When God Declares War | Pastor Jentezen Franklin

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[Music] nothing is impossible to do that we mean rebby believers in the house tell your neighbor he's [Music] let's see all we could [Applause] to the power that worketh in you you [Music] [Applause] [Music] just what he said you will gonna [Music] [Music] [Music] just [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] don't give up don't give up don't get up [Music] don't give up okay cuz he was oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] don't give up step Travis adios say don't get up [Music] cuz he Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] smile at somebody and say I don't know what you came to do but I came to praise the Lord a man a man you may be seated so glad that you here today welcome everybody if you have your Bibles I'd like for you to open them to the book of Judges the fifth chapter when that great tell our team how much we appreciate them it's good stuff been singing a song to myself I sing to myself a lot I like to hear me sing amen sometimes but especially when the Lord puts a song on my heart I've been singing this week Jesus use me and O Lord don't refuse me for surely there's a work that I can do and even though it's home Lord let my will just crumble though the calls be great that last line is really something so it's a it's a the cost is great people have no idea no idea the cost is great the least thing is what you see it's the unseen battle and the cost is great but he deserves our best do you believe that I love that verse there's a verse of this song I'm saying because I want to and if you're in a hurry it's your issues not mine he's a lily of the valley listen he's a bright and Morning Star he's the fairest of ten [Music] thousand to my soul he is the beautiful Rose of Sharon he's all the world to me but most of all he is my coming king how many of you have never heard this song before in your life raise your hand be very honest that's because you're heathens come on raise the hand up because if you had been in church you would know this song we used to sing this song when I was a child you know all the club songs you don't know anointed songs like this but I'm glad you found Jesus finally because I can tell you don't have a clue what I'm singing about but this is an anointed old son when they would sing this song in church my brothers and I'm sisters we would get emotional on this song because it would arrest my soul I'll speak for myself it would arrest my soul I would hear the call of God to myself as a little child I'd hear the call of God on me so one more time I'm a singing and I'm going I'm gonna ask you to not look partly cloudy this time when I sing I ask them and behind me if they knew it the first service and none of them knew it because they're backsliders - Amen but I want all the people who know this song to sing it like it's a prayer from your heart minimal preach are you ready [Music] Jesus use me don't refuse me for sure [Music] or that even a can [Music] and even though it's humble oh my wheel for the car be great our throw your hand up right where you're sitting and sing it one more time Jesus usually pray it like a pro me Oh Oh [Music] by we [Music] judges chapter 5 that's exactly what I'm preaching on today Jesus used me don't refuse me and in judges chapter 5 the Bible has a profound verse God is about to declare war upon his enemies the people who have attacked and harassed Israel cesira the king and his fierce army of 600 chariots of iron and God says I'm declaring war against the enemies of my people and verse 2 is profound and when the leaders heard it the scripture said the people willingly offered themselves just a beautiful phrase when the people willingly offered themselves they were saying Jesus use me and in verse verse 4 it talks about Lord when you went out when you were on the marching marching on the field of battle verse verse 5 the earth are the latter part of verse 4 the earth trembled and the heavens the King James says came below the clouds also poured water the mountains gushed are kneeled before the Lord then in verse 8 until I Deborah arose a mother in Israel says it again in verse 9 that the rulers presented themselves and the people offered themselves willingly to the Lord verse 12 she said I awake awake with a song if God's going to war I'm gonna sing a song and assist him in the warfare with my praise verse 20 says that something happened in the heavens if God's going to war something happens and they fall from the heavens the stars from their courses fall again King cesira the next verse says the rivers are the torrent the rivers of Keshawn swept them away the ancient torrid the river of Keshawn my it swept the enemies away then the horse's hooves started pounding galloping on his steeds then it changes in verse 23 curse the mirros said the angel of the Lord curse its inhabitants bitterly because they did not come to the help of the Lord to the help of the Lord against the mighty this is a declaration of war this this judges chapter 5 is God's diary of demands when he goes to war what he expects to happen in response to the war that he's raging against the enemies of his kingdom when God declares war verse 2 said the people willingly offered themselves nobody had to beg them nobody had to plead with them they willingly offered themselves to join the battle and march into the field and fight the battle the fight of the Lord verse 4 said that when God went to war that the earth noticed it the earth that God made and the earth began to tremble the earth said if God my Creator is going to war with someone I'm not gonna sit idly by and watch and it began to shake and it began can you imagine trying to fight and under you the ground you're in an earthquake not only that but then the heavens drunk that's a reference to the dew into the fog God doesn't play fair and when he decides to fight he's got the ground under his enemy shaken and and and and it's like creation knows who their Creator is and when they saw God fighting the enemies of God's people in God's kingdom then the scripture said that the heavens came a low fog set in they can't even see harley in front of them and then the clouds in the sky said well if if God's gonna fight then I want to get in the fight and I don't know what I can do I can't preach I can't sing I can't swing an axe but you know what I can do this is a cloud up in heaven I can rain and I will pour down rain and get those chariot wheels to spinning in mud holes I'll do my part I'm gonna participate because God's going to war and the rain the clouds dropped water and then the mountains laid low if they try to hide and run and get in a cave the mountain said I'm gonna high i'ma lay low and they ain't gonna be able to use me for cover everything's cooperating with God fighting his enemies and Deborah said I'll sing my song and assist God in his battle I'm a woman I'm a I'm a female in a male-dominated society back then but she said I've got a song and it may not be much but I'm gonna put my song and assistance with God fighting his enemies then verse 19 it says that the stars fight from heaven how do the stars fight stars were moving are not moving they're fixed and that's how people back then directed they got directions from the stars the way the Magi knew where to go was to follow the star and so they used the Stars that are fixed in position but this day the star said o my Creator the one who named me hung me and named me by name the Bible said he named every star and the star says well well if my Creator is fighting a battle I tell you what I'm gonna do I'm gonna I'm gonna hide behind something and I'm gonna turn to the the the the light little deal down on my little star and they're gonna lose their direction down there in the battlefield costs the fogs on them and the earth shaking under them and it's raining and they're just in a mess and I'm not gonna help them a bit aren't you glad we have God on our side and and then and then verse 21 said that the river said well if God's in a battle and bless God his enemies are my enemies and I'm gonna make the river really to run in wild I'm gonna get the undercurrent really going strong and all you got to do is if you see one of those enemies just shove them into the river and I'll take a lunder and they're not coming back up I'll fight with God the river even got in on it heaven has declared war and when heaven has declared war all of the creation gets in agreement and in the battle fighting they're not sitting by watching the battle and I want to tell you today that heaven has declared war on demonism heaven has declared war on carnality and sin sorrow and guilt and condemnation heaven has declared war on addiction and alcoholism and and depression and fear heaven has declared war on abortion and home sins that are that are sexual that are destroying people's lives heaven has declared war on carnality and lukewarmness and the call of the Spirit is all hands on deck everybody needs to enlist involve and invest not one of us must stand by with our hands in our pockets watching the battle and doing nothing idly standing by what I'm saying to you is when all of this happens suddenly the Bible said an angel notices that everything God created is fighting the battle every person willingly gave himself to fight the battle but there was one tribe called the tribe of nero's and the scripture said in verse 23 an angel noticed them standing idle with their hands in their pockets during a time when God had decided to go to war and they're standing there doing nothing but watching and the angel under the inspiration of God says I curse you me rose the tribe of me rose I curse you this people of Nero's I curse you bitterly I place a curse upon you why why would God bitterly curse these people were they committing some horrible sin were they doing something awful you know what they were doing they were standing by inactive he cursed them bitterly because God said I'm in a battle and you're not you're not gonna help the Lord the scripture said that God was in a battle and you came not to help the Lord against his enemies when God declares war and he has it's time for the people of God to willingly give themselves and this scripture teaches that if we don't get involved in the battle a curse comes upon us that is a bitter curse no one can stand by in a time like this and not be involved in the warfare Matthew 12 puts it like this jesus said he that is not with me is against me he that does not gather with me scatters abroad in other words Jesus is saying there is no neutrality in a time like this if Heaven has declared war on sin on shame on guilt on the powers of Satan destroying people's lives there is no place of neutrality for any of us there is no middle ground it has vanished you're either part of the solution or you're part of the problem you got to get in or get out but you cannot sit on the sidelines without a curse coming on you this is strong hitting it come on in clap if you're gonna clap the greatest battle that that that we have is not with sin Satan or Society it is with boredom masses of people who profess Christ come to church when they feel like it and they serve God out of boredom they're not involved they sit on the sidelines and they watch the war but never get into the battle who's on the Lord's side who in this hour will will rise to their feet and say I willingly offer myself unto the Lord if the Stars will fight if the horses will if the earth shakes if the clouds rain why in the world would I if I've been washed in the blood filled with the Holy Spirit I have gifts and talents and abilities God can use me I need to get in the fight there's no retirement from this battle there's no place where you reach where you're finally safe as long as you're in the flesh you're in a battle and we will suffer the curse of mirros if we do not fight you're either fighting or you're falling but you're not doing nothing and getting by with it all you have to do to go to hell is nothing and I'll prove it the servant was given two talents in Matthew 25 and the Bible called him wicked not because of immorality he was wicked because he was slow 'fl he was unprofitable he was wicked because he did not have use what God had given him he didn't ever put what he had into the fight don't tell me that God has not given you something he has given you something and when he goes to war and his kingdom goes to war to save souls and to bring our King back we are not to have an attitude that is laid back sitting back unused talents that we hold back never offer to the kingdom of God the Bible said because he did nothing with what he was given the Bible called him a wicked unprofitable slothful servant there's something you can do there's a gift you have there's a talent you have there's an ability that you have there is high there is a high unemployment rate in the church today we must get involved with the work of the Lord there is a huge invisible sign in front of every church and it reads help-wanted apply inside the harvest is plenteous jesus said but the laborers are few there's a there's there's not a few sinners there's a few laborers we need your help at every campus we need preachers we need worship leaders we need prayer warriors we need musicians we need volunteers we need people to run cameras and minister to our children and do all the works of the ministry that happened day in and day out it only happens when the people offer themselves willingly God is going to war who's on the Lord's side well I don't have a job right now yes you do if you don't have a job why are you not praying you ought to be coming to church and praying three or four hours a day if you do that instead of sit around waiting on somebody to call you you would be amazed at the opportunities that would come your way well I think I'm gonna retire it's fine to retire from your job but you can never retire from this army I'm talking about if you don't have a job and you're a senior citizen I depa ties you to become a prayer warrior and start praying and volunteering and doing something in the army whatever you can do Jesus used me and Oh Lord don't refuse me let God have your gift free of charge if you can paint paint if you can run a vacuum cleaner this is how they used to preach when I was coming up we didn't hire all these people to do all this stuff they assigned families in the QI way that we came up they assigned families and the family had to cut the grass that week I can't get no Amen I said the family the family had to cut the grass that week the family had to vacuum clean the church that Sunday somebody had to do something it wasn't this free cheap salvation that gives me everything and costs me nothing well I don't care I'm just a preacher I got a license to do what I'm doing so I'll do it whether you like it or you don't I'm preaching about what we are to do when God is going to war [Music] some people can drive a van some people can drive a shuttle we don't pay these people they get here at 6 o'clock get some coffee on get on the bus have a prayer and go pick you up they do it because somebody's got to do it it's just that simple I wrote this one down we need some people to go to work and get rich and bless the church I don't want everybody passing out bulletins I want some of you to go to work and get real successful and abundantly rich and bless the church because we can't do what we do unless you do what you do I'm preaching good turn to somebody to say get a job and get rich and bless the church let me make you plainer than that Matthew 20 verse 6 says they were standing around they said why stand you here all the day idle the next part of the verse says why and they said to him because no one hired us nobody hired me I'd do it for the Lord but I gotta get paid everybody pretty much on our staff almost without exception everybody including me by the way cuz I was a volunteer in my daddy's churches all my life if I would have said to my daddy not cleaning the church and I cut the grass and our family we did it we did it all and I was the children's pastor I was the drummer I was the piano player I was the singer and daddy was cheap and didn't pay me once in and said I'll whip you if you don't do it good and that's the way I was raised that's just the way I was raised quiet in this Presbyterian Church this one but pretty much everybody that we hire we don't hire them until they have offered themself willingly in some area of volunteerism in this ministry and they like cream rise to the top and they can't be held back any more and it becomes obvious to me and to others that person has offered themself willingly and they're not doing it for the money or the fame or nothing they're doing it for the glory of God come on is shout a man somebody God has come to hire you today and his wages are eternal and you may not have a lot here but if you do it as under the Lord when you get to heaven your reward will be great come on and praise God for every time you've given yourself willingly God has seen it mark chapter 14 in verse 8 says that the woman broke opened expensive alabaster box and began to pour it on the feet of Jesus and Jesus immortalized her with these profound words he said wherever the gospel is preached she'll be remembered because she has done what she could has so strong she has done what she could she has not tried to do what she couldn't do she has done what she could I had a woman in the first service her name I called her sister Jordan she's been in this church for decades and through every building program that we've ever been through when we bought the land at the old sanctuary down the street and we're building it and she's on a limited incomes you know elderly so on but lord have mercy sister Jordan can cook the best cake you have ever listened to me you have ever put in your mouth she makes me one as soon as the fast is over every year and I'm telling you it is the most delicious cake I've ever put in my mouth hands now and so when we would go into building programs she has done what she could she doesn't sing she doesn't preach she doesn't need a microphone she's a she's an elderly widow type but boy she can cook some cake she can bake some cake she can do what she can and she she would bake cakes all day and sell them for the building program and she'd get a hundred dollars a cake because they're that good and people would buy them like hotcakes and and and she made thousands and thousands of dollars in her little kitchen with the flour and the eggs and the sugar and whatever it helps it is the magic ingredient she just throat she don't have no measuring cup she just throws stuff in there and it just comes out right cerise hang got that gift yet I don't tell her I said that she's trying she's still trying to weed out a lot but she does what she can but I don't believe she wants to do any better is the problem and and but but but but why did I get on for that why why did I get into that what was that preaching but do what you can do what you can and God will do what you can't [Applause] I see Ralph sitting down here wraps the business guy he's got his business stays busy but he volunteers and he makes airport runs and when I have to fly somewhere when I have to go preach and get the Delta real quick his car will be sitting out there reven ready to go say what's the big deal about that he's did willingly offering himself there's always something that we can do for the Lord do what you can do do what you can do naman refused to get in the Jordan River and dip seven times and his servant had to take him to the school of the supernatural when he told him if he asks you to do something the Prophet had to ask you to do something grand and big you would have done it too many resist involvement with the small but if but if you're too if you're too small if you're too great to do small things you're too small to ever do great things if we love the people nobody wants God will give us the people everybody wants we don't care if you drove up on a bicycle a moped or Mercedes we want you here and if we will want the people nobody else wants God will give us the people everybody wants that's the testimony of this church hallelujah God can use you if you're a young person let no man despise your youth God wants to use you you could you're not you don't have a license course you're young to sit back when the battles God's declared war on the power of Satan ravishing lives and he says I need all hands on deck including the young people you have gifts you have talents you have abilities and if you use it the little if you'll do what you see when I first started out I didn't know how to preach I didn't know I just did what I could I told him in the first service when I was a child my mother who's sitting down here on the third row she would punish me a lot and give me whippings because sometimes beatings it with love but she would whip me and I was thinking most of the weapons that I got were not because the things I did but because the things I said my mouth was constantly getting me in trouble it was sassy I was a smart aleck I'd say things and she'd whipped me the thought hit me and she was whipping me the thought hit me this week as she was whipping me she was she didn't know she was whipping a preacher the very things she was trying to beat out of me was the very thing God was gonna put a microphone in front of and used for his glory but she was saying we need to harness it I hope you feel bad sometimes when I stand at the door and I shake people's hands oh not to tell this but here I go again it's interesting I need a camera back there I could tell story the best thing to do is be positive and be quick if you're gonna stand in that line because if not you might end up in a sermon and I've stood in that line and had people come up and you could tell they had a chip on their shoulder just a great move of God they've got a chip on their show I've been out for four weeks and nobody even called me see this is where my mouth thank God mom because I've learned to wait before I speak but my mouth wants to say you you've been out for four weeks and nobody noticed whose fault is that you ought to be so involved in this church that if you're not there the first week everybody's calling where in the world are you my god their position was not filled what are you doing if you can miss for four weeks and nobody even miss you that's on you I'll be glad when this one's over am i preaching the truth God's asking us to do what we can do so that we will not be under the curse of Nero's God saying I've called you if you want to be used by me I can use you I can use you where you are and as you use what you've got I'll trust you with more I'll give you more awake and more of the calling in you but it starts with the little things and as you're faithful with the little things how do you know you're called to preach the biggest thing that I knew about being called to preach is I had a burden and if you don't want God to use you it's because you're not saved because when you get saved something in you cries out God use me the first thing the Apostle Paul said when he got saved was Lord what would you have me to do so if you got saved and then you just went back to what you were in you didn't get saved because when you get saved the first thing that comes up in your spirit for all that you have done for me what would you have me to do that's true conversion young people as I close listen to me salvation is not about getting you to heaven only it's about your eternal purpose being realized here and now and there's something about connecting your life to the kingdom of God and getting involved in the kingdom of God that releases the destiny that God has for your life Romans chapter 12 verse 1 says I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable to God I love this which is your reasonable service it's not unreasonable for you to be expected to do more than stand around with your hands idle watching the kingdom advance and never get involved at least in some form whether it's giving or worshiping our attendance or volunteering it's not unreasonable the Bible said that's reasonable for you to willingly offer yourself and all that you have you think of what he did and what he put on the cross for you this is a reasonable reasonable thing to present your body a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto God there's a pastor in North Carolina I travel around a lot and I see a lot of things and he has a has a boy in his church who is who is mentally handicapped his job though he won't do something for the Lord and his job is to take the water and every Sunday he comes in early and that little fella gets the water and they got a pulpit there where where you can place them and his his job to get the water and he loves it and he gets up early he's doing what he can great we'll be this review want you to stand your feet no one leaving no one moving for just a woman they're gonna come back and Jonathon wrote this song that we sung earlier Here I am use me Lord and normally we call people down front we have an altar call down here but I'm gonna have the all to call right there where you're standing this morning now I'm gonna ask every person in this room who would say I know I'm saved and I would like to offer myself willingly throw that scripture up judges five and two the people willingly offered themselves I got in my spirit the people willingly I don't want God to force me I don't want him to have to push me I want to willingly offer myself for his work what I really feel this morning I can't shake it some old Bagon is I feel like the young people the teenagers the college age the 20-somethings all the way down to the teenagers God is warning you at this time in your life to willingly offer yourself to present your body as a living sacrifice it's not unreasonable to stay pure it's not unreasonable to stay clean it's not unreasonable to not do certain lifestyles because you have been called for a purpose it's not unreasonable now on every young person under the sound of my voice this morning that will be willing to give yourself to the Lord today to say Jesus use me god I give you my talents my gifts you don't have to be a preacher you don't have to be a singer again your gifting may be to make millions of dollars as an athlete or something but will you somehow say whatever I do it's going to be connected to the kingdom I want every young person under the sound of my voice that hears that call that says I'll willingly offer myself to step out of your seat come stand in this altar from all over the room at every campus I want you to do this nobody's gonna make you nobody's gonna force you nobody's gonna push you nobody's gonna ask you you're coming willingly get in as close as you can this is beautiful this is powerful you don't have to do this the world says your body belongs to signore you're crazy in your teenage years if you're not partying and sleeping around and doing all that but you're coming today to willingly offer yourself and present your body let's give them a big hand let's celebrate this who's this amazing come on come on come on come on come on lift your hands up all over this room and sing this song what happened Oh here you see people without God you get everybody in this church to means and prey you sing it [Music] here's my thing here right computer skill see here it is [Music] [Music] [Music] useful [Music] this is so powerful if you could see the view that I see is so powerful any other young people under the sound of my voice want to willingly offer yourself this morning I challenge you to get out of that seat right now and come down here because something's about to break loose I've sensing anybody else anybody else this is your service this is your service now here's what I felt led to do in the first service and I feel it now I want those of you who are older you see all of these young people to take a moment and lay your hands on them and ask God to use them I'm gonna sing this song and we're just gonna give God time to do a work in our hearts this morning but everybody in this room say these words Lord Jesus I surrender myself I willingly offer myself just like you willingly carried the cross and bled and died I offer you my body my talents my gifts for your service do your wheel I wanna be what you call me to me use me Lord I'm yours from this day forward I'm gonna ask every and to press through in fine to use the Texas take what I'm askin right now people God's gonna touch you somebody's smearing in the ministry don't have and a career gotcha you've got a teenager you gotta morning holy I believe is getting the mark of God hands on the finish come on the label the man [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] what dr. Crump to watch your kid what the kid [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and it doesn't have to be great grand scene celebrated I'll do the little thing faithfully and he'll trust me with more and here trusts me with more and he'll open bigger doors and bigger doors and many of you weren't here the other wins tonight but I don't have time to tell the story but when I ended up a few weeks ago in the Oval Office with just me and a couple others and I talked to the president about the daka kids face to face for seven minutes it was surreal it was astounding to me and yet it all went back to a service like this I don't have time to go into the details of that but I pleaded with him to let America see the heart of the father and grandfather concerning these daca kids these dreamer kids and find a way to they're in my church they're here in this service and I love them and I never dreamed in Tinley North Carolina when I said to the Lord I willingly offer myself in so many words that one day it would take me all the way to sitting in that office talking to that president at about 750,000 young people and he decided not just because of what I said but I do believe in the power of the anointed word I'm telling you it was powerful those who were in there witnessed a miracle and there were others who were very involved I'm sure but he said if they'll pass the bill I'll sign it I'm believing for that to happen I'm not here to talk politics it's not what we're preaching today I'm simply telling you when you willingly offer yourself it will astound you that God doesn't need the most gifted one he just needs you completely yielded doing what he's called you to do you receive it there's no limitations on you you receive it raise your hands high toward heaven open your mouth and say today I willingly offer myself to the kingdom of God I'm going to get involved I'm gonna do what I can and God will do what I can't you know what's so powerful we didn't plan this and I didn't I didn't ask what was going on a lot of times I don't know anymore than you do when I walk in here got a great team and they do an amazing job but we've got something going on in the connection lounge that find your fit find your fit and that amazing maybe you should go say you know what I'm willing I'm willing I'd like to find my fit in the kingdom and I'll start anywhere find your fit maybe it's maybe a hundred of you ought to start a small group right in your home you'd be astounded at what God would do we'll train you will help you will equip you but there's something you can do and God will bless you for it do you receive this now may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face shine on you may the Lord be gracious unto you may the Lord lift up his countenance upon you may give you peace and I say to every one of you young people standing in these aisles you may have never walked down an aisle before but you did it today and I want you to know God saw your obedience and he has written your name in his book you belong to him and he's gonna use you for his glory and his purpose all right god bless you we'll listen one more quick announcement many people here do not know who Sammie Rodriguez is he's coming here next week and this is a big deal because he's one of the most in-demand speakers on the planet preaches major conferences and that man right there is a preaching machine the message he will bring in this place next Sunday will absolutely be unforgettable he is a masterful preacher but more than that he has a word in season and I promise you listen to me carefully if you've never heard Samuel Rodriguez you will regret and if you stay home and watch it on the Internet mei-mei fleas get in your bed in Jesus mighty name I pray I want you here I'm gonna be here we're gonna be here together but I want you to hear I've invited this man of God because he has the anointing on his life you know I don't do that we don't just bring people in and I told the first service he has an equal kind of we don't like to compare people but he has an equal ability on the level of a Perry stone to bring the revelation of God's Word that's the kind of preacher he is in this place will go up in smoke this coming Sunday bring everybody you can very profound very anointed and very sharp leader in the body of Christ and you wait till you hear the word that God's put on his heart for this house I can't wait to see what God's gonna do we love you have a great week Lord bless the Atlanta Falcons please help them today in Jesus mighty name I'm doing what I can come on I'm doing what I can god bless you have a good week everybody I'm proud of you young people I love it I love it I love it Tuesday night go to the young adult party they're having get involved you know go meet some people get involved find out what's going on they have ministries that go into all kinds of things that they're getting involved in we're starting a church in Atlanta if you haven't heard we got a campus in Atlanta Georgia at the what's the name of the place then the center stage the Atlanta station is that's what's called that right across the street from the Atlanta station in Atlanta Georgia and we're gonna need hundreds of young people to willingly offer themself on Sunday nights we'll start it in 20 there it is there's our room there's our place right there every Sunday we'll start in 2018 we're going to need several hundred volunteers and I'm wanting a lot of our young people that were just in the aisles to get signed up pastor Tim where's pastor Tim Tim will be back there and and you'll be talking about it pastor bran we've got we're just so excited to see pastor Bronk Bronk raise your hand see pastor bran can you get more information about it we'll be saying more about it in coming days but we're very absolute miracle with that building I just absolutely amazing what God's done and I'll be talking about that more god bless you [Music] and as we leave here today if you made the decision to follow Jesus Christ one of the best follow-up decisions you can make is to join school discipleship online this four phase discipleship program will continue to help you grow in your faith in Christ so go to free chapel dot o-r-g /s OD online register today but not last but not least wanted to remind you about free chapel college we are currently taking applications for the fall 2018 semester all the information that you need pertaining to this ministry training program is on free chapel college Oh our JEE register today if you are a young adult between the ages of 18 and 29 we invite you to come join us for this two-year ministry training program that I promise will change your life we love you so much don't forget to invite somebody to join you online next week as we welcome pastor Samuel Rodriguez it's going to be phenomenal don't join alone but bring somebody with you it's gonna be fantastic we love you so much and we'll see you next Sunday morning [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Free Chapel
Views: 219,292
Rating: 4.7826848 out of 5
Keywords: Free Chapel, Jentezen Franklin, Message, Inspirational, Worship, Music, Sermon, Preaching, God, Jesus, When God Declares War, Free Chapel Live, Jentezen Franklin Live, Kingdom Connection Online, Free Chapel Online, Jentezen franklin sermons, latest, declaring war, worship, jesus, Spiritual warfare, spiritual growth, purpose, direction, students
Id: KhYDIyjj1yQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 10sec (4270 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 19 2018
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