What The Holy Spirit Wants To Do For You! | Pastor Jentezen Franklin

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[Music] this morning what a powerful come on make a great praise ring in this place hallelujah praise the name of jesus praise the name of jesus lord we bless you today lord we bless you today lord we praise you today bless you wonderful name hallelujah does anybody believe that that's more than a song it's the declaration of faith [Music] i believe it's time for the church to believe that god can do anything that god can do everything that nothing is impossible with our god do you believe that and so we boldly proclaim healing over your body we boldly proclaim everything that was spoken through that song over our lives and over our families and over our nation over our world to god be the glory how many of you are hungry on this pentecost sunday for more of the holy spirit in your life give him a warm welcome at all of our campuses give him a warm welcome at all of our campuses would you do that praise the name of jesus god bless you you may be seated i want to welcome all of you here and thank you for that great worship today it blessed me there's something about praising the lord that will that would just build your faith if you'll do it if you do more than a music set but you will sing to the lord and sing what he promises then his presence inhabits our praise and i'm so glad to be in church on this pentecost sunday this is not a normal sunday this is pentecost sunday when we remember 50 days after passover today how jesus bled and died and rose from the dead and then sent the promise of the holy spirit to jerusalem and the church was birthed they were filled with the holy ghost and that began what we are today and he said i'll build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it can you say amen somebody if you have your bibles i'm going to let you turn with me to the book of john chapter 2. while you're turning there i want us to have a little bit of a praise party because last sunday through the week you crossed the threshold of of miracle territory and we had an amazing family who are not here in our congregation or at any of our campuses except one of the biggest campuses i guess the biggest campus that we have no doubt about it is our online campus we have had during the pandemic now over 10 000 people join our online church it's kind of crazy and with all of that in mind one of the viewers that started work watching they gave a million dollar gift and then another half a million dollar gift i think it was or maybe it was 500 500 million they've given so much i can't keep up with it amen i mean that's that's just unreal and then recently about i think it was about six weeks ago they called and they said uh we want to we heard about the you know we'd mentioned the campus that we're buying in downtown atlanta and we mentioned the amount and they said well we'd like to do about half of that but i'll never forget what the what the person said they said as a couple we won't skin in the game and uh they said if your congregation will match it we'll give up to four million dollars and so i came back that sunday i said i promise you they'll give it if i have to shake them down every week we're going to get four million dollars out of that crowd somehow another and uh and uh you know all the rumors about us i was about to make them happen amen parking place it's gonna cost you a hundred this sunday amen whatever i gotta do but you know what it's so amazing that you incredible people in the last six weeks have given over four million dollars and now with that combined gift that is an 8 million dollar miracle unbelievable the things we can dream with and do for the glory of god and i'm going to be talking about it coming in the near future about what we're going to do with these extra drink this dream fund amen and i'm so excited about it because it's all about people it's all about souls it's all about the kingdom of god and we don't have words to say thank you enough to the amazing people that i'm talking to at all of our campuses and all of you online we love you we appreciate you and we are humbled by your trust and your generosity in this ministry and i know i speak for the whole team here so one more time can we can we just give a humble and great grateful praise to god for this miracle i've been preaching 30 something years i've never experienced anything like that ever in our wildest dreams and to god be the glory amen i want to go today for a few minutes to the book of john you can start my time clock now that that none of that was on my time that was john chapter 2 verse 2 now both jesus and his disciples were invited to the wedding verse 3 and when they ran out of wine the mother of jesus said to him they have no wine and jesus said verse 7 to them fill the water pot with water and they filled them up to the brim verse 6 says that there were six water water pots of stone in verse 10 finally and he said to them this is the governor of the feast every man at the beginning sets out the good wine and when the guests have well drunk then the inferior but you have kept the good wine until now some translations say you kept the best for last and this was the beginning of the signs jesus did this was the first miracle this was the beginning of his earthly ministry right there at the wedding of cana i want to begin a series today i'm going to be preaching next sunday which is memorial day weekend we're going to do some very special things to remember and honor our veterans but i'll be preaching this sunday next sunday and the next sunday and i'm going to stay right on what i'm going to share today what the holy spirit wants to do for you what the holy spirit wants to do for you in hebrew culture there was a great deal of importance placed upon the marriage it was not a light thing or something you would do at the spur of the moment it was a serious serious agreement and covenant that people entered into when it came to marriage so much so that if you wanted to divorce someone uh the divorce had to go all if you got engaged this this is amazing if you got engaged and decided to break up you had to go through a formal writing of divorce to even break up from being engaged if the engagement was that serious you can imagine the importance they placed upon marriage and marriage then and now has is is not quite the same in the hebrew culture because it was more than a legal ceremony it was more than even a spiritual occasion but part of the marriage in the hebrew culture especially in jesus day and even to this day is it was a celebration a a a marriage was a party it lasted seven days people came in it was a community event it was a big deal it was one of the most important things that could happen huge celebration huge party and what's so interesting about this wedding and you read it it said and jesus was invited to the party jesus christ who had not yet began his miracle ministry received an invitation in the presence of god and not get the benefit of god until circumstances arise that only god can handle i mean think about it all these people they're focused on the bride and the groom they're focused on the governors here look at the dignitaries at the main table wow wow look at the wedding party look at their outfits and jesus was there and nobody's paying him any attention sometimes god has a way of working circumstances so that you come into an awareness of who is with you because you don't always recognize who you have with you until you get in a situation that only he can fix isn't it funny that something can happen and all of the sudden you need him and your whole attitude changes up until that point no big deal jesus and that little crazy bunch of people that go around with him his little entourage they're here and they could care less they've been into it for days but when you need to develop an appetite for him god knows how to make you use circumstances to make you need him nobody was praying at this party nobody was seeking god at this party nobody had time for any of his scriptures or teachings at this party but right there in the middle of their celebration and their wild party god knows how to get your attention it ought to make us tremble when we think about the times that he was there and we didn't even know he was at our party he was there at the dog track he was there at the you want me to get real plain if you don't act right i'll get real plain he he was there it would shock you he doesn't just go to church he goes to parties he goes to places that you wouldn't dream and you didn't even know that he was with you but the only reason you're sitting where you are and you're still here is because he was there and and notice what happened they were having a party but they but they ran out of wine the scripture says it very plain and they had no wine they're dancing their music is wild they're they're lit they're having a big time and nobody has noticed that they've run out of wine wine represents sustainable joy in the scripture there's momentary joy in sin there's momentary pleasure in sin for season but there is no sustainable joy in the party life that the world offers you they had merriment of heart for a few minutes but something had started going out of the party something they were trying to be happy but already something was getting lower and lower and lower about the party they were still celebrating do you know what it is do you remember when you were in the world and do you remember when it's when something went out of it i'm gonna preach in a minute if y'all get do you remember maybe some of y'all been in church too long and that's your problem but the people were still celebrating but the party has run out of wine they're still laughing but it's not that funny anymore they're still acting like they're having a good time but down on their insides they really would rather just go home they're still in the arms of somebody that they thought would be enough but now the wine has gone out of the party that job that you couldn't wait to get that you thought would be enough but the wine goes out of the party that car that house that that you just knew if you could get that that you would absolutely feel fulfilled but the wine goes out of that party that that career that paycheck if i could ever get to a certain number there i know that that that would be sustainable joy for the rest of my life but i don't care what you get that the world has to offer the wine goes out of the party the party is not what you thought it was it's flat sooner or later it goes dull if jesus is not the center of your joy i don't care how how much you get i don't care what you have and what i love about jesus is the extreme patience he'll just sit in the corner while you carry on he's sitting over there can you see him he's sitting over there watching you make the fool just acting crazy talking big cussing saying his name in vain puffing smoking anything everything a miracle he didn't plan to do anything he said my time has not yet come but this was an emergency and then all of a sudden the party crowd is talking and saying things like god if you're up there i wish you'd do me a favor i believe that we're living in a time when the church has come to the world's party and their party has run out of wine we've been overlooked we've been not noticed we've been ridiculed we've been made fun of in history we've been burned at the stake thrown in snake pits fed the lions and bear and burned alive but we're still at the party we've been mocked by hollywood and everybody else but we're still at the party and the spotlight is finally going off what the world has to offer and suddenly people are finding out in the midst of all the brokenness that we've all been through in the last year with everything that we've dealt this is a thing that only jesus can fix now that we've got more addicts then we've got answers now that we've got more broken homes than fixed homes now that we've got more crisis centers than we've ever had and more suicide lines that are jammed than we've ever had the world has run out of wine they don't have enough drugs to keep them high enough they don't have enough liquor to keep them drunk enough to hide their broken heart and their emptiness that they're feeling and the spotlight now must come on the church and our message must be jesus high and lifted up now it's time for the church to step into the spotlight of a broken addicted hurting hit bottom world depressed and fearful and worried and unsure and say only jesus can give you what you're missing notice what jesus did in verse six the bible said that he said bring me the six pots of ceremonial water the cereal ammonia water was that which they used these these pots stone pots and they had to bring them and he said fill them with water fill them to the brim they would wash themselves before they went into the holy place or into the tabernacle even the outer court they had to wash at these ceremonial jars of water and jesus said i want you to get those old religious pots and i want you to fill them with water to the brim fill them with water to the brim god uses things to make things god never makes things rarely in scripture without something else he asked the widow woman what do you have in the house and she said i have a little pot of oil and then he uses things to make more things god can take old pots and work new miracles god can take something used and abused and make a miracle out of the mess god can stir up and i believe he's about to stir up in old pots meaning churches and denominations that are just religious sinners he's about to put new miracles in old pots and we've got to get back to preaching that jesus christ is the same yesterday today and forever and in my name you shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover and in my name you should speak with new tongues and am i didn't he say it did he say it it's time for the old pots to get some new miracles jesus said bring me water and i'll give you wine now usually if you're gonna if you're gonna make a substance you need the raw material of that substance if you want orange juice you bring oranges and i'll give you orange juice if you need wine you bring grapes and i will eventually give you wine if he had asked for grapes and made it into wine that would be one thing but he didn't ask for anything that remotely resembled wine and he still made it wine he said bring me something that in no way looks like what i want it to be and i'll transform it in my presence from what it is and it can never on its own become that's why i said fill it to the brim i don't even want one grape in all that water i want it to the brim and when you are aware of what you're full of bring it to me when you're aware of the fact that you can't do anything to change yourself to deliver yourself to help yourself but you understand that that that sixth ceremony six is the number of man six is the number of sin the book of revelation antichrist six six six and he said six water pots full of water when you are aware of what you're full of come bring it into my presence make sure that there's nothing in that pot that can become what i want it to be nothing but water nothing but water no holiness no righteousness in yourself no no worthiness in yourself full to the brim of nothing but sin just as i am without one plea but that thy blood was shed for me and when you get that bring it to me and then the bible said he said and begin to pour it out i'm going to pour it from vessel to vessel and i can't explain to you we're not told the bible is ambiguous about exactly how and when it happened but when they started pouring from one vessel to another as as the water got in the presence of jesus the water started transforming into wine that's why we've got to be really really serious about getting in the presence of god and not just having a church service this is not a time to just do church and hear a little talk and have a little song and leave we must be in the presence of jesus where transformation takes place he said draw it out see what i can do as it gets in my presence now water is weak but when it got in the presence of jesus that which was weak became strong wine is strong water is cheap but when it got in the presence of jesus it became wine and wine is expensive water water is tasteless but wine is intoxicating they tell me and i don't drink in case you're wondering i don't want it i don't need it that's between you and god you better follow the wisdom of this book but for me i don't want it in my life but here's the point here's the point as it got in his presence that which was weak became strong that which had no worth became great value that which was tasteless became powerful and intoxicating it all happened from the power of his presence and then i want you to notice something else the bible said and jesus said go serve it to the governor you ever read that you know the honored guests the the the celebrity at the head table so many times i preached a whole sermon on this many years ago and i thought about it as i was putting this together this week that that that so many times we want to we want to reach the butler and we should meaning the down and out but we forget about the up in the end we forget that the person who has prestige and power and wealth and money and fame and everything they they need it too and jesus said take it to the governor first and let him drink it serve him touch him reach him he's got a thirst that his power and influence can't feel he's got a thirst that his wealth and his money can't feel he's got a thirst that his success and his victory after victory in the world in one arena still leaves him extremely dry and empty in another area of his life and go give him a taste of what i'm offering him and i love it because the bible said that the the governor knew that the routine at a wedding was to serve the best wine first and after people have well drunk then you bring the cheap stuff and the governor had a preconceived idea of what he was being offered was nothing compared to what he had already had so many people think that what you have and have had in the world is so much better than what the church and jesus is offering you but when he tasted it when he tasted it he said wow this is better than what i expected this is better than what i've ever had this is better than anything i have ever tasted i have never in my life experienced this this is i had a preconceived idea that what you were offering me was inferior to what i could get through my own power and my own wealth and my own fame and my own position i thought that what you offered me was weak and what i had was strong but now that i've tasted it this is better than what i thought it was it has exceeded my expectations i've never tasted anything like this before that's that's that that's what's wrong if we really offer people the blood of jesus christ this wine he said at the communion meal at the last supper he said this wine represents my body and my blood if people ever taste of the power of the holy ghost if people ever taste of the joy of the lord the sustainable joy of the lord i don't mean it keeps you out of trouble i mean when you go through trouble i have a sustainable joy that alcohol can't give me that drugs can't give me that money can't give me that success can't give me i have a sustainable joy in jesus that says whether i'm on the mountain or in the valley whether i'm up or whether i'm down good times bad times i have a sustainable joy if it's ordinary it's man if it's extraordinary it's god and he said this is extraordinary this is not just life this is life more abundantly this is not just wine it's wine like i've never tasted before wow what jesus is offering me is so superior to what i had preconceived ideas was so much greater how do you explain to people the baptism in the holy ghost anybody been filled with the holy ghost just like acts chapter 2 and spoke in tongues as the spirit gave you the utterance raise your hand if that's happened to you raise your hand that's awesome that's awesome raise your hand high and unashamed that's hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and and just keep your hand up a minute throw your other hand up and say when i tasted that it was better than anything the word you know it it's like a drug i mean i was i was high but it wasn't like dope it was it was more than dope it it it was i was drunk but i didn't have a hangover i i don't it's hard to it's how do you explain it it's so frustrating the religious world you know the old pots the old religious pots says yeah acts chapter 2 the day of pentecost was fully come they were all in one accord in one place and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as a mighty rushing wind it filled all the place where they were sitting there appeared under them cloven lungs like as a fire set upon each of them they were all filled with the holy ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the spirit gave them the utterance and the religious pots of water said over here and say that's not for this day and that's not for this time that's not for this hour then dear god why this we need it more now than we've ever needed it if they needed it then how much more and he saved the best for last he saved the best for this moment he saved the best wine for the last days we're not going to joe's bar we're going to joel's bar and the prophet joel said it shall come to pass in the last days saith god i will pour out my spirit on all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy somebody shout lord i need that in my home it's like wine but it's better than wine and he saved the best for last jesus told his disciples go to the upper room i'm going away i'm going to heaven but go to the upper room and terry and he said oh no listen to preconceived ideas oh no you're the best you're the best if you leave us the miracles lean if you leave us the signs and one you you were our comforter when we got in a storm you came walking on the water peter speaks up and said when i didn't have no money to pay my taxes you gave me a fishing hook a magical fishing hook and i pulled a fish out of the creek and and it had a gold thing and paid your taxes what you're my comforter you're my provider you're my healer you're my deliverer you're the one who fills me with joy and now you're leaving and jesus said yeah just go to the upper room and wait stay there for 50 days that's the word 50 is pentecost stay there for 50 days after passover and go party without wine because they're in the upper room but there's no hope there's no jesus there and they don't really have i know the holy spirit was active but they had not been filled so they're in their praise and lord they're all religious pots when the anointing of the holy ghost doesn't come into a church all we are is a bunch of silly religious pots full of ourself worried about ourself focused on ourselves but when the presence of jesus shows up suddenly we get transformed we lose ourself and we become encapsured by the power of his presence so they go they go and jesus says it's gonna be all right i'm gonna send another comforter and this one will abide with you forever and it's not gonna be one jesus with two hands and two feet and one mouth and a few miracles here and there but if you'll get full of what i've saved the best for the last four if you get full on the day of pentecost it'll be 120 of you out in the streets and you'll have the same power in my name i give you the authority and the power and if you get full of the spirit and let me transform you you'll be carriers of my presence and my power and my authority so they go to jerusalem and they're having a party without wine until the day of pentecost and suddenly i got to read it because it's so funny you say well i just don't know about that holy ghost stuff what part don't you know about every book in this bible of the new testament that was written was written by a man who talked in tongues because every one of them were in the upper room with the exception of the apostle paul and paul said i speak in tongues more than you all peter james john all of them mary the mother of jesus are you holier than she is but you don't need the holy ghost she needed the holy ghost but you don't need it it's not for you you're not interested no thank you that's for radicals that's for crazy people that's that weird stuff well aren't you tired of little dead dry religious pots oh old pots need new miracles [Applause] i'm ready for revival i'm ready i'm ready for it all i'm not talking about crazy you know me i'll put i'll shut something down quick but i'm telling you we better get back to saying holy spirit we need you fill us transform us listen to this it's been poured out before [Music] it happened on the day of pentecost but he saved the best for last god's been holding back his best for these last days first corinthians 14 and 39 forbid not to speak with tongues there are over 1.7 billion believers a worldwide who say i am a born-again christian and i have experience speaking in tongues as the spirit gives me the utterance soon according to varna research more than half of the worldwide christians will be tongue-talking spirit-filled believers globally the largest denomination is catholic eastern orthodox anglican and now pentecostal because they have the largest church in the world in korea the largest one of the largest churches 350 000 in in uh bogota colombia spirit field in africa they have a church that is over a million people spirit field if it's possible that tongues are of no value to be ridiculed to be slandered then why are so many people receiving it christians treat speaking in tongues like it's weird doctrine it's a practice to be avoided is if there's something about this experience that the bible promises will change your life and when he comes in fullness he gives you a prayer language and a worship language that will glorify jesus magnify blow him up make him bigger than he's ever been in your life if it's of little importance that you speak in tongues and pray in the spirit then why was it prophesied about in the old testament when isaiah said with stammering lips and an unknown tongue i'll speak to my people why was it spoken about by jesus christ himself when he said in mark 16 these signs will follow they'll speak with new tongues why was it released on the day of pentecost when the church read acts chapter 2. you cannot avoid the outpouring of the spirit and speaking in tongues why is it practiced and was practiced by every leader in the early new testament church and why is it continuing to be poured out all over the world today it's because he saved the best for last and every one of us need to say holy spirit feel me let me get in the power of your presence today and feel me until i pray in the spirit until i worship you in spirit and in truth and when you do transformation comes and he turns that which is weak into that which is strong and that which is of little value to the kingdom becomes expensive and powerful and intoxicating we have nothing without the anointing of the holy spirit and it's here right now i sense it i feel it he's the precious holy spirit stand to your feet at all of our campuses right there in your home wherever you are if you'll just be open you may be an old religious pot nothing wrong with that but would you be open to god giving a new miracle to an old pot anybody open to something brand new throw both hands up in the air at every campus open your mouth out loud and say come on holy spirit i want on the day of pentecost this sunday to be filled with the holy spirit all over again feel me feel me feel me heal me deliver through me i want to be your hands i want to be your feet you you had something greater in mind when you sent another comforter you wanted us to comfort people you wanted us to heal people in your name you wanted us to deliver captives god we pray for power greater than addiction we pray for that anointing god that's greater than the power of hell that's coming against homes and families we pray for the power of the holy ghost in this church we pray for revival like we've never dreamed souls being saved somebody needs that transformation your party has run out of wine but jesus says come to me and today i'll turn your order in the line just worship him all over this room right there where you are at every campus just worship jesus the holy spirit will fill you open your mouth [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ask him to speak [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you would be one of the 120 that would say god i'm hungry for the holy spirit i'm hungry for the movie get out of your seat and move to the altar of your church [Music] sustainable joy [Music] that's where it starts that's where it happens that's where it begins that's where god moves when you move when you hunger god moves when you knock god opens when you ask god still hunger [Music] lift your hands all over the building and begin to pray as the spirit gives you the efforts we're not crazy this is the promise of the father not a denomination he called it the promise of the father wait and tear it for the promise of the bombs come on come on come on give me a hundred leaders give me a hundred leaders of this church a hundred leaders [Music] it starts with leaders [Music] pastors at every campus lay your hands on your people lay your hands why don't you reach over and pray for somebody around you to release miracles joy deliverance freedom this is the way god does it he uses people he uses [Music] is [Music] [Music] of your presence let us experience the glory of your good let us become let us more aware [Music] your business [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] let us [Music] is [Music] lift your hands and sing it one more time holy spirit [Music] [Music] [Applause] and he's here [Music] [Music] give him your gift and watch him turn it [Music] ordinary [Music] your goodness can you clap your hands as a warm welcome to the holy spirit this morning hey alan allen allen and brother skelton pat will you come up here will you come up here real fast and alan would you come with it one of the page matriarchs of this church was louise skelton she went to be with the lord a couple weeks ago and if you don't know hugh skelton and his son alan they are full-time missionaries they have started foul several thousand churches i don't even know how many hundreds and hundreds we've been together for ever and been involved in free chapel forever and is the answer not the holy ghost yes 100 plus how old are you brother skelton 91 91 years old his son alan allen we're so honored to have you here normally he lives with his family in honduras and has an amazing mission program there and because of your generosity we were able to give them last week a hundred and week before last 150 000 dollars to go for is that what we gave yeah that's what it was i hope i got that right amen that was right and it's just the beginning because they they win souls every day they feed the hungry clothe the poor take care but i just feel like it would be an order if you general of the faith would conclude the day of pentecost at free chapel for this service and ask god to feel us like never before with the power of the holy spirit would you do that father for all these years you have blessed us with this great experience of being filled i mean feel lord with the power and anointing of the holy spirit we could never ever have been able to accomplish what has been done without the touch and the anointing of the great holy spirit upon our life and upon the ministry that you've sent us into the world to do and today lord we give you honor and praise and glory for all that you've accomplished here in free chapel and around the world oh god today we lift our hearts in praise and adoration to the king of kings and lord of lords and father the battle is not over we're still on the journey lord still souls out there to reach for the kingdom of god and lord you know we're leaving monday morning in the morning to go back to the mission field to serve you lord so be with us for that great touch with the holy spirit and give us souls for the kingdom and we'll give you the honor and the praise and the glory for you deserve it all in jesus name precious now did you are you going you're you're leaving for the mission where are you going or the honduras 90 one or two 91 years old and still gotta go ye into all the world turn to somebody and say what's your problem bud alan what's god you got anything on your heart it's an amazing thing to come into an atmosphere like this when you've lost someone like your mother and how this holy spirit that he was talking about just somehow just begins to do something and regenerate read whatever that word is do it again and you don't think about what you've lost you think about what she's gained you think about what this message means to so many you asked me what i wanted to say i wanted to say this congregation is blessed because this guy don't hide it don't come here if you don't want to face it god's good fashion just just to let you know what you gave what you deposited by faith is going to put at least 600 roofs on homes that lost their roofs and the two hurricanes we had last year in honduras that and provide a tremendous amount of food and give bibles to those that lost their bibles thank you so much love it love it love it the lord be with you how many of you will pray for pastor hugh and pastor alan as they go keep him strong and healthy soul soul soul soul souls in jesus name may the lord bless you and keep you make his face shine on you be gracious unto you lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace take your communion set with you and have it after you eat the buffet or whatever it is you're going to do have it in your home we'll have it in the next service you can go home and watch online and we'll have it in the next service i didn't get time to get to that but we'll do it in the next service i love you all ask god to fill you with the holy spirit next two sundays gonna be preaching on the power of the holy spirit and i believe we're gonna have a breakthrough in major major ways with people and healings and miracles and seeing god move in might and power it's time god bless you be blessed great music today great worship today wasn't that such a beautiful and powerful house this morning i don't know about you but holy spirit is strong in this room this morning and we pray wherever you are that you feel his presence no matter where you're watching from that your room be filled with his touch and that you feel his touch today yeah and so if you listen to that message and you decided jesus is for me i want to have more of that i want to experience more of his presence and the holy spirit we want you to text yes to 5 10 5 10 we have a new number system so let's remember that this morning 5 10 5 10 text yes this morning if you said yes to jesus yes and we are celebrating with you we are so proud of you that is literally the best decision you could have ever made so we are celebrating right alongside you and like nelson what a powerful yeah i knew today felt special but man that's that moment something different was so special i love pastor's point about how the world will always run out of wine whether that's literally had the story in the bible they ran out of literal wine but the wine of satisfaction of things in the world god it'll it'll just always always never satisfy but the lord's wine is a never ending well for us to always pull from and always be strengthened and encouraged by so just take that little nugget and apply it throughout your week when maybe when you feel tempted to do something tempted to give into anger attempted to give in to whatever it may be remember that the lord's wine is the wine that is so satisfying and fulfilling and never ending for you so just take that and apply that throughout your week yes so good well we want to thank you to everybody who gives and who pours into this ministry if you just watch that like pastor is saying that's incredible look at all of the things that we are doing and we just want to give you a big handclap too because we matched our funds we matched that four million which is incredible amazing like they said all the stuff that's going on in honduras and building roofs for homes that were um were affected by the hurricane i mean all that and then some we are doing by pouring into the ministry and giving god says you know bless and help the widows and the children and you're doing that and your faithfulness and you're giving so we want to thank you so much we appreciate you literally you guys are so amazing and also we just want to invite you if you need prayer for anything we are you know we want you to text pray to 5 10 5 10 prayer to 5 10 5 10 and there you'll be able to just get connected send a prayer request and we have a team of people who will be praying for you and connecting with you and just literally covering you in prayer over whatever situation you may need so again that's prayer to 5 10 5 10 and it'll be on the screen for you if you see it down there as well yes and then another thing we want to let you guys know about before the day ends is our experience is real trip yes so if you've been following along and you know about the holy land and and you want to walk where jesus walked we're going to israel december 1st through the 10th and you can still sign up now it's going to be such an amazing anointed journey that's with pastor jensen and charisse franklin you can log on to freetopple.org for more information on the trip and the itinerary every place that you guys would be going to so if you're interested again freechapel.org experience israel trip december 1st through the 10th it's going to be powerful yes be sure you check that out also we just want to invite you guys to invite somebody to watch online you know this service was so powerful and i know the 11am is gonna be just as powerful so this impacted you send this to a friend send this in your family group message to maybe that friend that you're trying to get to come to church with you one day go family members literally anyone who comes to your mind go ahead and send this link to your friend so that they can get empowered just as we were this morning let's not be stingy with it but let's share it with people spread out yes and also we just i try to take a minute we just want to take a minute and just thank you guys for being a part of our online family pastor was bragging on you all this morning and we just want to seal it with some bragging before we go on with our day you guys are so so special thank you guys for taking the time out of your day to tune in to help us to partner with us all with our resources with our time with our prayers whatever it may be you guys are so special and we love all of you guys so much but before we go on with our sunday mel you want to close us out with some prayer absolutely awesome god we just thank you for who you are and we just thank you for your holy spirit that is present and available at any given second in time and we just pray that your word doesn't return void god that it just reaches out into every person who is watching this morning we just pray that you touch them where they are that you fill their room wherever they're watching god we pray your holy spirit over them and i pray that that you just fill them like never before god and that they feel your presence like never before on a deeper level god we pray for answers to things that they've been been praying about and wondering about god we just pray for confirmations to be taking place today and for an extra anointing in touch of your holy spirit today in jesus name amen love you guys love you guys so much [Music] bye
Channel: Free Chapel
Views: 147,944
Rating: 4.8775105 out of 5
Id: 4qfa31AuAf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 14sec (3614 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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