Two Enemies That We Must Overcome | Pastor Jentezen Franklin

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Matthew chapter 13 I want to begin with verse form and he sewed in some fell by the wayside the birds came and devoured them some fell and stony places did not have much earth and they immediately sprang up because there was no depth of the earth and when the Sun was up they were scorched because they had no root they withered away verse 7 and some fell among thorns and the thorns noticed this sprang up and choked them but others fell on good ground and yielded a crop some a hundredfold some sixty some thirty verse seven some fell among thorns and the thorns sprang up and choked them and then go quickly to verse twenty-two because he gives the explanation of what that means now he who received seed among the thorns is he who hears the word and the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word and he becomes unfruitful I want to talk to you for just a few moments about something that I it's very simple it won't take me long to preach this morning but it is it is something that I think we need to hear and God really dealt with my heart about it because what we see in this text is the seed is good and the soul is good but the Bible said there were thorns that that sprang up and choked the Word of God and what God wanted to do through that seed was destroyed now listen carefully and then he said if you want to know what that means here's the translations here's the translation the word is sown but the cares of this life the busyness the going and the crowdedness of life began to choke out the effectiveness of God's Word and the the the cares of this life began to and the love of riches begin to choke out God's purpose and plan I'm preaching today a message that is not just directed to anybody but I want to preach for a moment to people who have been blessed people who have been promoted people who have been elevated people who have seen some success in your life I was thinking about this and I believe it's the truth that it's easy to give everything to God when you have nothing but sometimes the greatest enemies that we have to conquer after we've been blessed is to conquer stuff and things that begin to crowd our life over crowd our life and choke out what really matters in our life entanglements - bondage things like stuff and the lust for things can begin to choke out the effectiveness of God's Word and God's power the challenge sometimes is not the absence of opportunity but for people whom God has blessed it's the abundance of opportunity that can crowd out the plan and the purpose and the destiny that God has and it begins to choke out the purpose and the plan of God young man sit down quickly someone help thank you it can crowd out it can crowd out the seed of God's Word and choke out that which God wants to do sometimes your enemy is entanglements with lesser things the word is the world is competing for your gifts it brings something that wants to take away from you the purpose that you are here for the world says bring us your talents bring us your gifts bring us your skills but God wants those gifts and most skills there's nothing wrong with the seed in this text there's nothing wrong with the soul it listen here's my point here's the theme of this message it's an overcrowded place and and the cares of this life begin to overcrowd and suddenly God's prophetic word over your life becomes a minut and tiny seed and all these other things begin to be more important bigger and and much more huge in your life than God and his prophetic promise and revelation in your life I want you to understand that one of the greatest battles that you will face the more God prospers you the more God exalts you the more God raises you it will not be demons and devils that you have to fight it will be an overcrowded life that suddenly the cares of this life and the materialism of this life begins to become such an important thing in your life that God is shrink down to a tiny seed that is not very effective in your life anymore the woman with the issue of blood could not get to Jesus because it was overcrowded the Bible said she could not get to Jesus for her healing because of the press of the crowd there were so many people it was overcrowded nough stopped her in some house she was so desperate that she broke through the crowd and she could never get his full attention but she touched the hem of His garment His garment and clothing and as he walked by she was healed but she had to realize this is so overcrowded it's gonna take something for me to break out of the cares of this life and the deceitfulness of materialism when I need Jesus more than I need anything else Zacchaeus was a small man in stature and the crowd was so huge that he couldn't see he was crowded out his life was over crowd God was wanting to do a miracle in his life and he climbed up in a tree because something in him said I've got to see Jesus but my life is so overcrowded with masses of people an appointment and opportunities in this and fun and entertainment and there's nothing wrong with these things necessarily but if we don't watch it they begin to choke out the critical power of God's Word in prophetic direction over our life and we get more into the cares of this life the temporal and we forget about the eternal I thought about how that the men who had a friend who was who was paralyzed and they put him on a cot four of these men put him on a on a cot and they went to take him because they heard Jesus was in the synagogue and the Bible said when they got there the place was so overcrowded that they couldn't even get in the building the problem was was not the seed and the problem was not the soul the problem was their life was what there was so much crowdedness in their life they couldn't get that place and that person that they were trying to get to Jesus and so you know the story they tore the roof off and let him down with ropes but the thing that they almost missed because of overcrowded 'no swiss the miraculous power of God then I thought about the innkeeper in Bethlehem here Mary and Joseph are and she's caring and and about to give birth to the savior of the world and they knock on the door of the inn keeper and the innkeeper says I'm sorry we're overcrowded I'm sorry Jesus son of God do you understand the miracle that wanted to come to their house do you don't know how that would have affected their children and their children's children if Jesus had been born inside of that that place that Inn where people were staying but they were in a sold-out state to other things therefore there was no room for Jesus in the end all the devil wants to do is overcrowd your life so much that you have no room for revival you have no room for a fresh touch and anointing of the Holy Spirit because you're so entangled with the cares of this life and you're so enthralled with the riches the deceitfulness of material things the house the car the land this the business the success the entertainment this and that and it's not that you're an evil person but when these things begin to take over your life then Jesus becomes something tiny that you go and deal with on Sunday and the rest of the week is being overcrowded by worldliness and carnality is there room in your life for Jesus or is it so overcrowded Matthew 9 and verse 23 when Jesus went to to Jairus his house his daughter was Jairus his daughter was dead and noticed this when Jesus came into the rulers house he saw them playing the funeral music and the noisy crowd was wailing and weeping and he said to them watch this make room for the girl is not dead but sleeping and they ridiculed him it was overcrowded with sorrow it was overcrowded with funeral songs it was overcrowded with weeping and depression and all kinds of sorrow going on in that house but Jesus said you need to make room and watch what happened the next verse says but when the crowd was put outside it was overcrowded and Jesus said I need some room to work here your life is sold for crowded I'm trying to get depression out of this house I'm trying to get weeping out of this house I'm trying to get defeat and death out of this house but you're so overwhelmed and over crowd and when he put the crowd outside he went in took her by the hand and the girl rose from the dead I wonder what we're missing with our overcrowded lives I wonder what power were missing with our over crowded lives Jesus is saying somebody needs to make room for me you're entangled with the cares of this life but if you would make room for me in the morning and go pray if you would make room for me and open up the book and read it if you would make room for me and love me more than a tiny seed on Sunday but if during your week daily you would come to me for daily bread I would begin you you and you talk about blessing when I find somebody who is not in it for the stuff they're in it for me then I'll take the limits of what I'll do and I'll provide everything they need and then some give God a big shout if you believe I'm preaching the truth the only challenge that Jesus and I feel the Lord right now the only challenge that Jesus had was to make room for the miracle the people were put out sometimes you have to put some people out to make room for Jesus sometimes you have to say you're important but he's more important and that your opportunity is good but he's more important the clutter stacked up packed up cluttered miss crowdedness of our life with worldly carnal temporal things other things we need a good spring cleaning we need a spiritual housecleaning where we make room for him in our homes again we make room for him in our families again the only vision some people have as a television you need to make room for him he wants to put a seed in your life that will guide you and direct you and anoint you and bless you and prosper you but if your life is so overcrowded with earthly things it chokes the power of the word out and you have no idea what you're missing everything you're going after is in Jesus and then seek first the kingdom and all these things will be added to you other things choked out over crowdedness choked out the potential of God's promise john 18 and verse 8 jesus said if therefore you seek me let these go let some stuff go if you're after me if I'm what you're searching for when you find me you've got to let some other things go let these go and make room for me sometimes you've got to choose am I going to have room for Jesus am I going to be is he gonna be the major thing in my life or am I gonna get so caught up in the cares of this life and in the deceitfulness of temporal riches that it chokes out my passion and my love for God let these things go Peter said this is that not this end that this is that turn loose of some things of this world now I want to take you to the Old Testament and I want to conclude with this story for Samuel chapter 10 is the story of Israel searching for the first king they would ever have his name was Saul and it's time the Bible said Samuel bro the Horn of all and he said God I'm ready to anoint someone it's your word to be king of Israel where are they Lord and notice the answer and when they inquired of the Lord if the man should yet come here the Lord answered behold he hath hid himself among the stuff God's ready to anoint a king but God couldn't find him and they couldn't find him because he was hiding in the things of this life the cares of this life he was hiding among the stuff just had this and I'm running over here and I'm going to this and that'll be fine and let's do that next weekend let's do this this weekend let's do that and I want you to have vacation I want you to do all that God's all for that but I'm talking about when I'm talking to blessed people and all of you are blessed whether you know it or not I'm talking to people who who have amazing opportunities the problem is with those opportunities they can become the biggest thing in your life instead of that seed of the promise and the revelation and purpose for which you are here and you begin to hide among the stuff don't get covered up with stuff there's a bumper sticker that people used to have on the cars some time back that I remember seeing that says he who dies with the most stuff wins their own he who dies with Jesus Christ wins and the call of the Spirit today is to come out of the stuff to come back to the priority of Jesus first in your life therefore having food and clothing let us be content sometimes we become so carnal the the deceitfulness of riches the the cares of this life another thing and another thing in a car in another car an abyss and this and another promotion and then and before we know it that is the biggest thing in our life in little Jesus is over here somewhere the test is not when you have nothing the test is when you have everything can Jesus still be this big deal and all of this stuff is a seed that's really not a big deal the Lord gives the Lord takes away I've learned to abound I've learned to to be a based it doesn't matter I love Jesus and thank God for this stuff this is a blessing but this is not why I serve the Lord I serve him because he's my Lord he's my Savior he's my master the question that I'm asking you is after you've been blessed can you give it all to him again what if God said to you today you know all that stuff that I've let you accumulate you didn't have to two nickels to rub together you didn't have nothing when I found you over all that I had when the Lord found me was a brokedown continental Lincoln a saxophone and a Bible and he has blessed me he has blessed my family we are blessed exceedingly and the Lord really worked this message into my soul and he said now the test is can you stand to be blessed or is that the biggest stuff in your life I'm telling you there is a call there is a joking that can come when you begin to begin to get into things more than you get into Jesus there's an anointing waiting for somebody who will come out of the stuff and when samuel had that horn of all he said saul come out of the stuff in the bible said he came up out of the stuff and when he got free from the entanglements of the cares of this life the business and more money and more deals and more opportunities and then nothing wrong with doing all of that we're put here to be productive winning successful people but the truth is when it gets out of poor Christian and suddenly the word is nothing but a tiny seed and church is just a tiny thing and going to church is just a little thing and reading the Bible and worshiping God during the week is a tiny portion of your life and all of this stuff is the big deal to you you're overcrowded but there's an anointing waiting for somebody who can come out of the stuff get out of the stuff throw down your stuff I dare you to say this morning God hears my stuff here's my career here's my house my this my that my dreams my aspirations my my desires everything that I'm working for here I'm sorry it's become too big and you become too little today I want to be an inverted iceberg I want what's in me Jesus under the surface you know that's what sunk the Titanic it wasn't the look there was just a little bit of that of the of the iceberg bird that was that was above the water the biggest part was unseen and that's true in our lives that if Jesus inside of you is not bigger than what people see on the outside you're not very powerful [Music] my life has been so overcrowded is that you no room for miracles no room for prayer no room for fasting no room for regular church attendance but God we surrender our stuff again I want to have I want to have an old-fashioned dedication service one where God goes deep inside and brings personal holiness back to us more than anything else we're in love with Jesus and we surrender our stuff and we surrender our things and we get loose from the cares of this life and the deceitfulness of materialism and we get turned back on to the biggest thing in our life ought to be the biggest joy should not be if I get this that and that and that and that's where I get my joy from the biggest joy ought to be Jesus [Music] [Applause] stand to your feet all over this room no one moving please would you raise your hands up toward heaven and say Lord I surrender my stuff I surrender to Hugh I've had I've had some choking going on choking the promise choking the things of God out of my life the things of God are the size of a seed versus the world and the cares of life and the pursuit of materialism it's become huge and it's choking the very spiritual life out of my dream and my call and my purpose and I've come today this Sunday morning in the middle of the summer of 2018 to say lord I give you my stuff I give you my my entanglements I give it to you I want you to be the biggest thing everything above the water that people see is great but that's not who I am Who I am is unseen because I know you I walk with you I love you I'm passionate about you I serve you and I want more of you than I've ever had if you could have seen where Jesus brought me from to where I am today then you know the reason why I love him so [Music] now you can take this world its wealth and its riches I don't it's my Jesus to for him now this is the truth some of your light what is he doing in the first service this morning I have not thought of this song to my knowledge I have not heard this song and at least it was so old they couldn't find it on the Internet finally somebody found and while in the alder service in the first service while I was while they were singing I heard that song that's the thing about when you've been in church all your life there's stuff down in there that you don't you have no idea what's in you and I'm telling you I heard it quick I heard it he's my I heard it singing in me and I stopped everything and these poor young guys in skinny jeans they don't know these songs I don't know no no they're good guys but all they know is bumpity-bump thump thump they don't know these songs but I just started singing I couldn't even remember the words and y'all know how I do I made up the whole verbs [Music] it's my Jesus you can sing it with me to live for Jesus it's my peace to [Music] for him I remember being Ritchie singing this in church we were just little bitty kids the Walton I fear and I brought him such it's my thing to for here come on everybody sing it whoa would have seen where Jesus brought me from the Oh Wow [Music] can't say this one it's jeez I feel like saying it's my vision I remember when this grilled my life to help someone today someone who they're like my verse is better than theirs and fail to see let me tell you why I too was lost I was so low but I found my way back ooh God is sure see where tea is a small to food you would know the reason why Oh this one it's where it's is [Music] I want every person who I'm preaching to this morning who would say pastor Franklin I love the Lord but the cares of this life the deceitfulness of materialism has begun to choke the passion the thrill the joy the innocence the purity the personal holiness of walking intimately with Jesus I feel like it's being choked and Jesus has become small and the thorns and the cares of this life have become huge and I would love this morning to sever and I'd love to come out of the stuff and I'd love to be set free now listen I close with this when you are covered up in things of this world all God needs from you he sees your heart and if your heart will turn back to him your direction is more important than your location if you'll just turn to him like the story of the prodigal when the when the prodigal started coming home the father knew he couldn't come out of all of it that he was entangled in so the father ran the moment that the direction turn direction is more important than present locations you may be covered up in addiction you may be covered up in things of this life you may be carnal and right now you just feel like you're barely alive spiritually but if you'll turn your heart back to God he'll pull you out of that stuff out of that damn find a loving relationship with the elegant I'm talking from the top of the building to the bottom to the front road to the back row and overflow wherever you're at at every campus if the Spirit of God is speaking to you through this message there is nothing more important than the cares of this life out there than what you do in here this morning and if you feel yourself a little lukewarm if you feel yourself a little cold if you feel like that the purpose and plan of God is kind of shrinking and the lure of the world is getting bigger you better hear this message today I fail God speaking to people today y'all know me I don't just play games when I get up here I've heard from God for you today they will not satisfy your soul get more get more get Fame get fortune and you'll end up a broken empty person if you don't have Jesus and if you want more I don't care who you are I don't care what you have done what titles you have if you want more of Jesus and less of the world I want you to get out of your seat and come stand down here and we're gonna sing this song again and here's the thing I feel like saying the Lord has a has a vessel of oil and he's saying who come out of the stuff who come out of the stuff who come out of the stuff if you'll come he'll anoint you with fresh or if you'll come he'll touch you again if you'll come you'll feel his presence you'll feel the fire you'll feel the passion you feel the anointing the oil is the anointing and he said I'm waiting on soul to come out of the stuff come on come on come on come on come on come on clap your hands shirts victories coming to many many many lives many many people are gonna shake off they're gonna shake off the shackles of a world of this line come on get down here it's important not to stand there if the Holy Spirit is nudging you swallow your pride and your sale and one down that out like you did when you first got saved humble yourself and yield the Holy Spirit this morning this is your altar call this is your altar thank gosh first person this is your altar call will you give it all to God again will you give it all jennice can you stand to be blessed can you be trusted if he insults you to a high place why would it give you more if you're miss handling the success he's already given you and it's bigger than he is and he's the one that gave it to you all I [Music] don't mean to just ramble up here but I'll never forget when my girls were real real little and I was taking them to school every day and back then the video games was called game boy y'all remember the little game boy it's a little portable that's like that's like pogo sticks or some game boy was a little bitty portable video game and I bought one for my little daughter Caroline I bought her one for Christmas and I picked her up from school and the first thing she wanted was her gameboy she told me to have it in the car orders and and so when she got in she's just a little bitty thing with freckles and pigtails and and and she said where's my gameboy daddy and I gave it to her and I tried to talk to her and she's just playing that game and I said Caroline how'd your day go and I all right one-word sentences that and you know it so I'm a bother she so got on my nerves that I reached over and grabbed a gameboy rolled the window down and almost tossed it and then I remembered how much it cost and I I put it down in the seat she said daddy what's wrong with you she said I said I gave you that that's bigger than I am in your life you don't have time to talk to me anymore you don't have time to use to giggle and we used to play a laugh but now they not give you all the game boys gave you the boat gave me the house gave you the car gave you the other car gave you the harlot gave you everything else and that's your world now that's your world now but come out of the stuff because here comes a fresh anointing here it comes throw your hands up begin to sing begin to worship begin to dedicate begin to consecrate begin to go after God right where you're standing from the top to the bottom all over this room throw your hands up begin to sing it begin to glorify Jesus if you could see where Jesus sprung me from [Music] [Applause] [Applause] for Oh see where tea very probably come today yeah you to they use this to No today watch me why I love him so oh you can this one come on let's bring in our stuff this well it's the real lyrics say I don't need Earth's pain I don't be it's mine these are [Music] say it again it's the desire has gripped me it's my [Music] [Music] every head bowed every eye closed everyone sealed very respectful of the Holy Spirit man there is no doubt in my mind that there's fixing to be a huge response because the anointing is moving mightily pastor I'm Baxley pastor I'm not right with God pastor I'm far from the Lord my life and what the enemy is choked my faith to death but this morning I felt a spark this morning while you're singing that song tearing my heart that's old-fashioned conviction buddy that's the Holy Spirit saying I still love you there's nothing like that little feeling you feel right now you have the attention of the God of the universe and he's saying to you come home just turn your heart to me I know you're entangled in some things but just turn your heart to me and in the moment you turn your heart to me man looks on the outward but I see your heart and you may be entangled and a lot of stuff has grips and choking you but you just turn your heart to me this morning and I'll come running I'll pull you out of the stuff I'll give you back your life your joy make room for me you're overcrowded make room for me if that's you and you don't know you're right with God and you want to get right with God this morning as boldly as you can raise your hand up as high as you can get it wherever you are all over this room all from the front to the back raise them high and unashamed raise them high and unashamed beautiful beautiful beautiful keep your hand up keep your hand up there now open your eyes and keep your hand up everybody open your eyes and and right now look around you and if you see someone with their hand raised I want you to gently put your hand on their shoulder gently we're gonna pray a prayer in Jesus is gonna hear this prayer and he's gonna cleanse you he's gonna save you he's gonna pull you out of the stuff and he's gonna begin a mighty work of restoration in your life everybody say these words especially those who raised their hands everybody together in one United prayer of faith pray these words Heavenly Father I come to you and I surrender my life in Jesus name there's no other name like the name of Jesus I turn my heart to you I surrender my life to you I bring my stuff to you I bring my wealth for you I bring my success to you it does not satisfy I need you the life giver I need you the life Liberator I need you in my life I surrender my life to your lordship it is my desire to live for Jesus it is my desire to come out of the stuff the entangled the addictions I want out I changed my direction and I know you'll get me home I can't make it home by myself so father come and run to me with mercy and grace I'll receive total forgiveness I am a child of God I am saved and now I receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit he's anointing my head with all my cup runs over my joy runs over I'm making room for a miracle to come to my family to my house to my future to my business to my finances I make room for you I put you on the throne whoa alright it's done says the Lord it's dad says the Lord you are free you are chosen you are forgiven you are cold you have purpose you are annoyed well can't be hands for the anointing cut your hands for the anointing clap your hands for the anointing I feel the anointing that great jokes and lift heavy burdens whoa Maori Maori we need to shout right sunset free it's Randy let me tell you what you need to do if you just playing games don't do this but if you prayed that prayer and minute the most important steps you will take is back to the back of this church right by the cafeteria and there is a connections lounge and you go over there and say I want to get signed up for next steps the first thing they'll do is get you signed up for water baptism why is that important because Jesus commanded that you do it commanded that you do it and when you do when you go down into the water it buries the old you and when you come up out of the water it means you're announcing to the world I am done it's under the blood and the Red Sea has covered up my past and I'm a new creation you need to do that you need to do that and get in next steps because miracles are coming to your house if you'll make room if you'll make room and you've done that you've begun that now finish it God will bless you are you ready for the blessing how many have you been blessed this morning just because I feel like singing some days I just feel like singing I don't care if I sound good or not I just feel like singing I'm gonna sing that one again I love that old song I don't know why we hadn't thought of that one in a long time ago she took two decades to remember in that a good song turn to somebody say it's my desire it's my desire to live for Jesus if you don't go it's not gonna stop me cuz I have a desire to follow Jesus you ready here's the blessing don't forget to fast and pray on Winston let's believe all you volunteers are amazing thank you for signing up we need your help this week at forward conference and now may the Lord bless you and keep you make his face shine on you be gracious under you lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace and give you power and give you his presence this week in amazing ways be blessed everybody we love you if you could have seen where Jesus before you can leave [Music] and as we're leaving here today I want to encourage you once again if you have not yet registered for for student conference to that it's going to be taking place starting this Thursday night down at the infinite energy center in Atlanta you can go to forward conference dot o-r-g and register today I promise you you'll be disappointed and we only have a few spots left we have elevation worship Hillsong young and free Jesus culture and so many other guest speakers I promise you it's gonna touch your lives to go to forward conference dot o-r-g register right now you'll also sponsor a student if you yourself can not attend we have hundreds of students that honestly cannot afford to attend this conference so you can go to that same length register and we will we will then distribute those tickets to those in need so we invite you to joining us in those efforts as well again forward conference dot o-r-g check it out today but we love you so much we're thrilled that you joined us here for another great service every Chapel and we'll see you next Sunday morning [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Free Chapel
Views: 201,757
Rating: 4.8358746 out of 5
Keywords: free chapel, music, worship, jesus, christ, sermon, church, god, jentezen, franklin, christian, stuff and things, jentezen franklin 2018 sermons, jentezen franklin sermons, free chapel services, kindom connection, two enemes that we must overcome, Finances, success, influence, spiritual growth
Id: 8qSHD99zv0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 46sec (2986 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 01 2018
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