Royal Stylist Wanted For MURDER: The Case of Jane Andrews

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Jane Andrews was a small town girl that came from nothing but managed to work her way up to being besties with the royal family dating Millionaires and mixing with London's Elite it was everything she'd always dreamed of class Elegance riches a fairy tale life but she would ruin it all for herself in the most violent way possible she was desperate for the missing piece in her perfect life marriage but when her husband failed to propose to her when she wanted him to Jane became his worst nightmare known as the Fatal Attraction killer for her psycho girlfriend Persona today we're going to be talking about the life the lies and the crimes of Jan Andrews before we get into the case I just want to thank our sponsor for making this video possible novpn you guys already know how I feel about novpn at this point they've been my vpm provider for almost half a decade and I will never switch sides because ND offers so much to their customers the VPN itself is literally so easy to use within two 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additional 4 months free on top of that which is amazing and it's all completely risk-free with nod vpn's 30-day money back guarantee thanks again to novpn for sponsoring this true crime video before I keep yapping I do want to clear up why we have a visitor in this video in fact we might have two Pluto is running around the floor somewhere lately these little cats have gotten very clingy and through the last video that I was filming they were meowing and scratching and yapping at the door and it was very disruptive so I've thought of this solution which is if they can be sat next to me quiet and calmly then we should be able to get through this video so hopefully it's not too distracting let me know what you think about them being in the video um but yeah this one's Saturn Pluto might make an appearance but with all that being said let me do my usual disclaimer anyway before we get into the case I do just want to give my usual disclaimer that I mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone that I talk about in this video this video is for educational purposes and everything that I'm about to say is publicly available information that myself and my team have found online and compiled into this one video this video will cover a lot of sensitive topics including rape abortion sexual assault domestic abuse and mentions of incest so if any of that sounds too triggering or too intense then I would click out of this video right now hopefully I'll get to see you with another video at some point in the future but look after yourself while we make every effort to fact check our sources and make sure that all of the information in this video is correct no action should be taken in Reliance upon the information in this video and I want to take this opportunity to remind you all that these are real people's lives that we're talking about so please keep it kind and respectful in the comments All opinions about to be stated in this video are mine and m al Lear and with all of that being said let's get into the Twisted life and crime of Jane Andrews so today's case actually takes place in the year 2000 in London but first let's take it back over 30 years to when the lady at the center of this case was born it was April 1967 when Jane Dawn Elizabeth Andrews took her first breath her family was very very poor they were living in Lincolnshire which is in the East Midlands of England right from the beginning Jane lived a very solitary life she wasn't very outgoing or friendly or cative she was just very shy she was a very lonely child but it was also kind of out of her choice she didn't want to go and play with the other kids she hardly even played with her own siblings I believe she had two older siblings which is like built-in friends isn't it but she didn't even play with them but it was through all of that Solitude that Jane started to develop her like personal skills and her academic intelligence she started to flourish in other ways even if she wasn't socially she was a very very intelligent kid in school she picked up sewing and she was really good at it for someone so young and I think that's quite an interesting hobby for a kid to pick up maybe things were different in like the 1970s but imagine your kid coming home from school at like seven or eight years old being like Mom I want a sewing machine I guess maybe it's different when she came from a really really poor family so maybe that is a good alternative to like a new toy is like an actual life skill that she can learn her family were part in the way that they didn't have everything that other families had they always had food to eat and they always had a home to live in well at at one point the bills did start getting so much that they had to downsize but they were never homeless they always had food on the table but that was about it they didn't have much more than that Jane saw all the other kids with their toys and with their new clothes and being able to do things that she was never able to do with her family going on different holidays and going to different places having ice cream after dinner those were all luxuries that Jane never knew their financial situation only continued to get worse over time I think they got into a lot of debt to try to get themselves out of it but that only kind of like made everything worse and like I said they eventually had to downsize houses they moved to another town and they got a house that didn't even have a bathroom in it they had an outdoor toilet that they shared with a few other houses and if all of this kind of wasn't bad enough Jan's family was very strict and very they had a hard upper lip about everything they didn't complain they didn't believe in complaining or crying or moping around they just got on with things in fact it was considered almost embarrassing to show that you were struggling that's a weakness they just mused through absolutely every issue that came their way so Jane was raised to never ask for help never show emotions never show that you're struggling just keep it moving when they moved how house Jan also had to move schools before this she was in a grammar school which is for the smart kids here in England so she went to smart kids school but because they moved she had to go to just a regular old school and this transition was really really bad for her mental health Jane really struggled at this new school she became anxious depressed she developed an eating disorder all of which she kept from her parents of course she was raised to never have an issue to Never Cry or complain so she didn't she struggled all on a run in her bedroom at the age of 15 Jane started skipping school and I couldn't find what she was doing in that time I think she was just like hiding so that she wouldn't have to go because clearly it was very distressing for her eventually the teachers noticed that she was skipping school and they called her mom and I think Jane knew that they were going to call her mom because that evening she ran home and did something very drastic she flung open their bathroom cabinet and swallowed every single pill she could find in there likely in an attempt to end her own life and she was only 15 years old at this point in time she was she'd already been struggling with suicidal thoughts for a while and I think this kind of pushed her over the edge her mother actually found Jane later that evening laying in bed fading in and out of Consciousness but she didn't do anything to help her daughter she simply let Jane's actions take their C and and luckily she hadn't taken enough to kill her and she survived her body recovered and that was it I couldn't actually believe that when I read that her mother didn't take her to the hospital I wonder how much she knew I wonder if Jane confessed that she'd had an overdose maybe she didn't even confess that because Jane's family were very strict and they didn't like to admit that they were struggling so maybe Jane didn't admit that to them or maybe she did admit that to them and they had too much pride to then take her to the hospital hospital they didn't know want people to know that their daughter was struggling when Jane finished school she had dreams of becoming a Fashion Stylist remember I said that she learned to S when she was really young well that had just continued and become such a huge passion in her life as a teenager by now she was designing her own pieces of clothing from like big strips of material and she loved fashion anyway she was just such a super girly girl I believe she even spent some of the days that she skipped school just kind of sat home at her sewing machine creating bit and pieces of clothes she was just really passionate about it it's what she spent a lot of her free time doing her dream was to eventually go off to Fashion college and you know take the whole academic fashion route but at the age of 17 Jane had yet another huge traumatic event in her life when she felt unexpectedly pregnant she knew that realistically she wasn't going to be able to take care of this baby she was just 17 years old she didn't have a job she didn't have a career or her own home she had debility mental health issues eventually Jane made the very difficult decision to go through with an abortion which was something that she really didn't want to do but she felt like she had little other choice and she said that this decision traumatized her for the rest of her life she thought about that baby that she lost and that decision that she made almost every single day for the rest of her life but absolutely she made the right choice by the child that wouldn't have been a happy life for that child to be born into and she definitely made the right choice by her own mental health as well I don't think she would have been able to handle becoming a mother at 17 that was a very brave very mature decision that she made and I feel like she didn't have people around her to say that at the time and to support her through it so just in case anyone else needs to hear that Jane left college and got herself just like a standard retail job which was all right but she knew she wanted more from life she had Big Dreams she wanted to become someone important she wanted to be rich she wanted to be a fashion designer and ideally a very rich and famous One some of her earliest memories were of her realizing that her family was poor that they couldn't have things that the other kids had and Jane decided very very early on that she was going to change that when she grew up she was going to take the responsibility into her own hands and she was going to make money a lot of it and I know that like everyone wants to be rich to be fair who doesn't it sounds nice but Jane was more than serious about it like she was willing to do anything for money for a lot of it she was determined to get there one way or another whether it was through hard work and determination and fashion designing or whether it was through other means illegitimate means and it wasn't just the money that she wanted it was the whole lifestyle that comes along with that the whole aesthetic of being rich she wanted the household staff and the fancy events and the luxurious gifts she wanted to go to exclusive parties and have Elite friends that knew billionaires and big execs and [ __ ] royalty she wanted everything that someone that came from money would have so even like the accent and the cloths and the the culture of like skiing holidays once a year and stuff she just wanted to be considered classy and Posh and Rich although she wasn't Posh Jane was not Posh she was from the East Midlands but to her a symbol of poshness is being well spoken usually with a Southern accent or what's that like neutral accent called like received pronunciation that's supposed to be just like a standard British accent clearly the one that I have jokes mine's from Yorkshire West Yorkshire leads to be specific I always get comments about like where is your accent from Leeds her accent was a little bit similar to mine I I assume from the East Midlands not Posh famously not Posh around here but she hoped that becoming a famous fashion designer would take her to London and you know and then everything else would fall into place around that the friends the accent the money everything so Jane was always keeping her eyes peeled for the perfect career opportunity she needed to Kickstart this fashion designer Journey it sounds like the start of a DS game from when I was like 10 years old I swear I've played this Jane Andrew was 21 years old when she picked up a magazine called the lady which was a London based magazine at the time for ladies Jan picked up a copy of the lady and she was flicking through the job adverts section as she often did and she spotted one an anonymous advert for a personal dresser it was stated as a full-time role it was essentially a stylist someone to curate outfits but also using completely unique original pieces they wanted this style list to be able to actually make clothes as well it was perfect for Jane so that same day she sent in her CV she applied for this job and a lot of time went by and she didn't hear back so she just kind of forgot about it I mean that's the job market for you but then 6 months after she applied for the job she received a phone call they were still looking to hire lucky for them Jane was also still looking for a job so the person on the phone asked her a few questions was kind of assessing how good she would be for this job and then they revealed who she would be personally styling it was none other than Fergie not from the blackeyed piece Sarah Ferguson The Duchess of York royal family honestly one of the most famous members of the royal family at that point in time she' just gotten married she was pregnant with her first child in the 1970s ' 80s even the '90s maybe even the early 2000s the royal family was viewed like the very Posh Rich Kardashians of the UK maybe not exactly people still very much respected them and thought they were miles above any of those regular people but we were very into their personal lives I say we I wasn't alive for this I was born in '99 thank God I missed out the part of my life where the royal family were like the Kardashians but people like actually cared Lords more than do today well more than our generation does I'll say my mom's generation I mean think about how much all of our moms love Princess Diana it's because they were reporting on the royal family every damn minute of every damn day so anyway basically what I'm trying to say is that even if you don't know who Fergie is Sarah Ferguson is in this day and age back then she was she was an all right deal you know the duess of York was eager to have little Jane Andrews from Grimsby as her personal Royal dresser Jan was absolutely over the moon with this job offer it was everything she had ever dreamed of The Stylist job the money the company it couldn't get posher than hanging out and working with literal royalty Jane was desperate to be classy and respected and Rich and mixing with the elites this seemed like the perfect path to get there so the job was offered to Jane with a salary of over £50,000 in today's money I think back then it was like £18,000 a year but today that's the equivalent of like 50k and she would get accommodation as part of this At first she was actually staying in the booking him Palace she would be surrounded every single day by the finest things money could buy the finest Foods they could eat everything would be luxurious even her clothes were provided for her by the royal family because if she was going to be going everywhere with Fergie she also needed to look the part so that meant that even she got to kind of dress up as a princess as a royal the job itself was a little bit different to what JY was actually expecting a royal dresser is also pretty much like a personal assistant as well cuz there's a lot that goes into dressing a royal she had to go absolutely everywhere that Fergie went because she had to make sure that the outfit was all together and she had different accessories that she need needed at different times because with the royal family there's all sorts of random traditions and rules and protocols that like if they don't hit it if they don't get it right if they're not exactly on tradition the media will Lampoon them seriously the the UK and the royal family take that [ __ ] so seriously and like they will get beaten up in the papers if their dress is slightly too short for a certain event and that would be enough to get that member of the Royal Family into [ __ ] for a couple of weeks in the British press but that would also be enough to ruin the life of the person that dressed them that person brought shame on the monarchy and for that they have to lose their job they have to get another stylist in because they can't trust that one anymore but the potential risks were outwear with the plethora of benefits that she would get from this job getting to go absolutely everywhere that Fergie goes was a dream come true just by proxy she would have Fergie's life Ferg's friends the events that she went to and so with that Jane Andrews traveled to London with nothing more than £10 in her pocket and a suitcase full of her old clothes on her very first day one of the housemaids Met Jane at the side door of booking him Palace and led her into a bedroom that she would be staying in for a little while she wasn't always working in bookham Palace no she was she was always working in Bingham Palace but not always living there she eventually got a flat Just in Love London but until she could get her own London residence she was in literal Buckingham Palace when the housemid took her up to the room she saw a huge bunch of flowers on the side with a note that said welcome to the team signed the boss which was Sarah Fergus and Fergie lucky for both of them Jane and Fergie got on really really well they were immediately like besties they could confide things in each other they related to each other on a lot of things they were just two normal girls around the same age because as well important information is that Fergie wasn't born into the royal family she married into the family so she also kind of started as a normal girl I can't really remember what Fergie's childhood was like one second oh so it turns out Fergie's Dad sorry just a little history lesson here Fergie's dad um was the PO manager for the Duke of Edinburgh and for Charles the Prince of Wales who is our King now so I guess she did kind of have have connections with the Royals ever since a child her dad was their Polo manager so I'm assuming actually maybe she had a nice life she couldn't completely relate to Jane Andrews on the normal girl thing but whatever the point was Jane and Fergie got on like a house on fire they were besties and Fergie was seamlessly integrating Jane into every part of her life and Jan was loving it this is exactly what she wanted but she very quickly started to feel inadequate she was getting impostor syndrome she knew she didn't believe long in these very elite circles clearly Fergie being the daughter of the royal Polo manager she had actually grown up with a lot of privileged Silver Spoon high class generational wealth Elites uh Jane had not she was not prepared for the way that all of these people acted and the way that they would feel about a no one a commoner coming into that Circle Jane got made fun of quite a bit they would look down on her they would especially make fun of her accent because she would say things like grass and bath and down there in the South all those Posh people they say grass and bath but Jane desperately wanted to fit in with this group she wanted their approval more than anything and so she started to change like everything about herself to become more like them and she decided to model herself on one person in particular someone that inspired her the L someone that she wanted to be just like her boss Fergie as the weeks went by Jane grew almost obsessed with Fergie and she would analyze everything that she did her mannerisms her vocabulary the phrases that she said she started to replicate it all she even started to dress like Fergie which I found very ironic considering she is the one that dresses Fergie every day she's the one that decides what Fergie wears and then she decides what she wears based on what Fergie wears forget does she not realize that she's the one dressing both of them but I mean like she would intentionally choose outfits that were very Fergy style so the two of them would go out and this would look like her little mini me next to her Jane even took elocution lessons to get rid of that pesky little accent of hers she didn't want to be saying grass and bath anymore she wanted Posh voice actually this was one of the first things she did because she felt like her voice her accent her words were a dead giveaway that she wasn't actually Posh and she wasn't part of like generational wealth her parents were no one and your accent says all of that about you as soon as you start talking she started talking in these circles and they could tell that she wasn't like them so that had to be one of the first things to go but the point is Jane embarked on this whole reinvention process in her early 20s and she became a walking talking Sarah Ferguson Duchess of York clone but as as Jane started to change to fit in with this new crowd her old crowd her family back at home was starting to feel very alienated by her they felt like she had changed for the worst she was becoming very superficial and unlikable but Jane didn't spend too much time worrying about that and worrying about what the people in her old life thought because well there was time for her new life now she was living the dream at Garden parties at Buckingham Palace sipping champagne with Princess Diana like why does she care what the people back at home thing and the best part of it all was that Fergie adored Jane so much so that she didn't seem to like notice all the creepy copying or if she did notice she didn't really care she adored Jane like her best friend like her best employee like her closest Confidant she would tell her all the Royal Secrets maybe to Fergie it made sense that they were starting to look and act the same because well I mean have you ever spent like a whole holiday with your friend and then you come out of it talking the exact same and everything I do the exact same I chameleon with people that I like it's it's a kind of common thing and I mean Jane did it on a level that I've never seen anyone do it on before but to a degree it's quite natural and maybe Fergie was just a very forgiving and understanding person being like Oh well Jane must just really look up to me little did Fergy fer know that it was all intentional it seemed as though Jane was genuinely trying to take over and steal Fergy's life in 1989 one year into working for Fergie and the royal family Janes started a relationship with a mega rich man named Christopher dun Butler and he was literally double her age when they got together she was 22 she was young and fresh and naive and he was in his 40s mid-40s but the two of them had an absolute Whirlwind of a romance literally within 3 months of meeting each other the two of them were married imagine marrying someone that you've been in a situationship with for 3 months absolutely not I would rather be arrested and die in prison that was very dramatic but seriously as much as I like to think I'm a hopeless romantic the red flags are really red flagging if you're getting married after only knowing this person for 3 months you don't know them yet you have not seen them in major stressful situations you don't know I don't know I think 3 months is way too short people be putting on thick personas and everything I mean it seemed to go all right for Jane and Chris they got a few happy years out of their marriage which is more than I expected actually but after a couple of years the two of them stopped having sex they didn't feel very um intimate with each other anymore that part of the relationship the Romantic part of that relationship dried up completely and they just felt like friends like roomates that Shar a bed and they were actually still locked into that marriage when Jane met and fell in love with a new man named Dimitri Han again super mega rich I think she met him at one of Fergy's charity events but despite having a husband at home Jane embarked on yet another Whirlwind romance this time an affair with Dimitri over the coming months after a little while of this Jane realized that she did actually really like Dimitri and she wasn't happy in her marriage it had gone very stale she knew she needed to leave her current husband but she was a bit scared to because it was going to be a very difficult process I mean they shared everything their house the bills a bank account Jane just felt like she couldn't leave that and so her boss and her best friend allinone Fergie very graciously offered to pay for her to live in an apartment in baty for a couple of months while she kind of cut ties with her ex and started a new life with Dimitri she literally paid the rent on an apartment for her for a few months just because Jane had gotten herself into a very sticky uh cheating situation so Jane has left Christopher and she is settling into a public relationship with Dimitri now but as things start to be working out for Jane things start to fall apart for Fergie Fergy's marriage had never been easy she married Prince Andrew in 1986 which was 2 years before Jane started so Sarah had been like fully officially part of the royal family for 2 years but at this point in time when their issues had built up to to an unsurmountable thing they'd been married for about eight or nine years but in that eight or nine years they didn't really see each other like at all because prince Andrew was in the Navy so he was kind of away at Sea almost always almost the whole entire year Fergie said that in the first five years of their marriage they saw each other on average about 40 days a year 40 out of 365 I'd be throwing own Tantrums he actually missed the whole of Sarah's first pregnancy with their daughter princess beatric she did that whole n months and then giving birth to the baby all on her own I say all on her own of course she had support from the royal family but that's not your husband it's not the same princess beatric was born just as Jane Andrews started the job as personal stylist so in fact Jane Andrews was more around this child in the first part of its life than her own father was throughout the marriage Ferg only felt progressively more lonely and depressed she felt starved of attention and affection she felt unsupported uncared for and Jane Andrews was her shoulder to cry on through it all she had all of the emotions and empathy and understanding of a normal regular downto Earth person and not a royal and that makes a lot of difference because in the royal family you have to have a stiff upper lip you can't show your problems you can't show that you're struggling you just have to get on with it in fact very similar to the upbringing that Jane Andrews had had so she probably understood how important it was to have that emotional side that empathy Jane really understood what Fergie needed right now she needed a friend she needed someone to offload to someone that can be trusted someone that's safe because with the royal family nothing is safe everyone is out to get a story from you or to get a scandal but Jane was there for Fergie when she needed it and Fergie treasured Jane for years and years and years she said that she was the the only genuine person that she'd met during that whole entire time so Fergie was super Down super depressed super lonely but then in 1991 she took a trip to Texas where she met a play boy millionaire named Steve Wyatt and apparently the two of them grew very close Fergie has always denied that there was an affair but Steve was pictured holding her daughter beatric who was just a toddler at the time and everyone was was like they're a bit too close like he I don't know he was introduced to the kids I don't know people thought there was something she's always denied it there maybe it wasn't an affair but the next round of rumors wouldn't be quite so easy to dispel because Fergie was photographed having her literal toes sucked by a man that was not her husband and those photos were all over the [ __ ] newspapers is that not the most insane news scandal you have ever heard like it's relatively low stickes but it's the maddest thing I've ever heard ever what do you mean you got photographed having your toes sucked you didn't realize and now it's all over the front page of every newspaper she was away in the south of France at the time with a man named John Bran who she'd always said was her financial advisor up until this point but now it was it was clear that he was more than just a fincial oh seriously this whole thing had me in stitches when I was recent it I was like telling everyone I knew I even like texed my family group chat back at home being like you guys all lived through this can you imagine I'm sorry I just like really aged my mom and my sister and my aunties but anyway the very next year Sarah Ferguson The Duchess of York and prince Andrew the Duke of York oh my God he was the Grand Old duuke of York sorry I've only just realized that that was his title the guy who had 10,000 men anyway Sarah Ferguson and prince Andrew split up in 1992 and everyone kind of saw it com in I mean after the toes sucking pictures I don't know that kind of brings a lot of Shame on the royal family not that I'm shaming her for having her toes sucked but I just mean in the royal family like in Fidelity especially in Fidelity in that particular way I don't know it's just it's just not very Regal is it to be like lounging about whatever the two of them had been married for six years and had two children together princess Eugene and princess beatric but now that they were divorcing Sarah Ferguson was essentially being kicked out of the royal family as well because she was there through marriage once that marriage is gone then you're not a royal anymore Fergie only had a few members of Staff um remain with her once she left the royal family of course she had a lot of funding cut and stuff so Fergie only took a few members of Staff with her when she left the royal family one of which was Jane and in fact she'd said to Jane that she would never get rid of her like Jane was her best friend her assistant everything all in one she would never get rid of that so after her exit from the royal family Fergie was just kind of a general like celebrity socialite kind of person for a while she could get paided for being Fergie and for doing Fergie appearances so I think she did she did a lot of charity work and then at one point she noted her main source of income as being a Weight Watchers Ambassador because over the years Sarah Ferguson had been kind of famous in the UK for yo-yoing with her weight through her pregnancies and things she would gain a lot of weight she would lose a lot of weight and so a lot of women in the UK looked to her for advice on losing weight mainly but just in general just like health and lifestyle advice and a lot of people really really liked Fergie at this point in time because the media had been horrible to her when she was at her highest weights they would call her like The Duchess of Park like really horrible horrible things it was relentless um and then she lost all this way and then become a Weight Watchers Ambassador and everyone like a lot of women that struggled with their weight in the UK wanted to get behind her and support her because she deserves a good opportunity after everything that she'd been through especially because Fergie had struggled with her eating and weight patents over the years she'd had Eating Disorders the public didn't know this but of course you know internally for her this was a really big thing in her life to get to a stable point and then be an ambassador for that because when they were younger Fergie and Jane used to feed into each other's eating disorders that was a terrible metaphor to use I'm very sorry but I don't really know how to they they just used to encourage each other I think they used to keep each other in check and they would eat the same things or not eat the same things it was quite unhealthy for them to be in such close proximity and both having these thoughts and feelings about food and restriction but again that was something that made the two of them closer it was something that they could relate her that no one else could and they didn't want anyone else to know about it it became like their secret their thing that they both had that they shared only with each other if I haven't made it clear enough throughout this video Fergie absolutely adored Jane Andrews she saw her as a genuine best friend in fact she there was an acknowledgement in one of Fergy's books for Jane that read her loyalty and kindness knows no bounds which I think is such a sweet way to say this person's really nice around the same time that Fergie and Andrew split and she was like ousted from the royal family Jane and Dimitri also started going through some relationship issues and their split was very very nasty it was physical the police got involved Dimitri actually filled out a report that said that Jane had trashed his apartment completely when he tried to break up with her well when he did break up with her it was successful they never like got back together he never took her back but the night that he did it she supposedly went psychotic and just started throwing things breaking things that she knew were sentimental to him just a couple of days after that big explosive breakup Jane actually took a bunch of pills and an overdose tried to end her life again just like she had when she was 15 but again she survived without needing to seek medical assistance Jan's undiagnosed borderline personality disorder was really really triggered by this breakup people with BPD often have what's called a fa a favorite person I nearly said famous person but they will have their favorite person that they become unhealthily attached to and they can't help it but their emotions are very dependent on this person and how their Dynamic is going so it can be incredibly triggering to go through any form of loss if you have BPD whether that's like you know losing someone because they died or abandonment like breakups or divorces Jane saw this breakup with Dimitri as the literal end of the world the end of her world as she knew it it was the end of her happiness so it might as well be the end of her life is kind of how she was perceiving this and of course remember she wasn't diagnosed with borderline personality disorder at this point in time she didn't realize that she had it all her life and I imagine it's so incredibly hard having such intense emotions and not understanding why you seem to be feeling everything so much more than other people but just like she did with Fergie Fergie was still there for Jane to confide in and to be her shoulder to cry on as well they shared each other's sadness they shared each other's happiness they shared each other's romantic relationships not exactly shared but like they told each other absolutely everything and they were very involved the two of them had kind of mored into one person over the years they came as a packaged deal you never saw one without the other by now they had the same friend group the same outfits Jane talked like Fergie acted like Fergie it was creepy actually but allegedly Jane took all of this one step further when she started to date one of Fergy's ex lovers which fueled a lot of Gossip in the UK let me tell you that people started to see Jaye Andrews as jealous and calculated and mean now that she'd actually done something malicious to Fergie it made all the copying look weird and finally it looked creepy before she'd seemed like just an innocent little mini me almost like a little sibling an annoying little sibling that wants to be just like you but now all of the copying seemed very Sinister it was like she was trying to take over Fergie's life become Fergie 2.0 and kick Fergie out of her own life and it wasn't long after this that Jane Andrews was let go from her job after nearly a decade of working in the pocket of Sarah Ferguson Duchess of York Jane Andrews was kicked out not only had she lost her dream job the job of a lifetime she'd also lost almost every other aspect of her life because it was all tied up in her job her friend group her living quarters her clothes her schedule her best friend was her boss and now she'd been fired the reason that she was let go was because she was actually made redundant the royal family insisted that it was purely a financial decision to let her go and this comes not very long after Fergie had told her that she would never get rid of Jane Andrews but I guess that was before she stole her exboyfriend but the money thing does make a lot of sense because bear in mind it had only been about a year maybe not even that since Fergie and prince Andrew had announced their split and they were still getting divorced over the next year and she was still supported by the royal family throughout that time but once that divorce finalized which was a couple of months before Jane was let go all of Sarah's funding would have been cut or like a lot of Sarah's funding would have been cut so it makes sense that she was getting rid of a lot of jobs around that time because she's not on that Royal money anymore apparently the royal family were very eager to kind of cut Sarah Ferguson out she hasn't been invited invited to barely anything since all of this happened only in the past few years has she started being invited to things I think she did Christmas at Bal moral last year which is where the queen lives and everyone well not anymore oh God basically that's um where all the Royals do Christmas every year anyway and Fergie was there last year but that was the first year since the whole tour sucking thing she was thought to have brought horrific shame on the Royal Family actually I have a quote from princess Margaret who was the Queen's sister she had written to Fergie after all of this saying you have done more to bring shame on the family than could ever have been imagined because at this point this was obviously pre pedo Scandal uh which actually ironically was her husband but before all the pedo scandals this had probably been one of the worst things that had happened to the royal family in years years and years and years well other than all their like infidelity scandals that it's just part and parcel of being in the royal family at this point isn't it they forgive infidelity so quick and pedophilia it seems actually cuz Prince Andrews was doing fine for ages I also just called him Prince Andrews and I think my brain is turned into mush because that he was just prince Andrew singular anyway I was talking about Jane being fired from The Stylist position and all of her life had to change overnight because of that she'd gone from socializing with the elite with a well-paying job getting to go to all these different events and now she had to find a new job she had to find somewhere to live and she was finding it really difficult to find another job because the job that she'd had for like eight or nine years that she'd gotten so specialized and so skilled in those weren't really skills that you could apply to different jobs like knowing all the Royal traditions and protocol that's not going to help you anywhere else other than a job in the royal family she ended up getting a job in a Jewelers for a while I think she could fall back on her previous retail experience and fashion designing and things and around this time a mutual friend introduced her to a man named Tom crestman and this was a fitful connection and Tom was a catch let me tell you he was in his mid-30s he was a millionaire he had had a very successful life he used to be a stock broker but had since started up a few different businesses I think he works in like selling car accessories and covers for for your expensive cars he had high class expensive taste and he was in well-to-do circles it was everything that Jane used to be and that she so desperately wanted to be again and of course I'm sure that Tom had a wonderful personality and I'm sure that's what attracted Jane to him but I didn't know Tom's personality I can only talk for all the materialistic things that made him a catch and I mean he did have a big house in Fulham in London which is one of the most like sought after most expensive parts of London not long into dating Jane he actually asked her to move into this Fulham house with him and she jumped at the opportunity of course she wanted to live with him so for some context at this point in her life Jane is in her early 30s and she'd been telling her friends for ages that she is ready to settle down in fact she's impatient to settle down she ideally would have settled down and gotten married and had kids in her late 20s but she was working for the Royals and to her that was very so now she wanted to make up for L time and get married and have babies really quickly I think that's one of the reasons she was set up with Tom crestman was because a friend was like okay I know a single guy in his late 30s he's probably ready to settle down I don't know paired them together and things were going really well with Tom and Jane they got on they had a lot in common you know really liked each other but Tom didn't actually want to get married he was 39 I think and perfect happy kind of being a bit of a Playboy Jan was hoping that he was going to propose to her sooner rather than later but he wasn't going to he didn't want to he he didn't take this relationship very seriously which is actually quite interesting considering he asked her to move in with him but he doesn't want anything more than that he doesn't want marriage he doesn't I don't know how he felt about kids actually but marriage was the main thing that Jane wanted because she saw that as the first step she was very hyper focused on getting a ring getting a proposal you know getting the ball rolling on their life together but he was in no rush to because I he I don't think he wanted to and their friends said that their relationship really wasn't as happy as they kind of wanted everyone to believe it was they would argue a lot behind the scenes and apparently Tom would be quite cruel on one occasion he actually said to her how could you possibly think I'd want you to be the mother of my kids which is hurtful I always find it very peculiar when men do things like this they will ask a woman to move in with them and then be like what made you think I would want you to mother my children uh well probably because you invited me to [ __ ] move in your house and we're together and you're not breaking up with me and you say you love me maybe that's why sorry um anyway quickly things started to sour in their relationship in their household Jane was apparently very jealous and anxious and I really do believe that I think she was in all of her relationships and I mean she had borderline personality disorder which doesn't make relationships very easy for people jealousy is a very big trait of borderline personality disorder especially in romantic relationships remember their favorite person their famous person if they feel like they're losing that person you know and they start to get jealous then it triggers a lot in them and it can lead to arguments and all of this kind of stuff so that was Jane but Tom instead of being you know kind and empathetic and understanding he was quite cruel and combative and dismissive so all in all they were a nightmare combination they made each other worse neither of them were good for each other Tom always thought that Jane was overbearing and intense but the more he would pull away from that the more she would like cling on to him and start argument Tom went away on a stag D to Germany at one point and Jane would not stop calling him the whole time he was there like facetimeing him wanting to know what he's up to where he's at who he's with and she was relentless with it like she would be texting him and calling him at the same time texting him being like pick up the phone why aren't you picking up the phone she became convinced that he was unfaithful to her and that he was having multiple Affairs or he was talking to other girls she would log onto his computer and check his emails and one day she found something Tom had been emailing with a woman called Deborah that he'd met at a work conference thing like a year ago apparently this email was sexual in nature but I couldn't find any quotes I couldn't find like the content of the email I've just heard it being described as sexual in nature although I did find one quote that's not sexual but it is just straight up disrespectful it's a violation in this email Tom said to Deborah that the girlfriend Jane is getting a little like that old pair of slippers I can't throw away essentially calling Jane an old useless burden implying that he wishes he could get rid of her but he feels like he can't now at this point Tom and Jane should have just separated they should have just broken up and gone their separate ways because they were not good for each other they weren't compatible they were very toxic for each other this relationship was just not sustainable at all they were constantly arguing and they were really hurting each other but the two of them stuck together and two years later in September of 2000 the two of them went on holiday a really nice romantic gway in Italy and this was such a beautiful area a place called Lake ISO ISO um Ellena Neil's pronunciation strikes again um a really nice Lake in Italy though just trust me on that it was very quiet it was very private it was very romantic and Janes started to think that this location was intentional because maybe Tom was going to do something special while they were there because he had booked this beautiful idyllic holiday for the two of them Jane surmised that Tom was going to propose to her on this holiday while they were out there and then they would be engaged and then they would get married and then this would be the start of her fairy tale and so she was getting so excited so she was waiting for it to happen and she was she was waiting rather impatiently she started hinting in to Tom or like trying to get it out of him and it wasn't really working and so she started like scw it up asking a bit more clearly like is this it is this the trip that you're going to finally propose and she asked him so many times that in the end he snapped her and he said well if you want an answer no no I wasn't going to propose to you on this holiday and that terribly soured the rest of the holiday Jane wasn't the same after her fairy tale delusion was all shattered for the rest of the trip they just did not stop arguing and Jan was very erratic very intense in fact at one point she stole a car and was just like drive like she just drove off in it and then she was ringing Tom and he was on the phone to her hearing her like zooming around in this car she was saying that she wanted to drive it off a cliff and all of this like it that was very scary all because he had said that he didn't plan on proposing to her on that trip she even said at one point that she was going to take a bunch of pills and overdose and she didn't do it but she continued to be just as erratic even when they got back from that Italy trip a few days into them being home on September 16th 2000 police received a phone call from Tom crestman after 11:30 p.m. that night he told them I'm having a major fight with my other half so the dispatcher asked if anyone was injured and Tom said not yet so the dispatcher said all right where is your other half and Tom says right here dispatcher and what are they doing Tom staring at me dispatcher right sir has anybody assaulted anyone sir Tom not really dispatcher Mr kesman if there's nobody threatening or anything else what do you want the police to do Tom I would like the police to come and split us up I would like somebody to stop us from hurting each other because if we don't have somebody here soon somebody is no one came out to the house that night not police not like a welfare officer no one no one even even called Tom back later that night to follow up and see if everything was okay he received no help whatsoever from that phone call that same night he even called a friend kind of complaining about this police situation that they weren't help him and he said they only care if there's a body bag and 48 hours later Tom crestman would be brutally murdered it was the morning of September 18th 2000 when one of Tom's employees came to his house looking for him I presume they hadn't heard from him in a while when they arrived the front door was unlocked and so they just let themselves in and started searching the house calling for Tom but they were getting no response he wasn't calling back but when they walked in the master bedroom there he was Tom crestman lying dead on the floor covered in blood and bruises he was almost completely naked he was laying there in just his box of shots and you could see one big gruesome stab wound on his chest that seemed seemed to be the source of all that blood and the knife clearly the murder weapon was still laying right by his body on the floor as the blood on it started to dry this employee was absolutely horrified they called for the police who came down and quickly concluded that the Stab Wound wasn't the only injury that Tom crestman sustained during his murder they counted eight separate bruises on his head his neck this kind of area it seemed that he'd been beaten and beaten hard as well his blood had been pooling while he was still alive and in the corner of the room was a cricket bat leaning against the wall they quickly established that this must be the second murder weapon police could tell just from looking at the victim that this murder was targeted this wasn't like a robbery gone wrong or a Breakin or a random home invasion no whoever had killed Tom crestman was angry at him they'd gotten out a lot of resent a lot of buildup a lot of rage especially when they were hitting him presumably with that cricket bat eight different bruises and that wasn't enough for them it wasn't enough to just hit him around the head and maybe knock him out this person wanted to make sure that he was dead they then went and got another weapon probably from the kitchen and returned to his body or to where he was laying in the bedroom and finished him off this person wanted to hurt and kill Tom crestman so was probably someone that Tom knew well maybe someone that was pretty close to him so police started to investigate everyone Tom knew it was already pretty obvious that he must have had a girlfriend or a wife or something there were a lot of women's belongings in this house and after a little bit of a search and a question around police quickly identified that Jane Andrews was Tom Cron's living girlfriend and of course she was nowhere to be found at the house so immediately she is a person of interest in this murder but they didn't know whether that was because she was a suspect maybe maybe she had killed him and then fled the scene or maybe whoever had done this to Tom had also hurt her or even kidnapped her they didn't know if Jane was also in danger so they knew that they needed to find her regardless but I mean to be real with you they do always suspect the partner and as soon as they realized that Jane's car was missing that was when the eyebrows really started to raise because she had gone in her own car her boyfriend is murdered inside and she is driven away in her own car I mean maybe it makes sense if there were Intruders and she like escaped the house and jumped in her car and drove away but H so police continued to search the home and when they got into the kitchen they found a very helpful poed nerd it read my dearest parents I am so sorry no more hurt inside me anymore Tom hurt me too much he was so cruel to me and this PO note was signed Jane and then a single kiss it was a rather guilty sounding note don't you think seemingly a confession that she had done something to Tom something that she had to apologize to her parents for and she's trying to justify it saying that he'd hurt me too much he was cruel so now police are putting this story together and they believe that Jane has murdered her boyfriend and then gone on the run and right now they were fearing that she was a danger to her own life Maybe she was going to try and take her own life so that she wouldn't have to deal with the fact that she had just done this to Tom and this P not does kind of sound guilty and cryptic saying no more hurt inside me anymore does that mean that she doesn't plan on being here anymore the same day that Tom's body was discovered in his home this murder case hit the news and the media went crazy for the details of this one a rich upper class businessman found brutally murdered in his l luxurious London home and his beautiful Royal adjacent partner is seemingly on the run after beating and stabbing him the British public couldn't relate to any of it this was rich onr crime but they were lapping up every detail and the media knew that the media knew that the public wanted to know about Jane and Tom crestman so they were digging and digging trying to find any little story that they could run on them or their past or their relationship but after all at this point in the case things were very urgent they were fearing that Jane was going to take her own life if they didn't find her quickly police were desperately contacting around Jane's Social Circles asking if anyone had seen or heard from her and absolutely no one had they'd all tried calling and texting her and leaving voicemails for her but she wasn't getting back to anyone not even her own family and then eventually police asked Fergie to try when she realized what was going on with Jan and that she was on the run she was absolutely horrified she was so shocked but even though the actual circumstances of this were beyond her comprehension right now she knew that she had a job to do she knew that if anyone was going to get through to Jane when she's in this state it was going to be Fergy so she was trying to call her and she wasn't picking up the phone she was trying to text saying look come on just hand yourself into the police it's going to be okay you just need to help the police with this investigation she wasn't getting anything back and So eventually she left a voicemail and after that they got their first text from Jane and she was acting like she didn't know anything of what was going on at the moment she claimed she didn't know why everyone was trying to contact her all of a sudden and she insisted that everything was fine when she last left the house you know Tom was fine she was fine that was the only communication that she had with Fergie right then um later that day she also texted another one of her friends asking if they knew where Tom was it was just so odd that Jane wasn't acknowledging anything about her situation the fact that her boyfriend was dead and she's on the run and she's not talking to anyone there is a literal Nationwide search going on for her at that point in time and she's insisting that it's just a normal day everyone kept on texting and calling her and eventually Jane picked up the phone to someone and everything was not okay on her end even though she'd been insisting that it was for days it seemed that everything was different when she picked up this phone call she was trembling she was shaky like you could hear it in her voice how anxious and distressed she was she said that she didn't know where she was at that point in time just some dark Road she was on the side of some road so the friend that actually like rang through to her was with the police at this point in time I don't know if the police were talking to Jane on the phone or if they were making out like it was just a conversation between her and this friend but either way Jane starts to try and describe where she is so then police would be able to identify it and get down there and help her but it was as they were like speed searching trying to get a hit on her location Jane confessed something to them she said that she had taken a lot of pills and she was feeling very fainted and at this point Her Voice started to slur she said that she couldn't feel her legs and then after that total silence her friend on the other end was saying Jane Jane are you there is everything okay but she doesn't respond again and after that the call eventually cuts off it was complete silence so police are still like speed searching trying to get a hit on her location but now they think that she could have literally just died on the phone to them from The Limited information that she had given them police had managed to figure out that she was in the Devon and Cornwall area which is about a four or 5 hour drive away from London where she lived so the police in London got in contact with those police and they even sent their own teams to Devon and Cornwall and a huge huge search began for Jane Andrews and eventually an officer who was driving down just a quiet Country Lane saw Jane's car parked in a lby so he pulled up and he approached the car and saw that Jane was just slumped over the steering wheel like wrapped up in a blanket slumped over and he feared that he had just found Jane's dead body the last that they heard was that she'd taken loads of pills and so at this point they were looking for a body and so this officer Taps on the window to see I guess and Jane sat up she was alive she looked up at the officer and with that they had her Jane was admitted to a local hospital in Cornwall and she was kept there for like monitoring and a few tests for the next two days CU of course she'd confess that she'd taken a load of pills so she needed to be medically checked over before they could take her to the police station but after 2 Days in the hospital she was fine she was discharged and police took her to a station in London because right now she was the top well the only suspect in the murder of her boyfriend when she was sat down in the interrogation room some officers come in and it all begins and this is where she claims she learns for the first time that her boyfriend is dead she said she had no idea before that she'd been saying on the phone that like she doesn't know where she is she was asking friends if they'd heard from him and stuff like that acting as if he's still alive so she claims that this is the first time she actually found out that Tom was dead and reacted kind of how you would expect she was sad she was calm but she was very sad she really wasn't giving much away at all not in the way of her emotions not in the way of the things that she was saying police were asking her every single question they could think to ask her and she was just saying I have no idea what happened I had nothing to do with it I have no idea I've just been gone for the last few days but eventually throughout the conversations that she was having with law enforcement she let slip that on the night of Tom's murder the two two of them had had an explosive argument she told them that Tom could be a very cruel man especially when he'd had a drink and that night she saw that evil building up inside him again she said that she was worried he was going to physically hurt her so she panicked and she ran out to her car and just drove away and she said that that was the last time she saw Tom that night he was getting very angry at her and so she protected herself ran away and then she'd just come back to all of this he was murdered in bedroom and stuff that was what she was trying to say her story was she didn't give the police much detail at all not about their fight not about where she went when she drove off from the house she just didn't really have much of a fleshed out story almost as if she'd just come up with it that was all they really got out of her during her first interrogation they were doing it for a while and it was getting kind of late so police decided to just keep her in a Cell overnight and then interrogate her again in the morning so they did um but the very next morning Jane started to tell a different story well actually she told about three different stories she just kept changing it she she would say something and then when they would ask her a question about it she would pivot it in a different direction and I mean once you start doing that they know that well not necessarily that you're guilty but they know that you're lying first she said that someone else killed Tom like it was an intruder or something but then like towards the end of the second day she finally confessed that it was her she killed Tom crestman but she did it in self-defense she said she said that he was getting so aggressive and so angry that night that she was scared that he was going to kill her if she didn't I don't know act physically I do want to just remind you as we're kind of going through this whole self-defense thing I want to remind you that Tom crestman was beaten over the head with that cricket bat like a lot and then his killer stopped paused had a bit of a moment went downstairs picked up a knife and then came back to make sure that he was dead to me personally the first part of that could sound like self-defense but the second part certainly not I mean once you've gone down stairs and your car is there your car keys are there you could have fled the scene but I think at that point when you go and get the knife out of the drawer and you head back upstairs knowing what you're about to do with that knife a decision has been made there to go from just beating with a cricket bat to making sure that he's dead but anyway Jane Andrews insisted that it was in selfdefense and she said that this was the only time she had ever used Force against Tom they hadd never been like violent or aggressive like with each other in fights they didn't hit each other they weren't like a violent relationship and like I said Jane's story changed and morphed into something different about three or four times through her interrogations but there was one thing that was consistent with every single one and that that was that Jane always had to be the victim or at least one of the victims when it was hard for her to not be the victim I mean look at this situation there is a literal murder victim someone who has lost their lives what more could you lose yet in her stories Jane is always worse off than the literal murder victim she was always the victim of something or someone police didn't entirely believe the details of Jay and Andrew's story but they didn't need to regardless of the details they had a confession she confessed that she was the one that killed Tom crestman and so that day Jane Andrews was charged with the murder of Tom and the media Outlets once again had a field de with this story because there was so much to report on the main thing being that this was a royal connection now charged with murder this was Fergie's best friend everyone remembered Jane Andre Andrews being in Fergie's pictures like five or so years ago so now she was front page news and she was a murderer all the photos of her and Fergie together were being plastered everywhere like look at the Duchess of York's best friend who is now charged with murder the papers had even dubbed Jane the Fatal Attraction killer because they were portraying her as like Tom's psychotic deranged evil ex that was just trying to like [ __ ] up his life very similar to the plot of the movie Fatal Attraction in that movie a married man has an affair while his family are out of town and when they come back he tries to end things with this mistress but she didn't want him to she wasn't going to make it easy for him she begins to manipulate him in every way possible to either get him back with her or to just ruin his life if she can't have him no one can so the woman in the movie starts to her herself she claims that she's pregnant so that he'll come and you know help her out with that she shows up up at his house she introduces herself to his wife and the most famous scene of that movie is when she breaks into his house and literally boils his son's pet bunny rabbit in a big pot of boiling water on their stuff I've always heard the term bunny boiler used to describe like a psycho exgirlfriend type but I never knew that it came from a movie crazy so anyway once the media frenzy had died down it was time for the trial to begin and Jane went up there and told her version of events of course she says she killed him in self-defense well this is how all of that went down and I just want you to keep in mind as I'm telling this whole story I'm going to tell it as if this is the version of events but keep in mind that only two people know what happened that day and one of them was murdered by the other so Jane said that on the morning of the murder the two of them had an explosive argument one of their worst yet and for the first time pretty much ever as far as I'm aware Tom started to get physical with Jan she said that he pushed her down onto the bed she wasn't wearing any clothes and he overpowered her tied one of her arms to the bed she said he then covered her head with a pillow and proceeded to anally rape her and told her I'm going to really hurt you and no one will believe you eventually he let her girl and so she said she jumped up and she ran into their dressing room to try to get away from him but he followed her in she said that he wouldn't let her leave once she was in that dressing room he' like picked up a stool and put it in the doorway and sat on it almost like a [ __ ] guard dog so that she couldn't get out apparently at one point he was just casually reading the newspaper there while she was clearly very distressed this whole time she's like shouting at him screaming at him crying and she said that she was saying some bad things like she was very angry she was very scared and she said that she was calling him every name under the the son that she could think she was just trying to get a reaction like she was just trying to do something she told him that she'd let horrible abusive men like him hurt her before but not anymore she said that there was no way she was ever going to marry him now when she finally convinced Tom to let her leave the dressing room she just ran straight out of the house jumped in her car drove away and then called him saying I've tricked you you bastard I'm never coming back but over the next couple of hours the two of them exchanged more phone calls and texts they were shouting and screaming at each other over the phone calling each other horrific names neither of them able to take a step back or put the phone down or turn their phone off they were both just very very toxic for each other when one person would say something the other person would have to one up it and this was how all of their arguments went and they never even really got resolved they would never have conversations and communicate and and talk through their problem afterwards they would just kind of start talking again and just be friends again and it would all be swept under the rug well at this point Jan is in her car she is screaming bloody murder down this phone and she's telling Tom that she is going to kill herself she's going to take blads of pills and she's going to kill herself and Tom was refusing to take her seriously I mean she said this a lot this was kind of her go-to when she was in an argument with him and so he was refusing to take her seriously and that only made her even more erratic that he wasn't you know taking her seriously in fact she was getting more and more angry at him because he was given her more reasons to be I guess and so it was at this point while Jane was out of the house that she pulled up that email that Tom had sent to De remember the one that was like sexual in nature but I don't actually know how but he called her a pair of slippers well Jane took this email and she forwarded it to both of Tom's parents and faxed it to Deborah's work so her work had her sexy emails oh and all of that was just like an act of Revenge she just wanted to like ruin Tom's life to embarrass him to humiliate him because he had hurt her and that was one of the most powerful ways that she could think to get back at him eventually Jane drove back to the house and she said that when she entered Tom just opened his arms and said welcome home and of course we don't know if that's true lot of people don't believe Jane's whole story so maybe this is just another part of the lie but if that was true it makes sense do you remember what I said about how they would just never resolve anything they would just have an argument go their separate ways and eventually come back as if nothing had ever happened James said that she was in the house normally for about 10 minutes whatever normal is in the middle of a situation like this she said she got a glass of water and then knocked it over by accident and this snapped them out of that normality apparently Tom went mental at her he was screaming at her for spilling this water and he overreacted to this so much it must have been you know all the builtup resentment that things never actually get solved and so he snapped on her and James said that again she saw that evil in him that same look that she saw earlier before he allegedly raped her and so she filled with this fear again she said that she tried to avoid him as best as could for the rest of the evening and it was kind of okay and he went to bed before her and eventually when she went up and got in beside him he tried to anally rape her again when she resisted he supposedly hit her saying you know you like it with that Jane got out of the bed and just went somewhere else in the house for a while she was hoping that he was going to calm down and fall back asleep and then she'd be able to go back into the bedroom and slip into the bed next to him and eventually that is what she did but before she went up to bed Jane grabbed a cricket bat from downstairs she thought she was just going to take it up and lay it next to the bed just in case she needed it to protect herself if he started going crazy on her again she would have that bat so she went up to bed Tom was asleep she crawled in next to him and just as she started to drift off Tom woke up and started beating her and screaming at her I'm going to [ __ ] kill you Jane sprung into action straight away and start started to protect herself she grabbed that bat that she left next to the bed and started beating Tom crestman over the head with it over and over and over Tom was injured pretty badly after the first few blows and Jane remembers this moment where she kind of froze for a bit and started freaking out realizing what she'd just done she hadn't killed him but she had assaulted her boyfriend and she was going to be in so much trouble and she says that from that point on from when she had that realization everything just becomes a blur she says that she doesn't remember stabbing him but she did the pathologist that looked at Tom's body couldn't actually tell if he'd like been knocked out with any of the hits from the cricket bat he could have been conscious for this whole entire thing but what happened after she'd hit him and hit him and hit him Jane then put the bat down well leaned it against the wall where it was later found she then went downstairs went to the kitchen looked through all of the kitchen knives picked one out and then returned to where Tom was laying on the floor beat in their bedroom and she proceeded to plunge the knife into his chest just the once of course she says she doesn't remember any of this this is just something that we know from the physical evidence she says she has flashes of memories that she can't quite make out she remembers having her hair pulled at one point and she remembered Tom being on top of her with the knife in him almost as if she'd been holding it like that and then he'd like Fallen onto it which I think is just another part of her trying to make piure up and sound more innocent that she just happened to be holding the knife he fell onto the knife I don't think that's ever happened in the history of ever but she says the next thing she remembers after all of that is being on the other side of the bedroom door pulling it closed with all of her strength believing that Tom was coming after her so she had slammed this door she was pulling it closed and then she kind of comes back in her head she doesn't remember showering or cleaning herself but she did she got in the shower and washed all the blood off her that was actually confirmed from like forensic reports I don't know if they'd found like blood in the bottom of the bath or whatever but that was confirmed she even cleaned blood off of a few items in the house and I I don't know what those are but again I think like lenan was used and they found that blood had been on certain things so this is what confuses me about how she doesn't remember anything but she went and got in the shower and made sure she was all clean and she cleaned different things off I don't know she said that the only memory she has after like you know clinging onto the door and making sure that he don't come out she says the next memory she has after that is sitting in her dressing room looking herself in the mirror and knowing that she needed to get away she needed to leave that house now all of these blanks and inconsistencies in Jane Andrew's story could be because she was so scared and so traumatized that she dissociated through committing the murder that's just like her brain's way of protecting itself and yeah it's hard to recall memories if you were dissociated at the time but alternatively she could be having all these blanks and inconsistencies because she is straight up lying that is also another possibility a possibility that I believe to be a probability maybe she wasn't entirely confident that she could craft the perfect story with all the perfect details and so she's leaving things intentionally quite vague and not giving details because the details don't exist if the thing never happened Tom cressman's friends and family and even his ex-girlfriends from before Jane have been very vocal about how he wasn't a bad man he wasn't a violent man he wasn't an angry man Jane's story supposedly does not sound anything like Tom crestman he'd never been violent especially not sexually violent with anyone before his exes said that he was a a nice boyfriend to have in fact they all believed that Jan was lying about her story I mean a lot of people do Jan was called to the stand at her trial and she weeped and trembled as she told the court that her murderous actions had actually been influenced by her very traumatic childhood she said that one of her older brothers had raped her and molested her for 4 years from the ages of 8 to 12 and Jan had never told anyone this ever before this trial this court hearing when she has been accused of murder is the first time that anyone finds out that she is holding all of this deep trauma none of her family near knew her psychiatrist previous psychiatrist as well had never found like she'd never told them about this it all just happened to come out on her murder trial she said that the reason she had never told anyone was because when she was younger her brother had told her that bad girls go to prison for telling so she was too scared to speak a word to anyone of it but naturally this caused a lot of shock and confusion and disgust among the Andrews family because this was the first that any of them had ever heard about an alleged rape molestation situation some of the Andrews family believed Jane they believed that she was a victim they believed her pain and her tears in that courtroom were real and a lot of them cut off that older brother but the majority of Jane's family didn't believe her the majority of the family stuck by that brother who was absolutely disgusted to hear that she'd said all of this after all Jane Andrews was known for being quite manipulative at times and I guess if there's ever a time that your manipulative streak is going to come out it's when your life and your freedom is on the line in your murder trial when you could get life in prison that's probably the time she's going to start manipulating of course they couldn't provide any evidence for these allegations because they were from decades and decades ago so those allegations do remain just allegations that were never proven Jane said that being raped by Tom on the day that she killed him had brought back all of this like raw trauma she was very freshly triggered and so later on in the evening when that was threatened to be triggered again when he was saying that he was going to kill her and he was hitting her she then felt that the only way that she could protect herself was through violence but then on the very last day of the trial a bombshell piece of evidence was uncovered throughout the trial Jane had been staying with one of her friends and on that final day of the trial this friend turned up at the courtroom begging to speak to someone to one of the detectives she said that Jane had said something last night that completely changed her mind about the case so the chief detective came out to speak with her and she said that Jane had confessed that she had intentionally killed Tom that day wasn't in self-defense he hadn't fallen on a knife she had meant to murder him so the detective took a statement from this woman but unfortunately because it was the last day of trial it was too late to use it too late to submit it and to be fair it didn't really look like they needed any more evidence because Jane wasn't coming off very well in this trial at all that day the jury went to deliberate for 12 hours and when they eventually came back their verdict was guilty Jane Andrews was guilty of the murder of Tom crestman the jurors agreed that it wasn't in self-defense Jane was just a jilted lover who killed her boyfriend because he didn't want to marry her the judge closed the trial with the words you have ended this man's life and you have ruined your own Jane Andrews was sentenced to life in prison with a minimum of 12 Years about 8 years into her sentence She was transferred to an open prison in Kent which means she was allowed out during the day at this point she wasn't deemed to be a danger to the public because her crime was a very specific Crime of Passion it's not like she's just a murderous individual that wants to take people's lives she was just very angry at that one man one night so they they didn't think she was a danger to anyone else and actually at this point in time she'd been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder finally I think she got that diagnosis around the time of the trial or when she first started prison started prison I said that like it's a club but I mean now that she finally had that diagnosis and she was on medication and she was in specialized therapy she could understand herself a lot more and she was just doing a lot better mentally so for all of those reasons she was trusted to be in an open prison although she definitely shouldn't have been trusted yet one day Jane went out you know as you can with open prisons and she just never [ __ ] returned she escaped Jane Andrews escaped prison and so a second nationwide manhunt began for this woman two in one decade once again this case was thrust back into the spotlight back into the media and they were speculating that JY was going to come back for Fergie I actually do think it was just journalist being being silly geese um they were saying that Jane had never forgiven Fergie for firing her and now she was going to come back after escaping prison um I really don't think that was ever going to be the plan but because the media had been like printing headlines like this FY was so scared they hired in a bunch of armed police to like be her personal bodyguards until Jane Andrews was found and detained again I can't believe they thought she was going to be like on the hunt looking for Fergie when the reality was that she was really just trying not to be found by police she was sleeping rough on the streets and just trying her best to hide for three whole days and then she was eventually found with her parents she'd called them up as soon as she escaped prison begging them to help her and so they had kept all of this very quiet and they drove over 200 miles to Kent to go and I don't know be with her what were they going to do rescue her hide her they didn't even get to start the plan because police found them so quickly but yeah Jay and Andrews was rearrested she was sent back to prison and when she went back to jail all of her inmate friends thought she was the stupidest [ __ ] person ever because she was eight years into her sentence and her minimum was 12 years so she had done the majority she' done over half she only had four years left but she jeopardized all of that she ruined her chances of being allowed out on time because I don't know because she couldn't stick out those extra four years she she did it to herself so she's back in prison and I think she even had a little bit of time added on to her sentence for for all of that pava and over the next few years Jane Andrews strikes up a penp pal relationship with a male prisoner from another prison and they would write letters back and forth and they were romantic with each other and Jane would call him my husband in all of the letters despite not being married to him even in prison she's creating these like fantasy delusional worlds where she's she's married and she has a family and like everything is okay but it's all delusion like the reality is you are writing to some other [ __ ] unhinged criminal calling him your husband you're not married you haven't seen the outside of your cell for the past [ __ ] six years and you know what to me the fact that she's striking up a relationship like this that is very delusional that tells me that she is not ready to be released into the world because she's still very delusional when it comes to men and it was that same delusion that led to her murdering one last time and you know what my concerns are very validated when it comes to this story because as soon as that man was released from prison he was released before Jane he went straight to the news and tried to sell this story saying I've been talking to Jen Andrews this whole time that's all he wanted from her all he wanted was a bit of money and I just think she's not ready to be able to handle situations like that in the real world like thank God she was locked away in a prison when all of that happened because who knows what she would have done to him or herself or I don't know eventually in 2015 Jane Andrews was released from prison at the age of 47 she was just out and about in the world so yes that is actually where she is right now living among us somewhere Among Us she'd served just 14 years of her life sentence and she was deemed by psychiatrists at the end to no longer be a danger to societ iy so off she went into the world to start her life over again but just like her prison husband Jane found herself needing a quick money grab when she got out of prison so she was thinking how could I get like a decent whack of money very quickly and very easily and that was when she started to search through all of her old belongings from her old life from when she was rich and when she was friends with rich people that would give her expensive luxurious gifts she was like surely I can sell all of this parents had very kindly stored it all for her for the last 14 years that she was in jail I don't know they're better than me all that [ __ ] would have been going in the bin as soon as I found out my child was D for murder I don't know so Jane went to her parents house at this point she's like moved back to the East Midlands she goes to her parents house she's rumaging through it all and Binger she finds a bunch of old royal memorabilia and it was all in such great condition because it's just been packed away for [ __ ] ages there were birthday gifts in there Christmas gifts anniversary and commemorative items that she'd gotten from her employer the [ __ ] royal family imagine how many random gifts and belongings she would have had like from the palace or from the royals because not only were they her employer for like 10 years they were also her best friends and her best friend's family so Jane grabs all these bits that are worth money and she decides to get herself a bit of a job kind of a job almost a job she started hiring ing a table at the local Antiques Market and she would be in there maybe two three days a week and she would take in just bags and boxes of mostly old royal memorabilia but really anything that she thought she could get money from there was an old Tiffany's necklace that Tom had bought her that she sold on her stall there were like his old Gucci belts and like ties that he'd won for work which is [ __ ] creepy isn't it selling you murder victim's clothes but she did specialized in royal memorabilia she had a bunch of like saucers and mugs and cuff links random [ __ ] I don't know why would she have cufflinks well maybe just a gift or maybe they were Toms so anyway Jane has this stall and she's working there a couple of days a week and she's earning about 500 a month which is barely enough to live on but I guess it's better than nothing and when you've just got out of prison Beggars can't be choosers but I do think it's a very tragic full circle moment to kind of come to an end on imagine selling the cups that you used to drink out of during your happy successful life because now in your current life you can't even afford food in a house and that's because you're a convicted murderer she's not even just poor like she's poor because no one wants to hire a murderer and she's never getting that life back she had ruined the one thing that she had always wished for her whole entire life she wanted nothing more than to be a beautiful classy Rich elegant woman she got it all and then she murdered someone Jane ended up working at that market for about 2 years and she was actually working there under the name Jane lamb she obviously didn't go by Jane Andrews anymore but yeah she was working there for ages and she would make friends with the other vendors other people would stalls and there was a cafe nearby that she would go to for a lunch every day and she'd make friends with those people she was starting to build a bit of a community around herself again when she was getting to know these people she would tell them that she was once married to a very wealthy businessman in London they had this gorgeous life together but then he divorced her and she was very very upset about the whole thing and she said that all of these things that she would sell on her stall were their things things that they had earned in their marriage and so now they just held a lot of bad memories for her and she was trying to get rid of them whilst making a bit of money because her rich husband had left her with nothing of course it's all a fake story but I find it very interesting that she still calls him her husband in retrospect like I know it is a fake story and she's making up all the details but that is the one thing that she wanted more than anything was for him to propose to her and to actually be her husband but now that he's dead and he can't fight that she can make him whatever she wants when she's talking about him to other people that was her husband she finally gets to decide that now that he's not here to argue anymore but then one day Jane lamb stops turning up at the Antiques Market and everyone's thinking where's she gone I hope she's okay what's happened to her turns out the Jane Andrews story was back in the news and I'm not entirely sure why sometimes [ __ ] like this happens when it's like an anniversary of something or whatever every now and again journalists will just go back to something and dig it up in fact very much like this video that you're watching right now but yeah Jane was scared that everyone around her that she'd made friends with and that she'd you know started to make connections with she was scared that they were all going to find out her true identity and they were all going to turn on her so before that could happen Jane ran away every job that Jane ever had for the rest of her life this was going to happen her employers or her co-workers were going to find out who she really was every friend she tried to make every relationship she tried to have surely this was just going to be how they were all going to end in fact a few years after she'd been out of jail she found herself in a relationship with a man but it was a married man a man with a wife and a kid and a house and a dog all at home Jane didn't seem to care about any of that she was dating this married man until eventually he too finds out who she is and he is terrified that he is dating a boyfriend killer this man had done so much research on Jane Andrews and her crime and what she'd done to Tom crestman and he was so scared that he actually got in contact with Tom cr's brother saying you have to help me I've gotten myself involved with Jane Andrews and she's going to kill me too and the way that the man actually ended up getting out of this relationship with Jane like I don't know how I feel about it I'm just going to tell you what happened he kind of lied to the police a little bit he basically went to them and said Jane Andrews you know that convicted murderer Jane Andrews well she's gotten my number she's gotten my email and she just keeps calling and texting and turning up at my house and I'm scared and I don't know how to stop her he was basically saying she's harassing me and I don't believe that was the case I think this was a consensual relationship that he'd gotten into with Jane I think he was choosing to have an affair but he just never expected that it was with a murderer but he was claiming to the police that he was a victim and she is potentially dangerous and they need to help him and of course she's only been out of prison for a couple of years she's technically still on license and she needs to be on her best behavior but now they've had harassment allegations so Jane was arrested and she I think she was put in a holding cell for the time being and she told the police like this isn't the case you can check the evidence you can check the messages like this is a two-sided relationship that we've got going on and as soon as the police looked at the evidence they let her go I can't tell if I think that was a really genius move from that man or like a really evil move because I mean she wasn't trying to harass him but I don't know like that's kind of the best way to get her taken off your hands is by saying oh the crime lady's doing crimes again go get her like I don't know but anyway yeah Jane Andrews was released from prison once again and that is where she is right now I guess just still trying to lay L there's something to be said about murderers that get released from prison they never truly have genuine Freedom ever again like yeah maybe they're out of the box and the bars but there a social outcast no one wants to associate with them for the rest of their lives especially if their case is widely reported on say it was like a huge event at the time or it gets refreshed every so often no one's going to want to be around that person like they'll start to make friends and then as soon as everyone finds out who you really are they'll all abandon you again and that's just going to keep happening every time you build up a community they'll abandon you over and over again for the rest of your life what a sad existence it must be to be a murderer freed from prison like at that point maybe I would rather just be in prison where I've got no expectations and I'm not living such a lonely and disappointing existence where I'm being left over and over again I don't know it's quite existential I guess you just have to [ __ ] not murder people and you wouldn't really have to worry about that but that is all I have for this video thank you so so much for watching if you enjoyed it please leave a thumbs up down below or leave a comment or engage with the video in some kind of way that that's the best way to support me and the team that makes these videos every single week cuz when you engage with the video YouTube pushes it further and when YouTube pushes it further our Smiles get bigger so thanks thanks again to novpn for sponsoring this video remember 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Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 1,195,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eleanor, neale, eleanor neale, eleanor neale true crime, mystery, unsolved, true crime, solved, documentary, serial killer, podcast, true crime podcast, netflix, ellie neale, usual disclaimer, jane andrews, thomas cressman, sarah ferguson aide, buckingham palace worker, prince andrew assistant, thomas ashley cressman, worked with duchess of york, fulham murder, worked with sarah ferguson, true crime documentary, crime videos, true crime stories, true crime case, fergie royal family
Id: uF25VVb_AFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 34sec (5794 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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