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so today's video is going to be another solved true crime case today we're going to be talking about like a normal true crime case but mixed with the dark web and as soon as this person suggested this case this case is a channel number suggested kiss by the way so shout out to LA for suggesting this one today we are going to be talking about Peter Scolari well the dark web is one of my favorite things to research and watch all the people's videos on so when I found out the dark web was kind of intertwined in this case I knew I had to cover it because I don't get to talk about that stuff often on this channel let me know if you do what makes a kind of like branch out into that kind of stuff because I love talking about it reading about it stuff like that however today's kiss that we're going to be talking about is very disturbing very very very disturbing like potentially the worst I've ever covered on my channel however I haven't added in details in this case so I would say it's comparable to the Junko Furuta case and the Hello Kitty murder however I haven't added in those details because the victims in this case are actually children so if that's something that you personally don't want to watch or you can't handle listening to that's completely fine and just click out now and I'll be back next week with another video however if you do still want to watch this video just know that I haven't added in the details I've just kind of outlined what happened in this case this case involves human trafficking serial rape kidnap abuse torture but that's gonna be the last one and I give normally I give a one in in the beginning and one in right before it happens but because they are such strong themes throughout the whole video that's the only one and I'm gonna give and I'm sorry this intro has been so long but it kind of had to be so yeah like I said today we're going to be talking about the case of Peter Scully but before we do I just want to give my usual disclaimer that I mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone that I talk about in this video this video is for educational purposes and everything that I'm about to say is just information that I have found on the internet and I'm compiling it into one video so before we get into this video I think you need a little bit of like background information on the dark web because I know a lot of you know what it is but a lot of you might not know exactly what it is the dark web not to be confused with the Deep Web those are different things so there's actually like three tiers to the web I'm trying my best there's three levels to the World Wide Web there is the surface web which is what we're on right now that's what you're watching this video on that's what you do your online shopping on social media search engines everything that you can access on a day to day is on the surface web and as I'm sure you can imagine there are billions of different unique web pages on the surface web you could try and click through every single one and you wouldn't even get through like a quarter of them in your lifetime there are so freaking many and that is just on the surface web and the surface web is actually only 5% of the whole web so imagine how big the rest of it is that we gone access on the day-to-day and the rest of that 95% is mainly Deep Web now there's a difference between Deep Web and dark webs let me explain that now the Deep Web is I don't really understand it because obviously none of us use it I think it's mainly used by like professionals it contains like everyone's medical records because like you know it's not safe to have them on the surface web and doctors all around the world might need to access one person's things so they put it in the Deep Web I don't know I'm not a doctor but I think there's like government II things on the Deep Web Bodnar's just stuff that we're not allowed to see and then you go even further than that and the last five to ten percent of the world wide web is the dark web and it is as scary as it sounds on the dark web there is so much illegal activity going on drug trafficking their stories of people selling their organs a large percentage of the dark web is illegal porn as you might expect a lot of that is child porn and that is where a lot of pedophile communities congregate however it is very hard to track anyone on the dark web because to use it you kind of have to have like a something to hide your IP address so it's not a VPN because those are strong enough you've got to use a whole like laptop software don't know I've never done it but it it means that you can't get tracked because people on the dark web will try and steal your information they'll try and track you down but yeah there's even worse stuff than what I've said on the dark web I've heard stories of snuff films which if you don't know what snuff film is it's where someone will kill another human being murder another human being on camera and post it online sometimes they even live stream it live stream and murder there's human trafficking there's like I said pedophile rings very illegal videos being made I've heard stories of like hitman you can hire hit men to go and kill someone for you horrible horrible things go on on the dark web and this video showcases some of the worst of the worst on the dark web so our story starts between 2012 and 2014 a video began circulating on the surface web that clearly did not belong that it didn't come from the surface web it was a video that had somehow found its way out of the dark web and it began leaking into chat rooms and forums on the surface web mainly in Europe and this video well it was more like a film it was a four part film each part was around 10 to 15 minutes each this film was called disease destruction and disease destruction was regarded as almost an urban legend well definitely legend across a lot of the surface where people were talking and they were saying that they'd heard about this horrifying video this really disturbing film called desease destruction however none of them had seen it with their own eyes so they didn't know if it truly existed and people would bet and whether this video was real or not because who would be sick and twisted enough to create something like his destruction but unfortunately it was real this film was real it was created on the dark web and it was sent to surface web forums so now I'm gonna kind of outline the things that went on in this video induces destruction and I'm not going to go into details like I said a million times I'm just gonna tell you the themes that were going on it was a four-part film with three adults in it two women and a man all torturing and raping three children the children were aged twelve eleven and the youngest one of the three was Daisy herself and she was just 18 months old at the time she was one-and-a-half she was a baby so like I've said so many times in this video already I'm not gonna go into details about what happened in these videos and that is partially because I don't know I don't know what actually happened online there seems to just be a lot of rumors no one really knows exactly what went on I do not a few of the things that happened but of course because they're children I'm not gonna say the details but I've only read about four or five things that happen to these girls like specific things I know generally what happened to them but for a video for a film that's like an hour long altogether then must have been way more than four or five things that happened to these children and online there's just a lot of hearsay because at the end of the day a lot of people that have actually seen these videos I'm not gonna come forward and say what's on them because that would be admitting to seeking out and watching child pornography so one is really willing to give an accurate description of what happened in these videos of course police aren't gonna they've sat they've had to sit and watch every single second of those tips multiple times but because the victims are children they're not going to come out and say what happened well the way that these films are described online by people that have seen multiple snuff films multiple crimes like police that have seen multiple things like this in their lifetime they said that this is the worst thing that they have ever come across in the whole life and like I said some of the rumors that I came across while I was researching this video were some of the worst things that I have ever heard and I do this for a living I look up serious disturbing crimes every single day of my life to make these videos and some of the things that I read that could have potentially gone on in these videos were the worst things I've ever heard so like I said in these videos there were two women and a man and throughout the whole four parts of this film the two women were masked so you couldn't see their faces and the man's face is pixelated in every single shot however he is not on camera as much as the women where he seems to have more of the kind of producing directing role so the video starts off of course with part one and it's already horrendously sick and twisted and it only gets more and more worse and worse as the parts go through to part four which is the absolute worst of the whole film these videos did involve sexual abuse a lot of sexual abuse but also a lot of just physical torture physical abuse just these three adults inflicting pain on these three children and this is known as hurt car it's a whole genre of on the dark web and it is exactly how it sounds hurt car it's adults inflicting pain on children for their kind of viewing pleasure sometimes they get children to inflict pain on other children but for some reason that is what these people want to see daisies destruction found its way onto the biggest herckel website forum thing on the dark web and this was called hurt to the car and this was where the majority of the community congregated it became viral among that community again I don't believe everyone saw it and that was because you had to actually pay to seen this video it was being sold for $10,000 for this full hour-long for part but I also believe that's why it was quite an urban legend because only a few people paid so only a few people could prove that they'd seen it so then the rest of it was just rumors and hearsay although the video was so bad that even all the pedophiles in the community on the dark web were denounced in this video and this whole community saying that they were sick and twisted so before we carry on about the specific case like Disney's destruction I just kind of want to talk about the hurt car community in the dark web a little bit more I don't doubt that it's still going on unfortunately I believe things like that we're never going to be able to put a 100% end to however the most notorious people in that community have been locked up or at least the notorious people back in like 2014 2015 they were all caught and locked up the people that were like spread in this kind of things of course there's still people out there that have viewed these kind of videos and they haven't been caught because like I said IP addresses are blocked and everything however the people that were create in the websites the people that were create in the videos well the majority of them have been locked up and one of these people one of the most notorious ones there's like five very very famous so I'm not gonna get into every single one of them because this is the Peter Scully case however one of those like five notorious ones was actually working in childcare during the day he would work with children and then he would come home and watch these videos of children being hurt and abused and sexually abused another one of these five notorious people in the community one of them that owned their own web site like foreign thing actually tried to defend himself to police by saying that he was doing them a service he was saying to police that he created that website to kind of lure in all these sick twisted pedophiles that were gonna come to watch these videos and then he was gonna take the whole thing to the police and be like look I've caught all these horrendous people like you can lock them up now of course he wasn't gonna do that anyway within the whole kind of hurt call community everyone knew everyone pretty much because it was such a small community as you can imagine that is not something that a lot of people are into and while these people didn't know know each other because of course they couldn't share their real names or any kind of personal information because you can't trust anyone on the deep web or the dark web so they would just kind of go by user names but everyone knew everyone by their user names and they kind of made these like sick friendships where they'd share things with each other and there was like this hierarchy as well between like the orgies people that have been part of the community for a long time people that have their own websites and then like the newbies that had just found out about the dark web and like the things that they could access and then just become part of the community and people would even give shoutouts to each other in the videos one guy even wrote another person's using him on a piece of paper and got a child to hold it up in a video as a shout out to this friend it was essentially just another social media to them a place where they could go and make friends and talk about their interest and things that they couldn't talk about with anyone else but with all this other horrific stuff going on at the same time and that just shows how messed up these people are that those two elements can coincide the kind of making friends and talking about their interests and her called pornography of children that those two things can exist in the same community and no one bats an eyelid sir anyway back to the actual kiss that we're talking about like I said the Dacey's destruction film leaked onto the surface web which meant it got picked up by police almost immediately like the second it leaked onto the surface web so the case was originally picked up by Dutch police but because of the severity of this case and because it was online and because it was on the dark web and because everyone's faces were covered in these videos they could have been coming from anywhere of course you can access the internet anywhere in the world so having just Dutch police on this case didn't make sense at all so the case was spread pretty much worldwide quickly police theorized that the three children in these videos were from the Philippines and there were street children I hate that phrase but that is the phrase that is used to describe these kids there were orphans and I don't know if it's a regular thing that happens in the Philippines are in this part of the Philippines at least but often children if their parents if something happens to their parents or if their parents don't want them they will just leave them on the side of the street and these children grow up fending for themselves just living on the side of the street so this now narrowed down the search to the Philippines most likely because the likelihood is is that these three people these three adults had found the children already in the Philippines because why would they find them in the Philippines and then take them out so the likelihood is was that this video was created there so now police had to try and identify or at least kind of narrow down who the three adults could have been so the two women were noticeably more tanned than the man the man was very very pale why and the girls also seemed quite young not children but maybe teenagers late teenagers and so they theorized that the two girls were probably also from the Philippines as for the man like I said he was very very pale white and he was speaking English in these videos and the girls would speak English back to him but their English was kind of broken so that was another thing that told police that they were probably not originally from an english-speaking country but that he probably was the man probably was because his English was perfect they couldn't hear him too much but the things that he was saying sounded like an English speaking person you know like English first language person got the grammar so the case was pushed more to kind of English speaking countries Australia America England everywhere like that and they were like does anyone recognize this accent and Australian police came forward and said that's an Australian accent so police in Australia started to think about who this man could be they were looking at different cases different unsolved cases may be potential runaways and that was when they found something interesting that they could link potentially link to this police in Australia at the time in 2014 were working on a case of a man that had something on about 70 different charges against him however he had completely fled the country before he could be charged with any of them and this man was named Peter Scully he was in his late forties he had a wife and two children he lived in a nice suburb in Australia he just had a very normal life a very Kariya a family man he was very intelligent he was wealthy he was friendly he was very popular among his peers and people in that area but underneath all of that he was a serial fraudster over the years he had swindled over 2.6 million Australian dollars from different investors with this Vic kind of property investment scheme and it was later revealed like way after this case that he was also at the time running an illegal escort service with just one woman a young Malaysian woman that letter turned out to be his mistress so he was this perfect family man by day and then by night he was this notorious criminal fraudster someone that was unfaithful to his wife and hired out his girlfriend as a sex worker so anywhere around 2011 2012 before the video was made police found out that all of this was going on behind closed doors with Peter Scully and so he was a wanted man however normally when it's something this serious police kind of keep that quiet because he was obviously a flight risk and that is exactly what he did when he found out that he was a wanted man he fled the country police initially theorized that maybe he'd gone to Malaysia with his girlfriend however searching the whole of Malaysia was not really an option and so police at this point just felt really helpless as to what to do they had no idea where it could be ah where do we even start with that and then around two years later this video pops up of a white Australian man and two young Asian women and so police feared that maybe this was another one of Peters gullies kind of escort services escort schemes whatever the hell he was doing so police began making more and more connections between the cases I don't exactly what those connections were but they quickly realized that there were on the right path and they had the right man so police began looking for Peter Scully in the Philippines and they had very few leads but they were exhausting every single lead that would come in and eventually this led them to one particular city malaybalay city I'm so sorry I am so sorry I did not say that right it would take police years to track this man down Dizzy's destruction the video was made in 2012 and they eventually found him in that city in 2015 that's three years that he could have been doing so much worse but before we talk about the rest of the things that he did in that time I just want to kind of round off the dizzies destruction part of this video so police did eventually find two of the three children that were featured in that video they found the oldest child who was 12 years old at the time of the video and they also found Daisy who was the 18 month old baby Daisy was alive and she was a toddler at this point however she had sustained such horrendous injuries during those videos and during the time that Peter had her she sustained such awful injuries that she will have lasting physical damage to her body I don't know exactly what that is but she will never be fully healthy however the 11 year old that was featured in those videos wasn't with the other two children and I couldn't find exactly what happened to her there were some sources that said some things and other sources said that she was never found so I'm gonna tell you what the sources said however just bear in mind that some of them also said she was never found so I'm not sure how accurate this next bit is supposedly Peter Scully strangled this child to death when she could no longer handle the torture and the abuse and then he buried her under the floorboards of his her now I have seen pictures of like a dug up flaw in home but you know you can't always trust articles on the Internet especially when it's about dark web cases a lot of people like to spread misinformation about dark web cases I guess because there's a lot of creepypastas about the dark web anyway I think a lot of people disregard how true and real this kind of stuff is so yeah I don't know what happened to that last child but we do know that Peter Scully did murder however the sources that said he did all of that that I just mentioned also said that he allegedly filmed himself doing it to her and then put that video on the dark web however these three girls that were featured in jay-z's destruction weren't Peter Scully's only victims he actually had two more after that so just for a little bit more context Peter Scully did actually have two girlfriends in the Philippines and these women are confirmed to have been the masked women in those videos these girlfriends were 18 year old cami and Alvarez and 19 year old Lisl McCullough both of these women grew up street kids themselves in the Philippines and they were taken literally from the side of the road by Peter Scully himself when there was still children and he brought them up in such a strange where he was obviously grooming them but he brought them up half like his child and half like his girlfriend it was a very weird dynamic and he would also sell these girls to other men for periods of time so he would sell them as sex workers but he would let them keep them for days at a time and it was just a very very confusing and messed-up dynamic and they were also Peter Scully's own sex lives when they were at home so they really never had a break from any kind of sexual abuse and because he did call them his girl friends and because he had groomed them so much and told them that this relationship that they had was special and because they didn't have family they didn't have parents they've never seen a healthy relationship before so they didn't know that this wasn't what everyone else was going through they thought that this was a normal relationship and the girls have since said that they felt safe with Peter Scully even though they would watch him literally commit murder in front of their eyes and abused these children and these girls they said they never thought Scully would have turned on them at any point they said that the relationship that they had with him was different to the ones that he had with other girls so around 2014 the end of 2014 on the beginning of 2015 Peter Scully turned to his girlfriend Alvarez and told her that he wanted to adopt some children he said he was really keen to help out a child that might need it and so he was thinking about just getting some street children off the street just like he did with his girlfriends and at first his girlfriend Alvarez tried to kind of talk him out of it she was like well why don't we just get my sister to come live with us you can look after her instead of bringing in a street child that we don't know but Scully insisted that they get to street children he wanted to bring up two more street children just like he had done with her he presented this idea to Alvarez and his other girlfriend as kind of this opportunity to change a child's life he was gonna bring them in and raise them and give him all these opportunities in life really the only reason he wanted a street kid was because they have no family to notice them go missing he knew his intentions he knew that he was either gonna kidnap this child for a long long time and groom them and help them raised just like these are the two girlfriends are he was gonna kill them and he couldn't do that with Alvarez little sister so pizza Scully gave his girlfriend Alvarez very specific instructions he told her to go out onto the street and not to come back until she found two young girls specifically aged nine and twelve and it didn't take long before she came across two girls two cousins those exact ages and they were very poor Street children and so she led them back to the house on the pretense that they could have food they can stay over there they could have breakfast the next morning so Alvarez took the girls back to the house and just dropped them off there with Scully and left and as soon as they were there they were given food just as promised and everything seemed fine however after they finished eating the food Peter Scully told both of the girls to strip down naked and that was when he took pictures of them and posted them on the dark web he also took a video of the girls directing them to do certain things to each other which is just horrendous so so sad to think about and he posted that video as well after that he began abusing both of the girls who of course began screaming and crying and to stop them from making noise one of his girlfriends went and got pillo and began smothering them to near death the next morning when the girls woke up Scully give them more food for breakfast and then when they finished that he told them to go out into the back garden and begin digging and as they were Scully came out to the garden and told them that there were digging their own graves and that he was soon gonna kill them and they were gonna be led to rest exactly where they were digging and after five whole days of joining in this abuse and torture of these two little girls Alvarez suddenly felt very remorseful when she saw that Peter Scully had put these two girls in dog collars that was the thing that made her feel remorseful and sir she Unchained the girls from these collars and let them girl and luckily these two little girls were brave enough to go to the police about what had just happened to them and that was when they finally track and arrested Peter Scully in 2015 they arrested him on suspicion of 75 different charges and that included murder rip fraud kidnap human trafficking and of course police seized all of his electronics computers phones everything to see the extent of what Peter Scully had been doing all these years however they didn't get very far with that suspiciously enough the room that was holding all of Peter Scully's electronics computers and everything set on fire just that one room and unfortunately everything in there was burnt beyond recovery think there was literally nothing that police could do at that point and people believe that Peter Scully had bribed a police officer to set this fire in the room because who knows what police would have found on those electronics and police in the Philippines are pretty known for being quite corrupt so it's not out of the realm of possibility that that is the case because we know that Peter Scully was very very wealthy he did have a lot of money so now police had absolutely no evidence to say that Peter Scully had a part in Dacey's destruction or any of these other forums or videos or anything like that they couldn't prove it unfortunately however what they could prove was that Peter Scully had kidnapped and abused and tortured these other two little girls for five days and unfortunately that is all they could charge him with they couldn't charge him with anything to do with his destruction however he was charged with one count of human trafficking and five counts of rape so he was found guilty in 2018 however had he been found guilty any earlier than that he would have been eligible for the death penalty however in the Philippines in 2017 they passed a law that rape was no longer grounds for capital punishment instead Peter Scully was just given a life sentence and he is serving that I believe back over in Australia or they will be taken him back to Australia to survey I don't know if he's still in the Philippines now however one little interesting piece of information to kind of end this video on is that Peter Scully is actually rumored to be writing a book from jail and this book is like an autobiography you know like what celebrities write about their life when people are really interested in them and want to know their life story Peter Scully is right in one of those about his life story up until now up until him being sat in jail writing the book so I don't know if he's gonna go into detail about his crimes or if this is even true this is a rumor but if it is true I really really hope that book is never published or at least if it is published I hope that he gets none of the profits I hope it all goes to some sort of charity because otherwise he's effectively just making money off of his crimes again but that's it for this case thank you so so much for watching as for today's charity shout out today we're going to be talking about freedom from torture freedom from torture help to support survivors of horrendous torture things that we've talked about in today's video because they are very very real and people are going through them every single day many of the people that the charity helped are refugees or asylum seekers coming to the UK escape in that torture elsewhere be it because they know something they shouldn't oh whether it's some kind of gang thing freedom from torture gives survivors therapy kind of emotional support helps them get back into society helps them build back confidence and social skills and everything that they will have lost being a victim of torture not only that but the charity also fight for of course change and to stop all of this kind of thing but also just awareness I think a lot of people forget that this is real and that things like this are going on across the world every single day just so many people we hear stories like this and you might think it's just a one-off a really her end kiss but things like this are going on all the time the charity put on support groups for survivors to all come together and take up a hobby like cooking or gardening it helps them make friends with each other gain confidence back in strangers and society and just the human race and it just helps them build their self-esteem again get their social skills back because it really destroys people they help to train up professionals to be able to deal with this kind of thing so they help to train up therapists to talk specifically about torture and what these people have been through if you want to donate to freedom from torture of course the link will be down below in the description just three pounds can help transport a survivor to a medical assessment to get checked over 20 pounds could pay for seeds for a full gardening support group to help bring these people together and 50 pounds could fund a whole therapy session for a survivor of course I don't expect any one person to donate 50 pounds if you could that would be amazing but don't feel like you have to pull that kind of money together because that is a lot however I'm thinking maybe collectively we could all just put a little bit in and get to 50 pounds that would be amazing you don't understand how happy and proud it makes me when you all tell me that you've donated or that you've shared the charity on your social medias like I don't know just makes me burst with pride I feel like we're really doing something you know on this channel like all together there's a little community on my channel like I feel like we're all really making a difference and it just makes me really really happy so if you could spare just at least a pound oh you know I don't I don't know what the minimum donation is I should have checked I'm sure it would mean a lot to the person that it goes to but yeah like I said the link to donate will be down in the description thank you so so much for watching if you enjoyed this video make sure you leave a big thumbs up and subscribe down below if you want to see some more from me a huge thank you to all of my channel members all of the names are on screen right now if you'd like to become channel number you can click the join button under the video if you're on a desktop or if you can't find the join button it'll be a link in the description if you become a channel number you'll get access to a bunch of extra perks you get your name on this end screen at the end of all of my videos you get access to a Members Only community tab where we talk about the cases you can suggest cases for me to cover on my channel and you get your suggestions fast tracks but yeah thank you so so much for watching subscribe to my second tell if you haven't already and I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 2,327,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eleanor neale, eleanor neale true crime, 2019, mystery, unsolved, unsolved mystery, true crime, solved, peter scully, daisy's destruction, dark web, deep web, reddit, stories, top 10, bbc, itv, documentary, serial killer, murder documentary, case, podcast, australia, creepypasta, crime watch daily, criminally listed, kendall rae, junko furuta, hello kitty murder, horror, the joanna yeates case, freedom from torture, kidnap, kidnapped, abducted, disappearance, killer, murder, true crime case
Id: pGK2Nb25Yjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 0sec (2220 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 07 2019
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