The Power of Personal Prophecy | Pastor Jentezen Franklin

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praise the name of Jesus let's give him the praise this morning call that name praise God smile at someone tell them your blender here welcome to all of our campuses we're so glad that you're joining us today and we believe that this is going to be a powerful day as we call on the name of Jesus miracles can happen do you believe that I know you do if you have your Bibles I'm going to ask you to open them with me for just a few moments this morning to the book of first Timothy chapter 1 first Timothy chapter 1 and I want to read a verse of scripture maybe two and I want us to meditate and I want us to look with fresh lenses and something that you don't hear much about in the church today but I want to preach to you today on the power of a personal prophesy over your life the power of a personal prophesy over your life how many of you still believe in the 21st century Church in the gift of prophecy let me see your hand I feel like sometimes we need to guard the treasure of God's truth in God's Word and specifically one of those areas that I think that we need to revisit in the body of Christ and not be afraid of and not back up from because of some abuses and because of some people many times well intending people who used what they called a prophecy in our life that was kind of off and flaky and therefore the enemy would love for you and I've got a big reverb sound up here if you can get it fixed but if if the enemy can he would love for you to just discredit all prophecy to just say there's nothing to that well the Word of God is a prophetic book do you believe that and God has a prophecy for your life today and it's personal it's a personal prophecy that we're talking about look in verse 18 of first Timothy chapter 1 this charge I commit to you son Timothy according to the prophecies previously made concerning you that listen to this that by them by what by prophecies that were personally spoken over your life that by these prophecies notice this that by them you may wage the good warfare having faith and a good conscience which some have rejected concerning the faith and have suffered shipwreck he said I commit to you Timothy according to the prophecies previously made concerning you that's personal prophecies and then he says something powerful he says I want you to go to war with your personal prophecy this tells me that a lot of people are being defeated because they don't have the personal prophecy that God has over their life activated he said you are to wage war he gives he gives three powerful ways that you wage war against the enemy there's a prophesy over your family there's a prophesy over your children there's a prophesy over your marriage there's a prophesy over you if you're single concerning your future there's a prophesy over your business of success and blessing there's a prophesy over your life that God is for you and not against you and he said you are to wage war notice what he said first of all down in verse 19 he said you need a good conscience if you're going to wage war against the enemy you need a good conscience because a clean conscience notice this is connected to strong faith in verse 19 it said having faith and meaning this is connected and a good conscience put it up guys verse nine verse 19 having faith and a good conscience he didn't break them up he said these two are connected that if you have a clean conscience it will produce strong faith if you have a defiled conscience it will produce weak faith we are to treasure therefore and we are to we are to protect a clean conscience that has to do with our thinking that has to do with our mind that has to do with what we do well on we are to keep our conscience clean by living pure and living holy and if you have a clean conscience the scripture says that it will produce strong faith you won't be conflicted you won't feel unworthy you won't walk into God's presence wavering in your faith with a condemnation and guilt that a clean conscience has to do with strong faith and then he says strong faith is directly connected to a clean conscience one translation concerning this verse in verse 18 put it put it like this and I really like this use your prophecy as weapons as you age spiritual warfare by faith with a clean conscience use your personal prophecy as a weapon to wage spiritual warfare by faith with a clean conscience prophecy is God coming to you with a word about your future God will always keep his promises this is so important but he is not obligated to keep your potential you are obligated once God speaks prophesy over your life to hold on to that prophecy to war with that prophecy to fight the forces that come against that prophecy with the Word of God that will take you to your highest potential you see God's Word will always be kept he always keeps his promises but he doesn't keep our potential we do and if we don't use the prophecy that God speaks over us through this word through preaching and through personal prophecy and the gift of prophecy operating through people speaking things to us that we know connect with our spirit if you when you get in the war abandon those things abandon what God has said because of the things that you see your going through right now you give up on the prophecy that your family will be blessed as for me and my house that's a prophesy over your family as for me in my house we will serve the Lord now now that is our potential and God will keep his promises but he will not keep my personal potential I have to take that word of prophecy and go to war with it and when all of Hell comes against my family and the enemy shows me everything the opposite of what the word has told me and shown me a picture of the future of my family and now the reality is coming and it doesn't look like what God promised me I am to reach up and take that word out of just being a word and turn it into a weapon just like Jesus did when Satan came and I am to say like Jesus did in the wilderness it is written and go to war with the prophecy there's something that God puts in our heart but you don't automatically step into it that's what a prophecy is it requires warfare for example in mark chapter 10 the Bible gives us kind of two attitudes our two seasons that we go through that that there's a season of in in mark 10 it says it says the kingdom of heaven listen to is unless you receive the kingdom as a child you cannot enter in what is that talking about that there are things that you enter into the kingdom and you have to go with it like a child would and that speaks of identity that speaks of receiving inheritance it's just like if you someone that you loved your grandfather somebody dies and they leave a will and you know they have a lot of stuff that they've left you the family will gather in around the lawyers you've seen it in movies and you know perhaps at a big conference desk and the attorney will pull out the wheel and he'll begin to tell the family the flesh and blood of that person here's what you have a right to and it has nothing to do with you earning it it has nothing to do with you contending for it it has nothing to do this is clearly an inheritance because of your identity you are a child of this person your your blood of this person and therefore there are certain things in this man's kingdom that you get just because you're receiving inheritance and you have identity in him now that's one aspect but then in the very next chapter it's interesting to me in that a meat kind of attitude and that kind of a laid-back attitude that that I enter into the kingdom like a child and there's things that I receive by inheritance and because of my identity well one of those things salvation I don't I don't I don't have to earn it I'm not saved on my good days and unsaved on my bad days I don't fall out of grace I don't I don't end up I'm saved I'm because I'm blood he I'm his when I'm good I'm here's when I'm bad I'm not talking about a license to sin grace does not give you a license to be a disgrace come on now when you're really saved and part of the family you want to honor the family you want to give glory to the family and you live right but I'm telling you that there are things that we receive salvation eternal life it has nothing to do with me earning it he's God it is Who I am hallelujah it's my identity and it's my inheritance I refuse to go forward until we just remember who we are and who's we are and what our inheritance is is anybody thankful this morning that it's not up to you to earn it all right but then in mark chapter 11 it says the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force now this is moving from being a sweet little kid that's receiving things just because of inheritance and identity into warfare now and this has to do with your personal prophecies this has to do with an attitude that has to come on us where it's our responsibility listen carefully to steward the word that God has spoken over me and my family in my life the Word of God will get me to the wheel that God has for me but I have to steward that word and I have to take the prophecies that have been spoken over me and used them as a weapon in and fight a good warfare with them it's interesting that in the book of Exodus the thirteenth chapter verse seventeen and eighteen God told Israel when he brought them out of Egypt he said I could take you the easy way in the quick way and it would only take three days but he said if I take them this route listen to this they will get in conflict they'll get in warfare and they'll turn around and go back to Egypt so God said I'm gonna have to take them they're not ready to fight which tells me something that really should encourage you if God doesn't take us around the conflict it means he has equipped us to win the conflict if God's let you in a certain conflict that you're in he didn't let you go into it unprepared if you're in it he would have taken you around it you couldn't handle it he won't put more on you than you're able to bear but you're gonna have to take the personal prophecies over your life the problem of the prophecies over your finances the prophecies over your health the prophecies over your children you're gonna have to get them off the shelf and you're gonna have to use them like a weapon and if God let you be in the conflict instead of taking you around it means he knows I've given you the stuff you need to win now go to war with your personal prophecy I am called I can remember just starting out in ministry and there were times when my brother and I when we were traveling Ritchie that our finances would dip and we would go to a little church somewhere and there was two of us and and and they weren't able to give us hardly anything and sometimes we felt so bad that we would give back and we were living on our own at that time and it was it was a tough difficult time sometimes but but I remember you know it's in those times that I would take the Word of God the personal prophecies because prophecy is not just somebody walking up to you and saying thus saith the Lord however I will say this I don't believe I'd be where I am if at strategic times in my life God had not sent certain people into my life and they spoke prophetically the word of the Lord to me mom mom would know this this person I'm talking about when I was 15 years of age had had not accepted or even really much except secretly in my own mind and heart I knew that something was on me and I didn't know I was running from the call there's a woman in the church there in in Rocky Mount she's still alive today she was the clerk of court in NASH County there in in Rocky Mount her name was Rachel joiner and Rachel had a real prayer life she was a faster she was a prayer warrior I cannot tell you the impact that woman had on my life and mom mom can verify she would write out sometimes she would come on Sunday morning and her eyes would be swollen in blood and this is a very dignified classy looking sharp lady worked in the business world all the time you know and in government so on but boy and she wasn't there wasn't anything flaky about her she knew the word inside and out but she would come to me and she would say Jensen she targeted me she I don't know what it was but she would say Jensen the holy spirit kept me up all night last night weeping and crying for you and the word of the Lord would come on my hand and I began to write these pray and she would hand me little notes and she would sometimes just say do you have any idea and here's a 15 year old kid with little bumps on his face and t-shirt and blue jeans and and just looking at this woman and she would say God is going to use you you're going to reach multitudes of people and that sounds that but that you know that they don't that's not a big thing now but when you're 15 years old you have no ministry you don't even claim to be a minister you have no don't act like a minister a man you don't want to act like a minister but she kept giving me those prophecies later I would go to war with those prophecies when it looked like we weren't gonna make it and in even in this ministry when there were times when we needed millions of dollars and we needed this and we needed that and we needed help and we needed all kinds of things I almost in pressure times would almost feel like we can't do this but I would have to take the personal prophecies of the Lord sometimes in services there would come a word from the Lord and we would take those prophecies and we would go to war I don't know if this sermon is making sense but I just come to tell somebody what God told you you who you're gonna do you're gonna do if you'll take that prophecy and go to or with it clap your hands if you believe God can give you a fresh word Wow God only takes me into a conflict I'm equipped to win conflict builds our strength he was wanting them to go through the conflict really so that they could keep the land that he was wanting them to get because they weren't strong in it God could give some of you everything you want but if he didn't let you go through the conflict you wouldn't be strong enough to keep the enemy out and he'd just come take over there it's just like the butterfly you know the worm in the cocoon and once that worm starts becoming a butterfly I remember one time when I was a little kid have you ever seen the little cocoons on an owner on a tree when especially when there's a bunch of them well I thought I saw one little butterfly breaking out when I was a little kid and he was breaking out and using his wings and one look there's a little there's a little and before he knew it he came out and then I saw all of his little siblings his little buddies they were I could see and I thought to myself my little mind said they need some help that's pitiful and I start breaking open the cocoons trying to help those butterflies not realizing that the conflict of of having to push and having the press and having to try to get harder and harder and harder and harder it was what was going to transform that worm from crawling into a butterfly that was soaring but you can't have it without the conflict it's like an egg you know if you break the egg the chicken will never grow and that's how it is with us in conflict part of the conflict of us breaking out of one level to another has to do with us being developed I thought about that woman in second Kings chapter 4 who built on a house for the Prophet Elisha she saw him coming through her actually it was Elijah and she saw him coming through and she said to her husband we need to make room for the prophetic or the prophet or prophesies in our life and they built on an extra part of apartment that he could come and stay in and they provide him a bed and provisions so that if he was ever there that the prophetic was welcomed into their house the Lord spoke to me as clearly as I've ever heard him a few weeks ago when he gave me this message and he said I want my people to love the prophetic I want my people to learn how to host the prophetic and he said it to me I want you to give place and entertain the prophetic in your life again in 2nd Corinthians chapter 10 it talks about the strongholds says that we are to take captive every thought and cast down strongholds of the enemy the word strongholds of thoughts one translation says it speaks of like the the strong walls of cities in ancient days and if the enemy is building a wall which is a stronghold it's because he's setting up a castle inside that wall if I think wrong consistently if I let what I see what I feel what my emotions what what I'm going through what the lies of the enemy are even what circumstances in reality are telling me become greater than what God has spoken over my life and I begin to build walls up and every time I think wrong if I think wrong consistently each thought becomes a brick each evil thought wicked thought are just defeated thoughts they become bricks that build up long holds and then Satan sets up a castle in that particular area of my life there's a weakening of our strength and our position when we think Rome you must put on the helmet of salvation which has to do with thinking saved turn to somebody and say you need to think saved you need to quit thinking just about Jesus in church and if you want to walk a victorious life you need to think say put on the helmet of salvation and Monday through Saturday think saved thinking save means if I face anything this week I put on the helmet of salvation I'm not gonna let the enemy brick by brick build walls of fear walls of down walls of sickness walls of depression walls of defeat walls of lack I'm not going to do it I'm not going to feed that side of me I'm gonna put on the armor I'm gonna put on the helmet of salvation I'm gonna think saved what so everything's Philippians 4 said whatsoever things are pure see I'm building a wall just lovely if there be any virtue if there be any praise is God doing anything good is God doing anything good this needs to be heard in our nation is anything good happening are you just building up strongholds of negativism in your life I I think that most of us are about 10 minutes away at any given time from defeat and depression and worry about 10 minutes away all you got to do is just when something comes just start building up those walls and you'll be there real quick or you can put on the helmet of salvation and think saved I'm not going to entertain that line I'm not going to listen to that accusation that distraction that manipulation of the enemy I'm putting on I'm going to think saved gonna maintain a clean conscience a divided mind will defile your heart what I'm saying here's the bottom line I know I've been a little scattered today but you need this you need this Buford in Gwinnett and Spartanburg and Orange County you need this free Chapel Gainesville here's what the Lord told me get a word from God and consistently review it go to war with the prophecy that's been spoken over you get a word from God and consistently review it what did God say what did God God said I would be preaching one day God said that I would be standing before multitudes one day God it seems so far but I would take that word and I would review it I thought about Mary I thought about Mary I thought about how that the Bible said that when the angel spoke prophesy over her concerning her role in salvation and giving birth to Jesus the Bible says two words she treasured and pondered these words I looked up the word treasured and one of the commentaries gave this illustration she would bring them out the words the angel said like you would bring out China on special days to set your table there are certain things that God will speak to you and your family and and you don't you don't just go around all the time eating on China in your house dia but on special occasions you you bring what is treasured and you put it out and then she pondered she consistently reminded herself there's a prophecy over your life and it needs to be treasured and it needs to be ponder use the prophecy to get where you're supposed to go I'm afraid that we just get a word from God y'all don't even remember when I preached last week I preached about the enemy's hold is broken his arms are broken I proved it and and the Lord confirmed it but do we ever take those words when the enemy comes and thinks he's got his hands on one of our children we need to stand up with the Word of God and say oh no you're not I don't care what I see this week the enemy's arms are broken you better learn how to do this you young people in the Lord you better learn how to go to war with a prophecy from God you have to say it it's time to make decrees again it's time to talk to the bouncing Markey 11 whosoever shall say to this mountain be moved it's time to go to war with the word of prophesy and say mountain move move move move move and keep saying it and keep thinking saved say it say it say it say it and say it over and over again and when doubt comes and when fear comes and when needs come and when it seems like all hell's say what God has said go to war with the prophecy and you'll fight a good warfare when God decrees the word no not just God many of you have unemployed angels Bible said they always do the word of the Lord well and that's God's Word well there's two kinds there's two ways God speaks when God decrees the thing he speaks it himself then there's other other times when a still small voice will come inside of you even while a preacher's preaching or are you reading your Bible a still small voice and in that moment you are to decree it you are to speak it you are to say it angels can tell when a word has been declared and originated from the heart of God to you personally and when you start saying it your angels get their employment papers but most of the angels that people have under the sound of my voice are standing with their arms folded in the unemployment line because you're not saying anything you're not decree on anything you're not treasuring any words you're not pondering anything God said to you you're just going through and hoping that you don't get beat up today by the devil those of you are no longer bound you need to get some verses and go to war with your prophecy he whom the son sets free is free indeed I'm never going back the arms of the enemy are broken and like Tim said my family is blessed my children that are about to be born a blessed I love the fact that we can declare blessing and angels go to work everybody who's got a child that's addicted to drugs you need to get your personal prophecy and in the name of Jesus my family is free my family is victorious as for me and my house we will serve the Lord with great delight and I don't care what you're showing me I'll fight you with the word of prophecy in angels go to battling and all of heavens armies go to battle and when you go to war with prophecy you are you business people better get a hold of this you're not wrestling with flesh and blood if you're a tiler if you may got a commitment with your finances like Jacob did when he was broke and had nothing but a stick read it he said all I had was this stick when you found me but at the river when he was broke and had nothing he said if you'll bless me I'll give you ten percent senior Bible Genesis 26 I think it is he said if you'll bless me I'll give you ten percent of everything you give me everything you give me and the Bible said he came back a few years later and he had so many flocks so many cattle so much family so much blessing that he said when I came here years ago all I had was a stick and now he said I can't even count I can't keep up with it I can't even keep well I don't even it's multiplying constantly you know what you have to do because the church is kind of like a business if I see anything and you know and God's taking us I remember who we were believing for $1,500 a week three thousand dollars a week five day I remember praying earnestly for five thousand dollars a week - so this ministry could go forward and now we're knocking on fifty million dollars a year come on somebody come on somebody and it ain't about the money it's about doing what God's called you to do in the season he's called you to do it but I had to fight with the word of prophecy we're the head and not the tail we're not a brokedown ministry we can't afford it we can take the land we're well label I can remember looking in the mirror and saying God is with you God is for you you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you and you go to war with the word of prophecy you don't sit back and let the thief take everything you've got and some of you wanted to leave this church and take your time with you but God wouldn't let you cuz I pray to Angel if the devil doesn't play fair I'm not gonna play fair even you still don't know why you here hallelujah let's shout a little bit you need to say it you need to say it there's a prophecy over you there's a prophecy over my five children there's a prophecy over my grandchildren there's a prophecy over Charisse and over me and it ain't about the past it's about my future I have a future and it's greater than anything behind me turn to somebody and say it's not over there's much ahead of you you need a fresh word of prophecy [Applause] will tell you now some of you need a fresh word this morning I'm done but I like how Daniel prayed he said to God one time he said you said God in 70 years this would end this captivity and that Israel would be reborn he said back to God what he said he pulled it off the shelf and went to war with a word of prophecy he said um it just turned 70 years and you saying that something supposed to happen in this season that didn't happen in the last season and I know that you are you'll take care of your word but you won't take care of my potential unless I go to war with my prophecy and God did it we went on a 21-day fast and all heaven broke loose a fresh word a fresh promise sinks into our Spirit sinks into our soul we can leave going to war with prophecy I hope this certainly makes sense I know it's the truth I know it's the truth why are you doubting him now why are you waiver knee now why are you backing up somebody watching me online and just cause things seem like they they've shifted in the natural God's Word had shifted God's Word is not wavering God Abraham staggered not at the promise of God with unbelief but being fully persuaded that what he had promised he was able to keep and he called the things that were not as though they were having strong faith stand up on your feet my prayer for you today is very simple you can't make it off yesterday's prophecy if it had a time date on it and it's expired all along we need a fresh word from God for our life in the season that we are in wonder how many of you need a fresh word from God for the season that you're in get out of your seat and come down here you're gonna put your foot on it and it's coming come on at every campus if you need a fresh word from God for the season that you're in get out of the seat and get down as close as you can get come with faith gotta have a good conscience that releases strong faith only way you're gonna have a good conscience is to think saved receive your identity receive your inheritance I am a child of God and I don't earn that I just receive it and I will think say but I'm gonna ask God somehow some way you got to read the Bible this week you got to get along with God you got to listen to some sermons you got to you got to get around the word you got to entertain and host the prophetic if you'll make room for it God will send the profit by the prophetic will come by your house are you ready for it lift your hands up right now and say Lord here's my family here's my house here's my home here's my kids here's my career here's my here's my season here's my life here's everything here's the addiction here's the bondage here's the lack here's the need here's the provision that I need here it is God now give me a fresh word I need a prophecy again I need a word again I need you to stir me up again I need to know that I know that I know that you've spoken to me again now say this I will go to war with my words of prophecy there's a prophecy over your family there's a prophecy over your children come here let me give you one just come up here with you family boys and girls come on her husband dad what three three years ago two years ago you can come around today well here we go I did not know that your husband died how long ago one year ago today and I just look out God is my witness I wouldn't have known that if you told me this is what I'm talking about this is prophecy and when I looked and saw your family the Lord said speak a prophetic blessing over the whole family and I'll back it up and so I'm gonna do it as for you and your house you will serve the Lord God will supply all your needs you you'll never walk for nothing you'll never be beggin for nothing God is going to bless you in ways you haven't even thought on and there's a prophecy over your life there's a prophecy over your life there's a prophecy over God has the right one for you and God has a divine plan for you and I speak blessing over you I stir up your gifts i stir up your gifts i stir up your gifts and just like your father was a godly man who served in this ministry as an usher for over a decade and love jesus with all of his heart i'm telling you his words of prayer and prophesy over you have knocked down they are reactivated in your life and things he spoke over you you will move in a in a direction of your personal prophecies and it's gonna be alright and the lord confirms to you one year to the day that i am your god I will be your Jehovah Jireh fear not neither be afraid you will possess the promised land there it is go to war with your personal prophecy come on lift your hands up Wow thank you Jesus I want you to reach over and I want you to lay your hand on somebody and look at them and say I'm a child of God therefore I have a voice a prophecy and I speak over you the blessing of the Lord the favor of the Lord the wisdom of the Lord the anointing of the Holy Spirit it shall be upon you you will be blessed in the city and in the field if you're in a conflict you will not lose you will win if you weren't ready for it God would have taken you around it but since you're in it the Lord says you're gonna win it in Jesus mighty name somebody shout come on somebody please this morning I want every father I want every father to lift your hands on behalf of your children on with every single mother to lift your hands on behalf of your children and I want you to open your mouth and I want you to speak a personal prophecy over their life well how can I do that stay in the word just say what they would like Daniel God you say it but as for me in my house we would serve the Lord so my kids are not gonna be addicted come on gonna say my kids are not gonna be followers my kids are gonna be leaders my kids I don't care what I see I know what God said and as for me in my house they will serve the Lord say this with great delight now begin to shout and praise God but there's a prophecy over your truth only your grandchildren come on girl open your mouth or speak those kids names they will serve the Lord let's go in the water you receive it how many of you're in a conflict say this right now no weapon formed against me shall prosper every tongue that raises a thou shalt condemn this is the heritage of the saints of the Lord the enemy may come one way but he will flee seven ways now shout and rejoice I'm almost done shout and rejoice all you businesspeople to hold up your hands to God on behalf of your business your job your finances say no God you said you would bless the work of my hands and I commit to you again my business if you will bless me I will tithe I will give I will obey I will be a blessing and father I ask you now for Joshua chapter 1 on my business that if I'll go to war with Joshua chapter one and meditate in the word you will give me good success in Jesus name they'll shout and say thank you Lord for good so people were success a biblical word not failure not lack success and not success but good above the norm exceedingly abundantly beyond I could even think or imagine good success in the Lord good I said in the Lord good you better watch it if you got a prophecy over your life that thing's dangerous it'll kick doors in that you never dream I said I got up yesterday they asked me to come be on fox news yesterday so I went and I walked in there and I you know they wanted me to come talk about this pastor that I met his daughter and all of that and and want me to talk about pastor Monson and how that he had how brunson and how that he was being and while that was happening they had me on there and you know what I said well if I'm gonna do this I'm house we're going it and preach a little bit and I worked Jesus name in there and did everything I could to tell people to pray seek God's face and this is an answer to prayer that's just the beginning the Prophecy's will make things happen in a matter where you are it matter where you are but you he wants you to be he can put you in the greatest University you could ever dream we got to get out of here and go to war with a prophecy give somebody a good hug and tell them in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus say I am somebody I am going somewhere and God has something very big for me to do it again somebody I'm going somewhere they've got her [Music] be surprised winner too oh I feel like shout golden shout out of here I'm going for me today for you I'd write that one down that came from the Holy Spirit I'd write that down in my Bible on this day God said I am I'm going somewhere and I'm gonna do something big for his glory and his I go to room with that get out of here place [Music] hi [Music] is there any query questions that I have in your life or your family for your business let us know at those and see God's control - you heard this word today I wouldn't challenge you to send it to somebody and leave that they stick an encouraging word so if you're on YouTube right now I want to challenge to a friend a family member maybe it's even a colleague or a fellow student since women allow it to encourage the starboard faith we can't wait to you the place because of what God does in their life as well it would love you so much we're thrilled that you joined us here today with another great source of free chocolate and we'll see you there Sunday play [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Applause]
Channel: Free Chapel
Views: 302,519
Rating: 4.8513379 out of 5
Keywords: free chapel, music, worship, jesus, christ, sermon, church, god, jentezen, franklin, christian, Power of Personal Prophecy, Spiritual warfare, direction, purpose, spiritual growth, faith
Id: Dooz-ovDNMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 13sec (3013 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 15 2018
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