Right People, Right Place, Right Plan - Week 1 | Jentezen Franklin

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and we just put our hands together and give the Lord a great praise today for that peace that peace that passes all understanding praise the mighty name of Jesus you look so great today in this a beautiful day it's just a spin I walked outside this morning and it's like where am i and the cool breeze is blowing and we're just blessed aren't we can we take just a moment and pray for our friends and fellow Americans and brothers and sisters in puerto rico today can we hold them up we have one of our men in the church who is over there right now and we sent some money through him last week we have another family that is going that has not heard from some of their family members he's a two-time Afghanistan war veteran and this brother who's an usher in the church and been with us for many years we're going to gonna send him with a check we were able to send ten thousand last week by the way and all the hurricane stuff you have given now over two hundred and thirty thousand dollars and we want to say thank you and we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna believe at the end of this day when this service is over there's going to be us you're standing at the doors if you'd like to help us help people in Puerto Rico I've been there preached there many times actually through the years actually two three four times I guess that's many and and they're precious precious people and we want to send through this great man in our church he's got a church over there that we're familiar with that we're gonna distribute food they've already fed this past week over 600 families with the resources that you sent and let's let's do it again how many of you let's just do it again and can we join hands and can we pray for a moment for these people you know how many of you remember the storm that came through here I was at one we were without power at our house for about five days and then I felt like I didn't know what to do with myself so we finally gave up move to a hotel but what do you do if you can't run away what if you do if you're on an island and there's nobody that can help you the body of Christ can be it can be a blessing let's offer our prayers we can do that Lord we pray for the people of Puerto Rico we pray for our responders there are military and our all of the wonderful people who are working so hard we pray for their safety we pray for the help we pray for the ingenuity the ability to help the broken lives restore their lives restore them help them and heal them on God and raise that nation back up or that that state back up for your glory and your your will we pray father we cover them in prayer today in Jesus mighty name and everybody said amen and amen would you turn to three or four people smile at them say I was hoping you would get to sit by me today I like you a lot going going and get a good vibe going with them what's so good to see you here today you guys look great what a great great day right and I want to talk to you you can open your Bible anywhere you want to that matter I'm gonna preach out of it now hit where you're at before the service is over but I don't have a particular scripture but we are beginning today a brand new series from the book that I wrote several years ago that's being released again the publisher called and said that they had had a great response and it was one of our best-selling books and they said could we could we do an update on you put a couple chapters in addition to it and and we want to release it again and so they're doing that and it'll be in bookstores and so on so I thought you know so many new people and even those of you who are not new you can't remember half the stuff I teach you anyhow that's amazing when I preach something I preached before people come about have never heard and I want to say yeah you have I preached about a year ago you just weren't just weren't listening but but but you know the Word of God is good any time we hear it I want to talk to you about the right people the right place the right plan and I want you to receive because I do I do believe that I have faith for what I'm preaching that there can be impartation more than a service more than a sermon there can be impartation into your life today that's really what I feel so I'm going to share what's on my heart it is so critical to get the right voices in your life because if you don't get the right voices you will not make the right choices if you don't if you don't understand and make the right connections in life you will not reach the right destinations and everything is connected you've got to have the right people if you're gonna have God's blessing upon your life because God uses people nobody has ever received the checks on jehovah jireh he used somebody I know God's your source but he used somebody God's not running car businesses he's not running banks and loaning money he's not he's not you know he's not having employment agencies God has people who are doing that and those people can have a major impact and influence on your life all great things flow through relationships and we need we need to pray for those power relationships in our life a power relationship is God blessing you for transition when when God wants to transition you from one place to another place he will put in your life what I call Kingdom connections or power relationships people many times who have done what you're trying to do already been through what you're going through and they have the ability to reach back and grab you and pull you through and expedite your journey in amazing ways and it's all about who you get around something else about the right people they have they can unlock the potential that is inside of you if you get around the right people they can unlock the potential that God has put in you some people you know have the opposite effect they kill your dream they they they will cause you to abort the purpose and the plan and the and the thing that God is put in your heart to do but there are other people like when Mary got around Elizabeth the Bible said that John the Baptist the baby was in her womb and he started leaping there are some people that will cause you to abort the baby you're supposed to give birth to spiritually speaking and there's other people if you get around the right people they'll make that baby leap they'll make that dream say yes I can do it because God's told me and that's just a and they're feeding that part of you and so that's why it's so critical to get the right people in your life somebody is already on the level that you're trying to get to and one kingdom connection one power relationship can change everything that's why I think it's so important that every day of our life we get up and we pray for 20/20 discernment in the spirit that we understand that when God wants to bless you he will send a person and when the devil wants to curse you he will send a person but either way it's going to be a person and that's why you need that 20/20 discernment to tell and discern the people who are supposed to be in your life the Apostle Paul said in Romans eight he said no no man after the flesh but after the spirit what strange language what do you mean no no man only by the flesh he's saying that not only when you allow someone when you allow someone into your life not only do they bring their presence but they bring a spirit they bring a spirit a person there's a spirit about a person and he says don't just know people after the flesh but know them after the spirit and he they that are after the spirit do mind the things of the Spirit and they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh meaning this there are flesh people there dominated by their flesh the Bible said the carnal mind cannot discern the things of the Spirit they're just carnal and they and they will not give you good good advice they will not give you spiritual counsel they will not give you the voice of the Lord the word of the Lord if you get around them they will talk you out of your faith talk you out of the great call that God has for your life they'll talk you out of everything grand and great that God would do and that's why he said no don't just no people after the flesh because their flesh people and their spirit people flesh people flesh people feed your fear but spirit people feed your faith flesh people tear you down but faith people build you up flesh people drain your energy they they they waste your time they make you go around the mountain one more time but spirit people make your baby leap your dream leap they speak to something inside of you that releases your potential and causes you to have great purpose and great calling on your life I call these people Kingdom connections power relationships for example when Saul of Tarsus needed a life change God put into his life a man by the name of Ananias Ananias was the right man in the right place at the right time and God said go lay your hands on that man he's a chosen vessel I know he doesn't look like it but you are going to be the the power relationship in his life that turns his life around and Ananias went and laid hands on Paul and your Bible said that the scales fell off of his eyes all of us need somebody in our life that that that when they pray and talk to us we see things right we start seeing things in the way that we ought to see them not just like we're stubbornly seeing them you're blessed when God brings into your life someone who can help you see right the scales fell off of his eyes and saul of tarsus became by the power of God the great Apostle Paul who would go and do so many amazing things when he wanted to start preaching the Bible said that nobody in the church would allow him would give him a chance to preach because they were terrified he had persecuted Christians and killed him and so the Bible said there was a man by the name of Barnabas again a kingdom connection a power relationship the right man in the right place at the right time and Barnabas had something in him watch now he says you know I discerned that God has his hand on you and even though you have no credibility in the church and nobody will open their pulpit to you the great Apostle Paul the man carrying around half the New Testament in his spirit can't get an opportunity to preach in any church but Barnabas whose name by the way means son of reconciliation Barnabas said to the churches I want you to have him in on my behalf I am setting up and I'm telling you I stand behind him and I want you to trust me he has no credibility I do he has no clout I do he has no influence I do and I'm using my influence my clout my credibility I'm telling you this man has something to say and he opened the door like a bridge became the opportunity that Paul got to go where he could have never gone by himself because he had a power relationship a kingdom connection a man in his life who said I'm going to open doors for you that you cannot open for yourself let me tell you when you get blessed it's when you start believing and seeing that God has people who can knock the scales off of your eyes and God has people who can bridge you into circumstances and play is that you could never get yourself your name has not known there nobody's ever heard of you nobody knew that Paul could preach like he could preach but here comes this man and he says I'll be a power relationship a kingdom connection and later the Apostle Paul got so discouraged after going through tremendous warfare and trials that he said in 2nd Corinthians 7 listen to this I had Fighting's on the outside and I had fear on the inside have you ever had a day like that Fighting's on the outside there's so much stuff going on out here in the inn and on my job in the family this Fighting's on the outside and even worse than that it's fear on the inside doubting my own ability doubting my own faith doubting my own mind doubting my own talent do it do I have what it takes you that's a bad day when the enemy is not just fighting you externally but internally fighting on the outside fear on the inside but listen to what God did to get him through this rough season where he was about to quit he said nevertheless God sent Titus to me and he encouraged me in the work of the Lord in that amazing that God would use a little nobody nothing nothing God that nobody's ever heard of but Paul said I want to tell you about Titus he encouraged me when I was about to give up when I was about to quit when I was about to throw in the towel God gave me a power relationship of encouragement and he encouraged me in the Lord I'm telling you today that God has the right people if you're discouraged you just start looking God will start sending people if you don't know which direction to go God can send somebody to knock the scales off and it was there all the time you just couldn't see it and if you are in a situation and you can't get your foot in the door you can't get in seems like you're blocked out and the doors are shut God says I've got for you those right people like Barnabas who can bridge you over and open doors that you cannot open for yourself how many of you would like to have some Kingdom connections some power relationships in your life I think about Ruth Ruth was lonely she was a widow she was single does God care about the divorce does God care about the single person does God care about the widower does God care about people who are lonely you better believe he cares the same God who said it's not good for man to be alone saw Ruth in her loneliest hour and God said I'm gonna give her a man and I'm not scraping him off the bottom of the barrel I'm gonna get him off of the top she she found a guy by the name of Boaz or actually he found her she was out in the field and Boaz was watching her she had no idea he was watching her just look around you somebody's probably watching you and God said I know what you need I know the right person I know the right plan I know the right place I know how I've got a dating matchmaking service like you wouldn't believe and if you just trust me if you just quit bringing the wrong people in as long as you got the wrong people the right people are shut out so wait on the Lord and put him first and and and and she and Boaz is watching her and suddenly he falls in love with her and the Bible said that that they ended up getting married God had a plan for her life because he cares if you're lonely he cares if you're single he cares if you're widowed he cares and he knows when things are right and God knows how to bring the right person into your life I wish I could shake the young people sometimes and say you're forcing it honey you're forcing it you're forcing it don't force it wait on the Lord when it's right it'll be right when it's right it'll be joy when it's right it'll be peace when it's right it'll be love when it's right they'll be full of the Holy Spirit they'll love God just as much as you do it won't be a struggle all the time there will be the witness of two or three witnesses you gotta wait on the Lord and wait on his call and wait on his purpose the right people somebody shouting the right people the right people when I think of the right people I think of naming and how that he had cancer the cancer of that day which would be leprosy and what did God do you know sometimes we miss those power relationships because we're looking for them in big shots and big-name people but he had a naman was a famous general but he had a maid in the kitchen and she was just a maid just washing dishes back there cleaning the floors but she had in her life a living God and a healing answer and sometimes if you're not careful you'll miss the kingdom connections and the power of relationships and it's not always with this with the high and powerful people but sometimes your power relationship can be with a person who's cutting your grass so the other person that's working in the back of the kitchen somewhere people that you never dream God could use to speak to you in profound ways and this maid says I wish to God that you could get to the Prophet that's over there because his God is living and his God heals and if you could get over there you could recover from your leprosy and the Bible said that he went on that word she was a power relationship she was a nobody and yet she was mighty in God's eyes God uses people that other people don't even recognize God raised her up and had her there and that powerful general that powerful general gets in the water at the instruction of the Prophet and he ducked seven times into the water and I told him in the first service I will get me a sermon called seven ducks in a pond a man become because when he duck one to not not the Ducks that are floating but when he ducked under the water seven God healed him of leprosy and I'm telling you that God has somebody around you with a Living God and a healing answer and if you just listen he'll send those people into your life right now many of you are in a transition many of you don't understand the season that you're in I'm telling you God knows how to send the right people there have been times in my life when I needed to hear from God and somebody that nobody had ever heard of one time Perry stone and I were in Romania and this woman comes up and through an interpreter she had her she had a back they were very very poor communism had just fallen she had pitiful rags on she had this thing because they cover their head over there when they go to church and she was an old old woman and she looked at me and Perry and we were just starting out in ministry she was she was a mother and she had a grandmother she had that she looked like she was about 70 years old but she began to point her finger bent over and she began to prophesy to Perry and prophesy to me she told him through the interpreter one day you'll be on television me too one one day you'll do this one day you'll do this your minister we didn't have any of the research we were just trying to stay alive in the ministry we were just hoping can we get booked somewhere next week but she's told us and in Perry even patterned his whole ministry after what that woman told her and I remember so I can't remember I can't remember what she told me but it still happened do you understand what I'm saying just when you feel like giving up God will send the tightest you know what Titus means you can make it can you believe that his name means you can make it God will send somebody who will say you can make it don't you quit now don't you give up now this is just the battle before the blessing you can make it turn to somebody and say my name is Titus and I'm here to you you can make it somebody clap your hands and praise the Lord hallelujah that's a good word turn to somebody and say no giving up no quitting no throwing in the towel you can make it just being around the right people can make all the difference in the world you sure don't want to get around some people when you got fighting on the outside and fear on the inside they'll push you on off the cliff hallelujah everybody say right people say I believe that God wants to restore discernment to our lives for this reason you listen to me I heard the Lord drop this in my spirit this morning I said why why do I need to preach this here and now he said in my spirit I heard the Lord say because I'm about to send the right people and I want them at full alert what do you mean what do you mean I want him to get ready to receive because Luke 6:35 said give and he shall be given unto you good measure pressed down shaken together running over but here's the part shall men shall men shall men everybody say shall men shall men but if you don't have discernment you know that miracle can pass you by shall men give until your bosom God gives us kingdom connections in business in our careers in our ministries Kingdom connections right people and then secondly and I'm just giving you the over over look for the next two weeks and please don't miss the next Sunday I'm gonna talk about next Sunday some things I've never taught before and I'm so excited about the right place because it's so critical but I want to talk just just give you a little headliner right here the right people everybody say the right but secondly it's about the right place God said to the prophet Elijah a famine is coming go to the river cherith I've commanded the Ravens to feed you there notice it's a specific place if he had gone anywhere else the Ravens would not have fed him if he had gone anywhere else he would have starved to death God said my blessing is connected to a place and I'm telling you Elijah I'm gonna provide for you but you've got to go there where the blessing is well I can just go anywhere I want to and everything's gonna work out you were absolutely wrong had he gone anywhere else the bird the Bible said brought in one call meat and in the other call bread every morning and every evening can you imagine but if you're over here and God said the blessing is gonna be over there then the blessing will go over there and you're set here in tremendous need but over there if you go where your God has a there for you there is a place of provision when you get in that place God will provide he'll use dirty Birds he'll use don't think everybody who's gonna bless you is gonna be a Christian the Raven was an unclean bird but God said I'll use that little Dirty Bird and he'll you know why he was a dirty bird cuz I believe he was picking the bread there in a famine where is he getting meat and bread from every morning every night and only one rich enough to eat bread and meat is Ahab and Jezebel they would put it on the table and the dirty bird would rip it up and take it and feed the Prophet you get in the right place and God will make the devil bless you he'll make dirty birds bless you he'll make evil business people who stop that we're gonna cut you bless you Oh hallelujah you can't curse what God is bliss and when a man is in the place where he's supposed to be the enemy cannot stop the blessing and boy I'll tell you he just sits back and every morning every evening the Bravin just just like ups just drops it off right there into the frying pan he says thank you very much Lord I give you the praise and he eats a steak and eats his bread needs a steak and he's getting fatter and fatter everybody else is getting thinner and thinner but he's just eating and eating because he's in the right place but then the Bible said and I could just see him in my mind just when he thinks I've really got this down I got my frying pan out I got the fire bill and I'm just gonna have to teach the body of Christ how this is done how to get the birds to feed you and the river to flow in the middle of the famine that's going to be my number one New York Times bestseller and I'm going to put out a brand new teaching series on it and just about the time that he thinks he's got it down the Bible said the brook dried up and the bird quit flying God was saying to him when the brook grows dry it's time to go back to your source your source is not the brook your source is not the bird your source is God and if you're in relation don't go to God for what you for a miracle go to God for a relationship if you have a relationship with him then I Got News for you you'll have a miracle every day of your life it's all connected to him some of you don't get it the only way you get the right people in the right place it's connecting to him the scripture said that God then changed directions but see if we're if if we're anchored to a memory if we're tied to to an anchor - am and a memory of how it's always been then many times the blessing moves on and we're still holding on to the old wineskins the Bible said God won't put new wine in old wineskins and when the brook dried up God was saying seek me you're getting too dependent upon that source I'm saying to many of you in transition that you think you got your life all mapped out you think I got the contract and that's a big money contracted well that's a big part of my salary the Commission and just when you get to thinking that they're your source and that's your security because you play golf with them and you politic with them and you you hobnob with them and wine and dine them sure enough somebody comes in undercuts you and the brook dries up what do you do then you don't fall apart you just say now father that person was never my source you are my source that company that laid me off is not my source God is my source connect to him God said move said move from the brook I've commanded the widow and go to zero path I've commanded the widow there notice it I've commanded the widow there to sustain you nowhere else you got to be in the right place you got to get where I want you to be that's why we really really need to be sensitive that God is wanting us to understand that you've got to turn loose sometimes of the old way and the old method and the old memory and the old system because he's shifting things in your life John 15 he said if you abide in me that's the key I am the vine you are the branches and you will produce much free but it's not connected to them it's being connected to me and I'll always make you fruitful I don't care what the economy does I'll have my on you and I will bless you how many of you know that God is your source that that that that my god supplies all my needs not my company not my boss not this one of that one God come on and give him a praise I'm a I'm a hurry I'm talking about I'm talking about places of blessings places of blessings Zehra paths Cherith places of blessings the Lord spoke to me in this and he said that notice in the story of Elijah and Elijah Elijah Elijah said I want a double portion Elijah said to him if you're with me in the right place at the right time with the right person when I go up the mantel will fall and you get double portion but it's dependent upon you being in the right place with the right people and I'm the right person I'm a power relationship Elijah in your life and you get offended at me you get mad at me you can get hurt at me and leave but you won't get where you're going five years from now you'll still be sitting outside your destiny because you better learn to respect the power of relationships that God puts in your life and the scripture said that as soon as he said you won't it be with me in the place where I am when I'm taking up you'll get it and the Bible said I love this text the Bible said and Elijah who was a farmer who made his living with a plow he had seven out seven seven yokes seven yokes of oxen that means he had he had hired hands you can only do one of those at a time and he had seven John Deere tractors and and and and and he was in the field plowing and the Bible said something so powerful don't miss it said Elijah Elisha broke the plow did it on purpose that plow was how his family for generations had provided but sometimes when God's going to do something magnificent in your life it will require of you to brake the plow will say I know this is your form of security this is your form of self blessing this is what you've depended on this is how God's always done it but there is a double portion that is available when God tells you to brake the plow the plow may be your denomination for me and Charisse it was our denomination we were in a different denomination when God called us to come to free chapel and God said respectfully brake the plow in other words if in order to be where I am today I had to say this has been amazing it was amazing for my mother and my father it was amazing for generations but Lord I hear you I know I hear you and some of you know what I'm talking about maybe it was a Baptist plow or Pentecostal plow or a Methodist plan I don't want I don't want the blessing I don't want to be anchored to a memory I don't want to be anchored to to what used to be powerful and there's nothing wrong God uses denominations but for me at that season in my life it required the breaking of the pile break away from that and step out on nothing but a word from God and you can't go back to a broke plow it's broke there's nothing there so it's do or die here I go I've heard from God that's the kind of move that God would bless I wish somebody'd praise God right there I really feel this today break the pipe step into the unknown break the pile the scripture said that when he broke the plow that quickly Elijah goes and I love it he's just moving on he don't care if he follows him or not see power relationships are not on your convenience well yeah if you ever get around somebody that's really great at something don't don't and you asked for an appointment and and they go to opening up their day planner and I can see you for 20 minutes on June the 19th and at 3 o'clock at Starbucks don't don't talk about it well I gotta cut my grass that day that's the day I used to go get my hair done so that won't work no you rearrange your schedule and Elijah lied you act like he he almost made it hard for the boy he just said I'm moving and if you want it you'd be with me and if you don't want it that's your deal it's on you that's why you can I'm offended I don't like him I don't like man yeah amen you better get get control of your soul get control of your emotions your emotions you know you get in a church and you get a real real leader sometimes and just forget Church just let's talk about your boss or somebody they'll hurt your feelings but the truth is if you want what you want you better stay connected to the power relationships God's put in your life and get your little emotions out of under get you soul under control go right back in there with a good attitude you hurt my feelings but I love you this is good preaching I'm preaching better than y'all let known right now but because that man holds a lot that woman holds a lot so he follows him in the first place they go real quick I want to go through this and I'll close right place follows him to Bethel Beth was a cop a vision of the house of God nice aunt angels ascending and descending if you want a double portion if you want the right place you got to have the right appreciation for the house of God and it tells me this Bethel means house of God God showed him Angels ascending descending it tells me and then Jacob made a powerful statement he said I have found the gate of heaven do you understand that your church is the gate of heaven for your life do you understand that God will do for you in a place and setting like this the heavens are open and angels are descending while we're preaching and ascending and they're taking needs up and sending blessings down and it doesn't happen with you doing your own thing when God a sign you to a house it's a place of blessing it is the gate of heaven and you don't need to treat it casually you don't put other things ahead of it it's the gate of heaven for your life angels notice if you're in church got proof for that read your Bible read the story of Jacob secondly he's got an appreciation for the house of God now then he goes to a place called Gilgal Gilgal was where Israel had to be re circumcised have you ever thought of circumcision and got a happy feeling about it notice that sometimes the place of blessing is a place of pain that when God is going to do something we don't always think that the place of blessing is a fun place it's an enjoyable place sometimes it will hurt to be in the place of blessing you'll get your feelings hurt you'll get your emotions hurt you'll get your you get your mind hurt you'll want to give up and quit but stay where God tells you and get a hold of your flesh and say you know what you're not gonna talk me out of what I'm supposed to do I'm gonna and God as God is getting you ready see he gets you in love with his house he gets you dealing putting away with of the flesh dealing with the flesh that anger that bitterness that gossip you get you start little by little dying to that stuff then he takes him to Jericho and Jericho is where he saw a vision Joshua did for the city God gives you vision as as you're in the right place you get in the right place and God will begin to give you vision for your life it took him to certain places and lastly he takes him to Jordan this is where the transition is going to happen and Jordan speaks of death the cross is not seeker-sensitive the cross is seeker deadly and God is not trying to bless you all the time I this is gonna shock some of you God is trying to kill you he's trying his best to kill you not physically but kill the old nature and let me tell you how you know you're dead when they throw dirt on you and you don't feel it anymore you're dead so if people are throwing dirt on you and you're still getting all upset because they talked about you and hurt your feelings and about the custom out and quit and leave and all of that you're not dead yet you're not dead until they can throw dirt on you and you don't even feel it you say well just whatever I love that story of David I love that story of David when that little pipsqueak guy I'm trying to remember his name he was a little there's always somebody like this David was down on his luck and everything was going wrong and and and he seemed like a million miles he was one chapter away from the throne one chapter but there's this little guy who followed him around I think his name was Abimelech and he followed him around with with rocks and dirt clods and he would beat beat and hit him hit mighty David and one of David's my team and I loved it y'all to read it he turned to David and he said if I'm telling that brutal killers he said if you will let me hit him one time I will not have to hit him again that's a Bible verse just let me hit him one time and David said no leave him alone listen now this is a man who's died he died in that cave hiding from Saul he died in the wilderness he died to all of his ambitions and his flesh and they're throwing dirt on him but he didn't feel it he said leave him alone it may be that God will hear and see what he's doing him blessed me even more and the Bible said in that moment the heavens opened up and a fiery chariot of fire swooped down picked Elijah up and on the way up Elijah throws the mantle down and he lieth picks the mantle up and Elijah started his ministry the water ended his ministry partying the water but he lashes started where he left off he Liza poured water and then he was able to part water you never you never part water until you learn how to pour water and the Bible said that suddenly Elijah moved in a double portion the right place he was in the right place the right people give me two minutes and I'll finish the sermon the right plan it's so critical to understand that one plan from God one idea from God can change your life God is an entrepreneur that wants to bless you he can give you one idea one idea from God is better than ten thousand philosophies of man one idea can change your world and anytime God is going to move he will give you a plan God is your source God knows how to give you the plan for your life he really does have a plan he gave he gave Makoni a idea one one idea and today we have the radio he gave Edison one idea and today we have electricity he gave Bill Gates one idea and today we have the Internet he gave Steve Jobs one idea and today we have the iPhones and all that is going on with that he gave betty crocker one idea and we've been fighting the Battle of the Bulge ever since one idea when you need a miracle God will give you a plan and it's going to be scriptural so that when you look at that plan you know you have the divine right to it because it's in the Word of God when he gives you that plan if it's not in line with the word it's not from him secondly with that plan we'll come a set of instructions God said to Joshua you're the right man in the right place now here's the plan marked seven times and on the seventh day seven times and blow trumpets and shout and the walls to fall down but it wouldn't have happened not just the right place not just the right people the right plan God planned for the family is one man with one woman one dollar out of ten I said one dollar out of ten is God's plan one day out of seven is God's plan follow the plan and you'll get the miracles God gave Noah a plan to save his family build an ark 300 cubits long 150 cubits wide thirty cubits high build it three stories high and put one window in the top and you would have appreciated that window if you had all those animals on your boat and no other window one window open the window my god open the window wedding of Cana bring the pots poured the water I'll turn the water into wine but here's a set of instructions here's a plan do you need a miracle God has a plan I close with this thought but Malachi 3 said prove me four if you want to know I'm up here throw me a seed and I'll throw you back a harvest if you want to know if I'm real I dare you believer or unbeliever begin to honor me with the tithe and the offering and see if I will not listen to this see if I will not open up the windows of heaven which means you're either living under an open heaven or closed heaven imagine every day do you want to ask you a question do you this week want to live under a closed heaven heaven is shut up closed or is open and the Bible said it happens according to how you obey the instructions concerning your giving I don't want to go all week long with a closed heaven I want an open heaven because it's not just money I get peace I get joy I get instructions I get Kingdom connections I get blessing people I get I get power relationship I get all that God as for me when I'm under an open heaven how many of you need a kingdom connection how many of you need a power relationship how many of you are lonely and you're ready for God's will how many of you today need somebody to put you in where you've tried to get in and you can't get it how many of you feel like God's saying break the plow how many of you feel like the the Creek has dried up and God needs to give you a new set of instructions you're in the right church today and all of our campuses and right here in Gainesville I feel with great authority to tell you the right people are coming God's gonna put you in the right place it's going to astound you and he's going to give you a specific plan instead of instructions if you follow it he will bring his will to pass for this season in your life speedily in Jesus name being my son-in-law takes me after the first service and they're there playing this in Orange County today and he said you know the story you told about the maid of naimans maid he said there's a guy in our church that comes out there some he's been attending pretty regular now on Sunday morning his name is Stephen Baldwin and he's a movie actor you've probably seen him in the movies and Stephen his testimony is he's a very you know blessed and wealthy movie star and he had a maid and she would sing in the kitchen he said we were lost messed up far from God said that his wife was the first that the maid would sing hymns in the kitchen while she was cleaning and one day his wife walked in there and said what are you doing she said I'm praising the Lord and she said I'm sorry if I don't need to do that I won't do it she said no she said I love that please tell me and said she kept singing and the woman his wife got under conviction and before in a few days later the woman kept singing louder and she got under conviction and broke and repented and got saved and and Steven had been shooting a movie and he came home he came home he came home and could tell that something has happened in this house something has happened to my wife something has happened and he said you tell me what are you doing what are you doing who have you met somebody what's going on what's going on she said I heard her singing and she said listen listen and said about that time she started singing again and said all of a sudden conviction hit him and the wife was crying and he breaks down and he said we went in the kitchen and fell down on our knees and got saved that's the right person right place right you don't have to be a big-shot God can use you if you won't be that person he can use you I want to be that person stand to your feet all over it every campus we just stand to your feet please don't move for just a moment lift your hands high and you got you've got 30 seconds to do nothing but praise God for the right people look back over your life look back over your life there were power relationships that you wouldn't be where you are today had God not put the right person and thank him for the right places and maybe the plow needs to be broke again maybe you're in a place where the brook has dried up God has a new set of instructions a plan a plan college student a plan sir a plan if you just lost your last job a plan it's not over you're not hearing this sermon by accident God knows every head bowed every eye closed if you're in this room or watching it one of our campuses if you're in the overflow and wherever you are you would say pastor Jensen I know that I'm far from God I know that I'm not living right I know that I'm not doing what I ought to be doing I've got the wrong people I'm in the wrong places I've got the wrong plan is so obvious there's no peace in my life I'd love to get a turn around I'd love to get a change I'm gonna tell you where it starts it starts with the right choice make Jesus Lord of your life if you'll make him the right choice then you get the right people the right place in the right plan but it starts with making him Lord of your life Pastor pray for me I know I'm not right with God but I want to get right with God pray for me if that's you you everybody put your hands down if that's you and you would say pastor please pray for me I need to get right with God I want you to boldly right where you're standing lift your hand as high as you can get it I want to see it all over this ring my goodness that's beautiful all over this ring at every campus lift that hand high every one of you that raised your hand I'm gonna give you a set of instructions now this is the plan I want you to get out of your seat as quick as you can and walk right down to the front of this building or wherever you are at any of our campuses just get right out and walk down come on this is the sea it's not enough to know you're in the right the right person that I'm talking to right now obey this set of instructions slip out of that seat move out by faith that's powerful that's stepping out that's breaking the plow let's say in the old part of me needs to die come on come on they're coming they're coming come on young come on college student come on come on young lady come on mom come on businessman come on this is your day this is your service this is your message you know it's straight from heaven for your life don't waste another day of your life come on come on come on come on come on we're waiting on you jerks clap for just a moment I believe I believe God is doing something pretty powerful right now on sensing I sent him [Applause] I'm gonna lead you in a prayer in just a moment this is so powerful they're steel Cummings awesome awesome awesome to God be the glory to God be the glory father we worship you thank you thank you thank you thank you Holy Spirit thank you thank you thank you Holy Spirit this is remarkable they're still coming Thank You Holy Spirit Thank You Holy Spirit just keep coming Thank You Holy Spirit Thank You Holy Spirit I tell you next Sunday is critical that you hear this message it's so important what I'm gonna share the March taking me a lifetime to give you in in 35 40 minutes what's taken me a lifetime to learn next Sunday and I don't want you to miss it you'd have changed your life bless you girls that's awesome it's awesome it's awesome praise God praise God praise everybody in this room pray this prayer out loud say these words at every campus Lord Jesus I give you my life I surrender to your will today begins the rest of my life what you did on the cross when you shed your blood purchased my salvation and I am forgiven I make the choice jesus is my Lord he is my Savior he is my god and today I praise you get the wrong people out put the right people in get me out of the wrong places and put me in the right places I'm in the wrong plan but today I step into the right plan and I receive your wheel you're gonna orchestrate your plan for my life I surrender all to You Lord Jesus I'm yours and everybody who receives its amen don't forget if you want to be a part of the miracle in Puerto Rico police help us we're going to get this offering to the people this week it'll go to them so help us if you can thank you so much [Music]
Channel: Free Chapel
Views: 361,208
Rating: 4.8447928 out of 5
Keywords: Free Chapel, Jentezen Franklin, Church, Jesus, God, Teaching, Message, Gainesville, Right People, Right plan, Right place, god's favor, destiny, calling, relationships, friendships, faith people, hurricane, love, marriage, dating, relationship, Finding the right people, right husband, right wife, jentezen franklin sermons, engagment, wife, husband, peace, faith, Sermon, jentezen franklin, jesus, Dreams, purpose, spiritual warfare
Id: q2UsWHA0nDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 37sec (3277 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 02 2017
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