Wait Upon the Lord | Pastor Jentezen Franklin

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] all over this place is where stands our fee in front of back side to side [Music] you left our hands and sing this together one last time to Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] our affections [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] don't you just feel the presence of God here tonight let's just welcome the presence of the Lord there's a beautiful anointing here tonight that's beautiful praise the name of Jesus come on really crazy nothing like brings peace brings answers wonderful Jesus wonderful Jesus Lord I do adore you tonight that's why I got in ministry cuz I love you you're my world I appreciate you speak to your people tonight anoint my lips with a fresh coal from off the altars of heaven let me speak the word of the Lord for such a time as this stir us in our spirit Lord the law kills but the Spirit quickens it's a quickness by your word and I thank you for it I know you're gonna talk to somebody tonight I know that so we say yes Lord yes to your wheel and yes to your way just appreciate you so much we honor your precious name everybody say Jesus lift your hands and whisper that name Jesus in Jesus amen and amen you may be seated thank you so much that was beautiful amazing I want to go tonight I'm gonna begin in the Old Testament book of Joshua chapter 9 Joshua chapter 9 and in just a moment the Lord willing we're gonna go over to Isaiah 30 but we're gonna start out in Joshua chapter 9 I love these stories in the Old Testament they they have little nuggets in them that if you'll read your Bible especially when it tells you a story in detail there's something there if you'll keep reading it I've learned if I'll keep reading it sooner or later the Holy Spirit will put it together and such is the case I believe with this chapter before I preach I think it would be in order we like to honor heroes around here and we got we got a hero here tonight her name is Rebecca Woodson and I'm so proud of her and I'm gonna tell you why she is the daughter of Ruth and Bryan Woodson our pastors that aren't grenade campus and she and a friend of hers decided that they wanted to do something about sex trafficking at their at their school and so they started a little campaign or whatever you want to call it and before it was over it got such momentum that they were asked to get up and give a presentation to 600 students on the danger in all that's going on and one thing has led to another to another to another and today she was invited by the governor and his wife to come to the mansion I guess it was and in Atlanta wherever they wanted her to come and share with other young people about what is taking place the awful the awful human tragedy of sex trafficking and I think Rebecca you ought to stand up and let us tell you how proud we are that's amazing how old are you 15 she's 15 years old and she's already making a difference let no man despise her you don't don't let anybody tell you you're too young for God to use you we're proud of him I hope you give that talk to our young people because it is a battle and it is a tragedy can you say Amen well I want you to look at an Old Testament story for just a few moments to Joshua chapter 9 I'm gonna jump around because I want to highlight the story and I'll sum it up they gathered together to fight verse 2 of Joshua 9 they gathered together to fight with Joshua and Israel with one Accord when the inhabitants of Gibeah heard what Joshua had done to Jericho and AI they worked crafted Lee and went and pretended to be ambassadors and they took old sacks on their donkeys and old wineskins torn and mended old patched sandals on their feet and old garments on themselves with the bread of their provision was dry and mouldy and they went to Joshua to the camp of Gilgal and they said to him men of Israel we have come from a far country they're lying they're from that territory we've come from a far country therefore we want to make a covenant will you make a covenant with us and Joshua says in verse eight he says who are you and where do you come from and then they they had really thought out their little deception because they said we came from a verse nine very far country your servants came and we heard of the name of the Lord your God and we have heard of his fame and all that he's done in Egypt and it goes on to say that they checked out and it looked like they had been a long ways cost their sandals were raggedy and their clothes were patched and the wineskins look worn and of course they planned all that so it's it's a deception going on here verse 14 then the men of Israel took some of their provisions and here's what I want you to catch and they did not ask counsel but they did not ask counsel of the Lord the same again but they did not ask counsel the Lord so Joshua made peace with them made a covenant with them let them live and the rulers of the congregation swore unto them it says in verse 21 the rulers made them woodcutters and water carriers and I'm gonna sum up the story in just a moment but that that that verse they did not ask the counsel of the Lord is I believe a an extremely important line in all of our lives right now Jericho had been taken by the people of God blessing after blessing a I had fallen everything that stood before the people of God was being cut down they were conquering and conquering and conquering and they get to this certain next city and the kings of the region had gathered together to to fight against Joshua and they are of Israel as they were invading new territory every day and the Gibbon i'ts broke off the gibbehh Knights took sacks and made him look old and moldy bread you heard you read the story and pretended like they were not a part of that country that they had come from a long ways and said make a covenant with us Joshua make a covenant with us a covenant in Bible days is when you declared your allegiance to someone and it was a serious serious thing it it was more than just you know we'll be friends a covenant meant that you had to fight their battles if they got in a battle and they had to fight your battles and in this particular case they didn't have anything to offer Joshua and the army of Israel because they had God fighting their battle Joshua said they said to Joshua we're your servants we've come from a far country and look at our old wineskins and look at our raggedy clothes it's obvious that we've been through the trick in the desert and we just wanted to come serve you man we just wanted to we want to be a part we want to we want to join with you and your God how great he is and they took their provisions but they did not ask counsel of the Lord they made listen carefully an intellectual logical decision under pressure and it never crossed their mind to ask counsel of the Lord they didn't ask they didn't pray about it they didn't ask God about it and they were making battle plans and they're doing amazing things and suddenly three days later they find out that the other army the other kings has heard what the gibbehh Knights have done and they were undecided as to whether they were gonna attack Israel but now they had really made up their mind because they said we're going to we're going to kill the given Islands so now all of the sudden Joshua and the nation of Israel is being carried into a battle that was not even their battle they're having to fight men are going to die and it's not even their name or their reputation or their children and families on the line they're having to fight somebody else's battle because they got in covenant with them and Joshua said all we can do is make the best out of it we wouldn't seek the counsel of the Lord so we'll make them wood cutters and water carriers and that's about all we're gonna get out of them two things we're gonna have to pay for them the rest of our life because we made a decision that we didn't ask the counsel of the Lord on we're gonna pay for the rest of our life and the best thing we can ever get out of them is wood carriers and our water carriers and wood cutters and that's about it and the rest of time we're gonna fight fight fight fight because they got enemies all over this whole region and everywhere we go we're gonna have to fight because we're in covenant with them when you come to a place in your life where you face important decisions you can't afford to use your intellect alone we're supposed to be guided by the Holy Spirit we are supposed to seek the counsel of the Lord on everything we don't ask his counsel and that's how we get entangled with the gibbehhhh nights of life if you have to learn to ask before you act you have to learn to ask before you get in covenant with people before you start businesses before you do things and then you just expect and hope that God will back you up they did not ask counsel of the Lord they were when and when and went and went in but they got to a place if they thought we can make decisions without even having to pray and ask the counsel of the Lord I'm saying to you tonight that if you're not careful you'll end up tangled up with people and problems that say I'm yours now you made a decision you didn't pray about it and now that little problem will look up its you and say hi I'm yours I am your responsibility now you're stuck with me and the best you're gonna get out of them is a woodcutter and a water carrier I mean if you married that guy come on say man why did they get in trouble this is so important it's so simple but it's so important why did they get in trouble because they failed to consult the Lord we're supposed to be people who pray we're supposed to be people who bathe in prayer the right direction and the decisions that we make in life consult the Lord pray about it ask him ask him that's your duty that's your responsibility to ask the Lord about everything before you buy a house consult the Lord oh but it's so pretty and I really want to consult the Lord pray about it I don't want anything that he doesn't want me to have I know that what he gives me he will maintain he will take care of I don't want it to become a problem because I didn't consult the Lord I don't want any ministries I don't want any churches just because it looks like a nice thing because I've found out that if I don't consult the Lord and ask the counsel of the Lord those problems will plague you the rest of your life if you're picking a spouse to marry you better consult the Lord you better ask the Lord's counsel I would ask the Lord's counsel and then I would google them maybe get a private detective if you need if they seemed a little shady this is a crazy crazy time parents consult the Lord where your children are gonna go to school in college who you know what should should they go should they go on spring break with some kids at school that are wanting to go well why don't you pray about it why don't you at least pray about it covered in prayer they did not consult or did not seek the counsel of the Lord should a dater should a date him should have take that job well sure they're all for me $5,000 more than what I make right now of course I should take it you better ask the counsel of the Lord and this sounds so silly but I'm amazed at how prayerless we become I'm amazed at how many even in my life how many decisions I'm making I haven't even asked the counsel of the Lord this thing just jumped out at me it got in my spirit and the Lord said no you can't afford to be making intellectual decisions because you think you know everything I need you I wait on you to wait on me we better learn in our little business adventures to consult the Lord for you make a covenant with somebody and enter into partnership by halves the job of the Holy Spirit is to lead us into truth when you say the name of Jesus and you ask the will of the Lord and you consult God even in a prayer even at work and and you you got decisions to make well you look extreme pastor Franklin that's why it's so important just to maybe at the beginning of the morning spend some time in worship spend some time in your car saying God today I consult the counsel of the Lord and I don't know what I'm going to face but I just ask you to give me wisdom and I just ask you to make me spiritual today and I just ask you to wake up my spirit in my ear to hear because I really don't want to lean on my own understanding but in all my ways I acknowledge you and you will direct my path it delights God when we stop long enough to say I need guidance from the Lord it delights him he said I'm your Shepherd and I love it when you ask me to lead you and when you learn what I'm preaching and you don't just rely on your intellect even though God gives us intellect to make wise decisions but it's kind of a ego and it's kind of pride to proudful to not pray about it pray about it pray about it if you don't you gonna get tangled up with the Gibbon eyes you're gonna have to fight their battles and you're gonna have to take care of them the rest of your life so now I want to go to Isaiah 30 and I want to give you this verse in Isaiah 30 and maybe if you've got your Bible you might want to open it cuz I'm fixing to really go there in Isaiah 30 this is what it says in verse 21 I'm gonna come back to a couple of other verses but it says you your ear shall hear a voice Isaiah 30:21 your ears shall hear a word behind you say this is the way walk in it whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the lamp if you will ask the counsel of the Lord here's a beautiful scripture you ought to under that one you oughta mark that one up you ought to memorize it your ears will hear a voice behind you saying this is the way walk in it that's guidance that's seeking the counsel of the Lord Isaiah 42 and 16 he said I will bring the blind away through a way they do not know I will bring the blind away they do not know and jesus said my sheep will know my voice and they will follow me now listen to this in other words there will be a voice behind you if you'll seek his counsel there will be a voice in front of you and there will be a voice inside of you and there's no way you're going to be deceived if you're asking the counsel of the Lord with a voice set in front of you behind you and inside of you if you will seek his counsel God already has a solution if you will seek his counsel God already has a procedure there's an unseen hand that wants to guide our lives and I wonder if most of the problems that we face could not be solved and we wouldn't get in them but we did not consult the Lord so here's the second part of this message in Isaiah 30 that I want you to see it's not going to take me home but in Isaiah 30 just gonna have to read it Isaiah 30 y'all still got Bibles anybody own a Bible you know I got something back there you can get Isaiah Isaiah chapter 30 in verse 1 woe unto the rebellious children says the Lord why are they rebellious who take counsel but not of me who devise plans but not of my spirit go down to Egypt listen to verse 2 and have not asked my advice oh it says that's a wicked thing when you just plan and plan and plan full steam ahead and you don't ever seek my counsel and ask my advice then this chapter shifts and in verse 15 he says for thus says the Lord the Holy One of Israel in returning and rest shall you be saved this is remarkable he said if you're about to really mess up if you will return to me in returning and in rest quiet be still quit rushing in the stuff calm down be still return to me come back to me and ask me seek my counsel and then be quiet learn to wait on me don't do nothing I'm trying to get a word I got to have a word I'm looking for confirmation look at what shut up calm down and learn to wait listen to what he said in returning and rest turn it off turn everything off and learn to wait on me we do not know how to do this especially in Pentecostal churches spirit-filled churches whatever we are if it's not going 90 miles an hour we don't feel like oh it's not like that God says I want you to return to me and I want you to be quiet I don't want a word I don't want anybody to give a word I don't want a prophecy I don't want any of that I want you to come with your body and be quiet sometimes the greatest form of Prayer is not for when I go to my prayer place it's not me talking the whole time and in the name of Jesus mmm-hmm I've learned that there are other I follow my spirit and the fact that I'm there means I'm waiting on you I'm worshiping you while I walk through these trails or run through these trails I worship you and sometimes I don't have any praise going sometimes I don't have any thing in my ears even worshiping God I've learned a secret wait he knows I'm there when you go to a if you've got a prayer place if you don't have one getting one because when you go there that is holy ground and God knows that you're very print in other words you're saying this is so important that I'm coming and I'm waiting announce with my silence I'm waiting not telling you what to do nor am I asking you for anything I'm waiting on you listen to what he says in quietness and come he said he said in returning and rest you shall be saved in quietness and confidence shall be your strength quietness and confidence shall be your strength but here's what got me but you would not but you would not you said no we will flee on the horses you would not aiiow you to return and be quiet and wait on me and I'll fill you with confidence and I'll to let you know what you're supposed to do and I'll give you the victory I'll give you the pathway to victory but instead I told you to do that but instead you you gotta ride those wild horses we got to go we got to go he said but you would not there's another time in the Bible where Jesus wept over the city of Jerusalem and he said how often I would have gathered you as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings but you would not but you would not but they did not seek the counsel of the Lord we just noticed what he said he said no you but you would not in and you said we will flee on the horses we're so busy we're going we think we think sinking seeking the Lord is getting up getting in the car going down the road riding wild horses going going going while you're eating them chick-fil-a biscuit at one hand and a cup of coffee in the other and Lord in the name of Jesus this is what we got to do today and I mean God it needs to happen today and we're riding that horse and and and that's not waiting on the Lord we've got to learn to wait on the Lord return and rest in quiet and in confidence in faith trust me come and just sometimes we ought to have a waiting service no singing nobody talking nobody falling out just people come and be quiet and stand here say you know me you know what I have need of and a weight on you in silence and quiet I return to you I need you now I need that strength I need that confidence so I know the only place I'm gonna get it in your presence so here I am they tell you that if a bear ever chases you don't run the Cougar ever gets after you the four-legged ones into two-legged ones if any of them ever get athlete's whatever let's keep moving let's see what it says now are y'all are y'all ready are you all ready for blessing are y'all ready for blessing alright alright I want you to get if you don't have a Bible because you you memorized it I sinned but in verse 18 in verse 18 listen to what God said he said if you'll return if you'll get quiet if you'll calm down and quit riding wild horses therefore listen this messed me up the Lord will wait that he may be gracious on me in other words God says I wait to see if you wait and if you wait on me the Lord if the Lord is waiting it's to be gracious to you and therefore he will be exalted he will have mercy on you listen to this for the Lord is a God of justice blessed blessed are all those who wait for him God is waiting for me to wait for him to make a sacrifice enough to say hush I'm just going to wait I'm going to pray with my quietness this time when we stop working God starts working when we stop working God starts working when we stop working God starts working God will never feel you on the go that's why he said to the disciples after his resurrection go back to Jerusalem and wait for the promise of the Father wait the whole key to the upper room Acts chapter 2 was can you just go there and they didn't have a choir they didn't have a praise team they had no musicians in the upper room they waited for 10 days 10 days day and night nobody that's not one word recorded spoken it did not say they did anything except wait I'm sure they had to carry on with life I'm sure they had meals I'm sure they had to take breaks I'm sure they had to do whatever they were doing but it was all about just wait no quieren or preaching but when you stop and you say Here I am wrestling with a lot of stuff really need wisdom I really need you to do your wheel I don't even know what path I need to take but I'm waiting he acts for the one who waits for him then of course the famous verse I believe it's in Isaiah 40 they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as Eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint they that wait upon the Lord shall be renewed nothing being done I'm just here waiting on you I wonder I wonder if we would take time if we would if we if it would never be said of us from this point tonight they salt not the counsel of the Lord I wonder how many how many blessings we would step into just by learning to wait on the Lord to spend time in his presence I love you Jesus I feel the presence of the Lord here tonight turn to somebody and say wait wait wait say it one more time say it till he gets in their spirit stop trying to figure it out and wait your mind is going crazy wait I need to jump on that wild horse and giddyup wait wait upon the Lord you know sometimes you need to go into God's presence as fine to ask and you know and pray the word back to God but other times you need to just go in God's presence don't try to get anything from God but just bring yourself wait I do that a lot with sermons you know I just I just wait some just like that just just a little phone that's it that's it this is what you start with sometimes just stuff they solve not the counsel of them over write it down and wait praise his name how many if you'd like to just say Lord I bring myself and I seek your counsel and a wait I'm waiting for you I'm I'm waiting for your strength I'm waiting for the wings I'm waiting for direction I'm waiting for confidence I love what halston said about her husband starting that business the key to that because she's scared you know when you're starting anytime Satan fights at birth anything anytime you try to birth you know that's when the Bible talks about in the book of Revelation the dragon was the woman's having a baby and the dragon was waiting to devour it as soon as it came out because the enemy hates when we try to birth the miracles of God in our life boy that person who sought the counsel of the Lord they can do it with confidence and strength what that said to me was I trust him because I've been with him so when I walk into this situation I walk into it with confidence and strength because I've waited in his presence so it makes sense lift your hands up and worship God all over this room and before you saying you don't have to say let's just wait let's just lift our hands up just a minute and everybody this is gonna be a different little waiting altar call nobody's gonna come down here and get hands laid on you tonight nobody's gonna get them down here and get all you're gonna do is if you would like to say I want to consult the Lord it's been a long time since I consulted the will of them I really need to get back to praying about I need to ask before I act I'm doing too many things independent of asking before I act I want God's will seem like a good thing those given eyes they seem like good people but it was a deception of the enemy that they didn't pick up because they did not see the council so if you're here tonight you'd say pastor let's stand up so it won't be awkward but everybody stand up and if you would say I I want to come and say Here I am I present myself to you and I consult you in your wheel if you if you sense that little drawing tonight for where you are get out of your seat and walk down here I believe that your physical response tonight will be all that God will require of you and his counsel will come upon you his wisdom the spirit of wisdom will come upon you the spirit of counsel will come upon you the answers that you'll hear a voice behind you at the right time when you need it saying this is the way walk in it that's great come on come on come on draw me nearer nearer blessed Lord to the cross well hell has died draw me near nearer blessed Lord to thy precious bleeding son draw me me [Music] my heart [Music] oh wow [Music] [Music] just hit me up singing two songs at one time but it's a good song [Music] please here and steal the quiet [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] love you although Lily Lily I love you I love you I love you I love you oh wait wait I wait or do you wait draw me close to you never let me lay it all to hear you say that this is my design nothing else will do [Music] nothing else can take you play just to feel the warmth of your embrace help me I'm consulting your will help me find my way bring me back to you [Music] yeah [Music] worship him all over the Sprint live chanchad most of you screaming live right where you are strong hallelujah oh Jesus somebody buddy-buddies say we love you tonight sing it again everybody [Music] [Music] [Music] howdy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I just saw in the spirit the Lord tear the veil back and say call the and here's a way to solutions away to piezo exude confidence awaits you sprint the winch you're calling in come on into the hole [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] see that [Music] [Music] Spears coming down from the father [Music] sweep [Music] [Music] wait on and lift your hands and wait wait on these renewing your confidence [Music] quietness I'll restore your confidence you have a setback you had a bad week let down you had a breakdown but in confidence quietness I'll restore your confidence still gonna happen [Music] I love you Jesus I love you Jesus [Music] this is beautiful in the presence of the Lord is here we don't come out and will you sing that song worthy is your name Jesus really feel that song tonight lift your hands everybody this is a waiting service this is a waiting sir save the verse started on the birds singing a suede on it fifty anti all worship Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I just really feel God's presence here to heal and especially if you're thinking of somebody who needs healing you know somebody who needs a Healing Touch tonight just lift your hand on behalf of that person or persons thinking about a baby in intensive care that I prayed for today I'm thinking about my mom needs a little touch got something going on with her sinuses and this I don't know who you're praying for but the presence the Lord is here to heal tonight and in the name of Jesus we take authority over every attack and in the name of Jesus we just send forth healing he sent His Word and healed them and delivered them from all of their fears and destructions and in the name of Jesus father we just pray for healing to flow through this room and flow through these cameras and flow into homes and into hospital rooms and into bedrooms and in the name of Jesus you be restored you be renewed as you wait upon the Lord he renews your spring he renews your health he renews your immune system you are kale healed you are healthy you are strong let the weak say I am strong in Jesus body did we give you the phrase don't do one more thing would you pray for somebody besides you right now would you just take a moment and pray for someone ask God to touch them tonight and just just agree with them for the counsel of the Lord how many of you would love to have the counsel of the Lord concerning the things that your mind is kind of dealing with right now let me see your hand how many of you'd like to have the counsel or we get to thinking it's up to us to figure everything out and that can become our worst insult to God consult the Lord and then weigh Tony wait in faith wait in peace wait saying I trust you he waits for us to wait and then he says for those that our way is to be gracious Steve is to be generous to use to give you the best now pray that's it just pray you don't have to pray loud all the time you whisper that name never get the job done the name of Jesus just take the burdens off your people Lord take the pressure off your people let them know that they can they can seek and ask for the counsel of the Lord and they'll hear a voice behind them Isaiah 30 said saying this is the way walk in it no more confusion I will know God's will I will not miss God's will I will have the counsel of the Lord in my ear Jesus name it's gonna be alright he's gonna guide you he's gonna lead you beside the steel water see it I see peace I see peace I feel peace green pastures plenty the name of Jesus it's going to be gracious to those who wait on him it's gonna be generous to those who wait on him blessed are those who wait on him everybody said amen you receive this tonight I know you do [Applause] wait for me I need your prayers right now pray for me that God would give me wisdom and in a very very very important meeting that I have tomorrow did you pray for God's counsel God's Word in my mouth my spirit be in total alignment with heaven break it's an extremely important meeting tomorrow that I'm gonna be in affects millions of people just gonna tell you it affects millions of people pray pray
Channel: Free Chapel
Views: 188,487
Rating: 4.8016067 out of 5
Keywords: Dreams, Faith, Miracles, Encouragement, Direction, Jentezen Franklin, issiah 30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 27sec (4287 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2019
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