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so today's video is day number two of nightmares before Christmas and today's video as you can probably tell by looking at the time is a bloody long word but I have been working on this case for weeks it's taking me so long longer than I expected and my channel numbers know that I have been working on this for so long now and it was one of my channel members that suggested this case their username is not family friendly not that my content is family friendly but I ain't gonna say out love but you know you are thank you I know I said this at the end of my videos all the time but if you want to become a channel member you can click the link in the description or you can click the join button and you basically get a bunch of perks including that you can suggest cases to me and today we are covering the Scottish serial killer I say Scottish she's from Scotland but he operated he carried out his killings in London today we're gonna be talking about Scottish serial killer Dennis Nilsen quickly before we get into this video I just want to give my usual disclaimer that I mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone that I talk about in this video this is all just information that I have found on the internet and I'm compiling into one video so in January and February of 1983 residents of 23 cranly Gardens began complain in to their landlords about blocked drains 23 Cranmer Gardens was a house in North London that had been split in two I think it was six different flats and obviously because it was originally a house all these six flats with different tenants in all shared the same drainage system and then we're all having these blockage problems so in early February a plumber was brought in to unblock one of the toilets in the flats and he did so successfully everything was fine but he said to the landlord that that was one of the worst smells he had ever smelled in his life but still even after unblocking that one toilet in that one flat it quickly got blocked again and all the other flats were having the same problem and so another plumber was brought in this time to look like properly under the house so on Thursday February 8th of 1983 a plumber was brought in and he under the house he was looking at all the plumage system and everything and he said that everything seemed fine that was until he lifted a certain great over a little bit of plumbing when he saw what he described as butcher's prepared meat with bones so the plumbers pulled out these pieces of meat from the drain and they called their boss to ask what they should do and in this time all the residents of 23 cranly Gardens had come out to see what was going on see what they'd found so the plumbers boss just told them to leave them inside the drain but on a Ledge so that they wouldn't get washed back in and they would come back in the morning and have a proper look at them but unsurprisingly the next year the plumbers went back and all of these pieces of meat all of these bones had disappeared so they carried on looking in like different pipes and things like that to see if they could find anything else because now there were a bit suspicious why these pieces of meat were there in the first place and then they suddenly went so they were looking at all these different pipes and then one of the side of the building was disconnected and when they put a hand in they could pull out another piece of flesh and so they called the police because they were very suspicious about finding chunks of meat in the drainage system and these police took these chunks of meat to a pathologist who confirmed that they were in fact pieces of human flesh and this pathologist could even tell that the person that this piece of flesh had come from had actually been strangled to death it just so happened that this one piece of flesh that they'd found in the drain along the side of the house was actually from this person's neck and it had a ligature mark on it from where they'd been strangled so quickly police realized that because this piece of flesh was found on the drain on the side of the building it had to have come from someone inside of 23 cranly Gardens because before when these pieces of flesh were found in that drain outside of the house it could have been anyone it could have been someone trying to frame someone at 23 cranly Gardens you often see that killers don't dump the body close to where they it committed the murder and be live so that it can't be traced back to them so that was always a possibility but now there was flesh being found in the actual pipes on the building and it was also clear that these pieces of flesh hadn't come from the ground floor flaps because they don't use the pipe that at the side of the building that's on the top and the middle flats and so police got in contact with the landlord's that owned this house and owned all these flats they knew everyone that lived in there and they found out that no one actually lived in that middle flat so it had to be the top flap and the top flap was owned by 37 year-old Dennis Nilsen an executive officer at the local Jobcentre so police immediately went round to 23-crime the gardens to question Dennis although he wasn't home and he wouldn't be back from work until around 5:00 p.m. so the officers just went outside his house for him to come home and while they waited they questioned the ground floor residents of 23 Khurana Gardens who said that they'd actually seen Dennis Nilsen outside in the early hours of the morning they said he was red in the face he seemed like you've been sweating he was wearing a vest that exposed his arms and his arms were dirty so about here which made them think that maybe he had gone into this drain and grabbed all those pieces of flesh eventually at 5:40 p.m. Dennis Nilsen returned home from work 2:23 cranly Gardens and the police introduced themselves detective Peter J told Dennis Nilsen that he was there about his blocked drains to which Dennis Nilsen laughed and said since when have police been interested in blocked drains so at this stage detective J decided to take a less aggressive approach and he just said well if you take me up into your flack and tell you all about it so as soon as they got upstairs into this top flat as soon as Dennis Nilsen open the door the police noticed a really strong odor and they said that the atmosphere felt evil so detective Jay told Dennis Nilsen that he was there because the dreams of 23 cranly Gardens had been blocked with human remains - which Dennis Nilsen replied oh my god how awful so detective Jay took a step towards him looked him straight in the eyes and just said don't mess me about where's the rest of the body and to his surprise Dennis Nilsen was very cooperative so Nielsen paused for a second and then he said okay fair enough they're in two bags in the wardrobe in the other room and he gave them the keys to be able to unlock this wardrobe so the officers went and opened this wardrobe they saw these bags they smelt this awful smell and they didn't even bother looking inside the bag they just arrested Dennis Nilsen then and there so in the car on the way back to the police station there was detective Peter J driving and PC McCusker sat in the back with Dennis Nilsen and PC McCusker noticed when he looked at those two bags in the wardrobe that they were very big they were very full for just one human body so mckusker turned to Dennis Nilsen and said well how many bodies are we talking here is it one two three two it's Dennis Nilsen replied it's 15 or 16 I think and the two officers remember Peter Jane nearly crashing the car when he said that and then the two of them realized that they had the serial killer in the car that is claiming to have killed fifteen or sixteen men and they had no restraints he wasn't handcuffed or anything the officers didn't have anything on them they went there to questioning they didn't expect him to confess to like 15 or 16 murders and so PC mckusker just had to kind of grab his jacket sleeve to make sure he didn't try and get out so now before I get into Nielsen's questioning or confessions or anything like that I just want to give a bit of background on who Dennis Nilsen was so Dennis Andrew Nielsen was born on November 23rd 1945 in Aberdeenshire in Scotland he was the second of three children to a Scottish mother and a Norwegian father although he never really knew his dad growing up Nielsen was a bit of a loner he didn't really have any friends or anything like that his own mother his own siblings didn't really pay much attention to him they didn't want to play over them Nielson just didn't have any tactile relationships with anyone really apart from his grandfather who he absolutely adored and Dennis was actually named after his grandfather whose grandfather was called Andrew his name was Dennis Andrew Nielsen and so that's possibly why his grandfather gravitated more to Dennis rather than his older brother a younger sister or maybe you just felt bad for Dennis that you have no friends that his own siblings didn't want to play with him but either way Dennis and his grandfather were best friends they adored each other Dennis's grandfather would take him for really long countryside walks they'd be out for hours with Dennis on his grandfather's shoulders they'd go by the harbors they'd go through fields and everything siblings would only join them on rare occasions it was very much a Dennis and his grandfather type thing his grandfather was a fisherman and although he'd sometimes take Dennis on like days out fishing and stuff like that his mod long-term trips would be anywhere between a couple of weeks and a couple of months and Danny's recalled that when his grandfather would be out on these really long fishing trips he said that life would be empty until he returned and he called his granddad a great hero and protector when Dennis was five years old his grandfather's health began to decline very rapidly and on October 31st 1951 his grandfather died out at sea and a heart attack aged 62 his body was brought back to shore for a proper burial and Dennis remembered coming home from school one day seeing his mother weeping uncontrollably and he didn't know why he asked his mother what was wrong but all she said was do you want to see granddad and of course Dennis wanted to see his granddad he got really excited cause he wanted to see his best friend so she said he's in the kitchen and so Dennis walked into the kitchen and there was no one there but there was this long box on the kitchen table and when he looked inside it it was his granddad in an open coffin and obviously he was five years old he didn't understand the concept of death no one had prepared him to see his granddad in that way at all and this was Dennis Nielsen's first real experience with death and with love he was he's my dad was the only person he ever really loved and so psychologists believe that in that moment when he saw his grandfather dead the only man that he's ever had a connection with the ideas of death and of love kind of fused in his brain and became intertwined his mother had told him that his grandfather had gone to a better place and Dennis remembered thinking at five years old well why didn't he take me with him if he loved me why wouldn't he take me to this better place why would he leave me here alone and from that point on Dennis's mother said that he was never the same child he lost that kind of innocent energetic spark in him he became very reserved very shy he would go out for walks but hours along the same routes that his grandfather used to take him he stopped taking part in family at it is and whenever anyone would show him any kind of affection try to hug him or anything he'd now reject it whereas before he longed for it before when no one was showing him affection that was all he wanted and now when he would get it he wouldn't want it and later in life Danice grew to resent his mother and his grandmother for the unfair amount of attention that they would give his siblings and not him he felt like he was very singled out and so he also agreed to resent his siblings you don't didn't go for walks down onto the beach and by the harbor where his grandfather used to take him fishing where they used to go on walks and things and he would often sometimes simulate drowning to feel closer to his grandfather and one time when he was 10 years old he went out into the sea he began simulating drowning he never used to do it too far out into the sea so he could always kind of put his feet back down and survive where was this time the tide actually dragged him out a bit further and he couldn't stand and he began to actually drown you began flailing his arms he began screaming and if it wasn't for another older boy swimming out to go and get in Dennis Nilsen would have drowned and then it said that he thought in that moment that that was his grandfather coming to drag him out to be with him in his early teenage years Dennis Nilsen struggled coming to terms with his sexuality quite a lot he thought for a while that maybe he liked men but obviously this was the sixties it was not an accepting time of gay people and so he tried to hide it from everyone but later in life when he kind of more came to terms with his sexuality he never really wanted to label it he never wanted to be gay he never wanted to be straight he never wanted to be bisexual and when Germany's questioning with police much much later once he'd been caught for all these murders he would say for records sake you can call me homosexual for records sake you can call me a sexual because he himself never really knew what he was and he never really felt the need to know what he was he was just Dennis but when he first started noticed in this attraction to other boys in his early teenage years he would look at his kind of type and he noticed that a lot of their features mirrored the features of his sister and sewing the initial stages of coming to terms with his sexuality when he was trying to deny it he was trying to think himself into being stray he was saying that no I'm not attracted to these boys this is just a manifestation of my love for my sister I just love my sister and don't like boys and some sources said that Dennis Nilsen actually touched his sister on one occasion to try and get rid of these kind of thoughts about other boys in his head although some sources said that some sass has done so I don't know how accurate that is he never made any kind of attempt to be in a relationship or to even have any kind of sexual encounters with these boys he was happy just being as he was he was just kind of attracted to them but he would never act on it which also made him think that he was asexual although I'm one occasion when Dennis was quite a young teenager he was sexually assaulted by an older boy and he described the experience as not unpleasant and it's also said in some sources that he actually tried to touch his older brother as well although once again some sources say it some sources done so I don't know what's true bear although eventually his brother did get quite suspicious that maybe Dennis was gay although he didn't have any evidence for it he would always ridicule him for it he would call him hen which is slang for girl and because Dennis's home life wasn't happy he didn't have many friends he didn't really have anything to lose at age 15 Dennis Nilsen decided that he was going to join the army so to be able to get in the army he had to do certain tests and things he had to finish his school in and it was found in these tests that he did that his intelligence was way above average of the other recruits his age he also particularly excelled in history but he hated sports and it was German his time in the army that Dennis picked up photography as a hobby all the psychologists believe that this is a lot more deep-rooted in Dennis as it is with other people that just enjoy photography Dennis Nilsen always felt the need to be in control of everything which just isn't realistic in life you can't control everything in your life however you can control a picture you can ask people to do certain things stand in certain places you can position things then you take that foot and it's like that forever even when things move on in real life and this control thing just gradually got more and more amahi would control more things for these photos until eventually he got his other army recruits joined in in these photos he would ask them to lay on the floor and pretend that they'd been shot and he would take these photos and develop them and put them up inside there kind of dawns and his army friends just kind of went along with that although none of them liked Dennis they would always talk about him in private they would call him homophobic slurs even though they didn't actually know that he was attracted to men Dennis tried so hard to keep that a secret although he would do certain things that in that time people would think were gay to do like the way that Dennis would fight all the other boys would be punching kicking pushing people about whereas Dennis would slap and he won't scratch his opponent and a lot of the boys just assumed that he was gay and really killed him about it but obviously like I said they didn't actually know he was gay if they did know that he was gay if he came out and said that he would have probably been kicked out of the Army or something Dennis would never shower with the other man out of fears that he would get aroused in their presence he would never do certain things like he was very careful about letting people see who he really was so while he was in the army Nielsen and all of his kind of army friends would drink to excess every single night and one morning he actually woke up in a friend's dom after they'd been blackout drunk nothing actually happened between him and this other man that night however this whole event just kind of ignited a fantasy in Dennis Nilsen about having sex with an unconscious body or about him just being completely passive and from that point on Dennis stopped getting blackout drunk he would still drink with the other men he would get drunk he'd getting very drunk he just would make sure that he always knew what was going on and Dennis did that on purpose he would act like he was much margarine when he was and he would go back to other men's dorms with them just pretending like he was so drunk they could find his way back to his own I mean he would pretend to pass out on the bed or on the surfer or whatever and hope that one of these men would take advantage of him Dennis and the other men in the army always used to go out and get prostitutes and Dennis would go with them he would act like he was up for it with them however he only went through with it a couple of times he would always come up with excuses as to why I was going home he was tired or whatever and on the rare occasions that he would actually go through with it and use these prostitute services he recounted the experiences as overrated and depressing after 11 years service Dennis Nilsen left the army age 26 and returned home to Scotland and one night when he was back in Scotland Dennis his brother his brother's wife and another couple were all sat watching a documentary about male homosexuality and everyone in the room was disgusted by this documentary apart from Dennis and everyone that was in this room were making comments they were saying horrible things about gay people and Dennis just kind of snapped he didn't admit his own sexuality when he was talking to these people but he did speak in defence of gay rights and because of their status as older brother went to their mother and told her that Dennis was gay obviously he didn't know that Dennis was gay he just kind of assumed from the way that he reacted when everyone was saying those horrible things and his mother didn't approve and then he's tried to deny it to his family although ultimately there was no point he wasn't happy at home he didn't have anything to lose and so he decided to move away he moved away from Scotland entirely to London in England where he could finally be himself and once he was in London he joined the police force probably due to his need to control situations and he really liked this job he got on with all of his co-workers but then ultimately left eleven months later he then began working at a job centre which is where he worked all the way up until his arrest in 1983 it was around this time that Nielsen's fascination with death kind of strengthened he would put pale makeup on his face he would make his lips blugh he would make his eyes bloodshot and then he would stand in front of the mirror for hours just staring at himself pretending that he was dead he'd also just kind of lay there for hours at a time with his eyes closed just pretending that he was dead he wasn't asleep like he would just do that for hours where normal people had like go out and socialize or do a spa or a hobby or whatever that was Nielsen's hobby pretending that he was dead and now that he was in London and he could kind of freely express his sexuality he used to attend gay clubs multiple nights a week he would engage in one-night stands a lot of these times but then by 1975 he kind of realized that he wanted something a bit more permanent he was bored of that kind of lifestyle he wanted a proper boyfriend and so he continued to go to these gay clubs hoping that he'd meet someone who also wanted a long-term relationship but the problem was at that time a lot of the men that would go to these gay clubs were just kind of looking for a one-night thing they weren't looking for anything serious and then in November of 1975 while he was on one of these nights out he came out of one of the clubs he was gonna go home and then he met this man outside of a bar this man was quite small he was quite feminine and he was being threatened and intimidated by two large kind of rough looking men and so Dennis Nilsen decided to step in and get this kind of smaller man away from the other two this man was 20-year old David galician a young gay man that just moved to London and Neilson decided to invite him back to his flat for a cooked meal the two of them got drunk they talked all night into the early hours of the morning and Dennis learn everything about David he learned that he was unemployed that he was harmless and he was moving between hostels and the next morning when it came time for David galliston to leave as Dennis's one-night stands normally did the morning after Dennis realized that he had quite an attachment to David galliston and he didn't want this man to leave and so in a kind of spur-of-the-moment thing Dennis Nilsen asked David Gowan to move in with him he said that they could get a bigger flat together they could get a dog they could have this really nice life and David didn't really have anything to lose and so he accepted Jenny's Nielsen's biological father the one that never really had anything to do with him actually passed away two years before this and left each of his three children a thousand pounds each I Nielsen knew that he might need this money one day and so he saved it for something waiting for a time to come along to use it and this was exactly what I spent it on so the two men went out and they found this kind of larger flat it was a ground floor flat on a street called Melrose Avenue and it had exclusive access to the garden as well a place for them to keep a dog and this flat was relatively cheap for what it was because it needed a lot of renovation which was completely fine they decided that Neilson would carry on working and David galliston would remain unemployed so that he could fix up the house during the day and obviously Dennis Nilsen with his kind of control power thing that he had he loved this kind of dynamic between them and he always told David galliston that he shouldn't get job that Dennis wanted to be the kind of breadwinner of the household so the two of them David and Dennis never actually put a label on their relationship they'd never called each other their boyfriend or anything like that but they did become exclusive like they stopped seeing of a man but they never actually said that they were in a relationship some sources I wrote said that Dennis said that this relationship was never sexual it was just a kind of platonic kind of relationship that they had but other sources said that the two of them would have sex but it was very kind of rare so no I don't know what's true and I don't suppose it matters too much but the two men went out and they got a dog a little border collie named Philippe and they acted like a couple whether it was kind of physically affectionate or not after about here the relationship started to strain a little bit and the men continued living together they were just arguing quite a bit and they would also bring back one-night stands back to this flat that they shared and then one day after a particularly heated argument David galliston decided to walk out on Dennis Nilsen he didn't want to be in this kind of really anymore and this really took its toll on Dennis Nilsen and this was the only kind of meaningful relationship that Dennis Nilsen had ever had in his whole thirty years of life ever since his grandfather when he was five this was the only person that ever really was nice to him that meant a lot to him and he just kind of walked out and you'll see that as we get into the story of Dennis Nielsen's murders how much that actually affected him like it left him with long-term issues and after this he went back to his kind of promiscuous lifestyle going to the gay clubs like multiple times a week having multiple one-night stands and hoping that maybe one of them might turn into something more so anyway that's enough for Dennis Nielsen's kind of background and everything so back to the timeline he's just been arrested at his flat taken to the police station for questioning meanwhile other police officers are kind of searching his flat recovering those bags in the wardrobe so inside that locked wardrobe there were two large bin bags in the first there were two halves of the tosser and in the second there were chunks of chest tissue that pathologists then placed onto the tosser and they kind of fit like a puzzle so these body parts when they were recovered they were taken to a pathologist who remarked how expertly Dennis Nilsen had dismembered this body he said that Dennis must have had a lot of practice because it seemed he knew exactly where to cut like exactly where certain bonds were that he wouldn't be able to get through like it seemed as though we've done this many times before and of course Nielsen had practiced cutting up bodies when he was a butcher in the Army when he was a chef but an animal's body is a lot different to a human body the joints are different everything is different so when the pathologist told police that he thought that this man had had a lot of practice they really believed Dennis when he said that he had like 15 or 16 victims so the officers that were questioning Nielsen told them white found obviously keeping him updated on the whole search of his flat and then Nielson said well have you searched the rest of the flat as well and when the officers asked why Dennis said that they were actually the remains of two other people inside that flat and he gave them the exact locations of them as well in a draw in the bath that was the lower half of a man's body and in the tea chest in the living room there was another toss of two partially dissected legs a skull and several other bones altogether these were the remains of three different men the first one had been dead for a year and a half at this point the second one had been dead for nine months and the most recent one was just a week old so the next day this story was all over the news despite police wanting to keep it quiet for now obviously this was a very shocking case they didn't want it out in the media until they had some information from Dennis Nilsen but the same day that the body parts were found the plumber decided to go to the media and sold the story for 300 pounds which could have been potentially dangerous to this case so as this case progressed and as more information was kind of being leaked to the media and everything Dennis Nilsen became obsessed with reading about his case in the media and a lot of people that commit severe crimes do like to do that like serial killers murderers they like to read about themselves in the paper because they like the attention then it got them but psychologists don't believe that that is the reason that Nielson was obsessed with reading about his own case they believe that he did it because of his need to control everything Nielson absolutely hated when the papers would print a tiny little detail of his case long so say if they said something happened in April when it actually happened in May Dennis Nilsen would be fuming so as you can imagine during the questioning of this case police were asking him about this victim and that victim like they weren't asking him in order of how it happened so if I was to tell this kiss in the way that police like found it all out it would be really confusing so what I've done is kind of compiled all the information from over the whole like however many decades it's been since this happened and I kind of put it into chronological order just so that it's easier to understand but just so that you know that this isn't how police actually like solve this case you know so Nielsen told police that he never actually set out to kill so his first kill wasn't planned it was just very spontaneous he said it just kind of happened he was out drinking at his local pub called the Cricklewood arms when he got into a young man that Nielsen couldn't remember this boy's name all he could remember was that he looked around 17 or 18 years old the two of them were both drunk and they got talking the two of them sat talking for hours all the way up until the pubs closed in time and when the pub did closed Denis invited this by background to his form our drinks so the two men went back to Nielsen's flat they fell asleep on separate beds and then the next morning on December 30th 1978 Dennis Nilsen was the first of the two to wake up he told police that he remembered waking up and looking at this boy and thinking he didn't want him to leave like all those other men had left him he wanted him to stay here with him forever so without thinking about it too much Dennis Nilsen just got up he went and got a tie from his wardrobe I went and strangled the boy to death he told police that he was amazed at how strong he was in that moment it was like something to cover it money he'd never had that kind of physical strength in his whole life he said that when it was over he just kind of laid next to the boy's body and felt solace and tranquility like he never had before but in the days following this murder you would think a normal serial killer would try and dispose of the body dispose of the evidence and everything but not Dennis Nilsen he wanted to keep this boy he would care for and look after this corpse he would wash it dry it shave it put makeup on it he would sit him in an armchair he finally had a constant farm of company he would say good morning to it in the morning so you would say goodbye to it when he left the work we need to come home from work he'd sit and tell the cops all about his day and this became a pattern with most if not all of Dennis Nielsen's future murders and as he would kind of keep them around his house he would also engage in necrophilia with the bodies although he insisted that none of this was ever penetrative he'd also disposed of all of the victims kind of personal items clothes wallet ID anything that might identify them he was never interested in keeping any of that he would throw away expensive watches and stuff like that he was just interested in person he just wanted to company so after about a week of living with these bodies when they started to show signs of kind of real severe decomposition Dennis Nilsen would pull up his floorboards of his flats and hide the victims bodies underneath his floor and like I said Dennis Nilsen couldn't remember the name of his first ever victim and so this victim stood unidentified for 28 years until 2006 when they finally found a piece of his body his name was Steven Dean Holmes and while Nielsen and estimated his age to be around 17 or 18 he was actually 14 years old at the time of his murder Nielsen did however know the identity of his second victim because when he went missing that was a huge missing-persons case it was all of the news and Dennis wood watched these news reports on him 23 year-old Kenneth Ockendon was a Canadian student visiting London in England at the time of his murder he also met Ockendon at his local pub around a year after the first murder the two of them got talking they were drinking and when the pub closed he invited him around to his flat for more drinks again at some point during the evening Kenneth's Ockendon mid a kind of passing comment to Dennis Nilsen about when he leaves the flap and this kind of triggered something in Dennis's brain he realized that once again someone was going to leave him he didn't have the control over this friendship he didn't get to decide if it continued or not and so he realized that he didn't want Kenneth to leave and so he had to decide how he was gonna make him stay so Nielsen told Kenneth about this new CD that he was like in and he gave him it in his Walkman with some headphones so that he could listen to it and while he was Nielsen came up behind him grabbed the headphone wire and strangled Kenneth Ockendon to death with it and so Nielsen did exactly what I did with his first victim he just kind of lived with the body for about a week until it started to badly decomposed and then he put it underneath his floorboards and then in 1988 Denis Nielsen's killings stepped up and became a lot more frequent his third was on May 17th 1980 sixteen year-old Martin Duffy had run away from home where do Merseyside and actually met Dennis Nilsen at a London train station so imagine and Dennis got talking and Dennis quickly realized that Martin was actually training to become a chef and of course Dennis had all of that kind of catering experience from the army and so he asked Martin if he would want to come back to his flat and he could teach him a few things but of course that's not what happened somebody during the night Dennis Nilsen went and grabbed a tie and strangled Martin Duffy only to the point of unconsciousness he didn't grab Martin Duffy's unconscious body and took him into his kitchen and drowned him in his kitchen sink and once again he cared for the body he kept it around in his flat for necrophilic purposes before finally add in his third victim underneath the floorboards his father murdered took place around three months later in August of 1980 when Dennis Nilsen picked up a man named William Sutherland William Sutherland better known as Billy so I'm gonna call in Billy Sutherland was a father of one originally from Scotland all the the time of his murder he was working as a prostitute in London Nielson met Billy at a pub in Piccadilly Circus and the two of them were drinking got talking and he invited in background to his flat although this time Nielsen says that he doesn't really remember much of the murder he says he vaguely remembers strangling Billy as he was kneeling down on the floor but he doesn't remember actually doing it to the point where he died all he remembers was waking up the next morning and looking over on the floor and there was another dead body in his words over the next year Dennis Nilsen murdered a further seven men although none of them have ever been identified so all we really have to go on is Dennis Nielsen's own memory of the murders he said his fifth victim was in September of 1980 he was an Irish labourer that Dennis estimated to be around 25 to 27 years old he said he met this man at the Cricklewood Arms pub again the same place where he met Stephen Holmes his first ever victim he said that this man had rough hands he was wearing a suit but that was all he really remembered about him and Nielson told police that again you didn't remember Kim this man it was like he knew that he came back to his apartment but when he woke up the next morning he was dead It was as if Nielsen began blacking out during these murders although no one knows why and his sixth murder took place a month later in October when he met another man a different pub Nielson described this man as slender around 5 foot 10 he was between 20 and 30 years old and even Mexican or Filipino and once again the officer assumed that he must have strangled this man because when he woke up the next morning he was dead and so he just put his sixth body under the floorboards and his next kill was a month after that one this time a homeless man that he found sleeping in a doorway in London the awesome estimated this man to be in his early 20s he said he was pale he was very emaciated and said that he was missing a lot of his teeth again Nielson lured him back to his flat but this time he did remember killing him not in like great detail but he remembered a lot more about this one than his previous two he said he approached this man while he was asleep in his bed and he strangled him to death and as he did so this man was moving his legs in a cycling motion Nielson said that he believed that this homeless man's life had been one of long suffering and so he was doing him a service by killing him his seventh victim was a month after that in December of 1980 a man who was walking home from the pub after they all shot and this man Denis described as a long-haired hippie between the ages of 25 and 30 and once again he lured him back to his flat strangled him and hid him under the floorboards but this time Nielson told police that when he put that man under the floorboards it was kind of a tight fit and so he went and took him out a couple of days later dismembered in and then rearranged under the floorboards his eighth victim was another month after that in January of 1981 and this time he met him in the Golden Lion pub in surah he was 18 years old he was Scottish like Dennis Nilsen was he had blue eyes and he was wearing a green tracksuit and trainers Nielson took this man back to his flat where they had a drinking contest and then this man eventually passed out and was when Nielsen strangled into death he then decided to dismember this body before even putting it under the floorboards in the first place he knew how full they were at this point and so he got out a plastic sheet lid on his floor dismembered this body into at least three pieces he said and then rearranged under the floorboards again and at this point he was thinking he needed to come up with a plan to permanently dispose of these bodies rather than just keeping him under the floorboards if he was gonna keep killing there was no way he would be able to keep them all but not before he killed another three victims two of which he also couldn't identify his ninth victim was a short Irish man in his 20s that he met on the side of the road after all of the pubs shut once again he led the man back to his flat strangled him and put his body under the floorboards Nielson claimed that his 10th victim was a 20 year old skin and that he met a food stand and invited him back to his flat for food and alcohol he remembered this man to be quite rough he was very muscular he bragged about like all the fights that he'd been in and he actually had a tattoo on his neck of a dotted line that actually said cook here Nielson said that he strangled this man and then dismembered his body cut in along the tattoo line he then hung his torso up in his bedroom for 24 hours before eventually putting all of his body under the floorboards Nielsen's 11th and last victim while living at that flat on Melrose Avenue he could actually remember his name was Malcolm baller he was 23 years old originally from Sheffield but now he was sleeping rough and sleeping in hostels in London Nielson found Malcolm on his way home from work Malcolm was kind of like Turing around his neighborhood and when Nielsen approached him Malcolm said that he didn't feel well and so Nielsen took him back to his flat he called him an ambulance and got in some medical treatment and a couple of days later Nielsen returned home from work once again and Malcolm was actually stood outside of his flat wanting to thank him for getting a medical treatment so a Denny's invited Malcolm back into his flat for food and drink and the two of them drank room until Malcolm passed out and then Denis strangled him but now there was absolutely no room left under the floorboards then too even if he was to dissect this body into tiny pieces he could not fit this one under the floorboards so instead he stuffed malcolm Bella's body in a kitchen cupboard and then began thinking of a more long-term plan for these bodies it was at this point that Dennis Nielsen's landlord for Melrose Avenue got in contact with him and said he was going to evict him because he actually wanted to renovate the whole flat although Dennis refused to leave he liked this flat it was nice and big it was relatively cheap he had access to the garden he kept all of his victims bodies there and so Nielsen was offered a thousand pounds compensation to leave this flat and he accepted but now he had to figure out a way to get rid of all of these bodies fast so he took up all of his floorboards took out each body one by one and then realized that he was now gonna have to dismember the ones that he'd left whole in the beginning however at this point some of these bodies had been dead for over a year meaning that the purification of these bodies would mean that there was so stiff that they were not gonna be very easy to dismember what's in the preparation would you have to make for that every vibration well if you were simply to bring these young men's bodies into your kitchen and start to dismember them that's going to leave an awful mess that doesn't leave a mess leave a mess when it could couldn't it don't leave a mess you see it when people in death situations where a knife is involved it's a lot of blood player I'd love to stab you right now you can stop me Claude is pumping away there be blood splashing all over the place funny enough in an in a dead body there's no blood spurts anything like that it congeals inside in France part of the flesh and man's become anything a butcher's shop it's little or no blood so there's no there's no problem he goes last thing you know these plastic bags one of those so I want to kind of a sheep you you hold the body out of the floorboard on the sheep and then come on and because there was so many bodies that he was gonna have to dissect this was gonna be way more than just a one evening task Nielson spent like a full week every night dismembering these bodies he said he'd have to get blackout drunk to be able to do them he would throw up multiple times and he even had to like brush off all these maggots and flies that were on the body before he dissected these bodies into around five or six pieces each he would engage in one last act of necrophilia with the bodies which he regarded as saying farewell to his victims once they were dissected Nielsen would wrap them up in plastic bags and then wrap them up in cap it over the top of that so when he was like moving them about it just kind of looked like he was moving a roll of carpet he then let a bonfire in his garden and bent the bodies of all of his victims alongside some tires to mask the smell of burning flesh with that of burning rubber and he had to do this four times with all of the different bodies that he had there was no way he could burn all of these bodies on warm fire and so he did this over four different evenings he would go out right in the middle of the night in like the early hours of the morning like this fire while everyone was asleep and then by the time they would wake up this fire would be burned out so when Nielsen told police about this they decided to go back to his house at Melrose Avenue to kind of look for bones or just anything from these victims that could identify them now they could confirm that Nielsen whilst telling the truth about these murders and telling the truth about keeping them under his floorboards because when they looked under the floorboards they found pure bear cases from a certain type of fly that is only present during decomposition but now police had to find the actual evidence that Nielson had burnt these victims in his garden like he said and because he confessed to it and everything he was kind of helping police to find these bodies he didn't really care at this point and so we drew police a map of his garden at Melrose Avenue to show police exactly where he burnt the bodies so garden was excavated for three weeks and two thousand different little fragments of bone were found and taken back for testing however all of them were way to burn way too crushed for technology at the time in the 80s to be able to identify them to any one person which is why it took until 2006 to be able to identify Dennis Nielsen's first-ever victim Steven Dean Holmes they tested all the bones back in 1980 but none of them picked up on Steven Dean Holmes and then obviously in 2006 they retested them with newer better technology and that was when Steven was identified so anyway back to the timeline Dennis Nilsen had successfully disposed of all of his victims bodies and now he was moving flats and it was then he found his third floor flat at cranly Gardens which is eventually where he ended up getting caught and arrested and everything and Dennis Nilsen was really happy when he found cranly Gardens because it was a top floor flat and he thought that by getting that flattened by living in a top floor the miniatures might stop this flat didn't have floorboards it didn't have a garden to dispose of bodies in and Nielson claimed that he didn't want to kill it just become something that overtook him and he was doing it while he was blacked out he felt that it was just something that he couldn't control like he'd wake up the next morning to another dead body and he wouldn't he claimed that he wouldn't have known that he killed them and so he began renting this flat at 23 cranly gardens hoping that the measures would finally stop but of course that didn't last very long around six months after his last minute Dennis Nilsen clinched his twelfth victim in March of 1982 his name was John Howlett and he was 23 years old when Dennis Nilsen met a pub and invited him back round to his flat John fell asleep on Dennis's bed and everything was okay for around an hour Dennis thought that he had control of this but then suddenly the edge came over him to kill and he went and grabbed a tie Nielsen began strangling John in his sleep and he actually woke up after a couple of seconds obviously to the pressure and everything and Nielsen told him it's about time you went and then continued strangling him until he passed out Nielsen then held his head under the bathtub for five minutes while he was passed out and that was what killed John howler so now Nielsen had another dead body but no way to dispose of it now he had no flower birds he had no garden to burn it so what was he gonna do instead he dismembered the body and then began stripping the flesh off of different parts of his body although that it wasn't always very easy on the mark and of intricate parts of the body like hands feet his head things that weren't kind of flat surfaces Neilson actually boiled those pieces of his body to separate the flesh from the book he particularly did this with his victims heads cranly Gardens he would leave them on the stove simmering overnight and he would come in and change the temperature every now and again so the pieces of flesh that he did strip from the body he didn't strip the body entirely a flesh just certain pieces and he would flush these pieces of flesh down the toilet over a number of days after killing him so that he wouldn't block the drains if he did it all at once he would then take the internal organs out of the body put them in a little like sandwich bags and then throw them over the back of his fence so that he could let like wildlife decompose and eat them naturally and then with some of the bonds he would leave them in his normal kind of waste for the binman to come and collect and take away and as for the rest of the body as I said right at the beginning of the video he left them in BIM box in his wardrobe his second victim at that address 13th victim overall happened after another six months so now his murders were kind of starting to slow down again after being like every single month in 1980 a 27 year old Graham Allen was a father of one from Motherwell in Scotland when he met Dennis Nilsen in London in 1982 he was actually waiting for a taxi to arrive when Dennis Nilsen approached him and offered him a lift home for free in his car which he accepted although the men ended up going back to Nielsen's flat Nielsen said that he cooked Graham and omelette and Graham was sat eating it and then the next thing Nielsen remembers was waking up the next mornin and Graham Allen was dead and this time he claimed he had absolutely no memory of the murder whereas before when he kind of blacked out he would vaguely remember strangling then he'd remember going and getting the tie or something like that but this time it was like he was eating the omelette and then he woke up and he was dead so initially Neilson thought well maybe he choked on the omelette or something he really didn't think he'd done anything in this instance however he got closer to Graham Allen and noticed a red mark on his neck and obviously choking on an omelette wouldn't leave a red mark on your neck that would be from strangulation he then followed the same steps as he'd done for the previous murder he dissected this body put certain bits on the stove to boil so that the flesh would separate from the bond flushed some of the flesh down the toilet put some the bonds out fer the bin man put his organs out for the wildlife to eat and the rest of the body he kept in bin bags in the wardrobe and it was around the same time when Nielsen got a boyfriend his first kind of serious important relationship in a long long time his name was Martin hunter Craig and he spent a lot of time at Dennis Nielsen's flat even when parts of the body were in the wardrobe and then Dennis Nielsen's 14th and final kill took place on January 26 1983 this time his victim was 20 year old Steven Sinclair from Scotland at the time he met Nielson he was homeless addicted to heroin and suffering from severe mental health issues the two of them met at Oxford Circus Neilson bought this by this young homeless buy a burger and then the two of them got talking and Neilson eventually took him back round to his flats and the next thing he knew he was waking up the next mornin and Stephen Sinclair was dead he looked over to the armchair he saw Stephen Sinclair with a red mark on his neck he didn't look to be breathin there was a time on the floor with a string attached to it which he believed was the murder weapon and he came to the conclusion that he'd done it although he didn't remember putting together that murder weapon it was a piece of string attached to a tie although he didn't remember actually telling the things together or committing the murder all stop so for the last time Nielson put out a plastic sheet on his living room floor put Stephen Sinclair's body on it and began to dismember him he once again decapitated his victim and put the head in a pot on the stove to simmer so that all of the flesh would separate from the skull and it would be easier to dispose off he began flushing certain parts of his flesh although obviously not all of him again he put the remained in parts of like his torso and his legs and stuff both in a drawer in his bathroom but also in a tea chest in his living room and it was with those pieces of flesh from Stephen Sinclair's body that the drains began to block at 23 cranly Gardens and that brings us back to the timeline Dennis Nilsen has been arrested and he is being questioned he's confessed to all of these murders but then he told police that not all of his murder attempts had been successful that actually been quite a few survivors so if you remember I told you that he got a kind of serious long-term boyfriend towards the end of his murders and he insisted that he never tried to kill his boyfriend Martin and Martin says that he had no idea that Dennis Nilsen was a serial killer despite the bodies being in the wardrobe in the same room that he was in he had no idea that they were there he had no idea that any of this was going on and it's confused psychologists for decades why Dennis Nilsen didn't kill his boyfriend Martin hunter Craig what made Martin different to all of those 14 15 well way more than that because he had survivors what made Martin different to those 20-something older men he met Martin in the same way that he met all of these are the men a pub and brought him back to his flat and obviously he killed these men very quickly after meeting them like a couple of hours after me in them so he didn't give himself chance to get to know all these different men so it's not like he really got to know Martin and then decided he didn't want to kill him he must have made that decision pretty early on but whatever it was whatever Dennis Nielsen's reason was for not killing Martin hunter Craig he was just very lucky that Dennis Nilsen must have had this connection to him so Danny's Nielsen's first surviving victim was a Chinese student named Andrew her in August of 1979 he took Andrew back to his flat for a one-night stand and Andrew wanted to engage in some bondage play however this wasn't really Nielsen's thing and so he declined and Andrew kept kind of like pushing Dennis to do these things that he wanted to do but Dennis that wasn't Dennis's thing and eventually he pushed him to the point where Dennis snapped he grabbed the tie and went to strangle Andrew her and said you're playing a dangerous game Andrew managed to get Dennis Nilsen off of him and he went straight to the police and told them about this incident all the police just kind of dismissed it as maybe like an argument between lovers maybe something went wrong obviously they had no reason to assume that this was an attempted murder because they didn't know any mergers were going on at this point so they just kind of assumed that it was just something sexual and this was only Jenny's Nielsen's second murder attempt so he'd killed one person and this was his second attempt so Nielsen then went on to kill a further three people and then had his second survivor Douglas Stewart in August of 1980 Douglas claimed that he'd met Nielson at a bar went back to his flat and fell asleep in his armchair and then the next thing he knew he woke up his wrists were tied his ankles were tied and Dennis Nielsen was holding a tie around his neck Douglas fought back he got me also and off of him and managed to run out of the flat into a phone box and called police straight to Nielsen's flat vennen er but when police to Nielsen's flap they noted that both of the men were very drunk and they just kind of again dismissed it as an argument between lovers Nielsen's next attempted murder was on November 23rd 1981 a man that would have been his fifth murder Paul knobs was a 25 year old man he met Dennis Nilsen a gay club went back to his house for a one-night stand and everything was fine until he woke up the next morning sober he looked in the mirror to see that all of his face was bruised his eyes were bloodshot and he had this big red mark along his neck and then he's agreed that Paul looked quite unwell and actually advised him to go and see a doctor and so he did and the doctor told him that he thought that someone had tried to strangle him and Paul nobs just kind of believed that that must have happened during sex because he was blackout drunk when the two of them had sex and he didn't really remember it so Paul just put it down to that he didn't know that he'd actually survived a serial killer until years later I'm right after that Nielsen had another survivor on New Year's Eve of 1981 neighbors say that Nielsen was very very drunk that night and in the early hours of the morning they heard a man running out of the flat screaming and crying this man was tashi meet sue ozawa and he went straight to police after this incident and told them the whole story he said that he'd been out that night he met Nielson the two of them went back to his flat and as ozawa was sat in his armchair Dennis Nilsen approached him with a tie in his hands and as our believe that he was gonna kill him although Dennis didn't actually touch ozawa at all I don't know why he thought he was gonna kill him maybe it was the way he was holding the tie I don't know because obviously you've got to remember at this time he didn't know that Dennis Nilsen had killed anyone with a tie before so and of course police saw it that way as well Nielsen hadn't put his hands on his hour at all he hadn't attacked him as I would just kind of thought that he was gonna and so he couldn't file any charges against Nielson because he hadn't actually done anything Dennis Nilsen then successfully killed one more man before having another failed murder attempt but this one was a little bit different 21 year old Kyle stocker met Nielsen in Camden and the two of them went back to his flat for drinks I stopped listening to music for a while and Kyle noticed a really strange smell in the flats although he knew that Dennis had a dog and he just kind of put it down to a mixture of obviously the dog and the fact that this house seemed pretty old but obviously what he didn't know was that there were dead bodies in the wardrobe in the same room as him just five feet away from him so when it came time to go to bed Dennis Nilsen give Carl Stata a sleeping bag but before they went to bed he wanted members if he just said be careful not to get jammed in his ear so the two of them went to sleep and then Kyle stopped her woke up a couple of hours into the night feeling quite a bit of pressure around his neck and on his head Kyle was only awake for a matter of seconds and he realized that he was tangled up in this sleeping bag zip and he also noticed that Dennis Nilsen had his hands on the zip and so in Kyle's brain he kind of thought well he's helping me out with it within a matter of seconds Carl passed out again and the next thing he remembered was his head was submerged in water and then he passed out again so eventually Kyle came round and Dennis Nilsen told him this huge story about how he'd gotten his head caught in the sleeping bags it and then Dennis freed him from this zip but Carl was still passed out and he was in shock and everything and so he put Powell in his freezing cold bathtub to try and bring him round and he'd been passed out for three days and he'd been trying to resuscitate him and so at this point Kyle was feeling really lucky to be alive and so he went to the doctors and got himself checked out for like his injuries and stuff obviously he was in a bag where in his physical health and when he got to the doctors he got checked out and the doctor told him that he thought that someone had tried to kill him but obviously in Kyle's head he knew the story Dennis had just told him the story and he thought well if Dennis was trying to kill me why would he let me walk freely from his house and go to the doctors and after that point Kyle's daughter's brain kind of repressed the memory of that whole night I don't know what the technical term for that is but Carl didn't remember anything of that night after that so around three months after the attack Cal began reading this horror book and obviously he had memory of what happened to him on that night and something happened in this horror novel I don't know what it was that triggered something in Carl's memory and suddenly he remembered being tangled up in a sleeping bag tip and then being almost drowned and it all just came back to him and so we told all these friends and family about all of these weird memories that he was getting that he didn't actually remember happening to him but they were still vivid in his head and all of his family obviously didn't know that this had happened with Dennis Nilsen and so they thought that all of these were kind of false memories in Carl's head so they advised him to go and see a psychiatrist a psychologist and whatever and all of these professionals with telling Kyle's daughter that he was having false memories that none of this had actually happened to him none of them cared to check his medical records or anything so Carl's daughter was put onto antidepressants he was put through counseling and everything where these counselors were reinforcing to him that none of this ever happened to him that these were all false memories and because of all of this counselling Kyle genuinely began to believe that these were false memories he didn't believe that any of this happened to him for a long time and it wasn't until years later when Dennis Nilsen was in police custody for all of these murders and everything and he told the story of this survivor who had an identical sari to one of their old police reports obviously Carl's doctor at the time that this happened they asked me if I'd ever been to cranly Gardens I didn't know where that was they asked me if I knew anyone called des or Dennis Nilsen and I couldn't remember and then the next question they asked me was wait wasn't a question it was a statement they just said okay then sleeping bag and everything it was it all came flooding back Danny said he strangled Kyle's daughter with the sleeping bags it to the point where he was unconscious and then tried to drown him in the bathtub afterwards and you genuinely believe that he had killed Carl he believed that he drowned him and so he laid him out on his bed he poured himself a glass of room he lit a cigarette stop back in his armchair and said to himself here we go again and so Nielsen just kind his time with this he didn't immediately start dissecting him obviously he kept all these bodies around his apartment for like years before he would actually dispose of them and that was very lucky for Carl's daughter in this case how do you try to dissect him then and there he would have killed him but luckily he kept him around for a couple of days and then noticed that Kyle was still breathing but instead of trying to kill him a third time he actually tried to revive him for three days he gave mouth-to-mouth to Kyle's daughter he was massaging his heart he would wrap him up in blankets he would put a fire on he would keep him warm he was really trying to bring this man back to life and no one knows for sure why Dennis Nilsen didn't just try and drown Kyle for a second time try and finish off the job maybe he felt remorse maybe he did just kind of snap out with this murderous impulse that he got in his brain like I said he would black out so maybe he was out of that by that point some people said that he revived Kyle's doctor because he no longer had any room in his flat to keep any dead bodies but I don't think that's true because he then went on to kill after Carlos after so if that was true he wouldn't have committed another murder and that's something that Kyle's daughter has struggled with quite a lot over the decades he he really struggled a lot with the memories of that night he went through phases where he wished Dennis Nilsen hadn't revived him where he wished he'd just killed him he then went through another phase where he was writing to Dennis Nilsen when he was in prison and they were writing back and forth and Kyle actually developed feelings for Dennis Nilsen it's just been very hard for Carlotta to deal with he hasn't really gone how to cope with it which i think is really sad it kind of like ruined his life completely so Dennis Nilsen was charged with six counts of murder and two counts of attempted murder and that was because at the time of his life sentence in and charging and everything a lot of the bodies hadn't been identified so like that his first ever kill Stephen Holmes his body wasn't identified until 2006 so he was only charged with the ones that they had evidence for at the time so the trial began in October of 1980 and despite having confessed to all 14 of these murders and all of these attempted murders Dennis Nilsen pled not guilty to all of his charges his defense tried to argue diminished responsibility that he wasn't mentally sinned at the time of the murders although Carl's daughter was critical in proving that Dennis Nilsen was in a sound mind at the time of the murders because if you remember Dennis actually warned him about getting tangled up in this sip before they went to bed because he had plans on killing him with the sleeping bags it so it wasn't like he was in this kind of murderous frame of mind and then he suddenly killed Carl's daughter out of nowhere he knew that he was gonna do that during the night he he had it planned so Nielson was examined by three psychiatrists and one of them said yep he has mental health issues he should not be responsible for these murders another one said no he has absolutely no mental health issues he's just murderous and the third couldn't come to a conclusion they didn't know whether he was mentally ill or not but ultimately on November 4th of 1984 Dennis Nilsen was found guilty on all of his charges and he was sentenced to life in prison with a minimum of 25 years and after only one month in prison Dennis Nilsen began gettin attacked by other inmates obviously he was always gonna be a very high-risk serial killers always are his first and only attack happened obviously a month into his prison sentence when another inmate attacked him with a razor leaving him needing 89 stitches on his fear sand on his chest and from that point on Nielsen was kept in a vulnerable inmate section and he was given like extra security and everything like that because obviously he was at very high risk of being attacked in prison and nothing else ever happened to him so in 1992 almost a decade after he'd been arrested and charged with all of these murders Dennis Nilsen admitted to lying about three of his victims and I say admitted like that because honestly no one knows what is true in this case at all obviously we know that Dennis Nilsen killed the people whose bodies were found and identified but that was only like eight I think but Dennis Nilsen initially claimed to have killed 15 so that's another seven bodies unaccounted for so police just kind of had to take Nielsen's word on that and think well why would he confess to seven murders that he didn't commit and there were certain types of kind of circumstantial evidence obviously they had certain bonds that didn't belong to any of the bodies that they had identified so they knew they belonged to someone else but they didn't know who but then again why would he lie about lying like why would he need to do that a decade later unless he wanted to keep himself in the public eye like I said before Dennis Nilsen loved to read about himself in the media he really liked that kind of control thing however now people are thinking well maybe it might just be an attention thing maybe he's missing the attention that he initially got ten years ago so these victims that he admitted to lying about obviously initially he admitted to 15 victims and this took him down to 12 victims he admitted that he lied about the irishman the hippie and the Skinit but no one no one truly knows on May 12 2008 teen Dennis Andrew Nielsen passed away still a prisoner from surgery complications trying to remove the blood clot and that completes this case I am exhausted it's currently far in the morning I have been filming this since 7 o'clock obviously I haven't been sat here the whole time I've had to like charge up my camera every now and again but Jesus Christ I need I need a nap so I'm gonna keep this out truck white shot and simple thank you so so much for watching if you enjoyed this video make sure you leave a big thumbs up and subscribe down below because I put my heart and soul into this videos my serial killer videos are always the absolute hardest to research but the most rewarding obviously I put a lot of effort into all my videos that's not what I'm saying but obviously these have so much more information than I've got to try and put it all into my own words and in my own harder everything and it's just it's a lot of work so leave a thumbs up I hope you're enjoying nightmares before Christmas so far I mean I know this is only the second day but there's still a huge thank you to all of my channel members all of their names are on screen right now if you want to become a channel member you can just click the link in the description or if you're on a desktop you can click the join button under the video if you become a channel member you'll get your name on this end 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Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 2,646,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2018, crime watch daily, disappearance, documentary, eleanor neale, eleanor neale 2, interview, killer, missing, mystery, now, serial killer, solved, solved disappearance, solved mystery, true crime, unsolved, unsolved disappearance, unsolved mystery, where is, dennis, nilsen, dennis nilsen, dennis nilsen documentary, bbc, itv, peter tobin, bible john, fred west, dateline, criminally listed, chills, top10s, survivor, house, yorkshire ripper, serial killer documentary, kendall rae
Id: EeBovs6VBUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 35sec (3995 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 13 2018
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