The Power of Bold Prayers | Pastor Jentezen Franklin

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[Music] thank god come on give him great praise give him great praise today hallelujah i think they need to sing it one more time don't you everybody get your hands going come on at every campus put your hands together this morning [Music] because [Music] he changed [Music] because it is [Music] [Applause] [Music] forever [Music] you didn't [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] somebody needs to just decide [Music] in jesus name [Music] i am [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] is [Music] you changed thank god [Music] praise the mighty name of jesus hallelujah nothing wrong with it it's a good thing to give thanks unto the lord hale lost another one what a line what a line praise god if you're not too religious i know you're so holy you can't hardly say the word hell but even in a good text in context turn to someone and say hell lost another one because that's where i was headed for jesus got a hold of me we're so glad you're with us today you look beautiful here in gainesville and in the overflow and wherever you're at and then all of our campuses give them a warm welcome they're joining us and praising god all over the place and all of you online we're so thankful that you're joining us today smile at someone before you're seated and let them know they're in the right place today we're having church in here today and we're excited about what god is doing so thankful for his goodness if you have your bibles you can open them with me and i'm gonna go to the book of joshua chapter 6 and i want to share something with you today that i believe is a word in season for every person who is listening to me and it's not by accident i want to show you something in the word of god today and tell you a little story that i picked up from a book that i read and i want us to then put into practice what i'm going to teach here over the next few minutes in in joshua chapter 6 it's the story of jericho it's a massive city the first city that israel would encounter on their way into the promised land and verse 3 you shall march around the city all your men of war you shall go around the city once this you shall do six days and seven days shall bear seven trumpets and seven priests shall bear seven trumpets of ram's horns before the ark but the seventh day you shall march around the city seven times and the priests shall blow the trumpets it'll come to pass when they make a long blast with the rams horns and when you hear the sound of the trumpet that all the people shall shout with a great shout then the wall of the city will fall down flat and the people shall go up every man straight before him what a powerful story in the old testament and it has a great lesson for us today that i want to emphasize i read this book and it touched me the story and it really draws a beautiful picture that i want to just get get you to see for a moment and we'll come back to the story but it's a fact and it's still taught in synagogues jewish synagogues to this day by rabbis the story of a man who has become known as the circle maker it was the first um the first century bc church and a devastating drought was taking place threatening to destroy an entire generation the generation before jesus was born history records this is not a fairy tale this is a historical fact what i'm what i'm sharing with you because they have they have historians and papers and so on that that they have found the world in that region of the earth israel was in the worst famine it had ever been in and people were on the verge of dying the generation before jesus was born all the prophets of course had passed away there's this dark ages as it's called in history between the old testament and the new testament there's no word from god there's no voice from the prophets there's no one there the only one that was left was an old sage by the name of honey his name was honey and he lived outside the gates or the walls of jerusalem and he he had a relationship with god he was known as a man of a powerful prayer and in desperation the leaders of the nation went to this man honey he's a figure in jewish history that is celebrated to this day and they asked him would he please pray because they realized it was in such a dire situation now that their families were going to die if they didn't get water within a matter of days and you don't really understand that unless you go to the middle east and particularly you go to israel and you understand it's a desert wilderness land and um water particularly then not as much now because of amazing inventions but water then was life if you could not get water and the only bit of water they had was the sea of galilee that water feeds into and if there's no water and there's a famine then people are going to die and it was that critical so they go to this old sage and he says yes i will pray to the god of abraham isaac and jacob for rain and this is a historical fact he took his staff it's about six feet long and he put it in the sand and he began to turn like a math compass he began to turn 30 degrees 60 degrees 90 degrees 180 degrees all the way around a complete circle he made and drew in the sand with the tip of that staff he drew a circle he dropped to his knees and he threw up his hands and as the hundreds and thousands of people begin to gather around and he's in the middle of that circle he says these words with his hands raised with great authority i swear before your great name that i will not move from this circle until you have shown mercy o god upon your children the word sent a shudder down the spine of all of the people who were watching amazingly history records that as that prayer left his lips instantly and immediately rain began to sin to descend on the earth the audible grasp of thousands of people watching could be heard every head except honeys was turned heavenward as rain was parachuting out of the sky and beginning to drop on the people it was just a very moderate dropping of rain but people were had not seen it in so long that they began to celebrate and shout out loud but suddenly the voice of honey pierced through again and he lifted his voice and prayed a second time not for such a rain have i prayed but for rain that will fill every valley every sister in every cavern oh god of abraham isaac and jacob and suddenly according to the witnesses and the documentation of that event the sprinkle turned into a torrential downpour no raindrop was smaller than the size of an egg so great was the downpour of rain that the people began to run toward the temple mound to get to the highest place because they knew next would come flash floods but once again honey lifted his voice still in the circle that he had made and he prayed one last time not for such a rain have i prayed but for the reign of your favor blessing and graciousness and just like someone turned the faucet down from a 10 to a 4 or a 5 the rain evened off and suddenly it was just a beautiful downpour that went for days the earth soaked the water up and a generation was saved because one man drew a prayer circle he became known as the circle maker and he said god i'm not leaving this circle until you spare my family you spare my nation and you spare my generation it's pretty powerful when you think about it when you move in to the arena of prayer you need to understand that this story teaches us that bold prayers honor god and god honors bold prayers god does not want us to pray weak prayers god does not want us to pray get by prayers god does not want us to ask for things that we think are not that big of a deal but god likes it when you ask red seas to part god likes it when you ask for axe heads to swim on top of the jordan river as elisha did god likes it when you stand like joshua and you point to the sun and you say sun stand still and god stops the whole universe because someone prayed a bold prayer in faith that was connected to god's purpose and plan in the earth prayers are prophecies of your future and the lack of prayer means that you're not prophesying or receiving any prophecies for your future the only future that you or your family have are the prayers that you're praying for your marriage for your children for your future and the reason some people don't experience anything different is they don't understand prayer is the prophecy of your future it's all right when you pray to recognize that you're in tough times but prayer ought to sound something like this if prayer is the prophecy of my future lord is tough but i know that you're able lord i know that you're mighty lord i know that you will deliver me you just prophesied to your future i thank you god that you are my healer that you are my helper pray your faith not your fears get up out of the mud and say i know what i have believed in and whom i have believed in we need to make prayer circles and put our sons and our daughters in that prayer circle and prophesy and pray to their future lord i know my eyes are on you and god i put my son in this prayer circle and i in the name of jesus ask you to get every wrong person out i put my daughter in this prayer circle get every bad evil influence out of that circle and put every right person that's a part of your destiny into that circle and god says i dare you to draw a circle around what hell thinks he's got and watch me target what you target in prayer and pray bold prayers and god will answer god will answer i am persuaded that you're able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that i could ask or think and it doesn't matter if it's a famine it doesn't matter if it's a pandemic it doesn't matter if it's a drought god needs some people who'll do what that old prophet did and draw some prayer circles and say right in the middle of it i don't just want little mercy drops from heaven i am expecting a gully washer i am expecting an outpouring and i just want to keep saying it god is going to fill these churches to overflowing again only more than they have ever been before enjoy the space you have right now you're not going to have it long because when he brings it back it's going to come back press down shaken together running over and we won't have room enough to receive the souls that are going to get saved somebody shout and say yes lord when you pray you're predicting your future lord i thank you that you're going to do mighty things in my family and in my children's life and in my marriage god i'm predicting the future with prayer as for me and my house we will serve the lord believe on the lord jesus christ and you shall be saved and your house the trans script of your prayers will become the script of your future what is amazing in the story that i read from joshua chapter six is two and a half million people watch walked out of egyptian bondage into the desert and because of their unbelief god said i will i will not let that generation go into the promised land and for 40 years they lived in the desert until the whole generation died only two survived that original group joshua and caleb everyone else passed away and this is why this is important what that means is every person who was now 40 years old was born in the desert they had never seen a city they had never seen a brick they had never seen a wall their style of living was the bedouin lifestyle which they live out in tents with sheep and goat and they travel from from desert place to desert place you can go there to this day and when we go to israel we we go and show that you can even you can arrange spend in the night there if you want to and you're free to do that if you want to i don't plan on ever doing that but but but it's amazing that you can see that can you imagine 40 years of age a whole generation and they had never seen a city and then the first city that they come to is the walls of jericho so high 60 feet high up to 40 feet wide chariots could race and they would race chariots on the top around the walls of jericho people who had never seen a city who had never seen walls are looking at this city that they're supposed to take and god gives their leader the strangest commandment he says i want you to tell them for the next six days one time a day to walk around those walls and on the seventh day walk seven times what were they doing they were making prayer circles and it didn't matter how big the walls were and it didn't matter what they didn't have it didn't matter the lies and the threats and the jokes and the sneering that was coming from the top of those walls they were nobody compared to the walls that were standing there defying them but many of you are facing walls of resistance many of you are are know that your destiny is there on the other side of that wall and any engineer would tell you you need a battering round and it'll take a miracle to knock the door down and maybe then you can take the city but god said no i have a supernatural plan and if you will surround the situation that i promised you with that i promise to you if you were surrounded with prayer then i will cause the walls i don't know if you saw it the walls will fall flat and after the seventh time of making a circle around their purpose and their destiny god saw it and god said what you circle i circle and what you focus on and you take serious and you pray bold about i pray bold about and as they marched around that city seven times at the end the trumpet blast and the people lifted their voice and shouted with a great shout and the walls fell flat i want today to boldly proclaim that it's time for the church and it's time for moms and dads and grandmothers and grandfathers and parents to begin to draw a circle in your home and in your family and put your children in that circle of prayer and put your marriage in that circle of prayer because there's some things that are not going to come down until somebody begins to pray bold prayers and becomes persistent and begins to draw spiritually a prayer circle and says i will not leave this spot i'll be back tomorrow and the next day and the next day until my son gets off drugs my daughter gets away from that thing that she's i will not i will not and i'm telling you hell's afraid of the sermon i'm preaching right now because when a husband and a wife when a mom and a dad draw circles and put your family in it put your family in it god can level the walls of resistance that they may have up when you begin to pray those kinds of targeted prayers you don't quit that you don't give up jericho was the lowest place and is the lowest place on earth is 600 feet below sea level it's the lowest place on planet earth geographically speaking and when you get in the lowest place of your life and you don't you and you're facing walls of resistance god says i want you to target that and i don't care how impossible it looks start targeting it and circling that situation in powerful bold prayers get praise and get prayer going now here's my point once you begin to draw circles in prayer that are persistent and consistent and and and you just make up your mind i'm not giving this territory up this is not a negotiable situation here something's going to change inside this circle of prayer that i'm drawing once you draw a circle then god draws a circle and when god draws circles he draws circles with angels because the bible said in psalms 32 and 7 you surround me with songs of deliverance when you begin to circle that situation of trouble and problem in prayer and you don't quit and you don't give up and you keep praying and you keep crying out god says i so put it up please god says you s i will surround you with songs of deliverance god sends angels and the angels surround you and start singing about the kind of deliverance that they're going to do and be released to do by god in your situation psalms 34 and 7 says the angels of the lord encamp round about them that fear god so when you draw circles around your children they may go off to college they may go here and there but when you draw a circle around them god draws circles with angels and angels go and they circle our children and they circle our family because that's the kind of god that he is god's already surrounding you if you will begin to pray about it god's already got a song of deliverance around you and your children angels are singing about how they're going to deliver our family when you get married when i perform ceremonies of marriage we say the symbol of our relationship with one another that is to last eternity is the ring and at some point in a ceremony i will say what token of your undying love and your an ending commitment do you offer to each other and the couple will say these rings and then one of the the groom or the bride will turn and they will receive the rings and i'll say place the ring on the finger and repeat after me the ring is a token of the undying unending commitment the ring has no beginning the ring has no ending and it is a it is a token it represents marriage is endless forsaking all others do you promise to love that person as long as you both shall live and if you're married when you slip that on and you said those words you ended up saying we do and when you put that on your finger that day you step into the sacred circle of marriage covenant a ring is a symbol of marriage covenant the ring is a circle it has no beginning and no ending just like marriage i don't care what people say god god's number one best plan okay we can't go back and undo your past if you've been through divorce and all of that thank god for mercy and grace but let me preach right now because you don't have to throw the ring away you can you can enforce the ring and say you know what what god has begun he's going to fix and he's going to help we got to get focused and we got to get god's help in this home and in this marriage the circle represents the bold statement and declaration of marriage in in engaged and intertwined in the marriage ceremony it's an emblem of permanence the ring is made precious because it's made out of precious material and it's purified by the heat of a furnace you cannot make this material into a ring unless it's been put in the fire and you cannot have a marriage that is just lovey-dovey all the time and what marriage is is it's a it's it's this right here it's till death do we part the center of the circle represents the door to the unknown in richer or in poorer in sickness or in health i don't know what the future's bringing but i tell you one thing i do know i know who i'm gonna be with i'm gonna be with cherise i'm gonna be with my family charisse is going to be with me and that's what that empty place represents it represents the unknown but you're making the vow as i put this circle on my marriage and on my hand representing that i i am saying in sickness or in health richer or poor i till death do us part i'm in a covenant in the traditional jewish wedding it's amazing do you know how a jewish wedding goes once the bridegroom is in they get under something called a hoopa a hoopa is a canopy and they'll have a canopy over the top and what is amazing is when the bridegroom is standing down there with the wedding party then the bride comes in and you know what she will do she will the first thing she will do is after she walks down the aisle is she will walk around the hoopa or walk around that canopy and her soon-to-be husband three times and after she does it she'll get in her place and then he will get out notice what they're doing to make it a circle he walks around three times and then they grab each other's hand and as a couple on the seventh time they walk around together signifying that god made the earth in seven days and he's making a brand new family right here that will endure whatever comes we're in a covenant we've got a circle what i want you to understand is when we make circles of prayer this is just what i felt today that something powerful could happen if every husband and every wife for the next seven days would just join hands and just reach out and touch each other and put your family inside of that circle one can put a thousand to flight but two can put ten thousand to flight and when you put and call those children's name out i tell you i enjoyed the the earlier service this morning because we just had the most precious time and i got to praying at the end and i put everyone named every one of them and put them in that circle charisses my valentine is on her way home from california tomorrow thank god with one of our grandbabies because that's our full-time job we just do this on the side we keep grandchildren all the time that's all we do and so she's going to get another one and uh and and and and so so but the thought just hit me that how powerful would it be if all of us parents over the next seven days would just spiritually draw a line in the sand and then say let's put our whole family in this circle and pray bold prayers about them pray the very opposite hells whispered to you about whoever he's got under attack and thinks he's got they're not they're not an addict they're not bound they're not defeated they're not going to end up on the ash heap of of life no way devil i'm telling you me and my house are going to serve the lord i'm telling you no weapon formed against this will prosper and i'm telling you when the enemy comes in like a flood the spirit put them in that prayer circle the other week when i was preaching one of our pastors at midtown campus we have a campus in downtown atlanta there's hundreds of people that are attending there and it's it's we we it's the that and one other campus of course brazilton the new newest campus that we opened just a few weeks ago they've seen a phenomenal growth hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people we only had two campuses that grew in-house and the amazing thing is that the atlanta campus the midtown campus was already in existence before the pandemic it's almost doubled since the pandemic i can't get my head around that and i'm talking about in person attendance i'm like why don't you come here and let me go down there but i i said something in one of the messages when i was preaching on the power of the tongue i referred briefly to this story and i said something in closing like why don't you just go march around whatever you're believing god for and speak life and pastor robert and some of the team down at midtown uh several months back there was a piece of property down downtown gorgeous beautiful amazing location three skyscrapers with thousands of people living in condos all literally right at the at the uh the the center is this building it's a theater it's got theater seats it's got a large auditorium that would seat about 600 and something and then it's got a large platform got screens got everything then it's got a small auditorium that would just be perfect for a little kid pack and and so we heard about it and they found this building and some of the team went down there and looked at it and the and we got together and we made an offer on it so low you know it's we we believe in getting a good deal amen and so we we put it we put a deal in that we knew there ain't no way that we could build that there for anywhere near this it's ridiculous we know what to expect we know how much we budget how much a building cost this was millions of dollars under what any building of that size would cost and he heard at the end the pastor robert and some of the team heard at the end of that message co-walker and it god lit it up and he got a little group of fanatics at midtown and even though a big corporation came in and put a contract on that building and so they notified us your contract has been rejected you're not getting that building and we moved on we moved on for several months but here this little group of joshua's army goes down there in the middle of town in atlanta and starts circling this building and they start walking around it and saying lord we just claim this for the kingdom of god lord we know you want our families there and our children there and people to get saved there and god we just claim this building and do you know that they called us last week and they said is your offer still good the other one mysteriously fell through here it is this is the new home of free chapel atlanta look at that midtown it's unbelievable look at only god could do that but he needs some people to pray some bold prayers some bold prayers and by faith we're going to pay absolutely cash for it i know god's already got it it'll be paid for before we get in it and we won't have to do nothing to it clap your hands and shout and say man it's ready to walk in and we'll close on it after we do due diligence in 60 days and we'll walk in and the first service people are going to get saved because somebody drew a circle and said hell can't have what heaven says is mine in jesus name [Applause] hallelujah why don't you bri why don't you draw a prayer circle around your marriage why don't you bro draw a prayer circle around your children why don't we do that why don't you stand up on your feet right now and i want every husband and every wife that's here to reach over and take both hands of your husband and your wife yes i said it and that's what i mean and if it's not your husband or wife don't you dare try it but reach over and grab it and it's all right to look at them and right now since it's valentine's day give them a little sugar amen do you know you just burned two calories and if you could do it a little better you could burn more than two calories that's how many calories you burn when you kiss now i want you to join hands and it really touched me in the first service because there was a little couple sitting down here and they had a teenage daughter and i didn't ask them to do it but they they put their teenage their teenage daughter was just standing there and the mom and dad i said you know spiritually put your kid in in your kids in the circle and they just looked and said get in here and they put their arms around her and it was the most precious thing as they prayed and boy you could see she was being touched mightily by the spirit of the lord why don't we just put our arms around our family and fur and and form a a prayer circle right now and if you're with your husband or your wife right now just just say right here let's come on you know what i'm trying to do that's a prayer circle and now i want you to put your children in there i want you to put your grandchildren in there let's just begin to pray all over this building and i haven't forgot about the rest of us my wife's not here either amen i hadn't forgot about the rest of us but i'm making a prayer circle she's watching online and we join hands spiritually right now i'm on one coach she's on the other but in the name of jesus we form a prayer circle right now put your children in there let's begin to call their names out father in the name of jesus i just put courtney and tyler and emilia and elliot in the prayer circle meet their every needs i speak to their destiny i prophesy to their future lord you will bless and keep them you will make your face shine on them i put ben and carissa and leo and i put luca in the prayer circle and no weapon formed against them will prosper lord i thank you for destiny i thank you for purpose god i put caroline in the prayer circle and i thank you for your plan i thank you for your will i thank you for the right people the right place the right plan god i put connor in the prayer circle and aaron and i pray o god your will and your favor and your blessing and your anointing on their lives god i put drake in the prayer circle and i thank you there is a calling there is an anointing there is a touch there is favor there is provision for god's purpose and plan open wide the gates and the doors to his destiny oh god i praise you boy i praise you that what i have in the prayer circle hell can't stop hell can't defeat i thank you as for me and my house we will serve the lord bless our families bless our marriages bless the ring on people's hands a new commitment a fresh commitment an awakening of love and care and sincerity oh god touch us again with love one for another heal bitterness heal unforgiveness in the circle do it right now release us from the past releases from all the things that hinder us oh god clean out the circle and make all things new in jesus name hill families get addiction out get alcoholism out get immorality out and heal marriages heal families heal lives i pray in the mighty name of jesus now lift up your hands toward heaven and open your mouth and begin to praise the lord as they sing and declare this that we're going to see a victory in that circle you just drew we're going to see us we're gonna see a victory as you continue to worship and praise as they praised and as they prayed and as they threw a circle god broke the walls of resistance down [Music] yes [Music] right now you have precious promises get out of here [Music] and you know i know you invited somebody and you don't want any weird stuff to happen today but i take god's word serious and i felt led to do something in the nine o'clock and i feel led to do it now i want you if you don't mind and you're open you don't have to do it but if you're here and you're single or you're married as a family and you have something in your life that you want to see god do i dare you to take god at his word today and symbolically i take my staff and i draw a circle in the sand [Music] and i fall to my knees and i throw up my hands and i say god you said it's not good to be alone if you don't want to be alone and you've got a plan for my future you've got the right people and the right person for my future and i'm not going to leave this circle and settle for less than your best and i want to say if there's situations on your job if you don't have a job if you need healing if you need a miracle if you need something in your family here's what we're going to do they're going to sing that one more time and symbolically we're going to do a 360. and then we're going to raise our hands and we're going to put our greatest needs and cries of our heart inside that circle in prayer and bold prayers honor god and god honors bold prayers don't ask him in a pitiful way ask him in a bold way ask him boldly ask him boldly so right now here we go anybody fanatical enough to go with me turn it around lord i draw a circle [Music] and it shall be opened unto you i won't leave this fair circle until i see my miracles [Music] well done no good [Music] yes submitting to jesus [Music] victory [Music] [Applause] [Music] declaring [Music] [Music] spell your head in closing now pastor i need jesus in my life i need him to step into my circle some of you need a new circle of friends god's going to give them to you that's something parents ought to pray god give them a new circle of friends wow are you ready for new people people that bring out the best not the worst [Music] there's there there's somebody under the sound of my voice this is not just a sermon this is a word from the lord and you're going to meet the person that god has destined for you to be married to and you know what you're going to do darling you're going to walk around them three times and then he's gonna walk around you and then y'all gonna walk around together and we're gonna shout and rejoice with you and some parents are gonna shout and rejoice with you that god is faithful how many of you believe in the power that we're not a bunch of victims that we can circle things and target it and what we draw a circle around god draws a circle around i'm not gonna let the enemy happen chance determine the destiny of my family i have authority in jesus name [Music] praise god so just say if you're here today pastor pray for me i need to get right with god if that's you and you're not ashamed to say it i want to embarrass you but it recognize that you're not right with god you want to be lift your hand high i want to see it all over this room high and unashamed beautiful beautiful beautiful yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes anyone else raise them high yes yes every campus the pastors are coming [Music] you just made the greatest decision of your life the moment you raised your hand god threw a circle around you and the angels in heaven are rejoicing pray this prayer everybody jesus save me cleanse me and forgive me i take you at your word i believe therefore i confess therefore i receive i am forgiven and jesus is the center of my life praise the lord to god be the glory i believe a brand new life has begun and when you leave today when you leave today listen this is so important when you leave today i'm going to say the blessing in just a minute go by the connections lounge and tell them you prayed that prayer and man we can't wait to help you get your new circle i promise you you're going to grow and see the blessing and favor of god like never before how many of you received this word today in jesus can we enter into a little seven-day covenant how many of you will join me for the next seven days and break and and we will we will have a prayer time in our families i'm gonna get mine on zoom or whatever we gotta do but for seven days we're gonna we're gonna have a little prayer meeting in our family we're gonna put everything from every family member in that circle is that all right how many of you'd like to join us doing that can't join my family join your own family but how many of you know what i mean praise the lord i said praise the lord raise your hand up i'm going to give you the blessing we love you so much and it's everybody get your mask on get your mask ready because this is where it gets a little crowded in the aisles and all that if you've got a mask and you want to wear it we deeply appreciate you respecting and being considerate of other people i'm going to slip mine on as soon as i do i hang out down here but just keep distance just follow the follow the deal there it's almost over it's almost over thanks be unto god it's almost over don't forget to give this week help us maybe somebody online can help us help us we want to pay cash on that whole building we're going to do it too pay cash and get in that new building and there's no doubt in my mind we're going to fill it up running over multiple times soul soul souls for the glory of jesus christ you can give at giving stations you can give online thank you thank you for not forgetting the house of the lord he'll bless you he'll open the windows and now may the lord bless you and keep you may the lord make his face shine on you may the lord be gracious unto you and lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace we love you so much god bless you all have a wonderful day we'll see you next sunday come believing bring somebody with you let's win souls for jesus if you prayed that prayer please go by the connections lounge so important and tell them they'll give you a bible they'll give you a devotional and they'll tell you what's next what's next in your new life with jesus christ god bless you [Music] such a powerful word by pastor franklin today and we want to challenge you you you heard him mention it for the next seven days why don't you go ahead and text your family why don't you write down that prayer request and just put a big circle around it put it in your bathroom where you see it and let's believe god for miracles over these next seven days as we go from here yes and if you prayed a prayer of salvation today text amen to 313131 and we want to get some resources in your hand we want to pray for you so just let us know if you did that today and also don't forget about the online marriage conference next weekend we hope that you will join us for that we pray that you all have a fabulous week and happy valentine's day god bless you we'll see you next sunday online [Music] bye bye
Channel: Free Chapel
Views: 176,036
Rating: 4.8915291 out of 5
Keywords: the power of bold prayers, Bold prayers, prayer, power of prayer, Jentezen Franklin, Free Chapel, Spiritual Growth
Id: 5qQETuxpm7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 51sec (3231 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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