoes like me bro there's one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fourteen mirrors just hedge maze this is baby this is based off the movie do you remember that he had a little voice that talked there was fingers kid was smart he was running in the movie the guy was chasing him with a broken leg and then he covered his tracks in the snow and then ran down a different path and got away remember that yeah thing I was insane here is the second most famously haunted part of this hotel which is the concert hall performing opera oh dude look at all these butterflies man I'm turning gay boys mean good luck and prosperity everybody sounds like there's people in there and but I guess we can go in the console this is where that's quarter Lucy the little girl yeah in the research I don't know if I covered this but like there's tunnels connecting like the hotel is underneath oh yeah and that's where she was hiding it's not gonna be workers here at 3 in the morning no way so we come back to the room oh what's the plan yeah I mean it's so loud right now it's probably better if we just explore our own hotel room or explore each other yeah I mean we're in California so I should be loud yo low-key in California low-key I'm gonna explore my sexuality wait redo that redo that we're never ever stay mine joke you know let's say that I won't know what cut this luckily we're in Colorado okay go in my bathroom every morning easy in daily routine [Music] oh my god wait oh look at the lady back there you kind of got a tip oh yeah you see her just one right there - yeah oh my god this yo it's it's this type of mirror if we see the mirror that looks exactly like this bro we have to take like fifty pictures yeah we have like a try of another okay guys so we got our bags from the front desk and now we're finally going to check out our room what someone kicked it down dude why the is this so loose oh dude dude did you take it off sorry why did we break it already oh we didn't get one of this like most haunted rooms on the fourth floor it's called like a spirited room what are you guys doing go to the helipad what though what the Frick okay yeah No would you eat that you did not just eat that that's probably so old that's disgusting no no no dude Lucy but the lollipops remember that what dude someone someone did that that's Bonnie why would it be on the way down now that's hilarious she's known to closed doors and move like candies like lollipops so you put a lollipop like on it shut up they had to have done that a long time ago bro cuz this tastes old dude I bet someone just like puts it up there so like people like us gone I would like find it in weird places do you but there's probably all lollipops like hidden all around this hotel overnight what we do like the seance we should actually run and go get a little bag of lollipops and put them around shall we put that one over there yeah she's known to close doors and like move lollipops maybe we just open the doors and put the lollipops there and see if like something happens or 4:28 oh god oh why would you put the rings on yeah why would you do that really just hit him back I was doing that with the brave man you punched the see oh do you see how bad that it out dad you really hit him alright heard you don't want to hit me back no I don't believe you here we go welcome to the stand I didn't mean where are in the statement Oh God oh it smells like old woman Oh God nothing's worse than the smell of old people I hope all the rooms smell like this whoa dude it's a surfboard dude they have Narnia in here too do you mean teleport to a different world I was stuck it's so unmodern and then boom like some high-tech thermostat we could go on the roof we could easily go remember mrs. Wilson that like made ghost lady who like cleans up like everything yeah we should purposely get the room dirty and see if she cleans it up it was also the lady I think that was like involved that explosion way back then let's just do it all like let's set out candy and then have you still begging spam calls no I mean you're not gonna answer it no dinner we've got a call this is no caller ID since bill more since built more since bill more dude that happens literally every place boy I'll answer it have to no no actually remember past Biltmore at Griffith it was just spectrum yeah remember it's just a Wi-Fi it's probably just like that like a service thing you only Yolo it once man just answer it it's too late oh it's too late too late the bishop at that one right yeah and I'm like how okay you have to answer because you can't block there's no bit to it since they have sex they have no caller ID you can't even block them but that fan got my numbers hello - I don't even think I have service how are you getting a bunch of holes we're in the middle of mountains why is this making me laugh this is Marvin no this is Patrick please do not call this number again thank you very much dude no answer it's like you can't even hear like a like a static or anything behind it did a fan get your number oh it's Amsterdam seriously what the the worst part is you can't block the number if if it's if it's a private number you can't block it because you don't have the number to block maybe turn your phone off oh yeah I don't know we're on airplane mode dude that happens every and it's only to Cory that that happens well it all started when you answer the phone yeah remember and you answered it and then you started getting more calls but at the mission and they call the room - it's like what every time I go to a hotel it's get called at the Biltmore they said that the last time that Elizabeth was seen alive or lost that she was hurt alive when she answered the phone right yeah psychic just you're gonna have a bad time god no do you think when she said like he'd have some things from his past she was talking about just like a month ago Oh what she didn't me for my child I just got chills you are right you should have worn green brother should we go out at like Target we're giving lollipops anyways rayon let's get some green we should be smart about this yeah dude that's that's a weird connection that like device you said you'd know how to work in the car right yeah so like if you're getting calls right now what device I just bought like an electromagnetic device thing for this trip cuz we never like have anything like actual a paranormal device that huh so like why not you know being fancy being fancy this time so it's literally called like a spirit box ITC research device wait do you remember that guy said like the two handprints were in the bathroom have we even like you jacket oh god I don't see anything breathy did you do a stink stink in the bathroom for anything or just clothes you might need a little speaker like they normally plug like a little bluetooth speaker microphone saw a few my point somewhere else he's coming right now and you just said that it goes he's coming right now no I don't believe you it just said he's coming right now this does is this plays back like this plays like radio frequencies and stuff backwards a little pickup and Spears they're trying to like talk they'll take like voices from every radio station is there anyone in this room with us all this thing does is it's going on all the channels of frequency did not say anything the entire time ahead of my ear and as soon as Corey was like there somewhere in here goes hey and then that goes back to it someone Lyrae nothing that's weird are you still with us in this room what was that what it is like it's like music or something I don't do that Jake okay we were told the tonight might be a very bad night it's that true what though right do what I say what is saying bro that literally set a storm is coming your way no way it can't be that clear dude Gouri now it's over why did it actually say you could hear perfectly clear ago your way and right before that which exists like the storm is coming your way the your way was so bright and clear you know I was like in a different channel it was all different channels roles like to another woman oh my god okay we have to we have to get a speaker cuz nobody understands okay guys we got to go get a speaker we're gonna get lollipops we're gonna get green because this is going to be a crazy night my god just the beginning - what was that did y'all just cracking hear that oh but my girl yo guys we brought was like napping here for a second and there's a giant slam that just happened in this closet it was like Cooper it was my dad but louder louder than that and there was like this shattering to her well I heard it go yeah yeah it was like a crash almost like what is someone outside no not even a door right there no no yeah this is the last one in the hall remember yeah you heard that to you right yeah they're shaking it oh I just did it again did this [ __ ] cuz you just opened it really fast or something but no wooden an see him opened it two minutes ago it wasn't and then we both hit it whatever that sound happened just happen again but even louder it's like this giant Cooper you know how the hangers were just shaking yeah dude it is going out of focus bro it look it's not what you say on oh but now it is it was able to focus on here my arse bro I have chills standing right here oh my god you can see that goosebumps to load your Lord engineer standing there breathing in there I'm not even sick you go in there - is it not frizzy but yeah you're gonna feel a different clothes which are like as soon as you get past don't feel that feel this and then like this yeah mm-hmm downloading I mean I don't know that's weird we're gonna do an exploration when this get was that a fun was that you Jake what do you mean casually just lay here Sam no no it just sounded like I thought on the bed right I don't know what we're gonna do an exploration when it actually gets dark out but literally already we're just sitting in here we've only been back from our dinner for like ten minutes we did end up getting a speaker system for this what is it cold like a less fare box spear box thing portal later tonight we're gonna take that to 217 but we'll play with her right now for I wanna play with you did you just hear that yeah that was a wait we're the top floor where's the top there's no one above us there's no one above us you heard the bookings above us yeah there's no more loveless roof that's above us how was no one else scared right now okay okay my feet am taking one step back we did see a lot of construction on this you know someone could be on the roof but I don't think that would let me get slam in the closet if that happens tonight always here [Music] [Music] [Music] so sad finally came out of the closet dude it was so weird I thought something grabbed my back bro do you see I was laying down it must have been a ghost or something yeah that's probably you I film the other first of all bad dude I'm pretty sure was no I would never do that [Music] this is the worst part about the hotel right here oh my god dude it's dark now I don't like the vortex just to give you guys a little update on what's going on we got the speaker finally set up with this thing and we're just gonna walk around like the hotel and maybe we'll pick something up I don't know we're at the vortex place right now it looks really scary looks like that Luigi Mansion game you want to hear first yeah let's see if we find anything definitely thing this is supposed to be the most ghosts and 217 an hour we got standing right here and do it we could go through the portal yeah this is it don't try this at home guys I get back you got a bug buzz likes to play Little Red Rum thumb and bottom okay so I finally got it work [Music] only one person talk yeah yeah no is that what it said no of it no it's going through over thousand stations right now and we keep hearing a woman there's so many one portrait of a woman hey look at this what'd you say Lily like if you look at that or look around look at her look around the studio Street right there that's the only woman so this is what's talking or the who could be talking to us right now what is your name what my name is sue I don't know your name dude you hear well no they know that Jake's the do to close out the door closed earlier in the room wait when we were sleeping with it was the door closing is that what was making the noise yeah [Music] someone just knocked somebody just Yahweh's with you sounds knocking at 2:17 wait I met you girl my heart went both why not it's probably just people like it was probably good because [Music] [Music] yeah say we're a high-pitch sound what do they just open it if they wanted us to leave so do you think there's someone still in there like yeah but we mess with them oh no you're good yeah we're just hearing some we don't know if it's because there's someone in there but they keep knocking on it like that door is knocked like 10 times in the past 60 seconds if I hasn't said a word but no one's open the door we keep asking if there's someone there but did they just keep knocking on it that's the that's the one that yeah yeah girl have you been the fourth floor yet yeah we're staying on him staying on the fourth floors look so that yeah that's where we passed you guys did you guys see that stairwell that like went to the Attic yeah yeah did you look at like look at it why what's up my shine my light to see the log yeah and right beside it says Redrum don't think that there's a human in there I got the motive on the door I got the magic touch you undo it yeah Jake what do you mean you have the magic touch see a doodoo break Jake who did not just break it what was that I don't click anything dude this is beds and a half wait let's see if it turns on me it's just one click yeah I like holding it one click does this drink dear right Oh one click does the trick better it's not trying out so Jake broke it no take you dropped it [Music] it's okay maybe we just take out the batteries and stuff you guys still have like the owners manual stuff so let's just do that plus we're done here anyway we actually have so many other things we didn't do like explore really quick we're sure that wasn't like somebody I think somebody but I would think they would have said something by now there's somebody like not all I'm saying is that if we saw four kids doing the same thing good point yeah it's probably not we might do some more research because apparently these like rooms have certain stories behind them but like we don't know that yet yeah we we we do like me to do stuff Oh Park Mall okay what yeah yeah but you we like lived in the really look in Kansas that's awesome oh my god that's say yeah we're just here filming a video for what oh just like Stanley not like it's haunted we do a lot of paranormal investigations are about to like just tore the whole place how would you wait here I probably would Oh actually you're from we would where we grew up and then from LA and then now you're here that's crazy ah nice meeting you he's that you say you feel it connected to the Stanley Hotel yeah what do you mean yeah like it's the story what's your name by the way what's up I'm Sam Kovac we all do fine though Jake and and Cory will do fine right now we're two stalkers so sad what do you know just like random stuff where did you like take a tour or are you look why are you doing it are you going anywhere are you alone you stay in there like what well cool if you want we're about to go on it like a trip lights going around it yeah cool I do have any recommendations on where should we should go first Treach children what that's right that's where we're staying see you say there's children on the fourth floor yes because this used to be where the children the mothers and the workers would stay before they made it into rooms and then now a bunch of children run around you'll hear them laughing in the middle of the night and then in here a cowboy stands at the foot of the bed but if you are a woman he won't come over and kiss you on the forehead Jake he's gonna come and kiss you on the forehead maybe okay that's a long story we'll have to talk about that but so we're because we literally just like heard like two giant knocks in our room probably an hour ago in the closets but we were doing this remember we said like is there anyone here and we got a hey from the legged dudes voice yeah did anyone in this room with us oh we switch room why did you pick their poop with a haunted cowboy in it yeah we should go to 427 basically every room a periodic has a story right yeah an Irish man who stands in the closet and if you're a woman you go in and you'll start grabbing your hair and putting his hands on your neck oh I'm glad we didn't not come here as a woman well they wouldn't come here 6 years from now yeah yeah can you show us maybe if we you know work with you know some cowboy words maybe he'll communicate with us dude everybody's just randomly giving us facts about this place that guy said he saw red from up there do you want to go see if you're gonna look see it yeah I want to try not to hit my head this time how did we not see that Dean uh think about other places besides his whereabout he worked here for 10 years concert hall it feels very strict on curfew and that 11 p.m. people were here and whisper in the ear get out because he wants them to go to bed and some people feel their chest start hurting because he had the heart attack so they start feeling it I thought the concert hall was where a Lucy stayed there's tunnels in in the hall right that's what I thought just random question you look scared staying here like you said you're by yourself I don't like sitting in the vortex because every time I sit there my head starts to hurt really bad and I just feel really heavy but like just now I was down there for a good five minutes and I just like wanted to throw weight even though I kind of make Shan comfortable can you she can't wait I go towards the vortex the rare this detector thing here is a woman she said she was by herself and then she told us to look around do you know it much about it like why why is this like place like content all we know is like it looks pretty nerves I believe it's because since they built this on a burial ground normally that causes a building to form a vortex for spirits to be able to come in they've built the Stanley let's go by one of those houses I don't think we should do that bad idea yeah bad idea actually I would not know teeth at 11:21 prophecy like good for you or that's kind of frightening oh you think you said you're attracted to these types of things so you're like into paranormal ish too a lot of things Cory has the same thing he's very dressed for it why don't you bring a jack he's still reading maybe let's go in the basement just stuff but it's like what if she's faking it Carole what what there's a little slow there oh sorry let's go dude yeah this is so much creepier at night [Music] all right shake [Music] prankster I'm actually a little scared yeah let's go to so all we know kinda is like Lucie state here do you know anything about this or maybe like talk about the concert hall well I know she was a runaway and when they were shutting it down maintenance came down here and found her hidden and then below zero so what you went out you can define shelter you froze to death well that's such a sad picture yes oh my god the seal it's this type of mirror they were all standing here and there was somebody standing behind them remember I'm gonna do one more okay see if you see any what was that dude there's so much construction in here I gave a tap here and then boys just tell us wait what is that that work thing no wait what is that line is that it all that that's only in that picture there's literally on that picture what the look is that what the horse drink it's going straight to the what look what nothing notice that way it even this and even this we just took a part of see so most do you see that I like is that you yeah yeah I think so like it could be Jake's lights like just like a streak or something man bro but it looks like a poet does he look like a light doesn't look like a ray at all it looks like good you oughta go stairs or maybe the construction people are what did you say upstairs there's a dude that died stairs I mean they're just like building it whoa yo guys guys that light just turned off what though did you what is that standing in between me and any mic that I just turned off in there as soon as you took that picture I don't think we should be in here anymore I want to go back Jake did you break something this could easily been a place that Lucy stayed [Music] what I explained thank you all right guys let's go let's go yeah what are you Cory Cory Cory what no you did it oh my god what is yes well actually what is that come look at it yeah that's loose yeah Jake Jake Jake oh god where's Jake we can't lose you wait what look wait this is the side no this is the side where it's peeking out of there's nothing I go to the other side that is what we guessed it right that's Lucy's room we go in there and take a picture that exact spot and then like try to debunk it real quick yeah cuz dude this is what it was 80% in its day yeah I charged it to 80 percent instead here to shine the light of that kind of I'll see what from like a camera perspective could it have been that we're saying it could possibly be the handle okay maybe but wait wait wait where we just were I heard like things moving then I heard footsteps and I looked over I just saw this white appear and then I talked my way okay are you sure no way I cuz I whatever we were walking out my heart started beating fast when she said that and then I started hearing like I felt like when okay let's go yeah let's go let's go are you okay just now yeah maybe something actually scared her that's fine do you think that we overstepped our boundaries I mean I think they were just telling us yo send me that we're gonna put that on the screen right now check that out that is a face look at look at this what do you think that is there it's like short like a child oh my god it looks like screaming like it's angry when did you take that just now like as we were leaving as we were leaving that was that was the second before you said let's get out of here that was the second before you said that that entire time something was watching us I don't say yeah I'm sorry I don't know what to say me neither like it's like it's so weird literally I always just like to mess around on our videos and then once stuff starts to go down you know it's just okay it's Roger you were guys make she's gonna peace out she's got that gig tomorrow okay cool thanks again thank you so much like that's yeah you're gonna text her she's creepy is Frank was she I helped us only she was that creepy you didn't think so dammit dude she like a left like four times while we were in the concert hall alone she think we have a flashlight I know but she was like nice she hoped us out she gives the tour I just was talking to her about how we're gonna do seance and just let's meet up with her tomorrow and like just talk about your gonna meet up with her again I mean it if you think about it like a lot of the stuff that went down when she was with us I just said come meet us for breakfast in the morning cuz she's leaving for a gig tomorrow okay I mean she might feel like a fan though she might like give out a good number if you did that it's too late but I'm not worried about you Kansas do like still what whether or not she was cooler there's nothing like okay I've kind of got weird vibes she was previously for sure yeah like why why does a girl like come here alone and then come around with four dudes even if she knew us like literally ten minutes before you met her there was that one guy - that was just like telling us stories maybe there's just so many creepy people that come here or like ghost investigators like look at us right now and we're being hypocrites true so apparently there's there's a cowboy that sits right here she said that he like hides in closets or they like to hide in closets so the noises that we heard when we were like sleeping earlier could have been like a haunted cowboy bro she was about to cry when we left I know and she was like so into all the stuff she's like I love it I love it and then BOOM but like told us his face changed twice though like one time when she first came out and said like get the [ __ ] outta here and then another time right when we were standing afar the entrance I don't know if you can cop this but as soon as she looked at Corey's photo she like went off and then like started like like kind of like watering her eyes and I looked over and she was like this like she didn't want not want to like have a see that she was i watering cry she knows so much about dude we talked to every employee here about trying to find out facts and nobody knew anything fangirl that Newerth that went to Oak Park Mall what would like the coincident like chances of that I wonder you should try to get like some information on her that's why I got a number yeah yeah cuz what if she was BSA dude she could have like not even been from oh that's why she interested [Music] alright guys a little update for you we've been waiting around but we're starting to get tired we're trying to get it as late as possible to do the seance but I think we're prepared and I don't want us to be like super sleepy for this sound so let's just do it if you're down Cory you ready to summon some some demon Cowboys alright I'll deal with that I like how we're still doing this when we went out of the way to hire a freakin psychic and then she was just like yeah don't do anything stupid at the Stanley Hotel especially like organize and we're still doing it but then let's just be safe about it do we have green wait' no we don't I don't wait I forgot this dude I put on green I forgot this morning I am saved is the safe one I am saved brethren this is awesome so your fat that was on accident I completely didn't push you also when she read you said you were gonna be totally fine anyways so like you want to give me that underwear I think we should just start it that's cool what if we're a lot more safe about at this time cuz we have like a lot more tools and we're not gonna ask creative questions I swear let's just set up and then you can see if it's safer oh yeah yeah yeah that's something that they don't know this time is like this is not a regular sounds like well actually you know just like sit down with the candles full pans and stuff like that yeah we have like what salt and salt which helps protect pendulum like necklace things yeah we're gonna put out a bunch of objects it's gonna be more legit we're gonna figure this out let's let's just it's the most hard to hold how we have to go and a really quick one more time just look what's in here just a tiny closet and you got just saying the other tiny closet which is where we heard like the smacks yeah and the killer hangers and just to remind everybody one more time this was the room where apparently there was like a perverted cowboy that would like kiss girls while there's [Laughter] gross stuff about I just can't like these people only if they're naked in bed yo I forgot this what is that door today we bought lipstick you know how we saw madam at the top of the attic should we write this on the mirror dude literally everybody comments that you're like the creepy guy of the group and I'm starting to agree with everybody like why would you want to do that I want to do it yeah well I don't know I give Jacob flag yeah if you look into Jake's mind I feel like you just have like the the marker with the same was going I just realized that there's a cowboy in here and he's probably got the horses named by okay just a little kid by the way that's like in the back shine just be a travel time this is great handwriting right away oh god that's horrifying looks pretty good that looks fantastic honestly not sure why we did that but it just feels like kind of right now we did see now you're being creepy okay picture time read Wratten be around there for a possible Lucy or whatever I think they said like online that she moves it kind of like like this like if it's upright like this shall move it in a circle I don't know how we're gonna do that nice excuse oh dude look at that one oh that blue one's perfect I need to find a caramel one no that's a cool vibe we have candles in a circle we gotta get both angles all the lines you said you had saw right yes you just broke it no no they say that like demons can't cross over the soul right yeah sounds like a protection thing never we go to Utah and their basement like once it gets like they're super scary spot they only get like a 15-foot salt line then you don't walk that should be a protection like that oh I have a couple things to you actually could you all this yeah I have a necklace and we can just like set up and see if I like moves kind of like a pendulum or whatever you pose oh speaking of things that move can one of you guys grab some of those cups then fill it up with water we're gonna see if I like ripples this honestly isn't that bigger with you but it's just a test if things move I mean if like see how that moves right now once it comes to a stop we'll see if like there's any wind or like movement from behind yeah and then we got the water we can see if it has any ripple effects Oh got some sage which I think like we should be smart especially you and I Cory and like before we do this thing yeah maybe it's like step outside really quick and just like say just really quick yeah super easy okay other than like just setting up the cameras I think we're ready to go so like I'm down to go out right now yeah let's go it's really as simple as this this is called sage and what I'm about to do is called smudging I light this on fire the smoke is gonna go on you guys and apparently it's just like good energy and a protects you from like spirits and evil things so easy guys we're finally taking precautions for all this demonic stuff don't set my shirt on fire right there or I'm gonna do you first there we go we're being protected yes majd right here spirits probably don't like this right outside they're freaking out oh it's just like a protecting we can still talk to them but they just can't come inside that's what makes me so curious though bro it's like would have the spirits in there wish that they could have had this you know done to them before they were gone well that's a good point see those smoke yeah this is a beautiful shot we're gonna smell so bad coming in don't like this smell it it works good smell I like you could you get me it smells kind of like burnt little people but like in a good way but you got I kind of got a waft a little bit yeah all right cool he's used that perfect so I think now it's time to contact whatever is in our room how about we've like wipe off any bad energy to like that psychic oh yeah can you wipe it off me man get out of there I think we're clean now we're coming in here just like we're doing anyone we're all left at the same time standing up right there yeah it's in front of the bathroom standing up no way yes no way I got that on camera no I got that one on camera hold right there yeah they will but that's okay where we still dueling no well see if we watch the footage back that one's not gonna be there it's gonna be right there and it's you know is perfectly zoomed up on that when it first happened and that was under there oh dude and then one sitting up from the end it's not standing up anymore Deborah Cornish this one out oh you're right this one over you were standing up just knock it over I just did okay oh my god you nobody's gonna believe that yeah there's nobody else gonna believe that yeah I don't believe it because I mean that was nuts dude but it's like it's like whatever's in here heard me talking about that one specifically and that's why I moved it over here that's so especially in front of that we got to do this now it's like present its yeah I just want to say like we did move some like lollipops to get him like in frame but yeah let's start this thing we got two angles this time we got one I just wait before you light it like should we talk while we're doing you know make sure that we're not doing anything this is gonna like this over like what we're taking more precautions we've staged we're putting a salt circle this will be better I know but the medium with that oh look oh you're the blanket just move no II didn't yes it did it just run like Harris it just went like that okay bro can we get out room like this room bro didn't even give you a little the handles can we get out like the finale no well this is like a Ouija board you know Zane can we go but we like traveled all this way across the United States this year not for this to be here you seriously don't want to do this right what no no no no I'm dr. Levine you know like I do a lot of scary and like the last time we did this you guys know what happened and frankly mediums over here saying this I think that that happened to us we've already got a lot of evidence so we could just call it a video and not look like people we need like that lollipop just moved like this is the perfect time the spirits kind of react to you the most - so if you can at least like stay in the room I don't like can you be like outside of this whole circle and just like not ask it okay okay let's just eat ask a question what a question also I'm hoping that's because you just did that but that water was really was like oh I just did it again you just touched it know it as you said that Sam I did it again tap the floor syrup with your finger oh my god Sam I watched it do it is that moving cookies all the lollipops to the same spot yeah yeah okay those up yeah okay cool just cuz we wanna make this short we've done a lot of asking questions let's just each ask what with that in the closet sorry dude can we stop wiping whenever we should keep like it's not in any way if anyone out there's listening we just want to know noise that we heard or spirits or some kind of presence it won't be to go over it just open the door mr. crack I open it all the way yeah but I mean I just think we need like everybody's energy here the only time it works is like if we all do it you lifelike yes this question question yes three questions it could take five minutes so one question each and then we're done that's it yeah okay and I'm only saying okay does the salt the salt is eleking that's making me feel kind of safe and the sage I want something to happen I mean after all that's our goal sounds right it's for something to happen I mean where that's like no poke one of our YouTube channel go through this time spirit or presence we know you're here honest look we've been hearing all day we heard that there is a man in here cowboy Lucy being on the sports floor moving lollipops like you move some stuff you know Romo we know you're here just please give us a sign [Music] [Music] you moved the lollipops we heard you earlier when we relaxing it's not time to play games anymore use our energy show us you're here we came here for a reason we're trying to help you we want to talk to you so anything is here please just show us we want to see don't be scared yeah you just saw that and look look at one out per second then every live [Music] I go can I go no I'm out yeah I think we're good right Chloe isn't this what we wanted but why are we stopping now we're gonna sit down we're gonna ask that's not going to happen that once something happens we just stop I agree there's nothing nothing happened it's just a creek we've been here now all right the windows open - and the fans are yeah there's been six creeks in this especially that easily bit you heard that Eunice we all heard it only want something you don't know how it was inside the closet reminisce like you just you just begged you know for them to make a noise true and then you stop driving they do it and we only have one more question right now my legs Oh sense we've literally heard that same noise over and over again what if we do disclose and then we'll ask for something else in the bathroom wasn't that if we get a different sign but we don't see something we forget keep getting the same - or it might just be a creaky level I'm down to do one mark or just this last question so I have to ask the question we're just gonna all do one question all right so yeah for your last question and then that's literally what everybody says everywhere I go I hate hearing that thanks Sam that makes me feel great this is the last question we have for whatever we've been talking to tonight if there is anything a spirit a ghost an entity is if there is anything in this room with us can you please make a sound or make something to let us know that you are here with us we just got something oh dude there's nothing in here Cory Cory Cory no closer to a closet oh come on are you doing Jake he made me wait why why do we need to leave why I don't want to sleep in that bro okay let's just go let's just go what was that yo what was that that sounded like it was in the closet we should get another hotel it is not one wait it's just the closet what there's something wrong with that clock so asleep in that way so why did we come here yeah why we could get what we got the moment we catch it we stop that's what I'm saying it's like we got it like it's just like the perfect chance to go back right now what remember let's think about for two seconds we were able to debunk a lot of stuff what was that what was it honestly it could have been anything that Klaus has been making weird noise all night this construction people on the roof you know creeks and stuff like that I understand that doesn't really scare me but that sounded like a cat was clawing down the door really I thought it was like a machine it was like behind that it sounded like you know all those bangs I know we didn't get the bang on camera guys sorry but it was it was very structured side he was like booop and then like the everything wouldn't move it was like something's there so like maybe it's just yeah but we traveled here for a reason it's almost morning we can't leave if we wanted to our flights tomorrow so I think we should just tough it out stay the night see if anything else happens we can in the seance yeah we said it was our last question we're fine with that just don't know what that was I know what the demon or a spirit er goes every single time do as soon as I tempted it something in the closet like move like the coat hanger something second time we said come on to show yourself and we hear like what scratches in the closet - and the claw and Jennifer said that like the ghost like there oh no I don't know man was it living in the closet I thought it was out in the middle of the area I'm so skeptical though because we've we tried like three times to debunk it and even all the security guards have said that like even being here they haven't seen anything so why would happen to us the first time we get here you know is this like to perfect but something happens therefore let's talk about it that something happens every time Biltmore candles blew up mission in what the backpack fell something weird happens every time camera just died on a 3/4 battery that doesn't do that it's not supposed to as soon as we're talking about the spirits to lighting to debunk this it kills the camera we're just Queen Mary we didn't capture anything until the camera was off like what if spirits dude I don't want it like Marika sound right now but what if we're not going haunted places but haunted things are following us because every doesn't go to something happens like this like earlier today we caught some stuff too why you just said that people were complaining on our floor and get this he said that he heard people talking and random noises wait wait okay were they complaining to us directly or was he saying our floor no he was saying can you people like you are the people that are making random noises and talking what if the random noises like what if they heard like woah we heard they heard what we heard all right I want to go back upstairs and get another battery but like we got to be quiet maybe we actually talked about this in the morning yeah I don't know next time noises maybe we can't run out the door because we're gonna get kicked out true yeah we can I get kicked out because we layered all have a place to stay until tomorrow night we can't even get an uber from here we're in the middle of nowhere let's go back inside I'll throw in a new battery let's talk about this in a second [Music] okay so what I was trying to say outside before the battery died is what if it's not the places that we're going to but it's us because every single place that we go to something happens right and we put ourselves in this position but but everything we get is debunk Keable I feel like like there hasn't been something like no chairs of levitated in front of us or you know anything like that everything that happens is like okay maybe oh no you can't get people think that like they go to a haunted place and you know they're gonna you know see a ghost walking down a hallway they'll see like a stone fly across the room but in reality all that you could get was one little knock and that's enough proof for me because everything that I've already seen over the years I don't know real seriously dragged across the room barefoot no like next thing we ever do we like do like overnight watch you get a ton of battery like a new camera that can last a long time and we just view our entire night I'm down we don't we've never had enough battery or the camera power to like last all night but we could make that happen maybe like we'll actually capture something but I mean but it's like two hours till sunrise so I guess we'll turn on the camera if anything else happens but for now let's sleep yeah I think we're like so tired from filming all day that we're not gonna like have enough energy to explain what happened so we kind of all agreed on our way back up like yeah we got a noise complaint yeah we can't be talking too much and we'll go from there we can meet like Jennifer for breakfast or something tell her what happened all right good night everybody I tripped that I always could see you and Colby running but I could never catch up why it was like you guys keep going and it was like guys come on it's not like it was like a bad thing and anything happening to me about us it's like I couldn't find you I don't really remember my dreams I just remember I woke up like three times last night and I every time I woke up it was like and I'm like well what just happened all day I'll be trying to think of what my dream was all I just remember is just tiny little things in every dream there was like someone like chasing all of us I'm like it was obviously we're at this hotel like we're sleeping here so I was dreaming about it I was driving in the hottest time that's pretty awesome that's good I was just stuck in a hallway for like what felt like five hours but you know this dreams that just like never see the end and like you can it's not like a lucid dream but you can like kind of tell that you're in a dream it's just like super long yeah like a matching like a a hallway with no doors where you just like walk and just can't escape and I go I got like to the point where I was like driving myself insane and I would start like running for half a mile it felt like and then I'd stop because get frustrating and I'd never be able to see the end did you hear anything last night anybody like hear noises I heard the vent make a couple weird noises dude that vent right there like well yeah yeah like as soon as I was like wait what did lay out some stuff for the possible mrs. Wilson ghost but that didn't really happen on this your own back door so that now that we're able to talk about it what's freaking than check this camera back out and see what happened right as we're like doing the seance I still have no idea like how to explain man did you hear anything yeah it's nothing like scratch marks [Music] have we ever even heard scratches though in any other video that's the thing this place is super old it's obvious that makes creaks there's no explanation for scratches honestly dude I think it was the construction because remember even in Queen Mary when weird like the foot substant like above us yeah we none of us like really freaked out that much like I've heard stuff like that happened and each place we've been to that it doesn't really scare me anymore than much whenever we heard those other noises like the top hangers would be moving back and forth when we open the door yeah so whatever it is it's like really close to this room yeah telling in this way and we also don't know what's behind that wall because that could be just another room exactly we gotta go in 30 minutes yeah but I told Jennifer we'd meet her for breakfast really quick you guys when I go down there maybe she knows something that happened maybe she experienced something okay real quick before we leave this hotel let's recap everything that actually happened though because there are so many things that we haven't debunked that can name 20 exact hangers the pictures that we caught in that little music hall the pictures oh yeah the pictures were a huge thing right when we came in we were playing with that the radio the lollipop moving Lucy in the concert hall Jennifer crying because she like saw like a bright light all the things you get multiple booms and then the AC going like cracking in the morning and then all of us having dreams like whether or not we can debunk that one thing all I'm trying to prove with this is we have a lot that we would have had a deep bond we saw red carved somewhere and a lollipop like you know the most random place you can ever so like something about this hotel is definitely weird but we survived it and we didn't it where dude you have green on there right now again you said you're never any green oh dude you could have given me that sweatshirt nice sale I'm sorry the hell do you alright well on that note let's go get broadcast please did anything happen to you last night did you like stay it 17 though the grand next door so no like nightmares or anything like that we had nightmares we set up this like elaborate seance there like but it's pretty bad there was something in the closet for sure that's all we have in the room and there were some that were sticking like straight up standing we left and came back and one of the lollipops was moved to a completely different spot of the room but he was still standing it was the same color and everything like we think her that like Lucy ghost like moving lollipop so you try to like stand up a lollipop just doesn't work he'll fall so it wasn't we went and saved ourselves right yeah we saved ourselves come back in the wild poppies no this is completely in another place it's really freaky Jennifer just says she's about to head out and we probably are too so this is gonna be a last little bit of our Stanley adventure again huge thank you for help us out yeah no honestly like if she didn't give us a tour we wouldn't have known like half those facts yeah we got denied a tour so we didn't researching all night Turo that would have sucked I think this is a pretty successful trip oh yeah yeah what's it say Stanley yeah again thank you so much a nice meeting you thank you for all the ghost stories and making me almost poop my pants means a lot yeah freaked out we all had nightmares yeah none of us then I didn't if you want to poop your pants again I know we're we're we're it's in LA it's called witch's forest my grandpa owns a cabin there and like no one ever goes there by God made coil of these witch's forest you know you have a cabbage in the grandpa but no one ever goes there like like one month of the year someone their response is you say the cabin or the forest okay kid this friggin perfect core is actually gone he's walking back to the airport and we just had a horrible crazy times but maybe we'll hit you up about it oh yeah thank you definitely again nice meeting you big contacts yeah I guess so we're just waiting for our taxi really quick but we wanted to talk to you just kind of like a one-on-one to kind of explain what we're gonna be doing in the future we really enjoy this paranormal stuff we really enjoy like going to these haunted places because it's cool it's something that no one else does a lot of you guys are concerned about our safety whether it be paranormal or just like what happened to us at the cave but we just wanted to say that we are completely voluntarily doing this ourselves and don't worry about it we like doing this and we don't want to stop doing paranormal investigations so we're gonna keep doing that so this is our compromise as opposed to just anything we can find we're just going to take a lot more time on these videos and again they're gonna be more like this it's gonna be more research and more like storyline and it's gonna be spaced out more but that's more for like our safety and we'll still do all our videos on our personal channels and stuff but as for the sam and colby channel this is what's best for us especially after taking that break again expect more videos probably in a few weeks or so and all of our other stuff tools will be right here on the screen and again we post on our personal channels as well every single week got merch as well to help support these trips and all that stuff so and bio if you want to support us at all best way you can do that is just grabbing a hoodie link right here go to it thank you friend Jake okay 250km legs we're going to data which is for us right Cory no feet yeah I'll do it wait wait what [Music] [Music] hello hi is this Jennifer yes sweets so about that force [Music]
Channel: Sam and Colby
Views: 32,830,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sam golbach, colby brock, exploring, exploring stanley hotel, sam and colby series, sam and colby hotel, sam and colby haunted, haunted hotel, most haunted places, sam and colby scary, paranomal investigation, the shining hotel, exploring abandoned hotel, overnight at haunted hotel, sam and colby overnight, shane dawson stanley hotel, scary documentary, sam and colby queen mary, exploring haunted, top 10 haunted, haunted hotel movie, sam and colby movie, doctor sleep
Id: qOO04RwLa9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 37sec (6637 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2019
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