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hello and welcome to what is one of the most requested side-bend Sundays of this year we've done our first holiday video we have done our road trip and now we're doing the holiday again but this time we're going abroad now if you're not familiar with what this concept of video actually is it is very very simple and I explain to you I will be splitting the six other guys into two separate teams using a random lucky wheel app from there have been orange team and a purple team one of those teams we're going on a $20,000 extravagant luxury holiday whatever team will be left with a lot so extravagant holiday and that is pretty much all you need to know there from there I have planned both of their holidays and they know absolutely nothing they have no idea where they're going what they are doing and what team they are on them all they know is need to meet me an airport and that's what we're gonna go now hello and welcome so nice per day for your holiday every time oh yeah once again the colors have changed with two different teams this time to an orange team orange team battle team yes a powerful decide oranges sighs who else exhaust yeah what's these last last time all right Ethan [Music] JJ Oran fish Simon Harry I'm always too right alright Steve Simon yes who do you want wait what do you mean tobey's we can borrowers is happening top this is the day my luck changes let's go on I'm glad I'm here because if our nice good times statistically you have the worst luck of some assignment on your team orange team as always don't open anything yeah wait wait you know when they say like did you pack your bag itself why have we gone package and they go pick it nice okay Josh save money on the budget trip you just passed on a school trip Oh No okay you lot just go around to the other side and open open number one and the white one I'll tell you when to open so groups as always have fun I would like to buy team I hope you have a great time I hope you get a nice oh yeah yeah yeah noise man hello have a good time too huh huh bye-bye [Music] yeah it's all fair has no got be a boarding pass just got and it's going to be to a random country I mean this thing could come out to me goes like oh thanks for coming together it but now you're off to Heathrow oh we're going back that'll be quite funny but also sad yeah on that paper easyJet these addresses have a nice flight call Josh when you see it when you sear it you see fine looks at location okay what is this a Oh what's up this we made orange team read your boarding passes carefully my fear is josh is so excited it's like there must be something terrible look at them go over there about to find out their destination of where they're heading on are they I hope it's a good one you know what what does it say time to open number one number one nice plate open and by jimminy lon I said that imagine we go back to another airport so we applied to Alex and today today come back here please well you have to go to the South Terminal okay that's all we know that's all boys I'm worried I'm not a good sign I think okay yeah yeah instantly we're gonna go yeah cut I told you boys I told you buddy what do you mean we're [ __ ] me fat boy well we're up shop this isn't funny a Stansted loser this isn't funny we're supposed to be on holiday you gotta go I'm calling just this guy's about to [ __ ] Nick I'm hoping our trip is all those things friends happy time away tranquility memories they'll definitely memories that's for sure hello I'm gonna smash your [ __ ] face here just so you know be aware yeah whenever we land back of this trip I am smashing I am kicking you why am I going to Southend why am i doing that I'm gonna kick your test so far into your back yeah I'm going back to my seat so would you wanted to do ride the green Concord I'll ride that's there because I've done that when I was five does well then probably have time to mate I mean the flow isn't 5 p.m. so do you have anything to say for yourself after this all right well thanks reason the pain thanks for putting lube on my [ __ ] bye wow this is a great start to the holiday really everybody's away I thought now he said I've got you a nice car the same thing happened last time we got in home-home yeah that's what I'm saying the same thing happened is it the same thing or is it a double block I'm the same thing again I'm thinking the jocks e6e wasted mine he's like what the smallest gesture I could I could throw them just just to get their hopes up before that there's ruins in strange would you mean 5:00 p.m. 5:00 it's 11 to be fair we have six hours how longs it take to get from me it's a friend by the way you know Karl Harlem shake that's what we're gonna be there by half 12 and the gate gate closes at what for thirst and calm I'll tell you what if we are in the [ __ ] team we have to make the most unhappy ever can we do we're getting to sound end it as soon as possible once the details come off them and you know what to do know there is a big ok I know south then [Laughter] we're gonna play in the arcade with the Teddy oh and before you just get started it's it's common let's go out and believe and you will achieve no no I think it moved a bit though all right house holding on lads very exotic isn't it son Oh we act of kindness okay okay so just just put in the chat yo how does he know we're in Nando's maybe Jersey Nando's as well maybe he's just lurking in the corners maybe the guy behind it is Josh all right this is us spacious looking promising would Josh spend this much on a team that he's sending to the bin yes yeah he did it with a rolls-royce I am a bad omen someone needs to cleanse man I don't know what I've done in my life I don't know if I've done anything to deserve this three times in a row surely not stop stop we don't know anything yet we just may be the reason who is on the bad teams cuz it was a negative if you were positive for my good team so what do you think that if I woke up today and I was happy magically the sealed envelopes would have changed the last supper don't say that wants to start something that start something new personal musical I see what you think it why we're flying back here yes I'm quit yes we are on fire is the flight is to carve out some friends yes and have a can face mate yes so in an hour ahead it means that we are landing at 8:30 p.m. correct that is correct yeah we have to travel something from the airport hey that garnish okay with the inside knowledge you just told us that that team is coming home tomorrow evening therefore I'll go see our founding and getting in some life here today the next day I ate here that means that we'd have 24 hours in I'll get a paradise where our good team I have will be going home on Friday it's just got to be a good time does it yeah if we're going somewhere bad you wants to send us an e you wants to see us like suffer in it and film it true that's why I feel we're gonna find out very soon I just had to say some Josh saying open the next envelope so number two ballistic in my head as your flight isn't Prague yeah we you that please turn over there's some things we need to do to pass the time the drug will be way a few sword in your cases in the car have fun it's out there but please make sure you're back with the driver at 2:30 p.m. you've called it Ethan you plan you plan an expert at the video as well felt then we've got no way wait wait it said please turn over four things you can do go on one of the rides adventure yeah play mini-golf but ate some seesaw snacks we can do that I will 100 said I haven't eaten it Oh rock remember rock music it it's too it on Robin you just try take out your D the train that the longest pleasure pier in the world yo case hey Josh just you know I've done all of this wait wait I'm from Essex a game yeah I think this hosts a see if we're going on the green [Music] Sony Mulligan's over but are we excited or not that's the question the answer's no because we know the woods common where we're waiting friar like to be over at I'll watch me funny we have a flight from Heathrow Airport then we saw the flight was from South End I said to just on the phone hey mate which obviously tried the green pulled every step of the way side okay now what team are we when we open that envelope and we've landed in no just pasta blanks me a man after he knows mystic bazinga it may be bad it's big bears we are hate to say as we're looking so you're gonna have your first good team experience [Music] against new angles for her what are you doing why are you brushing your teeth now what should this TiVo yeah we just landed burn our sleepwalk when I sleep I sleep on Alpha is my [ __ ] breath becomes my render do this for you guys oh wait no words with you now some other do come in business alright we made it to South End insane holiday abroad this is the pinnacle you know what Josh is trying to keep us even though it's something he's trying to keep us in the dark he's keeping us busy itself then these that are there are Southend they're not gonna take their on the good trip because they're in Southend and he did while doing he's been checking us into the hotel honestly we need we need we need the hope hotel without the hope hotel what do we have nice nice phone case where the boys the whole thing is if everything is closed then we actually do have an hour and a half of nothing down the pier I want walking no we could maybe put no we haven't we have an hour and a half all right welcome to Southend pier let's go and find our guy all right with our names there we go Thunder hey with so much II don't know don't know that saying a five-star five-star Ferrari Lamborghini yeah we got a limo trying ports full transit okay I know exactly why [Laughter] my people go out the train leaves in four minutes three tickets up this one yeah and just so you know it come out of my bank account Josh it would be sixteen pounds please we've already blown off the holiday budget mystery since I was like this week I feel like a small Simon is the height of the Train Josh I'm actually a big fan of the first of these shuttles yeah I know you guys you guys do big big change some of your shuttles are nuts I went in there I know if I would they come what space Terry's simply shuttles let's go yeah my mind we got up and sitting anyway yeah hey yeah oh yeah music I heard the world is your Jimmy thing how do you sit down yes sir that I'm still not convinced boys you set me up for heartbreak okay you know how long the journey is quite with the talking that's a long time a long time to find that big-ass brillo all right before we're taken to the village sample manager this is lovely just want to ask both of you what are you ready for the lovely sights I already know that this means happily this means this is not my first rodeo of the south entrance oh yeah hey this place is beautiful there's so many nice feathers are we staying in any we've got this I know it it's gonna be so bought gonna be gasps okay okay okay I believe I believe I want to talk cheesy hi hey you big floaty [ __ ] not surprised look at that life is what sanim easier than this what though no please chilling bro he's doing nothing congratulations you've reached the end of Southend pier we've done it now they do just go home never call a holiday mementos we go picture in front of it let's get back on the train that thing takes like 10 minutes are those treasure Oh May it's gated there's a gate maintenance this can't get worse than this in six minutes surely this is gonna be a sick light happening I told you to believe nice the trees are looking blush have to see you and we were the good place to eat something shake shake three times but very bright lovely weather we could be in you know somewhere nice in Spain keep eating hopefully think hopefully this is a free person [Music] we've got the oh my god oh my god is import like these two is too hard to make it [ __ ] now it there's not going to be a [ __ ] place in this area it's too nice Josh wouldn't he wouldn't be so hard was to make us drive fast nice places woody of course he would buy them I don't I don't like the way the drive which is laughter that please please Hey we've been stamped of the rock of the pound we move up this is Ethan rage mode not as a Ferrari dead as a Ferrari make the villas here beautiful stupendous confectioner in the arm in need of thesaurus Oh may we need to go through we need to robot again it's game over game over look how white middle class he is wealth fun look this is security oh my god define this is this is it oh my god screaming oh my god we've done we've done it then there's no they can't go wrong from it why we're through the barrier but there's nothing nothing bad can be through here come on let's fool G up here so I can just play I can play fee from 40 imagine Josh took us here just to take us somewhere else oh just saying what I want to see Josh wouldn't drive us to a nice Villa just to show us and then take us somewhere [ __ ] with he he's a sick [ __ ] man okay all right I lost my passport I could say it's a shack wooden house for possible all right time to count on the cash yeah house 66 made us when we won the World Cup mate this is good sign this is 66 tickets I think we get a key ring you will get a key ring yes I picked up let's go on holiday now are you Steve ain't rocking there with them with a team mascot thanks buddy got today got three Suites I'm feeling positive now just meet me gusta cashew Oh mate which transfers were very nice Mercedes so this is an 8 cross B cross a star star class that what what we're saying yo Dan Oh drooping incessantly she'll see right away simply souls let's go hey my chick don't know don't know the take to come in with this car oh okay nice because it's a really nice we arrived in sunny South that's your fault we went into a border flight Ethan you remember when you were your gasps that we've got speedy boarding and you know I only thought you had something nice and premiers everyone every single person on the fly has a speedy are those a normal Q is this beauty boarding - oh yeah I might cry even inside oh my god oh yo he's just Bo he's gonna go off in the chat [Laughter] nice or bad if you up my - hey Air Force I've been sat at one for hours we got to go to South very speedy boarding love it the mountains earrings damn the Porsches prosecutor Blanco there's meat will star cz I am so so oh oh is it me it's like a jungle in now on my oh my god whoa whoa yes judge my my [ __ ] oh my god may what is this wait this is like a complex oh well you still going from oh the grocer's nope oh we're going oh my god oh my god oh this is nice this is outrageous this is our wages oh why no I told you to believe I told you to believe yes yes Hari Oh Toby sorry oh my god hey yoked it to me mimei good to be you oh my god a good to me hi hey what's up JJ what's up oh my god yeah so JJ now just arrived I can hear Jenny screaming and I'm waiting for them by the pool chillin you look at that for a view what is this place oh yeah I'm sure the motor pool waiting for them hopefully our way around the house be excited and they'll come outside and they'll see me chilling get more excited I can see them [Applause] [Music] look behind us mate look behind us oh my god look maybe sees next look I need to get over for you you like that yeah how did you get here before us Oh bro JJ there's a [ __ ] punch and exercise bag thing this pull there's another ball wait oh my god I put my clubs as well I put my clothes I wore my gloves there's two pools why would you mean this only to disable no I've never seen grass so green so so nicely thank God for nice and me with Josh nice and me of the switch or even to malaga malaga meant to scare us a bit a little bit just like you know what's malaga wait what is malaga is that what's it mother go my heart's literally going ok can we see even strike your fancy mate what do you think why do you think something often been in Spain simply they can't fire our kid Oh yo Simon's gonna kill you we were like it's just the type of guy to drive us past nice villas and then take us to somewhere [ __ ] yes for a second I was like oh and then I saw some dodgy Villa that I had like graffiti in a broken glass oh no this is beautiful the water is appealing there's a trampoline boys oh my god this is beautiful this is absolutely beautiful I want to come back here of all the men them that's what I wanna do this is the possibly the most beautiful place I've ever seen in my life I'm not stocked up [Applause] [Music] this is the this is the kitchen area [Music] [Music] there's a button I'm pressing the button oh it's a lift oh my [ __ ] god it's a lived it's a [ __ ] lift no this is a door this is a door to the lift oh my god let's go okay there are four bedrooms upstairs which I've claimed one oh how is the smallest one so there's free she's five over I honestly don't care one is bigger than the other or something you can have the my god holy [ __ ] man yeah okay there mate this is beautiful this is you you everything I've ever seen in my life is ugly this is beauty this this is your room and you said it was small are you dumb this this is your this is your room and you say it's the worst one I don't care [Laughter] the thing is even with do that you know like you'll never be any of these and this is the better [ __ ] pieces oh my love you it's a it takes the pest to be honest I told you that I told you where I told even from when we opened the Larry's like it's good we got it we can take the stairs I mean we're going down two floors take stairs anymore we passed that life yeah this is this is what I won this is what I need I've got Oh sir lights hey yo God is looking down I'm blessed in all of you Oh [Music] GG is cable we complete it we complete the game but we completed it all wrong it's completed it's done it's it's Bonita I love the savanna no that's true have a sniff he's lovely is quite lunch this is just a [ __ ] house tour now we're gonna take into some hole [Laughter] I mean I mean and what I mean maybe I think we you said of the star that they always a good one it's a good one how many promises our underground car park it's very but you could the gym really have like 115 1 8 n+ easy I am so gassed good meals in the evening we met the chefs oh I'm sure Simon and Ethan and brick having a lovely time [Laughter] [Music] so talk about this because we don't speak to you so he said I very graciously gave him that would they say he said oh please have the window seat because I wonder to all sleep all of a lien on it so I said oh yeah sure he whipped out a pillow so he's got a pillow which means he could have sat here in the middle to God until his pillow so instead we've now got to see here yes okay okay this dude wasted paper we are trying to save the planet and this is what you did how bad do you feel for the other team I do feel kind of bad to Ethan oh no no no no so bad so bad well we're left in suspense what does that mean just don't do this to us please now you're fun you're fun I don't you you're saying pinky promise see you're staying here okay okay Bob this is my little plan just put your head the decoy is so when I past remember loads each team even uh you guys could get moti watch me miss it this is a decoy ha ha ha so what's okay so we're done I'm testing out every pool going on I'm Paul Jay Paul hoard of balls any other pool go Jay you're trained in there and you've got hairy about to jump in Oh God yeah Chuck it's quiet quiet you have to really eat though there Stanley here you need to get some distance and wherever it is but God what's wrong with this kid [Music] orange team [Music] yeah what's it say driver will be waiting for you at arrivals halls with a board that's one of your names on open so we don't even know why why why would Josh send someone to keep an eye on us everyone going to the bookie company now shake it is dinner time is that caviar that is that is caviar oh yeah his first time trying caviar caviar wouldn't Guardium now they are so well I don't know we don't make that face of delicacy hey my with chicken yeah [Music] [Laughter] [Music] welcome to the door for this cuz I'm doing miss it it better to Amaya and Vic because our a barrel of a I'd convinced myself arms on a good one sang the song that's why I said never have hopes and dreams and you'll never be let down in nine eighty percent man what he said mister south for good reason having at this point at this point there's no real hope in know I got it down he's officially hitting the point of no return yeah we're loose you driving by this is what we're driving down right now though nothing luxury about the place unless we pull up to some sort of like we can trouble for singing these [Laughter] [Music] my suppose be part yourselves all right we are we are in star our destination and times of never ever look Alicia either I couldn't think of a place they'd laugh want to go it's official though to stay away from me I'm the whirlwind of bad luck oh we've got a 2-1 here oh here we go alright hope you like your rooms at Hotel Marbella now it's time for your evening fun now sorted out your outfits for the night what do you mean wouldn't open sideman package this is a mockery he's put on a caterer journey to get to bend the door and then go houses and go welcome to Benidorm bingo why are we calling everything in the worst most ironic stupid way ever please turn over for a list of things I would like you to do before the night is done another group you could do that girlfriend buy accessories for your outfits find local staff sticky Vicky that sounds disgusting what you've got a [ __ ] would you mean find local I assume she's just ride the mechanical bull at the Red Lion is he dumb he's got us here at 10 p.m. and give us a list of things to do I'm gonna kill him what do you mean what do you mean is 10 years of shots with strangers fresh champion is he dumb get a drink from as many bars as possible pie until the night is done taking the absolute piss here ok if you started off doing this at like 7:00 p.m. sure you've given a 7 here how are you find even a girlfriend or something here in that right the good ones go home at 7:00 he doesn't want them belied on watch it up late night first 11 p.m. before you get bears on the bus been adore hello mate you've given us a [ __ ] to see let's raise 10 o'clock yeah don't look at you you sound like you're cosy tucked up in the mass bed don't you where are you just where are you Josh we will find you we will buy where are you put the underwear you are what is that you said I'm following you you're not already you're not here and you're not putting a silly outfield all right Kimmy goodbye grow it he's not gonna have a see and I'm gonna I'm done I'm done I'm giving up well I'm trying to sleep whoa chill champ what what really does over he sounded so smug like Olympians and Howard I call I can't ever understand I'm going to prison in middle oh hello darkness your old friend we go in trance back yeah they called me welcome to either hotel I mean it's very snugly two single beds that I'm sharing with our new friends there's somewhere so nice this is what we got wait please do something okay okay what oh that's right boom boom someone heard you broke in the door iron is stinky minky copy/paste control C control s wait you've got wait what's all this you've got we've got things what this one of these things [Music] yeah purple team we just we walk around purple team what is it down the back but I didn't even give us custom names Simon this has to be a joke this is scripted this is this videos written come in first you will not believe this is what how could this happen go on have a look at my door I think my door and the lock has come out don't you pull the thing and the lock comes off this is a joke what do you mean we're alpha new room I'm done I'm not I'm not having this you're trained to fire hmm you're training for the fire local pool but I'm not gonna come out on that train is this you said I to a big gym session why's this another try they are you show me show you 17 will it sounding like anything it's not about how heavy you live Oh 22.5 well he did but he's not sure he's not sure obviously I think I'm just wait this way you wanna make it you know he's stronger he's got the farmer boy wait there you go okay now it's my [ __ ] oh yeah you're right you're good your Gucci stay firm breathe [Laughter] Vic's giving a new room real quick that's what Simon said why Oh sometimes in like boys you just gotta appreciate what you have you got to see the good things in life same [Music] bro the room next to me got kicked in just where you put their money where [Music] your freezin location ASL now you fur we ask would you mean Joe schmo's no we all start actually in my band they're actually in my bear how are you wearing the t-shirt yeah you guys frauds yeah you need your [ __ ] I can't see anything any other day we're in excitement I did I do this good luck um lads we are in I think that is genuinely the best house I've ever seen in my life like it's incredible do it can we have a little talk no no Topshop I don't need to see it I don't know I don't know okay okay I've had three in a row now so that's me I've striked out Josh okay I'm planning the next one and guess what you're first on the pad what you should No right well yeah we got a big night out we're gonna process I have a nice little cute evening guys and I have a cute evening with just you three we're gonna go we're gonna turn up yeah can they cause the scene i harry's jealous there's bad cat wait go [ __ ] yourself well it's more about you know if you want to do it do it you know we don't want to tell you our tasks okay you big noodle headed piece of [ __ ] yeah I think I know it's complete oh they're better dog it's supposed to be party place all the boys can great in that team perform a party on a big night our a big Wednesday night out genuinely it's a Wednesday what happens if no one is out it doesn't look like anyone is puzzle team are in Benidorm as you heard but the little trick is there in hotel Marbella you that are in Marbella so you're both on the same trip just different this there's no life there's no life in this town right now it looks like we're actually like we're youtubers that of a race our own little like lab strip and we're filming it as if like vendôme is like the pinnacle of hype so it's a one star hotel I think I think I think all four of their rooms cost less than that your cars here and back look look at this time but what is this place boy Oh Simon spotted and absolute scene right now this this is why just bought us here honestly I actually I'm not even mad anymore well I'm telling you remember Southend pier two Benidorm he's boss on an MIP strip the Scout in the envelope it says oh well compare dawn here's a game with Benidorm bingo for you to play so there's a list of active each one complete with our out of course said to stick them all up they've got fine sticky Vicky which is a local thing in Benidorm who's the female who sticks things inside herself Jesus Christ I'm gonna live right I feel like The Inbetweeners he's said to go to this bar we're gonna go in and it's just gonna be us there's maybe like two girls am I gonna be like things this is real this is real we're not following a script there is a Star Wars show which I told you about that is also darth vader having a favor I feel very betrayed and you know what you know I feel betrayed by woody oh well that was in a happier row when I caused woody I was convinced that we will go into my night in Spain Oh woody was going to be our purple team mascot I've got essence that's to try and stay out until the bhupati's closed so that's like 5 a.m. you'll get a different drink like you're made by as possible feeling like a popcorn yeah yeah this is my type of trip one that yeah you'd have done it oh yeah after night they got a big night out it's much loose the basically a bunch of little things they got I do I'm just go have fun with it why did it take him someone to get there the big surprise this morning when they got there was your flight is going from South End so so when you look for a Gatwick they open their boarding pass and you saw who is the Gatwick North and you saw Gatwick South what they saw was Southend 5 p.m. I'm getting more and more grateful when a second it doesn't sound awful it's like it's like going out on a lads holiday when you like 17 18 it's like going Santi or something that's what it should be like well which one would you pick Harry I would pick this one obviously but but but I can see the farm have fun if they try and have fun I reckon they will work an arc and they'll have a good time so I'm seeing good spirits as long as a little breaking for the room they're fine yeah how do you find sticky wicket I can show you some videos to keep it good yeah I'll see some sticky bit non camera though I always stopped off a quick you know quick meal we thought we treat ourselves yeah you know we're going on that out drinking so me and Ethan have started in a pina coladas game James Vick I have a gobbler this is this is more than this is at least a triple axel it's a Malibu and sprite except there's no brown there's no room for the spray I we're dropping our ways places so tragic I'm actually getting depressed this is for people that have been married for maybe let's say twenty two years or something and guess what you're married to stay onboard there's big [ __ ] for what you think you're selling up so what you're gonna do is you to go to Benidorm and hopefully having a bit of a rotting sex of the [ __ ] three style you might push out you little needle mark on your balcony so you're wrong because and we gonna do is argue over pints of beer and benadryl that's all we've seen all we've seen these people sat at coffee tables outside bars restaurants later I hate this I hate the feather we're walking down the street in matching t-shirt let's say purple team I [ __ ] hate karaoke I am not touching them after the shots maybe do accessories make this worse or better we're buying you a hat I don't know like I should be allowed on the streets in this Oliver I look like I'm trying to save my marriage that's all guys popping off on a Wednesday night yes got this is lucky we'd have to find him a girlfriend all right so first of all our day started with the south end here mile yeah and our days ending with the curry mile that's not branding to become about all right he also did punch machine Simon what you have to say about that ambulance right here the ambience the food one of the things on the list is [Music] you seem to know something [Music] one star [Music] with a girl breath tonight [Laughter] - oh streak had a nice meal unbelievable oh [ __ ] is that is that Liverpool [ __ ] are made this place sucks come on man relax can we not do [Music] [Music] cassia's do it I'm gonna enter the steam room wish me luck let's go let's go okay I see ain't so bad all use the keep it new you know will you be my girlfriend hi [Music] but what we do we just leave that bad oh cool a visit was I even in any attack from dinner oh that would say what do you say what's the magic show sex my list of things to do and one of them is finds to be Vicky before you can fish the legit for a flavor changed everything is like my girlfriend I'm happy okay so can we just what we need she's in the red liar can we does he know Hey hi guys have a good one why just done huh how does Josh know about [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's just really boring in that day one complete the Bears looking nice and juicy mmm I'm asleep like a king tonight yo ki ng mm yeah okay hi y'all and I'm [ __ ] like all I'm saying right in a poll about this one that's all we're saying well then you know it's strictly comes on you know against Christmas Ron yes tinsel ow [Applause] [Music] what's the Star Wars this is high so on exactly Wow [Music] purple team he's the leader he's a leader he's a leader he's the leader of if you'd like to like his hop you have to go [Music] how many [Music] budget we're on the budget but we're still gracious bar grabbers of London okay so I know so if we did a karaoke in the Star Wars but not order tonight I purple team smash [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] that night Sweet Caroline I tell you what I don't care what the price of this holiday was he's fun this holiday is priceless one no price I'm just saying you know when Josh is spending the money you yeah big like a big house anytime you don't sing a Wonderwall with a bunch of Jordy lad we were here long so bad that I really were by copyright yeah I owe a sis it was acoustic which is chill chill Facundo I love it where are we where we know we're now we are we're now back in a red line thing but a final tip the red line is final one watch the Star Wars show which is a section with John to dis no-show so again we're gonna happen [Music] I think I've seen the whole now I'm ready to go home I don't know why women wear that you thought you had done something on a Segway Internet don't don't ever ever have a chat about me on the suede way again Internet or we've just witnessed what guys selfie done yo friend done karaoke done accessories done its dickyvicky done bull done Star Wars done shots done drink from his vide bars as possible honestly that's yeah but we're gonna we're gonna just yeah we're gonna walk home let's go my phone's out battery so I said Nick hey mate could you guide us home come on feyo how do you think he turns mafia I mean my beer it's spelt ma r ve l LA oh my god my buyer Oh to Bob a young here cuz you've said it out of how you've tied to how did you tell you I've been in Benny Benny for too long 335 just said party until the night is done the night was canceled I think the night the star will show shut down the night that's a big spectacle yeah so I mean well me and you're gonna spoon tonight have a great night yeah and all I wanted was to come back to a nice air-conditioned chilled hotel room the [ __ ] [ __ ] is so budget so budget many [ __ ] times out after 20 minutes while rooms are hot knowing you up your self in touch with millennial and I'm done with you yeah yeah Gannavaram bro hotel room up over our Galvan room bro piss off you little one see you tomorrow I'll see you tomorrow vague let's go baby this is what's going down the reason why me and Lux are here no it's hard the hoodie off because it's serious right now it is game time we are on the way to the best holiday so obviously there's the worst team and the best team we're going to the best destination Thank You Simon for this free holiday we really appreciate it but yeah we really do thank you guys but we're on our way to go and meet and surprise it they have no idea that we're going I've been playing tricks with Harry are we I asked him about the holiday sl's like you know what what we doin tomorrow where you going yeah yeah yeah medium caliber note about this for ages and finally it's come around and yes lots of exciting things plans so you guys are really going to enjoy this video and we're really excited because well we get to do those [Music] I need that Joker yeah go go with the orange team of you you look like you [Music] all right nightmare starring guys absolute nightmare start what happened lost my food I left my favorite the train realized we've got upstairs we'd better look for it bounce there's nothing it's definitely on the train and then we unfortunately unhelpful guy ever bless his soul but he was absolutely useless I wanted him to call the next station to try and get them to come on to get someone who's like I'll come the final station whatever either way whatever I don't know my phone and I'm [ __ ] pissed it's because he's got to talk to me now he got nothing to distract him and I your bags been selected for searching not a great start [Music] I feel bad for lux man like look at this look ready this is my laptop charger I'm trying to upload and trying it I'm trying to edit a video for you guys right now and I can't not not a great day then anyway we're going on a great holiday it's gonna cheer me up with what phone [Music] those knees straight up what he's meant to be great looking bro this is a disgrace amoeba bro I'm two inches smaller I'm being deadly serious guys I honestly get way more room in easyJet fights than this be a one side though Josh where's this we're doing you a solid here we're coming for a making we're we're not charging Bay region xx she looks like a masseuse she looks like your masseuse [Music] invoicing these waters of peace all right we have envelope number five you have to there's only listen number six yeah so two left so I'm gonna head your only bet because I predict Josh's every move the we're going to the beach and it's gonna give us some [ __ ] another list of pointless tasks I'll tell you I know we're going to wakey-wakey hope you're not hanging too much shower pencil avanti beach and open next envelope oh these are getting their massages I can just go go go go go fill out and then I'll tell you if it's too much oh wow okay the last time I got a match off the Gus that I was really not and I should have more my father's book I didn't [Music] [Music] yeah okay to escape the guys from the house now I've got a car down to the Harbor by myself because the next activity is the boats before hours but there's a big big surprise show now about which why I've left early on my own we're gonna go get some lunch find somewhere along here and we have a couple beverage beautiful day palm trees are out there singing and water looks bluer than ever mainly because I'm here and you knew I was turning up so that my god it's a behavior all right cool anyways I'm getting gas all right so we're gonna have a bit brekkie and we'll come all the way out to Spain some over here to have an English breakfast look at it chillin I think I to do them I think I see them Patti see you here we got a yacht yeah [Laughter] boys I'm just saying right I thought last night was there any time we're gonna wear matching t-shirts t-shirts again well just said to open this once we got to the beach ship and the beaches be right there we're just getting freaky yeah that's too close to exit yeah so ready it's a stick my dick boy where we off to you lads we don't know what we have we've been given four towels and been told to bring our swimsuits so I have a feeling it's it's a beach beach beach take me away it's not quite a lot this is not another one no let's go to the beach beach let's go get away that's a beach beach take me away hello oh god you have to be back at the hotel ready to leave at 9 p.m. here but to take some activities do you take your pick Luis Mendez captain the fly and I believe we're going home gets on a ride after this Velandia as the main theme for its words alligator little bleep off all right okay head up to the Benidorm cross okay gogo coy Wow bye presents to the other team hey dumb jump in the sea brackets Simon they want a sandcastle yes get hold of one at minigolf yes buy an inflatable to go in the sea waves one Instagram challenge hole-in-one at minigolf I don't wanna many girls will do many of them yeah I propose we're gonna be on the bad holiday I'm kind of happy right now I'm another lime in my I'm drinking out with a fish and chips and mushy peas wait Shirley josh hasn't high doesn't got those say that colors made you know how much to your customer yeah yeah yeah I do we do budget just go find out where we're gonna be hiding behind the bar maybe whereabouts you reckon should I just Reese at like ready to go so we've come up with a code word because we don't know like when exactly they'll be coming up so we got Josh some chips and he's really hungry so what he's gonna say I'm buzzing - I'll give us a practice give us a price this is how it's gonna go so Mama's gonna be hiding down here the practice run has gone well but we need to be careful because they could potentially see us out there so we need to really be chillin here from there otherwise this boat is paying Wham I mean it's Wham but then you have like the big show of those viewing other energy maja to a reppin orange team no you're not reckon orange team what you me this is already this man I'm orange at heart I'm the oil and leprechauns team realize of failures Eric give us a little skank geez we Thank You Misha can we gotta you a sport a sport we're currently on a mission to find Josh we can't find him okay so the guys are about to come these Tiryns pluck these two in spot leading position you got one here hiding band a bar her to drive supposed to be like her see yes look you've read you get some cold Arthur's don't see him yeah I hope you're right there Loggins my life guys the Spartans you go try finding your flashings around and people always go the wrong way things go wrong what's the variables well how do people get redder and redder and redder can I get some Sun cream please risky pros risky my reward early no look this is what these men have got is doing the cat lux right now look at me wait hang on a minute you did nice just gonna be lunch or something about me maybe we ought I mean we are in a harbor look at that you're [ __ ] it now you're gonna come out the corner stop looking for you're looking for Josh I can see Toby yes may I uh I think you're right you know I think you're right where does Duda how many bedded men can there be here various you're a king gherkin gherkin gherkin jerking their king just oh my god Joey you're crazy what do you mean why am I crazy whoa yeah so we have a much the mouse under you're gonna shine for the world share it to the world share it to the world what's going on it ain't gonna be sorry gasps if they're not babysit again if they're not gasps we need new friends yeah don't fall in Jaden just focus on that first one at a time not the hundred kg boy okay welcome get your shoes on down here Harry choose opt out here got so much oh my gosh yeah I'm at the yellow trunks for me what Oh for [ __ ] sake so we're just trucking our way through we're going to a team but hopefully this one's open Yosh hope you've done your homework [Laughter] let's look to the right and Vestal and ER yeah so he said we're going here because the main one is closed Josh you sent us the to closed theme parks in few days can we just walk around we are is it is this a thing Trip Advisor's hang up Josh and get you the best best theme parks everything is closed both still and wait so you actually just comes in another let's get some completion let's get an achievement unlocked a wait wait all the sudden and pick something up hell yeah nice all right well mini golf then I guess hey Josh what are you doing man we did serve lunch time is served you served your iron on ice that way I'm not a great time yeah we actually yeah leave a comment if you want to pilot I propose that leave a comment hey mate sounds like you're having a whale of a time in a busy place [Music] I can hear something it sounds like loads of fun almost as much fun that we're having at festal and eeeh yes obviously made probably the most fun place on the island you wanna know why cuz he [ __ ] shot again you [ __ ] outs yeah two days pew closed [ __ ] amusement park there is no amusement in a closed amusement park yeah no we saw that on the envelope mate and you sent us to the side piece and the side pieces sure low because we're well what do you think we're gonna do that's exactly where we go and we're gonna go and play mini girl from the girl [ __ ] cross all right no Josh we're doing that later we're gonna go and play in the sea once we've ticked up all the other activities no Josh no one wants sandy went just us she's Joe's sister no one wants sandy wet feet whilst playing golf or anything so I'll build a [ __ ] psycho castle later and I'll jump in the sea once we're back hopefully this is not closed yeah we're gonna get to mini gonna be closed and then we're gonna get to the cross there's gonna be no cross because everything yourselves so far doesn't exist she does hi boys so against the mini golf right now one of our tasks is to try and find the Benidorm cross you can see it right at the top of that hill Vic yeah that's a bit yeah yeah no you've bang that yeah you got it just look at yourself in the mirror Jesus and right now I'm making it clear clearly these people don't know it I feel like the man with the met I got this [ __ ] out the mud you could give me the word and I'm graceful we should be great oh you agree say gracious that was a [Music] oh Jesus [Music] yes times ticking never one-off mini-golf for Simon takes a shot Ethan's found a cap don't get that on it luxury holiday do you like cats mad chill oh now you got a girlfriend last night what do you mean what we actually gonna do you do yeah come on okay so these let her off to go fly boarded carries very very excited they going all the way down there so hopefully these are actually film footage and don't lose our cameras we can pray oh and guess who lost his phone Calum got a second phone so this is what we have we have the footage that I shot from the boat miles away and you can't see anything I'm sorry how was that was flopped a few times here we saw you watching from up there it was so much fun so much fun it was so good dig stay there thick end down a bit and a bit like a bit Ben Ben Ben glad Krauts as if here I'm gonna tell you the picture of you and then I know this is your interest in about it once it was it [Music] [Music] this is your whole bit this is your whole oh not me she you know what Graham challenge I don't mostly I don't have exposure skills you know what do you mean my photography skills wait that's a certified banger I don't know they'll see what he thinks make King down I don't know King bears in the jungle it's fun alright the task is to get hole-in-one this is the sidemen hole-in-one challenge we're not playing mini-golf there we got a hole-in-one then you're standing in the way by the way [Music] [Laughter] how is someone written will any here I love tombola I can that was will will goes like year later the Benidorm for holiday I decided I'm gonna go to the top the precious remaining funds we have on a taxi cuz it's hot it's too hot we can't I don't think expected us to walk up in the hills called cardiac Hill yeah I am walking up that alright so you got a five-minute cap journey and then this Louie this is where we get the Instagram bang up we've already got one yeah it for some Instagram pop tag pop pop down there right pop tag a site Seidman Seidman transitorium alright long walk up we just we just walk the whole way yeah we didn't get dropped off just left the thing is I actually am knackered it's gonna be a banger of an Instagram well you got orange team you ain't got no mountains yeah you see your face rubbed there it is boys we made high G's is Amir just that coached to sit like a pair of balls [Music] [Music] it's done I think we've done the instant allenge we've come to the cross it's another one done so I think I'm gonna go in the sea build a sandcastle and get an inflatable what do we want they assume that they know this ring right here can't go out there with me you gave this you're fitting it and it looked good on you you're taking the mickey oh my other sense of that I've IRA can we just get one of these yeah just a rubber ring five euros that's the one you go yeah great look at his dude lord lord of the females Robin they doves see God up she does a mess with him they all come after you he's like Batman with birds his bird man hello we like your yacht Cheers look at the view behind us we can't see it I'll consider as fat your arms like that wait you're not even sideways yet Toby's going to sleep over for would just say what's up yeah we tell us up oh you blocked it how's your boat oh yeah duchies it's better than yours I'll make the punch nice and chill you know we've got seeing that waves yes we've also got another surprise else [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] have you been to see you today have you been in the sea today cuz you had a salty I'm pretty pissed off they sent me here I would have rather been adorned to be honest because we can make your Star Wars oh we get it add a couple [Music] [Music] [Laughter] I've chosen our spot this is where we're getting the the sand wouldn't last damn cosmas we're going to build our own the only gonna do it we're gonna do like a proper excavation in okay well I come on what what do you want now you can film all the documents for this just cuz I'm we're obviously we need to a box but about that's all people do is it I'll have you know that I am I'll have you know that I am definitely younger than 99% of people assigned Empire okay this is gonna crumble a hundred percent crumble they're loose good it's decent you know what we lost the air shape yeah the top let's see even seconds that's the magic touch that you've just you just so paid he's sandbag our but I've been Nick he's actually mugged your purple team purple team gang gang house-to-house poor but the drug ring that's the brief drive up Oh what what oh there's a gate oh and then we've got a little courtyard lookout Gardens gold and solid fine yards got ours Moke and he's realized he's had three bad holidays in a row we just spent weeks we've spent it like an hour building this well guys we've done everything on the list except go coin which we're not gonna have time the only other one is going to see with the inflatable so the days over we've enjoyed it these guys coming off the boat because we know where they good team so we're just after things like this is the best place that we've ever saved yeah well that's what the woman said when she came in what is that like mother okay is this the best place you've ever said be honest yeah is this the best place you guys have ever said be honest okay cool I'm buzzing now you know vocal damn the species wedge what excuse me this is two stories what floor did you park on that's what I asked well you will say these aren't filled with water quite disappointing I might leave I'll leave a full star Oh go out and look backward already all right this is gonna be three two one turn around your holy sheets Mountain regarded listen now this place is ridiculous you could play a leavener side on here and on the Marlene down there little slack line not the boys [Music] it's gone I'm glad I'm really far away I think it's safe to say we have conquered Benidorm everything on the list except go climb we even went to the two places that were closed we hope you've enjoyed our very budget holiday yeah we did it to get the effort huh I didn't know at the hotel and into the restaurant mate yeah make sure I do let's work everyone oh there's people in the world is raised a bit by excessive chlorine is there a ping down here wait you've only see two pools after it doesn't happen Rayburn it's a third pool inside open the door for all Y so what [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] trying to find you guys I'll look at here is annoyed big chest big chest Cal now you can do that you boys the last meal our favorite favorite English English beat well we got Arsenal on TV over there sex on the beach and we got some drinks this is probably the best meal so far cajun chicken I'm really enjoying this ok no chicken wrap little less agony Oh welcome to your final night get change as we are three verse six away it's torn up okay [Music] wait my hands getting tired from holding the camera my outside you know that big did you do like we'll share it it was share a bed look on the couch [Music] right what was your favorite meal he was your favorite this one boys it ways it was it the Japanese a five lakh at work you look just in all of it life's good ain't much good when you're on the good team Harry which was the best meal in being the twirl the Giri wore the fatty tuna all not being on the purple team okay my favorite meal is honestly not being on the purple tunic did all these favorite drink is Simon's tears and your favorite meal my favorite meal was the Wagyu by as we made it oh you've got honey a weed ah finally getting out of here you're joking that doing right now don't you excited to go home well you're not for another hour because we're delayed I didn't know how to vocalize how disappointed I am we can't get on a flight for four in a bit hours fun times at the airport or in something our judges that are can your little bonus you don't have to stay another night Debbie well we're spending half of it at the airport instead thanks there's literally like no difference we may as well have stayed [Music] these are real stinky is there dafuq no you even just XA and meanwhile you lot are just eating up no boo you know [Laughter] that's far from all of you every one of you poor from you poor from you poor from you poor from you also poor from you exactly you up pay respects you're right now stop it stop it this is the airport [Music] Apple TV one [Music] the water surprises you anyone at this table before this is Tomoko why are you fool why why are you fooling us why are you killing me stop filming him bro I'm never having some filming you will out and you don't know why I don't I don't have any words it's going on and on she sat in the drink all right here she goes oh my god wait you're gonna do that upside down oh my god Matt alright and now in only true tradition you have to make it oh geez alright yeah more portable table wait what alright so you're gonna have to make this everyone grab it a neck it oh there you go alright three two one send it oh wait where are you taking that oh wait wait can I get not forgive it more boy perhaps um yeah no no no no bro you're doing yourself injustice here bro it's all about down in it I love that for me hey why is she just in the middle of oh wait why are you here no no no no no way makes no sense it's so random that Lee why see pouring drinks upside down [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Applause] my face well I suppose what is desire a package [Music] [Music] vodka [Laughter] [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] okay that's the first part of Jacquelyn Zeman package first part magic oh yeah all good things coming freeze all right please if you like to follow me the package will continue [Applause] [Applause] [Music] and for you to tailor service this is not real gambling this is just points all right it's not gambling its points if justice bar not real money it's not go [Applause] [Music] No the guy I Cal me you are an absolute stinker boys boys for finally boarding we're finally boarding the finally boarding pick they can finally go my battery's about to die for it oh it's time to pop her in it get your shoes on dudes all because we're going out okay yeah it's my fight over your face you basically live you know I could play sorry it's [Music] chuckles hi we finally made it we left it because he's slow yeah well we've done it we survived Benidorm and it's time to say goodbye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 35,696,254
Rating: 4.9420929 out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday, holiday, road trip, $10000 vs $100, sidemen holiday, sidemen road trip
Id: 5NxKNrfqUjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 2sec (7982 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 27 2019
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