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if you want to poop your pants again I know where where where can you go it's in LA it's called witch's forest maybe we'll hit you up about it oh yeah thank you definitely [Music] [Music] so you think she do it some reason I just feel like I don't know we got something sketchy vibes last time I don't know if we should but we can at least maybe call her figure out what it is and then decide if I want to film it or not see what she has to say so we are going to be calling Jennifer from the Stanley Hotel that you guys watched a couple weeks ago and hopefully the offers still on the table hello hi is this Jennifer yes sweets so about that forest is that like was that like a legit offer home and I have been talking over the past couple of weeks and we wanted to know like maybe like if you I are you back in LA now yeah sweet so maybe like tomorrow or later this week can we line eat up maybe and we can oh we would probably filming it so if that's cool with you if you could tell us more like about real what the forest is and then maybe like we can find it's time to like schedule we might be able to go out there okay cool well then maybe maybe tomorrow or something we'll schedule a time and then meet up and stuff like that if that's cool with you if you're available sweet all right I'll talk to you then every time we talk to it so I guess it's official like if it sounds cool and it's just as scary or what no as Stanley Hotel will go yeah I mean we got make some content somehow man I just don't know if I trust that no we definitely should not meet her at her house anywhere but house anywhere I public because she could like Travis in her basement and like kill us all so it is probably kind of weird if like a bunch of guys come to her house to true well then we'll let you guys know what any update what's up guys is Sami Colby today is the start of the witch's forest series we just called a Jennifer last night she agreed to meet up with us tonight to tell us more about the forest now we haven't heard from Cory but we are gonna go get Jake and then go meet up with Jennifer right now so let's do it go I got somebody like this place you can exploit guys not you Sam we're going to the Stanley Hotel so we're on our way over to a meeting spas gonna meet Jennifer in a creepy Park what if she has people we there's gonna be well we can like go by and look and see if anyone's there or she's just sitting there by herself she hangs out of that Park at night gonna be one of those parks like right off the street or by gas station hey man we die we die yeah yeah I'll be better for the video anyway can't be in this driveway we're getting a ticket brother yes I can't go to jail again we're in a neighborhood it's not that sketchy but there is a park right there we're gonna plan it so hard I heard that people do drugs at parks at night so we should leave right now being honest though what's the percentage that we're about to get killed versus like it's Justin okay where if like in the middle of history are we doing drugs at the park sure know if you ever met up with someone at the park I did that in Kansas but not in California's Kansas I mean so maybe she's just doing what you know no it's just a Kansas thing Oh true I feel like she hurt us in our last video talking about her oh yeah she probably watched the videos hey what's up I was the shoot and everything good why are we at a park ah my dog he's kind of active and I know just bark the whole time so I thought it'd be better you chill at the park often yeah yeah yeah hell yeah literally last time we talked you said something about your grandpa or someone in your family you had a cabin in the woods that's somewhere in California yeah my grandpa he has a cabin why is it called witch's forest not just like national forests or something like the head of California well my grandpa's told me a lot of stories about the place but it's kind of something you have to figure out yourself look wait wait okay wait oh you're serious okay is your grandpa like a weekend or something like that no he just happened to buy the land the land was owned by a rancher he would send his workers out there to the cabin to like check on the land make sure everything's in shape but the workers would take that as an opportunity to get prostitutes and then go to the cabin for an all-nighter with some friends but then one time in 1940 a prostitute died in your cabin or an age of it and no one's over there no one's ever there just because they're too scared to be there oh my god dude so we can like go in there and that's okay does he know about that like okay so I'll scale to 1 to 10 how is this a good idea or is this like we're gonna die um let's just say it's scarier than a family hotel no and you've been there a lot right oh my god dude well I used to go there a lot during the summer time I would always see these like dark figures standing outside my window at night and ever since have you ever seen them in person or just outside your window just outside the window guys should we really think of this no it's too late now brother we're already making a video oh my god is that it is that B key this is the B key Winchester to go what what is that true I have a friend that lives out there cuz when I did the summer camp things I met some people and a few of them are still there and I can actually get in contact with one to help you out because she's like a Wiccan your friends are Wiccans and they live around there were you awake in no that's kind of why we went differently does she live close to the cabin though wait they're still around the forest and they study witchcraft yes they would I'm starting to figure out why it's called okay cool I meet so a lot of people there are like Wiccans I'm assuming that's around and help you out with any questions or anything you know about that and she acts in that forest or is it like she has a house that she has a house okay I was gonna be like okay just roams around in the forest think she'd be down to like do this like wish she'd be down to be on film yeah okay sick let's meet up thank you again so much for offering this to us cuz literally kind of probably is filming on the random hotel video if you didn't offer this especially cuz California they were getting sick of traveling across yeah yeah could we close at all like it maybe we should call Corey see if he's Suzy wants feels like busy Oh night so you couldn't come here but hopefully is dad for this what is Corey doing busy with white Klingon rocket weakling rocket Lee later I'll let you know how it goes I have the camera crochet oh my god nothing wanted to say I haven't been there in a while so like I don't know how it is now but just be careful because last time I was there what do you mean pretty bad we're about to go right now let's not talk worry about that yeah that's not okay yeah okay thank you bye dude that's the second time that happened we walk away wait wait but this is the last thing I have to say it's like it's out of a movie or something yeah okay what off was that yeah she was alone in the park that's so creepy that's so creepy and what'd she say she said why is it called witches Horace you have to find out for yourself answers that and then she said as we were walking away just to be careful in that it was scarier than Stanley Hotel hey guys the challenge boys we're not some la bags man we're from Kansas camping we could do that easily made out where we're Kansas bags yeah yeah and we know how to survive you know it's a forest it's worse than Stanley and like she didn't tell us why but like it Stanley we had so many like weird things happen like the cowboy thing happening lollipop thing yeah what the Lucy ghost was so prominent no like nuts and all the noises in the closet yeah the closet thing happening so like if all that was happening what did she mean it's gonna be they just said oh dude she said she saw shadow people I was out of her window Corey told the psychic the story about the shadow man following him since he was a little kid what if the shadow people live in witch's forest and Corey's gonna be in danger over the next series let's not tell Corey that there's shadow people dude but look no psychic literally said you're gonna come and stuff like you're gonna come upon something that you've seen in your past she also said it could have been the near future or like just the future in general so it might be this trip not Stan Lee oh god what's more important Horry safety or the views think about it definitely we are hundreds are going to the forest you actually like no joke what we're great or like at least bring like a band I'm already wearing green yeah what's up oh you know what's green today look at the camo right blend in dude I'm gonna wear this do you guys want to be camouflage for the shout out people make sure you guys get a spawn mark hey there you go you'll be safe from demons and you look precious it's far much it really works link down below it might be which is what it also might be haunted that was me being a little boy scout me I also have a 10 background from Kansas and we can stay in the forest [ __ ] of the dead you don't want to stay in the cabin don't do it I mean I know it I'm not saying we have to stay like the entire night dude imagine like have you seen a Blair Witch Project dude it's called witch's forest this is the perfect opportunity to do this not a movie this is like there might actually animals right so if something happens or if we feel in danger at all we'll just run to the captain I'm not trying to die we had a bad encounter out in the middle of nowhere recently we can't do that again sure so you do want to pitch the tent though and you down for that Jake how are you like present in every conversation you just don't listen I don't know man I just like I don't know man my mind just like goes somewhere else man I don't know what the hell's ever happening sounds like he's down okay let's get the stuff [Music] why do we need this we're gonna beat a forest right yeah we're not gonna have we're not gonna have service for any and all the time it is done dude that's right Oh imagine being in the freakin forest and then me and you are like you're doing hey we can figure out some other sort of ritual that doesn't have to do with like sitting in a circle and looking creepy you know of any you're like the ritual guy dude yes there's a million trade shows are you kidding me I got you we could do like around the fire type of ritual or something we'll do something different than our normal seance because one I think that's getting old and - I know Cory is not some dumb dude there's a dude is a big pack you can have Danny gum earlier about which is Forrest now why is the it's like the phone's freaking out look at that random numbers trying to call me brother rather hang up on that way I'm random numbers try to call it what leave me alone you tell him can I tell ya no jakey boy all right what worry yeah okay we're going to witch's forest brother we just called Jennifer and met up with her and you know how she was saying she has like a random cabin in the woods tonight she gave us the key no bro she was like yeah you guys can literally go no are you joking that we somehow met at the Stan Lee as she gave you a key to a cabin in the woods haunted by witches and you're gonna meet up with a witch named every never that does kind of sound bad never said it was haunted by witches we know a lot of information and now we have a contact there and Jake's down I'm down and we're like looking to go tomorrow the next day or over the weekend are you doing to go over there or not no whoa a black cat just literally rubbed against my leg as walking away I don't like that oh my god the cat just ran oh that's another black cats right across the street right in front of us bro you're coming you don't really have a choice man we're gonna take you with us I'm like yeah like you don't know what kind of like for us we're really going into like random yeah Lily you don't know if someone's actually living there or something it just doesn't it honestly doesn't sound like safe you think about it nothing that we've done has been safe so what's up no this is a whole nother level bro like they could be biessing you it's the one if they're acting like they're a witch and they you know kill you or something raw sound like a horror movie we're all not down well core doesn't want to kill me if you like ass James Charles that mean like are you done like exploring with us forever like going to any of these haunted places or like is it just cuz this ones which is horrible Stanly bro like we were safe enough hotel bro just because we're going somewhere for a YouTube video doesn't mean it's gonna play off like every average YouTube video bro like this is drew this could be like the last one I mean I understand that that does make sense like it's kind of freaky but we're probably to go in the next couple days so all protection more about it so if you change your mind let us know but okay yeah I'll talk to y'all later you're good what the hell does that mean we can't go without him we can't have to do that there's no way dude it's like it's always been us for if we like ruin that now it's not gonna make sense it's like it wouldn't feel right without course all I'm saying is that this is our job there's no other youtubers that do stuff like us and if we got this perfect golden opportunity where it's obviously good content yeah I want Cory to come with us but like it's not like we're getting this from some sketchy person either it's like a 21 year old girl from Kansas he's by the least sketchy type of person to give us this opportunity plus we need to make series because we're going out of town right after this so like I figure it's a now-or-never type thing how about this we go meet up with this girl cuz you said it's only about an hour away if it seems super sketchy and we don't want to stay we'll leave and just scrap this video nah we don't have to stay the night yeah we could just go feel it up maybe we weren't even post this I don't know I just feel like something's gonna be missing if we don't break Cory I know I'll be missing how far is actually like two hours oh it said on my map that was like an hour and a half I feel like a piece of my heart is missing since Cory's not here that is pretty set on it's kind of like in a weird mood right now it just doesn't feel safe then later text him this morning saying like you know here's the address yes I was making a lot last night about what the psychic said again about how Cory and I were in danger and maybe he was maybe he was right when he said that this could be like a setup like we don't know Jennifer that's true and we don't know who our friends are it's not we're stranded out in the middle of nowhere I just hope like we have service and stuff like that because we've never been in this forest like who knows you know [Music] so you're coming no I did it maybe if you guys promise to not do you know like the best chorus we will not do anything bad I'm gonna turn around right now and come pick you up casting spells two wishes we'd always be bored we're not gonna do a seance that's a good day think that was the only thing I was feeling like ah about like I know you couldn't go without us I was gonna say I kept texting him like last night this morning I was like come on please bro came through I knew I felt like he was like in a weird mood last night maybe he was just like in a bad mood it's like the Jonas Brothers without Kevin let's just act like we're going to a cabin that's not in a haunted woods right yeah don't say witch's forest we're just going to a cabin in the woods creepy do I go to the cabin annoying guys brought the shrooms right yeah no I haven't been back back in sweet it's not gonna be the same without you brother we were all set after I talked to you guys I was just thinking about it a lot when I was going to bed and it was like it would be weird to not go I don't with demons attached it to me you guys said that when I could do any seances so therefore they're promised but I was just wondering and he made the world cry bro LA is never cloudy but then the one day that you decide not to go with us it becomes cloudy so maybe I'll become sunny now that you're with us [Music] just to catch up we just stopped at some food and we are only about ten minutes away from the forest I've been texting this wicked that Jennifer gave me her number so hopefully we don't die when we go and meet up with her but she wants us to go to her house she's just like you had enough swing by like but I'll show you all my tarot cards I'm like which stuff Joey I'm playing the flip list before we leave there's a dollar tree over there I think we should go get some green brothers I got a question a lot why did everyone wear orange except me feel like someone in this group is racist yeah I've green right here brother you mention it i lilly have green in my backpack I can't we'll get to monitor me Colby Jake met up with Jennifer and so the reason why he's texting this random Wiccan is because their friend Jennifer used to meet up with this girl at summer camp that's why she like cut knows about the cabin because it's grandpa but men at a summer camp yeah this is a horror movie he's gonna tell us about the area because Jennifer hasn't been there in like two years brother oh my god dude that mountain look at that see how foggy that is we're gonna be up there this is a bad sign who's like a bad omen for those of you guys that didn't watch the Stanley Hotel series a psychic that we hired at told us that if we wear green it's the color of being like heart and like family and it protects you from spirits so that's why we're trying to literally out of this entire store this is always could find that's green are you kidding me my one pair so that means two people will be saved and I have merged so through the backpack screen as well and Shrek's will be good all right green socks let's go talk to her [Music] dude holy crap it we are in a cloud cannot see anything we're like up in the mountain rocks in there you this is gonna be so horrible that's incredible I'm always in heaven with you guys so I missed my turn because of Jake and now I have no idea we're talking way too much about this far but all we want to get the point across is this is going to be the most horrifying area and terrain we've ever shot anything in it's raining a little bit which is a sign to go home who lives in the middle of the woods like this no dude if it's raining that means we can't drive this is LA we're supposed to be scared of the rain so we're stuff so we're gonna be here all night I think we should just go in there make it quick cuz this girl could like murder us and then let's leave what has she told you literally nothing else she's been like is here's my address and I'll see you at this time I don't know anything about her and all the first said she was like her number her friend and but she hasn't been up here and like met her like a couple years yeah what is that guy doing in the future okay in the forest that's actually epic is Frank hey Vanessa [Music] [Music] obviously got in contact with you through Jennifer like how do you how do you know her I've known Jennifer for like 10 or so years but it's been at least a year since we don't talk anymore not too much I started getting into like tarot cards and the witchy stuff and she just wasn't into that so I think she said yeah you were friends so that's kind of weird Mutual's he kind of has this cabin that you know about yeah is that true I used to not know about like this area interesting area she said it was haunted have you experienced anything there well someone did die there okay does that happen it happens from time to time oh that was like right after I said that do you know who died or how they died it was in I believe like the 60s or so and the way they died is they did not have heating in the house so it had a propane stove they were using to heat the house and they died of carbon monoxide poisoning no way and there was a local sheriff that lived like three houses down that finally decided to come here and found the body so oh that's so scary yeah all Jennifer said was this place up North Little Bay is called the richest forest but she literally said nothing about why it's called witch's forest do you have any idea um I'm not exactly sure there are a lot of rituals and stuff there's a lot of weird stuff that goes on in this area it used to be owned by like mobsters I know there's satanic rituals which aren't as bad as like aren't as evil as you would think they're not really evil but yeah we do it all the time yeah you would consider yourself a weekend I would but I feel like it's got a different perception from what you would think so can you explain that to us um well I sort of like to live my life by the moon cycles so full moon to be a time of like a lot of energy and creativity whereas new moon is more introspective and like going in tears [Music] that's good perfect it's fine we're trying to spend the night here in the forest is that a good idea bad idea well there have you ever heard of anyone doing that a lot of people have died up there not recently so I feel like he won't die okay good oh sorry very hurt maybe you like emotionally can't be putting that in the air dude yeah I'm not gonna die or get hurt well we could do like a little tarot reading to sort of see one root at Ariel yeah tarot card tarot cards really tell you like a lot about what you're feeling subconsciously so how you relate to the card gives you a lot of insight as to like what's going on within your psyche I mean I guess yeah I mean let's do it what is all this and have right here can you explain i I've never seen a setup like this okay so these are some crystals I've collected this one's actually travelled the world I've like put in different oceans so when I hold it it makes me feel like connected to all the places it's been opened to Egypt it's been to Bali we've been to Egypt and these are a bunch of feathers that I actually collect in the witch's forest wow what do they are symbolize doesn't I thought feathers symbolizes like the paranormal I don't know but I feel like they are Good Omens when I find them I'm like yeah I'm on the right track I'm gonna just sage the cards first cleanse any previous energies out of it and do you sage like most people that you first meet or like to Sage people that are coming into my home just to keep the energy clear here we actually had a medium come out and cleanse the house because of the death yeah oh so you're saying okay wait wait I was confused the death is in this house not the cabin Oh God we mix that up I thought she was talking about the cabin this is that door opened in ER oh my god we were talking about the death in this house is when that door opened yeah all right okay about the cabin I was freaking out I lived here alone for the first six months I lived here and I was really scared I would be in the kitchen like washing dishes and always be like looking for mation hearing lots of creepy yes had a roommate for a while who stayed here who said she could see spirits and she's like there are all kinds of things in this house oh I am afraid when I'm alone here she said the cabins fine she let her give us the key and said we could stay in there remind me did she ever say that the cabin was haunted no she said the fourth or is what's on did not the cabin I got a feel a little bit I was a couple days ago so you guys are staying in her cabin yes we're gonna try camping out there and then hopefully the cabin doesn't have any creepy spirits because we told a court every day yeah we were we were gonna be safe and stay away from Ouija boards yeah and seances I stay away from Ouija boards yeah oh hey let's go just inviting spirits you don't know who's gonna come through if they're good or bad I just I wouldn't do it so I'm gonna have you shuffle and think about the journey you're going on tonight close your eyes really think about it okay and then pass it to him you do the same all right is that that's pretty shuffled right okay good job Jake eyes closed shuffle yes thinking about your intention and what you're doing tonight I didn't know what to come tonight there's some good energy right there I'm gonna mix it though I'll put it right there then there's because there's bad energy on this one that's a shuffle none of these are dope don't be afraid okay none of these are bad wait okay okay death it's not what you think so the tower can usually indicate like upheaval and chaos there's literally people like being thrown from a burning building when everything collapses you have to rebuild so chaos isn't always a bad thing it can lead to like the next chapter of your life which is actually closely tied to the death no okay like death of an era death really means like new beginnings starting over I told you they're creeks with this place a lot or is that no no okay I told you this but you're not scared cuz we're all together yeah that's good mm-hmm and then this card is all about like fear and anxiety in times this card can actually mean that it's more in your head like you know those nights that you're all night and you can't sleep and you're terrified but it's not something real that you're scared of it's more of like something you're imagining something that like making up in your head yeah I liked making conspiracy theories about yourself oh you're like worried that you're dying or something but really you're fine or are you worried about something that's really not that big of a deal so to me this says that you guys are going to be more afraid than you actually need to be okay that's okay about this our group okay okay I'm over everything new chapter fear and anxiety and in chaos so maybe a fear and anxiety will create chaos and that will be the end of it to have a chapter which could be done down by the consulting or the witch's forest a Stanley Hotel was a chapter that we did I guess you could say witch's forest could be a chapter or is it deeper than that bro and it's literally saying like that's what your entire chapter or else your chapters gonna be the end of your book sure that what you usually do after shuffling at all you just pull up up top card top three and then you'd like further clarification we can do one more they were good they're big it's not there so yeah we're gonna go try to find the campsite and figure that hole for us off thank you for the information maybe you should take the safe if you yeah you can also buy some salt and around your tent you can put like a protective circle yeah go tell we did that that's an idea too this sounds cheesy but if you hold hands and just say that you only want to invite good spirits in yeah exactly what the psychic said good that's crazy okay at least now we know it's like a good thing go get some selenite pockets did you guys hear that is someone home oh no way you didn't hear that it's really good you mind if we like take a picture of this for like a thumbnail type you can take sweet we're heading through the forest oh my god this looks creepy nice is very we're just gonna find a spot to park here's one oh really I'm just gonna pull off here I mean where else here we go hey boys let's get on our green and then let's go set up this campsite we got a long night ahead of us you can get the new Explorer birch link in description it's perfect as the green and it protects you from ghost supplies and protects you from ghost hold those in your pocket being damaged or do you have to put them on and guess what what brings setting up camp where brother over there brother well wherever we can find a campsite in cold we're not bro the fog anything but the wind ok got all our cabin stuff in here chairs sleeping bags tent let's go set it up walk down the scary path find a good place a flat ground a set up camp and go from there Boy Scout what we do like literally right here is perfect yeah yeah it's soft ground if there's no like hill or anything it's pretty flat I say we try this murder look at where we are bro this looks too 9 yeah let me do a spin around really great this looks insane you oh hey you can see our car up there so that's that's nice yeah cars in the distance if anything happens we'll just sprint up there so let's start it this is such a difficult process no it's not no we're super manly my eyes are broken dude at work we're going she's going never mind we're good right what this doesn't even have a this is just mesh that's gonna be look at that oh you mother you might end up right now I saw was over there you chewed right and then we got to tie these together right here brother you guys should make a youtube channel that look good we're sleeping here tonight guys dude you could even charge your phone oh there we go alright now we got to do the top of it guys you want to go in a tent together week 13 Spillville we're not even done brothers don't get in there yeah it's a mazi of voices my dad used to touch me closing come on brother we did and now we're for sleeping bags this is perfect that's a shoe contagious bring up all over clothes this is a sleeping bag no that's a pillow guess it's a sleeping bag we gotta go down to stay here turn the uh turn the heater on the oh my gosh this is this is the new trap out get that bro I like this do you realize it's only 4 p.m. so we have like 12 hours until we can leave here I have to go to bed at 7:00 kill my mom to eat supper at 6:00 what is it Cikini ok that's understandable yeah I like taking zucchini I mean eating zucchini alright so what's the plan we pitched a tent we have sleeping bags that we can go try to find a place where you can start a fire do you think this is gonna blow away if we leave it yes the the ground is so soft yeah the wind blew so hard it just blew the spokes up then if we want to go look or explore the woods a little bit let's put all of our garbage in here in here and let's go find rocks and put them on all the spokes so it doesn't fly way to things just touch I'm really happy about this like look at this dude this is beautiful wait wait I heard that was another growl I just see odd no wasn't a yawn each other it sounded like over there if there's no bears in California right [Music] is that a chainsaw yeah oh what a chainsaw well there's the main road that's where we like drove down let's go deeper into the woods yeah let's go this way what was that oh my god what was that yes yo we aren't alone here no that was somebody like that yeah let's go down the path Jennifer's cabin is in comparison to this area this area because um it was more by what's her name the witch's house yeah but we only went like five minutes away from the witch's house so I think we're like probably five minutes or so we have that address right yeah I have the address him look at this looks like cars drove down here [Music] [Applause] well that explains the [Music] we're having this is not like a hidden spot like anybody can I guess not because our campsites just back over this our is unlocked with all of our stuff in it yeah that's uphill that's like the point what I know but I'm really would for a reason let's go [Music] wait Sam Oh bro Oh somebody's jacket just randomly we didn't see any other like litter or any clothes at all okay maybe we should go that way probably nothing it's like a homeless person we got a homeless person who's out here like some lumberjack look like like a kid's jacket I think someone got killed and there somewhere dude wait no you know what I realize we got a tarot card reading we never even talked about that the first day on the video we got psychic and then we randomly come here we weren't expecting to get read at all by that lady in that she just started reading us that's weird that's so strange yeah I just like the fact that he said all of our hands in your car and we're probably a half of my way so does that sound like a car I thought I saw someone walk me to that's okay I thought I saw someone walking but I was like there's no one there okay let's go one two or no no I thought I heard a car coming down with this even though you can't even drive that there only thing up here is the one road we came in on and all these are just trails but the kid just hurts in the rec room because we were walking on like a car or something I think it was a car that time it didn't sound like one of those motorbikes it was like a knocker like we just went into town to grab some supplies and some food and we just got back to the campsite as you can tell it's obviously night now but here's just a little snippet of how dark this actually is without any lights ready you can't see the sky I can't even see silhouettes let's step outside and just use that light we're leaving we actually are screwed dude this is gonna be horrifying this is a lantern right here why is that open oh it fell out you boys are gonna have to go go by yesterday I have to walk from here is that yours Cory oh my god yeah no cold we're gonna make a fire pretty soon here don't grab as much supplies that we can because we don't want to go back and forth this let's go into the distance yeah we're gonna die don't say that dude it's so [ __ ] cool you can kind of tell like I'm gonna go back a little bit oh my god yeah you can you can tell how far you this is no you got to keep going though no left let's go through here yeah it's right here sink oh yes we may need I wanna go that we already lost our tent that'd be horrible we made it back to home yes home base oh god what is lead what's what shut up Sam no I thought I thought I saw an animal or a figure or something oh dude ice I swear to God I saw the same like a shadow go that way yeah are they did you hear that it sounds like an animal dude Thor could oh we didn't even think about that there could be like bears list AHA guys if there is a moment that never kissed a guy to be right here with you guys really yeah you swear now that's gotten dark we got firewood and we got this pot so we can actually make a fire and they'll be sick hopefully cold me you know how to not burn this hole oh I got you man I could built it I could build fires I figured out this one thing that we can do this not us and that might even help us it's called the fire which would basically of absolute won the psychic said that we were about to have a bad time right then too we like had encounters with the cowboy at the Stanley Hotel and Lucy with whole lollipops moving like the door scratching so obviously something happened in order to like purify us what we're gonna do is we're gonna like grab like objects that's why we still went to Walmart about this random thing you guys as well cowboy hat lollipops we're going to use the fire ritual sort of like cleanse ourselves that's cool cleanser so it's not it's not an evil thing it's more of a cleansing is basically like saging but like getting rid of past spirits you sure like that state literally says like if you have the objects that are tied to spirits you bring them to the open flame and that will just release them into the fire so let's say something dude so where do they go what are your burn their burn no I think they're still here we like cast whatever is with us into the fire then gone we're good right throw a Ouija board in a fire that makes it worse that doesn't mean that they're gonna go away I mean we could I mean we could try it it sounds like it's it's more safe and like helping us than anything right yeah this is we're not trying that's what like we said core we're not trying to contact anybody we're trying to like save ourselves and with what the tarot card said probably should do that anyways yeah I'm just I'm just hoping that you know it works like Tao no way service there's no way looking at pictures how do ya know cuz I've been happening a lot the random phone call yeah like even like not in haunted places like just at home and stuff right when we called him I gather nine random numbers trying to call me brother to go to this place someone called him right I feel like there's something Falls right into his face on me the other night it did bro are you sure like your numbers not leaked or anything I feel like something's nothing at this point there has to be some sort of like leaking like maybe like a fan has his number so it's just like pranking your oh that's out think so no no I don't know if it's a fan dude because every time you've gotten these calls it's when we're doing something sketchy what waits in the tent no no okay I'm about to yeah I'm about to leave the tent how does that keep happening every single video we do you guys hear that it was like a bro that was like it sounds harsh what the unzip it bro there's somebody out there we unzip there's somebody else I barely unzip there's somebody else saying what's that you hear that as soon as you opened it girls come on go Scott let's go let's go out there i don't livi it would be how parents that are good here can we open the tent I'm not go out there shouldn't be anything well we gotta go out there I'm not gonna stay in this little square while there's they can yeah let's go I'm not going first though no okay let's go let's go let's go let's go first I'll go I'll be behind you I'm going I'm going Oh bro there's there's nothing out here there's nothing out here if they call again I'll answer it I don't want to go outside of the van there's nothing out here no it's just fart right like one of these you heard that too right it sounded like a pinecone fell or something from a tree no dude that sounded like a car was coming up to sound like a car and dinner I thought it like hit a rock with that pump pinecone yeah probably actually so I heard like it's so much coming towards us I heard like a thud like a door slamming and I heard a car driving dude we can't get scared already it's like the beginning of the night I know for a fact that like animals or whatever do not like fire so what if we create the fire and just do that ritual so one war I saved and we have something to kind of scare away anything if something's actually coming at us okay yeah something you guys won't think I'm weird I swear to God like as I opened the tent and then couldn't see anything all I guess he was pitch black it sounded like I heard someone say Corre like outside the tent no you did it okay we answered this time you're gonna answer this time what's that making any sense what is that no no that was just like gibberish no wait we didn't let leave the voicemail it's calling again just answer just answer just answer one more time one more time talk okay that will put it on mute we don't have to talk there's nothing so salami oh hello it's not saying anything it was quiet that time it was completely quiet that time what what do we do what do we do bro don't don't go by yourself thank you no no no no no Cory bro wait look how far do you know no one know we take stay here stay here but you can't walk by yourself dude you didn't just hear that Jake Jake hey where's Jake he's in the together we're getting too scared too fast we're fine it's in our head remember what the tarot card reader said yeah yeah it sure sure it's in our head let's just find a spot let's do this fire and like calm down for two seconds okay okay you literally poured I'm sorry the suit claims he's a Eagle Scout okay no no no it hasn't even caught fire with the sticks yes oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god like a spider oh god please please yeah okay I think that's a little too big brother this is fine - I'm worried about the environment world okay we're gonna be fine if it starts a fire we have water it'll be fine okay guys it looks so foggy from over here oh my god no all right I swear to God if a spider crawls on me bro I'm going home Jake I got you a snack ready what I knew you would eat it what is this I got to if you want to try through Sam it's just an ice cream sandwich how is it ice cool try it out write up a camera is it good here everyone hey length apart explodes can that pot explode I don't taste anything it feels like a Lucky Charms marshmallow with no taste that's what this is oh my god that looks so creepy that's what we looked at everyone else looks like aliens are walking towards us so well he's doing the stage guys the next step is gonna be taking one personal object that's what I like to talk to you guys about previously and we are going to thank you we're gonna rap thank you for of course bro thank you bro we're listening keep going brother okay we're going to take our personal objects awesome of the fire and then we're also gonna toss names of the spirits that we think are haunting us into the fire and I should cleanse it together we're gonna write the names of all like the ghosts we think and as well as our birth love Jax Moroni okay like we're ready to go go I say obviously the first one is Lucy right well y'all think that Lucy and like the cowboy and stuff is attached to us from listen Hanley no no we're just trying to take every single precaution we can we don't want the spirit of Lucy or the cowboy from Stan Lee to be haunting us because we want to figure out if this place is haunted not if Stan Lee's following us what else do we think is here we need three did you already put the cowboy down cowboy can be there and then anything else do you think that could be possibly haunting us or that the shadow man bro Sam why did you have to just bring that up because what other like strong we ever told like and the woods you have to bring that about you let's say that we saw a shadow person if we turn off every single light there can't be a shadow I've been talking about like the shadow man a lot lately and I've been like manifesting it oh no dude that's probably it wait you're blurry wait stylet it okay did you hear that rumbling we're gonna wrap these ghosts around our personal objects and then toss them into the fire so wait you what wait and now is it is the thing sound off we're gonna see it's going blurry and it's saying sound off or something oh I've never seen that before either we're fine okay are you sure yeah yeah hey Lilly is popping up with a microphone saying yeah let's check it really quick dick just got a bunch of stuff so just to help out this ritual we got a cowboy hat - obviously symbolize the cowboy and here we go we got Lucy lollipop sound third one though we got Corey he's the representative of the Shadow Man oh gosh bro you know what I'm burning what yet yes don't know what I'm burning are you burning boom you're gonna just you know because ever since I stopped playing with the Ouija board the only thing that's made my life haunted is you guys they've been wasn't for y'all I would have never brought back Andy this Ouija board crap mmm so um I think it's best that you know okay but it's a Jill fair enough look what I earn earning a joke does I'm burning the key to the millennium Biltmore Hotel oh you still have because that's what started it all wait so we're burning just like a personal item of ours things that like have to do with why you think you're haunted or anything like that okay well then this is this has been haunting me for a long time in my life it's kind of big for the fire so I might just you know he's a little part use a little part shut up jakey you're gonna burn Shrek in my burning Shrike yeah no what are you burning Shrek DVD that's a VHS brother oh geez Oh of quarry the Shadowman a burn can you not sit no you're not right don't you want to get rid of it quarry dude that's sketchy bro you want me to burn a piece of paper that says that because this is what's gonna cleanse you I'm trying to help you bro it's not a seance it's literally to cleanse you can have Lucy so you cowboy you swear I'm gonna put the cowboy hat by ear then at the count of three let's all put weight actually know why I'm burning this because guys you know how I'm always on the verge of beginning UVic 'td well my first eviction notice was when Colby slammed the Shrek VHS against my floor and then he called the security on me and ever since he yells about me every single night this haunts me every day Wow Wow so I've never done this one before so let's just go for it ready three two help us out so this is this is a good thing this feels good ready I like that means we should take it out your way Shrek isn't burns white step wife look wait I know there wasn't winners no there wasn't bro we're not cross in the back of right behind tree guys okay guys let's go y'all look really good yo let's leave did you not see that where now it was right behind Jake I feel like you're noise why would I there's no reason for me to do that dude it literally ran across this is our time to go capture it come on no no no [ __ ] yeah we flashlights get a flash guys guys I don't want to go eat somebody to stay and watch the fire anyway so just I'm not staying by myself do we literally think someone is spying on us you literally just said someone has to be us on the phone and blocked off well somebody's walking around here looking at us let's go it was right here you stay here if you're scared bro what the wait wait wait wait I did it bro this is Colby one second one second we got to get him okay don't like we're trying are we trying to catch ghosts tonight yes yes yes I mean if you just if he feels like it just saw just don't let the embers out okay okay okay we're gonna stay on the path do it it literally it was on this path so it could have been like a biker or something it started from here and went boom right behind Jake super fast it was the dirt by people what yeah we'll be back yeah let's see keep going dude I hope he doesn't get pissed due date okay Colby no no wait this is the path hold me one second no no Colby wait wait wait before every two seconds though there so there is something here what Colby work for over here stay on the path what's going on I don't know I don't know I saw oh I swear to god there's something over there Colby will be back on the path in a second doesn't feel real dude we're all gonna lose each other no no we're sticking up you know service do you have service head service back at the cabin area so maybe I'll try them in a second but wait someone might actually I have no idea we need to find Colby wait yeah when we got to get the core Corey's gonna get pissed dude where are we I literally cannot even see the fire anymore like look look what is that what is that what you see that that's right there white can you see on the camera baby hanging what is it cold eh do you do Sita with you okay we're gonna go I'll do see it on the camera yeah yeah let's go up let's go up are you sure it might just be it Oh what is that it's not the pole look there's the light pole that's not a pole literally it looks like a baby hanging there holy it's moving it's moving it is moving what it was that was that was it go go go go go go Cory Cory Cory did you hear that bro yell yeah let's scream we were right next to it I sort of God where's Colby wait where's I can't breathe where's Colby wait Colby's not with you I thought you went back to you with a joke we literally told you you ran off you said you wanted to go the other way so we went we went towards this like baby leave listen play you left Colby we tried William you ran off by himself wandering off by himself why he literally ran and say he saw shadow figure we saw something another way so you were gonna quit now all these in the woods I don't know wave right down I don't know cool they do I know I can't I don't know what's new Colby's in the woods he hasn't called you or anything no he hasn't can we try to call him hold on wait was that yo Colby or no oh my god no no no no no it says that way too high to be called me but he's over there to call they do we do know this no this is serious what what do we do okay fine well let's put up the firewood that's the only thing what do you what else is the fire the cool thing dude where's the top is there top - what was the last time that you guys saw Colby like how far we're running with him and then we if we saw something yourself and then Colby just sprinting dude you just kept going you won't even listen to us we at least need one person to stay back stay back at the campsite because if Colby goes back and we're out here he's gonna think that we're lost and it's just gonna happen all over again yeah let's stay at the fire and just spread out all the light we possibly can and hope he comes back [Music] no wait cold yeah yeah what holy serious serious serious call me Wolvie told me that you Colby are you okay bro oh my whoa where were you the shadow person I saw him again he ran down the path the shadow person the shadow the same the same figure you thought the same thing we saw it ran down the path so I ran after all you guys were right behind me no we literally said would like to stop there's something else next to our left and then we'll talk about this like do you come back here wait did you did you hear the giant scream no no no it was like a FIFO it was like a girl scream it sounded like we heard it's not unlike someone from like the neighborhood is like screaming or like riding with us I thought it was dude I thought I'd lost you guys but like I found the path like immediately so I just start walking back yeah immediate we've been sitting here for like five minutes I know what I ran what happened here core what what actually was here because what else you were yelling to like a gate closed up there and like I don't remember there being any gates around us so you think another person's here somewhere yes and then I heard footsteps though there's there's definitely people here sorry like if I scared you guys but I swear to God I saw something and I thought you were behind me that's why I kept going dude Jake and I saw this weird thing that was like hanging it was literally looked like a baby or some like small human hung holy it's moving it's moving it is moving I looked at it and my first thought that it was a baby being home it was insane it was literally the trees probably like a fall field that way it started moving yeah it was swaying spinning in swain body I don't know but it also like realistically could have been something hanging in the tree just like with the wind but I'm just saying it looks creepy in about 10 seconds after we like first saw it it was like the scream in the distance we cannot split up again yet it's like seriously like that's the time I thought you guys were right dude that's not good we yeah we can't we can't do it that's my fault I take blame for that I should I should have waited I don't like this place for when I first saw it behind Jake it looked like one of those biker kids that was like peeking around the tree and just sprinted down the path we saw the red light it looked like a back of a bike yeah yeah yeah we lokay I didn't catch on camera who are too far away but Cory and I would Corrine I and Jake when we are gonna go look for you there was a giant like reflector you know like on the back of like cars and bikes and stuff holy [ __ ] what what what what what what what what yeah it's there there's someone down there guys no bro guys let's get in the car and leave I'm not even know there's people here there's people here all right I swear to god no like we should leave like seriously we should leave well whoa you guys that did you just I just heard that are they calm okay wait okay please Dom okay at least let's like start packing up so in case something is happening we can get out of here I'm trying to stay calm you guys are freaking me the [ __ ] out okay quit eating your gummy bears and let's do something that just a little update guys we did clean up our whole campsites Brian go showing here for a little bit because I don't know what's out there brother goes Colby doesn't love me anymore belly isn't in there bro why'd you flick the sleeping bag it just guy was so quiet he's gonna hear that thud like footstep all right as you were saying be quiet or was that just me like I'm being thorough I heard like a I just had it was yo Shrek quiet Shrek you see anything say what you said earlier about shrek space with Corey yeah that's the same pace that Sheamus you know what I call that face depth like the dad shrug it's the white face like a big mean when you walk someone crawling towards my feet for you I know your fart smoke I live with you for a year guys stop recording if we're actually gonna yeah I don't want to be on camera there were four boys and the woods and a tent was about 1:00 a.m. and all of a sudden there heard a noise outside the tent they go what is that they ignore it ten minutes go by they hear another noise one of the boys tries to unzip the other boys pants and says no we got to go see what that noise is outside so one of the boys unzips the tent then they go outside to start exploring mm-hmm they see a shadow man what do they do they run the shadow man chases them for two and a half hours they've been running in circles of the whole time around the tent the Shadow Man grabs one of the boys by both of his arms pulls him in kisses him on the lips and marries the other boy and all the best friends lose their best friend because he got married point is to ever get married folks yo can you tell a story Cory about what you hear it didn't sound like a shut is that is that what you guys that way will you like everyone be comfortable yeah sure we just trying to go to sleep no I think we should I was saying up all night you want to sleep and never wake up again if we sleep that we won't hear any more noises and we won't be scared anymore that's not true yeah we might just be overacting it might be all in our heads dude said what you know I was thinking about what I was busy thinking about in the Stanley the dreams of us running I heard an exhale there's footsteps out of the tent I'm actually being dead serious I'm being dead so that's the same exhale that has happened oh you crazy don't do it are you closing this you know you okay yeah so you know I like being out of the tent weird stuff a little square dude you can't see [ __ ] out there I don't know man should we go look no we should stay here we're practically in like a cage I just don't feel safe anymore no I don't feel safe in here what was that what was that was get a light get a light get a light every litter cannot see anything hey give me a light hello you heard that yes yes yes yes it was a haze outside my phone yo yo yo oh my god I've literally woke up sit here here here here okay we should go alright let's spend at least a few minutes in the flashlight and like oh my god we go let's go to the car where we going dude wait we can just go no we can go the habit the haunted Jennifer's cabin yeah that was our back-up plan anyway they said they said the cabin wasn't haunted so let's just try it that's an hour-and-a-half try don't even think I can drive that far you know I was about to fall asleep in the tent oh my god dude look how narrow this good so narrow and skinny that's somebody famous how was somebody trying to prank us I told a lot of people that we were gonna go film here so I bet some good dude that was so weird okay are we close to this place oh yeah we are we're only one minute away okay take a right right here wait is this it no it's not it is it no we're all right I can't see anything would yo Sam what no caller ID I'm not answering it if I get a call and throw my phone out the window Ross swear dude what the [ __ ] damn thanks are only you two I've never gotten a call before me neither you gotta tell me if I'm about to hit the edge oh wait I don't have a light on the light chill a mosquito oh dude it's pouring you're good on the edge bro dude this is it this is it this is what we're gonna try Stan oh my god is pouring bro all right so get the key this is it since welcome to our neck of the woods dude I'm les yeah yeah you find it are you looking for the key yeah I had it girls did I give it to you no I don't I think you had it last - I don't feel it in my pockets you guys have it no this don't answer just don't answer just keep hanging up do please tell me you have it later it has to be here wait you don't have the key no I did you put it in the backpack or was it in your pocket I had it when do you remember you having to laugh I had it today it know I should I showed the girl that Jennifer gave me the key here did you pull it out whenever you we were at her house just just to show her that like we have actually bro did you leave it at her house no what's it in your pocket yeah let's just let's check the car no I have it you really try to remember did you put it in the backpack at all or was it in your pockets I well the last time I remember having it I pulled it out of my pocket to show her okay can I get some lights Sam literally today are you serious yeah dude if he kept the key in his pants it's gone bro are you sure it was it in your pants or was it in the in the backpack I thought it's either here in the backpack unless like is it in our bags should we check the chunk no dude would you pee on your tongue there would be no reason for us to do that you know we need this key we can't get it dude Jennifer Jennifer trusted us with this key you can't you can't is that the only key yeah there's no weather and that's her place and now we have no other places saying I'm not going back to the tent I don't want to go back dude I don't want to go back Sam are you being sued I'm not okay I'm not trying to be rude but like first like Loki let you lost Colby and now you don't have the key I'm just saying this is like this is why I don't like to do this this type of check your pockets maybe I gave it to you first we loft Colby in the woods how long are you gone for like thirty minutes some chick if do you have your backpack - sorry it's not on me okay Vicki laughs I like all this together and like just cuz I leaves one key doesn't mean it's like guys it's not my fault it's not just the keys where we're staying dude in the middle of nowhere we can't go anywhere like that was our only chance of being safe tonight dude I'm sorry it was pouring rain outside what are we supposed to do I say we drive back to our homes like let's let should we go back should we just go yeah I don't know I think you'd stay awake the whole time hmm it's like a two-hour drive maybe we could just drive and see if we can find a hotel or something but I don't know min I'm not trying to sit in front of a random person's cabin we know there were people yeah there's other cabins around here I've okay I know it sounds crazy but it's already what almost 3:00 a.m. yeah almost 3:00 a.m. sunrises in three hours four hours what if we just go back to 10 we can stay up all night we'll just talk all night I'm not dude it wasn't that bad when we were all just hanging out that was that it wasn't that bad it really was I just it's three hours away from sunrise and then we can leave I'm gonna try what about this what about this cuz like the last I know what for a fact is probably even on camera I had the key at the witch's house it's not she only like five minutes away from here so try calling her or something let's go let's try to go back to her house cuz she it might be there okay and like if she calls and like answers that'd be great I'm gonna start okay sorry guys I don't know I'll either have no idea he's cute quick update we're right in front of the witch's house Colby general call yeah I'm trying to find a number really quick it's like 3:00 a.m. is this creepy thing else up Sean's house that's not a three-peat should we go up toward or do we really know oh my god wait get down get down - yo flip the cake but the camera now I'm trying I'm just gonna get it holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] you know they're coming towards the car do we do I don't know wait we should we should call out to him you call it you go what do you mean hold the right there color color hello what we see five people just walking towards the car like all hooded that scares like [Applause] so okay we we lost the key I was trying to call you see if like you maybe have the key or something like house can anyone tell me what the frak they were actually doing outside 3:00 in the morning dude that was weird that was what she was with like what five other people so maybe like we did a party I don't want to ten what are the odds that they're actually going to a party though they were probably out there doing some satanic which say that we don't know that I'm not trying to judge them or anything but let's just say didn't seem like a party people walked around like the trap house he's like just us to go talk oh let's hope that you know they were just chilling well give them a benefit out but dude that sucks what are we gonna tell Jennifer there's no other key no that's her spare I mean she said she hadn't been here in like two years anything she's really gonna care anyways yeah well pay for but the only thing is knowing all that we got to go back to the forest it's almost 4:00 that means in like two hours sunrise like that's not bad I don't want to I hate my life I hate my life I hate my life thank you mommy I hate my life I hate my life I wasn't playing the nightbrothers we have to do this brother we're not gonna complete the night brother you have two hours brother the shadow man's gonna eat us brother the shadow man was cast out member of fire ritual hahaha that's what summoned him as soon as we threw that in did Kolby not think he saw something walking we never even explained the shadow that we saw I thought that could have been them like playing jokes on us or like there's dirt by kids we saw earlier but we still don't know what that is they were just in their neighborhood I don't think anyone's out there actually that's freak yourself we're about to go back to that same place we don't have to though we can go get a hotel or just drive back home guy this poor AM is this considered an overnight calm it down below we're going home what do you say sleep okay even if we decide to get a hotel and just say screw it we're gonna need to go back and get the camp stuff because we can't just litter everything yes we can't we got it yeah pick up those sticks run away wait do we have the lanterns I have one is there a second one where's the third one I got also flashlights we can use that button Cory can you stand in the front please Joe look I'm scared that looks I turned it down all the way Brian are we off to the right it's pouring rain it's foggy it's cold it's very sprinkling barely on there yeah I'm gonna walk behind you guys so you can walk into spiderwebs I don't have to this place does not get less creepy I'll tell you that what what what thing is blown over oh that the flap was like oh oh we've wiped the actual flap its own look wait that means this someone look it's not the flap the whole thing is it's you know how it said the spokes are in out what are those the spoke well it's been raining so maybe the soils just like oh okay no it's just this thing I'm not worried about that oh wait yeah you're right the entire thing is out let's just put this back here real quick all right one last look around this is where we're sleeping tonight guys we wouldn't actually have to stay up that long let's get in there Serena all right take off your shoes cuz it for now no fricking stay in here oh we don't want to get it all dirty okay yeah keep your shoes on Jake that's cool I've given them up like this see this is not so bad I just wish we had blows oh that's got a little cute little critters crew blanket really know how do I always end up without one of these why is there a three I don't Michel my boss too far see where'd you learn this fire ritual from its online we sure that was like that's the best thing to do for us no not as soon as we threw that in Colby saw shadow Wiccan that gave us the herald card reading said we'd have what a chaotic night had the death card which means a new chapter we had what was the last anxiety but it was just in her head so she said it might be but nothing actually happened to us not if you think about it yeah I got lost yeah we thought we saw like a shadow person yeah those five people came up to us yeah we lost the key but all that wasn't like paranormal yeah but we heard screams and then which was explaining the death and in her house the door randomly swaying open as she died we heard random things right outside our tent when he walked out nothing was there why did we hear the scream and you didn't but then we couldn't find you and we said come back to the same exact path like it just doesn't make sense the thing that's scaring me with paranormal stuff lately is we'll all hear a noise was that you Jake oh my god we all hear a noise but like we all hear different noises like when you heard that scream earlier you said you heard a girl but I thought I heard a guy and you never saw the shadow person right or the shadow thing I don't know I couldn't stop saying that it could have been just like a human let's just say the imagination station I heard something when you ran off to the right that's why we left and then we thought we saw like a baby figure being like Hong Kong even on camera I could not tell what that was I think next time we need to figure out some way to find out if we're actually haunted or if this is all in our heads because that which kind of got me thinking and what if everything paranormal that we're doing is literally just in our heads because we're out here like looking for paranormal stuff so we're probably just see it just the same thing like that's what everyone says go out looking for something obviously you're gonna find it or what if it's because it knows that you believe and it sees that you're open to it we're not like normal people that just go on camps and ignore every noise they hear you actually think that there's something after and it could be acknowledging that that's something that I don't get and like it's kind of freaking me out yes we are doing rituals we are doing sciences we want to catch something but this is going like way downhill to what I expected I don't know all those paranormal stuff is going to like a different level than we like ever intended this is definitely my last video with like something like this really yeah you're not gonna come back no no no not not not for like y'all's kind of haunted stuff like y'all are like like this this stuff stuff we don't have going to Miranda forest last time you went to a hotel we did a seance and you know I don't mess with that like I'm staying away from Ouija boards I'm staying away from seances like anything that opens me up to the other side I want like nothing to do with thank God I didn't see the shadow man like I'm sorry if you did or if you did or like whatever y'all saw because when I saw the shadow man when I was like 16 it scarred me and so the fact that if you guys could have honestly possibly seen him tonight then why you looking over there don't scare me like that say I'm sorry scambling sam looked above me and scared me bro I'm just saying like if this is literally bringing the shadow man back into my life then I have no problem never doing anything ghost related again maybe we did take it too far yeah I mean I understand you went missing we lost the key to the cabin we possibly saw the shadow man we threw a bunch of things that are related to spirits in a fireplace which I only know that that pisses it off and makes it worse do we actually know what the we're doing or are we ourselves over next time we need to actually figure that out next trip needs to figure out are we haunted what I still want to keep doing this I do I find it interesting but I also don't want to put us in danger there's probably something attached to us from every spot that we went to like there are probably like nine different spirits attached to each of us started at the Biltmore with the calls and it got worse at the Mission Inn Stanley Hotel we probably contracted Lucy in the cowboy like all those spirits like your pass our past like Ouija boards we need to figure out a way to get these spirits away and start now and if you don't want to be it a part of that journey like I I understand makes sense we drag him do these things and I don't want to ever like jeopardize a friendship over something stupid like that we can do things that aren't as intense you know I just feel like a lot of stuff that you guys have let's do it's not a Ouija board but it almost it is a Ouija board what the hell is that noise there's still somebody out there damn shiny this way it was sounding like it's not like pots and pans the pot do you think it was just what was the pot let's go pot it's over there oh my god dude it sounded like pots and let's go why would the pot making noise are moving by itself dude the pot is where we tossed okay do you guys want to leave let's just go back in let's I guess we're just talking about this it's do you realize what we do it's 4:30 in the morning and no one is actually out here think about it like realistically who's in the forest of four in the morning besides us the spirit no one's crazy do you know how was the pot over there you heard that sounds like it giving us a sign saying yes we talked about it for the past couple minutes we just decided and not honestly gonna be that long until sunrise probably no humans are out here at this time of night so we're not act in physical danger so we're gonna try to sleep because we said we're gonna go camping and we don't have the cabin bad news is we've been filming all night and we have so much footage no Chargers I'm on two bars of my last battery cuz we're probably not gonna record much unless something crazy happens but we will let you know if that being said Tony go sleep it's time to call it a night finally that wasn't saying tonight yeah Jake is yeah oh my god dude that was so whole there's just animal noises for the rest of the night and it's freezing but other than that it was not as bad as I was expected and sleeping there it wasn't that uncomfortable I'd say it's 9 o'clock right now but that does mean because it rained we have to put all of our garbage in our car we got all your trucks is gonna stay [Music] we left a cowboy hat and lollipops because I think just to be safe make sure we don't have any Cowboys or Lucy go sort of shadow figures following us and make sure that fire will actually work we leave it with that pot over there because that's where everything happened to us so on sapphire part it has a ritual inside of it not our problem it's just two lollipops in one pot cleaned everything else up so you're Cory no caller ID no way put the cowboy hat over here breath ah nice kick goodbye once and pull damn yeah cowboy well that's crazy great to be back up in Cory's pretty happy to be back too we don't really know if he's a hunter person serious about not wanting to do this again so I guess we'll figure that out it's kind of weird because Sam and I and I think Jake is on the same page of sauce like we love to do this stuff but we've said before in the past like we won't want to do anything else on YouTube but we're the only ones doing this so we want to keep going but Cory different storm we don't want things to go wrong obviously to our friends it's like that's kind of always feel bad about Cory obviously this is like what our group does it's like fun I have not been camping in like five six years me neither yeah I was like when I was 12 that being said I think Stanley and witch's forest kind of made the point that maybe it isn't the places bird on the balcony just serving young we kind of came to the conclusion that maybe it might not be the place that we go - and maybe we are haunted yeah so next series if honestly like Corey doesn't want to do it maybe we do figure out somehow if we are the ones haunted and then figure out how to like start over if we don't have anything haunting us I know Corey's down and I want him to be a part of it because he is part of our group so if we can convince him somehow with like footage you can come back probably okay I think we just need a hard reset with something to tell us hey are we haunted are we not I guess the best way to do that is to go back to our roots from the beginning yeah go back to where like we first started in the first place exploring which is Kansas and Jake's from there - we always said that it started at the Biltmore part of me thinks it started way way way before that the whole key situation on our way back in the last - our car ride called her we told her what happened she was like oh god you guys actually stayed out in the woods that's really creepy but she was okay because we offered to pay for a new like key for her and we're gonna get that all taken care of so she's cool again go make sure to subscribe to Jake and Cory and we made them stay overnight in a haunted forest show them some support for that if you like the series style of content we post like every other day then subscribe we're gonna keep doing it and it's gonna keep getting better and better place yeah thanks for 3 million by the way [Applause] thank you so much and if you guys do want to support these videos or support or travel or anything like that the best way we can make these trips bigger and better every single time with better equipment is if you check out the merch like we got this new thing they'll drop it this week we got gold hoodie we got dialect hoodie we we have these gloves like guys we got it we have everything alright guys like normal youtubers we need a light goal let's try to go for biggest goal we've done 250 some maybe 300 can we get this to 300,000 likes guys that would be insane thank you again and we'll see you guys next time we don't know what that would be but uh yeah there's something there are we trying to catch suicide [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Sam and Colby
Views: 7,862,643
Rating: 4.9312 out of 5
Keywords: sam golbach, colby brock, exploring, abandoned, sam and colby series, sam and colby haunted, witches forest, overnight in forest, haunted forest, most haunted places, sam and colby queen mary, sam and colby biltmore hotel, stanley hotel series, sam and colby overnight, haunted overnight, tfil overnight, ghost adventures, sam and colby scary, top 10 haunted, cabin in the woods, 24 hour overnight, lost in woods, lost in forest, lost colby, witches forest movie, haunted movie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 43sec (5983 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 22 2019
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