What To Do When You're Weak | Pastor Jentezen Franklin

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[Music] free chapel it's so good to be with you come on wherever you're at let's sing let's worship [Music] forever but the miracle that i just can't get over my name is registered in heaven [Music] i believe [Music] i have resurrection power still the miracle that i just can't get over my name is registered in heaven [Music] [Applause] my story i'll testify by jesus christ the righteous i'm justified this is my testimony this is my testimony [Music] [Music] our god will finish what he started this is [Music] this is my testimony this is my [Music] testimony [Applause] [Music] if i'm not dead [Music] greater [Music] [Music] greater things are still this is my testimony from death to light cause christ rewrote my story i'll testify by jesus christ the righteous [Music] my [Music] this is my testimony this is my testimony this is my testimony [Music] this is my testimony [Music] jesus we welcome you in this place come and hide your way all your name jesus are you broken low in life there's a man who paid the highest price for your freedom with every scar with everyone came a brand new start i made this confession [Music] past is over it's been buried in the grave it's been buried in the grave oh it's been buried in the grave [Music] are you empty filled with pain overwhelmed by the guilt and shame there's a lifter of every head who took it all when he conquered dead [Applause] [Music] i'm fully committed [Music] washed awake the old man is gone the past is over [Music] is [Music] hello he has given you hello freedom goodbye chains and savior's blood is flowing through your veins [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] so you can leave [Music] oh [Music] yes [Music] praise the mighty name of jesus i want the team to come back if you will because i want them to play and sing a special song today by special requests i had amy contacted and i said would you sing this song it's an old hymn i actually heard you sing it not too long ago had a sad occasion that we were at and it so touched my heart and it was so uh true the ancient words i don't know how old this song is but it's one of those old hymns in the red back hymnal and it says in times like these we need a savior in times like these we need a friend and when you hear the words especially tune in to the words focus in on the words of this ancient powerful truth his name is jesus yes he's the one he's going to bless you and i had the lord this week deal with me about the month of august and he seemed to whisper to me in my spirit the best that i can hear him and discern his voice and i know when i hear him he said it in times like these you you need to seek me in fasting and in prayer and so i am declaring for those of you who have an ear to hear another season of fasting and prayer we've got to break the power of the enemy in jesus name and so beginning august the 1st and we're going to go seven days of fasting and prayer i'm going to come online every day and i'm going to have a prayer meeting and we're going to fast and we're going to pray i'm going to let you decide what kind of fast some will be doing at daniel fast some will be doing a juice fast some will be doing one meal a day you say but pastor we did that in january yeah and sometimes you have to just be sensitive to the fact that you're in times like these and it it requires uh it requires something of the body of christ now and here's what i feel the lord said prepare spiritually in august i believe we're going to go 21 days and i know we're going to go 21 days but for the first seven days you'll be led of the lord and then we'll figure out from there the next two weeks what we're going to do but we're gearing up for a major fast and it doesn't really matter it doesn't really matter to me how many people do it if i can get two or three to agree with me if i can get the people who i know fast and pray under the sound of my voice in this church to fast and pray i believe that god's gonna hear our cry i believe that we're gonna see a breakthrough and so i'm calling for the month of august august the 1st through the 21st another 21 day fast i can see some of you now but you know you've got you've got the extra pounds from covet 19. let's get honest and so i i'm just i'm just going to use what the devil meant for your evil for your good and we're going we're going to see the lord move seriously our kids are about to go back to school we need to fast and pray our nation is tottering on economic disaster we need to fast and pray we're facing the most divisive time in my lifetime and i'm 58 years old as of last week i i have never seen a more divisive time in america in my lifetime we need to fast and pray we've got an election coming up that's going to determine so much about this nation we need to fast and pray and cry out to god thy kingdom come thy will be done so i'm declaring a fast beginning august the 1st through the 21st not only in this church but nationwide and worldwide and i believe that as we pray for 21 days online prayer meetings i don't know i may have three a day i don't know what we're going to do you i told our people today we we we'll have shifts where pastors lead online prayer meetings morning noon and night pastor have you lost your mind no i'm just desperate for god i'm desperate to break the power of the enemy over the world and over this nation and over and over our families and over our lives and we're going to fast and we're going to pray and i'm going to be preaching about it and talking about it and i believe god's going to honor it now i know this is a little different today but i asked them to sing this song right before i preach it's going to get in your spirit listen to these words and get your communion set go go go get some bread go get some juice go get something that you can bring and have communion ready and when we when i come back in a few moments after i preach or as i feel led of the spirit before this service is over online we're going to have communion together right where you are so take a moment and get that together and if there's a need in your life call in while you're hearing this song and if there's a need in your life then let us know and we will pray with you and there's a number on the screen that you can text your prayer requests to text amen the word amen to 313131 and if you if you're afraid if you're lonely if you're hurting if you're depressed if you're discouraged if you're sick if you lost your job let us pray with you we're going to fast and pray for you the whole month of august but we can pray for you today we've got teams ready to do that so let's worship god today and listen to this song and let it speak to your heart [Music] in times like these you need a savior in times like these [Music] you need [Music] be [Music] i grips the solids [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] the solid [Music] like these [Music] and in times like these [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes i am jesus it grips [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] drives [Music] oh i pray over you that you have perfect [Music] assurances [Music] the solid [Music] praise the name of jesus praise the name of jesus praise the name of jesus we worship you lord we worship you lord i worship [Music] there is none like [Music] [Music] peace that is for you are my righteousness [Music] sing it again i [Music] [Music] [Music] worship him right where you are he's your healer he's your prince of peace he's your wrong god be very sure give him praise [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] uh [Music] hey [Music] hey [Music] foreign oh [Music] hello [Music] let's worship the lord there's nothing wrong with worshiping the lord right where you are just give it praise if you have your communion i want to do it right now because the moment feels right those of you in your homes or wherever you're viewing this from he said this bread represents my body take eat this do in remembrance of me until i come take and eat the bread [Music] he said this cup represents my blood which is shed for the remission of sin take drink this do in remembrance of me listen to these words until i come if you can't see that jesus is coming again open your eyes and do this in remembrance of him until he comes again in in doing this we're remembering jesus is coming again he's going to return take drink this do in remembrance of me until i come and father i ask you to heal the sick i ask you to release the power of god i ask you to heal families i ask you to get miracles i pray for resources and provision i pray for every need to be met i pray for power of god to flow into homes and the families as we honor you as we recognize you as we serve you and as we worship you in the midst of our trouble and our trials and all that people are going through we turn to you today jesus show yourself powerful heal somebody right now deliver your people god send your power on their behalf in jesus name we proclaim and believe amen and amen praise the name of jesus i'm going to speak to you today from second samuel the third chapter and it's a message that i've never preached before but i do believe that it's going to speak to your heart today i know it did mine and there is this verse in second samuel chapter 3 and verse 39 david said i am weak today though anointed king i am weak today though anointed king sometimes we fail to realize that when we are at our weakest we're still anointed david was secretly anointed to be king of israel by samuel but he had not yet worn the crown on his head as a matter of fact for a long time he was in exile running from king saul hosted and haunted and tormented by a remorseful cruel king who was trying to kill him from jealousy a band of men gathered in an area of israel called in getty and there in a cave he began to cause these men to become mighty men mighty warriors finally the day came when king saul and his son jonathan was killed in a battle david didn't have to kill saul there was another battle that took place with saul's enemies on mount gilboa and there saul the king of israel the first king of israel died and his son tragically died with him and so then israel reached a point where those of the southern tribes there were two tribes follow me just a moment the northern tribes and the southern tribes there was two kingdoms israel was not one kingdom they were divided like we were during the civil war and there you have the southern tribes and they anointed david as their king the northern tribes anointed another man as their king and both of them had war chiefs of military david's military leader was joe adam and the other king's military leader was a guy named abner now watch this abner and his king got in an argument and he secretly goes over to david and he makes a deal with him and he says israel ought to be one nation it ought not to be divided so what i want to do is i want to pledge to you all of the military support and we would just push him out of the way and david you can finally fulfill the prophecy that is over your life and you can become the king of israel not half of israel but all of israel finally in that moment david thought this is it this is what i've been dreaming for this is what i've been believing for this is what i've been anointed for this is all that i have gone through these many years running and hiding and living in exile and living in caves like some kind of animal now this is my big moment but the scripture said that joab david's man of war had a grudge against abner and right before the deal was sealed right before the deal to take over the other part of israel and have one king was finalized the bible said that joab because abner had accidentally killed his brother had unforgiveness and took abner and slew him and when he did the whole thing blew up suddenly everything that he had dreamed of and everything that david thought would happen if it fell to pieces and in that moment david realizes it's not going to happen and in that moment his dreams seem to be destroyed and his life seems to be right back where it started from a big mess a big confusion a big division and david made the statement that is when he makes this statement i am this day weak yet still anointed king did you know that it's possible to be weak and still be anointed king the bible declares the royal priesthood of the believer the bible said in first peter chapter 2 and verse 9 that we are a royal priesthood those of us who have put our faith in jesus christ we are a royal priesthood the bible said in ephesians 2 and 6 that we sit in heavenly places with christ jesus we are a royal priesthood the bible said in revelation 1 and verse 6 that he has raised us to be kings and priests in his kingdom god says and declares that the christian is an anointed king but notice that it's possible that god's people can be weak and still be anointed they can be weak and still have royal blood in their veins they can be weak and still have the authority of the kingdom and what a contrast weakness and divine anointing stand together sometimes when we're groaning i am weak god's greatest purpose is on its way to our life when we're at our lowest god intends his greatest marvels that he does in our life usually come when we're at utter weakness and we can say with david i am this day when i'm needing god more than i've ever needed him and facing more than i've ever faced in opposition i am this day week but i'm still anointed king god's people are often weak in faith but they're still anointed they have winners as well as summers sometimes they're brought low god's people you can it's possible to be an anointed king and be oppressed and be afflicted and go through sorrow in the eye of faith them i'm telling you today that the bible is full of people with little faith with ready to quit kind of faith despondent people much afraid people they were anointed people but they were weak on particular days and god didn't cast them away and god didn't give up on them notice when david became weak he felt his weakness because he was in a new position he felt his weakness because he was about to take over the nation of israel and when he faced something and had an opportunity like he never had in a new place in a new position he said i am weak this day when i look at the responsibility when i look at the opportunity when i look at this new place in this new position and i see this situation i feel so inadequate that i am weak this day though i'm anointed to do this thing you know whenever you make a change in life whenever you're given a new set of duties or a new challenge or a new place or a new position your flesh and your own mind will say you're not good enough you're not strong enough you can't do this you're too weak on the eve of your greatest triumph the enemy will always come and try to make you feel like you're a nobody and a nothing but i want to remind you that this story says that it's possible for us to be two things at the same time i'm about to preach because i feel this i'm telling you it's possible to be weak it's possible to feel overwhelmed outnumbered out resourced it's possible to feel discouraged it's possible to be going through something that you've never gone through and you if you were to be honest would say i am weak this day yet i'm still anointed king i still reign with christ jesus the kingdom of god is one of opposites it's possible in the kingdom that you can be poor and yet rich the man who lives in a mud hut is more wealthy than the fortune 500 companies it's possible to have joy in the midst of sorrow it's possible to have peace in the middle of the storm the opposite of big is small somebody would say the opposite of tall is short the opposite of hot is cold somebody would say and you can't have cold and hot at the same time you can't have big and small you can't have tall and short at the same time but in second corinthians 12 and verse 10 paul said i take pleasure in my weaknesses my infirmities my reproaches my necessities my persecutions for christ's sake watch this for when i am weak right then not when i get out of this valley not when i get over this trial not when i come out on the other side for when i am weak then he puts the time on it when i am weak david said i am this day weak then am i strong yet i'm anointed i want you to know the moment of your worst dilemma in the moment of your worst trial in the moment of your worst valley in the moment of your lowest feeling down and out and defeated and beat up god said when i am weak i am strong i am weak this day david said yet i'm still anointed i want to encourage you today that when you understand who you are you're an anointed king and who your god is you don't have to fear the enemy just when david thought the battle was over just when he thought peace was coming finally just when he reached a place of the promise being fulfilled it was in that moment that he felt his weakest it was in that moment when he felt like that he couldn't hardly go on you may be weak but you're still anointed david basically was asking and saying and presenting um he was presenting uh an attitude of that you can take when you are feeling overwhelmed by what you're facing he said if i'm king in so many words why am i so weak if i'm a child of god why am i weak if i'm a child of god why am i sick if i'm a child of god why am i suffering if i'm a child of god why are my children driving me crazy if i'm a child of god why is my marriage almost on the rock somebody's asking if if if i'm a child of god why do i have financial needs that are scaring me to death i want to flip that around today and say you know you may be going through the fire you may be sick you may be in financial need you may be weak but you're still a child of god that's the point i'm weak but i'm still a child of god i may be sick but i'm still a child of god i may have financial needs in facing a crisis in my family but i'm still anointed king that's a powerful thing i may be down and persecuted but i am anointed this is what i want you to get this is a big point right here you might ought to write this one down you must define yourself not by what's going on around you but by what's going on inside of you because i may be weak looking at everything around me but i am anointed on the inside of me you know the devil loves to steal our identity they have companies that do nothing but try to ensure people that their identity will not be stolen on the internet there are people who steal people's homes and they put they they steal their documents and steal their credit cards it's called identity theft satan was the first person to ever spirit to ever steal identity try to in isaiah 14 and verse 13 he said howard how are you he said i will ascend above the throne of god i will be like the most high god i will set up my congregations i'm going to steal god's identity and i'll be god and you know the devil wants to steal your identity because you've been anointed king you're not to just allow the enemy to beat you up and cause you to lose hope you've been anointed king you may be weak but you're anointed king your flesh may be weak but the one in you is greater and the way that the enemy wants to steal your identity is not so he can use your identity is so you won't use your identity he wants you to walk through life not knowing that you're still anointed king just because you've gone through laws just because you've gotten laid off just because you're a single mother that has needs and you don't know what you're going to do you may be weak but you are still anointed hallelujah you're still blood washed child of god you still have the hand of god on you you still have a covenant with his word that says i'm going to bless you in the city and bless you in the field i'm going to take care of those children i'm going to raise you up i'm going to meet your every need you may be weak but you're still anointed you say well pastor i i'm worried about my business i understand i feel that way about the church i feel weaker than i've ever been as a pastor as as as as someone you know everything that we have it seems like it's all just kind of if god doesn't deliver us that's why we're fasting for 21 days starting august the 1st through the 21st because we are weak yet we're anointed hallelujah what a thing for a fast i may be weak when i'm pushing the table back i may be weak when i'm not eating the food but i'm going to come out of this anointed and the devil cannot the devil knows he can't go nose to nose with an anointed child of god with an anointed mama who grabs those babies and say hell can't have my family the devil knows he can't defeat that person who's anointed so his whole deal is to try to get you to say you're weak therefore you must not be a child of god he tries to steal your identity but i want to i want this to get into somebody's spirit so that when you get up and go to work tomorrow even if you got your mask on you you grumble under that mask i may be weak but i'm anointed hallelujah you walk into that job and you say with that to the contracts that are not coming in and the business that's not driving up i may be weak but i'm anointed hallelujah i'm enjoying my own preaching today praise the name of the lord walk into that hospital and and say i may be weak but i'm anointed i may be sick and you may be sick while you're laying there watching me but you're anointed and the devil touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm you go into that courtroom when you go into that trial whatever it is you're going through you may be weak but you're anointed and the anointing makes the difference and the anointing breaks the yoke isaiah 10 said and the anointing lifts the heavy bird and you may be weak but you're anointed what what you're going through doesn't change who you are glory to god i may be weak i'm going through something but it doesn't change who i am what i'm going through does not change who i am i am an anointed king no weapon formed will prosper i shall arise again you might be laid off you might be weak financially you might be weak physically you might be weak mentally you might be weak spiritually but you're still anointed and what you're going through doesn't change who you are you're still a king hold your head up the devil mess with the wrong business when he mess with your business the devil mess with the wrong preacher when he mess with this preacher he messed with the wrong ministry when he messed with this ministry he he he mess with the wrong children when he mess with you mama because you're anointed he mess with the wrong daddy because you're anointed you may be weak compared to the goliath you're fighting but you're anointed the world's getting crazy we've never seen anything like this we feel so weak as a nation america is weak is weak in our economy and weaken our love for one another and weaken unity and people ripping each other to pieces even on the internet the body of christ and christians even in this church just ripping each other to pieces we're weak but i want to remind the devil yeah we'll weep but the blood of jesus can bring quick healing and we are still anointed and we are the church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it hallelujah well pastor it seems like the devil's just getting things and times are getting worse and worse well the bible said they would somebody said well the devil's just getting more and more powerful and they said the way that you know that is you read in genesis and he was a snake he came as a snake and then you read over in peter and peter said he's like a roaring lion so he grew from a snake to a roaring lion then you go to the last book of the bible the book of revelation and it calls him a dragon so the devil as time is progressing has moved from a serpent to a lion to a dragon in the end times and you and i are not fighting the snake and we're not fighting the lion unfortunately we're feeling the breath of the antichrist we're dealing with the spirit of the antichrist like never before you can see it all getting ready the the things that we never dreamed we're dealing with the dragon but watch this want to give you something in the word of god in psalms 91 and verse 13. this is what it says it says for thou shalt tread on the adder that's the snake then he said the lion and the dragon hallelujah i don't care what the devil is doing we're going to tread on the serpent we're going to tread on the lion and we're gonna tread on the dragon you may be weak but you are anointed i've still got my faith i've still got my praise i've still got the holy ghost i've still got the blood of jesus the name of jesus and the word of almighty god david watch this david said i'm not just weak but he said i'm weak i love this this day did you catch it look at that verse again he said i'm weak this day implying devil you caught me on a bad day he never said he was weak when he went out to fight goliath that was a good day he he never said he this day of my week when he was in the cave but for some reason david was so discouraged and defeated that he admitted i am but he put these words in there this day weak it's almost like he's saying i just want to put you on warning devil weeping may endure for the night you know he wrote those words that's in the book of psalms weeping may endure for the night but joy this day i'm a little weak but don't you think that this day is how my future's going to be don't you think that this day is how i'm going to always be this won't last forever do you hear me devil we may be weak our nation may be trembling people may be watching the death rate go up all of that we may be weak but we are this day anointed this day this day does not define who you are you're still anointed king one day the trial's gonna be over one day you're going to see the sun shine again as they come one day you're going to learn that trials are transient persecutions are passing miseries are momentary but his mercy his truth his love his faithfulness endures forever you may be weak today but you're anointed if you feign in the day of adversity your strength is small the bible proclaims i am the head and not the tale i am blessed in the city and the field i've often heard people quote that verse about the thousand-fold blessing and it's true that one shall chase the thousand deuteronomy said and two ten thousand that's a thousand-fold blessing when two chase ten thousand he didn't say two will chase two thousand it went from one shall chase a thousand two to two ten thousand but it did say and we act like you know that that if we're not in a big group we can't do anything but the first part of that we we ignore the first part of that and we get to two two can chase ten thousand the power of unity the power of agreement but we forget what is said when we're at our weakest even when we're at our most isolated lone place one can chase a thousand that's pretty powerful i'm still anointed king i may be weak but i'm still anointed hallelujah we need to hear it today that he can take your one praise and chase ten thousand devils one thousand devils he can take your one praise and chase one thousand devils out of your house he can take your one act of obedience he can take your one meal that you fast in the month of august when we begin this fast august the 1st through the 21st i am declaring a 21-day worldwide fast and we're going to be weak but this day we're gonna realize that our when our strength is in weakness because when i am weak paul said then right then that's when i'm strong it's his power it's his anointing it's his grace it's his favor that begins to kick in so if you're going through a struggle i want you to know that you're anointed the devil is messing with you you're still anointed if people are laughing at you you're still anointed if somebody broke your heart you're still anointed if your family's kids are acting crazy you're still anointed your marriage is on the rocks but you're still you can't quit you can't give up i am weak this day there's another day coming there's a change coming yet i am anointed king david declared ii samuel 3 39 you ought to write that one down and when you go to work tomorrow when you face fear when you are dealing with situations that you never dreamed you would be dealing with in 2020 you need to open your mouth and when you feel overcome with fear and worry discouragement just say i am weak this day i'm not afraid of it because when i'm weak then right then god comes with strength then am i strong it's his strength now even weak faith is okay sometimes it's enough to carry you through say i'm still anointed say it again i'm still anointed say it right there in your home say it right there in that small group say it right there in that hospital room say it right there in that sick bed say it right there when you don't when you've been laid off say i'm still anointed i may be weak but i'm still anointed and i will not let what's on the outside define who i am on the inside father today i believe your word has gone forth with power and i give you praise and i give you glory because it's in somebody's spirit they're going to walk on that job site tomorrow and they're going to say i may be weak looking at this challenge but i'm anointed and the anointing will pay the bills the anointing will break the yoke the anointing will lift the burden the anointing will make the difference and your anointing now lift your hands and begin to worship and begin to praise and begin to glorify it and let him speak to your heart this morning let him speak to your heart wherever you're watching this all over the world just begin to glory by jesus [Music] in my weakest moment that's when god will do his greatest marvels in my life the strength of weaknesses god's power comes when you don't have the answers when you don't know what to do when you're at your weakest ever place lowest place then comes god's power [Music] i [Music] is i am [Music] i'm telling you today it's time for you to turn to him like never before these are troubling days and in times like these you need a savior and if you want him in your life just say i'm at my jesus place i feel like quitting i feel like giving up i'm weak this day would you anoint me would you save me would you cleanse me would you raise me to a place where i rule and reign in life with you he'll do it if you're calling his name that name is jesus just start saying that name just asking for forgiveness asking for power over addiction asking for freedom you say i'm weak i can't quit i can't stop that's when god's power and grace will come and he says but you're anointed and the anointing breaks those heavyweights [Music] receive it in jesus name go to the phone and dial that number that's on the screen [Music] make sure you send it in we're beginning fasting in prayer for the month of august we want to get your prayer requests on an order there will be perpetual online prayer meetings going on in this ministry one month we're dedicating back to god and in our weakness he's going to show himself strong in our families and our homes and in this church in this nation in jesus christ [Music] thank you lord i want you i want you to know what they're singing is true you have the authority say but i feel so weak just speak it let the weak say i'm strong and speak it walk through that house and say i i'm i'm weak this day but i'm anointed you may need to get the oil out and anoint your house you may need to anoint your billfolder you may need to anoint a prayer call for somebody and i'm telling you the power of god is being is being released right now into that room where you are i want to thank you for joining us i want to thank you for those of you giving your heart to christ or come back to the lord is so critical that you speak up and tell somebody and maybe you feel like i'm a weak christian but you're still anointed he said no man can pluck you out of my hand i've heard preachers say yeah but you pluck yourself out he said no man are you a man that includes you are you a human being that includes you i may be weak but i'm still in the body i may be weak but i'm still a child of god i may be weak but i'm still anointed king and you are too hallelujah that's worth shouting over it's not like i have to work and perform it and do real it's like because of who he is he changes who i am and what a miracle indifference jesus makes and now may the lord bless you and keep you make his face shine on you be gracious unto you lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace stay in touch with us we're going week by week as soon as we see schools and things getting where they are we want to come back as quick as we can it's hard to set a date everything changes every day but i promise you we're coming back soon in the name of the lord i pray go in the name of the lord be blessed we love you [Music] is [Music] foreign
Channel: Free Chapel
Views: 97,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Faith, Encouragment, Free Chapel, Jentezen Franklin
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 28sec (3868 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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