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so today's video is going to be another solved true-crime cares if I we get into this video I do just want to give a warning right in the beginning I'm not gonna give another one in throughout this video so this is you want in that this case is about a child and it involves domestic abuse of both a child and in a relationship so if any of that is triggering to you clip out this video now no worries there should be another one up on my channel very soon you can watch the last video I uploaded that one didn't involve any themes of children on domestic abuse but yeah that's the only one in that I'm gonna give it this video so feel free to click out but if not I just want to give my usual disclaimer that I mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone that I talk about in this video this video is made for educational purposes and everything that I'm about to say is just information that I have found on the internet and I'm compiling into one video so today we're going to be talking about a girl named Judith Barsi she was a 10 year old rising Hollywood star that I think quite a lot of you might recognize maybe not like visually recognized but you might recognize her work especially if you're an 80s 90s baby if you like my age or older you will probably have watched some of the things that Judith isn't so Judith even bossy was born on June 6 1978 in Los Angeles California to her parents Maria and Joseph Maria and Joseph were both Hungarian immigrants that fled to the US separately following the 1956 Soviet occupation and the two of them met a bar in Los Angeles Maria was a waitress at this bar and it was frequented by a lot of immigrants it was immigrant Ron and Maria and knew all the regulars and whatever and then suddenly this guy comes in that she's never met before and he seems amazing he's confident he's loud he seems rich he pays for pretty much all these drinks with $100 bills which is not seen that often in this bar and Maria was single and she was looking to start a family very soon saying that she was looking to marry into wealth but if you wanting kids and you wanting a good life for your kids and this man seems like he can provide that she was very attracted to him and this seemingly rich confident powerful loud man was Joseph and he'd taken a liking to Maria as well he liked that they were both from Hungary so they had that in common they had a lot in common but they were also just very different from each other in the upbringing that they had in Hungary Maria had grown up quite wealthy she was born into wealth not like ultimately rich but she'd had a very good upbringing very comfortable she had everything she ever wanted whereas Joseph was the complete opposite his family was very poor they didn't live in a very nice area and Joseph had a hard life before he met Maria not just because he was from a poor family but because he was tormented at school as well for a multitude of reasons partly because they were poor but partly because his father wasn't in the picture and the children at school used to make fun of him for that for not having a dad and this really rarely got to Joseph he had really low self-esteem from that point on for the rest of his life he would often turn to alcohol at times of distress to comfort him I don't think he was ever an alcoholic like I don't think it ever turned into an addiction but just a very unhealthy coping mechanism when Joseph left school he never really had any like major ambitions he just kind of went into the first career that presented itself and that was to be his life when he fled Hungary he originally went to France and then he went to New York and then he was in Arizona for a little bit and then he eventually settled in Los Angeles which is where he was fitted to meet Maria the two of them fell in love and got married in 1977 and very quickly and somewhat unexpectedly they started a family Maria discovered that she was pregnant shortly after the wedding and on June 6th of 1978 judith Eva basi was born she was their only child but she was their absolute pride and joy like especially Maria she was so excited to have a little girl like a little mini-me that she could dress up and do a hat everything well I say Judith was their only child she was Maria's only child however Joseph had two other children to a previous marriage that will get more into in a minute but they were living in a different day so for all intents and purposes in this household it was just Joseph Maria and Judith Judith was known to be a very kind-hearted very sweet little girl her neighbors actually described her as having the manners of an angel her favorite colors were pink and purple her favorite flower was a sunflower she loved Cabbage Patch dolls she loved Care Bears she loved The Smurfs her favorite pastime activity was playing outside she just loved being out in the Sun it was always very good weather where they left and she just loved being out there she made friends on her street when they eventually moved to a house in the first half of her life they lived in a very small apartment the family was not well-off at all but once they moved to a bigger house and she had a garden and she made friends and stuff her and her friend used to love going out and playing under the sprinklers in the gardens they used to put their little swimsuits on and just like running through the sprinklers so something about Maria Judith's mother is that she always wanted to be an actress or a celebrity just in general she just loved everything about that about Hollywood about like the celebrity lifestyle as a lot of people do I think a lot of people want to be rich and famous however at this point she kind of realized that that ship had sailed for her she'd had a baby she had responsibilities she had you know a husband not that her husband would stop her but you know I mean she'd kind of cemented her life in what it was and she felt like it was too late for her to go and try and do that herself and Joseph had made it very clear to Maria that he wanted her to be a stay-at-home mother like a housewife and she was happy to do so rather than go out and get a job and Judith be somewhere else chairing the day like with someone looking after her she would much prefer to be at home with her daughter however Maria saw opportunity in jr. Judith could be trained to be the perfect little actress and during the day because she wasn't like in she began training Judith to be a little Hollywood superstar and so from the age of five that Maria would give Judith kind of acting lessons singing lessons she would help her pronounce her words she would help her with her posture with her dancing and stuff like that and I don't want that to come across in like an abusive way as far as I could tell Judith really enjoyed doing this she was never forced to do anything I just don't want it to come across as the Maria was a very like controlling mother that's fast Judith to do all this because I really don't think that was the case and people would tell Maria like it's really unlikely that Judith is ever gonna make it the chance is a one-in-a-million of someone becoming an actor or you know a superstar but Maria really thought that her daughter had something special and she was right Judith's big break came when she was just five years old the family was out at an ice skating rink and it just so happened that a TV crew was there on the same day shooting a commercial one of the casting directors that was working with the TV crew spotted Judith and thought that she was perfect for another commercial so this casting director went over to talked with the family and they got Judith an agent that same day or the day after and she got that commercial that the person director was casting for it was for Donald Duck orange juice and Judith did such a good job that they actually brought her back in for repeat commercials with the same brand mom and dad come up with Donald Duck is 102 except for your orange juice we don't know what to do with them anymore and these commercials just completely opened the doors for Judith to a potentially very long and fruitful career in acting she landed over 70 different roles in TV shows and films and commercials which we'll get into more in a second by the age of seven years old Judith Barsi was making over $100,000 a year and this extra income every year allowed the family to move from that very small apartment that they were living in to a three-bedroom house in Los Angeles in a really nice suburb and everyone was just very happy Judith was very happy with a job joseph was happy maria was happy being a shaman so Judith bar sees first TV role was in a TV series called fatal vision and she followed that up with a bunch more promising performances in a bunch of other things she was in the twilight zone punky brewster Cagney and Lacey growing pants and elsewhere she was in so many that I'm not just gonna sit here and list them off but the three roles that Judith Barsi is probably best known for first of all her role in Jaws the revenge she played a little girl named Theia Brody this had coffee in the thermos and the other two her other two biggest roles that she ever had were actually voice acting roles which is why I said you might not recognize her but you might know her work she was in the Land Before Time that dinosaur moving and she voiced joking I'm not alone like I'm a big mouth but I am all alone oh yes I do I do and she was also in all dogs go to heaven where she voiced a girl called Anne Marie Charlie well I ever see you again sure you know goodbyes are forever and goodbye Charlie I love you and between all of those roles and TV shows and films judith was also just in a lot of commercials she did commercials for McDonald's Liz Jeff peanut butter Campbell's Soup she was actually very very tiny for her age was Judith which made her very in demand because she was 5 but she had the stature of a 3 year old so obviously when you look into cast the role of a 3 year old a 5 year old that looks 3 is gonna have a lot more understanding and a lot better acting skills most likely been an actual three year old at one point Judith was actually put on hormone treatment at a university I don't think it really did anything she was just very tiny all her life when she was 10 she was still playing parts of like six seven year olds so I mean I suppose it did well for her career but she was just a very tiny little girl can I do something and I come back here no Liz I like punky I want to help her so Judith is becoming more and more successful she's anymore Ammar money her and her mother a trouble in the world for these parts however at this point her father Joseph was becoming quite bitter about his daughter's success of course this was a 6 7 8 year old girl that was earning way more than he ever has in his life I think Judith made him feel very unsuccessful and he was very bitter about that and this bitterness started coming out in little snappy comments he started being kind of mean to his daughter one of their neighbors has actually told a story about one time when Judith was out in the garden with a kite she must have been quite loud or you know as kids are when they're playing outside they're loud and Joseph storms out of the house walked up to Judith and grabs this kite from the air and pulls it down and Judith starts crying saying no you're gonna break it like the careful and Joseph turns to Maria who was also in the garden and says look she's a spoilt brat she won't share her toys and so to teach her a lesson he grabs this kite and breaks it into pieces in front of Judith and the neighbors had always had a feeling about Joseph bossy as soon as they moved into this house he got a big kind of spiked friend's put up around the property which was odd because none of the houses that I really had fences like I said this was a very safe very nice area of Los Angeles and no one I don't know why do you need a spiked fence outside your house and with this bitterness over Judith's career Joseph began drinking quite heavily he was arrested on multiple occasions for driving under the influence and he just never learned from that and then he would come home from these drunken nights at the bar and just take out his frustrations on his wife and daughter mainly on his wife Maria he was just a very aggressive drunk not necessarily violent but she's very aggressive very loud very angry just not nice to be around well how did there been any warning signs that Joseph would turn out like this and this was the first time she'd seen him like this bear in mind had been married for at least five years and been in a relationship for a year before that she'd never seen him like this and she'd never seen anyone in science before but that's because he left that part of him and that part of his life in a different state when he moved to Los Angeles maybe had she known his past and his aggressiveness maybe she wouldn't have fallen in love with it maybe she wouldn't have got married to him and maybe she wouldn't have had a baby with it his old friends that he had in New York knew him to be quite an aggressive guy especially after he'd had a drink he was always getting into bar fights at one point he was temporarily blind in one eye from a bar fight and he would just pick fights with people in these bars it wasn't like it was a long time feud Oliver didn't matter who it was didn't matter what they're done he just wanted to fight he just liked argument he just liked causing a scene and he would just do it for no reason so like I said Maria wasn't Joseph's first wife so when he first left Hungary he fled to France where he met his first wife Clara who was also another Hungarian immigrant that had fled to France the two of them ended up moving to New York together to our life and start family and the two of them had two children and again this relationship became abusive in a very similar way to the woman with Maria it was very gradual to the point where they don't even realize that it's getting abusive until it's like badly abusive you know at first it was just like snappy comments and stuff like that and then it led to actual aggressiveness and then actual violence it was particularly bad when he would drink so when Clara first realized that this relationship was getting abusive she still didn't really want to leave Joseph because she wanted that family unit for her children however the focus of the abuse gradually moved from Clara on to their children and that was when Clara knew that she had to take these kids and get away from Joseph and start a new life with the children he would threaten to burn the house down with all four of them in it and at this point their children were getting a little bit older they were like teenagers and Clara would express to her own daughter who was in her early teens that she was scared of her father and that she was scared that he was gonna kill them all so Clara took the children and took them to Arizona away from Judith and he actually followed them there and he was begging Clara for a second chance like he was gonna change he was gonna stop drinking but Clara knew that he wasn't and she knew that this had gone too far and when it finally got to the point where Joseph accepted that there was nothing that you could do and the Clara was never gonna back down and take it back he got violent he threw a cast-iron pan at Clara's face and left her with a huge black eye and then decided that he would restart a life for himself in Los Angeles away from his past so when he moved to Los Angeles and he met Maria all of his past and his reputation and everything was behind him he could completely reinvent himself he was no longer that guy that fought people in the bar he was no longer the man that beat his wife he was confident loud wealthy Josef he was very very good at hiding it and Maria herself was pretty vulnerable when it came to male figures in her life she'd been abused in the past I believe by her own father she probably also wasn't as likely to pick up on the warning signs as other people because this was stuff that she was used to this was stuff that she'd grown up around Joseph even sent so blatantly to his friend's stuff like I'm gonna kill that hog one of these days I'm gonna kill her and his friends just kind of brushed it off they never took him seriously because he said this stuff so often that they just thought it was a very exaggerated comment made you know guy you know like when you haven't an argument with someone and you're like oh my god I'm gonna kill her that's what they thought it was they never thought that there was any truth behind that but things just kept getting worse and worse and even more serious on occasion he even took Maria to their garage that at the house where they lived and he showed of this extensive collection of like jerry cans of gasoline that he'd been saving and he said if you ever try and leave me i'm gonna burn the house down with all three of us in it to like scare maria and to stay with him because he knew that he was abusive and he knew that she didn't want to be with him he would threaten maria with a lot of different things to be honest saying that he would kill her that he would kill himself that he would kill all three of them he even said a few times that he would kill himself and Judith and leave Maria alive to suffer without them and it's not even like Maria was secretive about this with her friends like she would tell them how much of a bad person Joseph was and that it was aggressive and violent when he was drunk and that he would threaten her all these times Joseph actually missed Judith's eighth birthday party they like hide out a bowling alley and she had loads of friends from school there loads up on friends loads of like other mums were there and when the mums realized that Judith's father wasn't there they asked Maria like Oh where's Joseph and she said always stayed at home to get drunk instead of coming to his daughters eighth birthday party and because Maria would say these things so often her friends never thought too much into it I think it was one of those tuitions where people talk about something really really deep but they make such kind of casual comments about it that you don't think it bothers them too much if you know what I mean I think it was one of those situations and so Maria's friends never really tried to help her Oh kind of push her to get help herself in December of 1986 when Judith was eight years old her mother Maria made her first police report against her husband Joseph Fozzie saying that he physically abused her police arrived at the house Maria told them the story about how Joseph had punched her in the face and choked her and strangled her however police found no evidence of this now we don't know what no evidence means like that just wasn't marks on Maria I suppose but either way as soon as police were there Maria decided to drop charges against Joseph and said I know it doesn't matter just you know leave us we can deal with this after this incident Joseph supposedly stopped drinking I mean he'd been in trouble with police quite a few times for his like drunk driving and now this that I think he kind of realized and stopped drinking however even though the drinking stopped the abuse continued and actually got worse so Joseph of course being a very controlling husband would open all of Maria's mail and read it before he would give it to her and give her a chance to read it and this one time Maria receives a letter from her family back in Hungary and this letter was involved in her that one of her immediate family members had passed away and that there was gonna be a funeral back in Hungary within like the next week and could she attend it so Joseph saw this letter and panicked thinking that if Maria wanted to go to Hungary to this funeral she'd want to take Judith with her and if the two of them had left him who knows what happened maybe it wouldn't come up he just didn't want to let them out of his sight just you know and to be sure so he hint this letter from Maria and I don't know if she ever found out that that family member had passed away and that she'd missed the funeral despite her very distressing harm judith attended school every single day she went to a public school you know to kind of maintain a normal life and normal friends outside of her job in school she would draw happy little pictures of her and her mother playing together and none of her teachers ever suspected a thing however around this stage Judith's friends were becoming increasingly aware of what was going on because judith was quite open about things I think because she didn't realize that her dad probably didn't want her to tell people I don't think she realized it was a secret or that her dad wanted it to be a secret and so she would tell her friends like sometimes my daddy shouts at me and sometimes my daddy throws things at me and my mom she would tell her friends about one time that he threw pots and pans at her and gave her a bloody nose and her friends would be coming afraid of her father as well because they just didn't want to be around him all these things that Judith was telling them they just didn't want to be around him they never wanted to go to a house they never wanted to like knock on the door and see if she was playing out in case her father answered one of the children that used to play with Judith when the way young remembers a story of one time she went and knocked on the door and asked if Judith was playing out and her father answered and he was drunk and he was making some horrible remarks about Judith Colin and Eames and then he was like she's at a photo shoot and then just shut the door and the fact that he was saying things like that about his daughter to another 6 7 8 year-old child is just insane as the months went on Joseph's abuse got worse and worse and the focus was coming more onto Judith as well up until now it had been mini maria mainly his wife however it was getting to the point where he was becoming quite physically violent with Judith as well there was one time where he allegedly threw her to the ground by her hair like Groucho ponytail pulled it and threw her on the floor and gave her a bloody nose and to make up for this incident he allegedly bought her a pink TV to go in her room as like a apology present one day in 1987 Judith was 9 years old at this point and she was packing getting ready to go away to film jaws the revenge like I said they were filming that in the Bahamas it was just gonna be her and Maria that they were they were gonna be gone for a while I don't know how long they were gone and filming far but it was quite a while so Judith's getting really excited in her bedroom she's packing the suitcase full of all the favorite outfits meanwhile Joseph is getting angry he storms into this room that Judith is in pack in her case he slams the door behind him and then he goes up to his 9 year old daughter and puts a knife to her throat and he says to Judith if you and your mother don't come home after shooting this movie I'm gonna cut you throw up and then he leaves the room he threatened his 9 year old daughter with a knife because he knew that her mother would probably try and escape given any chance so anyway Judith and Maria get to the Bahamas they're having a really great time on the set of this movie and because Judith is only 9 years old there's certain rules and laws as to how like much octants you can do in one day she can only do a few hours a day because it is work it's classes work and she's a very young child so they've only got a few hours on set every day and so for a lot of the time that they weren't filming they were just on the beach they had like a private beach I think for all the cast and Maria was bonding with all these are the women on set because she wasn't really around women all that much because she was a stay-at-home mother so she was enjoying making friends and she starts opening up to the mall about Joseph and about the abuse and about how she didn't want to go home she was scared to go back home to him and at first these women have really concerned for her and the same will dog they'll go back like go and start a new life somewhere you've got your daughter you've got a suitcase all the things just go and start a new life and Maria is like yeah I okay I'm gonna do it but then the next day and she's talking about going back to Joseph again and this continued every single there and no matter how much the woman's supported her and you know helped her and tried to help her come up with a plan it was obvious that Maria was going back to Joseph and so before long these women on the set started to almost ignore what Maria was saying they were they were talk to her they wouldn't physically ignore and should not talk to that but their work is concerned because they felt as though it was for attention because she was just completely disregarding what they were saying to her one of the women that was onset described it as a very kind of the boy who cried wolf situation like they just felt like before long she was exaggerating she liked the attention and they weren't going to give it to her anymore so none of them realized it was quite as serious as it was which is so sad to think that she was physically like flat-out telling these women what was going on and they were just kind of pushing it off so because of these fears that Maria was having about going back home to Jersey they decided well Maria decided that her and Judith would stop off at Maria's brother's house on the way back her Maria's brother when he fled Hungary he went straight to New York where as Maria went to LA so she hadn't seen her brother in a long long time I don't think Judith had ever met her uncle Maria's brother so they were there for a few days after they came home from the Bahamas and somehow Joseph found out and Joseph called Maria at this house in New York and asked to speak to Judith and once she was on the phone to Joseph he said something to the effect of do you remember what I said was gonna happen if he didn't come home and so after this phone call Judith when I told her mother what her father had done before they left for the Bahamas and the next day they were on a plane back to LA at this stage in their relationship Joseph actually began seeing other women outside of his marriage he still wanted Maria he still wanted his wife at home but he also wanted his affairs on the side and he was making these women his girlfriends not just like sleeping with different women outside of his marriage he had full-on other girlfriends that he would buy gifts for he would take places but he refused to leave Maria and he told her that she couldn't leave him or he would kill her so she was forced to stay in this marriage where her husband was being unfaithful and she decided that she would now try everything in her power to make Joe if leave her if she couldn't leave him she wanted to make him leave her willingly you know so Maria stopped caring for herself physically as much she didn't make herself look pretty all the time like she normally did she stopped cleaning the house she stopped tidying up the house looked disgusting I've seen videos of it there was just stuff everywhere plants everywhere just a mess and Maria hoped that it would get to the point where Joseph just couldn't take living there anymore and that he would maybe move out with his new girlfriend or just at least leave Maria but none of it worked and at this point even the neighbors were getting very concerned because there were the people that Maria was closest to because she wasn't really allowed to leave the house without Joseph so she would tell the neighbors certain things and they were very aware that this was not a good home situation and even the neighbors were offering them like a safe haven at their house like they were saying to Maria if you want to take Judith and hide at our house until you find your own place you can do that but Maria declined all the offers she just wanted to stay there she wanted to stay at her own house and she wanted Joseph to leave of his own accord and soon this abusive home life was taking a physical toll on little Judith she began getting wet she began pulling her eyelashes out kind of like a nervous thing she began pulling the whiskers off her cat and it got to the point that Judith was auditioning for all dogs go to heaven a part that she actually got and she actually starred in that movie but she was having one of the auditions for it I think it was a singing audition and she just breaks down in the middle of this audition unprovoked nothing had happened to make her you know start cracking but she did she started crying she couldn't speak through her tears she was hyperventilating she couldn't get any words out to tell anyone what was wrong and this doesn't happen to nine-year-old girls very often yes children cry a lot but not unprovoked not in the middle of an audition she'd never done anything like this before and so her agent Ruth Hanson was actually with her at this audition and she thought something's not right here because she'd also noticed that she did wear that she was like pulling on her eyelashes when she was waiting for her audition and stuff so she knew that something wasn't right with this child and so the agent got Judith Barsi in with a child psychologist to see what was going on and after just one hour session with Judith this child psychologist identified that Judith was severely physically and mentally abused child and at the end of the session they actually got Child Protective Services involved so Child Protective Services bring Maria in and they're like look people tell us what's going on what what's happening to your child and Maria sat and she told them all of this stuff about Joseph and then she was like but don't worry I'm gonna divorce Joseph and I'm gonna move out I've already got a place for me and Judith to move to as soon as I break up with Joseph Maria had actually been renting an apartment for I think a couple of weeks at this point just a random apartment in a place called panorama city and she'd been taking Judith during the day when she hadn't had work or school our auditions or anything they would tell Joseph that they were busy with some kind of audition or some kind of work and she would just take Judith bad just for kind of a save him and during the day so why that they could both go and not be around Joseph Joseph didn't know that any of this was going on in the evenings they would go home to Joseph and live life as if nothing had happened you know and Maria just basically said to the kind of social worker she was like look I've got this place that me and Judith are ready to move into I just need to start the divorce proceedings so the social worker believed her she believed that Maria was gonna follow through with her word and she dropped Judith's case now there's been a lot of debate about whether this social worker should have dropped the case or not but just for some background information this particular social worker was very very over capacity with the amount of cases that they actually had at that time so I think the maximum amount of cases that a social worker was supposed to have in this particular time or whatever was 50 and this person had 67 cases so of course they're trying to get rid of 17 cases as quickly as they can so that they can give all the other ones like more attention and when a parent of a child is physically renting another place and saying look take my word for it I'm gonna divorce this man we're gonna move into this place it looks as though Maria is putting the steps in place to get Judith to safety and so this social worker believed her and dropped the case everyone was gonna have their own opinions on that feel free to talk about it in the comments but that's what happened and Child Protective Services were no longer involved with Judith Barsi everyone close to Maria was urging her and encouraging her to go through with this plan to divorce Joseph to go to this flat and start a new life just her and Judith and so Maria was ready she was thinking about doing it and everything and she begins packing up stuff at their house to take to this new flat she wanted to do it like bit by bit so that Joseph didn't notice things in the house going missing so on this particular day July 10th of 1988 Maria is packing some boxes putting them in her car and she sets off to the apartment in Panorama City to go and drop them off however this time Joseph follows her there when they got there Maria got out of the car she began taking these boxes inside and Joseph comes out this Karen and confronts her and he's like what the hell are you doing where is this like what are all these boxes and Maria is able to quickly comment down and she says ah ah I'm just helping my friend move like these are her boxes they've been in my car for a while I was just bringing them here I was gonna leave them here for her to take inside and luckily Joseph believed it and they were both able to go home and everything was fine and he never found out about the apartment however at this point Joseph knew where this apartment was like if suddenly Maria and Judith went missing he would probably go straight back he would still have his suspicions about that so now Maria felt like her plan was partly foiled and she would tell that to the friends and family that were encouraging her to go through with it and they were like just do it anyway I'll just get a different apartment or whatever and she was now having a change of heart was Maria about this whole situation because she was thinking if she divorces Joseph then he gets to keep all their assets he will keep the three-bedroom house when she wanted the three-bedroom house now I don't want to talk badly about Maria here but her priorities seem to be a very questionable place she didn't want to leave Joseph and take Judith to safety because she wanted the big house and she wanted all the jewelry and all stuff like that that you know Judith's jobs had paid for I could understand one in the house I can understand not wanting to go and live in a tiny apartment when Judith had to earn that house she'd earned all the money to buy that house but if your daughter's life and your life are at risk but like Eva Maria's friends were saying come on you've got to do what's right for Judith and they were wondering why Maria was so concerned with all these materialistic possessions rather than her daughter's safety but of course she isn't to blame for anything that we are about to talk about because she never could have asked what was gonna happen around this point in the case Judith had begun go into a family friend's house she would like cycle there almost every single day she would spend hours there at a time she would eat food there and stuff and I think this family friend it was a couple I think they kind of knew what was going on at home and they didn't mind Judith spending so much time at their house because they knew what she was going through at home and so if Judith wanted to spend four hours there every night they were letting her because they wanted her to have that time away from Josie but on this one particular night in July of 1988 she told this couple that she didn't want to go home she was scared to go home because daddy always threatens to kill mummy and these family friends were very concerned about this but at the same time there as everyone else did they thought that those words were kind of Mg angry exaggerated threats and it was the same with Joseph's friends as well they would do the same thing so Joseph had this friend called Peter that he was particularly close to and he would say to Peter all the time like I'm Oh Maria I'm gonna kill Maria 1 there and pizza of course didn't think that he was being serious he didn't think that he was actually gonna kill her and so sometimes he would try and challenge this thought process and be like well if he did that what happened to the little one meaning Judith and Joseph would say well I guess I'm just gonna have to kill her too so Judith Eva bar sees final acting role was as the voice of Anne Marie in all dogs go to heaven which was actually directed by the same man that directed The Land Before Time where Judith voice Dookie I have a quote from the director of those films he was called Don Bluth he said she was absolutely astonishing she understood verbal direction even for the most sophisticated situations and he said that he had plans to cast Judith as you know other roles in his upcoming projects because he believed in her so much and because she had so much talent and because she was just such a natural little star I'm June 6 1988 Judith Eva bossy turned 10 years old and they had a little bit of a party at their house and mother was there her father was there other family members were there over the next month or so the weather was amazing in LA it was the middle of summer and it was just always really sunny and so Judith was out on her bike all the time she was out in the sprinklers with her friend like I said she just spent a lot of time outside playing I'm July 25th of 1988 the neighbors saw little 10 year old Judith bars a plane outside on her little pink bike and she was having the time of her life in the sunshine and then that evening Maria put students to bed Maria goes to bed herself and leaves Joseph in the living room drinking watching TV this happened the most nights however this night was very different Joseph waited until he was sure that Maria and Judith were both asleep and then he goes to the closet in his bedroom where he keeps his guns he gets out a 32 caliber pistol and sets off to Judith's room she was peacefully asleep in her bed when Joseph crept in the room pointed the gun right at her head and shot killing her instantly in her sleep now this gunshot woke Maria up and she got up straight away as she knew exactly what that sound was and she ran out ran into the hallway and by then Joseph had come out of Judith's room and he was making his way to her they met in the hallway and there was some kind of struggle and she was probably trying to push past him to get to Judith's room and he was trying to push her on the floor and eventually he got her on the floor and shocked Maria in the head as well killing her instantly now for the next two days Joseph bazi continued life as normal in this house without telling anyone what had happened without even so much as moving the bodies he left one body in Judas bedroom on one body in the hallway and just lived his life the following morning Judith was actually supposed to be at a recording session for all dogs go to heaven and of course when she didn't turn up the studio got in contact with her agent and they were like where's Judith so Ruth calls the barsy household and of course Jersey picks up the phone and he says a black car came and picked up Judith and Maria earlier that day but he didn't know where they were going or what it was for and that he'd actually moved out of the house now but he just came back to say goodbye to his baby girl on the morning of July 27th 1988 so remember the murders happened on July 25th so this is two days later one of the bar C's neighbors called Eunice was actually out in her garden that morning watering her plants about half-past seven in the morning when she hears an explosion and it seems to be coming from the barsy household so she calls name on one and by the time she gets off of that phone call she looks over at the bassy house and she sees smoke billowing out of the windows already and so she does what she can't Eunice is quite an old woman and she does what she can with her garden hose trying to put out this fire that is coming out of the house eventually the fire department get there and they put out this fire and Pfizer's go inside to assess the situation inside the house firefighters found three dead bodies the body of Judith aged ten the body of Maria is 48 and the body of Joseph aged 55 so from crime scene evidence it was clear that gasoline had been used to create this fire there was Vaseline residue all over both women's bodies there was a gasoline cap found just a few feet away from Judith's body so it seemed like he'd taken off the cap and started there the explosion that eunice had heard that morning actually turned out to have been a gunshot rather than an explosion it was Joseph Fosse taking his own life with that SCIM 32 caliber pistol that he'd used to kill his wife and daughter so the next morning the news broke that this browsing star Judith Barsi had been murdered by her own father and as I'm sure you can imagine this was a huge story this was big big news Judith Barsi herself wasn't necessarily a celebrity but the things that she'd been in the shoes and the films and stuff there were all very famous stuff and so when the news broke that this little girl has starred in all of these household names had been murdered you know it was really really big news and everyone was talking about it and one of the things that all these news articles were clinging to that is actually really eerie in retrospect is the first TV show that Judith ever started it was called fatal vision and fatal vision was based on a real true crime story of a man named Jeffrey R McDonald who was a US Army soldier who murdered his pregnant wife and two daughters and Judith Barsi played one of his two daughters it's just a very sad foreshadowing of what was to become of her own life and her own death surprisingly Judith and Maria Bazzi didn't have headstones for their graves for 16 years they were just buried in unmarked graves for 16 years that was until two 2004 when fans of Judith and just true crime enthusiasts in general all crowd funded enough money enough donations to get the two girls headstones for their graves so now the two of them have nice little engraved headstones there in adjoining plots in this cemetery is it's a nicer ending than what was for 14 years 16 years the last film that Judith ever starred in like I said was all dogs go to heaven however unfortunately she never got to see that film because it was released in the November after she passed away but the credits song for that movie is there love survives and it was actually written for and dedicated to Judith now I know you save here in mine you will always be with me never be apart of course in the aftermath of this case Child Protective Services had a lot to learn so far like why was Judith's case dropped so easily why was that social worker so overworked like how was that allowed to happen that they were just dropping cases that they were only just taking on of course there's not much that they can do if there aren't enough social workers to take on the work and they've got to kind of do stuff like that it was just kind of a big wake up call as to how they should go about dropping cases they should probably be more clearing guidelines in terms of that of course it wasn't the social workers fault of course it was no one's fault no one was supposed to know that this was gonna happen in fact this case is one of the very few examples where everyone did everything right almost you know Maria was telling people about the abuse Child Protective Services were brought in like people were aware that this was going on yet somehow this still happened just a little fact to end this video on the house that the murder-suicide took place in was actually repaired after the fire it was repainted and everything and now there's a new family living in there after I finished filming and editing this video I actually came across this article that says that the family that moved into the barsy house actually claimed that it's haunted whether you believe in the paranormal and ghosts and stuff like that is you know your choice to make but I just thought it was interesting to put this in the video the family claimed that they have no idea of the history of the house they had no idea who he belonged to they had no idea that there was two murders and a suicide that took place there and they claimed that ever since they moved in they just felt this really dark presence and they would feel cold spots around the house and the garage door would open and close by itself specifically the father of the family whenever he's in this one specific hall where he always feels like someone is stood behind him which is especially interesting because that's where Maria was killed and like I said they had no idea of the history of the house and one day one of the members of the family was speaking to the neighbors and they were telling them all these weird things that were going on in the house and the neighbor was like well you do know what happened in that house before you moved in and then that is how they learned of the double murder-suicide so whether you believe all that or not is completely up to you I just thought it was quite interesting to put in here but yeah that can please this case that is everything I have on this one subscribe down below if you want to see some more like this I'm always uploading new case videos so thank you so so much to all of my channel members on both tier 1 and tier 2 for their support with the channel anyway thanks so much for watching and I will see you in the next one bye [Music] I [Music]
Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 2,076,382
Rating: 4.9423804 out of 5
Keywords: eleanor, neale, eleanor neale, eleanor neale true crime, mystery, unsolved, unsolved mystery, true crime, solved, documentary, killer, murder, serial killer, buzzfeed, buzzfeed unsolved, podcast, true crime podcast, bbc, itv, netflix, storytime, forensic files, 2020, crime watch daily, dateline, interview, news, creepypasta, horror, judith barsi, barsi, jozsef, father, the land before time, ducky, all dogs go to heaven, child star, child, actress, movie, film, anne-marie, jaws, the revenge, thea brody, barzi
Id: ILwq09TiNGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 42sec (2802 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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