God’s Promise For Broken Families | Pastor Jentezen Franklin

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] praise the lamb of god praise you jesus praise you jesus oh we love you today lord this is how we fight our battles we get in your presence we shout we sing we stir up the gifts that are in us hallelujah praise god praise god praise god praise god [Music] and lord in this anointed atmosphere in the name of jesus i speak healing i speak health i speak breakthrough i speak freedom i speak healing and restoration i thank you that you are everything they have sung and so much more and you are our god and your glory is in this house and we recognize it we even feel your presence lord it's not like a just another day but we're in your presence right now and there's nothing like it and we just want you to know that we adore you that we still love you [Music] that in the good times we'll praise your name and in the tough times we'll do the same nothing's going to ever cause us to stop doing this because you're worthy all the time and we give you the praise now everybody at every campus put your hands together and lift your voice and give god a shout of triumph hallelujah glory to god there are there are people being healed in your body right now and you have tried to get better but jesus is passing by by the holy spirit he can do that by the holy spirit everywhere at the same time and i know he's everywhere but when he begins to manifest his presence there's a difference in the room and we sense his presence in an unusual way here today and it's to heal you is to heal families is to heal minds is to heal [Music] physical diseases in the name of jesus lord stretch forth your hand to heal right here right now i just claim miracles signs and wonders deliverance freedom hope joy relief yokes break burdens lift and we cast it at the feet of jesus and when you got through with that man in mark chapter 5 that i'm thinking about right now that was so tormented by the enemy he was and in his right mind and i thank you for that peace and joy unspeakable in the presence of the lord and let the church say amen and amen smile at somebody tell them you love them i appreciate y'all y'all look great up there singing so great all of you great great great worship to god be the glory i want you to open your bibles with me to the book of jeremiah actually go to matthew and we'll end up in jeremiah but go to the book of matthew chapter 2 for just a few moments i'm going to preach a message that god is laid upon my heart and i pray that he makes it as real to you as he has to me all you need is a word from the lord a word from god changes everything and you can come in one way and leave totally changed whole new perspective and i'm praying that kind of transformation takes place at every one of our campuses god is going to speak so let him do it in matthew chapter 2 and verse 16 then herod when he saw that he was deceived by the wise men were exceeded was exceedingly angry and he sent forth and put to death all the male children who were in bethlehem in all its districts from two years old and under according to the time which he had determined from the wise men then was fulfilled what was spoken by jeremiah the prophet saying a voice was heard in rhema lamentation weeping and great mourning rachel weeping for her children refusing to be comforted because they are no more her children are gone and she's weeping this is an amazing text in matthew the second chapter because everything proceeding and following immediately it's it's almost like it's inserted in the middle of a story it has nothing to do with matthew 2 is the story of the birth of christ and yet right in the middle of it all this joy all these angels all these appearing of messengers from heaven proclaiming and singing on the hills of bethlehem a savior is born right in the middle of that it it it seems like that this text is out of place it's not a new utterance this rachel weeping it's not a new utterance it's one that goes all the way back to the book of genesis let me tell you the story behind it three times this is mentioned in the scripture and and i'm going to walk you through something you'll understand where i'm going but this is a message to families today the story begins in genesis 35 and there's a woman by the name of rachel she is married to jacob you remember the story her younger sister was given by the father to jacob and he married her and now he's married rachel and rachel was barren she could not have children and she was so grieved that she prayed an unbelievable prayer desperate prayer and she said god give me children let me have children or let me die i am so desperate for children i'd rather die if you're not going to give them to me and god heard her cry and god gave her a miraculous child a promise a child with enormous potential that would ultimately save the whole world during the worst famine this planet has ever seen by the way this is historical facts too that there was a man that or a boy a child that was born that would become a great man his name was joseph that was the first birth then some years later as joseph grew up to be a toddler she gets pregnant again and she is in the ninth month of pregnancy and her husband jacob decides to go to bethlehem and they're on the road to bethlehem and along the journey something tragic happens she begins to go into labor on the road riding a donkey headed to bethlehem five miles north of jerusalem is a little town called rhema and there under a tree she begins to have this child her sister is the midwife she does everything she can for her but something tragically goes wrong in the birthing and the second child benjamin is born and he's healthy he would become the lineage of the kings of israel would come from the tribe of benjamin so these two children are incredibly full of potential and something was wrong and while she's holding one baby in her hands that is newborn and her little toddler joseph is standing there and her husband jacob she realizes i'm dying and she begins to weep she says i will not see my children anymore she's weeping rachel weeping for her children and as she dies brokenhearted her husband and her sister and those little children are there and they have to pry her fingers off of her lifeless body and little joseph is taken away and there the bible said that jacob buried her under a tree at rhema to this day in israel when you go to israel it is a holy landmark rhema rachel's tomb it is a very prophetic place and very very very important to the jewish people to this day it was a place that represented when a mother was separated from her children there was weeping there was crying the whole family was broken and divided death had come and separated and little children had went one direction and the mother has gone another direction and the whole family is grieving its division it's separation it's brokenness it's broken-hearted they're on the dusty road to bethlehem nobody ever expected this family to be in this place at this time and right there in that spot birth and death intersected the place where she was buried was called rhema now i want you to fast forward to the year 586 bc and there nebuchadnezzar many years later after rachel has been buried in that very spot and she wept for her children in heaven heard her cry now you move and nebuchadnezzar invades israel from babylon he comes and he invades with his massive army and he decimates the nation and he destroys the city of jerusalem and he kills many but he had a secret service this is all in the bible in second kings 24 and he said i want you to get 10 000 young people as my prisoners to take back to babylon to build my kingdom i want the most talented i want the most gifted young people the children the teenagers the youth the young young people those who are most physically fit those who are wisest those who are strongest those who are full of potential those who are gifted those who obviously have something very very brilliant about them maybe in arts maybe in music maybe in some area that they can i don't want their talents left here in the kingdom of god nebuchadnezzar had the spirit i'm going to enslave them i'm going to put chains on them and he says this i want 10 000 of them go get the children go get the young people go get the grandchildren of all these godly people in jerusalem and chain them up he said i want you to go to rhema and have a holding pen much like the concentration counts during the holocaust you've got a holding pen where you hold them until we do whatever we want to do with them and i want you to see in the very place in and this now is where jeremiah 31 kicks in jeremiah 31 is the second utterance of the same verse that we've been focusing on and so i want you to see the picture i want you to get in your mind the picture i'm just going to tell it like i want to share it today but i could see it as as now the city is in shambles and the homes have been destroyed many have been murdered killed looted everything you can't imagine but there are still some people who are very poor the scripture said and destitute they go out five miles from the city and the rubble and there behind the barbed wire fence they see their children their sons their daughters that daughter that could sing so well that son that was so brilliant that other child that was so gifted 10 000 of them being chained if they resisted they would be beat like the nazi soldiers in in in world war ii cruel vicious you know some of them resisted and they were beaten chained he gathered them 10 000 outside at a place called rhema and here's the parents realizing they're leaving they're taking them captive back to babylon and we can't go my children i could can you hear a mother as she's weeping for her baby and this baby and the son or the child some of them were toddlers some of them were teenagers some of them were in their 20s or 30s and they're weeping they realize i'll never see my mother my father again this is a day that changes our family forever division separation chains bondage being taken into babylon and suddenly the bible said in jeremiah 31 something happens right in the middle of that in jeremiah 31 and 15 a voice was heard in rhema it's lamentation and bitter weeping rachel weeping for her children refusing to be comforted because her children are no more what he's saying is it's like the ghost of rachel came back up hundreds of years later in the very spot where her children were ripped from her pride from her fingers and she wept as she realized i'm dying and my children all my hopes and dreams i'll never see them accomplished now up from the up from the sepulcher of of that tomb her voice above the the the the chains rattling above the weeping and crying appearance as the as the group begins to move going in the direction of babylon slaves now to an evil evil master and pharaoh nebuchadnezzar above that comes this shreel this this eerie voice of weeping rachel weeping like a ghost weeping in that very spot that ten 000 children that were raised in the temple that were taught the word of god had the entire old testament memorized meaning the the first five books of the bible memorize this is a normal jewish this would be how jesus would have been raised they they they knew now they're slaves 10 000 of them been targeted by nebuchadnezzar and his secret service saying their talents will not remain in the kingdom they're going to build babylon my kingdom and there's this voice this eerie piercing weeping voice of rachel is heard weeping for her children for they are no more i promise i'm going somewhere so just stay with me when i read that and i i read that about those 10 000 children the lord spoke to my heart and said that is exactly what satan is doing in this generation he is coming after teenagers he is coming after children he is coming into families and homes and separating and destroying and binding in chains of addiction chains of alcoholism drug addiction chains of occult chains of sexual immorality chains of of of so-called freedom that is not freedom at all and it leads only to a place of torment and brokenness and hopelessness and he's coming and rachel the mothers are weeping weeping families are weeping and crying and it's such an amazing thing that both of those incidents happen at the same place and then i want you to see one more you have to fast forward five centuries from that moment and one more time the ghost of rachel shows up on planet earth her voice is heard weeping and it's the story of christmas it's the story of the birth of christ and do you remember what happened in the middle of that see it's the same demon that came after the children in nebuchadnezzar's day it just possessed a man named harry and when the wise men show up and they say we follow the star a king is being born then herod becomes insanely jealous and he puts out a command that all of the children male two years of age and under he says kill them all and you're not going to believe this but your bible said that they took all the little children herded them up male children two years of age and under this insane herod history records that he was so insane so jealous that he murdered his own sons he murdered his own children all of his relatives all of them he decimated his family and now that spirit has turned on a whole generation of sons and they it's called in scripture the the slaughter of the innocents and guess where this horrible thing is taking place in a spot five miles north of jerusalem called rhema and as herod is having the little two-year-old children male children executed parents children guards taking children from homes you'd hear it in neighborhoods as they burst through the doors and take the two-year-old and under sons and take them to this holding pen and parents and mothers weeping for their children for they are no more following their little children the baby reaching for the pain the sorrow of separation of division of hurt of a family being torn to pieces and seemingly no hope and they get to this spot called rhema and there a slaughter is taking place and there are the parents again generations later weeping for their children and they can't find comfort this is horrible we can't get out of this pain our family we can't get out of this oh my god this can't happen to us our family and right in the middle of it the ghost of rachel comes up again in the christmas story and he says it quoting the prophet jeremiah a voice in matthew 2 was heard there it is in rhema lamentation weeping rachel weeping for her children refusing to be comforted it all happened on the dusty road to jerusalem or to the dusty road to bethlehem now i want you to see it the bible said mary and joseph were warned by god in a dream to get out of there and take their son who had so much potential name jesus and hide him in egypt he's going to egypt take him by night and so they go and they're hiding there and matthew lets us know that herod is trying to kill the children and ladies and gentlemen here's where i'm trying to get to satan is attempting to destroy an entire generation of young people in the hour in which we live if you can't see that if you can't understand that if you don't know that he has come through this church and anyone every church and every home that has endeavored and tried to raise a godly family and his demonic spirits have targeted our children our children's children they are under attack like never before and it looks like he's picked up thousands he's targeted 10 000 children and rachel has been weeping and matthew pens the same words children separated families torn apart bondage slavery sin addiction depression suicide those chains are all over this generation eating disorders vaping smoking their life away killing themselves chained up can't get free can't get hope can't get faith they've lost it all and hell is laughing in the nebuchadnezzar spirit says i am going to have your children say goodbye you'll never see them again and the thing that he that i want you to understand i've never heard anybody preach this from matthew chapter 2 at christmas time have you this is a part of the christmas story nobody it's almost like what is that doing in there i i hear the angels i see the virgin mary it's a beautiful story now the babies are born and here comes the wise men what a beautiful can i be honest i can't relate to the virgin mary the the part of the story that we can relate to the most we've missed we can't relate to virgin mary having a baby i don't care how holy you think you are you are not that holy nor is anybody in your crazy family i can't relate to angels showing up in big choirs on mountaintop singing the hallelujah course i can't relate to i can't relate to to to to gabriel showing up and in my house i can't relate to it you know what i can relate to more than anything else that we ignore and say oh that's just that part i'm gonna read through that and get to the good part the part of families weeping and being torn to pieces marriage is being torn to pieces families in disarray and rubble and shambles after hell has rode through and taken captive sons and daughters that were raised in church that have enormous potential calling called by god to be who they are for the kingdom of god not the kingdom of this world and he's kidding out their talent and he's kidding out their anointing and he's kidnapped their gifting and he's kidding out their skills and their amazing abilities and he's taking them away from the church taking them away from the family taking them away from godly influences taking them away and it looks like it's over but i just want to say no wonder we skip over that part but that's the one part that everybody can relate to there's always someone there's some son who's strung out on drugs and there's a mother weeping i want my boy back there's a there's a there's there's a daughter who's shacking up with some guy somewhere raised in kid pack raised in this church and hell says i've got him and mama's weeping and dad's weeping and parents are broken and separation has come there's a young older sister or younger sister or an older brother and the whole family they don't even it's so separated it's so messed up it looks like there's no hope but i've come today not to depress you i've come today to give you a word from the lord i've come today to tell you the hell's secret service that has targeted our children and our children's children need to hear this we are going to see our families come back to everything they've been raised in and i want to give you scripture on it here's what happens in jeremiah 31 and verse 16. he says this see it starts out with her weeping but then comes this great prophetic promise in the last few verses of the chapter thus says the lord refrain your voice from weeping rachel parents grandparents and your eyes from tears here it is for your work will be rewarded says the lord you know that's what the devil whispers the parents and grandparents it didn't work all that taking them to church all that getting them up and getting them ready all that reading the bible all that praying for them before they got out of the car all that laying on the hands it didn't work all that 21 days of fasting it didn't work it didn't work look at there there they go there they go here the chains jingling look at there look at there they i got them drugs have got them i got them i got this in them i got that they're getting in that they're getting around that crowd they're doing this they're doing that i don't care what you think you've got my bible said i don't care if you believe this or not because this is what it's going to take to see miracles in your family he said our work shall be rewarded says the lord raise them up in the way they should go they may go through hell they may go through some crazy things but when they are old time's gonna catch up with them grace is gonna catch up with them the goodness of god is gonna catch up with them and they're gonna hit that pig pen and they're gonna turn around and they're gonna come to themselves and they're going to say i'm headed home they shall come back from the land of the enemy everybody shouted they shall come back from the land of the enemy you got a kid in depression say it they shall you got a kid in some kind of addiction say it they shall come back from the land of the enemy now that's what i believe watch this next verse there is hope all you who've been separated all you who are going through hell in your family all you who have an empty seat at the table all of you who've been weeping and crying there is hope in your future says the lord that your children shall come back to their own border i cannot stand your pitiful little golf clap i'm not playing golf i'm up here and i'm preaching the promise of god to your family and you better get a hold of it because psychology can't fix it doctors can't fix it counselors can't fix it this is a job for jesus and when jesus comes the tempter's power is broken now shout if you believe it they're coming back [Applause] i don't know how long i don't know what they're going to look like but they're coming back i'm an atheist now i'm trying eastern religion now go ahead go ahead you're coming back there's too much blood on you that's too much anointing on you there's too much purpose and calling on you he didn't say the weapon wouldn't be formed he said it would not be fulfilled he said no weapon form would prosper and when the enemy comes in like a flood the spirit of the lord will raise up the standard so i'm just here today to deliver the word of the lord that i don't care what and i want to say to all of the young people y'all can sit down y'all trying to hurry me up all you young people listening to me right now you in the eyes of satan are not like your friends who don't have a home that they were raised in to fear and honor god that's your problem god is not going to treat you like he treats other children that were not fortunate enough to be raised in that crazy home where your mama and daddy actually had standards for you because they believe in your potential and thus says the lord there is a nebuchadnezzar spirit that is targeting the youth of the church and he wants to take ten thousand of them into dark dark places but today we stand on the promise of god and we declare they shall come home from the land of the enemy i don't need everybody but if i could get a hundred dads and a hundred moms moms who've been weeping moms who've been tossing grandmas who's been bleeding and crying and fasting and praying now you wanted a word you got a word we're gonna make hell paid the devil's gonna regret ever messing with any of our children the devil's gonna regret ever messing with any touching any of our daughters we're gonna make hell pain i closed with this but last night i was just reading through some notes i like to do that and just i don't know it just it's just how i get where i need to go and i'll spend hours doing that just reading through things and i had written on an old old old outline true conversion the words true conversion and i had written up under hand written i had written up under it everybody who comes to the altar and prays jesus forgive me does not get saved not everybody people say i've been converted but they've not had a true conversion and let me tell you what i mean and i had a reference to the book of acts and when saul of tarsus who would become the great apostle paul was riding and killing christians and god jesus appeared to him in his resurrected body and knocked him off his high horse you remember that story he had a sun stroke saw a bright light not a issue in stroke and s.o.n the son of god and and it knocked him off the horse and he's grappling around like a blind man groping and all of a sudden the first thing that came out of his mouth and this is how you know if you've had a true conversion was what would you have me to do you want me to change jobs you don't like the drama you want me to get rid of these friends what would if you've not encountered jesus i if you came down and you just left just like you came and you didn't ask that question what do you want me to do you are not saved if something in you said i'll give it all up what do you want me to let go of what what what i'll trade the whole world what would you have me do i'll change my career i'll change my job i'll change my friends i'll change any and everything i want to know what do that's how you know you've been converted this stuff will come down here cause i had a hard week and i'm in a lot of trouble and i might have to go to jail and everything so lord please that's not your conversion true conversion says if i have to go to jail i'm going to jail with jesus if i have to go whatever i have to go through i don't even care i'm not asking you to get rid of that i'm not asking you to fix this i'm not asking you to make this right and then i'll get right no i'm saying what would you have me do and when you meet him like you're supposed to meet him it's not i i it is your natural reaction and i wonder how many people are sitting in church lost and on their way to hell because they've never they think i can come in here and name the name of jesus and go out and sleep with my boyfriend this afternoon or next week and i'm fine no you're not you're going to go to hell i don't know any other way to say it if that offends you then the bible offends you because when you have a true conversion it changes your whole life would you have me to do how many of you got saved like that was it that real that there was nothing the holy spirit asks you that you aren't ready and willing to give up if you've not had that encounter you need to get in the altar because this thing is not a game just about the time i get a good crowd back i got to get up and preach something like this that's about how it goes isn't it but one thing about it i'm going to take some people to heaven with me and brother let me tell you where the joy's at when you say what would you have me to do man that's when you start living when you get off the fence when you get one foot out of the world one foot in the church and you jump in and you say give me my cross i don't care who likes me and who doesn't like me i will follow jesus no turning back get up on your feet and shout and praise god if you've had a true conversion a true conversion a true conversion you gave it all up when you got saved you were willing to get out of the bar you were willing to get out of the mess you got out of that bed of adultery and if you didn't you've not had a true conversion what would you not my will what would you have me to do wow thank you holy spirit see you can't come to you you can't come to a holy ghost church like this and not get your little bell rung the holy ghost is coming to town i'm telling you what they were singing there's revival coming and it starts with repentance it starts with people falling on their knees and saying i am so sorry oh god my heart grieves because i failed you now because i got caught how many uh how many of you would agree with me that we can reach 10 000 teenagers this summer not i i need some faith people 10 000 this summer we're about to have forward conference they've already got and we're going to do it in this building we're going to have multiple services and we're having a limit let some people come in one service another they've already got 14 000 or 16 000 i think it was he told me this morning registered in the multiple services how many of you want to make hell pay for the children that that nebuchadnezzar spirit has taken out i wonder i wonder if i could get i wonder if i could get 500 young people to feel the altar right now i wonder if i could get some young people who would say i want to encounter god in such a way that my response is what do you want me to do i'll do anything you want me to do i want every teenager i want every 20-something i want every young person who wants more of god to get out of your seat and come forward come as quick as you can [Music] god puts you on my heart come on you're not alone we've been weeping over you but he said refrain your eyes from weeping mama i want every mother i want every father to lift your hands lift your hands on behalf of your family and begin to cry out to gods cry out to god they're coming home from the land of the enemy come on come on come on come on come on come on come on something breaks when you move toward god on his word [Music] the pastors are coming at every campus just be led and do what you want to do we're going to lift our hands and we're going to worship his love is running after raise your hands and james will break raise your hands and james will break surrender and say what would you have me do what am i doing that you don't want me to do [Music] because if he takes something he's gonna give you something better in his place if he requires something for you to give up it's only because he's holding back his best waiting on your obedience [Music] see [Music] is [Music] now i want every mom and grandma and dad and grandpa in this room who can relate to this part of the christmas story more than you can any other part separation pain hurt tears family brokenness dysfunction pain addiction depression suicide self-hatred self-mutilation [Music] i want you to hear the promise and i want to put that last verse up one more time where he said i'm making you a promise you have a bright future of hope see the enemy wants you to get to the place that you just weep and you just keep weeping and you just keep crying and sorrow takes over your life but we resist that he's not giving us that spirit of fear and heaviness it may not change overnight it may go on for months and months i don't know it doesn't matter i'm driving a stake in the ground and i'm saying in the name of jesus your children shall come back to what they were raised in i must have all the presbyterians in this service because if i had any pentecostals they'd be shouting right now they'd be shouting on the devil's head that's just my own i mean if i had a meter i would have to say that the nine o'clock service outshouted you big time today so i've got the i've got the heathen crowd right here at 11 right now i know it it's good glad you're here aren't you tired aren't you tired of the pain the separation the fussing the arguing the hurting wounding aren't you tired of it aren't you tired of the drama just all the time aren't you ready to say lord what would you have me do first of all let me do this not for any of that but because i need you so right where you are all over this room and all of our campuses every head bowed every eye closed and just the fact that all these young people came down front right here touches my heart because i know you're hurting i know the pain is real i know that you heard the voice of satan or his demons whisper to you just give up he thinks he's got his chains on you he thinks he's got you and you can't change and you can't turn around but god's goodness is running after you it's not waiting on you to get back is coming where you are to bring you up and to bring you out you have a good future full of hope that's what that text said and it was directed to families and to children and to parents so everybody who would say pastor i really need a true conversion i know i'm not right with god i don't i just do my thing and i hope that i don't die and go to hell you don't have to hope and guess and it's not making you happy so it's time for a change pastor pray for me i want a true conversion i want the bible born-again experience starting right here right now i surrender if that's you i want you to raise your hands as high as you can get it that's fantastic that's fantastic hands all over this building amazing amazing amazing this will work this will bring you joy if you will surrender on here we go pray this prayer lord jesus i surrender my life to you wash me cleanse me forgive me what would you have me to do what do you want me to change who do you want me to change where do you want me to change show me who you want me to be because i know from this day forward i am yours i belong to you and i will go where you lead me in jesus name chain of depression break say it chain of depression break chain of addiction break say it chain of addiction break chain of fear break and now just take a moment and raise those saved hands hallelujah you're a new creation and everybody in this room let's take just a moment and thank him and praise him can we just thank him and praise him we don't have to sing just thank him and praise him just thank him in praise and miracles are happening miracles miracles miracles and whatever he tells you to do if he says now get rid of that get that out of your life that's not good for you that's taking you nowhere good all you're going to do is end up in the in the dark place if you go there so let's get that out let's take care of that his grace is running after you you keep coming go back there and get baptized well how you do that you get signed up and i'll baptize you up here and when you go down things are going to die in your life and when you come up you're going to have an amazing experience because the bible promised it so go on and get signed up and then call all your crazy friends and say come watch me get baptized because you and i used to party together we almost killed ourselves on that stuff and you know what i'm happy now i don't have a perfect life but i have a joy that i can't explain that comes through jesus i'm gonna baptize people up here in a few weeks you need to get your name on it are you ready how many of you received this message today for your family for your family you got anybody hurting in your family all right receive this blessing i speak it over the families and now may the lord bless you and keep you make his face shine on you be gracious unto you lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace in your home in jesus mighty name we love you so much i'm so proud of every one of you forward conferences coming up and you can still get in because we favor our own a little bit so we're going to get you a seat if you're from free chapel but you need to get signed up don't forget to give this week they're giving stations all over the campus you can go online and you can give we do appreciate your faithfulness to the kingdom of god you're amazing oh yeah free chapel youth tonight at five o'clock at the north campus hundreds of youth will be gathering if you're a teenager you don't want to miss that and that will be this sunday night tonight at 5 p.m at the north campus is that right ben will be singing music praise and worship there's going to be some great great things going on the last week of june is forward conference re-re done right here in this place and it's gonna be fun it's gonna be powerful reggie dabs and all kinds of bands if you can get in you really have favor and you do because i said i would get you in so get signed up though you can't just show up you got to get registered it's free it's free we're doing it totally free so get your kids in it get your grandkids in it it's a week of transformation that's guaranteed they are here they will be changed i promise you wow what a powerful service that was this morning man from worship to the word to every part it was so powerful but before we go any further we just want to say today you made the choice to dedicate your life to jesus we want to first off say congratulations we are so proud of you we are so happy for you and we're here to walk through this journey with you so we want to invite you to text you the word yes to 510 510 again that's the word yes to 510 510 so we can personally get connect with you and give you some next steps on your journey and i just want to take a moment to thank you for your giving whether it be your time or your finances we are very appreciative and grateful for everything you guys do for us in this season and if you need prayer over anything we have a whole prayer team and you can take prayer to 5 10 5 10. yeah it's just helpful for somewhere for someone to be there for you you know and yeah just pray to 5 10 5 10 if you have anything need to be prayed over and we'd love to be praying for you and with you yes well guys that's all for our time with you we want to invite you guys to invite a family member next week to watch with you whatever sending them our youtube or maybe bringing them in person we want to invite you guys to just expand the family we are a family and family can never be too big you know never family can never be too big and we have been able to be blessed by the family so we just want to expand it no one is undeserving of that blessing so we just want to invite more people to the fam so make sure you share this with a friend and i'll pray over you guys we'll continue on with our sunday but lord thank you so much for our online family i pray god this word would just connect in their hearts jesus i pray lord that they would stay on guard against the attacks of the enemy just as pastor preached today but throughout their week they would just be able to identify satan trying to creep in and destroy and that they would stand on guard and if they have any young people whether it be their sons their daughters their friends whatever it be i pray god that they would just stand in the gap and protect those young people and protect themselves god i thank you for protecting us above every single thing we love you lord we pray all these things in your mighty mighty son jesus name amen amen and then y'all we will see you next week [Music] you
Channel: Free Chapel
Views: 100,240
Rating: 4.888844 out of 5
Id: 0FKRik7k8rE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 22sec (3322 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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