1000X More | Pastor Jentezen Franklin

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be glad and it praise the name of Jesus just a little bit more just a little bit he deserves a little bit and raised in the claps and the phrases we give you great praise today Jesus we bless your name everybody at every campus say with me the Lord's Prayer are you ready say it out loud our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever amen pray the prayer of Jabez with me hold on hold on hold on pray the prayer of Jabez on this last few minutes of the fast of 2019 we might as well get a little prayer meeting in if you don't know the prayer of Jabez we'll help you out the Bible said he prayed a prayer he was had four sentences in it and I love the fact that God didn't reprimand him and say you sure pray and selfish asking me to bless you indeed and enlarge your territory God didn't rebuking God liked it because the next verse says and God granted him his requests so let's pray it bold and big right now oh that you would bless me indeed and that your you would enlarge my territory and that your hand would be upon me and that you would keep me from evil and lastly let's pray what Jacob prayed give me power with God and favor with men we claim Luke 2:52 that we will increase in favor with God and men this year now clap your hands hey biggest [Music] two or three people and tell them you are going to enjoy your meal and then ask them where you're going to eat ask them where you going to eat in a few minutes just going until them I know it's on your vine I know it's on your mind go ahead and tell me what are you gonna eat boy I hope they ordered extra meat at every restaurant because they're gonna need it look like a bunch of meat hungry people out there you have that lean hungry look in your eyes as Shakespeare said so good to see you here today welcome to all of our campuses thank God for each and every one of you and all of you that are joining us on line you made it you've made how many of you how many of you this was your first 21-day fast can I see your hand look around that's hundreds of people Wow Wow and you made it you made it you're not dead like you thought you would be you made it and to God be the glory and it's gonna be you know the beautiful thing if you seek God first at the early part of the year he's gonna add over the blessings the fast ends today but the blessings will be flowing into February and over into April over into the summer of August into line then December and November in October we will see the goodness of the Lord in the land and live and I'm excited about it I really am we laid hands we had we had this place was packed like this in the nine o'clock service and they counted somebody has the job of counting and not everybody goes through the prayer line you know so there were there was people in overflow and everything but we prayed for 2,900 people 2,900 in the first service and and we did it real quick got out of here got in time so we know what we're doing we and and and if you'll walk faster we'll pray quicker amen don't stop and tell us your story just keep on moving sick of most side passing on by amen keep moving say man turn to somebody say keep moving it ain't how long you pray it's how quick you believe we done done all the prayin for 21 days just receive really what you're doing is receive it that's it that's it so we're gonna take care of business in just a few minutes but I'm excited about what God is doing this has been an amazing week and in the church who had an amazing service Wednesday night what an honor it was to be asked to King to the King Center and actually to Ebenezer Baptist Church the church that dr. Martin Luther King preached and pastored at in Atlanta I was asked by the King family to come and be one of the speakers in that lineup and is one of the greatest honors I've ever had in my life it's broadcast all over on channel 5 and it's just an amazing experience really felt you know God's help there thank you for praying for me I know a lot of you prayed for us and I did my best to honor dr. King and I did my best to exalt Jesus Christ and and I believe he was exalted and I believe that man was honored and we continue to honor that amazing legacy that that he has established you know today I believe that it's God's will that you prosper and be in health even as your souls prosper as third John chapter one says that God is not afraid of the word prosperity I know there have been some extremes and there have been some preachers even who have you know brought great controversy but we don't throw the baby out with the bathwater we serve a God who will bless and prosper people who put him first and honor him and seek his face how many of you are a testimony of the goodness of the Lord in the area of your resources you know he's bless you so today I want you to prepare to gills and I want you to give with great joy you missed a chance to shout right there I want you to give with great joy today knowing that 2019 has the favour and the goodness of the Lord that he's leading us into green pastures and we shall not won't and I know that God is able to bless you and prosper the work of your hands so as you prepare your gifts this morning worship God and I know that he's gonna bless you abundantly don't don't don't believe for little don't believe for small belief for great abundance in this new year great abundance father we love you and we praise you and we speak blessing over every business every job every person their gift their talents their dreams their aspirations would you bless them would you anoint them would you raise them would you afford them opportunities that are unusual would you give them open doors that no man can shut would you release finances into their life that they need to fulfill the task that you've given them to do I pray today for the blessings and the prosperity of God upon our businesses we consecrate dedicate our work to you our workplace to you and we ask you Father for your favor an unprecedented 1,000 times more than we are today in Jesus mighty name and everybody who receives that say Amen well while you're given I'm going to I'm gonna take you to the Word of God we're gonna go very quickly to the Old Testament book of Deuteronomy I want you to go to the Old Testament book of Deuteronomy chapter one and I want to show you what I think is the word of the Lord today for what we're about to do as we're preparing to anoint you with all and lay hands upon all of you that desire to be prayed for today this is a powerful thing this is a biblical thing that we're going to do it's one of the most in for me as a pastor one of the most enjoyable days of the year is for me to get to anoint and lay hands on every person in this church that I can and I know all of our pastors at the campus where they are Phil exactly exactly the same way this is not a burden for us we love it you're not bothering us we've been praying all week long about this service and we believe in impartation and we believe when we touch you like I said just a few minutes ago it's not even about praying over your need or praying for you it's just you receiving and I'm gonna tell you what I'm praying for and what I'm believing for and what I know God is going to impart today it's in Deuteronomy chapter 1 and I want you to turn there with me Deuteronomy chapter 1 and you'll see in verse 6 the story picked up this is Moses God talking to Moses and he says the Lord our God he's speaking to the people of Israel Moses is he said the Lord our God spoke to us in Horeb saying you have dwelt long enough at this mountain I mean if you just feel like you've been going in circles for a long time aren't you tired of it aren't you ready for a new place and a new season and a new breakthrough in your life I believe we're gonna have it you've dwelt here turn to somebody and say you've been there long enough you're coming out and you're coming over into something brand-new you've been grieving long enough you've been defeated you've been in a failure mode too long it's time you came to the wrong church today buddy you came to the wrong you've been in that addiction long enough you don't have to dwell there anymore verse eight see I have set the land before you go in and possess the land which the Lord swore to your father's to Abraham Isaac and Jacob to give to them and their descendants after them verse 10 the Lord your God watch this has multiplied you now he's taking them back and he's reminding them remember how far you've come in your from look at how God blessed your pass he said look listen look at it again the Lord your God has multiplied you then he takes them to the present and here you are today as the stars of heaven in multitude so he says God has blessed you in the past and then he says and God is blessing you in the present but I don't want you to dare think that God is through with you because you've seen some things in your past and you presently are walking in the favor and the goodness of God but watch what he says he says in verse 11 this is this is about more than the past in the present but may the Lord God of your father's make you a thousand times more numerous than you are and bless you as he has promised you said your past and your present have been blessed of the Lord but the greatest thing God's gonna do is in your future there's a thousand times more coming on your life the anointing of a thousand times more is the highest level of anointing there are many levels or measures of anointing that are talked about in the Bible the Bible talks about Elijah asking for a double portion of the anointing that was upon Elijah and God gave it to him the Bible talks about the 30 fold anointing the 60 fold the hundred fold anointing but I believe that this Peg's contains the highest level of anointing that we can walk in and it's the thousand times more the word anoint means to rub into Jesus was the anointed one and when you get near Jesus he'll rub off on you and when we anoint you I'm going to take all I'll have all on my hands and I'm going to rub it on your head if you've got a hat on I'm gonna rub it on your head if you got hair I'm gonna rub it on your hair if you ball-headed you're gonna shine like you've never shined before but I'm gonna put some all on you course you need it I know you think you're sophisticated and educated but you need some all on you too you need someone on in on you too tired of these little prissy Christians that think they don't need the stuff that the Bible says you need and if the Bible said anoint them with all we still believe that we need to hold on to some truths and anoint people with all and if you receive it the oil represents the Holy Spirit and wherever they all goes the Spirit goes so God has a great impartation that will change our families today that will change our cities and that will change our nation I believe that we are in a season of supernatural increase and enlargement I believe with all of my heart that God's anointing which is his divine enablement to do a task is upon this church and upon this people upon this pastor and upon every one of you and we're going to experience it a thousand times more from here until Jesus comes I believe it with all of my heart this church has had a thousand times more anointing on it when I think about where we came from where I think about how small we were and how the thousands of people are gathering and all over the place in our campuses and even in this room here today and in overflow and by the way if you're in overflow you get pre you get pre after all treatment what's the word there I'm trying to get it that's what I say it you get special treatment I know how to spell it you just don't come out sometimes when you're up here under pressure because they're gonna get anointed first if they're in overflow that's what I was trying to tell her it's the first mistake I've ever made my life right there I can't believe but when I think about how far we've come it's crazy in Gainesville a little bitty country town nobody can anything good come out of Gainesville but God put a thousand times more anointing on a little country church and it started exploding we beat the back wall down with jackhammers sledgehammers and put steel chairs out and people would sit cars and had to start hiring police to direct the traffic on the old building build another building in it upon the mountain over there and it filled up and then a thousand times more anointing can't be contained in the building in cod gave us TV and then we took this hundred and fifty acres that was previously a cow farm a milk farm and a they had beehives that it was milk and honey and it was flowing and we bought this hundred and fifty acres debt-free built this building debt-free sounds and times worn on and I'm not playing games up here God's dream is so much bigger than your little thinking God's dream is so much bigger than what you're a capable we're not talking about your ability we're talking about his enablement coming on you and suddenly you can do things that nobody else can do because he's anointed you for the task a thousand times more shout a thousand times and all we didn't have no money we didn't have all y'all we didn't have no cameras lights microphones everything was a struggle everything was Puli believe believe the Lord just hit me this week and said if I could do that in your past are you satisfied do you think that's all I can do do you not believe son that I can do a thousand times more at free chapel now then you are presently it's a supernatural anointing that's given to accomplish this a specific task for the kingdom I'm talking about divine increase in enlargement Moses reminded the people of what God had done in their past and then he reminded them that he was doing things in their present and I want to remind you people how faithful God has been when you look back and see how far he's brought you from and you would have to admit this morning that presently you are blessed you are blessed but then I love how Moses shifts and he says but I want you to know that not only God that God has blessed us and that God presently is blessing us but then he wants to get across to the people in so do I that God will bless us with a thousand times greater than our present Moses was reminding them that God's promise and God's blessing for them was greater than what they had already experienced he wanted to motivate them listen carefully he wanted to motivate them to possess all that God had for them and I'm telling you I heard the Lord in my soul this week say I'm talking to you free Chapel I'm talking to you Jennsen I'm talking to you every one of you people that if we're not careful will look back and see how far God's brought us and then be walking in his blessings presently and limit what he wants to do in our future but it took him a long time to get us where we are and he says if you think you've seen something I've saved the best for last I've got a thousand times more for a fasting church for a praying Church for a seeking my face Church this anointing that we see in Scripture is very real for a thousand times more Sampson had a thousand times more anointing on his life and he took a jawbone of a donkey a very primitive weapon that looked like much but when the thousand times more anointing came on what he had he started defeating the Philistines and he slew 1,000 Philistines with the jawbone of a donkey he was functioning under the anointing of a thousand times more he was just a common man but when the knowing of the Holy Spirit touched his primitive weapon that jawbone and I believe their knowing of a thousand times more starts in our jawbone because death and life are in the power of the tongue and you need to be using your jawbone to speak the blessings of God and to confess the blessings of God and to declare that this year I will experience a thousand times more of God's favor and God's anointing and God's wisdom and God's peace and God's joy I'm going to experience a thousand times more than I've ever had of God's presence thousand times more then when they took him into the temple of Dagon he was blind because he back slid and he lost some things but his hair began to grow back and they put his hands on the pillows as they were mocking and making sport of him and his God but that thousand times more anointing came on him one more time as he cried remember me one more time and suddenly he pushed the pillars of the temple of Dagon and the roof caved in and killed this is three thousand people and these are they overflow but there's three thousand three thousand people this many were in the temple of Dagon and when he pushed those pillars under a thousand times more anointing he slew more in his death than he did when he was alive that's in other words the thousand times more anointing is going to deal with your enemies in 2019 come on and give Him praise if you believe then the thousand times more anointing will provide for your needs in Matthew chapter 14 we're told of Jesus who took the boy's fish and his five biscuits or five pieces of bread and he said Lord this is what I have and I give it to you we're so focused on what we don't have that we forget what we do have and when the thousand times more anointing came on what that little boy had and he put it in the hands of Jesus and Jesus functioned under that thousand times more anointing there were five thousand hungry men and women and children besides and the five pieces of bread were multiplied a thousand times to feed 5,000 in the fish in the bread was multiplied a thousand times to feed the women and the children it's a thousand times more I know God will bless you just like Sampson this anointing will provide the strength and the authority to defeat our enemies and it will provide the provision the supply the resources of God in our life that you will be blessed that you will own that you will possess the land that you will have a home that'll be an inheritance for your children's children that you will have open doors an increase I'm sorry I just believe what the Bible says and I'm claiming this year a thousand times more than we are today Gideon functioned under this kind of anointing and in the book of Judges chapter 6 the Bible said that God said I don't want you trusting in your numbers so I'm gonna reduce them because I don't want you to think that you're certain your strength is in your numbers your strength is in the anointing that I put on you and Gideon was reduced down to 300 soldiers against 300 thousand Amalekites and the Bible said God told him to take glass pitchers and black out the wound that the glass and put a candle inside and light the torch inside and black it out so that you can sneak up and surround their camp of the enemy and they won't see you and then take a trumpet each man is to have a trumpet and when I tell you when I blow the trumpet then you are to break the glass pitcher when you do the torch will shine and then you are to pick up the trumpet and you are to blast it and you are to shout and the Bible said and there's a powerful lesson in that that when those 300 surrounded the enemy what up what a crazy plan 300 against 300 thousand and yet when they broke the something happens when we become broken and that's what fasting does it breaks your pride it breaks your ego it breaks the cycles of flesh and sin and carnality it just breaks it down and once you get broken the question is can you go through a broken thing and still maintain the fire and still hold on to a trumpet of praise can you go I know you can praise the Lord when everything's beautiful and wonderful but can you go through a season when you've been broken but you still maintain the fire and you still got a trumpet of praise and you still believe that God is gonna do exactly what he promised you he would do and I'm telling you that they didn't even know that they were walking in a thousand times more anointing but when he came on Gideon and his army it was a powerful powerful thing that happened because the scripture said the outcome was glorious and the enemies turned on themselves then I thought about how that David walked in the thousand times more anointing the Bible said he slew a bear when he was just a young boy he slew a lion he slew a giant but listen to what the women sung about David they began to sing Saul has slain his thousands but David ten thousands they even recognized he has a thousand times more anointing on his life when I think about this anointing that I'm preaching today it affects every aspect of our lives it affects our prosperity a thousand times more spirituality a thousand times more prayer a thousand times more souls we're moving from thousands being saved like David to tens of thousands oh I'm not gonna limit God you can act like see some of you actually think you can think too big for God it's impossible it's impossible so I'm going on and I'm gonna claim I'm tired I've already seen God save thousands I'm really for tens of thousands a thousand times more soul everybody say this out loud I have the anointing of a thousand times more on my life I was supernaturally increase and expand in every area of my life say this no limits no boundaries I think about in Ezekiel 47 in closing where the Bible said that God took Ezekiel to the temple and he saw a river that started flowing out of the altar listen to the wording in verse 4 he said and I went out and measured out a thousand cubits I said Lord I appreciate what you're doing in church but I want to go more and he said I went a thousand cubits and there the water was rising and it got up to my ankles and then he said I went another thousand cubits ask him four thousand times more and the water went up to my knees and I want another thousand cubits and it went up to my waist he said then I got out there and it was another thousand cubits I got a thousand times more the river was water to swim in and he carried me and I couldn't control it listen to this some of you been struggling with things and addictions and habits and things in your life that the enemy thought you wouldn't you would just stay bound to the rest of your life but on this fast God has allowed the river of his spirit to take you into the level of a thousand times more and when the river is so deep that it's carrying you it's impossible to go against the current there's no way I could go back when I was just ankle deep or knee deep but I believe there's a place in God where alcoholism will never have you again because it's so anti the direction the Spirit is taking you that you can't get back up current because the current of the Spirit drug addiction won't have you cheating on your wife will have you sexual immorality will have you a thousand times more of the river of the Holy Spirit is coming into our lives it's here now say I'm never going back to some things I'm never going back to some patterns I'm never going back to that depression I'm never going back to that suicide I'm never going back to that place I love the fact that the Bible said everything the water touched at that thousand times more level the desert came alive in the water healed it there's healing in this river today so we're going to anoint you for a thousand times more the thing that I want you to see is everybody I just preached about we're common men and women but they begin to function under a thousand times more anointing and we're just common men and women but all when we anoint with all and believe listen and receive that's your part just receive come with expectation don't care who you are don't care where you came from and those in the first service I was anointing people and I guess some of the people in the community have come cuz I know they don't come to our church and I thought well Lord there's a little Baptists I'm about to anoint a little Baptist and there's a there's some others I could name some people I know he goes the First Methodist but let me anoint this little Methodist with the oil all of we're saying I want it I want it I want it I want it who cares about denominations anymore let's get in the river one baptism one faith one Lord his name is Jesus get up on your feet all over the room and every campus lift up your hands you got a participate in the workshop just a minute buddy just open your mouth and begin to give God a great I'll say Lord I'm receiving this I believe in this I know you blitz me in the past I know you're presently blessing me but the Lord God of my father's would love to buy me a thousand times more me a thousand times more blitz my children and my children's children until our runs over a thousand more than we are today come on guys y'all need to be down here let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh but you have [Applause] [Music] [Applause] No you've always seen 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this place Holy Spirit [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this is really funny to me stretch them for today towards the line where people are being prayed for we just want to pray this prayer today a thousand times more let us become let's sing it together to let us become [Music] sounds good let us speak up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sure [Music] come on sing it out today [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] 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Channel: Free Chapel
Views: 258,511
Rating: 4.8405666 out of 5
Keywords: fasting, jesus, christ, church, music, worship, jentezen, Fast2019, 1000X More, success, finances, encouragement, miracles, faith
Id: nxIA8QmKLrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 28sec (6148 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 28 2019
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