How To Be More Blessed Than Ever Before | Pastor Jentezen Franklin

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[Music] well praise the lord would you stand one more time with me please all over the building all of you that are joining us at all of our campuses can we give them a warm welcome this morning all of you there at orange county and gwinnett spartanburg and midtown and and soon to be braselton we're pretty excited about that and our online campus did you hear that we have 5 000 members of our online campus you guys are amazing i remember when we started with just a few that started watching and now to know that there are just hundreds of thousands that watch these services every week when it when before the seven days are over it's really a remarkable thing i'm believing god today to speak to you and to speak to us in a powerful way how many of you have had the need of god's miracles in your life like never before can i see your hand [Applause] i i want you to just kind of relax musicians and singers maybe maybe just a minute i want to tell you that we're going to pray and we're going to pray for miracles right now how many of you are facing some of the most challenging times in your family or in your business or in your marriage or in your home or in your workplace let me see your hand this is just look first of all i want to say you're not alone everybody's going through it now and i'm afraid sometimes we just go through church and people leave carrying that heavy load jesus cares let him do the heavy lifting today let him help you today let him speak faith to you today about your future i want all of the people who are here who are 25 and under to raise your hand 25 and under raise your hand high keep your hand up just a moment because i feel such a burden for this group right here 25 and under because they're going through some stuff that they have never faced and it's not unique in your home or their home it's my home it's everybody's home these kids and i call you kids cause i'm an old guy but i'm gonna tell you i know i know you're going through stuff it's messing with your mind it's messing with your heart it's messing with you you're struggling and it's okay that you're struggling and i just want to tell you jesus loves you it's going to be all right this stuff is going to be over after a while life is going to come back better than ever before by god's grace come on say amen and i just really feel like saying that to everybody at every campus why don't you why don't you you can't hug them you can't touch them but why don't you look at them real sweet right now if they had their hand up and say with your lips i love you in the name of jesus and i'm praying for you father i pray for miracles today i don't know why you put it on me that when they were singing that last song i heard the word the lord said ask me for miracles today and lord i pray for miracles for businesses and i pray for miracles for finances and for people who need healing and health and those who need a miracle of a physical touch today oh god give miracles that only can be explained by the goodness and grace of god touch the young people oh god strengthen them undergird them lift them up give them hope give them peace give them a future let them know that you see where they are and their chosen vessels oh god touch them today by your mighty power touch marriages and homes and families in the precious name of jesus i pray and everybody who receives a miracle for your life say praise the lord and clap your hands and do it with some joy right now that's it that's it that's it that's it come on praise him a little bit more just a little bit more sometimes you have to tell the devil i'm about fed up with your trash talking i'm going to praise the lord i'm gonna give him the glory this is what this is what we are trained for this is what we've been preparing for these are these are perilous times but god is with us god is with us god is with us hallelujah and we're gonna make it and you're gonna make it you're gonna make it you're gonna make it the devil is a liar you're going to make it you're going to make it you're going to smile again you're going to see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living again hallelujah praise the lord smile down on our families smile down on our homes oh god on our children and our children's children [Music] say out loud this positive confession in the name of jesus come on i want to hear you in the name of jesus at every campus and that includes online out loud in the name of jesus i am an overcomer in the name of jesus i was born to win in the name of jesus i will triumph in christ in the name of jesus i am more than a conqueror in the name of jesus i will see victory now give the lord one more mighty praise i tell you there's power in that name there's power in our faith there's power in doing what we're doing together right now you feel it don't you you feel that hope arising in jesus name [Music] in jesus name it's gonna be all right it's a mess it's a mess it feels out of control feels like [Music] paul put it like this in second corinthians 4. i'm going to try to remember the whole verse but he basically said in second corinthians 4 i'm giving him a hint back there we're perplexed but not distressed we're pressed down that's not the one we're pressed down but not forsaken anybody know what i'm talking about we're more than conquerors we're troubled on every side everybody make this our confession out loud ready we're troubled on every side yet not distressed we're perplexed but not in despair we're persecuted but not forsaken we are cast down but not destroyed hallelujah give me the rest of it always buried in the body of the lord jesus he is our victory do you believe that shall praise the lord what are you doing i'm giving you a gospel the gospel is a gospel and it'll give you it'll be a picker-upper for you and and receive it get it in your spirit get that gloom out get some joy in hallelujah and we've been through hell the last eight months and we're here and we might as well just have a joy joyful joyful celebration jesus is alive and he's coming again the devil told me the other night when i was laying in the bed he said i'm gonna give you covet you know what i said i really did in my spirit it came right from the holy ghost i said you can't threaten me with heaven you think the worst you can do to me is try to kill me and you think you can threaten me and scare me with heaven to live is christ to die is gain [Applause] i really believe that there's eternal life through jesus christ and i believe i'm in the shelter of the almighty and you know what his grace is sufficient if you get it he's god if you don't get it he's still god whatever he's in control and he's your keeper the lord is my keeper the lord is my shepherd come on and praise him praise him praise him praise him amen and i feel good you feel good then you ought to be thankful how many of you ate too much for thanksgiving and that's proof you feel good how many of you could taste the turkey that's proof that you should be feeling good right now and now you can be seated because i'm going to preach and i'm not going to preach long but i've got good news to share with you today it's just been one thing after another this year hasn't it thursday we got a phone call we were in california with our family and i preached out in our church in orange county last last sunday out in the parking lot under the cross and had almost 1500 people out there worshiping and praising god was amazing and so we got a call thursday and my mother-in-law charisa's mom pat had to be rushed to the emergency room and they found out that she had the major artery to the heart 99 clogged and they did a catheterization and did the stent and put it in there and everything went great and they said now we got to do it again because there's another artery that's 85 closed and they did it yesterday morning and she's coming home this afternoon and to god be the glory to god be the glory devil you can't threaten us with heaven praise the lord all right matthew chapter 6 say i want some good news well here it is matthew chapter six i want to begin reading with verse 19 do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth where the moth and rust destroy where thieves break in and steal lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust destroys nor thieves break in and steal here's the big one verse 21 for where your treasure is there your heart will be also isn't that powerful while we're in there go to verse 33 but seek first the kingdom of god in his righteousness and things shall be added to you things shall be added to you how to be blessed more than ever before how to be more blessed than ever before i want to talk to you about this sermon that jesus preached on the mount of olives the sermon on the mount is this famously called it started in chapter 5 and chapter 6 is also the same sermon jesus preached really and it goes into the next one partially jesus preached three chapters in one sermon so don't complain about my messages amen but i want you to see how important it is and what you do to be more blessed than ever even in the circumstances that we're in what i'm going to share with you today is the secret to a more blessed life giving doesn't come naturally to people people have to be taught what the word of god says forbes magazine recently had an article by a theologian that they put in their secular magazine money magazine and they said a stat astonishingly this scholar said that the second most often referred to topic in the bible is money and possessions second only to forgiveness repentance and love is money and possessions 2 350 verses are in the bible on money jesus said more about money than he did about heaven or hell combined why why jesus used 11 out of 39 parables to teach about money and stewardship why 15 of jesus recorded words were about money it almost makes me mad to hear that money with all the things money there must be more to it than just money there must be something about money and what we do with it that is critical to our relationship with god the bible said in the text that i read that where a man's treasure is there his heart is going to be also what does that mean your heart according to jeremiah your heart is is deceitfully wicked your heart cannot be trusted your heart will deceive you and it's not talking about your physical heart it's the core of who you are then there's this verse in proverbs 4 that says guard your heart protect your heart with all diligence for out of it flows all the issues of life the issues of life are the important factors one translation said of decisions of life it comes out of where's your heart how's your heart doing the bible said with our heart we believe unto god well what's that talking about it's not talking about our emotions it's talking about our wheel it's talking about the core of who we are the bible talks about so many things concerning our heart over and over and over and it's talking about the core of who we are and having a heart that is going after god here's what i want you to understand the reason that he said where a man's treasure is or his money is there his heart will be also is because your giving decides your focus i've got three three things i want to give you number one you're giving according to that text that jesus taught decides the focus of your heart that wherever your resources go your heart even though it's wicked even though it can be corrupted out of it you make all the major issues and decisions of life and one of the ways the only way that you can really do anything about uh trying to decide the focus of your heart is when you give the bible said your treasure moves in the in automatically your heart moves in the direction of where your treasure is it's really an amazing thing the psalmist said search my heart that in the area of giving when you put your treasure where you put your treasure your heart automatically follows you take your treasure and you put it in the kingdom of god and god said your heart goes where you put your resources when you understand that and you understand that the focus of your heart that if my money goes over here my focus goes over here is what that's saying if my money goes over there if my money goes to something over here then that's where my heart goes and he says if you want to have a a heart that is focused on what is right then give into the kingdom of god and your heart will begin to focus on what can give you the decisions you need for the issues of life out of your heart it's really something secondly number two your giving not only decides your focus but your giving decides who your master is the bible said in the scripture uh matthew 20 matthew 6 in verse 24 no man can serve two masters for either he will hate the one and love the other or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other you cannot serve listen to this now you cannot serve god and materialism mammon is the spirit of materialism that connects you to other things and disconnects you from god if you allow it to be god in your life and he said when you give two things your heart follows your treasure so your focus goes there number two when you give you decide who will be your master you cannot serve mammon money and god why didn't he say you cannot serve satan and god because he knows that's an easy choice for you but here's the point money and possessions have the greatest potential to replace the lordship of jesus christ in our life more than anything else and that's why jesus said you have to choose between money and possessions controlling your life or jesus controlling your life and the way that he says you do that is you give to the kingdom of god and you break the grip of greed off of your heart it's really something it's so easy to get off track with possessions i want to teach you now some quick things luke luke chapter 19 the famous story of zacchaeus the man who was small in stature he gets in a tree he couldn't see over the crowd he wanted to see jesus the bible said that he was a tax collector and that he took money more money than he was supposed to and he robbed people all the time and kept it for himself and the scripture said that jesus gauged his spiritual condition by his willingness to part with his money because when he saw jesus and heard jesus his heart was so moved that he said i will return what i have stolen this is in luke 19 and i will give back threefold to everybody i stole it from and jesus said this day salvation has come to his house his willingness to walk away from what god required of him showed the spiritual condition of his heart now watch this in matthew 19 jesus engages the rich young ruler he's rich he's young he's got it all going on he's young he's rich he's a ruler that means he's popular he's powerful he he's got it all and jesus encounters him or he bumps into jesus and jesus messes him up and he says what must i do to inherit life and he knew that he was too attached to man jesus is not against you having things and being blessed but when they become your god and they become so big that it's yours and you don't become a giver to the kingdom something is off it reveals your spiritual condition and jesus engages this man and says sell what you have and give it to the poor and follow me he would have become one of the disciples follow me and the rich young ruler walked away sorrowfully and jesus teaches us by his unwillingness to part with his money his spiritual condition was not right there is an undeniable connection between money resources and our spiritual condition i'm telling you how to be more blessed is to be a giver in mark chapter 12 jesus taught this in the bible there was a widow woman this actually happened and jesus stood and watched as the people brought their offering and the bible said there was a widow who came and gave her last bit of money her last might this is in matthew mark chapter 12 43-44 and jesus said did you see what she did jesus said they all gave out of their abundance in other words they have they had a lot left over but she gave her last all that she had to me and do you know what jesus did he didn't say now quick disciples run her some money out into the parking lot and make sure she leaves all bloated down with blessing he let her leave like she came why why why would jesus do that to an old widow woman who was down to her last dime because he knew what giving does when people obey and give he knew because she just passed the test and i saw it with my own eyes because god sees what we do and god and he knew she just made me her source and not anything else and the birds are fed and the and the robins they get full of food and i'm going to take care of that woman for the rest of her life because she understands the power of sacrificial giving in luke chapter 12 we encounter a super successful business person he has real estate holdings that are remarkable this is right in the bible he's building bigger and bigger barns bigger and bigger manufacturing plants more and more real estate empire is getting bigger and bigger and bigger but he is not connected to the kingdom of god and while he's bragging and saying i'm going to build something else and something else and i'm going to just look at all my stuff then verse matthew 12 and verse 20 but god said everybody say god said god said to him you fool this night your soul will be required of you and this is what messed me up then who shall all these things be that you have provided you're gonna die you don't own nothing that house that you have and you say it's yours you you paid it off maybe and that makes you really say it's yours and you don't know anything on it it's still not yours you're just the steward and when you die somebody's gonna get all these things everything the furniture everything everything in the house all your stuff it's gone when you die you don't take any of it with you when jesus said that it's harder for a rich man to get into heaven than it is for uh a camel to go through the eye of a needle you all know what the eye of a needle is that's what you thread the needle and well that he wasn't saying that if you're rich and blessed you can't get into heaven here's what he was saying you can't drive your porsche into a rotating door in a hotel you have to get out of all that stuff and if you're going to get through that door you have to just kind of walk in like you are and what he's saying is you may have all this stuff none of it's going to follow you through the gate of heaven you're going to have to go and then he ends he ends this statement in verse 21 of luke 12 he said he said so is he that lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward god whoo i tell you when you give the bible said you become rich toward god and that's how you become more blessed because god owns it all and you can become rich towards god your giving affects eternity it affects you it affects others for eternity matthew 6 26 for what will it profit a man if he should gain the whole world and lose his own soul or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul your treasure your time your talent it belongs to god talk is cheap talk is cheap giving costs something giving costs something tithing is the top priority of every christian if they want their finances blessed i want to hear you all the way in spartanburg i want to hear you all the way does anybody believe that i know you believe that i know you believe that i mean it's the number one priority if you want your finances blessed is to become a tither you're never too young to start tithing what is a tithe this 10 10 of your income and your increase that's what the bible teaches what what what do you mean the bible teaches that 10 belongs to god first corinthians 4 and 2 said concerning stewardship it is required that a man be found faithful in giving in the old testament they had three ties they had 10 that went to the priest in the levite to do the work of the ministry then there was the feasts that they had seven a year but they were required to attend three of them and they had to bring a tithe of their harvest that particular season and then there was a one we would call it a a it was a tithe uh um concerning the widows and the poor that was taken once every three years to take care of the poor and when you combine all that together it comes out to 23.3 of the increase that they received they gave to the kingdom tithing is 10 of your increase you don't pay your tithes you return it god gives you 100 of everything you have and he says in return i want you to bring me ten percent back and and tithing is not giving tithing is returning god never calls tithing giving he calls it bring it he calls it present it he calls it return it but he never calls give it now there's something in the bible called free will offerings but that's above the tithe you cannot give an offering until you reach the tithe the bible teaches that you tithing is like ladies you'll understand this you're either pregnant or you're not you're not kind of pregnant you're not sort of pregnant you either are pregnant or you're not pregnant well you either tithe or you don't tithe and making up for it in a big gift here and there but if you don't reach the 10 of your income and your increase you are not tithing it's good preaching brother frankly i tell the truth when i'm holding this microphone free will offerings tithing is returning what god's given you but then you can do free will offerings what does that mean that means you give free will as the lord leads you as you feel like it and it doesn't even have to be to this church i was telling them in the early morning service charisse went to the grocery store and she was uh she was uh buying food for thanksgiving and all that and she came out the grocery store and there was a woman uh and she said she just looked pitiful it was just a pitiful situation she couldn't speak english and she had a little eight-year-old daughter right outside the the grocery store and she said it just struck my heart and i i just i don't know why but she said i said what do you need and and the woman couldn't speak spanish and her little or couldn't speak english and and and the daughter spoke up the eight-year-old and said we need food we don't have any food and sherice got her food in the uh in the in the car and then she went and got them and she said come on let's go through the grocery store and they were buying turkeys and buying this and buying that and buying it and she said she said she did go over and they they were looking at the organic turkey and it was about she told me how much she said so i told them to come over here and look at these turkeys and i'm not saying that to boast i'm just telling you that's a free will offering and we need to be have a free will about it that in the moment the lord says spontaneously bless that person do something for that person that's the heart that god blesses mightily and greatly listen to it you're going to see needs all around you this christmas buy somebody christmas buy somebody a little kid a bicycle buy so think about others and do that and watch god bless you in in in in the greatest feeling right here amen the biggest question that you'll get asked about tithing everybody okay keep breathing keep breathing everybody if you get up and start leaving everybody will know you're not a tither right now so i just hold on just a minute this is number one question do i tithe on my gross income or my net income that's a good question it's a fair question proverbs 3 and verse 9 honor the lord with your substance and with the first fruits of all thine increase all thine increase it's increase it's increase if it's increased tithe on it if it's increased tithe on it you tithe what is your what is your income and then any increase if somebody dies and leaves you an inheritance you tithe on that well i won't say for you i tithe on that if somebody gives me a big gift i tithe on that if i win the lottery no if you win the lottery you better tithe on that if you get a multi-million dollar contract you bother tithe on that you tithe on the income and the increase and god opens the windows of heaven and pours you out of blessing i love this part he rebukes the devourer for your sake the devourer's always coming but there is a force that happens when you tithe and you guild i hear people say i can't afford to give try giving before you say that millions of people are not wrong i'm getting happy now i'm telling you i was broker than the ten commandments when god got a hold of me but i started tithing and giving and he keeps on blessing me and blessing me and i know there's hundreds and thousands of you it's your testimony and it's been the hardest year of your life but look you're still here you're still okay god is going to take care of you and god is going to bless you somebody give him a thanksgiving praise right now amen amen giving is one of the greatest adventures a christian can have god said in malachi 3 prove me in this everywhere else he says i'm watching you and i'm checking you out i'm going to prove your heart i'm gonna see i'm gonna let you go through this trial and we'll see but he says this on this you proved me i one translation said i dare you start typing in other words god's saying let's let's have a giving contest i dare you you give to me and i'll give back to you and let's see who's the biggest giver anybody believe the bible the bible's not wrong so let me give you this real quick give systematically don't give every once in a while hear there skip miss hit boom bam sometimes people do something flashy you know wow they gave they gave wow but if you measure that up to the person who's tithing systematically every week or every month every how they got every two weeks ever how they got it set up you don't even come close but they do something to be flashy but give systematically there's power in it there's power and see your seed is working even when you don't even realize it the seed is working and when you get in the hard times don't stress out because your your heart is where your treasure is and even when you stray and and get a little relaxed and stuff when your treasure is there your heart keeps it's like a magnet it's like a magnet it's like a magnet my heart goes where my treasure is gives systematically gives spontaneously give sacrificially it's fun to get at the end of the year and get your statement from the church so that you take it off your taxes and say wow we gave that much praise the lord my god i remember when we we that we didn't we couldn't even we couldn't have given even a portion of that look at how much we gave to the glory of god here's another one give quietly what do you mean the beauty in giving to a church is the church goes out and does everything like you see on these videos and no name is attached to it except jesus your name is in there and only god knows and he sees what you do in private and he rewards you openly because you gave quietly i'll tell you a quick miracle story that we've had at the church during the pandemic you've heard half of it you inherit the other half so relax so back in march when the pandemic started we we started seeing such a massive increase on online hundreds of thousands of people started watching more online that were already it was already a large audience but i mean massive numbers it's just crazy and and and there was a couple that started watching in march and they were so moved that last month the man sent a million dollar check to the ministry and said keep doing what you're doing i said wow my new favorite campus is the online campus in jesus name and if y'all don't treat me right i'm going to join that church and i'll just sit in my living room every single well this is the this is the beautiful part they said we want to do this but we have one stipulation don't tell our name we want to do it secretly and privately quietly and then three weeks ago he sent me a text again and he said the lord spoke to us today on the couch while we were watching and he said we're sending another check for 500 000 and we got the check this week come on that's miracle provision we haven't been able to take an offering in eight months in this church but god said i got you you put me first you keep seeking me you i remember the fast you did this year and here it is in november but i'm faithful i'm going to take care of you i'm going to make up for what the enemy tries to steal when you put me first your giving decides who your source is god is my source god has always been my source and i've been young and now i'm old but i still got it i do in jesus name talk to yourself like that sometimes look in the mirror and say you old gray fox the hand of the lord is on you the best is yet to come god's not through blessing you the path of the righteous growth brighter and brighter i'm gonna bless you greater in the next season than you've ever seen greater than you can imagine greater than you can dream for does anybody believe that you can be more blessed not less more blessed go to go to acts 20 and verse 35 you can stand to your feet acts 20 and verse 35. don't worry we ain't taking an offering we can't because of covey and remember the words this is the apostle paul remember the words of the lord jesus whose words now jesus said it it is more blessed everybody say more blessed not just blessed but more blessed it is more blessed to give than it is to receive [Music] so so when we i literally get up and i pray a lot because of the way god blesses through you god lead my eyes and my heart and my ears to the right sources that need funding my greatest joy in this season in my life is i know that god has given us enormous resources and the ability to raise and i just want to get it to the real needs and the right people does anybody feel that way and i don't know what's coming next i'm praying i'm searching i'm asking i'm always doing that and i'm just like my radar is up who can a blessed they don't come around and ask for it because that's probably how you won't get it but if you need help we'll we'll get help amen that's what we do but you understand what i'm saying it's something about it's more blessed to give than it is to receive how many of you want god to use you to be more blessed to give than to receive like never before now see i know that you're the most giving church you you have touched the world you've touched the planet for the glory of god and to think that we've not passed a bucket or anything for eight months and yet god has blessed and blessed and blessed it is a testimony to this kind of church right here that has its priorities straight and god has you know what 2020 has been a test and the lord told me to tell you you are passing the test when you obey in what you are known to do in the word of god clap your hands and praise the lord and say you know what i know god's faithful and here's what i want to do i want everybody in this room who feels a little stressed it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay who feels a little anxious who feels a little uncertain about your work about your job about your business is scary it's it's crazy your world's up in a whirlwind it feels like i want you right now to choose god as your source to choose jesus as your master and to choose to focus your heart and your treasure as god gives you start systematically you say well i just i'm not gonna do the 10 just do what if it's one percent if it's one dollar start doing it systematically give god something he he he gives seed to the sower if you don't sow he doesn't give you seed [Music] you gotta you gotta sow and then he gives you more seed and and start where your level of faith is the bible said ten percent but if you're not there do the best you can systematically and why am i saying that why because that's the word of god that's the word of god now how many of you have been stressed and and just a lot's going on it's a lot to handle and just to be truth truthful you just feel like man i felt like quitting lately i felt like just just let man just give up without you be honest a minute this is god's house and we're god's people pastor that's me i need god's help raise your hand i want to see it i want to see the mass majority of hands in this room keep it up just a moment because i can't touch you if i could i'd walk back there and lay my hands on every one of you i'm so sick of covet i'm so sick of it i'm so sick of the mask i wear them everywhere i go i'm ready to get on that rope paul got on the road to d-mask us but it's just about over i hear the lord saying it's just about over and you go past this test and i can't touch you but jesus can touch you jesus can touch you dad jesus can touch your mom jesus can touch a teenager jesus can touch a young lady young man who feels like your dreams are falling to pieces jesus can touch you raise your hands reach up and touch him right now take a few moments in his presence and worship hill worship him worship him let him touch you let him minister to you let him break through in your heart turn your heart to god by your will turn your heart to god you say what pastor i hadn't i feel a little condemned i haven't been have been given we didn't preach it to condemn you the lord already forgave you just just say lord i say yes to your will i'll do my best i'll start somewhere that's all god requires he'll lead you he'll guide you he'll show you worship him worship him he wants to bless you more he wants to bless you more than ever before yes he does yes he does yes he does not in my father's house [Music] oh i feel the lord here let's worship at every campus the pastors are coming to lift those hands [Music] you're not against me it don't feel like it sometimes i am chosen i am not forsaken praise god praise god somebody needs to get that in your spirit you're for me [Applause] [Music] if you've been lonely if you've been depressed if you feel beat up if the enemy just is punched and punched and punched you feel like you've taken all you can handle throw your hands up and say god i need you god i need you he [Music] [Applause] debilitating addiction just turn to jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the name of jesus see you one more [Applause] time [Music] oh god yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah clap your hands and praise the lord church god is so good i'm gonna i'm gonna give you the blessing it's right out of numbers chapter six put your mask on we ain't on the road to damascus yet you got the envelopes you know that we're in exchange is money designated that goes to specific needy ministries that do the work of christ and setting captives free and feeding the hungry etc we we spend what you send so pray over and pray over your exchange offering ask god what he we don't we don't tell you what to give you ask god what he wants you to give and then just obey him do what i preached today he'll bless you he'll bless you even more you feel good everybody okay you feel blessed you believe the windows of heaven are open you believe god is a good god i'm gonna tell you that little moment right there we just had the anointing broke the yoke the anointing broke the yoke [Applause] and you don't have to go back and wallow in that discouragement there is a get up spirit here today because your wagons are coming hallelujah in jesus name [Music] and now i love you all i appreciate you so much it kind of breaks my heart every time i come in here knowing what people are going through in their families and in their homes i don't know what i'm trying to say about this but i know when like the spirit of the lord just won't let is tugging on me people are hurting and jesus cares it's going to be all right look to him look to him look to him and and parents love your kids love on them love on them love on them don't just get angry at them love on them put your arms around them hug them kiss them tell them they're great tell them they're winners tell them they're going to do the great greatest days of their life are ahead tell your grandchildren that encourage some of you elders encourage the young people some of you been through vietnam some of you been through all kinds of stuff and all kinds of seasons and years and this generation they've never seen nothing like this they need to hear from a from a from a old person you gonna make it everything that is now has already been god's faithful god's faithful you believe it well pastor close this sermon i'm trying the needs keep pulling on my heart and it's the holy spirit and he wants you to know you're not leaving here by yourself the loneliness in the name of jesus the loneliness will be filled with god's presence and new people in jesus mighty name and now may the lord bless you and keep you make his face shine on you be gracious unto you lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace and bless you even more in jesus mighty name wear your mask please and take your time leaving as the uh as the walkways get a little crowded be blessed everybody we'll see you next sunday i'll be preaching i believe we're gonna have a great great week in jesus name keep praying for this nation keep praying for our nation god knows the greatest need of america is prayer warriors interceding pray pray pray that his kingdom come his will be done we love you god bless you be a christian in the parking lot hallelujah y'all need hey everyone thanks so much for joining us here today at free chapel we hope that you were encouraged by today's message but before we leave if you gave your heart to the lord today we simply ask that you would text the word amen to 31 31 31 we have a team here that's ready to follow up with you walk alongside you as you continue to seek the lord in your own life but not only that if you are not a part of a local congregation or a local church we invite you to be a part of our online campus you can go through the very simple steps by going to forward slash online and we would love for you to be a part of this congregation on a consistent basis but lastly if you have not yet taken your next steps we invite you to join us you can sign up at as well and we would love to invite you to join in on what god is doing through this ministry take you through a four-week systematic process that just gets you integrated into the heart and culture of our church we love you so much let us know how we can pray for you and we will see you next sunday morning [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Free Chapel
Views: 114,209
Rating: 4.8740287 out of 5
Keywords: Faith, Spiritual Growth, Jentezen Franklin, Free Chapel, Jesus, God
Id: 4skQfcRRvCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 7sec (3427 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2020
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