The Power Of Expectation | Pastor Jentezen Franklin

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[Applause] [Music] hey good morning everybody and thanks for being a part of our online campus experience today at free Chapel it's for word day which means there's a lot of excitement in the house and every single East Coast campus and what that means is that we are simply celebrating with a lot of expectation of what God's going to do a forward student conference in just a few short weeks and listen if you're not currently registered for Ford I want to encourage you to do that go to forward conference dot o-r-g because we are selling out so quick and you don't want to miss this amazing experience where we're going to have Hillsong UNITED we're going to have Andy Mineo we'll have pastor Chad Beach all the way from Zoe LA in Los Angeles California of course our very own Pastor Jentezen Franklin so go ahead and register today if you haven't already again this is for middle school high school and college age students so if you yourself are middle school high school or college age or maybe you know somebody in that particular age demographic sign them up today again that's forward Conference dot o-r-g do that today and listen if you haven't yet also sign up for s OD online this is an amazing opportunity for you to grow in your relationship with Christ it's a four phase discipleship program that will just help you grow deeper in your relationship with Jesus Christ go to four go to free chapel o RG /s o D online sign up today but listen as we're gearing up for forward day here at free chapel I want you to check out this very quick video a four word conference coming up in just a few short weeks at free chapel one of the best ways to live life to the fullest is to get into an FC group they're not just discussion groups they're about having fun and living life together there are groups for different ages seasons of life interests you name it there's a place where you can find your fit and now leading a group has never been easier we provide all the tools and content you need so if you're interested in joining or leading an FC group find out more today in the connection lounge on the free chapel app or at free chapel or [Applause] [Applause] [Music] this is the party of the summer a weekend for the wand a thrill for the sense so much more it's a call to this generation those that are young and alive hope to learn and to lead us forward a line in the door one moment that can change lives forever and it's unlike anything else to worship Jesus whichever [Music] - t words I can afford my chasing a smile a song if I see if I see but you how [Applause] you don't know smart if I see Oh but one [Music] [Applause] [Music] you you I love you I control [Applause] makes my heart go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] come on get somebody lift up a mighty shouter plays in this place [Applause] come on a mine yourself a grouse you love you gone all over this place clearly if our hands we love you Holy Spirit [Applause] the atmosphere of expectation is the breeding ground for miracles and if you need a miracle today can you lift your hand as high as you can go can everybody say Holy Spirit we welcome you put your hand over your heart and say holy spirit I welcome you [Applause] we never lose I wonder maybe never why I am mystified may we be just like a child staring at maybe never maybe never why I am mystified may we be just like a child staring at the beauty of I said a find out of my son that can take again to sever myself the cake someone so [Applause] signs and wonders from [Applause] [Music] when you poured out your spirit on the old in the power your prayers let's sing together Holy Spirit and Holy See [Applause] you [Applause] as a car [Applause] Oh to Oh [Applause] is up close [Applause] [Applause] see this be and to you oh yes dear ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Applause] yeah [Applause] [Music] ways can we the dye Oh can we give as we see to sit up my son that k'ittain I don't know to sit - shut up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Pentecost Sunday is somebody glad that we have the spirit of get across in this blows we'll greet somebody before you see to go ahead and turn around say hey smile shake somebody's in say welcome to the house welcome to free chapel and if you're joining us online we just want to say welcome home we love you thank you for joining us here today on a four word day well if we have any first-time visitors we just want to say we love you and we thank you that you decided to worship with us today we have this card that's behind the seat back in front of you we just want you to fill it out and then take this car to the connections lounge and we have a special gift for you or if you want to try something a little bit more tech-savvy you can text we get up on the screen hello 1 2 3 1 3 1 3 1 is anybody ready for for conference so today is called for day it's pretty much just a small preview of what's going to happen at one of the best or I believe the best student conference ever so what you can do is register today today is the lowest rate that we have until the conference comes and if you register today you will also get a free t-shirt is anybody excited about free t-shirts that is all right I said is anybody excited about free t-shirts I love it well the cool thing about this is we want to sponsor somebody as well that's also in the connections lounge we want as many students to be in the seats our burden is for filling the seats with souls amen so one of the students or two the students that are coming today to talk to you about Ford and to take up our offering is Rick and Anna Kate can we give it up for Indiana good morning sir my name's Rick my name is Anna Kate and who's excited for for today today under the board always having a huge impact on my life I remember very first forward it was 2010 that was when I I kind of learned to take my relationship with the Lord seriously and then and all the forward since then at each one I kind of my relationships was grown with the Lord and each one has its kind of helped me my relationship with what I was going on in my life at that point and when you're in that arena and you're chasing after God and you're worshiping him and you see all your friends doing the same thing you know that this generation right here is going to believe in the Lord and then we go to a church that believes in this generation and will equip them to grow and be more successful and I'm just really thankful for that and I know I'm a senior going off to college and it's been my foundation all my life and I'm really excited for it and I don't plan on not going anytime soon I'm really thankful for that so as you guys prepare to good you I'm just going to share what forward means to me a little bit from the moment you get to four words a moment you leave is the craziest adventure ever it's so impactful and crazy you're going nonstop but one the moments that I remember most is in worship whatever you're staying there and you're surrounded by thousands of kids that you know that we're going through the same problems as you are and the fact that you can see them and you can see them being loved for the very first time is truly the most amazing thing and just seeing them with the broken bondages that they have and seeing just seeing them be free and experiencing that myself is one of the most amazing things and only that but the pastors that come and preach these profound messages that I still remember to this day and I still look back I mean their message that you want to forget and they plant a seed in my life to be the person I am today like just simple things that they say can make an impact in your life forever and it's truly awesome and the people who spend months and months and months and months ahead painting and afford and doing that we're so thankful for that and all the volunteers that show in their time everyone who just gives and sews in their time like knowing that people care for us makes us want to become better leaders and it just knows I like people are caring about us so we can be the best that we can be and it's so it's so humbling to be a part of that and I'm just so thankful for everyone that gives is I'm just so thankful thank you guys an artichoke glad that we go to a church that really does believe in equipping this next generation to be the best they can be in the most successful they can be and I'm really thankful for that so I got in close silent prayer lord I think for this day giving us lord I thank you for this fellowship that we have lord I thank you for everything you've given us or nine I pray that you remind us to walk more like you each day of lord I thank you for forward conference or I thank you for this church and I thank you for going to a church that believes this next generation more than that they won't fall to the worldly things that are going on Lord Jesus that they keep you as a priority Jesus and I thank you for that and I thank you for this church amen [Applause] it's heaven and sweet the machine yes me oh I see the world without Oh come on church if you're not standing [Music] my but I've never can I there's not you see Oh Oh gosh be [Music] let's tell these students how much we appreciate them leave Wow it's good how many of you felt like you almost was ready to bust a move almost almost smiling three people I want to welcome Gwinnett I want to welcome Buford I want to welcome Spartanburg would you give them a big warm welcome everybody joining us online around the world let somebody know that you're glad they're near you right now it's good to see you here this morning if you have your Bibles I'd like for you to open them with me to the Book of Luke the third chapter Luke the third chapter and this Wednesday night's going to be historic around here by the way we're going to for the first time use our new amphitheater outside and have service outside the weather is going to be beautiful and when we have service out there we're going to baptize our first have our first baptism service out there and there's a lot of lucky people that are going to make history with us and it's just going to be powerful so don't miss this win see I can't wait to get out there and have fun in the water amen just add water that's what Jesus said just add water after you get saved just add water you ever seen the directions just add water and miracles will happen I believe that look with me in John chapter 3 if you don't know it today is Pentecost Sunday 50 Pentecost meaning 50 days after Passover a major feast and celebration in Israel took place and of course it goes all the way back to Acts chapter 2 and the pouring out of the Holy Spirit but I want to show you something in Luke chapter 3 and verse 15 today what's what's the matter what I said Luke chapter 3 look it's going to be one of those services okay I'm good with that you don't intimidate me you already talking back amen turn to somebody and say you need to straighten up I don't know what y'all's problem act like you're just perfect that's the first mistake I've ever what did I say can somebody correct me what go to John Sri said I need a hearing aid whatever Luke chapter 3 Luke chapter 3 Luke chapter 3 here we go verse 15 now as the people were in expectation and all reasoned in their hearts about John whether he was Christ or not John answered saying to all I indeed baptize you in water but one mightier than I is coming whose sandal straps I am not worthy to loose he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire the key to verse 16 taking place the baptism of Holy Spirit and fire is found really in verse 15 now the people were in expectation I want to talk to you about the power of expectation the location of this verse is significant because there had been 400 years of silence 400 years the Old Testament ends in the book of Malachi with silence God refuses to speak no prophets no words from the Lord and we move 400 years ahead and we picked the story up in the Book of Luke where now the Bible gives us a clue to how the the atmosphere that the Holy Spirit was looking for to be poured out and it says and the people were in expectation one translation a one Bible I think it's the English Bible said that the people were on tiptoes in anticipation and expectation its tiptoe time again we need to understand that if God is going to do something he looks for people who have expectation its tiptoe time around free chapel its tiptoe time in the body of Christ we need to expect God to pour out his spirit we need to start getting up on our tiptoes and expect God to do the impossible again with great anticipation with great expectation we're on our tiptoes saying Lord what's going to happen in this service today this morning praise and expectation so in expectation pray in expectation expect miracles expect the outpouring of the Holy Spirit because the atmosphere that the fire and the baptism of the Holy Spirit is poured out in is when people are in expectation Colossians 2:14 said he blotted out the ordinance against us he took it out of the way and nailed it to the cross I want to announce to you today that there is nothing between you and your miracle he has removed it nailed it to the cross and you need to be on your tiptoes with expectation believing that God is ready to do something in this service today expect God to pour out his spirit today on your family on you on the people all around you expect pain to leave your body expect to be healed expect to receive a miracle expect to be delivered from alcoholism drug addiction fear depression defeat expected Psalms 119 and verse 126 said it is time for you to work for they have made void your law in other words when when you see people just disregarding God in His Word that's not a time to digress that's not a time to be depressed that's a time to get up on your tiptoes and expectation he said when you see people making the Word of God void and and marking it and laughing it that's time for God to work this is the time many of you are facing Giants in your life and you've defeated the line and you've defeated the bear and he's going to give you this giant and you need to get on your tiptoes with expectation Romans 8:17 said that we are the children of God and heirs and now because of Christ were joint heirs which means we are have a double claim we have a double claim to everything in heaven we have a double claim to every promise in this book not just heirs but joint heirs it's mine because Jesus says I can have it the power of expectation is seen in Acts chapter 3 when the Bible said that there was a lame man who was brought to the temple and he was laying there daily there's this remarkable scripture because I've heard a lot of people preach that the miracle was dependent upon Peter and James saying silver and gold have I none but such as I give such as I have give I unto you in the name of Jesus and I know the powers in the name of Jesus but notice that didn't activate itself notice that the miracle of the lame man was dependent upon Acts chapter three and verse five when the man looked on them the Bible said expecting to receive something from them you're looking on me but I wonder if you're really expecting this morning to receive anything this man said I don't hope I don't think I don't believe I expect to receive something from that man of God you see there's something that the enemy is tormented by you make Satan take Rolaids there's one thing that will upset him more than anything else first John three and two said it does not yet appear the devil is not concerned with what used to be the devil is not concerned with what you are he is terrorized by what you can be it does not yet appear what you can be I mean this don't really hit me this week that the devil isn't afraid of my past and he's really not afraid of my present but apparently by the way he's attacked me here lately I just think there must be something that hasn't appeared yet that he's going to use you and me to do that's going to shake the earth come on and I'm on my tiptoes in expectation something is coming hallelujah it does not yet appear what it shall be your greatest miracles are not behind you don't look back look ahead I hear the Lord saying your Bierut your biggest miracles are not behind you and that's why you need to live with tiptoe time and understand that something is going to happen that you've not seen yet God's done great things for you but that's not all that he's got as Who I'm happy about I mean I've seen him do great things I should retire now I should just say I've had a full life I've been used of God but I hear the Lord saying your eyes have not seen and your ears have not heard neither has it entered into your heart the hidden things that I have prepared for you you got to keep going you got to get on your tiptoes with a spirit of expectation that the best is still yet to come everybody take a praise break if you feel your toes we're going right now hey stop you serve a God that is greater than your faith maybe your faith to speak you serve a God that is greater than your prayer life for God the Bible said is not unrighteous to forget your labor of love for God to forget you he would have to be unrighteous and that is impossible it is impossible for God to forget what he's promised you and so the only question is are you expecting it look at your neighbor and say are you expecting are you expecting again [Music] unto them that look for him shall he appear I expect it now I expected on Pentecost Sunday I expected this Sunday I expected in this service I'm tired of normal services I'm tired of regular services I'm expecting something to break loose I'm expecting somebody to get filled with the Holy Spirit come out of a straitjacket of depression I'm expecting God to do exceedingly abundantly above all I can ask for even dream yes I I'm expecting to be healed field help blessed save delivered free I expect a miracle when I was a kid I used to love that show The Price is Right anybody remember the show The Price is Right Bob Barker and when somebody was when they needed a contestant to come to the desk to compete for what was behind curtain number one number two and number three the announcer would say something like this so-and-so you are the next contestant on The Price is Right and what I always my favorite part of that show I didn't I didn't even like what happened necessarily more when they won some big car or something I love when the announcer called the people out and not some old boring white person who just walked down there and look up but every once in a while they'd find a sister who who came and when they called her name out she would jump she relieved she would hug people she would scream she would cry she had nothing and God's great and mighty power in our miss I don't have to see it I don't have to have it you oh I get on my tiptoes with expectation just because I have a chance of getting a miracle this morning right here Jesus is in the house anything is possible I dare you I just called your name out if you believe he can do it give him a praise closer what do you mean talk learn what do you mean set alone what do you mean you don't need to get carried away what do you mean we have become so sophisticated we have become so educated we have become so know-it-all we have become so theological that we have box God out of the church box miracles out of the church box the supernatural out of the church but this Pentecost Sunday I'm saying holy spirit come possess your church again we're on tiptoes waiting for the Mahdi Russian wind to feel the house idly I'm saying to you today that we've won the chance to get a miracle and we ought to manifest tiptoe expectation I'm preaching on my tiptoes most of this sermon whether you've noticed it or not hallelujah you ought to see what I said I just looked down in front row you know what you're gonna get nothing but the person three seats over sit now [Music] hallelujah I'm not gonna let the far killers hinder me this morning cause somebody did you get blessing we need to get a picture we need to believe God for more than and the usual I'm so then I'm not in a Dandridge this Sunday I'm so dad I must sing you sing some lecture of some boring talk that is nothing but information sometimes you need the anointing to broke the yoke and to bring the miracle reach out and receive your miracle be filled with expectation [Music] see you can be seated when they set that lame man down outside that gate and he looked on Peter and John he saw them and he looked on Peter and John expecting to receive something from them what he really was expecting was what he got every time he went to the temple it's just getting by another day kind of blessing I'm going to go to the temple and that's how some of you came in here today and in Beaufort and in Gwinnett and in Spartanburg in Orange County all of you at home into bed interceding but people come to church and they say alright pastor I just you didn't really expect nothing this be honest you just um thank you for coming I really appreciate it it means a lot to me I wouldn't have any reason to be here thank you for being faithful but we need to check ourselves sometimes well it what am I really expected did I come in here dear and praise and worship on my tiptoes expecting come Holy Spirit or did I just [Music] on their tiptoes with anticipation expect what's going to happen this morning Oh God look at those young people up there dancing praising the fiscal happy in the last days saith god I pour out my state I know what this is his Sunday I wonder if this is a Sunday wonder when the young people are gonna prophesy but we don't have expectation we just we just want to come to church get him by another day kind of blessing okay talk to me preacher yeah he's had some good things today bye but God saw that he came expecting to receive and he thought he was going to get a get by blessing for the day just enough to keep him going and God said because you're expecting to receive I'm going to change your life in one service I'm saying this I'm saying to somebody who's addicted this is the service that is going to change your life I'm saying to somebody whose marriage is in serious trouble this is the service that is going to change the rest of your life the Bible said in mark 10 that there was a blind man named Bartimaeus who had a beggar's garment we read over that we don't think anything about it but the government issued them an official beggars garment it was a certain color that anybody any citizen who saw a beggar on the wayside on the side of the road begging if they had that government cloth are covering over them it said this is a legitimate beggar and you can give to him knowing he really is blind or ill and the Bible said when he heard Jesus was passing by he did something amazing he took his garment blind he took his garment and cast it away the scripture said what he was saying was I know I can't see it I know I'm not healed yet but if Jesus is anywhere in my vicinity I'm casting away expecting fully that I will never go back to that life of begging again Jesus is going to give me a miracle today and immediately he received his healing because of the power of expectation I close with this it would take me about five minutes to finish but listen the people were in expectation according to John 3:15 and John 3:16 said our Luke Luke 3:16 Devils find me today but I'm gonna kick his rear Ian amen what difference does it make you know what I mean Luke 3:15 and the people were in expectation the next verse I indeed baptize you in water but the one that's coming after me see listen to this folks Jesus is God the father's gift to you of eternal life but the Holy Spirit is Jesus's gift to you to empower you in this life and he speaking of Jesus shall baptize you John the Baptist said in the Holy Ghost and fire what does that mean the Holy Spirit desires you he wants to do five things number one he wants to invade you an invasion is a military term of warfare when one army invades the territory of another army they conquer it it's an invasion they're all over the place they're coming in from the land to see there when the Holy Spirit comes into you it's an invasion internally he comes in to feel every inch of you he wants to invade your life with his presence secondly not only will he invade you but he wants to envelope you the word envelop is found in Ephesians 1:13 when it says the Bible States we're sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise I have here a letter and this letter I'm putting in an envelope and that's what it means to be enveloped by the Holy Spirit this is you this letter is you and I'm putting it in the envelope I'm sealing the envelope because Ephesians one said you're sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise that means dirt can't get to it that means uncleanness can't touch it because it's been sealed by the power of the Holy Spirit not only does the Holy Spirit when he envelops you see he he he comes and he invades you internally but he envelops you externally and he seals you with the Holy Spirit of promise then he delivers you because an envelope delivers the contents wherever is supposed to go so he wants to deliver you out of one place and take you to another place out of defeat and out of addiction and bondage and into victory and joy so he not only seals you and not only delivers you but notice that he protects you all along the journey till you get to the final destination that is what the Holy Spirit wants to do to you the Holy Spirit says I will invade you I will envelop you I want thirdly to instruct you jesus said the Holy Spirit John 14:26 but the helper which is the Holy Spirit whom the father will send in my name he will teach you all things listen to that the Holy Spirit will teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance that I have said to you that scripture moves me because when I first started preaching I said lord I don't know how to preach I can't do that I preached my first sermon and I preached from Philippians chapter 3 this one thing I do forgetting things are behind reaching earth and it was pitiful I got up and I had all kinds of notes and it lasted maybe seven or eight minutes everything that I knew it was the most awkward fearful terrifying moments of my life up to that point it was unbelievable somehow God got in it and people were saying and the Spirit of God moved but it couldn't have been my preaching and I remember thinking I can't do this but the Holy Spirit began to instruct me he began to teach me all things he began to say say it like this and do it like this and lift your voice like this and get out there and obey me I'd feel him when I was preaching so now say this get off the notes and say this and why you don't understand when a preacher's up here preaching if he's a Holy Ghost preacher you don't understand the stuff going through his mind and sometimes I see some of you and I could tell you things that you don't want me to tell you I'm just telling you he he will instruct you he will and he's my schoolmaster when I went to school I didn't know anything about algebra but I got a teacher and suddenly they opened up a whole new aspect that I didn't even know existed that's how the Holy Spirit would do with the Bible he'll begin if you'll let him invade you and let him envelop you he'll begin to instruct you and he'll begin to talk to you and he'll bring all things to your remembrance you get up and I get the preaching sometimes and I don't know where it's coming from I just put it in maybe 10 years ago and the Holy Spirit say you need this right now number four the Holy Spirit will impress you what do you mean by that one of the frequent operations of the Holy Spirit is to bring impressions upon us of what we are to do he'll impress you pray for that person he'll impress you witness to that person he'll impress you they'll stand out to you I've had it I give to that person reach in your pocket and give some money to that person the Holy Spirit knows how one of his chief Auctions is to bring impressions you don't need to be there get out of here you don't belong here and he's impressing you or join yourself to that that's where you belong listen to this this is a God moment he's giving you impressions and lastly the Holy Spirit will end well you he is an indwelling presence John 4:14 whosoever drinks of the water that I shall give him shall become a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life he wants to indwell your body as his temple and so the Holy Spirit says today I'll invade you I'll envelop you I'll instruct you I'll impress you and I will end well inside of you you'll never be alone again and all I need from you for you to receive this baptism a fire from heaven the promise of the father all I need from you is for you to get on your tiptoes with expectation that today God can give me a prayer language today God can speak through me today I might have came to get a get through the day kind of blessing but I'm going to leave with my whole life changed this is that kind of service for those who will expect to receive from him do you believe that so I close with this I said now Lord how are you going to do this today and what do you want me to do today for the people and the Lord said I'm going to use laying on of hands and he took me to the story of Ananias and Paul and how that Paul had an encounter on the road to Damascus with Jesus he became blind for three days because Jesus was shining such a bright light and after he encountered Jesus and said Lord what would you have me to do he's been saved he's been washed Jesus was resurrected from the dead so the blood covered he changed his name from Saul the Tormentor to Paul the Apostle and he's blind he has been blind for three days he saved but he has not been filled with the Holy Spirit and God spoke to Ananias and said I have a chosen vessel called Paul and I want you to go lay your hands on him that he might receive his sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit and Ananias went and said brother Paul the reason he called him brother is he was saying I know you're part of the family of God you're saved but something is missing you need to be healed and filled with the Holy Spirit and the Apostle Paul the Bible said received Ananias and I love this and when Ananias laid his hands on Paul listen carefully the scales the religious scales fell off of his eyes because Paul had been controlled by religion he was killing people in the name of religion he was tormenting and torturing people but when Paul when Ananias laid hands on the Bible said the scales fell off of his eyes and he was healed and he was filled with the Holy Spirit and today what I sense in my heart without a lot of fanfare is that I'm going to ask our leaders and myself to lay hands I don't have anywhere to go I don't have to hurry up and rush out of here but if you want to be filled with the Holy Spirit if you want the scales of religion to fall off if you have come into this house today and you need a miracle of healing if you need help if you need deliverance from an addiction this is your service is tip toe time for you get on your tiptoes with expectation and say today is as good a day as any I believe I can be healed filled blessed anointed and I'm not leaving here like I came in Jesus name we're going to lay hands on you just like the Bible said we're going to say in the name of Jesus receive the Holy Spirit and when we lay our hands on you and say that the power of God is going to flow into you and if you are on your tiptoes and expectation I just proclaim that you shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost and fire now you may have received the Holy Spirit power just like in the upper room and prayed in a heavenly language but it's been a long time since you were refilled they they were they were baptized in the upper room but they were refilled many times and I sense many people in this church need a refilling of the power of the Holy Spirit if you will expect it today is your day let's stand to our feet all over this room and so if you're in this room and you would say pastor Jensen you're preaching to me if you're I don't want to have to call no group no special if you're teenager but whoever you are I don't care if you're young if you're old if you're businessman if you're a house mom it doesn't matter to me and listen don't do me any favors don't come because you worried about my self-esteem I'm fine if one comes or if a thousand comes fine but I believe that God has brought the right people to the right church all of our pastors and all of our campuses are ready to lay hands upon the people and we're going to say receive the Holy Spirit receive miracles receive healing receive the power and the glory of God and his power is going to manifest in every one of our campuses today in the name of Jesus come on let's see it pastors where are you pastors where are you I need you up here with me come on guys come on bring your wife spring bring all of it all the help I can get I need it I need it come on come on come on at every campus just get out of your seat there's something powerful about this see see let me tell you what you're doing [Music] let me tell you what you're doing when you move from your seat to that aisle you just step into that phrase in Luke chapter 3 that will always remember now right Luke chapter 3 and verse 15 the ex the people were in expectation the people that have moved out is senseless your carnal mind said because he gonna get to you anyhow but you're not coming for man you're coming for God and he is not unjust he will remember you now raise your hands high and begin to worship Him with all of your heart begin to thank him begin to praise Him turn your voice up turn your praise up turn your turn your vocal box up and cry out to God and say fill me Holy Spirit the only Holy Spirit baptized me Holy Spirit pastors leaders church members those of you the altar teams begin to learn as many as you can and say these words receive the Holy Spirit receive his power we save his receive his anointing receive his impressions his instructions he's going to envelop you he's going to invade you he's gonna end presence of God it's a pony just once appear more in expectation your tiptoes stilton lord step two spec team Oh come on flip and in this place a miracle can hang for the Spirit of the Lord is here this is all the is wrong that is near say meow overflowing his place fear hard way we all over this place we lift our hands even those in the seats and the balcony just let the spirit of praise hungriness rise in this place oh speaking from you we are we just raise your hands and worship Jesus with those hands what should you jeez now let's just lift our hands one more time toward heaven and I want you just for a moment I want you just for a moment hold on hold it just for a moment I want you for the next two minutes to open up your mouth and feel your voice and vocal cords with praise under God I want you to lift your voice unashamedly and I want you to give God praise and honor for his goodness come on lift your voice lift your voice forget about everybody lose your dignity for a moment and cry out and thank God don't ask him for anything praising praise him and thinking open your mouth and praising let him feel you mean Fillie right where you're standing let him pray through you in a heavenly language they speak for you know what you worship there's a long time there's what the Bible calls in first Corinthians an unknown time law said he that speaketh in enough home speak if Martin under God and he speaks mysteries when he speaks in so received Tom listen Oh No another God receive which happy it when the spirits he will intercede he will what we see players we are himself begins to make session for what you do won't you he yes you're just protip protective seal delivered in Jesus name I want everybody under the sound of my voice who needs healing you need healing anywhere in your body I want you to touch your heart guard your heart with all diligence for out of it flow all the issues of life proverbs then I'm going to ask God to heal every person's body under the sound of my voice if you're still streaming just place your hand on your heart right where you are and I believe that matter of fact I'm on my tiptoes and expectation that people by the thousands are going to be healed enough is enough by the way devil we bind the spirit of terrorism we pray for our friends in England and we pray for America that oh God you would help us and preserve us and that the plots and schemes of demons and Devils would be defeated and that America would turn to you with all of her heart and the world would have a revival out of the fear and the terror coming upon the earth in god we trust' if you need healing any part of your body touch your heart and in the name of Jesus by whose stripes you were healed I proclaim that Jesus of Nazareth is touching you now and by faith you are being healed in Jesus name all disease is subject to that name all pain all discomfort I pray for strength healing power I pray for the anointing that heals hearts kidneys reproductive parts I pray Oh God for migraine headaches to vanish and never return I pray O God for kidneys I pray for cancer to be absolutely terminated in many many people's bodies I pray O God for healing in the arms the legs the eyes the ears the jaws the teeth the mouth the nose in the name of Jesus be thou made whole heal rotator cuffs heal backs heal spinal cords in the name of Jesus and lift your hands and praise him one more time lift your hands and praise Him one more time thank him one more time how many of you in this room today would say pastor this morning God has filled me with the power of the Holy Spirit and I'll never be the same let me see your hand if you've been baptized in the Holy Spirit let me see your hand the Holy Spirit and fire look at all those hands there were so many that just begin to pray in a heavenly language it was so beautiful just one after another so easy so easy just one after another after another let me see your hand if you were filled with the Holy Ghost and prayed in a heavenly language let me see your hand let me see your hand look around you look around you Jesus looked all down that I look all down that I look around here this is remarkable look at the young people that were filled with the power of the Holy Spirit and you'll never be the same you'll never be the same your prayer life will never be the same to God be the glory I don't hardly want to go home hallelujah I felt like having a Sunday night service praise God - I don't you praise the Lord y'all clap and then you won't come but I'll preach from John 3:16 tonight no are you ready for the blessing I move you feel like you've been to church today I want you to do something this is not for vain glory of man because man didn't have nothin to do with it but if you were healed today if you were healed in your body I want you to send us an email tell us what God did for you I want you to send a praise report and a short sentence send an email or write it down and turn it in at the Connexions lounge and let us hear what happened to you today because it's just the beginning let's live on our tiptoes with expectation of what God is about to do in our church can I get a big amen if you're interested in volunteering for forward conference we need 1,000 volunteers to pull it off 1,000 and they're going to be meeting immediately following this service in the connections lounge which is right back there in the new area back there we need your help if you would help us we would be so very very grateful if you would there's people who take their vacations and stuff to serve these three days in its most incredible thing to see thousands and thousands by the way we're about two thousand away from being totally sold out which is way ahead of last year last year was a total sellout I mean we've only got about two or three weeks and it's over and and if you're going to get a ticket it'll never be lower than today we have an in-house you have to be at one of our campuses to get the price and it'll never be this low again so if you want to get a ticket for somebody or you want to sponsor somebody or you want to go yourself go by and get your ticket at midnight I guess it's over but because you're in church you have to be in church to get this so you have to get it now and otherwise it jumps way up and I wish we could didn't have to charge nothing but it costs hundreds of thousands of dollars to pull that conference off they don't say come on over with your ministry we'd love to have you it doesn't happen they say the Union guys are ready so pull out the bugs amen and so be praying I want to say to Kristen Honeycutt and her precious husband they're moving to Florida this is their last week with us born raised in free chapel she's headed up with Cherise Devine women's ministry this is her final Sunday before they heard his job moved him to Florida the precious couple that we love and appreciate so very much every see God God is not unrighteous to forget your labor of love he will remember everything you've done in no doubt he's going to place you in the right church down there and we send you forth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ give let them know how much you love him appreciate him great great come now may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face shine on you may the Lord be gracious unto you may he lift up his countenance upon you and may he give you peace and may you experience the power of Pentecost the rest of your life in Jesus mighty name we love you we'll see you Wednesday night everybody it's going to be beautiful weather and we'll be outside at 7 o'clock singing and praising God then we're going to baptize and here's some amazing amazing testimonies anything else you got one more song with you yeah come on let me you sing your move with I made my decision Oh love is Oh member
Channel: Free Chapel
Views: 236,254
Rating: 4.8058367 out of 5
Keywords: Jentezen Franklin, Free Chapel, Church, Live, Spirit of expectation, Worship, Teaching, Sermon, Message, Pastor, Expectation, God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Lessons, churh service, praise and worship, christian, fasting, Miracles, encouragement, spiritual growth, faith
Id: 1K6YgXDxqro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 41sec (4121 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2017
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