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so today's video is going to be another solved true crime case before I get into it I just want to say that we are currently having a lovely little storm in England right now I think it's all over the UK but if you can hear it on the window I'm sorry you can't really do anything about it you know obviously maybe it makes it a bit more atmospheric I don't know another thing I quickly want to say before we get into it is thank you for all the birthday messages it was my birthday like nearly two weeks ago look at when I'm uploading this video yeah I had a really good birthday if you want to see like my birthday day and then my party in the evening with loads of other youtubers my best friend Jack blogged it so I'll put a link up here I've been in a few of Jack's videos before I know quite a few of you watch Jack's videos if you want to see how my birthday went but they go so today we're gonna be talking about a spree killer I don't know if I've ever done a spree killer I actually don't really know the difference between a spree killer and a massacre I know the difference between a spree killer and a serial killer so a serial killer is across two or more kills with a cooling-off period in between each one so they have time to like register what they've done and decide to do it again whereas a spree killer they're all like in much closer succession so there's no cooling-off period for them so it could be a few days in between each kill but that's not really enough time to really like register what they've done and I've just googled it and a massacre the difference between a massacre and a spree killer is that a massacre tends to happen all in one place whereas a spree killer can like move around a little bit more so massacres can happen anywhere from all in the same building to all in the same town which is why you hear of things like the Hungerford Massacre whereas a spree killer could kill one person here drive somewhere else decide to kill that and then move on but there's not like a huge cooling-off period between them for them to properly like think about what they're doing does that make sense no one asks for that absolutely no one asks for that so yeah basically today we're gonna be talking about a spree killer but before we get into the actual video I just want to thank our sponsors function of beauty one of the main things that I get like DM is about and like comments about on insta and stuff is my hat people always ask me like my haircut routine how it stays so healthy because I've used heat on my hair every single day for about ten years I use shampoo and conditioner from function of beauty I have done for about six months now and honestly my hair has never been so thick and smooth and soft and healthy function of beauty allow you to formulate your own products your own shampoo and conditioner to suit your personal hair type and your hand needs all you have to do is go on the website you fill out a quick quiz all about your hair and then they will make you the perfect formula I personally choose things like oil control because my hair gets pretty greasy pretty quickly oh the girls that I tend to let go between a deep conditioning fixing split ends and as well as being able to customize the things that it does for your hair you also get to customize fun things like the colors I love this I always choose blue for my conditioner because that is amazing I chose black once let me go find the black when I think I've got the black one in my bathroom how cool is that that is shampoo I know a lot of you would like that you get to customize the scent so not only do you get to pick what it smells like but how strong it smells of that scent they come with pumps as well by the way which are totally optional not only to function of you t do shampoos and conditioners but they also do hair care treatments like serums and masks and like leave-in treatments I've got a leave-in one here again it's done wonders for my hair my hair is so soft it's so hydrated function of beauty are 100% vegan and cruelty free and they have no parabens no GMOs no sulfates and no toxins in their products lovely stuff and they're kind enough to offer you guys my subscribers 20% off of your order if you go through the link in my description so yeah if you want to treat yourself to some new hair care feel free thanks again to functional beauty I freaking love these products I'm gonna put them on the flocs eyelid up knock in the mother so quickly before we get into this video I just want to give my usual disclaimer that I mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone that I talk about in this video this video is Rick purposes and everything that I'm about to say is just information that I have found on the internet and I'm compiling into one video so today's case like I said is gonna be on a spree killer and once again this case takes place in Yorkshire which is where I'm from I'm gonna have to stop doing such local cases because it's freaking me out a cutlass so mark Richard Hopson was born on September 2nd 1969 in Wakefield in West Yorkshire his mother and father were named Sandra and Peter his father worked in a coal mine and his mother worked in a factory I believe and they had a very average life they weren't poor they went in poverty but they weren't well-off by any means I think they just I can't explain it any other way than average Mark had two sisters named Melanie and Leslie and the three of them had a happy childhood as far as I could tell there were no huge impactful moments there was no abuse in the home as far as I could tell his dad didn't drink neither did his mother they didn't fight if anything his parents were good role models for him he had a really good home life I have a quote from Marx teachers who recall him being very well behaved saw average and ordinary he was almost anonymous he never acted out he never misbehaved well the same amount as any other kid it wasn't like an unusual amount of misbehavior in his teens Mac Hobson got a job at the local butchers and his boss said that he was very quiet to himself hard-working just got his head down did it he wasn't lazy he was a good worker which at the time seemed fine but now in retrospect thinking about what kind of job that was putting up dead carcasses maybe it could have been a warning sign that he was so like quiet because he enjoyed what he was doing it's easy to say that in retrospect but of course when you've got a hard working person in a butcher's you don't think about that I thought mark only lasted working at this butchers for a few weeks until one time his boss was in a different room and he heard a lot of commotion coming from the room that Mark was in and so the boss ran in there to find mark threatening another teenage boy up against the fridge with a knife and his boss recalled this look in Marc's eyes as dead serious like he could tell that this wasn't an empty threat had he not walked in mark would have probably used that knife the boss could see the fear in the other boy's eyes as well he knew that mark was serious and so the boss kind of got between them made mark put the knife down whatever and this boy ran away it took the boss a while to get mark to drop the knife they're following this incident at the butchers of course his boss latin girl he was like you're a good kid you record worker but I just can't have my workers doing things like that in the business and like I said the boss saw that sinister look in his eyes he just knew that something wasn't right about mark Hobson while he was still in school mark begun dating a girl named Kerr Ramsey and she was his first love but it didn't last very long it was a very average first relationship the break-up wasn't too dramatic I don't know what it was about after leaving school mark bounced around between different jobs he worked at a power station for a while worked his way up in there for a little bit but then he moved in became a doorman a club like a bouncer and then he became and just been man and it was in 1991 mark was 22 he was still kind of figuring out his career path deciding what job he actually wanted to stick in he reunited with his childhood sweetheart here since leaving school Kerr had two children with another man and she was split off from that man and she met like Hobson again and the two of them reignited mark fell for care he really got on with the children he pretty much adopted them unofficially as his own and the two of them decided to move in together and they were going to be this big family and according to care mark was the perfect husband he was really kind and nurturing with her he would listen to her same with the kids he was really good with the kids especially considering like they just come into his life just like that he was really good with them he decided to kind of settle in one job and work his way up in that instead of like jumping between jobs all the time after two years of living together in 1993 mark and Kier decided to get married and have a child of their own so now there were three children everyone was happy their lives seemed set forever they had the perfect house they had the perfect family the perfect children the perfect jobs everything was stable perfect neighborhood everything was great that was until New Year's Day of 1999 when Mark Hobson decided that he didn't want any of it anymore he didn't want married life he didn't want kids and he walked out on his whole family he didn't really give a reason for leaving other than that he just didn't want it anymore he just didn't want Murray life anymore I have a quote from care here she said there was no one else involved he just didn't want married life anymore it was bizarre I couldn't believe it he turned to pot and drinking heavily he never drank when we were married but now he got out of his fist he became like a zombie his life just went completely off the rails as Kay said once he left his family mark turned to alcohol at first it was a social thing because obviously he wasn't going home to his family every night to socialize so you had to go somewhere else the pub it started off just a few nights a week and then it was every night and of course when you drink in every single there for a prolonged period of time you're gonna become dependent and when Mark drank he became not a very nice person he was aggressive he was snappy he was mean and that eventually sometimes turned to physical violence so this went on for a good few months but over time the alcohol just wasn't enough for Mark Hobson he needed something else to feel that buzz and so he turned to actual drugs mainly speed and cannabis but on occasion he would go for like a lot more harder drugs from what I could tell in my research everyone loved Mark when he was sober he was the perfect boyfriend he was the perfect friend everyone loved him perfect worker he was nice funny kind and then when he drank he did a full 180 and became this horrible person and of course he was drinking every single day so no one ever really saw the nice mark anymore around a year after he left his wife mark went to the doctors saying that he was having mental health problems and he was put on antidepressants although he didn't ask for any help other than that so he didn't ask for any help with his addictions or anything like that a few times he tried to go back to care and the children saying that he made a mistake he wanted them back he wanted his family back but obviously Kim wasn't having any of it not only did she not love him anymore he'd completely change he wasn't the man that she loved anymore but he was also a danger she didn't want him around her young children so she said no obviously turned him away every single time a lot of people however believe that he was only really going back to care because of financial reasons at this point he was doing so many drugs and drinking so much alcohol that he was spending more than he was earning so he was getting into a lot of debt a lot of financial trouble and Kim was doing quite well for herself you know she had a house three kids she was paying for everything and he knew that after he tried and failed to get back with Kim multiple times he realized that he had to try other methods to try and get money so he went to his mother and just straight faster but of course she knew what he was gonna spend the money on it was gonna be alcohol and drugs and she didn't want that for her son so she said no she wasn't gonna lend him any money so now he was desperate for money and at one point he even resorted to stealing his sister's engagement ring and pawning it off for 30 pounds 30 pounds of course his sister suspected that it was Mike that stole this because he'd been round at the house that day and then it was gone and he needed money so of course it was him so she went to the police there tracked him down he admitted it and he got fifty hours community service for that but unfortunately mark didn't learn any kind of lesson from that and he just continued stealing and doing drugs and alcohol and you know just back to his old lifestyle and then one day in 2002 mark had begun seeing this new girl and they were out in the town center one day they were just walking together and this girl's ex-boyfriend saw her and Mark across the street and he decided to approach them I don't know if he was you know trying to be a bit big in front of his ex and her new boy like trying to start a fight with Mark or whatever but the two men began arguing began like pushing each other and obviously Mark was probably intoxicated and he didn't have much of a level head anyway these days he pulled a knife out of his pocket and began stabbing this man in broad daylight middle of the day people shopping in the town center and Mark is just stubborn this man people managed to get mark off this man eventually but it stabbed him like six times at this point he was bleeding a lot and the most disturbing part of this is that mark just kind of stood back and watched him watch him bleed thinking that he would probably have killed him police were called to the scene and Mark was of course arrested because he was right there he wasn't trying to deny that he'd just done this because everyone had seen it this man was taken to a hospital in critical condition he did survive but he was in a very very bad way I think he had like a collapsed lung and everything it was really bad he could have died had he not been taken to hospital at the right time so like I said mark was arrested in the town center and he was taken to a holding cell where he wasn't even kept overnight he was let out the same day which is mad he just stopped someone six times and he's been let out the same day when he was let good I think he kind of tried to do a runner but like not effectively sir he tried to get away from his hometown but he was still like easily findable does that make sense he didn't properly try to go on the run but he was like let me get out of this kind of immediate area you know he was brought back wherever he liked run off to he was brought back for his cart it and he was found guilty of wounding with the intent to cause grievous bodily harm which is insane to me because it seems like attempted murder seems like attempted-murder step in someone five or six times you're not just trying to cause bodily harm oh yeah at that point you're trying to kill the person he was also charged with failing to comply with his bail restrictions obviously because he tried to run away and for both of those he got 100 hours community service for nearly killing a man for what I deemed to be attempted murder but what the courts deemed to be GB hich he got a hundred hours community service it just angers me so much because we wonder why people repeat offend it's because they don't learn this man almost killed someone and he got community service so he's thinking at this point I'm indestructible like I could do it again I'm only gonna get community service it's not that bad this man was clearly dangerous and they just let him back out with very little consequences and look what happened I wouldn't be stopped making this video if these kind of punishments worked anywhere around 2003 mark Hobson's father passed away and even though he wasn't close with his father at this point in his life because of course drugs and alcohol and take another no one really wanted much to do with him because he was stealing from his family no one really saw him all that much but growing up his father had been kind of a role model for him he really looked up to his father and I think when his father passed away and he kind of deep tit in his head thinking like that was my dad's last you know impression of me is that I've wasted my life and that I do drugs and alcohol every single day that Sammy and Mark Hobson met 27 year-old Claire Sanderson and at this point he was like 34 years old ish and he and Claire really hit it off so much sir that they actually decided to move in with each other pretty quickly in a village in North Yorkshire named tumbles for Campbells fourth or Campbells for I don't know and everything with mark Hobson and his new girlfriend Claire was going well until it was a neighbor's notice right from the beginning that the couple was quite to themselves they were quite quiet they were you know really chatty just on the road when you pass a name and then say hi but they wouldn't stop for a conversation which you know to each their own some people are just like that but as the weeks and the months were going on the neighbors noticed that there was a lot of noise coming from their house a lot of shouting a lot of arguing and it got to the point where mark and Claire would be drunk in the middle of the day as mark always had done he kind of sucked Claire into this life and they would get drunk and do drugs all the time together and they would just be arguing in the street and he'd be punching her in the street in broad daylight when the neighbors are outside in the middle of summer he would just be abusing her so of course neighbors did call the police they weren't just letting this go on but every time the police would come Claire wouldn't wanna press charges because this was her boyfriend and he was really good at manipulating her so I found a few examples of things that I believe he did to her I couldn't fact-check these too much so take these with a pinch of salt on one occasion he poured bleach all over her and was wrecking her around outside on the street by her hair he would bottler with you know empty alcohol bottles when they'd finished with them he would just smash them over a head he did things like push her down the stairs he even did this one time at a party like a gathering at a friend's house in front of everyone he just pushed his girlfriend down the stairs one time when one of Claire's friends was round at the house this friend actually had to stop mark from hitting Claire over the head with a dumbbell like a gym wear imagine how heavy that would have been that could have all that but one place that Claire was mostly safe from the beatings and the abuse was surprisingly enough the pub because mark knew that if he laid a finger on Claire in front of another man that man would beat him up it took him a while to learn this however because he did punch Claire a number of times in the pub in the beginning when they first moved there and these men beat him up for it they were sticking up for Claire and eventually he learned not to lay a finger on her when they were at the pub so the abuse was mainly when they were alone in their own homes or you know around people that Mark knew wouldn't do into it we might call the police but they wouldn't hurt him and Claire knew that she probably should leave him she told her family her family told her like you need to leave this man and she knew but she didn't want her because she knew what he was like when he was sober she loved him when he was sober because like I said he he was as far as I could find a sound guy when he was sober I think she was just holding out hope that one day he would stop being so horrible and he was drunk and one of the weird things as well one of the things that I find weird I don't know if this is kind of common in abusive relationships but the fights and the arguments and the kind of physical abuse would only have the last like maximum 30 minutes it was normally like 10 minutes but there would be like this and then they'd be fine again and then be holding hands again and the neighbors would hear all this banging and shouting in the house and then ten minutes later the be walking outside holding hands on their way to the pub awesome so now we're gonna skip forward to July 18 2004 a year after Claire Sanderson at first met Marc Hobson and at this point already the relationship was about to turn fatal one of the neighbors came home that morning and found two police cars on the road outside Marc and Claire's home and you know they were concerned but they didn't think much of it because this was you know a regular occurrence because he did beat her and he was violent so it wasn't completely out of the ordinary to see police cars on the street so this neighbor didn't think too much I bet went inside his house minded his own business but the next time he went and looked out the window there were now seven or eight police cars outside the house and that was when he knew that something was seriously wrong police had gone to the house initially for a welfare check because no one had heard from Marc Auclair in about a week I believe it was Claire's family that asked for the welfare check they hadn't heard from her she hasn't been like turning up to you know agreed plans and stuff so they called the police and asked them to just go and check on her make sure she was okay so police arrived that morning they knocked but there was no answer and obviously with this being a welfare check they have the great madad al may have to make sure that this person is fine so they broke the door down and immediately they knew that this was that they walked into the living room and all the furniture seemed out of place so it didn't seem ransacked it didn't seem like there'd been a robbery or anything like that it just seemed as though like the couch wasn't where it should be stuff like that as if the furniture had been moved to kind of make space or like as if someone had like fallen on the couch and moved it a lot I don't know and then they looked at the walls and there was blood spatter all over the wall and kind of didn't sin it may be from some kind of weapon but that was only the start of the horror that was inside this house because once police officers got upstairs they discovered two dead bodies the first body was identified as that of Clair Sanderson who this welfare check was originally called for however the second body was not mark Hobson as you might have expected it was actually Claire's twin sister Diane Sanderson Claire's body had been led on the bed and wrapped in black bin bags so there were some around her body and one specifically over her head tied around her neck Diane was found led naked at the end of the bed and she wasn't backed up but investigators believed that she would have been bagged up but whoever was doing this her killer hadn't got around to it for some reason it seemed like her body was being prepared for the same thing that had happened to Clare's however the killer had been disturbed somehow her body was laid out on like a clear plastic sheet both of the bodies seemed as though they'd been washed and Diane did actually have a carrier bag over her head but nothing was tied there was no like black bean bags properly covering her so proper crime-scene investigators were called to the house obviously police didn't want to move too much just in case they contaminated evidence so a proper like CSI team was brought in and when they went into the living room they saw on the surface there was a sleeping bag laid out which obviously the police hadn't touched just in case it was evidence but now that the crime investigators could lift this sleeping back and see what was underneath there were huge dumped bloodstains on the couch literally the whole length of it where they sleep in bag of bean there was a lot of blood on there so the crime scene investigators went upstairs and one of the rooms in the house that seemed very off was the bathroom the bathroom was meticulously cleaned it was sparkling it looked like it had been bleached whereas the rest of the house seemed like a crime scene potentially a lot of the attack or at least the aftermath of the attack may have taken place in the bathroom and the killer may have tried to clean up after themselves but maybe not got around to the rest of the house like I said maybe he was disturbed as the team began searching the upstairs especially in the bedroom where the two bodies were found they found a hammer under the bed and this hammer lined up perfectly with the dents in the wall in the living room leading them to believe that this may have been either a murder weapon or at least some kind of like torture weapon it was definitely used in the attack so the bodies were taken for an examination and autopsy and it was very clear on Diane's body that there were ligature marks around her neck and also like time-outs around her wrists so she definitely been bound for a period in this attack Diane had been raped and her pubic hairs had been shaved off rather like roughly it didn't look as though she'd you know done this to herself it seemed as though someone else had done this and surprisingly her left nipple was entirely chewed off it looked chewed off like bitten and ripped rather than like cut off with any kind of weapon and her nipple was never actually recovered from the crime scene suggesting that either the killer had taken it as some kind of trophy of course when police later found the killer they never found this nipple and so a lot of people believe that the killer actually ate it there were bruises and cuts all over Diane's body suggesting that had a very long and slow and painful death and probably also torturing before she was finally killed the cuts on her body were seemingly done by two different weapons some scissors and like some kind of disposable razor type weapon the killer was having fun with this he was enjoying this they also theorized that these cuts and things were part of the sexual assault the torture was very linked to this kind of sexual thing Diane's murder was deemed to be a sexual motive Claire Sanderson's body also showed clear strangulation marks around her neck which is believed to be her cause of death however on top of that she also sustained 17 wounds to the head seemingly from this hammer that they found under the bed so police believe that that happened in the living room suggesting that she was killed in the living room and then brought upstairs that's 17 hips to the head with this hammer when she was already dead her killer was angry this was a very rich fueled killing because you don't carry on after you've already killed someone if you're not angry and if you're not emotionally in it something interesting to note about Claire's murder is that her body showed no signs of sexual assault which is very strange when you compare it to that of Diane's because the murders were equally as brutal however there wasn't that sexual element to Claire's so investigators continued searching this house for clues and for anything that can point them towards a killer and that was when one of the investigators at the scene got a call from the police station telling him that there had been a double murder and at first the officer was really confused he was seen like yeah I'm I'm better I'm at the crime scene of this double murder but this officer back at the station said no this is a completely separate crime scene two completely separate victims the other crime scene was 20 miles away from this one this time in York this time it was an elderly couple 8 year old James and eighty one-year-old John Britton they've been married for 61 years and even though there were a different victim profile to the two younger women the murders were equally as brutal the first body found at this second crime scene was John Britton so as soon as police walked in through the front door she was there her body was in the hallway she was covered in blood she was laying on the floor she seemed to have a lot of wounds like in her tosser and next to her body was the broken off handle of a knife on further inspection when her body was taken for an autopsy they actually found the blade of the knife still inside her so this knife had broken off inside this woman and the killer just decided to ditch the rest of the weapon and leave police continued looking through the house and across the hallway in the living room they found James Britain's body also next to his murder weapon which was his own walking stick it was covered in blood and he was led on the floor with a lot of head injuries investigators believe that James was the first victim of the - he was the first one killed because not only was he bludgeoned with his own walking stick but he also had stab wounds in his tarter and they believe that to be the same murder weapon that killed John afterwards John had actually been making the two of them a hot chocolate at the time and so she'd been in the kitchen she was making this hot chocolate and then she must have heard a commotion going on in the living room which was her husband being murdered and so she walked out the kitchen into the hallway and that was when she too was attacked so police were looking at these two murders and thinking well even though it's a really different victim profile and even though it's 20 miles away from the first one they're very similar double murders very very brutal multiple kind of methods of attack so like with the women he would strangle them but also like cut them and also bludgeon one of them and the same with the elderly couple he used stabbing and bludgeoning and so they looked at the first double murder of the women and they thought well there's only really one person this can be the person that is supposed to be living in this flat but has seemingly gone missing mark Hobson this was a violent man who was often violent specifically to his girlfriend one of the murder victims and she was the one that had been bludgeoned after she was already dead showing a specific anger towards her if the killer didn't know Claire Sanderson it would be very unlikely that they would carry on like that after she was already dead it showed a very specific hatred or a very specific anger for her in particular and while they had nothing to specifically link mark Hobson to the second double murder they decided to go down that route anyway because this was a very very safe area of North Yorkshire things like this didn't happen double murders random double murders don't just happen and so for two of them to happen in very quick succession of each other and the first suspect is nowhere to be found it seems as though he is potentially on the run still kill it the only problem being now is that this man who has potentially killed four different innocent people is now on the run and they have no idea where he is and he is a danger to more people and they had to try and find evidence to link him to these four murders but that was going to be especially hard at his own house where the first two victims were found because in your own house your DNA is gonna be all over everything anywhere a normal crime scene they could find fingerprints or they could find hairs or they could find DNA but in your own house that's gonna be everywhere anywhere so forensic teams based on the evidence that they did have they began trying to put together a timeline of the attack so like I said due to the blood spatter on the walls and the dents in the walls downstairs in the living room they believe that the attacks began downstairs and then the women were transported upstairs either once they were already dead or as they were dying and they were too weak to fight back so the team decided to meticulously investigate the banister on the stairs they were just in it for fingerprints and they found mark Hobson's on fingerprints on the bottom of the banister now yes this was his house and his fingerprint will be in his own house but on the bottom of the banister that's not somewhere where your hand like naturally falls it's way too low down for your hand to be there as you're walking up the stairs you don't just touch the bottom of your banister dirty they're in your house so it seemed likely that he was maybe using the bottom of the banister to kind of pull himself up maybe he was dragging something one of the women's bodies of the stairs and he needed some help trying to pull himself up because the women's bodies would have been heavy not only that but mark Hobson's fingerprints were also found on the black bin bags that were covering Claire and the one that was over Diane's head now of course fingerprints are gonna be on his belongings so if there were from the house it would make sense that his fingerprints were on them however most people keep their bin bags in a roll if he was getting them off the roll to wrap up these bodies his fingerprints would have been the only ones on them and although that does seem like a slam-dunk piece of evidence like of course his fingerprints were on them so he did it but like I said there's always that thing there that maybe these bin bags could have just been lying around the house because this was his house so police knew that if they could find mark Hobson's fingerprints at the house of john and james then they could say that he was guilty of those two murders and then probably the murders of Claire and I are and I'm sure you won't be surprised to hear that they were found in the home of James and John Britton they were found on the DA in between the living room and the hallway in between the two murder scenes not only that but his fingerprints were also found on some shoe boxes in the wardrobe upstairs which meant that he probably broke in this house to find things to steal and sell because this man needed money we knew that and so that was probably his motive for killing James and John so very early on in this investigation police believed there had a solid suspect they believed there knew who had done this but it was just finding him mom had now been on the run for nearly two weeks and it was gonna be hard to find it well he needed to be apprehended quickly this is a man that had already killed on two occasions and killed four innocent people for no reason other than they were getting in his way when he was trying to steal things or you know the sexual motive of the first one this is a man that will kill for anything he seemed to have a bunch of different motives for killing people so it was very likely that he was going to do it again if they didn't catch it well I say he killed on two separate occasions because that's what it initially looked like it looked like he'd killed the two women and then gone on to kill the britons what investigators found that during the autopsies of the bodies that he'd actually killed on three separate occasions he'd killed the four people on three separate days Mark's girlfriend Claire Sanderson had actually been dead for a week longer than her sister died answer if police's theory was right that mark Hobson is the killer that means he'd been living with his dead girlfriend's body in the house for a full week it just shows the absolute disconnect that he must have from this situation and from his actions that he can live next to his dead girlfriend's body and in a crime scene there was blood spatter on the walls still all the furniture was all over the place there were bin bags everywhere and he didn't care as police continued searching the crime scene back at his flat where he lived with Claire they actually found a note scrawled on the back of a bus timetable and it seemed to be a shopping list but this shopping list was kind of like how to get away with murder checklist it had things like bug spray which shows he intended on living with those women's bodies for a while longer because he accounted for the decomposition he knew that there were going to be flies and so he was getting bug spray to make it seem less suspicious so police were certain that there was suspicious of the right purse and that mark Hobson had killed all four of these people and so they started campaigning for his whereabouts support outpost as he was News Alerts he was on all the crime shows and everything his full name his picture everything and police don't normally do that unless they are 100% sure that they have the killer and that he is on the loose they don't like to scare the public unless they're 100% sure but in this kind of situation scaring the public is justified because this man needs to be seen and caught as soon as possible Mac Hobson's ex-wife Kay and her three children included the one that she had Widmark were all put on like police protection out of fears that maybe she or the children would have been his next victims James and John Britain's children and Claire and Diane Sanderson's parents all did TV appeals beg in the public to keep an eye out for this man and if they see him please contact police meanwhile professional detectives were brought in and I see a professional detectives you know that the big guys like agents like proper important high up people that are really really skilled at this they were brought in and a team was assembled to track down mark Hobson and it was very confusing at first to this team because there didn't seem to be any pattern to the killings so not only a spree killer or a serial killer does all of the killings for the same motive but here they seem to be a different motive for each murder so the first one the murder of class Anderson it seemed like a lover's dispute it seemed like a domestic murder he was abusing his girlfriend whereas the second one the one of Dianne seemed to have a sexual motive because she was sexually assaulted definitely a different motive from the first and then the third murder of James and John Britton seemed completely different once again it seems more opportunistic it seemed as though he was probably trying to rob the house and then they just kind of got in the way and he didn't care he just got rid of all witnesses as part of the operation to try and find him the team looked at places like geographical locations that had some significance to mark because or people that are on the run they tend to return to somewhere that they feel safe someone that they know somewhere that they feel confident whether that be like their hometown where their parents live now where they spent a lot of time growing up things like that places that they know well but Mark Hobson didn't seem to have many of those places SMAC Hobson was born and raised and spent a lot of time in North and West Yorkshire those words - like men places so immediately they theorized that he probably hadn't gone far police began thinking about like old friends old neighbors old family members you know people that went to the pub when Mark went in they were searching all of those people's homes out of fear that someone was hiding him harboring him investigators spoke to people at marks local pub because like I said he went in there every single day and he had actually been in that pub since the murder of Clare Sanderson he'd been in there pretty much every single there for like a week afterwards and they said he didn't seem any different to usual maybe he was drinking a little more than usual but he already drank a lot sir I mean his behavior wasn't off people had noticed that Clare hadn't been with him for about a week after the dead have led the 10th of July she hadn't been with him but they didn't think too much of it because they knew that they had a rocky relationship they knew that he was abusing her and they thought well maybe they just fell out maybe she finally left him you know I don't know they just didn't question it too much and they thought it wasn't worth bringing up to him because he was quite an aggressive snappy man so no one mentioned it however one of the bar staff did recall mark Hobson making a call to Diane Sanderson Clare's sister about a week after Clare stopped coming in the pub so about the time of Diane's murder this bartender told police that Mac Hobson had said on the phone that Clare had glandular fever and that's why Diane hadn't seen her in a while because Clare was ill at home she wasn't up to seeing anyone speaking to anyone calling anyone but then he said to Diane well she's feeling kind of better now do you want to come round and see tonight and obviously Diane agreed and he said on the phone that he would see her that night of course at this point Clare Sanderson had been dead for almost a week and he was now planning to do the exact same to her sister Diane which shows premeditation but that evening that Diane decided to go to Clare's house to go and visit her sick sister she was actually supposed to be meeting her boyfriend in the pub afterwards and so she told her boyfriend look I'm gonna go see Clare for a little bit and then I'm gonna come to the pub but of course that night she never turned up to the pub but luckily she told her boyfriend where she was gonna be so when she didn't turn up that night her boyfriend decided to go to Clare Sanderson's house just to double-check on her just to double-check on his girlfriend and make sure they were both okay well of course when he got to the flat he was greeted by a very intoxicated Marc Hobson and at this point both of the women were dead inside and because mark was very intoxicated when the boyfriend came around he was just making not any old reason why Clare and Diane weren't there he actually told the boyfriend that Clare and Diane's father had just passed away like literally hours before the boyfriend got to the house their father had passed away and so they'd gone back to like their hometown or like their family area to go and be with their family which of course the boyfriend found very very weird why would Diane first of all not tell him that her father had passed away but second of all not tell him that she's gonna go back to a hometown for a while anyway while the boyfriend was there he just asked mark like how he was just out of politeness because he was trying to you know process this situation mark said he was fine and whatever and then the boyfriend noticed that there was a really foul smell coming from this house and there were flies everywhere and so he asked mark about it he was like what is that smell like what's going on and Mark said that there was a problem with the pipes of problem with the plumbing but little did the boyfriend know that that was the smell of decomposing bodies in the house so the boyfriend got back home and began calling around the Sanderson family trying to get a hold of someone to kind of get a hold of his girlfriend or just anyone trying to find out what had gone on because he found this very very weird and he didn't get hold of anyone until the next morning and when he did he got through to Claire and downs father the man that had supposedly passed away and that was why he couldn't see his girlfriend so now he knew it was a lie but why had Mark lied to him he thought it was really really weird but he also knew that mark was on a lot of drugs and he wasn't right in the head and he just thought well like why would he lie to me he didn't think it was as serious as it was he just thought that mark was rambling and this team of agents I keep calling them agents that probably not that's probably not their title but this team of agents theorized that it was just after that point just after the boyfriend had left the house that Mark decided to go on the run obviously he now knew that people were gonna be on to him people were realizing that the girls were missing and so he knew that he had to leave otherwise he would be caught and that is why the murder scene or at least the bodies felt so unfinished police it seemed as though the killer wanted to do more but was interrupted like I said so that night he went to his local pub one last time and tried to sell Diane's car to someone for 400 pounds that night he went back home stole some money out of Diane's purse and then fled so police decided to go and speak to mark Hobson's mother who didn't really have much to do with him at this point because he was an alcoholic he was on a lot of drugs and you know they just drifted however she did say that Mark had been in touch with her for the first time in a long time he'd actually asked her if he could borrow her car and obviously she knew what he was like she knew he drank a lot he she knew he took drugs she knew that he was driving under the influence and so she said no absolutely not you're not borrowing my car I will give you a lift to wherever you want and he said he made up something that Claire and Diane had been in a car crash in York and so they were in a hospital in York somewhere and he needed to get to them so he got his mother to drop him off a hospital in New York and he just walked inside just so that his mother wasn't suspicious he walked inside this hospital he had no reason to be there and he walked straight back out again after the curse was clear and he knew his mother and gone the CCTV of him walking into this hospital and then just walking straight back out again and now he was on the loose in York and this is of course how he managed to get to gyms and gern Britain's house that same evening in York but then after that CCTV footage of mark Hobson leaving the hospital police lost him again he could be anywhere by now this was a fair few days prior to you know whether were in the investigation he'd been missing for a good few days he could be anywhere by now and it didn't take long before all those campaigns and posters and news alerts peered off because I'm July 25th two weeks after the first killing someone called police to say that there had found mark Hobson the call came from a petrol station owner named Derek and his petrol station was around 15 miles away from the second crime scene and so he'd made sure to memorize mark Hobson's face knowing that he was close to the second murder location he was likely to see this man about and so he'd memorized this picture and he knew that he had just served this man in his petrol station mark Hobson came in he bought a bottle of water and some cigarette peppers and Derek served him very calmly he knew that this was the money seen on the news but he didn't want to you know say anything I'll do anything so he served him very calmly and then as soon as he left the petrol station Derek called the police as Mike Hobson was leaving the petrol station Derek knew he had the right person because mark looked very paranoid and he began like almost like run walking like very fast walking but trying to make it not look like he was running you know and he in the direction of some fields and so as soon as police got that like so many police cars turned up they had sniffer dogs and everything and Derek was able to point them in the direction of these fields that Mark Hobson and scurry inter so the police sent the dogs off into this field and sure enough they found him in the same blood-soaked clothes that he'd killed James and John Britton N and he was hiding in this cornfield and they believe he'd been there like camping out for about a week they tasered him and they arrested him but instead of taking him straight to the police station they actually had to take him to the hospital because like I said he'd been there for a week he was very dehydrated and he seemed to be in quite a bad way physically so they had to get him all checked over all you know physically better and then they took him to the police station for questioning however when he was questioned he wasn't going to be much help to police at all because conveniently he couldn't remember attacking anyone I mean I say that but this man was on a lot of drugs he was drinking a lot of alcohol it is you know likely that he would have memory problems he was probably so intoxicated during the murders that he was blackout drunk but it is rather convenient it's up to you what do you think about that he said he didn't remember a single one of the murders but for them to happen on three separate occasions would he have been completely blacked out drunk on three separate occasions through the full murder I don't know Mack Hobson was physically shaken all the way through his police interviews which was probably due to you know drugs and alcohol withdrawal but he was in such a bad way physically like when I say shaking I mean like shaken not just like a bit of a tremble objectively he just looked awful police believe he'd been sleeping in a ditch just off the motorway for six days eventually mark Hobson was presented with all the evidence that police had the fingerprints in both houses and on the bin bags and on the banisters and on the doorways and eventually he just cracked he told police that he didn't remember most of the attacks like he'd always said but then he said that some of it came back to him he only remembered the very end of the first murder of his girlfriend class Anderson he said that he was stood in the bathroom and he came to and when he did he had a hammer in his hand and his girlfriend was dead on the floor but he didn't remember doing any of that and he had absolutely no recollection of the other three however he does remember things like calling Diane from the pub luring her to his house but again he says he doesn't remember the actual attack and the actual killing police also eventually found out that the britons home James and Joan Britain's home in York actually haven't been the only one that he tried to break into that day he initially tried to break into a different home in York he like took the window pan off and then ended up just smashing the window anywhere and when he did that he knocked over a wheelie bin it was very very loud and I think that just freaked him out he thought that one of the neighbors had probably heard and so he just ran he didn't even go in and try and steal anything he made a lot of noise and realized and ran luckily the occupants of that home weren't in at the time so mark Hobson Turner's day says that he cannot remember any of the murders only the bits that I told you however he does admit to the murders he doesn't try to deny them he just says like he can't deny the evidence there's evidence black and white in front of him that police had presented him fingerprints everything but he just doesn't remember it but he'll admit that he did it which like I said before it's totally up to you if you believe he was blacked out or not I think I believe it because he was on a lot of drugs and a lot of alcohol but I don't know do I believe that he was blacked out to the extent that he says he was maybe not in court Mac Hobson pled guilty to all four murders and was sentenced to life in prison and you know because Mark Hobson says he can't really remember any of it he's never actually given a motive or a reason for any of the killings he hasn't said why he killed Clare why he killed Diane we can assume why he killed the britons it was probably a break-in gone wrong but he's never given the families any kind of clue mark Hobson did actually try to appeal his sentence his life in prison sentence saying that he should be given a minimum sentence so normally when people are sentenced to life in prison it's like 25 years minimum and then after that 25 years they can be assessed for being let out but Mike Hobson was never gonna get that he was gonna be in prison for the rest of his life but he said that he deserved to have a minimum sentence and be you know considered to leave prison after like 25 years officer because he admitted his killings are the first opportunity that he was given he didn't try to deny it he didn't plead not guilty he straight-up just said to police like I don't remember it but I did of course his appeal was rejected because that is completely insane imagine him standing there in court and saying with his chest like yes I murdered four people tortured them raped them you know completely hid these murders but I admitted it the first chance I got so go easy on me of course it doesn't happen like that so the courts completely rejected his appeal and speaking of his time in prison as he was awaiting his trial to go to call he was put in a separate prison for like three months as he was waiting and in this prison was Ian Huntley if you don't know who in Huntley was he was a double child murderer I've done a video on him but it's very very old I'll link it there but I can't promise it's good I might redo that video actually I don't know about anyway I'll link it with that if you don't know who in Huntley is he basically murdered two young girls named Jessica and Holly and so you know child killers are very low on the prison hierarchy there's kind of a respect hierarchy in prison and as Mark Hobson was being kept in the same prison as Ian Huntley he actually attacked Ian with boiling water like through a bucket of it over his head and tried to scold him a lot of people have attacked in huntly in prison actually which like I said he's at the bottom of the hierarchy he gets a lot of other inmates attacking him but yeah that completes this case you so so much for watching if you enjoyed make sure you leave a big thumbs up and subscribe down below if you want to see some more from me thanks again to function of beauty for sponsoring this video if you want 20% off your first audio make sure you click the link down below in the description I love functional Beauty so you will do a huge thank you to all my channel members all of their names are on screen right now if you want to become a channel member you can click the link in the description I'll click the join button if you're on a desktop there's two tiers to choose from everyone on tiers 1 & 2 will get access to a community page where you can suggest cases and get your requests fast-tracked and exclusive to tier 2 members they will get their name on this end screen at the end of every single video but yeah thank you so so much for watching and I will see you in the next one bye [Music]
Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 1,890,907
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eleanor, neale, eleanor neale, eleanor neale true crime, 2019, mystery, unsolved, unsolved mystery, true crime, solved, documentary, serial killer, killer, murder, serial killer documentary, spree killer, massacre, mark hobson, mark, hobson, claire, sanderson, diane, britton, bbc, itv, news, podcast, true crime podcast, story, case, storytime, netflix, uk, 2020, buzzfeed, buzzfeed unsolved, missing, disappearance, yorkshire, horror, scary, creepypasta, paranormal, dateline, crime watch daily, mr gay uk, lobster boy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 49sec (3289 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 15 2020
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