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all right hello boys hello hello hello you are you're ready to get lost no no well today you're splitting the three teams cool three different teams than usual as well let me show you the car video yeah i told you so i'm not with you're not with jj i'm not with vogue oh i changed it up so you'll be taken in a car inside is all blacked out you dropped off a location and your job is just to get back to a location in london which i'll tell you okay you can use your phones find out where you are what about someone else's phone we can't we can we can't you can't use your phone at all nor can you go to someone and say hey what's the password to get to here google it for me where are we you can ask that okay okay what if someone starts googling in front of you you say stop i don't know what no i'll give you all the rules [Laughter] i will give you all the rules on your phone okay and there are things to do on the way as well jesus so yeah it's a long day boys so you said it's blacked out but like will the front of the carpet that tower yeah the driver is guessing the driver can't see either okay the driver is nice all right blindfold no all right if you look out of your car window if you look at your maps oh if you break any rules that i set it's a red card you will lose the video i don't know right whoever gets the red the other person's snitch oh joe are you opt let's find out your simon you're with harry oh i feel like we will happily you can sweet talk people you can know i can't yeah you can no we're bothered you've got the ball at the boyish charm jj vick you're in bez can we do it last minute oh wow obviously eight years no i don't want the boom there's eight years but i i i all right we'll catch you guys at the finish line yeah simon harry nzc please come on we've got the silver one we got the black one good luck see you later okay you're an sfc you're in some fried chicken come on come on but before we do get into the video we have something to show you [Music] so [Music] oh my goodness he's actually done this proper you know apple yeah yeah oh this is actually this is actually a little bit nuts you know this is quite lit and the front's blacked out so we can't even see out the this is actually a bit nuts oh [ __ ] it's like probably [Applause] josh has waited until our eighth anniversary he's got us all in in bands we can't see out of and that's it he's actually you can't even see so he's gonna get rid of all of us two at a time he's gonna dispatch us and then he will own the sidemen and he can cash out all the money and leave the country what just head to like africa become a warlord i'm kind of worried about this why what do you reckon it's going to be like well because i think you know if it's just get home we can do that so then he's going to go like i'll go visit a football stadium i don't know yeah [ __ ] all i know is that i've got a window but i'm not looking out of it by the way that is the arc i did not look out the window but i don't have a red club to me but don't use it bro don't use it you're actually meant to be the bottom of the box i've never seen this when you're hiding so you've got to have me bro i'm not going to smoke we just hit a club or something and it's very scary it's scary when you can't see your shirt yeah i don't know where the flock are we're gonna be like we're gonna be in like the woods somewhere and we have the egg first we'll get out the woods then find like civilization and then we're gonna have to once you find civilization we're fine i think what if we never made it out of the [ __ ] now at least we have a rug could be the other rug that's quite nice it's a nice feature i think you sported nothing i didn't look if it falls out it's not what i'm saying is if a bit of wind takes that down it's not my problem it's not my problem and i don't have to put it back up we're going west now so now we're facing yes yes yes yes yes yes now we're going west no this isn't gonna work it's just gonna work right now we're going [ __ ] north we get it wrong one [Laughter] we're not looking yeah unfortunately josh my legs now don't work temporarily out of order so i will not be sitting that way we are on the way in our uh blacked out vehicle who knows where and we have a an objectives list from josh like shall i go through this okay okay number one get a drink from a local pub to start your day but you can't answer any questions about where you are okay ethan and harry have an advantage here i feel like they have a sixth sense to find pubs every vlog in every pub in england buy an apple from a sainsbury's okay eat some nuggets from mcdonald's bro i'm watching my coffee figure buy and wear a new outfit each have your teammate might choose your outfit for you so that should be interesting but we're a [Laughter] you must use five methods of transport during your journey bus train bike taxi car boat tram tube scooter bus train bike he's using five different methods he's got listed about ten but we have to get five of them all right find and film something who's orange no food or drink allowed just you we don't wanna i can just film you yeah yeah okay there we go we've already done one of them before even there buy an eight-year birthday anniversary cake for the sidemen must not be from sainsbury's ah does that mean if i get wait colin's from m s we need to go college yeah yeah make a tick tock on a fan on a fan's account someone who recognizes you make a tick tock on a fan's account of someone that recognizes ah no and then find something or someone with the same name as one of the side men so again we just have to ask every fan what their name is oh my god that could be quite long you know nah that's that's there's that's how many josh's how many jobs yeah well we'll see okay one team member must climb a tree i'll carve a tree you must not be in the same mode of transport for longer than 20 minutes oh my god once you've used the motor transport you can no longer use it again so use them wisely you're not allowed to use the tube until you have used three other modes of transport anyone who asked for help is not allowed to use google the finish line is the victoria memorial which is outside buckingham palace meanwhile uh i'm our pub in london is chilling for now keeping tabs on them on the old find my friends so i have all the locations right now you can see that is ethan on the move around the m25 he's getting close to his destination we have jj and vic closing on destination two and simon and harry are slacking behind a little bit their driver had a little bit of a mix up and where he was going cool we're set but we have just gone through a tunnel haven't we so yeah i think we went through rather high of time yeah i think if we are high tunnel yeah to be fair that would be the closest one but that means that we would be heading to where it started [Laughter] um so the key thing i'm picking up is you can only use a mode of transport for 15 minutes so we need to find yeah with 20 minutes so 20 minutes we need to find a fast train if you get the slow train we're gonna make it a tenth of the way to london yeah in 20 minutes i think we could like we need we need the bikes well that's gonna be the end one yeah a good point or a taxi but i think i'm running a taxi early on we actually have a property plan this morning i know it's gonna be tricky but we can't because we don't know where we are i think when we figure out where we are that's what we can plan what to do okay so i think we don't use any transport up until we know until we figure out what yeah and then and then we're good i think we need to get a fan to give us a lift to a train station that can get us into london but then what if it's longer than 20 minutes we're gonna have to tell the fan to stop and we'll just have to run the rattle away run run it's a race all right so we appear to be slowing down almost as if we've reached our destination are you ready no i didn't like it you don't like it i think i hate you like this ain't being lost i like knowing where i'm going i know what time i'm going somewhere this goes against all of my humane rules same ah we are here we are here we have i've taken a nap 40 minute nap and about five minutes later i'm here about 15 minutes later but yeah we are somewhere hmm we don't know where obviously as you can see we can't we can't see you can see we can't see listen today we smashed us up all right five minutes of transport oh dude get me the pub here can we do that one first are you gonna take a [ __ ] in the pub you probably if we're involvement we're gonna be the last one time but we're not allowed to um we're not allowed to um ask where we are until we've been to the pub and got a drink all right let me let me breathe in the air we got out all right first thing i'm doing i'm looking at this [ __ ] car park side managed by shut up oh copyright managed by euro car parks 30 dorset square northwest one that's who manages it but okay um well actually can we drive back how does that go dude that would not be that would not be allowed come on jj let's hey excuse me do you know where the nearest pub is from here oh yeah is it right there yeah yeah oh amazing thank you so we just got joshua strategically placed us out of pub quake so get up there get a drink oh we're here at the merry fiddler thank you very much sir i appreciate it we will the merry fiddlers it's the tablet hello hello um can we just get a point thank you all right so all teams have arrived at their locations um so now we see who's gonna win the race it should be very interesting let the games begin we have our three teams in that little triangle point and he gotta get into the center let's see who wins look see this is this is this is our strength we will go up twice oh yeah yeah yeah you mentioned you're communicating networking with the public i wonder where we are any questions about where we are i know i'm desperate for the toilet though i'm literally dying for a pee i've sort of done you know when you need a poo but your body sets you back up like the vacuum yeah i sort of done that so do we just walk i think we just explore a bit right we just have a little bit around i'm i'm trying to try and see if i've reckoned like do you guess arise i i feel like i better figure out where i'm at so i'm very happy i'm with you yeah i know how good this man is feels like i'm playing geogasa i oh the sorry center okay we're in surrey oh where is it there um so that is west london so if we can get to guildford we can get there's a train to waterloo that's 15 minutes or like 20 something minutes i'm locked here no i'm locked in right let's get in the pub i'm here to game i'm a gamer yeah look here we go the quake it is there any fish can't see any fish but it seems quite it seems quite nice here wow hey look where we're at the cookie i i love to go into the cooking the cooking [Music] i tried making it something decent and it just sucked the the ball yeah you're trying to said she said that she said andews was that from i don't know i'm not gonna is that not essex it's i think i think bro i think i think we're out east epping there's a sign right there that says effing left where that side of oh it does say epic but i don't know where epping is oh eppings eppings east epic east epic east east north all right so we're in the koi carpe and i must say it's a very nice place i just went to the toilet the toilets are lovely however when we came in i see like you know when pubs have to have their license of where they are they said three rivers council so i'm going to have a look in a minute i'm going to get up there i'm going to sneak and see what postcodes do and i think right now i feel like that will have upset josh that we found out where we are around london within within a minute of arriving he'll be like [ __ ] that was that was way too easy i mean look it says here sorry sorry life food and drink did he fix basically they got an award as well we haven't really been abandoned we've been left in a very popular part of london who's a hitchhiker we can but do you want to forget i'm actually i'm so down for that thumbs up but i want to find out where we are first i'm getting the bonus i i actually think we're in essex i do think we are in essex if anyone recognizes it's so weird why are you not out here did you see simon and harry walking along the road by the merry fiddlers the merry fiddlers do you have uh xix vodka no that's a smooth one that's a smoothie ignore ignore me uh do gina tonight for me yeah i got a malibu in tonight please is that a single gin or a double we'll go we'll get a single yeah what's your theory sign what you're saying so that has a like no speed limit which means i think it'll be far until the next like bit of civilization okay so we stick around here go that way or left door let's stick around here the bin oh epping it is epping forest it's epping forest epping forest is like it's near i used to walk my dog in epping forest but it's also there's been murders in epping forest as well it's um it's like it's like north of stratfor hey mate yeah what's your name dude huh benji yeah i've been eight years old here we go look phase one go to a local bar have a drink start your day cheers we're gonna we're gonna meet someone in the walk for a bit we'll let you know if we come across anything but at least we know we're in epping forest if we get to stratford we can get the uh the bullet train okay that takes us to uh that takes us to some pancreas and then it's easy okay we got bro we got this we got this we're in for stratford yes all right cool northway rickmansworth hurts wd-31rl three rivers district council rickman's worth wd was it wwd let me go to boston this is where we were gonna go that looks like a motorway or an a road yeah and there's no path let's go back down okay what's [Music] this is the route we've taken i'm pretty certain that's just a private estate at the end hang on what do you hear cars is that a lot of those cars are falling away [Laughter] oh sorry [Music] [Music] i like that i like that i like everyone that's driven past us as well as a mum we just need someone that looks out and goes ashore [Music] oh [Music] okay so um we are near broken lane we can get the bus oh it's 31 minutes to dorking station i don't know where dorking station goes i don't know um i say we go for a quick run quick job oh wait there's a there's a sainsbury's kiln lane sainsbury 25 minutes bus from here though where's the nearest town from here we dropped here and we have to find our way back to london but we don't know where we are or like what we're doing that takes you to one end of it yeah that would take you to the other end or you can go that way and go to the train station that would be ideal how is it is it is it like a long walk that way yeah his hike yeah let's just try and find someone that we can talk to that that was the area and not get hit by a car do you know where i am where are we where are we we don't know where we are i don't know i [Music] what's your name what's your name okay i don't know if you can see that old man we don't want to film the old man because he seemed very sweet and he was a bit scared of the camera but uh we found the garage and the man explained to us if we walked about a mile this way we get to epping which is uh and he said the tubes right yeah i feel like i've never done so we can't get a tube until like no no we can't get a tube [ __ ] to find a local that we can be like okay how do we get to london from here and then they're like okay you go to this station and then we're like we either get them or someone has to give us a lift to that station yeah okay yeah all right well i guess we just better get walking we better get walking we could be going further away from london we've got a walk along this uh this road with no pavement for a mile the exact way we started going and i said don't go there never at least we know for sure we're going the right way now oh god hopefully a fan drives past at some point we can flag a lift but we're making moves we're making moves guys in his uh village hall all right oh it's closed monday 18th does not look like someone that wants to help anything ever oh you're right it is a horse look do hot a horse each yeah i'm tempted should we i might climb over bro we are not john and that's i'm pretty sure that's illegal wait is that illegal i don't know is it theft grand theft horse i don't know hey you're horses what's up me and toby both looked at the at the poster and it says posted address didn't it and it said quick up in ub and we believe that is so much up you would think i'm from oxbridge it's west somewhere yeah up and left we've been dropped here and we have to get back to london right using different ways you want to go epping i like the nation is it it is it is it a train station or a tube station here it's a tube station we can't get a tube what is that like a bus and we'll take a towel we'll take it because they're your boss hey yo can i quickly ride your ass i know you're staring at me like he one you famous in a music video now they're gonna kick the [ __ ] out of what's in it i need to see humans right there's like a park there well cars are coming across the bridge i want to go that way should we just walk across the bridge yeah [ __ ] it all right we're we can be in this car i don't know how much of a rush room we're about to be in this car for 20 minutes before we have to [ __ ] stay okay oh my god [Music] found our savior wherever you want to go well i don't we we can't we can't check maps we can't do anything we do like um green george is that george can we ring people because who knows knows the one yeah yeah if he knows it yeah yeah yeah get george on the blower what is that a ford now [ __ ] that i don't know i don't even wanna write that [ __ ] i don't see that [ __ ] and we have wasting time i know but what can we do like are we actually just gonna have to hitchhike to the nearest should be like why are we here we need to talk to someone because like we need to know which way town is you know screw it this guy doesn't want to talk to us but i'm gonna go and talk to him i don't care i need intel okay now this is we're buying a canal but what can this canal tell us you reckon someone will give us a lifting like a narrow boat somewhere if we got enough money i ain't got no cash we're going off down there where the nearest town center is or something yeah just clarify where we are yeah yeah let's figure out where we are we have uh we have we have taken aboard someone's vehicle right now we're in will's car yeah we're wondering if he's allowed to uh go on well use a sat nav uh he can yeah he can use it he can use a sat nav to a location here yeah to get out of somewhere okay can we look at it but yeah okay we're not looking at it you you can't look at it but you can say what if you said to him where you want to go and he's taking you there is that what the key is well he knows where to go he's a walking man cool yeah nice one all right a little bit josh goodbye i mean naturally they can it's driver taxi driver could do the same thing so i think it's fine they're doing the drawing class i think is it really rude to just walk into that drawing class and ask for help oh wow they're fully just they're literally drawing stuff yeah that's kind of cute but it's like a drawing exactly what they do when it's like when you're old yeah they're they're pretty good at drawing so we're going up to strangers like out of london well i think excuse me where the [ __ ] are we basically we got dropped here in a random car yeah you feel me where are you this is sick i don't know it's quite a fun challenge i need to go for more walks it's quite a fun challenge trying to woodford woodford woodford we got so lucky by the way oh it's literally so lucky so like we were on the ropes we're starting our jog down the road i was already getting pretty knackered in our on our savior's rock so woodford hey hi could you help us please you guys yes wait wait what's your name your name we have wait wait i have a strange question where are we where are you what what town or city you're here near watford okay north west northwest northwest it's saying we're gonna get there at quarter past right i'm pretty sure we only got in there we got in this car like i think our time's pretty much nearly up i won't lie okay so we have to jump on the next like two minutes yeah if you're well not on the main road though if there's like a oh [ __ ] one of them that there's but i've seen him been seeing buses though are we near what you know it doesn't matter we have to jump out man i'm sorry there's a problem there's a pub all right of course my friend of course have saved us yeah yeah but until it said epsom epsom is it that way ten minutes okay okay all right we get we're making we're starting to understand where we are in the world do you know where the nearest like town center is is it miles yeah we'll walk down the canal thank you cheers have a lovely day so we are but northwest the northwest oh [ __ ] there's a high school [ __ ] we jumped out the wrong spot here and it's like 3 p.m we're in woodford right there's a church there's the lord and safety might ride us you never know what if you wait for a party now if we want to preach he's not going to say you're a priest he's not going to say no to us and i think hitchhiking has been a dub because they are currently in uh woodford green so they've made it a good way into london um i'm guessing they've got out the car or about to get out of the car soon then they're they're here at school and it is 20 past free so if we're trying to get into central london like waterloo or somewhere or like somewhere west london overhead station where how far is that about 10 minutes 10 minutes right which way that way what that way i live in lebanon [Laughter] i'd say probably a bit longer okay it's fine so leatherhead station that's the best one the quickest way to get into do you know how long the train is into central london 45 minutes 45 minutes is that the fastest around here because we can only spend 20 minutes on the train so we need like the fastest train we're screwed we actually have no idea oh how this looks promising this is like very towny uh but then a bus the thing is about buses like no bus is gonna go all the way down to uh stratfor yeah or will it maybe i'm really bad at it oh we we also done we're it is like prime school time now as well so if we get a bus and be full of school kids which is another issue no how slow is your phone nice you got to reinstall tick tock oh damn i mean what are amazing going to be doing otherwise yeah it's true yeah we have to we got dropped somewhere we didn't know where we have to make it back to london yeah can i get a strawberry iced lush please why don't you go over there you're in london yeah okay yeah because now you're in essex but as soon as you pass the statue okay okay are we doing the tech talk now okay hi maisie what's up we out here somewhere sorry done no tick tock bone bang okay i hate that there's so many talented people on tiktok doing great things yeah that will go more like that's what they can do is there any way you could help us get to uh leatherhead station you'll give us a lift you give us a lift no way amazing yeah if you don't mind that would that would be that would be great all right that was bro people are so lovely today we haven't smashed it it's a uh what's the video like a faith in humanity restored so we've got our ice cream he told us all we got to do head to this bus stop get the 20. how about this does that count as two two buster nobody said if you go to baker's arms we just oh like we're essentially near where we want to be if we get to baker's arm bro i love the way they sleep yeah they tuck their heads into it yeah oh ladies awake now they're quite cool in it excuse me i have a strange question does this canal go into london at all yeah i think that's where yes yes okay i'm not sure if you can let me just go quickly we've been dropped in a random location and we've got to get back to london camden that way camden oxbridge is this way yeah yeah okay and that's like town center and stuff that way or not it's okay thank you have you got the wrong way god don't know me oh god we've reached a very estatey area do we head down there or i feel like that's the main road up that way you know we might have been better just going epping and getting a bus from epping i think we've gone we've gone we've gone to a smaller town farther out [ __ ] i reckon that our main road the thing is the worst thing is if a fan stops we can't even get in the car oh i assume that's that's your daddy's going to go to the bathroom oh then you are there that's just giving us a list that's even more right it's a fun challenge between friends okay well i'm not gonna tell you where to go then okay no oh but you're teaming up with them okay oh he goes into london come on just give us like that that's awesome that way but it's about 25 minutes okay no problem we'll find something along the way are you going to catch your train well we can use five modes of transport yeah we have to use five modes at least i could tell you about i'm not gonna okay oh thank you very much thank you so yeah maybe we do consider that boat then maybe we do it [Applause] maybe we do we may be lost but we are at least picking stuff off orange hell yeah before anyone says it's red that's red and also this if you want orange there you go that's very original orange thing i've ever seen in my life come on all right so now okay so that's that's ticked off for anyone watching this i want to do a disclaimer under usual circumstances do not get into strangers cars we are trained professionals and we know what we do exactly but yeah for general reference don't do this don't copy this behavior just go into the background eat some nuggets from a mcdonald's so we need to go to a town centre really because it also unless we unless we hold up those until we get into them yeah find them film something that is orange no food or drink allowed [ __ ] all right i'm looking out for orange things back there but that's kind of [ __ ] yeah that might actually be [ __ ] though yeah that might be [ __ ] bro it might be [ __ ] all right if there's [ __ ] i'm feeling if there's an orange [ __ ] bag i think we take it i don't think it's [ __ ] but josh hey that is gross orange as it gets maroon i'm out here we'll look for something better but just in case that's straight orange yeah we'll look so that's all right ethan and toby have gone to hairfield in oxbridge um so they have an option of going to their two different directions they could have gone towards a place called denim which has both an aerodrome so they could have got helicopter private jet or anything if they wanted to obviously very hard to do though or they could have got a train and that train does take you in towards the london terminal however they went the wrong way and where they currently are i don't see a train station so they are slacking behind by a little bit currently what are your names what are your names wait what sam sam [ __ ] simon what are your names [Music] [Laughter] by an eight-year-old birthday cake we can do that in london find someone with something with the same name oh [ __ ] no any simon joshua's victor yeah his name is victor his name is victor yeah yeah yeah oh victor's pretty close i don't think that counts he died in a house fire bro we lost him he lost him he's gone how are none of you called simon josh ethan harry toby jj no no one's if we can get to epsom station in 20 minutes that would that would be yeah that we have we're allowed to be in a car for 20 minutes as part of this challenge well look this man is letting boats through down the corner you're asking them about boat hires should we ask should we ask you let's do a let's do our talking that german shepherd is that german shepherd is very cute people are just living out here but this one is this is life well i've seen a bus is it a twenty i thought i didn't realize both so we need to uh [ __ ] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me and toby have just met the funniest bloke bro we're walking on a canal somewhere and bro we're like all right can you give us any clues let me explain the situation that someone's dropped us in a location we've got to get back to buckingham palace and he just said well i'm not going to tell you mate siding with him i'm real keep her on my side is that my side though that this one's not on their side it's not helping them [Applause] [Music] epsom station to guildford station okay and then we a 50-minute train might get us further we'll have to just start speaking to people at guild uh uh stations yeah we're just gonna have to tap into the knowledge someone like working there might be able to help us yeah i i love that you have some idea whereas i'm just so funky it's just along the ride i have no idea go with the flag yeah with the plan it was up to me i would have just walked everywhere we've been dropped in a random location and we've got to make it back to buckingham palace something like that yeah our own version oh well i don't really know sorry that's all good no worries but as long as we know that it's this way there's a marina down that way yeah perfect on the other side we'll find a way over here thank you very much so nice the saddest thing ever there's not half a person on tube ever this was this was not a good idea this is a terrible idea well we're two we're too far gone now [Music] drive past that red light it was green yeah i know it was crazy oh down the canal with my boy president we've had an orange ball yes snoop dogg's one point hmm orange boat pow yeah look at my toes with the orange bug too cold this is this is good news actually it's taken we're not even at 10 minutes yet we're in epsom town center so we can like save 10 minutes of hitchhike time for a rainy day should we try and hitchhike a lamborghini trying to speed us through definitely we won't fit i don't know you'll fear [Applause] just near here is the station very close from here we might just go yeah we'll jump if that's okay yeah let's hit the road thank you so much thank you guys so much appreciate it legit like crazy take care [Laughter] all right smashed in 10 minutes of hitchhiking in a major town with a train station this yeah we're banging all right look at it okay welcome absolutely all right we're we're doing wow this walk is so picturesque by the way i would recommend walking by i'm actually enjoying myself you know done done [Applause] [ __ ] you joshua oh perfect oh yeah i see it i see it perfect amazing thank you so much easy i'm enjoying the water wow all right hold up oxbridge all right we go we go we go we go we go we escape [ __ ] use the legs bro get away from that bus and then take a side road because our bus gonna is gonna stop next to us please don't chase us please [Music] let's not get too excited we will run out of time soon on all modes of transport yeah true including walking i think we found it josh go on i'm just asking what his name is your name is not dropped by any chance you look like a joshua you look like josh if he what if he was there simon oh no he can't don't know yeah he didn't look outside he looked more like joshua this is so nice i'm probably enjoying myself look at these little gaps i mean it's a lovely community here as well nice one have a good day guys right yes you can't ask a fan what their name is and when they say their name it's not one of the side men's names you can't go you can't you're just supposed to go nice to meet you he's just said his name you can't act disappointed no that's your name god what now reviews boss we've used glad we've wasted our bus journey we've wasted our bus we've used our [ __ ] lift so we can't escape without a lift where are we we are mcdonalds i don't even like no goods just do you gotta get them anyway just get like six or something i'll have like two you can treat yourself to anything else that's what we need to do because the taxi will just nice us [Music] to a train to an underground yeah and then we're almost there to home oh my god wait what daddy oh there's there's high rise buildings in the distance is that the promised land the problem it looks like the canary walk buildings down my bucket the nuggets have arrived that's not meeting great upstairs yeah yeah literally they just got a big gas upstairs one of their workers gone up to get us phones and get a quick pick and then we get to the station oh wow okay oh look we're getting slowed down my guy's trying to be quick but oh is that why he was storming off [Music] if you abbreviate that to jj sure we found the jj are you going to ask him what his name is yes excuse me are we on the right way to london this way yes yes here's a little while yeah is there a way we can hide boats further down here i have no idea not an idea is your name any of the above josh simon harry toby ethan [ __ ] rick vick jj no jam right don't worry thank you sorry we're doing the challenge have a great day found the end of epping forest the end of epping forest so hang on we went through all that and we're only just leaving epping forest well we would have got another 10 minutes on that bus about 10 minutes could have taken us so far we had to get off bro it was that was becoming a safety hazard that was now we're lost now we're now we're at a main like our main road like i don't know what we do now these aren't bad guys oh they're so average they're not bad though i don't know i'm begging them to be mad oh man i don't know right we gotta be quick let's get it okay if any of you you know where epping forest is you can find some shore piss right here i'm just saying someone can come and bowl it meanwhile the 20 where's the 20 going that way oh [ __ ] [ __ ] so we need to cross back over oh [ __ ] i don't need google i just asked out loud where's the station and five people like that i'm like oh my god it's this way oh my god vic it's like siri but i'm not losing my phone team snoop dogg's yes we snooped in black jack's milk shower blacked out support them if you're in the oxbridge area yeah lovely lovely um she said go across this bridge yep take a right yep follow it down across the road and get the three 338 one three three three one three three one to oxbridge thank god you're here because i've got a three three eight three three one i clarified it twice right of course and then we can get trains from oxbridge this is way way harder than i thought it was gonna be we are in trouble boys it's not only 20 minutes yeah it's a good rule for a video yeah that's an age and the fact we did it at 3 p.m the worst possible time we could have done it crossing a boat away me and many you know how we do should we go through the woods let's go through the woods bro [ __ ] it at this point let's just enjoy the day you know we still need to we still need to get a cake we still need to get outfits we still we've got nothing we have done nothing hey what's up bro how you doing for the bus that's a buzz we are the sidemen we are strong but yeah this is apparently it's uphill so this is about to be a workout yes amazing the bus will be our first motor transport yep wait oh [ __ ] what now what now didn't he say get the 20 to a station and then you have to walk another two miles nah nah yes but no but no this is fine this is fine yeah we just gotta keep walking this way bro i hope we find something you know what i was thinking bro i was thinking right this would be the perfect time right to jump out and just grab it and get a little stranger like someone like a fan of safe up the lift we can't do that anymore and we can only take a transfer motor transport for 20 minutes so we have to be wires walking in london's finer you don't actually have more oh jesus oh lord it really is a hill well i'm a bit hot it's a station there's a bus stop i thought i saw that i'm gonna say the bus was right there bro ah i saw that oh down this way that way no let's go up here bro i'm too shocked i have your fast yeah what's all your [Applause] yeah just two men on the road now yeah just two men on road yeah we have to find the bus otherwise we're actually [ __ ] yep there's no one to ask no one to help us we can't use offense ah jesus is lord oh my god oh my green god wow wow a car oh what should we hit shack that's a wasteland car is different from a hitchhiking is different from taxi but you don't think this is just a waste well the opportunity's gone now so i'll figure out what we can do get there get the bus get a tube then we'll find someone at one stop we'll get off when it says 20 minutes yeah then we'll find someone and say listen because by that time we've definitely got a little bit further well it has crossed my mind to jump off the edge of that we have now reached civilization somewhat again uh so we're trying to find this station now england [Music] oh there's a pheasant in there though yeah i see them dead on the road all the time what if josh has just got that helicopter filming us can you imagine i'd rate it i'd rate it oh main road she was right she was right she's right [ __ ] you guessed it we've been walking for like 10 minutes we found a man up there to ask where the station is we don't know what station is station [Applause] this is this is probably like faith in humanity every day every possibly boss has been so sound about it except on a bus it's a weird request but we're trying to get as close to central london as we can on a train and we can only be on the train for 20 minutes you're gonna be whimpled to make the earth feels crackle clapham junction yeah but that's not three three one true it's just the u9 true so we are here we are here it goes oxbridge and there's a tube time yeah three o'clock so we just missed the bus we just missed the bus 15 minutes all right do i walk up and look for another one we could walk to the next bus stop the next bus stop is belfry avenue we need to buy a cake yes there's a waitrose right there i'm gonna go pee and i'll meet you in there okay i'll see you in two seconds all right i've found the cake section we've got some pink ones these ones look a bit butchered so i'll leave them uh the pink ones let's go with the pink ones all right i take that back i've put them i've put the cupcakes down i found this instead perfect perfect so we can get to clapham junction which is here yeah or where's the other where's the other place you said we could get to it wimbledon you can go to winforce is it the same train is it the same train so we'll get on that train then so which train is that that's the victoria train the waterloo and is that the fastest train like that's the quickest perfect all right we'll go for that thank you so much thank you so much thank you let's just do that we're going to walk for everyone we get 15 minutes 15 minutes cardio [Applause] [Laughter] we got lucky as well look this train is at only every half an hour and there's one in seven minutes so we have niced it to perfection what's your name sam it's a good one it's a good one that's the most it's a good size easy to carry yeah okay but you know i'll make your deal go on you either film or carry or karen yeah yeah damn it i kind of want to carry that thank you so much yeah of course yeah what's your name ella ella hello ella all right let's go for it you've got tick tock you've got to go like i feel like we're actually doing everything legit yeah i think somewhat so far i can't believe we're still in epping bro this is our first stop oh so that's the thing as well the station's like just the other side of this i think [Music] this is a dusty tree yeah so we've got to buy an outfit we've got climb a tree we've got our we've got the birthday cake we've done the orange we're about to do the apple we've got we made it we made the tick-tock we made the tick-tock yeah hitchhike was 10 11. cool all right what do we do if the train's still moving when it hits 20 minutes we get off at our next dog right [Music] oh my gosh no don't [Music] why would we get a big one we gotta eat all of it okay that's one this is our apple okay and look who i'm with right now come on box bridge right here in eight years nice [Applause] [Music] i want a nice acceleration from the guy okay bang yeah we're going cool we are officially on the move hit this now there you go wait when did you start recording you already started recording the end i'm finished all right i'm making right now yeah i said i don't use the app all right now we've got to find a taxi we can do this are you not hard to find in these kind of ends i swear they are they just don't have taxis cut about you have to call them and book them and stuff is there even an exit here okay we are six minutes in we are currently at stoneleigh which is here so hopefully we can make it to wimbledon inside 20 minutes that's the dream wimbledon inside 20 minutes can we do it that's a way out there for sure right off the road someone's garden bro [ __ ] right through there maybe oh what have we what have we done if we lose by a minute because we've gotten in the service area oh there oh that is very promising no no [ __ ] [ __ ] we gotta walk all the way around does it count as a different form of transportation if we're on the train what do you mean so you know how we're in the train right now you're trying to india style what you got holding it no i'm starting again all right say first ever tick tock and i bumped into these man my first day wait wait bro okay when i press the button give it a second then go okay okay it is my first ever tiktok my first ever tick-tock i knew karma is right now that oh my god come on let me tell you nowhere us bridge slide man sad man eight years come on my bro come on good day to be on the side then the train is on the way to uh wimbledon and we've got 17 minutes so we might get one more stop i don't think so but wimbledon's a great spot to be and also sideplus number two on on the apple app store sat up there with tick tock netflix amazon prime video we're beating netflix amazon prime video disney plus pvci player because people know what's up side plus exclusives this is another mode of transport to be fair all right we're also returning a trolley exactly sure am i heavy would you go to there that's actually right did you not want to go the whole way no you're not just this cat no i'm really hating this so you can pass through wow good samaritans we are we are for the people you know the saddest thing we're gonna get there on our eighth anniversary and we're gonna be so far last everyone's gonna have gone home and we have to sit on by ourselves and eat this cake so we this train has to stop and go again in 40 seconds oh 30 seconds oh no it's not going to make it what i'm gonna wait bro wait three two that's a no that's a loud hey yo that i mean look the buttons are gone that's it that was literally on the second we're going one more stop yeah oh no josh just we've got two minutes we've we've tried to get out and we can't literally that was when we were pressing the bottom then we can't get out we waited until i got to 20 and i was about to go but the doors were already closing so all right post say less you're a legend you want to get something real quick thank you real quick love events love i appreciate you guys we are in trouble yeah we are in big big trouble oh that is a taxi i think it will be booked there we go we gonna be here we go yeah we gotta go you're telling me i'm tripping what's up what's up wait what's your name wait what's your name josh oh john wait josh you guys actually yeah all right cool nice sword yeah josh so there we go oh yes yes thank you let's go we've met josh now so we have before we can use the tube we need to do one more mode of transport so we have a nice taxi then yeah so yeah we got a taxi to somewhere with a tube station that goes to towards buckingham palace we can get there we can get there and two more stops pretty much i think okay um we just have challenges left today so if i needed the toilet again shock bumped into my man what's your name louie louie yeah yeah are you telling me welcome to her football what did you just show me to watch it every single day that's out everyone needs to get on it he whipped out his sword hey my man wouldn't take his phone he's on the side plus side pass [Music] is it worth it it's less than netflix what do you mean come on come on it's got some spooky movies on it spooky that's my new word spooky stratford did you how long would that take if we were to go depending on where you're going yeah okay cheers thank you very much so down there sweetie thank you very much okay thank you josh oh smashed that was such a random like last second what's your name let's go somewhere busy josh josh ethan yeah yeah yeah yeah simon someone solo yes and then we'll be like oh you josh but no okay yeah okay cool we have to do it yeah yeah all right cool we got a plan if you fail to prepare then you should prepare to fail there you go all right there's a free free one yeah yeah down there walk down there's a pub right next to the bus stop that's you know it and three three one thank you very much you're welcome have a great day my people here are so nice i might move to this looks very like cab like yeah there is a way on the station i can see on the other side there's only one but i feel like here let's just try it outside let's see is there another side i mean we're at a dead end here so we may as well i'm really interested to see how the others have done it because there's very limited amounts of things you can actually take and the fact that you gonna do 20 minutes of time really that throws it up [Music] so what happens if there's no taxi then we're hitchhiking yeah yeah we still got 10 minutes hello hi i have to catch this bus do it quick do it quick [Music] wait no oh [ __ ] sorry sorry sorry come on just take a picture [Music] i will admit that this area does seem pretty dead we might have to try and get something like a taxi further into london yeah i'm down to get attacked and just say take us to yeah buckingham palace or do we i don't know the i don't know the tube lines around that area so we go and getting a helicopter but it would have slowed us down and also what did you say about the when the 20 minutes is up i didn't think today was going to be a workout day i'm not made for this anymore right now hello um we're looking to go to stratford okay the end of the race is here by green park i think that's the nearest one well so we haven't used the tube no um no but we need to use a cab before we get there so i think we get a cab from here to a box hall then we get on whatever the blue one is up to green park and then we're at the finish line so we can get to the finish line and then yeah yeah so we work from around there yeah so let's go outside we can do any challenges here we can't be jumping the cabs trying to challenge yourself if not on to the next [Music] sainsbury's local oh yeah get an apple watch i drive everywhere you do drive everywhere everywhere my dad said that you lot said because he got him and judd got there before you did yeah i said sorry he's late [Music] [Music] off the bus yes um bro we [ __ ] it yes no we we jumped the gun but so i've got the list of things we need to tick off yeah but there's also a rule list and on the rule list of rules it says you must take three modes of transport before you get the tune [Music] [Music] walking doesn't count bro no walking's not murder transplant well we've got bus then so now we need to i said just buy a scooter in sainsbury's yeah and just ride it somewhere and then we need one more yes i think we're getting attacking separate from games yeah station 20 minutes away yeah you say do you know a tube station 20 minutes away yes all right i'll pay you bro take me there yeah then we get it all right hey uh do you know what the weight is right now for a uh mini cab uh we'll get into a vauxhall two minutes perfect um yeah that'd be great why should we wait huh what just wait do what you want okay perfect thank you all right cheers i just feel bad dodgy yeah i'm so used to uber like booking a minifigure it was wow we need to use three modes of transport before we get on the tube we have used a bus yeah we're gonna hope that there's a scooter in here to buy even if it's a kid's one bro i don't care yeah right i'm gonna ride around the carpet and dash in the corner then can you drop us a tube station about 20 minutes away yeah oh cool here we go oh you want now yeah yeah sure sure uh there you go man just keep the change oh thank you our time starts now okay we have 20 minutes we just have to go out as soon as uh well as close as we can get to there in 20 minutes will be great yeah before 20 minutes yeah before yeah amazing yeah wait wait what should they what's your name in our video all right i guess yeah yeah say your name say it again my favorite ethan right here yes yeah let's grab a picture nice okay yes i've never been so happy to see anybody in my life have a good day yo ethan take care bro have a great day thank you nice can't find a treat that one there give me this come on come on quick quick quick okay we need to climb a tree get in that tree yeah oh my god this is unreal i can't believe this is tell me why ethan and toby are here and toby's climbing a tree there is a man [Music] yeah we're in a hurry as well impossible oh we got time in the summer yeah uh we're going backwards i'd say backwards doesn't gown if i would you we're just going backwards counters going yeah we're not we're not going anywhere we're actually we're going away from where we want to go this journey is definitely not started yet there you go all right then yeah cold you're too cold right yes let's go all right apple well we're gonna have nearly ticked everything off yes what they yeah apple only one of us yeah or both both just to be safe we'll get two yeah that's what i'm saying the time is 9 35 and we're actually still got 10 minutes that's the melodrama as well yeah so we literally like we're fine let's go using our cab i have no idea if we can make this but hopefully we can oh we definitely can understand i i know boss man over here is gonna speed like a madman i can tell he's a fast [ __ ] if they've got do not they do not have the scooter all right let's go buy the [ __ ] apples we're gonna buy the apples we have half of sainsbury's following us around sainsbury's one what are you saying not a lot you're good just try it okay [Music] if we get kicked out then start the timer all right as a sagebrush worker right you would say that a trolley is a mode of transport 100 broke there we go that's funny it's definitely a modest transfer well there we go we now have a mode of transport then our man harry is about to take us to a juice station and guess what i've got to eat that you've got apples bro you don't have to eat this just buy an apple i just buy them it's just a detox we get this we figured out our plan though yeah we're good we've solidified it we're gonna go to westfield near abouts yeah because we can get in 20 minutes then we're gonna go shopping get some arms of clothing uh and then we're gonna get the bullet train to some pancreas the tube to hyde park climb a tree buy a nugget yeah and win and then we're done yeah then we're done absolutely flying right now three lights turned greens we pulled up to them and now it's orange and this looks straight we've just literally gone straight through five likes that could have stopped us at every single one this is just this this is the dream i wonder what the the others are doing right now yeah so i bet one of them is still [Music] over here is family and child say less say less all right watch back it up look three points about three point turn the brakes on this are mad are you saying you wanna lift yeah please can you tell me about sainsbury's wait hold wait for it look at that yo banged it timing wise 20 minutes so we can go to the finish line here let's go there and finish my challenges there yeah i might do it off we go let's go you need to lift the sainsbury's yeah if you could just tell me about the sainsbury's please brother that would be lovely indicate indicate in the case yeah cheers just tell me about sainsbury's lovely stuff oh this is quick this is quicker than some cars this is quicker than some cars honestly great yeah if we could just drop me at sainsbury's that'd be great thank you fella amazing tell you what the suspension on this is beautiful as well oh that's quality quality oh you parked me right next to the apples as well i'm real foolish right we've actually smashed that 13 minutes easy as you like so we've used our taxi now views on lift we've just got trains and a bike left it's struggling to focus but we are on the underground we are underground we are in the underground is it on water it is it just doesn't want to focus sure all right this is us this is yeah oh [ __ ] we've done it three modes of transform listen and guess what you look like i ain't trying to hit a [ __ ] thing on the floor and said it's a waterfall so so take us to the tube station harry yeah here we go let's go john lewis is the one you're going to give me something i'll get you something okay look i feel like we built a bond over this oh we're not i'm not going to okay good good we've been throwing off today i'm going to get you like a nice little hat or something i saw you look at it straight away okay is that where we do you take it from there okay we'll take that so harry has kindly offered to give us a lift to a station 20 minutes called hidden done hillingdon and from there we can get the piccadilly or metroid yeah eve nice which line would you say is quickest so central yeah i would say piccadilly but probably but then you know that's nice around yeah that's nicer but we don't need nice today i'm going to say piccadilly in 20 minutes you can get far on that yeah i think piccadilly because then we can just get out and get a taxi for 20 minutes yeah yeah yeah and then we're pretty much almost there [Music] station in the of my laptops man harry come on this is cold i can't believe it but yeah let's grab a picture bruh love that all right i'm real from you you want to get on the right side right side right side quality yeah thank you very much for your three modes of transport which were a car train a taxi now we're on underground start the timer [Applause] all right i'll tell you about 20 minutes on the finger daily and in a cow and then a taxi black cab [Applause] oh my god we're doing it i think we might win with all stipulations in place can't stop this team bro snoop dogg that's how close we were that close to missing the tree smashed it yeah okay all right seven minutes to some pancreas and then uh a nugget a nugget and climb a tree climb a tree [Music] we've got one more stop and we've we haven't even used four minutes unreal jesus literally flying through us piccadilly circles this round here not around here all around here so we are not far away when we get there we are not firing you just gotta hope there's no traffic let's do it baby cross i feel like we we might not be that far behind because people put them in the chat yet true like we might be i don't think i don't think we if we lose i don't think we've lost back no i think everyone's gonna struggle because we really struggled it yeah like i don't know i think jj might be the only person that can get it easy why because he's getting tired oh yeah he can't go up to anyone and it's yeah yeah we have to rely on our like finding certain people bang bang this is green park there we go all right there we go way out all the time to buckingham palace does it right there cheers me and even on the tube yeah yeah i want to pick a daily line yeah just seeing this we need to get pretty much to there near there go green park yeah green part and then thingy's right near that buckingham palace that's what i'm saying the palace is here that is buckingham palace yeah that's what i'm saying so again the underground on the ground too i don't know where we're gonna find the tendon and be like yo we need to get hyde park in 20 minutes 20 minutes i think that's possible it's doable we're in the right we're all right we're all right oh so we literally just go on the fingernail one here yeah you go down one two three four five six seven uh we can do that that's 14. yeah 14 minutes roughly yeah jump out of green park so bro i run around here like i go around all the way here this is all i know where we are clothes shop and cake shop that's what have you seen any on your runs probably around this way i don't look whenever i run you just he's too fast yeah he's locked in he's in the zone is this the way two bucks one more mode of transport yeah what are you saying we take a quick trip on the bus should we just hop on and hop off yeah alright uh can we just jump on and get off we just we just need to get oh no we're not this one no no as in like just for a second i'm going i'm leaving right now sir no no just like there we go i'm on the bus and now i'm off the bus all right go go go take a ride on the bus there we go there we go okay there we go that's our fifth mode of transport done close here we go let's get some i love london merch i would say since i posted the hike video in the chat no one said a thing so everyone's definitely on their bike so josh is watching all of us josh will now know that we have made serious moves because if we're on this line we're going he just doesn't know how many times we come here yeah we're timing it now so we reckon we'll probably get to roughly acton and by then if we get another 20-minute black card then i think we might be first and i think we might because once we're in london you can tick off all of the things so quick so quick two challenges left cake and cream yeah this is an outfit no one can say this isn't that yeah as if we weren't obvious enough all right look 20 with just over 20 minutes so we're getting off the tube what stations is part royal real oh i've been here before what i came here for uh else's podcast uh the citizen game on we're still a little bit out yeah but i reckon a black cab for 20 minutes gets us to a decent area then from there i'm talking go up scan an uber bike so you don't have to look at the map okay just go up and scan it oh yeah i'm sorry this guy this guy throws the cake out the self-service machine oh come on man the scan itself right i mean technology is advanced climb a tree yeah that's it jesus there's scooters outside and an uber bike but there's london bro we are here so we're gonna walk over there we're gonna try and get on the other side of the road to get a black cab somehow something like that and yeah over the best man we were slightly concerned josh would be like where's the cake he probably wants a cake that makes a nice change doesn't it yeah you're an amazing human being one more stop one more and then this is mcdonald's give me odds of you lobbying at josh i'll just do it bro all right make sure he says that we finished that yeah okay oh my god there's a taxi there's a taxi is his light on is his light on no please no no no oh no a heartbreak [ __ ] all right vic show us your climbing skills oh oh oh look at him go jesus you're like a gorilla this is also why i didn't climb because loads of monkey jokes would have come at me jesus rick jesus rick dale you're so hot right now yeah yeah you have conquered this tree hey yo we've done it bro oh jesus okay it's in a very very strange tone of events um we've got the tube over the [ __ ] palace where our finish line is i get a text saying that jj and vic are at green park just up there down the road and are finished i don't know how because he doesn't have to you know like other things are slacking behind but they've done it so we're going to meet the finish line and let's go check and make sure that they do anything properly which i assume they have by the sounds of it surprise winners potentially here in jj and vic [Music] can you take us towards green park please towards green park please yes thank you oh my god there it is the finish line we still need a mcdonald's though wow wow what a day what a day smashed it bro right let's go to the end all right last but not least snoop dogg's no i wasn't breathing all right lovely stuff though let's go let's go come on surely there's going to be an obvious one around here right please there's got to be oh it's so dark it's literally moving for the whole day it doesn't look it on camera but it's actually dark now yeah we're by the ritz mate there's no mcdonald's here [ __ ] that way all right so we're heading to the final destination i think we've won but vic says otherwise so sure i think we've slowed down a lot here at the end we've done really well from where we were actually yeah yeah but we may not be fast decent we shall see oh wait it's always just me outside buckingham palace somewhere over here is there two do you know where mcdonald's is oh my god hello oh you're you're you're a torch mcdonald's anywhere around here um don't know this area don't worry it's not right i think i'm pretty sure that that one yeah thank you okay thank you very much we lost the body of the house two people in there both america one's american i see a wild josh hi josh are you with anyone else ethan toby damn it [ __ ] sake yeah we thought we we did so well i've done pretty well too i'm surprised [ __ ] how did they beat us better than you all right let's go and find toby and toby and ethan and congratulate them yeah i mean you make sure to find them because they ain't here anyone yes let's go yes yes let's go we banged it oh yo vic is actually og bro he's 2-6 9 minutes 50. we in the city we in the city and we've got three things to check off we've got palms yeah we've got cake i think i think the cake the cake and nuggets are done i'll mark those off first it's the gums that are going to get us i think yeah so as soon as we hop out just look for any sort of clothes shop and just duck in and get something slap it off well they were everywhere but then when you want to find one you can't find one so i'm saying this is like the final final obstacle so wait hey louie verifies what vehicles have you used we uh we hitchhiked within five minutes of leaving the car we got to the station we got a train i saw that then from the uh we went from wimbledon to vauxhall in a taxi that's three we hopped on and hopped off a london bus nice i'm guessing you hopped on and hopped off look it moved a little bit [Music] how far do we need to charge more than a meter at least at least at least at least 20 minutes okay all right let's try and find the batteries using an american is our compass an american tourist designer okay but the only person he seemed he had something in his head so i mean i'll i'll go with it surely you might be a fan all right eventually i mentioned we'll get one i reckon yeah [ __ ] all right surely sure this guy surely this guy surely come on we're waving at you come on come on please recognize me recognize me yo yeah can you no no okay he just aired us bro yeah yeah sure mcdonald's around here down there how far about 10 minutes 10 20 minute walk okay all right [Music] thank you i'm not walking 20 minutes let's go down here really i feel like with it sue and all up there i don't know if i trust her give me like give me like a minute this way okay [Music] [ __ ] should we steal this guy's scooter it's not too bad it could be a lot worse when it comes to showers through bro this is uh okay all right excuse me are you using your bike can we use your bike we borrow it for 20 meters just for a youtube video just we just need to move and like wide for a little bit we can pay you if you need yeah how much do you need i don't know i don't need to be paid right it's got insurance oh oh no no we said well now give you money yeah yeah yeah yeah sweet okay we both need to ride the bike okay do you want to ride it i can see this yes all right could get gums right here i reckon it's something something good i love i love london gardens i love london in somewhere i love london thing yeah how long left literally 20 seconds you can pull over whenever you can boss thank you i'm getting that ready for food that's good for the service you pay for the service yeah you need to stand on [Music] okay i'm not seeing one now [ __ ] no there's gotta be there's gotta be a mcdonald's we're in two bougie area we were doing so well we were so smooth until this i just yeah how's this gonna work right it is gonna work you're going this is walking oh [Applause] please just stop my balls my balls oh my god my balls my balls we're right it's all right oh you won though oh [ __ ] you oh so you get a fish allison oh jesus why did he just call my back and then i write that would have made sense i mean you didn't know that that was kind thank you very much have a good evening gg boys congratulations thank you bro for your green bag yeah wasn't it uh my wallet uh oh my bike geez [ __ ] hell wait he's just just a suspicious bag yes mad this is a green bag what's he doing he was just saying about riding the bike well take away the wind how have we been unstuck by a mcdonald's in a city center how's that possible to say yeah are we in the right there oh i'm lost glad i'm lost now we are in the bits now josh better be looking at it's fine my friends thinking oh unless vic and jaja just started off and when you think about it too much enjoy your day because no because this is the thing people don't understand how competitive i am when i get given they understand and if you you don't because they [ __ ] hate me bro they hate me though one can't even even spawn in everything already [ __ ] game let me live you know i i am boring but you listen we should feel everything i'm wearing we're just thinking whatever we think i guess [ __ ] us bro snoop dogg folks new dogs but guess what we're in london baby huh climb a tree instead climb a tree instead and then we'll just come on just you might be able to see one from the tree exactly exactly go right at the end pretty much there but you want this just there's not going to be models around the golden arches my legs are giving way as well have they messaged yeah no one's message a singular nugget has stumped us should i ask him cab driver this is we're just going to ask a cab driver we're not getting in a cab we've already had one i think esso the garage will probably have a cake as well but there is a londy's yes yeah let's have a look have a look for cake nearest mcdonald's will be you know no you have to go up towards um a hay market and then go up into leicester square get one let's just go to the nearest one yeah okay okay thank you thank you we are [ __ ] we're finished no ah the thing is right so we were on the train should we should we should we go there right and see if they're there and if they're there no because then we still have to go get a nugget no we don't we have lost anyway if we get if we can we have to go for a second huh we have to go for second in another strange turtle events simon and harry were on the tube so they're located not updates off they were miles behind they were at westford westfield stratford and ethan and toby were like literally at hyde park so i thought okay easy easy second place for toby uh and ethan however they are both within a hundred meters of each other outside green park station look they are so close they're literally that close together they might even see each other so it'd be an interesting finish it would be very very interesting maybe i was wrong you don't have any cakes no cakes no [ __ ] you move where you're gonna climb that tree there yeah yeah yeah easy there you go i just have a little seat there we've climbed a tree right that's climbing that is definitely climbing a tree like you are very high above the ground i think i've stepped some [ __ ] broken i can see it is it really there it's a lot oh no cheers [ __ ] we still need another outfit time rock shot rock shot look leo messi shot a rock shot not my goat though not my gut it's open yeah yes all right harry wants to see if they're there because if we've lost looking for a nugget we've already lost i'm really sad about this nugget bro same as you said yeah we'll get off at leicester square and go mcdonald's yeah then we asked someone and he went oh no there's two mcdonald's at green park [ __ ] [ __ ] human ah the thing is josh is there so even if no one else is there we're gonna go up and then go hi yeah we haven't got the nugget we're leaving the cake okay all right so i'm thinking this for toby's t-shirt then i'm thinking maybe we go like jean jacket over the top [ __ ] he copied my idea there doesn't look to be anyone there is that him phil i'm trying to see if there's anyone taking pictures with people i want that bike bro look at that donny jump over this there's no one else here there will be you know what at this point wouldn't mind if they're all here yeah i don't know if you don't go around i think i don't think i was here but the first one's here there's no way that josh there this is definitely the statue this is it bro what mediumness to go over the top and then small joggers they work lovely i'm done can i please get these yes thank you no problem thank you very much up there maybe there he is there's josh do we just come clean straight away and say our flight oh we ain't gone we ain't got a nugget we haven't got a nugget what's the plan we pay off him to get a nugget all right toby talk to him real quick bro the great job is the white tee the camo jacket oh you're looking too cold men like bazinga styled me sure i'm sure i see with it oh you actually look good like really good and get mcdonald's and cake now bro straight down this road you look really good let's go bro we're nearly done we're so close all right we're looking for cake now cake cake cake cake call in the caterpillar surely not i look rich fruitcake fruitcake the geezers are here hello what about these outfits the keys are here but we have to come clean we have bad news what's the bad news we haven't got a nugget you've been got a [ __ ] we couldn't find a mcdonald's anywhere so we've done it did we win no oh [ __ ] we like last week no you're second currently but we got no nuggets but i think the other team are currently that you know you another team were over there about a hundred weeks away from each other and i think they've gone to go get nuggets should we just admit the feat we would like to admit to faith it's not mcdonald's well there's no mcdonald's and tell them where that method is if there's a race back we're allowed to ask right we can ask people to public where's the mcdonald's and the public i can't google can i we know where one is right bts you know where mcdonald's is [ __ ] yeah bts how much you gotta pay right now let's get a cow go get one and come back oh that's allowed right yeah yeah how much how much you got paid you got me real quick we'll give you a hundred quid a hundred pounds 100 quid the five minutes 100 quid there you go you've just lost 100. 100. and come back can i eat them you need one deal can we you leave your backpack if you want to hold up just getting a black cab because she can get in the cab right yeah yeah but we can't we already got a cab ah so then we'll just wait and see yeah so you know what i just didn't want to go camping so far we got stuck on our bus with oh we're 100 school kids at 3 p.m we get on the streets yeah they're banging on the side of the bus they're planning on they're getting oh no we need mcdonald's now as well [ __ ] sake all right cake done mcdonald's nuggets that's it justin even donna's nuggets bro basically jj's clout got him recognized i said this i said you brother can i show the text there was a text that you said that you'll take five minutes into account because we got delayed yeah so so so we've got that plus five yes you have this plus five so whenever you get nuggets arrived you're that you're that minus five so they arrive ten i think i feel like we were in the car it was about time by the time we said we they put a feature with a drink we're there for a long long time the texas five minutes we've managed to smash it we've got the six nuggets so now we just need to eat the nuggets which i will do save and nugget for me bro ow my finger sir maggot [Music] you eating the boy yeah this is horns oh i'll take a second i will take a second you know if kirsten comes out i [ __ ] know it bro and film at the same time all right we're on road off we go let's go come on home straight baby we are nearly there nearly at the statue everything ticked completely no rules missed all rules obliged team i can see the statue it's there let's go josh i'm there i see him oh my god but they probably spent too long doing that yeah but i bet we still spent more money on those hey toby how much was your outfit how much you paid like ninety percent right yeah mine's ninety here's a hundred forty ninety and a hundred forty we we bought this [ __ ] and it cost 330 quid smiling scott right i thought we went john lewis john lewis this and this all right so how far away the others done everything yeah everything i told you it's ksi everything it uses cloud yeah without without [ __ ] out of it you're fully yeah i i made them change one thing because they tried to shut out the bus and i made them get a bike somewhere okay so shout outs about they got on the bus the hop on and hopped off wow we're going to school bus here we go what you texting how long you been here okay what's the timer all right time has begun yeah ah come on i think we i feel like we what do you mean okay so basically we haven't had a nugget yeah right okay well we've done it all by the way yeah everything yeah it's a long video as you saw as you saw in the chat i give them five minutes uh anyway from you because you started they started oh okay got it so we've paid first time lots of money to go with a nugget and they eat it they'll come second lad we got out we've worked out we've got our our 14 minutes after you because positive second yeah how did you go out first how long ago an hour 20 years ago yeah they got an hour 20 years and they've done every every stipulation they've done are you sure they've done everything on the list you see at the start when i said it's ksi yeah it's ksi like they they killed it it's really done everything yeah i had to rush here because i will [ __ ] the movements oh yeah there we go um we need our money back from kirsty [Music] me
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 16,576,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: QzB2CP1kv4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 44sec (6524 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 24 2021
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