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so today's video is going to be another solved true crime case today we're going to be talking about a case from nottingham that first appeared to be just a very unfortunate tragic house fire but as the investigation developed it seemed there was a lot more than what first meets the eye but before we get into it i just want to give our sponsor a huge thank you for making this video possible june's journey june's journey is a hidden object murder mystery mobile game app that is free to download on both ios and android you play as a woman called june parker who is trying to solve the murder of her own sister the aim of the game is to find clues in different hidden object scenes and with each level that you complete a new lead is unravelled in the case the game is set in the 1920s as well so the aesthetic the scenes are just beautiful i personally play june's journey as a way to kind of wind down after a long day when i'm in bed on a night because it's all my favorite things like crime and suspense and investigation but it's not scary it's actually really relaxing so i like to play it when i'm in bed in the bath and recently they've added some exciting new features including the detectives lounge with this you can create or join a detective's club and play it with your friends there's a competition board that you can climb with all your friends and if you're a good enough detective there's rewards to be won there's also leagues where you can take part in weekly tournaments with your club you can climb the divisions and again lots of prizes so if you think you've got what it takes to become a detective and solve this case then you can download jun's journey using the link down below in the description thanks again to june's journey for sponsoring this video remember the link to download is down there what are you waiting for now before we get into this case i just want to give my usual disclaimer that i mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone that i talk about in this video this video is made for educational purposes and everything that i'm about to say is just information that i have found on the internet and i'm compiling into one video just a quick content morning before we get into this one there are some brief mentions of potential emotional neglect it's not a huge theme in the video but i just want to let you know in case that's something that you don't want to hear about right now feel free to click out of this video i'm sure i'll see you again soon look after yourself but if you want to stay and listen to the rest of the case let's just get straight into it so this case takes place in a town called arnold in nottingham which is in the midlands of england in 2011 but 10 years prior to that nottingham had been home to the bartlem family the butlan family were made up of mother jacqueline bartlem who was better known as jackie and father adrian bartlett and the two of them married in the year 2000. by then they'd already had one child together his name was daniel he was three years old when his mother and father married and then a few years after the marriage four or five years later they welcomed another child a second son called dominic making them a happy little family of four and they were a very normal family by all accounts they seemed happy they loved and cared for their children they were financially comfortable enough to be able to send their kids to private school as well so the kids had a good upbringing a good home life but then in 2005 very shortly after the birth of their second son dominic jackie and adrian's marriage began to pull away at the seams things were going wrong and so in 2005 the two of them separated they got a divorce and jackie got i believe pretty much full custody of the children they would see their father adrian every weekend or every other weekend so now it was just jackie and her two boys and they started this new chapter in their lives but then in 2008 there was another development jackie went on a night out in town where she met a single man named simon matas and he was brilliant she loved him he was great with her he was so supportive he understood her situation her two kids he treated those kids like they were his own so the two of them got into this relationship and simon was around at the house a lot so he was seeing the kids a lot he wasn't officially their stepfather but in this case he's often referred to as the step dad because that's kind of the role that he had and as far as i could find in my research i believe the boys got on with simon pretty well i couldn't see that there was any major conflict between them although i know sometimes it's kind of hard for kids so young to welcome in a new parental figure especially kind of so soon after their parents divorced this was only three years as far as i'm aware the boys were happy to have him in their lives so they were this new family unit simon didn't live with them he still kept his own house but you know he was he was there and they were a very happy little group that was until easter weekend of 2011 so simon often traveled for work and at this particular point over easter weekend in 2011 he was working up north in yorkshire and jackie was very much used to simon going away for work and they were the kind of couple to communicate like once a day give each other an update text once a day so simon texted jackie on easter morning on the sunday morning just saying happy easter you know hope you're all okay what are your plans for the day and jackie texted back saying that she and the boys were gonna go to i believe her mother's so the boy's grandmother's house and they were gonna have a meal and that's how they were spending easter and that was about it for their communication that did just a back and forth text making sure each other were okay and then simon was gonna come home the next morning that following morning was monday april 25th 2011 and simon got in his car he was ready to come back down to nottingham when he read a news article on his phone that there'd been a house fire in nottingham not just nottingham but specifically arnold nottingham and this house fire was devastating the whole house was like burned to the ground and simon reading this article he was a bit shaken he knew that that was where his girlfriend and her children were so he texts jackie just making sure that everyone was okay he really hoped it wasn't her house about an hour after he sent that text he still hadn't received a reply from jackie and there were more updates coming out about this house fire and the next article he read they narrowed down the location of the fire to a street called georgia drive and as soon as he read that his heart sunk because that was where jackie and her children lived and simon said that as soon as he read georgia drive he knew it was jackie he knew it was her house he didn't even have a shadow of doubt in his mind that it could have been someone else and when he eventually arrived back in arnold that gut feeling was confirmed it was jackie's house that was all charred and taped up by police so he got out of his car ran over to the police that was standing outside the house and that was when he learned that his beloved girlfriend hadn't made it out of the fire alive there was one body found inside that house and it was believed at this point it wasn't confirmed but it was believed to be jackie bartlett but thankfully her children had survived fourteen-year-old daniel bartlett had noticed that this fire was going on he ran and got his six-year-old brother and led him outside by the hand he then later went back inside to try and save his mum and he realized that it was too late the fire was coming from his mother's room so he grabbed the family dog took her to safety as well and now both boys and the dog were alive daniel said that all they could do was just stand and watch as their house was engulfed in these flames he was standing there with his little six-year-old brother and their dog watching as their mother burned inside but daniel bartlett was regarded as a hero you know this boy has just been through the most tragic thing that's ever happened in his life he's witnessed his mother being burned in their own house fire all of his possessions are gone but he still found the courage to go in there and save not only his little brother but also the dog go back inside the house that is on fire to save another being he was praised by everyone at the scene police neighbors friends family because he'd saved two lives that day so police decided to take both the boys and i think the dog back to the police station because now their soul carer their mother was gone and they were gonna have to find out how this house fire had begun so the first of the boys that they spoke to was 14 year old daniel they brought him into this room and they just asked him how the fire had started that night and it wasn't what you might expect daniel said that he woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and when he got out into the landing into the hallway he was startled by a masked man standing there in his home in the early hours of the morning daniel said that he just looked at this man and froze for a second and that was when he looked down and noticed that there was a hammer on the floor so daniel knew what he had to do to defend himself and his family he bent down picked up this hammer threw it at the masked man who then ran away he freaked out made for the landing window jumped out of the window onto the patio and then down onto the drive and run away so now this masked man is out of his house so now daniel was worried because how long had this man been in the house what had he done while he'd been in the house so he started to run around and check on his mother his little brother the first room he went to was his mother jackie's room he opened the door and that was when he saw inside his mother was laid in the bed and the whole bed was just on fire his mother was on fire the room was very quickly just being engulfed in these flames and it was in that moment that 14 year old daniel bartlamb had to make this decision to give up trying to save his mother he knew that it was too late and right now he had the responsibility of his little brother if his mother was already gone then it was now up to him to make sure that he and his little brother were safe and that they survived so he ran to his little brother's room grabbed him and took him outside it took firefighters a little while to arrive at the scene and by the time they were there they managed to control the fire put it out but by then the whole house was pretty much just ash there was nothing that could be salvaged eventually when a team of investigators was brought in because they always have like fire investigators that can tell you where the fire started kind of how it was started so these investigators were brought in and they found that just like daniel said the fire had been started on jackie's bed and the way that the fire was started was not natural causes if that makes sense it wasn't like straighteners were left on or a candle was left burning it was found that petrol had been poured all over jackie's bed and then set a light this was an intentional fire which i guess is backed up by daniel bartlett's story perhaps this masked man had gone in there and for some reason murdered jackie bartlett maybe this was a robbery gone wrong maybe he'd already killed her and now he was set in this fire to try to hide the body what was left of jackie butland's body was then transported to a mog and like i said the fire was so horrific that the house was all ash and pretty much so was jackie's body she actually had to be identified using dental records although it was very unlikely that this was anyone else because she was the only adult in this household she still had to be identified and her dental records confirmed that this was jackie bartland at the time she was identified a whole autopsy was also carried out and it was actually found that her cause of death wasn't from the fire jackie bartland's cause of death was actually believed to be bludgeoning she'd been hit with what was believed to be a claw hammer between eight and ten times in the head she had been murdered and then her body had been burned to hide any evidence later on when the house was searched or what was left of the house there was a claw hammer found although it had been cleaned they could see that jackie's blood had been on there from different tests but the murderer whoever had used this weapon had then cleaned it afterwards but that wasn't the only hammer that they found in the house they also found a bigger denser kind of club hammer both of them were just laying on the ground in different parts of the house and it's believed that it was the club hammer the big heavy one that daniel had thrown at this masked man so police are now looking at this now murder case they had no idea that this was how this was gonna go they thought this was just a tragic accidental house fire but now they have a murder case on their hands now they needed to figure out who had done this to jackie bartlett who was this intruder so police decided to carry out door-to-door investigations talking to the neighbors because maybe they saw something maybe they heard something maybe they saw like a getaway car so they went and spoke to every single neighbor on that street but what they found out was quite different to what they expected around 1am which was just before the fire started one of the neighbors recalled hearing an argument coming from jackie's home and it seemed as though this argument was between jackie herself and her 14 year old son daniel they couldn't hear everything from this argument but they managed to pick up that daniel was angry because his mother had moved some of his shoes and like misplaced them lost them and he was so angry in fact that he stormed out into the back garden and this is the middle of the night and he's screaming jackie was calling out to him from inside saying you know just calm down just come back inside go to bed and eventually the argument did die down when they stopped shouting at each other this neighbor then heard the batlam's shed door so they had a shed in their back garden they heard the shed door open and closed and then a couple of minutes later they heard screams coming from the batlam house the neighbor didn't go to investigate they didn't call for help which i'm not entirely sure why because screams i don't know is that not alarming but either way now this seemed extremely suspicious daniel had just had an argument with his mother 10 minutes later there's literal screams coming from the house and then the next morning jackie is found murdered the house is burned down all the evidence is gone and what daniel is this hero for saving his younger brother this same neighbor also told the police that in the early hours of the morning when this fire had started and daniel and dominic had run out of the house this neighbor remembered looking at daniel and thinking he was dressed quite odd this is a teenage boy that didn't have the best personal hygiene you know his mother said it his whole family said it he didn't shower very often but for some reason in the middle of the night he was very clean hair washed not greasy he was in clean clothing you know it just didn't seem right it didn't seem to fit the moment if you had just woken up in the middle of the night you're not gonna be you know looking your best fresh clothes on and everything you will have just ran straight out of bed because you've discovered a fire in your house it all just looked very suspicious because he had seemingly just had a shower in the early hours of the morning just before this fire started so now police are starting to see daniel bartlett in a bit of a different light you know was he telling them everything about that night or is he trying to cover something up so police brought him back in for another interview this time kind of as a person of interest and he sat there and maintained his innocence through the whole thing he had nothing to do with this the story that he told them in the first place he was sticking with that a masked man came in set fire to their house but the police just weren't convinced and so two days after the fire was discovered police arrested fourteen-year-old daniel bartlem on suspicion of the murder of his own mother they didn't have really much evidence to prove this they just had all these circumstantial pieces that it all just seemed a bit too suspicious so they thought if we arrest him then we have time to find this evidence and they wasted absolutely not a single second of that time they straight away seized his phone his laptop all his electronics and they began searching through them and they found a whole load of suspicious things that did not help daniel's case at all in his search history police found that daniel had searched things like how to get away with murder he'd been reading through articles of like how to get rid of bodies and stuff you know like jerky articles that are like one you could burn the body two you could bury the body these articles of course are not actually telling you how to get rid of a body but he was reading through a lot of them he'd also obsessively researched true crime cases and also fictional cases where young boys had murdered people whether they'd murdered like their classmates like school shooters or whether these teenage boys had killed their parents or their friends got in a fight and murdered the other person and this interest seemed a step beyond a normal healthy interest in true crime like yours or mine i presume if you're watching this video if you watch my channel you're interested in the whole genre of true crime a multitude of different cases whereas daniel was very particularly fixated on just cases where young boys had murdered other people and psychologists have looked at this and they believe that this is daniel trying to relate to that killer trying to see himself in their footsteps in their actions he's imagining himself as the killer and that's why he can only be interested in cases where he looks like the killer or relates to them in some way also on daniel's laptop police found that he actually ran his own youtube channel hello youtube this is daniel do here and it's finally happened i now have uh an imac i can now make bigger and better videos and this channel was almost entirely dedicated to posting violent murder and torture clips from like horror movies tv shows video games we'll talk a bit more about the youtube channel later but they found all those searches they found his youtube channel but that wasn't everything they also found that daniel bartlett was an avid creative writer he wrote stories he wrote screenplays and one of these screenplays was very specific and before i tell you what this screenplay was about i just want to let you know that daniel bartlam had actually tried to delete it from his laptop so it wasn't actually on there police had to go through all like the archives of deleted things so he was trying to hide this he was trying to get rid of this so daniel was very much into loads of soap shows like soap operas like coronation street eastenders and so he had written this screenplay as if it was coronation street introducing these new characters and their storylines so the main character was a teenage boy called daniel bartleum and daniel bartland's character in this show was that he was a serial rapist and he murdered his own mother and his mother was named jackie bartlett not only that he had murdered his mother in almost the exact same way that jackie butland was actually murdered in real life with a hammer the body was burned afterwards step by step this screenplay is almost identical to real life petrol pod on the body the body then set a light and eventually the story concludes that daniel bartlett gets away with murdering his own mother but it wasn't seeming like that was going to happen in real life so police confronted daniel bartlett about this and he kind of defended it and said well you know it's it's nothing deep i was just writing this screenplay and i just used our names because it was just easy they were just there he insisted that he and his mother had a good relationship and he was devastated at her loss he would never do anything like this but after speaking with people that knew the bartland family knew daniel and jackie best they found that this wasn't the case at all he actually had a pretty awful relationship with his mother he would shout at her scream at her start arguments every single day he was never physically violent i don't think i don't think he hit her or anything like that but he would definitely get up in her face like in her space intimidating her trying to scare her he knew how to manipulate jackie and he was very very controlling he did this a lot everything she did kind of had to be run by him first so moving house they wanted to move house but they couldn't go anywhere that daniel didn't pre-approve and jackie's new partner simon who was kind of daniel's stepfather he was all too familiar with this with daniel's bad behavior he literally witnessed daniel getting up in his mother's face you know shaking his fists at her and then later on that night she would just forgive him she was very lenient with him and simon said that as soon as the autopsy report came back that said that her cause of death wasn't actually the fire and it was murder simon said that straight away he kind of knew it had to be daniel he knew that it wasn't an intruder he knew that daniel had finally taken that extra step against his mother but where had this come from because as far as the rest of the world were aware you know his classmates family friends people that weren't in his immediate household 14 year old daniel bartlum seemed fine seemed like a normal boy he was a nice kid from a decent family you know how did it end up like this so he was born on november 11th 1996 and like i said very very normal family born to biological parents jackie and adrian and they were quite well off sent him to a private school cared for him looked after him everything there was absolutely no known abuse in his household at all no emotional abuse physical abuse neglect emotional neglect none of it the only thing that psychiatrists can pinpoint that could have been a little bit traumatic for him in his childhood was when his mother and father separated when he was around eight years old while jackie and adrian did everything that they possibly could to make sure that their children were comfortable and as happy as they could be through the divorce because you know it can be such a huge thing in a child's life even though they did their best this could have still left daniel with a lot of negative emotions that could have really affected him maybe he felt abandoned or uncertain or like life was so fragile and ready to break at any second and like if one little thing happens in his life everything's just gonna change and come crashing down it's hard to say exactly what was going on in daniel's mind through his parents divorce but this is the only real big thing that psychiatrists can pinpoint in his childhood that could have made him feel a certain way like this and i just want to clarify right now that these feelings are in no way an excuse for violence or any of the things that daniel did it's barely even an explanation because so many kids go through their parents divorcing i know so many people me myself and people don't turn out violent that's not something that triggers children to become violent it's the only explanation we've got and even then it's a reach and that's what's so extraordinary about daniel bartlam's case is that there's no explanation there's no there's seemingly no triggers no reasons anyway it was after his parents divorce that daniel actually had to leave his private school and go to a normal state school because his family couldn't afford to send him there anymore and daniel did not like this one bit he was very against going to a normal state school he felt like he was above them you know he had a real sense of entitlement even in his pre-teens like he was the boy with the money and this entitlement spread into other areas of his life as well i said earlier that he was very controlling of his mother she had to kind of run things by him before she could do anything and a big example of this was that simon and jackie of course they'd been together now for about three years they were looking at moving in together they were going to buy a house together sell both of their individual ones and get a bigger one together as a family but daniel kept getting in the way of that they'd been house searching for like a full year but every house that simon and jackie liked they would take daniel to go and see it and he'd be like no not this one don't like this one and that was it as soon as daniel said he didn't like it that's it they weren't moving there you know jackie was very adamant that she wanted her sons to be comfortable and happy this was another huge change in their life and they were both still so young so she wanted them to be positive about it and move into it positively if daniel didn't like the house she didn't want to force him to do that jackie was doing this from a place of love she wanted the best for her sons but daniel was doing this from a place of manipulation you know fair enough if he genuinely was not happy with the house but i think he just said it so many times just because he didn't want to move he liked his life he liked his house he liked his private school he liked everything how it was and his mother was trying to change that and he wasn't gonna let her so this is a 13 14 year old boy that is completely controlling his mother's life he doesn't like the house his mother can't move in with her new partner but we're getting a little bit ahead of ourselves here let's go back to when daniel was around 10 11 years old he didn't really have many friends in school and i don't actually think he wanted many friends in school he was quite a learner very to himself he well i said he saw himself as better than other people he had this superiority complex that i suppose he didn't want to be friends with the other kids because you know they're not good enough for him anyway the only people he ever really socialized with were the people at home his mother his stepfather and his younger brother who was about eight years younger than him so he didn't even really have much in common with dominic which by the way daniel was known to be pretty violent with his younger brother he would shrug it off like oh it was just player fighting you know boys will be boys all that kind of thing but keep in mind this age gap i keep saying it he was eight years younger than him so when daniel was 12 13 this child was like four or five this was not an equal play fight you know this is a preteen versus a toddler he would pinch him he would push him he would kind of dig him in the ribs whenever he would walk past him and dominic did absolutely nothing to provoke any of this you know he was four five like he wasn't of course he wasn't and simon matters had noticed that daniel only ever did this when his mother wasn't looking because he knew that it wasn't player fighting he knew that it wasn't right to be doing this to his little brother so he would do it when his mother wasn't looking but simon caught it by the age of like 12 13 that was when daniel started talking back to his mother in a really aggressive way i mean he'd always been cheeky and talked back to her but by the time he was 12 13 that was when he was getting up in a face waving his fists around there was one particular time that simon remembered this happening he was getting up in jackie's face and simon literally had to get between them and pull daniel away from his mother because he was scaring her and simon said that all of this just really affected jackie's mental health she was so stressed trying to care for these two boys that she was just mentally exhausted whenever daniel would do anything like this she wanted to kind of tell him off and get him to stop but she was so mentally worn down that she just let him do all this stuff she didn't want to cause even more confrontation if she was to tell him off when he was already in her face what was going to happen he could hit her he could you know get even worse he could get even louder he could do all kinds of things and she just thought it's not worth it i'm just gonna take it i'm just gonna let him shout at me until he's calmed down and then he'll leave jackie was really hoping that this was all just affairs that daniel was going through he was just becoming a teenager he's hormonal he'll grow out of it but simon saw a lot more like concerning behaviors in him that were more than just a phase like these were genuine red flags that jackie wasn't really noticing simon has since said in interviews that jackie didn't really take these red flags as seriously as she should have simon was telling her that these are really big red flags you know you need to do something he needs to go and see someone but jackie didn't want to cause all of this confrontation with him things like daniel drawing these horrific violent gruesome pictures of like teenagers stabbing other teenagers he would write fictional stories i already told you about the screenplay but that was one of many stories that daniel would write on his laptop and all of these stories were violent in nature you know there was one about a kid stabbing another kid when they got into a fight at school and he would like take these stories downstairs to his family and read them to simon and his mother jackie and neither of them liked it they were like daniel why why are you writing that kind of stuff like they would question him about it because they knew it wasn't right but at the same time jackie just kind of thought you know it's a teenage boy that's what teenage boys do a lot of teenage boys go through like an edgy dark phase where you know they're really into horror and you know it's just kind of them getting a grasp on the world i suppose i think she excused him a lot you know trying to rationalize his behavior as just being teenage boy behavior but simon saw it a lot more in the way of like red flags like no this is not normal teenage behavior this is him literally writing murder stories in his room every day daniel did have a lot of normal interests as well he liked doctor who star wars sci-fi kind of stuff but as he was getting older and older when he turned 13 and then eventually 14 these interests kind of took a back seat and in the front seat were horror movies true crime documentaries he was very very into graphic stuff like 18 plus rated video games movies he loved gore scenes torture scenes he like memorized these scenes as well he had particular favorite scenes that he would re-watch like he would go back to specific saw movies and just watch like his favorite scenes over and over again and these are also the scenes that he would clip and upload to his youtube channel and watching this kind of content in itself obviously doesn't drive people to murder there's been a huge debate about that for years and i think psychologists are finally seeing now that like you know violent content doesn't spur people on to do them things themselves but what psychologists have noted about daniel's case specifically is that he didn't have much else going on in his life other than this violent material you know it's fine to watch horror movies even like every week if that's your thing but as long as you've got a life going on around that that's not the only content that you're consuming whereas daniel he didn't really have any friends he didn't really socialize or do anything his only socialization was his family so he would come home from school hold himself up in his room and just watch all this violent gaur stuff that was his world even like dinner times he wouldn't spend dinner times with his family he would go downstairs get his plate of food and then take it back up to his bedroom and hold up in his room again sit and eat his dinner while he's watching these horror films he was immersed in this world of horror and god and violence to the point where that was his reality we can watch a horror movie and realize that that is not reality but when you're watching them all day every day pretty much he wasn't realizing that that's not reality like i said he was also very obsessed with syrup operas and the especially the dark storylines that surf operas often have like eastenders coronation street renowned for having like murders violence all sorts and a lot of the content that he would upload to his youtube channel outside of like the horror movie clips were clips from soap operas of like murder scenes he actually had one video on his youtube channel that was titled eastenders greatest moments but all of these clips i literally watched this video myself every single one was of a different fight a different murder someone pushing someone down the stairs there were shootings there was someone beating someone with a baseball bat someone pushed out of a window you know these are his greatest moments i think for anyone else if they were going to compile their greatest moments from a whole series there would be other things than just actual violence but for him those were his greatest moments and psychologists have also looked into daniel's obsession with soap operas and they believed that he really clung to things like eastenders and coronation street because they blended the violence that he loved in horror movies and reality soap operas are supposed to feel real they're all very normal characters very normal settings it's literally just a street and it's just people's lives on a street they're supposed to feel relatable whilst also having these crazy storylines like murders and shootings and throwing people out of windows but to daniel he is seeing this show that looks like real life everyone is so real they're all so normal but murder's also kind of normal in these shows before now murder had just been a thing that he'd seen in these really fake high production horror films that you know obviously are not reality but now he's seeing them in a realistic setting and that's blurring the lines in his mind so he's watching these shows where normal people are committing murders of other normal people and he's thinking i'm a normal person my life is normal so maybe i can do what they're doing and even worse in these shows a lot of the time they get away with murder as well so he's also seeing that and thinking i can do that and get away with it just like that character and daniel's particular favorite scene from coronation street and this is one that he's actually clipped and put on his youtube channel before i think it's actually been taken down i'm not 100 sure but this particular scene involved a man named john stipe murdering a girl called charlotte with a hammer he then manages to get away with the murder because at that same time there'd been a train wreckage in the town like a train crash and so he took charlotte's body after he'd already killed her and hid her body in this train wreckage so eventually when she was found it looked like that was how she died in this train crash so this is the kind of content that daniel bartlett is constantly consuming it's always about murder violence fear all that kind of stuff he's never consuming anything that's positive or even neutral there's never any just normal tv shows normal movies it's all this kind of stuff but a lot of this was actually going on behind closed doors i don't know how much his mother and simon knew of everything that he was watching because you don't kind of track every single thing that your child consumes on the internet that would be so hard to do and also i don't know quite annoying from a parent i don't quite think that jackie realized the extent of what daniel was kind of doing in his room i mean jackie and simon did know about some of the weird and concerning things that he would do but a lot of it went unnoticed for a long time for example there was one day that jackie and simon decided to go through jackie's house and do like full spring clean just get rid of a load of stuff that they no longer used clean the whole house and of course they did daniel's bedroom as part of this so they were going through his wardrobe his drawers clearing out all the toys he didn't use anymore things that were like too young for him clothes that didn't fit him and then at the back of the wardrobe simon discovered a pile of jackie's underwear her own 14 year old son had stolen her underwear and hidden it in his room and they'd been there for months jackie hadn't seen these particular pairs of underwear for months not only that they also discovered that daniel bartlamb had been urinating and defecating in his toy boxes he literally had an ensuite bathroom a literal his own private bathroom connected to his bedroom where he could go to use the toilet but instead he was doing it in like little boxes of like plastic toys like little star wars figures that his mother had bought him he was just urinating on them he'd also um wiped himself after these moments you know after defecating on his toys and he would like wipe himself with towels and then leave them in the room so like under his bed there were towels with his own human waist on them that had hardened and been there for months it just sounds horrific so a lot of psychologists have looked into this behavior because this is very unusual very interesting and they're quite polarized in how they see it there's two different ways that psychologists have seen this the first theory is that maybe this was daniel's next step at taking his anger out on his mother so the star wars figures that his mother had bought him they were the ones that he would urinate on and defecate on he's just trying to like take out that aggression that he has towards his mother on the toys because they're a reflection of her in his mind she bought them so now he's taking this out on the toys these toys represent his mother and represent his relationship with his mother and he is disrespecting them like this but the other theory that psychologists have come to is that maybe this is all just a cry for attention just a big big cry for attention i don't want to comment negatively on jackie bartlett's parenting at all in this video because i just simply don't know i wasn't there even news articles that i've read that seemed to want to comment on her parenting they weren't there no one knows what went on behind closed doors in this house but some professionals have suggested that perhaps there was an element of emotional neglect in daniel's life especially as he got a little bit older likely around the time of the divorce and the time the new baby came along his younger brother and maybe around the time that his mother met simon she just had a lot on her plate she had a lot going on that wasn't daniel anymore she was preoccupied she was stressed about this stressed about that caring for the newborn baby and maybe daniel felt he wasn't getting enough attention enough love enough eyes on him and so maybe that is why he started acting up like this because he wanted that attention from his mother whether it was positive or negative if he was gonna go and urinate all over his toys and she found that she would come to him and talk to him maybe have a go at him but even though it was negative attention it was still attention from his mother he was still trying to get that maybe he did all of these things just secretly hoping that his mother would find out maybe that's why he wrote all these violent stories and went and told them to her face because he was hoping that she would have something to say about it she would have an emotional reaction and kind of chat to him and ask why he's writing things like that they also think that this was his motivation for stealing her underwear as well whilst immediately like right off the bat it looks sexually motivated it looks like he's got a weird thing for his mother like very creepy some psychologists don't actually believe there was a sexual motive behind this although it does look that way they think again this was him just trying to get his mother's attention she'll notice all her underwears going missing she might ask him or she might you know stumble across it in her own time which she did maybe he was hoping that this was gonna get a reaction out of her but it didn't you know she found this underwear and she just kind of laughed it off with simon i don't think she ever actually brought it up to daniel but another example of this behavior that psychologists think was just daniel crying for attention was when he was about 12 or 13 he actually ran away from home it was in the middle of the night he just had another argument with his mother and he decided that he was gonna just take off he was just gonna go for a walk early hours of the morning pitch black alone and he was later found by police walking in the direction of his old house that he used to share with his mother and his biological father his first house that he grew up in and this is very significant because this is daniel trying to get back to that old life he's trying to go back to a place of comfort where everything was stable where everything was happy before the divorce before this new guy came into his life before maybe even slightly before his brother was born you know back when he was his parents full attention but before he was found by police when he ran away from home he had everyone out looking for him family friends neighbors everyone was just so caught up trying to make sure that this boy was safe and then eventually when he was and he was brought back home daniel just pretended like nothing had ever happened he just kind of went back to normal life one of the most concerning things that i found in my research was in the run-up to the murder so about a year before this happened daniel had actually began seeing his school counselor claiming that he was hearing voices he said that these voices would whisper to him all day every day telling him to hurt people to hurt people that have wronged him and he also had this big outburst in one of his classes where he was claiming that his school tie had come to life he was called fred and he was trying to kill him he was trying to strangle daniel and again this can be seen in two different ways you know maybe daniel was genuinely starting to hear voices and he needed better professional care than just a school counselor he needed like proper one-to-one work with a professional possibly some medication something like that he needed to be going through something a lot more intense like going to his gp getting put in the actual mental health services not just a school counsellor but other people have circled back to this theory of him just crying for attention and i feel uncomfortable saying that i always feel uncomfortable when this kind of thing comes up in videos of people faking mental illness or faking these kind of symptoms because you just don't know and i think there's a huge problem of people not believing the mentally ill when they say they hear voices or when they say this is how i'm feeling this is what's what i'm going through and people just think that they're lying especially a kid as well you know it's even harder for kids to be believed in terms of mental illness and things like that because they are often seen as just crying for attention but you know it is possible that this was for attention because he would have these episodes where he would hear voices and he would freak out and he would start screaming in the classroom because maybe he wanted his teacher's attention maybe he wanted his classmates attention he would literally just be sat there in the lesson and then all of a sudden he would start freaking out pulling on his tie claiming it was trying to kill him but he would never have these episodes when he was just sat alone in his bedroom you know what i mean it would always be around people that he would start hearing these voices like i say i personally don't want to make any comments on his potential mental illness because i simply just do not know but this is what some psychologists have said but personally what i think all of these behaviors all together you know hearing voices and these outbursts in class stealing his mother's underwear urinating defecating on his own toys hurting his younger brother i think all of it together should suggest some sort of mental illness or maybe a personality disorder some people have suggested borderline personality disorder some people have suggested schizophrenia but daniel bartlam didn't really get any kind of professional help in this way his school firmly suggested to jackie and simon that they take him to the doctors and get him properly seen but they didn't believe that he was hearing voices they were very reluctant to actually take him to the doctors because they believed that it was a cry for attention eventually they did take him to the doctors and he only had a couple of therapy sessions he was seen by a psychiatrist and eventually that psychiatrist relayed to jackie and simon that he didn't think that daniel was actually suffering with anything so the therapy sessions were very short-lived i think he only had like two or three and then he was disregarded by the mental health services which proved to be a very fatal decision but the fact of the matter is whether he was genuinely hearing voices or not you know say it was all a lie and say it was all just a cry for attention then maybe that child should still be seen by the mental health services because they're crying for attention for a reason maybe that's because they're not getting that attention at home or maybe that's because you know they have some degree of mental illness i think he should have still been seen personally but anyway that brings us back to the timeline fourteen-year-old daniel bartlett is now in the police station after being arrested on the suspicion of the murder of his own mother so he was held in police custody for some time while they were trying to gather all this evidence that they needed to say that he did it and the whole time he was maintaining his innocence police have no direct proof that he murdered his mother and that's what they need to be able to take this to trial but all they have right now is just circumstantial evidence you know the fact that the neighbor heard an argument and the screenplay that they found on his laptop no matter how damning that evidence sounds it's not direct proof that he actually acted on that story and actually carried that out in real life you know they either need forensic evidence like blood on his clothes or his dna on the handle of the hammer or something like that or they need a confession either of those will do so in the meantime as police were collecting this evidence daniel bartland was placed in kind of a youth offender cell block just to keep him until his trial and he didn't have the best time in this youth offender institution thing he was very argumentative he was a very angry guy of course he got into a lot of fights but it was one particular fight that he had with a teenage girl in this cell block that actually changed his life they got into this physical fight it was really bad the staff had to come over and like pull the two of them apart they were dragging daniel away and as they did he screamed out to this girl i could kill her just like i killed my mum an unofficial confession police already knew it was daniel that had done this police already knew he had killed his mother and now they had an unofficial confession it wasn't an official one so it couldn't really be used in court but they now had a basis to go off so they brought daniel back into the interview room and they wanted to talk about this unofficial confession and daniel decided as he sat there opposite the officers he decided the jig was up and he gave an official confession this time he said that he murdered his own mother jackie bartlet after a particularly heated argument where she had called him a [ __ ] freak and he said that this really hurt him he said that his mother intentionally used the word freak often against daniel because she knew that's what really hurt him he was quite insecure about the fact that he didn't have a lot of friends and he didn't have a social life and he was different to everyone else he had different interests and jackie knew that about him and she used that against him or at least this is what daniel said he said that she used that particular word to get a rise out of him he said that all day in the run-up to the murder he'd just been chilling in his bedroom it was a sunday so he'd been in there from morning till evening just watching horror films particularly the newest saw film at the time he'd watched them all back to back all day that was the only information the only content he was consuming all day and that was enough to put him in this violent frame of mind just in time for this argument and when this argument came about it all went the wrong way in his brain and daniel decided that he had finally had enough of his mother so he went outside to the garden shed grabbed a claw hammer went back inside the home went into her bedroom where she was now laying in bed and he beat her over the head with this hammer about eight times he said he then grabbed some newspaper and began wrapping his mother's body in it to make sure that she was as flammable as possible he knew in his head exactly what he was doing at every point during this murder he knew that now he'd killed her he had to get rid of her body he knew that he was gonna set her on fire he didn't even hesitate he didn't even think to do this any other way he'd imagined for years how he would murder his mother and he knew that this was how he was doing it so he wrapped all her body in newspaper grabbed some petrol i have no idea where he found this petrol i don't think police even know that but then he doused his mother in petrol the whole bed everything but he didn't set it on fire straight away he did all of that and then he went and jumped in the shower because presumably he probably had a lot of blood all over him from the murder he just committed so he jumped in the shower knowing that his mother was dead in the next room and his six-year-old little brother was just maybe asleep in his bedroom meanwhile daniel's just having a chill shower daniel then got changed into some clean clothes went back into his mother's room set her body and her bed on fire and then went into his six-year-old brother's bedroom grabbed him walked him outside went back in and got the dog and then acted like he was a victim and a hero so daniel tried to claim in his confession to the police that this was a spur of the moment thing you know it wasn't premeditated he just was so overwhelmed with emotion and anger from this argument that he just kind of snapped that's what he was trying to say but little did he know police had already found his laptop they'd already found this deleted screenplay that he tried to get rid of but didn't but police just knew they knew that this was something that he'd been planning for weeks he'd written it out in detail step by step everything that he was gonna do to his mother he'd been fantasizing about it for a long time this was no spur of the moment thing this was absolutely premeditated daniel was probably just waiting for the right moment to do it and as soon as simon matters his stepfather was working in a different city now was his chance in his trial daniel bartland's defense team tried to argue that his mother jackie was neglectful potentially even a bit abusive they tried to say that she was emotionally manipulative she didn't give daniel the attention he needed or deserved and when he was showing very clear symptoms of potential mental illness she didn't want to take him to the doctor she didn't take him to the doctor for a long time and when she did she didn't really fight for him to get any kind of help i mean they gave him two counselling sessions and she was like okay but all of this is very extreme like i say i don't want to comment on jackie's parenting but none of us know what happened behind closed doors they're two very different stories that people tell her family of course says she was the perfect mother but daniel and his defense said that she was an awful mother and you know you can't fully believe any side because there's three sides to every story this side decided the truth all i will say is that from my research i didn't find any evidence of intentional neglect or abuse from jackie but again that's only from my research and reading whatever i can read online i wasn't there so daniel was looking like he would potentially get a first degree murder charge in this trial and so his team were going to try and lower that to a second degree that would give him a lower sentence you know it would it was a slightly easier charge for him to get so the barrister went up started asking him a load of questions to try to prove that this wasn't premeditated because that's the difference between first degree murder and second degree murder was whether it was premeditated or if it was spur of the moment if it was premeditated then that's even scarier because they'd planned to do this whereas if it was spur of the moment they get a lesser charge because it was just the emotions of the moment so his barrister went up and asked him if he planned in advance to kill his mother that day of course the barrister was hoping that daniel was gonna say no because if he said yes then that's a definite first degree murder charge but he was hoping that daniel would say no but the answer that he gave was even more concerning he said that he wasn't planning to do it that night he didn't elaborate further on that but my own personal interpretation of that was that he knew that he was gonna end up killing his mother one day maybe he didn't think that that day was gonna be the day when he woke up maybe he wasn't thinking that by the end of the day this would have all happened but he knew that that was kind of how this relationship was gonna end that he was gonna murder his mother one day what if they hadn't gotten into that argument that night about the misplaced shoes would he have murdered her in a week or in a month or in a year's time would she still be here today or would he have you know found another argument to blame and then done it so the jury heard all of this evidence in this trial that you know daniel was claiming that he was an abused child and his mother was negligent but they didn't believe any of that because they'd heard the screenplay and they'd heard all of his search history and things and eventually they decided to find daniel bartlett guilty of first degree murder he was sentenced to life in prison with a minimum of 16 years due to the fact that he was a minor at the time of the murder i think he would have got a higher minimum if he would have been a few years older just before daniel bartlett left that courtroom that day he turned to simon matas who was in the gallery is that what they call it he turned to simon matters and went like this across his throat dragged his finger across his throat as if to say you're next simon matters has said in interviews that he's really concerned for not only his own safety if daniel ever gets out but you know the safety of society he thinks that daniel absolutely would kill again given the opportunity and he's particularly worried about daniel's younger brother dominic it seems that daniel had a lot of hostility towards dominic he would be violent to him at any chance that he could maybe he saw dominic as the thing that took his mother's attention away from him you know as soon as this baby was born his mother was half focused on the baby hopefully he will never be released from prison but if one day he is what if he's still holding this grudge against dominic something interesting to note here actually is that daniel bartlem as part of his trial he was seen by a load of different psychiatrists psychologists all of them assessed him and they all came to the same conclusion that he was not mentally ill at all after all the claims that he made all through his life about hearing voices and you know his tie trying to kill him professionals don't believe it professionals think that he was just crying for attention that whole time but that is all i have for this case thank you so so much for watching i really appreciate it thanks again to jun's journey for sponsoring this video remember if you want to download the game you can click the link down below in the description huge thank you to all of my channel members for helping me decide the cases that i cover especially my tier 2 members whose names are all on screen right now if you want to become a channel member you can just click the join button on a desktop or there'll be a link in the description of this video but yeah thank you so so much for watching if you enjoyed please leave a thumbs up down below because that really 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Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 1,850,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eleanor, neale, eleanor neale, eleanor neale true crime, eleanor neale makeup, mystery, unsolved, unsolved mystery, true crime, solved, documentary, killer, murder, serial killer, buzzfeed, buzzfeed unsolved, podcast, true crime podcast, bbc, itv, netflix, storytime, forensic files, 2020, crime watch daily, dateline, interview, news, creepypasta, horror, daniel bartlam, jacqui, jackie, jacky, bartlam, daniel, coronation street, coronation street killer, eastenders, kids who kill, jo frost
Id: hIkKNHwtZvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 8sec (3488 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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