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so today's video is going to be another solved true crime case today's is actually a channel number suggested case thank you so much to ally Kenny for suggesting this one today we're gonna be talking about the solved case of christine paolilla but before we get into it I just want to thank 21 buttons for sponsoring this video you guys already know I love 21 buttons it's this really cool app it's kind of like Instagram where people post pictures but you can actually tag the things in those pictures so like when you favorite influencers post like an outfit picture they can tag the exact top they're wearing the exact pants the exact shoes so you don't have to go out and search on websites for that exact top for like three hours it's right there linked there's also exclusive pictures of your favorite influencers on 21 buttons so if there's one specific person that you follow and you really like that style and you always want to get what they wear and it might have posted some like exclusive outfits on 20 mumble and so there's a lot of hidden gems that you might be missing it's really good if you've got like an event or a night out or a party coming up and you have no idea what to wear you can go on 21 buttons and get some inspiration from someone else and right now 21 buttons are offering a 100 pound air source pouch for one of you guys all you have to do is click the link in the description it'll take you to my Twitter importance profile and there you will see a banner on the page all you have to do is click that banner and you rent it and you could win a 100 pound air source pouches the winner will be announced on the 21 buttons Instagram story on Monday June 3rd so good luck but yeah thank you so so much to 21 buttons for sponsoring this video like I said there will be a link right at the top of the description for you to click go and make an account or follow me and click that banner on my profile and get yourself a voucher so today's case is going to be the christine paolilla case and before we get into it I just want to give my usual disclaimer that I mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone that I talked about in this video this video is for educational purposes and everything that I'm about to say is just information that I have found on the internet and I'm compiling in long video so christine marie powell ella was born on March 31st 1986 in Long Island New York her parents were Charles a construction worker and Laurie a stay-at-home mother when Christine was just 2 years old her father Charles was out at work and suddenly died in a tragic accident on the construction site and this changed Christine's life forever her mother Laurie began abusing drugs and became addicted to a bunch of different drugs which eventually meant that she got her children taken off of her Christine and her older brother and they were sent to live with their grandparents when Christine was around five years old so she's still very very young her hair started coming out in clumps during the night and so her grandparents took it to the doctors and she was diagnosed with alopecia aged five years old she lost quite a bit of the hair on her head like in chunks so she had like bald spots she lost her eyebrows she lost her eyelashes and as you can imagine on a five-year-old girl they really took a toll on like her self-esteem and just her general happiness she wasn't quite as happy and all the other kids obviously didn't really understand it and they started making fun of her for it and Christine got really sad she didn't feel girly anymore she didn't like how she looked and saw her grandparents began by in her winks so that she could have like a full head of hair but this only made it worse because the kids would like come up behind her and pull a wig off and they were horrible to Christine and Christine wasn't only bullied for her hair loss and her wigs she was also bullied because she had really bad vision and so the glasses that she had to wear what really thick really goofy for lack of a better term and the kids would make fun of her for that as well Christine had a really tough time in school she was very insecure she was very shy she didn't like putting herself out there so that just made her loneliness even worse because she couldn't really make friends and this continued into her early teenage years Christine never really made friends she had kids that she would talk to at school but she never had a group of friends or a best friend and then when Christine was in her early teenage years her mother actually got over all of her drug addictions she remarried she really got her life back on track and so she was able to have Christine and her older brother back when Christine was 17 years old her and her family moved to Clear Lake in Houston in Texas and she enrolled at Clear Lake High School Clear Lake was a very nice area it was very upscale it was quite wealthy well it had certainly had wealthy parts to it it was very safe it was just a lovely neighborhood that a lot of people wanted to like raise a family in so Christine went to Clear Lake High she had her first day in everything and as soon as she came home her mother saw a complete shift in her she was so happy she was so excited and she ran straight up to a moment she was saying I've made two friends that the sweetest girls I've ever met their names were rachael koloroutis and tiffany rowell and they were kind of like the normal popular girl stereotype but without the meaner Rachael was known for being one of the kindest and most generous girls in the school she was very artistic she looked creative writing she loved to help the underdog Tiffany loved acting she had a real talent for it she was always in school players although her dream career was actually to be a social worker and the three of them just clicked and they began spending more and more time with each other they'd go to each other's houses and Christine's mother noticed that when they would be round at the house Christine wouldn't stop laughing she was so happy and she noticed a real shift in Christie's personality she was no longer shy and insecure and depressed she was confident she was happy she was laughing she was creative again she was making things she was hard-working in school again Christine had confided in Rachael and Tiffany about her insecurities about her hair about her glasses just about everything about how people used to bully oh and of course Tiffany and Rachael being as generous as they were they wanted to help their new friend and so the girls gave Christine a calm holy Mecca that they went and bought her a new wake one the kind of suit at her little bit better they taught her how to do makeup for her kind of fair shape they taught her how to wear contacts instead of glasses and this improved Christine's confidence by a mile and it was noticeable to anyone and everyone that had ever met she was like a complete new woman so much so that in 2003 christine paolilla was actually voted miss irresistible by her classmates because she was so beautiful because she was so confident and it was around that time in 2003 where Christine met who would soon become her boyfriend and man named Chris Snyder Chris was 21 and Christine was 17 at the time that they met Christine's mom and stepdad didn't really approve of him not because of his age so much but because he was a known criminal he had a lot of violence charges he had a lot of just kind of smaller charges and then he was known to experiment with drugs very often I don't know if he had any kind of addictions at this point but you certainly did later on in his life and he did drugs a lot and Christine wasn't like that at all and Tiffany and Rachel didn't approve of Chris either he was nothing like their group their group didn't do drugs they weren't criminals there were good kids and then Christine was kind of bringing him in and the girls didn't really like that and before long Christine began experimenting with drugs with her new boyfriend Chris and she was kind of isolated herself from everyone her family her friends whether that was because Chris was telling her to do so on just because Christine felt like she didn't fit in with them anymore because she didn't and Christine's mother believes that that relationship between Christine and Chris was mutually abusive Christine was very very jealous and after one particular fight that they had was she refused to leave his house Christine was very very jealous and after one particular fight that they had one day she refused to leave his house and she went and slept on his front lawn of his house and claimed that if he tried to make her leave or if he called the police or anything she would kill his whole family and through this relationship again Christine completely transformed she became a complete new person a whole new personality she no longer fit in with her friend group although they didn't like kick her out they didn't refuse to speak to her because they still loved her and there was still so kind and generous but she wasn't like them anymore and she couldn't really fit in with her family there and the only person Christine really had that she could relate to her and that she could talk to was Chris her abusive boyfriend that she was also abusive to so the group kind of carried on as normal just without Christine most of the time I mean that invite her every now and again but they knew she'd probably bring Chris and so they kind of started distance in themselves a little bit but they did still see her so at this point the group was Rachael and Tiffany as always and Tiffany had a boyfriend named Marcus and he would spend time with them and Marcus's cousin Adelbert recently moved to that neighborhood and so he would hang out with them as well on July 18 2003 the group that I just mentioned were all hanging out at Tiffany's house Tiffany's house used to be her family home that was where she lived all alive however now she lived there by herself because her dad had actually moved out to go and live with a woman that he met and naturally this kind of led to Tiffany's house being the party house I like the hangout house everyone would always meet at Tiffany's because there were no parents they were all around 18 to 20 s for this group so it was ideal and this was one of those days it started helping just that group of four Tiffany Rachel Marcus and Adelbert and later that did that we're gonna have a party Tiffany had already invited loads of people and told them to be there later but at this point it was around 3 p.m. and it was just them for they were watching movies they were eating pizza it was just a normal day so the rest of the party was due to be coming around 6 o'clock that evening and one of the people in particular that Tiffany and invited round was a girl that goes by the name Britney that's not her real name I don't know why her name is protected but Britney so Britney called Tiffany at around 3 p.m. just to double-check the plans make sure they were still on for that night however when she did call Tiffany Tiffany was actually in the bathroom and so her boyfriend Marcus answered the phone and so Britney just said oh it's okay I'll call her later and so she called an hour later at around 4:00 p.m. but there was no answer this time not even just Marcus like no one answered the phone and so Britney just thought that Tiffany was a bit busy and so she just thought she'd turn up anywhere at 6:30 p.m. as normal those were the plans so Britney and a bunch of other people turn up at Tiffany's house at 6:30 p.m. and they knock on the door but there's no answer and they keep knocking and keep knocking but they can hear the TV on in the house but no one's talking no one's even laughing it's not even like they're not letting them in on purpose there's just no noise in the house so eventually one of these teenagers after knocking for however long and they decided to just try the door and see if it was unlocked and it was so they walked in and there they saw the bodies of all four teenagers it seemed as though all four of them had been shot to death and there was blood absolutely everywhere and so the group that found them runs straight back outside to a neighbor and they called the police so police arrived and they began examining the crime scene and immediately they knew that this attack had caught the teenagers off guard they weren't prepared there was little to no struggle Tiffany and her boyfriend Marcus were both still sat on the couch with their feet reclined like as if they were watching the movie so they must have been killed as they were still sat there Adelbert was led on the floor in front of the sofa so he could have potentially gotten up as the attack started or he could have been down there the whole time Rachel seemed to be the only one that had moved during the attack she was actually led behind the sofa and there was a blood trail behind her as if she like dragged herself after she'd been shot and right by Rachel on the floor there was a thorn found and when police looked on this phone they found that she'd actually dialed 9 and one before she was killed so she was trying to call 9-1-1 and as I said that was blood absolutely everywhere in this room there must have been so many shots fired it was all over the walls there was spatter on the ceiling on every piece of furniture it was in pulls on the floor there were bullet holes in the walls as well some of them even where the bullets had gone into one of the teenagers and then came out again and gone into one of the walls so as police continue searching they found that 24 total bullets had been shot back there and 17 of those 24 had actually hit their intended targets one of the teenagers and all that was really left at the crime scene were bullet casings there were no weapons there was there was absolutely no evidence at all of who this could have been so the four victims were taken for an autopsy and while it was found that Tiffany Marcus and Adelbert had all died from gunshot wounds it was found that that wasn't actually Rachel's cause of death rachael koloroutis had been shot six times mainly in the kind of genital lower abdomen area which we'll get more on to in a second but her actual cause of death was blunt force trauma to the head where she'd been hit with a gun so she'd been shot so many times but was still alive dragging herself to this fun to try and call 9-1-1 and then one of the killers probably found her and hit her of the head to finish it off so the bullet casings found at the scene were actually found to be from two different bullets from two different guns meaning potentially two to four shooters and Rachel and Tiffany's gunshots as I said tended to be more focused around the lower abdomen genital area which could mean a few different things that kind of attack whether it's done by a man or a woman can tend to mean a different thing so from a man it tends to be like a crime of passion or hatred so he's either in love with this woman and she's like cheated or something and so it's trying to attack like her femininity or it's out a period for woman and he's trying to attack her femininity or if it was a female shooter then that tends to be a little bit more deep-rooted so this woman could feel like Rachael and Tiffany are better than her she feels like she's less than them and so that could be why female shooter tends to attack feminine regions you know what I mean does that make sense so due to the lack of evidence at the scene like I said there was pretty much nothing it meant that it was gonna be really hard to obviously find the killers but also to find a motive for these crimes because these were good kids like I said they did nothing wrong all they seem to do nothing wrong the community loved them and the community was in a huge shock at this the group went in gangs like I said the girls were known for their kindness and that generosity they weren't mean Adelbert had only just moved to Clear Lake City from somewhere else somewhere a lot more dangerous there was a lot of crime where he used to live and he was trying to get away from that and he'd only been in Clear Lake for like two weeks before he was murdered and christine paolilla even though she'd been distancing herself from the girls for a while she still took the news read it really hard she was so depressed she was so overwhelmed by the loss of her friends a picture of Christine was even found in Richville collar ruses wallet when she was killed so the girls even though they weren't super close anymore they were still friends and they still cared about each other Christine couldn't go out to work she couldn't do anything she was just constantly crying for the first three nights after she actually had to sleep in her mom and stepdads bed because she couldn't bear to be a law meanwhile police were doing absolutely everything they could to get some kind of lead because they had absolutely none and so they started with Tiffany's neighbors to see if they had seen or heard anything that day one neighbor said that they heard banging around 3:30 p.m. but they just kind of thought it was some hammer and not some work going on in the neighborhood and so they didn't think much of it but in retrospect that was probably the gunshots another neighbor however did say that they saw two people a man and a woman dressed in all black heading towards Tiffany's house around 3:00 p.m. and again this neighbor didn't really think much of it it was two people walking down the street like so they didn't pay much attention they didn't analyze their faces all this neighbor could really remember was that they were both wearing all-black the girl had a bandana over her hair so they couldn't really see what kind of hair she had and the girl had abnormally large eyes and that was the only kind of standout feature that they remembered so this neighbor cooperated with police to make some composite sketches and this neighbor even admitted themselves that they didn't think it was going to be of much use because like I said they didn't really pay much attention to these two people so how accurate and the sketch is gonna be so these composite sketches were made they were put out on the news and on posters and everything but nothing came of them so police went to Clear Lake High School to go and talk with the kids classmates because they needed to find some kind of motive any kind of enemies anyone that might want to get rid of these four people and they actually found out a few things about this group that they didn't know before they actually found out that Marcus Tiffany's boyfriend he used to deal drugs which of course is a huge red flag this could have been a drug deal gone wrong it leads to a lot of unsavory relationships but not only that Adelbert his cousin actually had connections to the Mexican Mafia which is also equally as terrifying police couldn't find any connections between the murders and the Mexican Mafia however that drug deal gone wrong type theory was looking like the most promising one at this point because they didn't know of anyone in particular that hated these people or wanted them gone that was the only thing that they could think could have happened so that was the motive that police settled on and so they began looking for suspects but they couldn't really find any they couldn't find any promising ones anywhere they kept looking for years but obviously as time goes on in any case the kind of moments and while they all just slows down and eventually it came to a halt and this case went cold but Rachel's father would not let that happen he was gonna find who did this to his daughter and his daughter's friends and so he began raising money to do this himself to solve this case himself in the space of four years here is one hundred thousand pounds and he used most of this money to get those two composite sketches of that boy in that girl out there like in the world he was putting them on posters on news channels on adverts he hired out pretty much every single billboard in the whole of Clear Lake City and put these two sketches on them they were on every entrance and exit of the whole city so you couldn't go in or out without seeing these two huge sketches of these two suspects so this huge sudden reappear - like kick this case back into people's memories everyone was talking about it everyone was talking about these sketches and police were getting hundreds of calls and a lot of them weren't really leading anywhere but then they got this one call that helped to shine a light on a lead that no one had really considered so far and this huge surgeon tree appeal really helped to like kick this case back into people's memories everyone was talking about it everyone was talking about these sketches and police were getting hundreds of calls and a lot of them weren't really lead-in anywhere a lot of them were just people thinking that they recognized the sketch but then they got one that helped to shine a light on a lead that no one had really considered yeah in this whole case a man called Crime Stoppers anonymously and said that he thought he recognized the woman in the sketch he thought it was a woman that he once met in drug rehab he said that this woman had told him a really in-depth detailed story about how she was involved in a quadruple murder and some of the things that this woman told him aligned perfectly with this case she said that she ran out of bullets she had to hit one of them over the head to kill them she said that one of them was killed while they were trying to dial nine-one-one so police were immediately intrigued because they sounded like a really promising lead and so they asked this man who this person in the sketch was they asked to identify her and this man said that he thought it was 20 year old christine paolilla so police pulled up christine paolilla on the database to look at her picture look at her information everything and when they did they realized how eerily similar she looked to the police sketch so police ran a background check on christine paolilla just to see like where she was now where she lived where she worked and they found an extensive criminal history from about the time of the murders until the present Christine had a lot of drug charges possession charges or the things random criminal charges and she was known to have a very severe heroin addiction and at this point she was actually married and living in a motel room in San Antonio so police tracked her down tracked down this motel room that she was now living in and they went there to arrest her and as soon as they walked in they saw her and just erupted and this motel room was one of the worst scenes that some of the police had ever seen worse than like dead body scenes it was filthy it smelled horrendous there was blood everywhere from like weathered injected into needles and just thrown these needles there was spatter everywhere moldy food dirty clothes it was one of the worst smelling things a lot of the police officers said that and the smell they also said that there was upwards of a hundred needles in that room used unused some of them still in packets some of them with blood on them and it was horrendous at this point Christine had barely left the motel room in the last eight months she no longer had a job obviously she was so addicted to heroin she couldn't really work and she estimated that she was spending around a thousand dollars on heroin every single day she actually inherited $300,000 from her father's life insurance of course he had that tragic death at work so she got a really big payout when she turned 18 and so instead of like investing now or buying a house or you know whatever else she and her husband Justin would just spend that money on heroin every year so the two of them just in and Christine were taken for questioning because all police knew at this point was that it was possibly Christine and a man that committed these murders because the sketches were him a woman and a man so they just assumed it was Christine and Justin and so they were taken for questioning and Christine obviously stayed quiet she wouldn't say anything she refused to speak without a lawyer but Justin didn't really have any reason to he knew that he didn't commit those murders and so he told them everything Christine had ever said to him about these murders just insect that Christine had told him that she committed the murders with her boyfriend at the time Chris Snyder and the two of them like I said they experimented with a lot of drugs I don't know if they were addicted at that point but they definitely did a lot of drugs and on this specific day in 2003 the two of them Chris and Christine decided that they wanted some drugs but they didn't have any drugs and they didn't have any money to get the drugs and so they came up with a plan to go and rob Christine's friends Tiffany and Rachel because they knew that they were all hanging out that day so Chris and Christine head straight to Tiffany's house and Rachel goes to the door and lets them in with no question this was who had been her friend for the past couple of years nothing seemed off about this situation Tiffany Marcus and Adelbert we're all still sat down watching the movie Rachel was still stood up from when she'd just let them in and then we're all talking it was normal and then Chris pulled out a gun and Christine quickly followed with her own gun and the two of them were demanded that all four of the people in the room give them money and drugs and whatever they've got so like I said rachael koloroutis was still stood up at this point from where she just let them in and so Christine decided to focus on her she was the only one stood up so Chris helped the other three at gunpoint on the surf and made them stare sat down while Christine took Rachel around Tiffany's house to look for money and drugs I don't know how much if any money or drugs they found because obviously this wasn't Rachel's house she wouldn't know where to find anything like that but when they were done Chris and Christine realized that they couldn't leave any witnesses because these were Christine's friends they knew exactly who they were they could identify them and Chris and Christine would get into a lot of trouble for armed robbery now Christine claims that it was just Chris that shot her all four victims she never shot anyone however the two different types of bullet casings suggest that both of them shot all four teenagers so the two of them then fled to Tiffany's house and ran to Chris's car Chris was gonna drive the two of them away and everything but then Christine started panicking she was thinking what if one of them is still alive like they can't leave a witness so Christine ran back in with her gun and shot Marcus and Delbert and Tiffany one more time each but then she couldn't find Rachel Rachel was no longer there that was until Christine heard noises coming from behind the couch and realized that Rachel was still alive and she was trying to dial that woman on this bond so Christine tried to shoot her again one more time but then realized she was out of bullets and so instead she just beat her to death with the gun so Christine then once again flees the house gets into the car with Chris Chris drives them to Steen's house where they both wash up they get the blood off them and everything and then Chris then checks Christine to her work she worked at Walgreens she worked at a makeup counter at Walgreens and Christine works a full shift after committing four murders as I said before police found barely any evidence at the crime scene which is how Chris and Christine got away with this for so long the two of them stood together stayed in a relationship after the murders for a full year until 2005 Chris was actually caught stealing a car and so he was sent to prison for a few years and so Christine decided that without him she was gonna try and get her life back on track she split up with him she went to rehab to try and get over all of her addictions and it was working for a while and while she was in rehab she met Justin Rott the two of them got married they finished rehab and then once they were out they both relapsed and christine had a kind of PTSD about the whole thing she hadn't talked about the murders for years and then one day she sat down with Justin and told him everything she told him the full story and then after that moment she couldn't leave the house and so the two of them got a motel room to kind of go into the radar they sold the house because Christine had bought house with the money that she inherited from her father but she no longer wanted to live in Clearlake so they sold that and they got a motel room and Christine locked herself in that motel room for eight months eight whole months she didn't leave so police ran a background check on Chris Snyder and found that he actually now lived in Florida with a woman that he met online so in June of 2006 police issued a warrant for Chris Snyder's arrest and somehow word of this got around to Chris that he was a wanted man and so he disappeared so quickly a very very intense missing-persons search began because not only was he a missing person he was a potential danger to other people and himself and then a month in August a tip came in that Chris Schneider was seen a month earlier so around the time that he disappeared in a wooded area and so police went there and found his decomposing body Chris Snyder had committed suicide by overdosing on prescription drugs and so he would never be brought to justice for the murders of those four teenagers on a search of Chris's home police found two guns consistent with the two guns that they believed were the murder weapons back in 2003 and unbelievably on one of these gun specifically there was Chris Snyder's DNA and also rachael koloroutis DNA and this was still on it after three years christine paolilla eventually admitted to her part in all four murders however because she was a juvenile at the time of the killings she actually couldn't be put up for the death penalty in October of 2008 christine paolilla was found guilty of all four murders and sentenced to life in prison she's actually tried to appeal her sentence multiple times but every single time she was rejected and her first parole hearing will be in 2046 when she is 60 years old so that is it for the christine paolilla case thank you so much for watching now for today's charity shout out today we're going to be talking about the Huntington's disease association thank you so much to Amelia for suggesting this one in the comments of my previous video Huntington's disease is a genetic disease caused by a Fault in a certain gene I don't know the exact science behind it but if you have Huntington's disease you definitely inherited that from your parents Quinton turns disease can affect people's movements so they can have kind of like twitch like movements where parts of the body will move and they don't mean to move them or it can go the other way they can mean to do something with their body but it doesn't quite work that way like coordination is really bad people with Huntington's tend to fall over a lot and drop things and slur their words because the movement in their face and their mouth muscles isn't that good it also really affects brain tissue leading to dementia or depression major mood changes major changes in your personality it's a progressive disease it only gets worse and worse as time goes on and it's actually a lair onset disease so you not only get diagnosed with it around like 40 to 50 years old but you can be diagnosed with it at any point in your life children can get diagnosed with Huntington's the Huntington's disease Association provides carers for physical and emotional support for sufferers a lot of the work that the Association does is educational so there is awareness of Huntington's and the symptoms and like how to spot it early so you can get the proper care early on of course they'll be a link down in the description to donate to the Huntington's disease association 150 pounds if we can join it 150 pounds between us all that compared at eight hours of care from a specialist so if you have a couple of extra pounds I'm sure if we could all donate just a little bit then we could make a huge difference for someone suffering but yeah that completes this video thank you so so much again to 21% for sponsoring this video like I said click the link in the description go and click that banner on my profile and you can win a 100 pound ear socks voucher but yeah thank you so so much for watching this video if you enjoyed it make sure you leave a big thumbs up and subscribe down below if you are new with us I make videos like this all the time a big shout out to all of my channel numbers all of the names are on screen right now if you want to become a channel member all you have to do is click the link in my description or you can click the join button if you're on a desktop if you do become a channel member you get access to a bunch of extra perks you get your name on this end screen of every single video you'll also get access to a members on the community tab where we talk about the cases I'll ask for care suggestions you'll get your suggestions fast track and yeah thank you so so much for watching and I will see you in the next one subscribe to my second channel it's right [Music]
Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 1,537,713
Rating: 4.9473486 out of 5
Keywords: makeup, tutorial, eleanor, neale, eleanor neale, eleanor neale true crime, eleanor neale makeup, review, fashion, style, beauty, 2019, vlog, mystery, unsolved, unsolved mystery, true crime, christine paolilla, 21 buttons, app, documentary, interview, itv, bbc, crime watch daily, criminally listed, chills, kendall rae, where is, missing, news, podcast, mile higher, clear lake, city, creepypasta, helen bailey, shanda sharer, real stories, female killers, Christine Paolilla Documentary, deadly women
Id: XFkvtyQCX8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 15sec (1995 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2019
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