Being Passed By | Pastor Jentezen Franklin

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well it's good to see you here this morning you look good turn to somebody and say it's a good day in the neighborhood amen it's a happy day happy day in the neighborhood welcome to all of you and all of our campuses who were brave enough to gather and we're so thankful that you're there and those of you streaming online and I just pray today that wherever you are we're having a good time here it's nice and toasty in here it's not cold it's warm and it feels good it feels like you came to praise the Lord this morning to God be the glory so I want to take just a few moments and I want to I want you to open your Bibles with me we're going to go to the book of Mark chapter Mark chapter six in just a moment but while you're turning there I want to recognize somebody who's here all the way from South Africa we're delighted today to have a wonderful pastor friend I preached for him there Edwin Govender is wonderful to have you thank you for being with us he pastors an amazing church what's the name of the city Durban Durban South Africa and it's an amazing Church of thousands and thousands of people and just what God is doing their revival true revival and it's wonderful to have you today I I was shocked to see you there and we're so honored that you came and I'm sure you're over here on a divine of son but thank you for worshiping with us we decided yeah that's right thank you we decided to push the series back but due to the weather challenges that we've had but I just I'm glad it snowed anyhow it's a beautiful thing to me I like it lifted my spirit and bless me and I hit somebody with a snowball yesterday and I might go outside and throw will make you for the servant when I might instead of shake hands almost throw snowballs sounds fun to me I won't I won't hold you alone that's what Elizabeth Taylor said to her 8th husband I won't hold you along in mark chapter six in mark chapter six I want to begin reading in mark chapter six with verse let's go to let's go to verse 45 immediately he made his disciples get into the boat and go before him to the other side to bisetti while he sent the multitude away and when he had sent them away he departed to the mountain to pray and means Jesus wasn't with them he sent them one way and he went the effort but he went up in the mountain to pray and when he had sent them away he departed for the mountain to pray now when evening was come the boat was in the middle of the sea and he was alone on the land he saw them straining and rowing for the wind was against them now about the fourth watch of the night he came to them walking on the sea that be something walking doing the impossible walking on the sea and would have this is the part I want you to focus on and would have passed them by and when they saw him walking on the sea they supposed it was a ghost and cried out and they all saw him and were troubled and immediately he talked with them and said to them be of good cheer it is I do not be afraid then he went up into the boat the wind ceased and they were greatly amazed in themselves beyond measure and marveled for they had not understood about the lows because of their heart that was hardened focus back on verse 48 in the fourth night or the fourth watch of the night he came to them walking on the sea and would have passed them by for many years I think we have misrepresented that little last part of that verse in preaching I've done it myself I preached sermons on he would have passed them by he would have passed them by you know and we preach had they not cried out had they not done something but it didn't say he would have bypassed them said he would have passed them by the point is that I want you to understand that they're in a storm and Jesus told them to constrain them he really didn't give them an option the word constrain means force you have no option get in the boat and go if you're following me and doing what I'm telling you to do get in the book and go and he constrained them to get in the boat and go they go across and in the storm Jesus is praying on the mountain and we have preached that if they had not called out to Jesus he would have just walked on Wow the only reason he was walking on the water was because he knew they were in the storm he was not going to pass them by meaning just casually because they didn't have enough faith or they didn't make enough noise or they didn't praise it's loud enough they didn't call this name screaming enough that's not what this means every time I read that Jesus passed by a miracle happened every time in the New Testament it uses the words Jesus passed by he never passed by and it says then Jesus passed by that instantly following came a miracle so why would he go all the way out there in their despair the fourth watch he came under them and would have passed them by it did not say would have bypassed them there's a difference between being bypassed and Jesus passing by and when you get in the storm Jesus doesn't bypass you Jesus doesn't look for a reason that he can keep on skipping across the water even though he knows you're in a storm if you're in a storm and Jesus is passing by he has no intentions of leaving you where you in the scripture when it says Jesus passed by it means in trouble he he knew where they were he found them and he was passing them by he didn't come to leave us he's coming to pass by you this morning in this service when I read about people who were passed by I think about Moses and the Bible said that Moses in Exodus 33 in verse 18 he said I beseech thee show me your glory and I'll make all my goodness pass before you notice that I will make all my goodness pass before you and I'll show them mercy and I'll be gracious for there is a place by me he told Moses and you shall stand upon a rock and he hit him in the cleft of Iran the cliff of Iraq is the broken place of a rock it's the it's the carved out place of a rock and when I'm ready to do what I'm going to do the thing you're standing in on the cliff of the rock will split and when it splits that's a sign I'm passing by you won't see my glory till you're standing on something that begins to break you won't see my glory until I start demolishing the foundation that you thought would stand I'm going to break you I'm going to Humble you it's gonna feel like that the earth is shaking and the rock is going to split and everything you've been standing on is going to begin to crumble and fall but somewhere in that experience that's where I will pass by and I don't know who I'm preaching to today but when what you've been standing on begins to crumble and your best efforts can't fix it it's just a sign that Jesus is passing by he does not bypass us he does not forget about us he does not abandon a he passes by with miracles he never bypasses us when you're in a tight spot and everything's splitting and falling apart in your life he says I will not bypass you but I will that's a sign that I'm gonna pass by you Elijah the Bible said was passed by when he went on them when in that cave and he was trembling from fear concerning Jezebel and the Bible said there came an earthquake but God was not in the earthquake and there came a whirlwind a tornado but God was not in the whirlwind the scripture said that fire failed and scorched everything around the cave where he was but God was not in the fire now he had been in the fire on Mount Carmel when he failed and consumed the 450 prophets of bail and he had been in the fire when the Upper Room power hit so the wind that hit that Upper Room God was in that wind but God just doesn't want us to get stuck to one method that he has to move in wind and fire he has to do it a certain way the shaking the shaking the earthquake God used an earthquake to deliver Paul and Silas but this time he wasn't in the shaking of the earth but the Bible said that when hears I want here's what I want you to see when he's sitting in that cave and everything is shaking and the fire of trials is falling and the wind is blowing and contrary and everything's out of control that's the conditions that God came passing by and he heard a still small voice if the wind is blowing in your life keep your ears open because he's about to pass by if the fire is falling and you're in a hot trial keep your ears open he's about to give you a divine whisper that's when God shows up if everything seems like it's being shaken in your life God is not going to bypass you God is showing you and giving you an indication that he's passing by and he has a word for you it's a word of deliverance it's a word of help it's a word of peace to your storm he's just getting you in the place where he can pass by you everybody's saying then there's a whisper coming there's a word coming but I can't give it to you when the winds blowing and everybody's having their own Pentecost sometimes I won't give it to you when the fires falling and everybody's having a Holy Ghost time sometimes I won't give it to you when everybody else is having a breakthrough because the earthquake has opened their prison door and the chains that fallen off but I'm going to get you to a lonely place the Elijah I'm gonna get you in a place where nobody's there but me and you I'm gonna let you understand that I know where you are you're dry you're lonely you're afraid you're fearful the fire has burns you a little the circumstances have shaken you up a little and you find yourself with the earthquake all around you that's when I'm about to pass by you turn to somebody and say God is not by passing you come on I depa ties you at every campus to preach say God is not by passing you God is passing by and when he passes by miracles happen deliverance happens a word from heaven comes and he just lets you know I'm bigger than your earthquake I'm bigger than your firestorm I'm bigger than the wind that's blowing and I'm bigger than your storm in the dark fourth watch of the night I just give that to kick out all the props from you so quit trusting in the flesh and quit trusting in your own ability and quit trusting in your talent and quit trusting in your connections and get so dependent that you begin to cry Jesus this is a job for you that I can't handle and I need you to come pass by anybody desperate for Jesus to pass by your little section where you are I'm going to show up in your storm and you don't have to beg me I'm not a bi passer I'm not looking for a reason to desert you in your disaster I'm not looking for a reason you ticked me off because you didn't pay your tithe last week or you didn't say a man loud enough or you didn't praise me when tears were coming he said I had nothing to do with me coming to you I'm coming deliberately I'm coming walking on the thing that's causing whatever is over your head is under my feet I'm walking on the water I'm walking and doing the thing that is impossible he said I'm not coming out there by accident to pass you took to bypass you I'm coming to pass you by I'm there for you and you only I've got good news for you well I wrote this down early this morning he's coming well I feel lonely I feel scared I've got all kinds of needs I've got good news for you he's coming he had to crumble those things you were trusting in he didn't do it cause he's mad at you he had to break your foundation up you had to weep you've had to hurt but he's not coming to ignore you to berate you to belittle you for your lack of faith he's ready to pass by you he came in the storm for one reason to pass by you and if you're in a storm this morning you're in the right Church and you're in the right service and notice something about when Jesus passes by what what is it that he notices the Bible said in Ezekiel chapter 16 and verse 3 and I want him to throw it up Ezekiel chapter 16 in verse 3 it's an amazing story he says thus says the Lord God unto Jerusalem not birth and non-activity when you were born in the land of Canaan your father was an Amer right your mother a hittite now watch this and when you were born in that day that you were born your navel was not cooked still connected to all of the afterbirth neither were you washed in water to supple thee nor not was nor were you salted at all nor swaddled at all keep breathing no one had pity I want you to see the picture that his painting leave it up run right there just a minute he said when I came and first found you you were an abandoned baby that a mother had had that didn't want you still had the afterbirth all over you your navel had not even been cut from some of the filth that you were in he said no one had swaddled you you were naked blood and afterbirth were all over you no one had pity on you to have compassion upon you you were cast into an open field and you were left to die what's this next verse and when I passed by thee I saw you polluted in your own blood and I said unto you when you were in your own blood Leal's that's what I came to preach this morning he doesn't wait until you look good he doesn't wait until you get all the world off of you and the addictions off of you and the sin and the shame of your first birth off of you but when he sees you he says one word it's time to live because I'm passing by you will live you will live nobody else wants you but I want you nobody else sees value but I see value and I won't bypass you because your life is a mess but I am coming by you to speak life into the marriage that is a mass into the family that is bloody and Nesi that's uncovered and forsaken and thrown into a field to die he says when I come passing by the thing that I noticed is people who can't help themselves like a little newborn baby he takes note of that condition what a pitiful state that newborn baby was thrown in a field forsaken abandoned helpless hurting dying until verse 6 throw it up one more time and on verse 6 and when I pass by I said the lilz lilz i looked at you laying in the blood and said leave everybody notice these words i saw thee when god passes by he sees what you're going through he notices what's happening to you and when god passes by his eye that sees the sparrow that falls sees the condition that you're in this morning he takes note of your condition if you're weak if you're helpless if you're broken if you're defeated if you're discouraged and afraid he takes note of the condition that whole text showed one thing for sure if the master passes by he sure does notice details about the conditions you're in every detail second chronicles said that my eyes in my heart are on the temple second Chronicles 716 he told Solomon he said my eyes and my heart will always be on this temple that you have built because I've chosen it for my presence to dwell in and if he would have his eyes and his heart on the temple that was built with man's hands the Bible said under the New Covenant your your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and his heart not just his eyes but his eyes and his heart is on me this morning his own used this morning and he didn't come to bypass you in this service he came to pass by you in this service in that room in Midtown and Buford and Spartanburg and all those others that I can't remember when I'm up here preaching coming somewhere else Gwinnett somewhere else Orange County I'm so glad he's not going by pass me that if I need a miracle this morning I can get it because I want to close with this thought I was thinking about how that the scripture said he saw them tolling and rowing notice that he notices the details if you're tolling struggling fighting the current fighting for your life he noticed didn't you say he he passed him by but when he saw them towing and rowing Oh tolling struggling but they're still trying they've got an oar of faith in one hand in the aura praise in the other and it looks like they they go six inches toward the shore and then the wind and the storm pushes them three feet back but at least they have the or of faith and the or a praise and there's they're struggling there tolling they're rowing but they're trying that's why your praise is so important just sometimes you don't you don't know what to do and it feels like Jesus isn't there that's when you don't quit but you keep on trying and do what you can do and just believe that if I'll do what I can do God will do what I can't do tolling Rowen struggling and Jesus came walking on the water to them one more the Bible said that there's the story of the Good Samaritan and the Bible said the Levite solved the man who had been beaten and robbed and left for dead and the Levite and those who had stripped him had left him so bad that he was in bad shape next verse notice what it says by chance a priest came down the road this is religion and religion saw him and passed by on the other side that's what religion does that's what religious people do well I hate you're in a mess but I got to go to church and then another guy comes along he was the lawyer that doesn't mean like an attorney it meant he was he was a Levite he he was an expert in scriptures and he passed by on the other side too but then the Good Samaritan saw this man who had been wounded and when he saw him he had compassion and he reached down and he poured the oil and poured the wine and picked him up and took him to an inn and that's the church put him in the church and paid the bill thereon forgive her and that paid the paid the paid for the host day and said when I come back and we'll check up on how you treated this guy because I don't pass by people who've been beat up by the thief and just leave them to die in their wounds and die in their addiction and die in their bondage and religion says all those people we can't do much for them and people who can quote scripture sometimes don't have a lot of compassion but there came one who was a Samaritan and he's a type of Jesus and he said I can pour in the oil I can pour in the wine and you can have life he said like the man in Ezekiel lilz lilz I won't let you die live and when Jesus passes by miracles happen restoration happens the supernatural happens lift up your hands toward heaven because Jesus is passing by you didn't come to church just to be in another church service this morning you didn't come to church just to go through the routine this morning but I believe that today is a divine assignment that Jesus wants to pass you by not by pass you but pass you by raise your hands and lift up your voice and just praise Him for men because he lives that b-flat because he lives I can face tomorrow because he lives anybody want to leave anybody want him to walk by your pollution polluted life and say live let's stand up on our feet lift our hands all fear is gone [Music] because I know he holds my future oh yes he does my life is worth the living because he you'll just hang loose I feel like flowin hiraman because healing just the keyboard please just the keyboard I confess my two heart rules you'll know why because Jesus is gone pass by your today because healing you forgot all my feet is there now go [Music] No [Music] hee-hoo my future oh yes leaders oh yes leader [Music] my life is worth the living just because [Music] [Music] when my say [Applause] [Music] reach down for me he had to read each way for me [Music] I was alone [Music] I was laying undone couldn't fix myself without God or his son but Jesus came passing and he reached down his head for me I feel like singing one more it lifted me all it lifted even me [Music] [Music] what's God [Music] [Applause] and he's fast about you right now [Music] Oh [Music] come on let's sing it everybody wind up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] here to reach it to the highest mountain I don't know what you came to do today but I just came to give him glory and giving praise mind you of how faithful he is it's still follow to the mall right to your lowest Valley [Music] it'll give you strength from day [Music] - day oh here big devil it will never [Applause] [Music] cup your hands and shout for about Jackson [Music] [Applause] I hope y'all don't cut me off because I'm still preaching I'm still going in those campuses right now and maybe you didn't need a sermon but you got a double threat pastor if the sermon don't get you the song wheel and if the devil messes with me too much I'll go grab my saxophone cuz I didn't come to my church today Jesus wants to pass you ah your hands and say Kemal Jesus come on Jesus I'd need a miracle I need you to lift me I need you to speak a word he lied to you in that steal small boy it's my doubt I've had this happen and it comes right in the room and calmed everything [Music] Feeny tries on oh mighty it gives me strength [Music] come on come on come on the appealing from day I gotta worry about tomorrow but I've got sufficient shrimp on today today Oh [Music] we'll never never it's hot whoa [Music] ah [Music] it's a family affair [Music] whoa this morning but dr. handsome [Applause] who needs Jesus whoa [Music] say [Music] won't you hear my Oh crap Wow [Music] ah [Music] Oh [Music] sometimes you gotta ask God didn't make it personal I appreciate what that person shouting about three seats down but not pass me some of you need to get like this spiritually I'm empty I need a revival I need a fresh touch money to the door Nina needs I appreciate what you've done for them but I need this one [Music] [Applause] [Music] No [Music] me [Music] I don't need a bypass this morning why see anybody's heart crying out what I'm seeing oh wow call but I need to hear that voice again [Music] nah [Music] I get more so your hands up worship Jesus come on scream appraised do it this morning shout appraise this whoa you're the mighty say [Music] [Applause] [Music] hear my cry like I'm laying in a field been abandoned for shakin forgotten you ever been like that little baby in that field thrown away by men why you calling on them going to their house fixing their problems healing their bodies lifting their spirits opening their doors a scene you call it on others but please don't have reach over and touch somebody on the shoulder and say Jesus is passing by now look up here don't touch it come back come back I'm gonna get you to do that no man will set it up Lord just told me exactly what I'm amazing what your Lord does when you scratch on my path if you call I heard the Lord just say the helm of his gun and the Lord reminded me just standing right here just out of the blue I thought about this we we would we we wrongly quote that scripture pastor we say the woman with the issue of blood touched Jesus she did not touch him she touched something that had touched him [Music] she never personally touched Jesus all she did was touch the him something that had touched him when she touched something that had touched him the HTM connected her to the hom sometimes when you can't get to him H I am all you got to do is touch a hem somebody who has touched him hey Jean go Rico Rico get him out of here touchdown now take your hand and touch them because here the hands of love is garment your the connection now touch them that's my bad [Music] well I can just touch Jesus let you touch in the heel of his garment right now [Music] what's a [Applause] [Music] you need a miracle this morning get out of your seat pastors have coming but if you need a miracle from God wherever you are if you need deliverance you need Jesus to pass by you're in a storm you're going through an earthquake you've been thrown out in a field you feel like you don't have anything to offer Jesus you'll take it just like you are Savior I can't get off that song see bring your addiction bring the alcohol problem I don't care if you how and weed right now put you in the right church we like people okay what she snorted last night I don't care you don't know why you came to church on the snowy Sunday morning jesus said if you'll go I'll pass you back and I won't leave you like I failed you you're gonna touch my glory do not [Music] Wow [Music] it's almost like the Lord said I interrupt regularly scheduled program at free chapter I'll use a snowstorm to make the preacher switch his message I'm not interested in his book launch today I need to pass by somebody [Music] this has always been a Holy Ghost Church this is not by might nor by power but when you get a word in your little dark cave and he whispers to you this is for you you need to get yourself out of that scene walk down that aisle and tremendous humility and throw up your hands and begin to get desperate for God because there's a miracle passing you by Oh [Applause] uh sure help them spread out so we can lay hands say [Music] that's all it takes it's all it takes you don't want your strength you don't want your arrogance he doesn't want your self-righteousness he wants humility all God has ever asked from you is to be honest just be honest I need a touch today I need a touch it's been so long I need a touch Wow [Music] do not pass [Music] thank you Jesus Thank You ji Thank You G how do we're just gonna take a little time throw your hands up worship Jesus all over this room one more time dolma he inhabits the praise of his people there's there's great anointing in this room today hallelujah Pilate I yeah hallelujah we bless thank you Jesus come here neighbor come here neighbor my neighbor come here standing writing throw your hands up I can't believe you in that alter and I pulled out of our subdivision I might drive away the other day I look to my left which I don't do a lot I probably should do a wrong I thought about you what you going through you're not forsaken he's passing you by he knows the cry of your heart I don't mean to embarrass you I don't ever hardly do this but the Lord wants you to know there's a steal small voice in the middle of all the shaking and the fire wind he's passing you by and it's gonna be alright it's gonna be [Applause] miracles forest [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's just take a little time to pray for one another one more time find you a prayer partner to find you a prayer partner to gods in this house I'm not nervous either gods in this house I feel the authority of the Lord Tim and Tammy let the Lord touch you right where you standing right there he says I've got a fresh touch coming on you for 20/20 fresh touch of holy fire Lorie to God just begin to pray one for another you say why came visting I've never been in the church like this that's good you came visiting the Lord knew you needed something different today and I believe he's passing by right where you're standing right now telling what you need pray one for them I want you to I want you to sing that song there's no mountain he won't climb up something he won't fall up coming after me no I'm talking about that's the one I want [Music] this couple right here has had their baby in the hospital critical condition I can't believe they're here I didn't know they were here this morning they don't get a miracle there's no hope stretch your hand this way and ask Jesus to pass by that baby oh my god buy that baby [Music] Oh a lot of us [Music] and it's not just for the baby I pray in a praying for you now mama he knows dad he knows he knows that babies in his hands oh yes Lord sing a church come on [Music] [Music] [Music] because he's coming after you it's gone after you reload on the star general supply or [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's put our [Music] [Music] so it's gonna be alright babies and dogs hands I can't promise you what's gonna happen cuz I don't have a word on that I got a word on you and on you that it's gonna be alright and well with your soul well with your family well with your future you receive that you receive his piece because he came walking on the water - you can't imagine the hail and you've gone through it spent a long long long long fight the God's grace is sufficient [Music] now ask God for miracle for you and for your back [Music] y'okay you free you feel good race you're handsome say Jesus I need you to just completely sever every connection here's what the Lord told me to say to you he's cutting the cord it's cutting the cord to the past he's cutting the cord to the thing that has [Music] caused you to go back time and time he's cutting the cord and you're free [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] I feel Jesus in this place right now [Applause] [Music] feel G ah [Music] I sing the song [Music] heeey [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on let's lift our hands and worship Him [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] everybody in this room who doesn't know Jesus as your Lord and Savior every backslide or every lost person every person running from God I don't have time to pull you down here and all of that but he never comes where he's not invited so it's not like you got to come to him he's passing you by whether you're on the top floor of the balcony and I don't know if we're still flowing into the services wherever you are at every campus if you would suck pastor I'm not right with God I'd like to get right with God and filling passing me by this morning not passing by not by passing but passing me by I won't get right with God if that's you raise your hand I'm an unashamed don't see it all over this room it's amazing it's amazing keep in mind understand there's no shame in it [Applause] which he led to dip the shame was put on him he bore our sorrows and carried our shame to quit letting the enemy use shame to beat you up everybody pray this prayer out loud say these words verbally out loud Lord Jesus I give you my life I surrender to you you found me and you're speaking one word live live live I receive life and life more abundantly for you are the resurrection and you are the life and I receive you Jesus and I will live for you in Jesus name everybody said amen [Applause] what's going on you need a miracle don't you let me pray for you Father in the name of Jesus touch this moment pass you know heal him raise let him fully recover let this church be the Good Samaritan for him in Jesus name you care about everybody show your love show your grace show your power show your healing to his life in Jesus mighty name you were supposed to be here today you receive this message you bring it's amazing in it God's not through with you Leo Leo Leo leo leo touch somebody and say leo live again Leo be healed Leo and not down thank you Robert thank you for that I didn't even see him I didn't know thank you boy it's hard to go home right now well hallelujah I love the Lord I want to praise him a little while you can leave ain't no Baptists at the buffet there ain't no buffet is closed hallelujah [Music] - god it's to God kill you in the itself yeah I stay in there we're gonna close the one hole [Music] it's lift your hands had worship Jesus just [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] here's [Music] his presence there is your beyond all measure and [Music] it can see you'll be fine [Music] so if you right here on Sunday morning at three Chapel [Music] reach out and claim him for child you are standing Oh yes we are yes we are [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] what a beautiful name what a beautiful name jeez Christ [Music] what a beautiful [Music] nothing beautiful name [Music] he's the king of all hands what a beautiful lady what she [Music] [Music] [Music] you're what [Applause] the Lord we thank you for the name that is above every name and that name has been spoken over every need in this altar in the Saran those who are watching you wherever that name is used there's power and presence that comes into the room where it's exalted and I thank you and I praise you that you have passed us by this morning we feel your glory like Moses we give you honor when we give you praise now may the Lord bless you and keep you make his face shine on you be gracious unto you lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace help me with something this week pray for me Tuesday Tuesday I'll be on the 700 club with Pat Robertson and then Wednesday morning I'm going to preach in Lynchburg Virginia at the chapel for Liberty University they'll have 12,000 students they pray that God will give me a word for those young people then right back here and this coming sunday will start acres of diamonds the book is released in bookstores everywhere Tuesday so if your streaming order yours go on Amazon it's doing amazing by the way we're we've never had a book that has already pre-ordered more than the one that we have right now so that's pretty pretty incredible thank you for your support pray for us we love you we thank God for you how many of you feel encouraged in Jesus this morning reach over and give somebody a little hug and say it feels good in the neighborhood [Music] crayon for yellow [Music]
Channel: Free Chapel
Views: 174,937
Rating: 4.8280902 out of 5
Keywords: Free Chapel, Christian, Church, Jesus, Jentezen Franklin, Gainesville, Georgia, Atlanta, Fear, Faith
Id: XnMcDk9LKKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 14sec (4694 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 11 2020
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