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so for today's video I am finally back with a brand new solve true crime case I know I've been gone for so long and I'm so sorry about that I'll explain where I've been in everything at the end of the video because I don't feel like it really fits in with this kind of video so if you do want to know about me and like my personal life just wait until the end but today I want to talk about this true crown case this one has been so so so requested pretty much ever since I started doing these types of videos and I can see why because I feel like this is such an important case for me to cover my kind of audience on this channel my demographic is so varied don't get me wrong but my kind of main demographic is young people from the UK and the victim in this case was a young person from the UK and I feel like you guys could learn a lot from this case I'll say like if you have children or if you gonna have children in the future like this is such an important thing to talk about you'll see as we're going on what I mean and but today we are going to be talking about the case of Breck Bednar so as usual before I get into this video I just want to give my usual disclaimer I mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone that I talk about in this video this is all just information that I have found on the internet and I'm compiling into one video so Breck David Lefevre was a fourteen-year-old boy bought on March 17 1999 his parents Barry bednar and Lauren LaFave were originally from Michigan in the United States but they moved over to the UK like three years before breakfast born before they started their family just because they felt it to be a lot safer than the US I felt safer being here because we don't have the gun crime problem that we have in the States Breck was the first child to bury um Lauren and he was a kind of miracle baby of sorts Barry and Lauren were trying for years to have a baby and to start family they tried so many different medical treatments and none of them seemed to be working for years until finally Breck Kim in 1999 and then a couple more years down Barry and Lauren tried again for another baby using medical treatments again and if you know anything about like medical treatments to help you fall pregnant sometimes they can make you fall pregnant with multiple babies at once and that is exactly what happened two years after breakfast born Barry and Lauren had triplets called collie Chloe and Sebastian so Breck was the oldest of four children at this point and they all live together in Surrey in England in 2006 when Breck was seven years old his parents Barry and Lauren decided to split up and get a boss and they kind of moved apart but they didn't move far away so Barry moved out of the family home it was Lauren and the children but Barry still regularly saw all of his kids like he didn't move far away so as far as I'm aware the information that I found I think Barry still had a really good relationship with all four of his children saw them regularly and things Rick was a very happy person just in general always smiling he was very sociable very friendly he was religious the whole family was religious they were Christian they'd go to church every Sunday Breck was also really intelligent he was an Air / Air star student which if you're in America that's the equivalent of like a 10-plus like top top grades he also did further maths and triple science which if you're not from the UK you also want understand that but further maths is like one up from normal maths and triple science is like one up from normal science like only the smartest of the smart kids can do those subjects in the UK you don't choose to do further maths or triple science I mean in some schools I'm sure you could but in most schools you normally chosen by the teachers to do this because they think you're not smart I don't three maxvill history I didn't really well so Breck was pretty much like a perfect child obviously there's no such thing as a perfect child but he was smart he was happy he was well-behaved he was just a really good boy really well brought up from a very young age Breck was very interested in like computers technology like online things the Internet video again it's just anything to do with technology that was like his passion he was always good on the computer right from the start just he seemed natural at it and as he was studying in school it wasn't just for fun he would be on the computer because he had a passion for it he would literally take his computer apart put it back together I mean that sort of just sums him up you know technology at his fingertips at all times when Breck was around 13 or 14 years old he began online gaming so like they would play the games online in the be able to talk to each other live through like little headset things I don't know much about it but like you can talk to each other like while you played this game together and because this was such a like popular hobby among boys at the time I mean it still is think about how popular things like far tonight are it was so popular that at the time Breck's Church decided to put together a group of six boys that could just like share and talk about it and like I don't know a game together just like if like six church kids would really interested in knitting they'd start a knitting club they started an online gaming club so that these six boys could all like talk to each other and play together and just like I don't know shared that like interest with each of that so the six boys chose this particular server owned by an older boy named Louis Dan's and even though Louis didn't go to the church he wasn't part of this like gaming group from the church he quickly became like a friend of the boys like because they were gaming together for hours every night and like I said Louis was a few years older than the rest of the boys so they all start to see him as this kind of cool older brother type figure he would buy them older age rating games because they couldn't get them there were 14 years old at this point and Luis was 18 so he could buy the 18 rented games he knew a lot more about gaming about online things like he was very knowledgeable and the boys all looked up to him like he was a big brother and Luis would tell the boys all these different stories about like his life and his job and what he did and he sounded so cool he was from Essex but he moved over to New York he worked for the secret services he was a computer programmer by day he owned different businesses and companies that all added up to multi millions of pounds in these different companies like I said the boys spent a lot of time online gaming literally like five or six hours a night which sounds like a lot I know but when you're 14 years old you get home from school on a winter's day like there's nothing to do it's too cold to go outside they would literally go on this game from the minute they got home from school until they went to bed and that's kind of normal for teenage boys nowadays and besides it wasn't getting in the way really like Breck was still doing his homework still having family time he went to the Air Cadets he was still attending every single one he'd have dinner with his family every night like he was well behaved so if this game is making him happy spending this much time on it and it's not affecting his life then what's the problem really he's spending a lot of time with his friends as well like even if they're not in the room he's still socializing with his friends for five or six hours every night because Brad always had his door open in his room sometimes I would just pop in what I would go in he would say my mom's here and then Danes would say hey mom how you doing and I'd say oh good and I'd say I just came from dance class and a dancing lady would pop up on the screen Breck's mother Lauren became a little bit suspicious about Breck's online gaming friends obviously she knew the ones from the church but there was one voice on this online live chat thing that she didn't really recognize partly because his voice was very deep and distinctive and when I asked Mike who it was he referred me to a picture and it was a picture of a really attractive young boy and you know I question back several times Freck is that really him Breck explain this to his mom by saying like no no that's not his actual avatar that's just a random picture because he can't show his real face because he's part of the secret services and as you can imagine Lauren Breck's mother when she heard that she was like what are you talking about that's a lie but all the boys genuinely believe this they thought that Lewis was an 18 year old millionaire living in New York he had all these different companies he was part of the secret services like they believed that this boy was so cool partly because they were so young they were 14 years old they were being told this by an 18 year old boy and when you got young an age gap like that seems really big and you like trust older people like you trust Authority and they also believed it because it was a very like gradual spiral of lies it wasn't like Louis met them and straight away I said I work for the Secret Service's I'm a multi-millionaire like it was very gradual the lies just built up on top of each of that like if someone said in your first conversation with them hi my name is Lewis I am a multi-millionaire I went for the secret services of course you're not gonna believe them you're gonna be like why are you telling me that in our first conversation you're gonna think it's lies if you've ever heard of the boiling frog analogy that's often used to describe situations like this so a lot of the time frogs when they're cooked they're boiled alive I don't know why that's how it's done but it's how it's done the analogy is that if you put a live frog straight into a boiling pot of water it's gonna sense danger and it's gonna jump straight out and that's just like Lewis going straight in in the first conversation and saying I work for the secret services I'm a millionaire the boys would have been like this guys like it but if you put a live frog into some tepid water and you gradually turn up the heat the Frog won't sense any danger it won't sense the temperature rise and it'll boil alive in that pot much like if Lewis gradually built up the lives and build them up then the boys are going to gradually believe more and more ridiculous lies so if Lewis started off small with just I live in New York that's a good play to set the scene to be able to LED to say I work for the secret services I'm rich at 18 like things like that but in reality 18 year old lewiston's did not live in New York he was not a multi-millionaire he didn't work for any secret services or computer programming companies as you probably guessed Lewis was 18 years old he wasn't lying about that but he lived in Essex in England which is not that far from where Breck lived in Surrey so he didn't actually live in New York like I said he was unemployed he was living on his own in his own flat and he was just grooming these fourteen-year-old boys specifically Breck but not so the boys all got pretty close they were talking for hours every night like I said on these games and they would talk about just like random things in their life their hobbies their passions their goals in life what kind of jobs they wanted when they were older and obviously as you can imagine Breck Bednarz completely revolved around like computers programming technology he was so passionate about everything to do with technology and it was at this point when Lewis Jones told Breck that one of these many companies that he owned was actually in programming and computing and things like that and he actually offered Breck a job when he was older if he wanted it like I said he started off small with his lives gradually leading up to him offering breakfa a six-figure salary job in programming and computer in he was 18 years old he didn't have this job to offer Breck he told me at one point that Danes had made two million dollars in Bitcoin traits and given it all the way to the Syrian rebels I would say Breck really you're saying this is a 17 going on 18 year-old boy and he's made two million dollars already really Breck but this wasn't the first time that Lewis danced it groomed a young boy his first target was actually a 13 year old boy from the USAir Lewis really wanted this 13 year old boy from the US air to travel over to the UK alone to come and stare with him for a bit and just like I don't know be friends or whatever who knows Lewis's real intentions but that's obviously what he told this child and so Lewis manip to this by so much to the point where this boy made his own PowerPoint presentation to show his parents begging them to let him go over to the UK and meet this stranger that he met online obviously the boy's parents said no you're 13 no way are we gonna let you travel halfway across the world alone to meet someone you don't know and when this boy's parents said no Louis realized that there was no point in trying with that target anymore and so he moved on to 14 year old Breck Bendtner who obviously lived a lot closer than the US air so like I said Breck was really well behaved still like his gaming didn't affect anything he was still going to a cadets he was still going to church all these things he was still really well behaved but by the summer of 2013 all of that began to change and very quickly as well Breck completely stopped going to air cadets which was one of his biggest hobbies he loved Air Cadets he quit that completely he wouldn't go to church every Sunday he'd still go sometimes but definitely not as much as he used to do he loved going to church as well kind of half stopped about his schoolwork started slacking he wasn't as well behaved at home he wouldn't tidy room he wouldn't tiny up after himself he was just in general kind of misbehaving and turning into a different boy than what Loren and Barry had brought and his mother Lauren put this down to this kind of suspicious old a game and that she kept hearing she knew that he was spending a lot of time with this boy she didn't know him so she didn't know like what his personality was like she knew the other boys from the church she knew that there were good boys there were still good boys at this point and only Breck was turning into someone different so she put it down to this kind of suspicious older boy on the games and now when Lauren would enter the room when Breck was gaming the reception wouldn't be as welcoming he wouldn't be as happy when she'd come in the person on the other end of the line wouldn't say hi mom like they used to and if you remember when Lauren used to enter the room a little dancer would appear on the screen and now that little dancer had turned into a witch she felt that whoever this kind of suspicious older gamer was they were changing breck they were changing his values his beliefs his morals stopped him going to church just stopped him from behaving and they were ruining Breck's relationship with her and Breck's life completely eventually Lauren grew so worried about this suspicious older Gama that she felt that she really had to do something about it and so she actually called the police good evening sir please um yes I have a 14 year old son and there's an 18 year old person and I feel like he's being rude and it's been ongoing for a while and I'm getting really concerned that this person isn't actually he says he is and it wasn't just Breck's mom that was growing suspicious of Luis it was Breck's friends as well those boys that would online game with Luis they were starting to see through the cracks in this they asked luis for like real pictures of himself because obviously he had to use someone else's picture because he was part of the secret services and luis would just kind of avoid it every time saying like i can't i'm part of the secret services even though they were saying we know you're not he wouldn't send these pictures and then one time he did send pictures but they were fake the bugs easily searched these pictures up and felt that they belong to someone else the boy's ass Luis to video chat several times and every single time he'd make up an excuse Luis supposedly had no social medias which is pretty uncommon for a young boy in this day and age like everyone's got social media pretty much they even arranged to meet up with Luis several times and every single time Luis would pull out in some kind of way like make an excuse eventually Luis was becoming pretty controlling of a brick and brick didn't really notice it but a lot of people that are being controlled and brainwashed and manipulated don't realize that that is happening breck just kind of saw Luis is a really cool older brother like I said really called me a friend online but Rex friends were not when we pulled him up on on things which were obviously lies he works gay angry and he would sort of remove you from the server very quickly Breck would join the Lewis would immediately pull him out of the channel with all of us so it's just that on their own even if you try to talk to them in that channel you were getting moved down so we're talking about private stuff but at the same time Breck friends didn't really think too much into it I mean you dawn when you fourteen like they just kind of thought that it was someone wanting to steal their friend off them that happens all the time when you young someone comes in and they're like trying to steal someone out your friend group happens all the time and they just didn't think it was as serious as it was but like I said Breck smother also realized that he was being controlled by this stranger online and she just didn't know what to do she knew she had to try and pull him away from his computer somehow but she didn't know how she was gonna do that things was changing all of his ideology and Breck would use specific phrases all the time well Lewis says I don't believe in God so why should I have to go to church Lewis says I don't make any messes so why should I have to clean up Lewis says I can get a Microsoft apprenticeship through him and so I won't have to finish school and it was I always had this preface that Lewis said Lewis said eventually Breck's friends had enough of Lewis and the effects that he was having on them and on Breck that just had enough and so they decided to distance themselves from him I would talk to them and be like listen this guy's weird and what'd he say it doesn't add up but unfortunately for a few of them including wreck they just did not listen at all and I'm stuck with him but still by December 2013 Brecon Lewis had been friends for almost a year at this point and things would just were getting worse they weren't getting any easier things would just escalate in and Lauren knew that she had to do something to protect Breck Breck allowed his mother Lauren to have a conversation with Lewis of a live chat while Breck was in the room just so that she could get an idea of who Lewis was because obviously Breck thought of him as a friend and so he wanted Lauren to see him as his friend as well so Lawrence sat with brick and she had an in text chat with Louis just about rec and how she was feeling about the situation how Louis was feeling about the situation and Brecht just kind of hope that maybe if his mom spoke to Louis it might get her off his case a little bit with Louis telling me how to parent Breck and at the end of the conversation I just I got fed up I said why are you telling me how to raise my son I said you know Breck has told me that your parents weren't there for you what I am there for Breck and everything that I do is because I care about him and I love him it was at this point but Lauren felt like nothing was working she had to take further action obviously Breck just wasn't listening he was too brainwashed to listen to her the police investigation wasn't going anywhere nothing had come from that all she could think to do was just to take Rex technology away from him yes it might make him sad it's a punishment but at the same time it's protecting him it's taken away the communication between him and this online predator but Louis was one step ahead Lewis bought Brack his own mobile phone and mailed it to him so that they could still talk even when Lauren thought she'd taken away all his technology he still had some form of contact with Lewis Lauren also called all the other boys in this kind of online gaming group and their parents in for a meeting just to kind of voice her concerns about this other boy that they were playing with online to see if any of the other parents felt the same way or if none of them knew just to like warn them and Lauren felt like this meeting went really well she felt like all the other parents were like on her side they were all in agreement about Lewis they were all gonna like closely monitor their sons as well but what the parents didn't know was that lyrics had convinced Breck to take in a recording device into this meeting record everything that was being said about Lewis and then send it back to Lewis after a few days Breck ended up getting all his like technology back his computer everything was back to him but on the conditions that he didn't speak to Lewis he changed the server that he gained on because the server belonged to Lewis and Breck agreed and everything went back to normal Breck was like the old Breck again he was happy he was well behaved he didn't restart air cadets but he started coming to church regularly again he was just completely back to his old self Brooks mom really thought that like that part of his life was gone Lewis was gone everything was back to normal but it wasn't at all Lewis was still on the scene he was still talking to Breck but now it was just so secretive obviously at this point everything had pretty much gone back to normal so Lauren had pretty much forgotten that she did even filed the police report in the first place but what she didn't know was that police investigation never happened the police never looked into Lewis dance at all and this absolutely infuriates me they didn't even put Lewis's name into the system that would have taken them minutes just to type in Lewis dance cause Lauren gave them his name she knew this information about him they could have just typed his name into the database and things would have been much different had they just typed in Lewis stands onto their kind of police system they would have found that he'd been in trouble with the police before and that Lewis was a dangerous person Lewis Dan's had previous allegations of rape against a 15 year old boy a boy older than Breck bednar and Lewis had also been found with indecent images of children on his computer but of course the police work in this case was absolutely inexcusable it makes me so angry because had they just searched up his name they would have realized how dangerous this person was Lauren would have realized that all of her fears were confirmed and she could take further steps to look after Breck but of course they didn't because the police couldn't be bothered and had they just typed in those two words Lewis turns into their system and found that he was an evil person and done something to protect Breck I wouldn't be sat here today making video and Breck would be safe with his family but like I said things seem to be going well Lauren thought that Breck had caught Lewis off completely because Breck was completely back to his normal self but like I said of course that didn't happen they were still talking just now on the slide and of course Lewis was still feeding Breck all these different lies saying he owned all these different companies he was a multi-millionaire and Breck was still believe in them and it was just mounting up and he believed every single word that came out of Lewis danza's mouth and then 2014 rolled around and Lewis Dan's decided to drop the biggest lie that he told so far he told brekford now that he was dying he said that he was dying he didn't know who to leave all this monitor he didn't know who to leave the businesses to he was gonna die in a matter of months and that he wanted to give everything he had to brick but nah a 14-year old by that he had only ever met online then in February of 2014 brekford now was due to go on a Spanish exchange trip with school and then I just hugged him we both said we loved each other and as he walked away I just thought gosh I'm so proud of this boy so tall and handsome and so clever so so clever in so many ways and he walked away and just turned around waved got into the car know if he went brick was away in Spain for a week and he had the best time all his friends said it was such an amazing holiday he was constantly smiling laughing happy just as he always was and this was a really special trip because while he was there Breck actually got his first ever girlfriend he just had a really good time on his little exchange trip and then he returned home on the 15th and February and it was actually his dad's weekend to have the kids so when he got back to the airport his three younger triplet siblings and his father all came to pick him up from the airport and they said he looked so happy at the end of his trip the triplets said when bro was in the left he was sort of chatting with the girl and just so comfortable and his brother Sebastian said that was the happiest I've ever seen Breck mom and I said why and he said because he had his first girlfriend and you know his little brother noticed how happy us with his first girlfriend so they all went back to Barry's house the father's house and the kids would you two stay there for a few days but meanwhile Lewis was still lying to Breck about how he was dying how he wanted to hand over all his wealth and all of his businesses to Breck as soon as Breck hit down in England after coming home from spin Lewis was begging him to go to his house so that you could sign over his wealth so that you could give him these businesses and of course Breck believed him he'd been believing him for the past year he had no reason to doubt it really and so like I said Breck was home from his trip on the 15th and then he asked his father Barry if he could go to a sleepover with a friend from school on the 16th of course Barry said yes thinking that this was just a friend from school like I said Breck spent a lot of time on his computer and inside and stuff so Barry was just happy that he wanted to go and like spend time with a friend in person this wasn't very common thing so when Breck asked to go and spend time with his friend in person of course Barry was gonna say yes it was really happy for his son but as I'm sure you can guess it wasn't a school friend that Breck was going to stay away that it was actually eighteen-year-old Lewis James who had mid Breck lied to his father about whom he was going to stay with Lewis had given Breck a whole script of things to say to his parents to his father so that his father would let him go and stay at this friend's house he'd given him a fake name to give his dad I think story as to why he's going to stay with his friend effects are as to what Breck and his school friends were gonna do on that night when he slept over Lewis emailed Breck saying if your father asks where you're going on Sunday said that you're going to meet a friend who is 14 his name is Edward Bly he's invited you over to his dad's house for the day while he's visiting him who lives in Katherine Edward Blyth father also says that you might be able to stay the night dependent on their plans in bricks hedge he thinks that Louis's just been really nice and helpful because obviously his parents are gonna let him go and stand with someone that's never met so Breck thinks that Louis he's just been really helpful helping him come up with a story that will help him be able to go to his house and get all these businesses and all this money but from Louis's point of view this was one of the smartest things he did in this whole case he made breakfast had early give a fake name a fake story completely affect family that he was going to stay with so that nothing could be traced back to Lewis and Breck was just so excited he was so excited to go and see Lewis he was so excited to meet this multi-millionaire friend that was going to sign over all this money to him all these businesses his dreams were about to come true at the age of 14 - on a massive programming company have all this money that he could share with his parents he was so excited so on Sunday February 16th 2014 Breck bednar went to me 18 year old Lewis dance and man who he had only ever spoken to on line at 7 a.m. that morning Lewis had pre booked a taxi to come and pick brick bender up from his father's house and take him over an hour to where Lewis lived in Essex and this was all just adding to the facade that Lewis was this multi-millionaire he had money to burn to pay for bricks taxi from Surrey all the way to Essex that taxi journey would have been in its hundreds that would have been a such an expensive journey and like he's looking after Breck and it's all just adding to this image that Lewis is this really cool older person that has so much to give Brack and so Breck just isn't suspecting anything at this point so anywhere Breck arrived at Lewis's flat in Essex and things seemed to have gone really well for the first like six hours or so they must have been like talking about programming maybe playing games just talking together and it seemed like it started really well after a few hours Breck even texted his dad asking if he could stay over for the night that just started pizza they were having so much fun Breck told him that it just updated his programming software or something like that he was saying you're gonna be so proud of me I'm learning so much new things with programming and he just seemed like he was having a really good time for the first part he I hope he had a good time for a while and I don't know when the table's turned I don't know what happened then the next morning on February 17th 11:04 a.m. 6:00 police received the following phone call a sixth place Matt let's say um okay hello I need police and a forensics team to my address please what do you mean what happened my friend and I got into an altercation and I am the only one who came out alive are you telling me you've killed somebody yes hmm 18 year-old Luis Stearns had murdered 14 year old Brett bender on Breck's we're not sure at what point during the night this happened at what point things changed and Luis became violent no one knows at what point it happened but on the next morning Luis contained himself and he made that calm collected call to the emergency services just giving himself up I got the man and you can you not interrupt me with this pot okay go on okay it has been recorded anyway yeah I grabbed the knife and I stabbed him once in the back of the neck I believe somewhere near the brain stem as you can tell from this is 999 call a cop play all because its copyright and I'm really sorry about that but he's just so calm he's breathing perfectly he's not stuttering he doesn't sound like he's just killed someone he doesn't sound panicked he doesn't sound nervous he sounds just so eerily confident he's speaking with absolutely no emotion he's talking like he's telling the plot of a film he's just watched he's not talking as if he's reliving this murder that he's just committed I don't remember exactly what happened that the fight ended with me cutting his throat I believe I turned around and I flashed history the police on their way I think yes they are they are I'm at ago and Bob sweet thank you for your help right just listen within minutes of Louis's phone confession the police arrived at his flat in Essex immediately police found the murder weapon a knife just on the floor in the hallway just like lewiston said on the third they found bin bags with clothing in and other evidence that suggests that this wasn't a murder in self-defense but I'll get into what was in those bags in a second they found hard drives and other like pieces of technology just submerged in water so that they would be destroyed who knows what they contained but Lewis did not want the police looking through them we can probably guess based on Louis's record that there was some kind of indecent images of children on there and on top of his bed a charge that would have made his time in prison so much longer he obviously knew he was in trouble he gave himself up to police so he was just trying to minimize his sentence as much as he possibly can maybe there were bloodstains all over the apartment suggesting either like a struggle or possibly that he'd killed Breck and then maybe moved the body and there was also evidence that Lewis had tried to clean up some of the blood in the apartment and probably given up half way considering there was blood all over anyway but he'd actually tried to clean up some of that Lewis also took off all of his clothes that were like blood-soaked he had a shower he got changed all before the police got there but one of the arguably sickest parts of this whole case was that Louis danced before the police got there took his phone took photos of Breck's dead body and the crime scene all the blood and everything and sent these photos to two of Breck's friends somehow the news of Breck's murder also made it to social media we can probably guess at Louis's hands and so news of Breck's death was travelling fast a lot of like strangers and kind of acquaintances knew before Breck's on family knew my brother Sebastian he got a text from his friend and it said if what happened to your mother was rue I'm really sorry we had no idea what was going on I thought he had been mugged or something Carly thought he had run away Louis des was arrested at the scene he was charged with murder and he was taken to the nearest police station to be questioned while all of the kind of evidence inside the flat was being collected and analyzed and things spec's body was found laying face down on lewis's bed he had stab wounds to his neck which meant that he died in less than a minute but the main piece of evidence as to why Breck's death couldn't have been in self-defense it had to have been a planned murder was that in those bin bags full of clothes there was also a duct tape found and when these pieces of duct tape were like position together and placed together they fit exactly around Brett's wrists and around his ankles which means he must have been bound at some point and Louis Dean's recent online purchases also show that he was very guilty in this and then it might have also had a sexual element to this crime he obviously bought the tape online he actually also bought condoms online and I don't know how police know this next bit of information so I don't know how accurate this is but they found that Louis dens had his fly of his jeans up and at some point during the attack I do like I said I don't know how they would know that possibly like some farmer maybe there was a blood spatter zip I don't know I don't know how they would know that but they claim to know that and in the forensic testing of the apartment they actually found a semen sample mixed in with the blood on the floor while it was still wet which suggests that the sex was not consensual because it was either German or after brick had been injured and was bleeding not that anyone thought that the sex was consensual to begin with like there was nothing else to suggest that it was consensual but that just pretty much confirms it meanwhile in Lewis's police questioned and he was sticking to his story he was saying that he killed Breck by accident in self-defense he thought that Breck was gonna hurt him or kill him and sir he did what he had to do Louis said that breakfa came suicidal that mornin he was inconsolable he wasn't thinking in his right mind and he grabbed a penknife off the side of Louis's bed and he was either threatening to her Louis where they are to hurt himself with her and so Louis claims that he got up he wrestled this pen knife from Breck to save either one of them whoever Breck was gonna hurt and this just angered Breck Breck didn't like that Louis was trying to control him and not letting him use this pen knife and so Lewis claims that at this point Breck came at him in anger Lewis thought that Breck was gonna hurt him I'll kill him at this point and so that was when Lewis stabbed him in the side of the neck and this is how we pretty much definitely know that Lewis was lying Breck from the stab wound on his neck he would have died within seconds like in less than a minute of getting that stab wound to his neck but at this point Lewis says that Breck turns round and carries on trying to fight with him after this stab wound Breck would not have been able to get up and try to fight because he would have been bleeding out at such a fast rate that he wouldn't have been able to stand he would have been going dizzy he would have been dying in seconds he wouldn't have been able to fight but Lewis claimed that Breck carried on trying to fire him and when Lewis quirt slashed his throat Lewis then claimed that he tried to stop Rex bleeding he did everything he could to stop his bleeding but there was just nothing that he could do and Breck passed away on his bed Lewis said that he then got in the shower contemplated killing himself but then ultimately decided to give himself in to the police so Lewis stands pled not guilty to the murder of brick Benoit and so his trial was set for November of 2014 Lewis was jumped by the media as the baby-faced killer because I mean look at him he looks like a child he was 18 years old and he looked younger than his 14 year old victims so the trial rolled around in November of 2014 and normally right at the start of the trial before the two sides start giving their evidence start argument who's innocent who's guilty the accused sir Lewis dins would get up and say his pleas guilty or not guilty just to say out loud at the start of the trial that's just how things are in cops obviously his plea was not guilty he was just supposed to get up onto the stand and say not guilty and then the two sides would start giving evidence that's just how things go in cars but of course nothing's that easy with Lewis dance Lewis got up onto the stand the judge asked him how he wanted to plea and Lewis said guilty I was shocked absolute shock I just like what did he say I thought I misheard because all along he had said not guilty and all along his whole life was fabricated around lies and manipulation and control and this was just one last manipulation technique lewiston's just wanted to hurt people he just wanted to hurt Breck's family just that little bit more before he went to prison for life he knew he was gonna be going to prison for life he'd give himself up on the phone for Christ's sake he knew that he wasn't gonna be leaving this courthouse an innocent person and so for one last kind of thrill he thought he would trick the whole courtroom and just stay guilty when he'd been saying not guilty up until this point then in January of 2015 Luis dance was sentenced to life in prison with a minimum of 25 years for the murder of brick but nah no amount of years behind bars will ever change the poisonous attitude and actions of a psychotic animal who can behave this way no amount of years will bring back the lovely boy taken from us but then a year later in January of 2016 Luis dance still continues to terrorize the bednar family from inside his prison cell lewiston's posted two kind of social media online blog posts from inside his prison cell just full of slanderous things about Breck's family about the murder just a lot of untrue things as well and there's not much like coverage on these posts for obvious reasons one it's illegal for him to be able to post online post on social media just talk about this murder I don't know how he did it I don't know if he was smuggled a thorn in I don't know if someone else wrote it for him outside whether he wrote it all down like himself and then gave it to someone to post online I don't know how that happened obviously the police know how it happened and they're keeping it very quiet because it is illegal and it shouldn't have happened so something went wrong on their side so they're obviously not gonna make it public news that this happened and another reason that there's not much coverage on these posts is there was a lot of like personal information in them about Breck's family a lot of information about the murder that hadn't been released like the nothing too interesting otherwise I would have put it in this video but just a lot a lot of information that all then Louis Danes would have known and these posts are still on the internet now which I find absolutely insane that they haven't been taken down like I sat and read these plus I sat and read Louis dances on words in my research for this case and I just think that's so crazy obviously I'm not gonna go into details about what's in these posts I haven't I've just kind of skimmed over everything that's in them just out of respect for brick and his family like I said a lot of the things in this are in these kind of pus were like untrue they were slanderous they were exaggerated so if you do go and find them yourself just check it with a pinch of salt not everything is true what a lot of it is slanderous a lot of it is exaggerated but there must be some kind of truth to them because Breck's mother knows that Lewis wrote these past because there's things in these Plus that only Lewis and breck would have known so that's how Lauren knows that Lewis does have access to the Internet somehow I know it's him because there's some things that have some bit of information in it that only he and Breck would know and so I know it's him since his murder Breck's family have set up a kind of charity and movement called the breakfa - in which helps to promote kind of Internet safety and one children and just anyone against the dangers of online predators and just online grooming grooming in general cause I'll have the website link down below you couldn't donate to the foundation on there you can read up on what they do as part of the brick foundations it talks about like all the different talks that his mother gives to like school children and just everything that they're doing in Breck's memory Lauren LaFave Breck's mother has traveled all of the UK giving these Internet safety talks just teaching children how important it is to safe online and not to talk to anyone not to let yourself get manipulated by strangers online Lauren didn't want Breck to die for no reason if Breck had to die in such an awful way Lauren wanted to flip that and use it to promote good to stop any of the children going through anything like this and I'm sure it has saved either a life or just a lot of her for a lot of different families these talks that Lauren gifts like I think they're so important to have in schools nowadays and that is one of the reasons why I wanted to do this video so much because I I do worry a little bit having an audience that is so young like I said my demographic is all over the place I have men women everyone I have so many different age ranges but my kind of men demographic is young like preteen kind of ages and it doesn't worry me that you watch videos like this I must say but it worries me even more that you could be putting yourself in situations like this and that is one of the main reasons that I do these videos to warn people of the dangers of all the people in this world and this is getting really deep now but if you see this video you that's watching this video right now if you see this and then you get into a situation like Breck did or if your child one day gets into a situation like Breck did me making this video I hope that helps I hope that you can identify like the different kind of warning signs of a manipulative grooming relationship like that because I've told this story so yeah I really hope you took something from this star right it's so so sad and Breck was he seemed like such an amazing person obviously I didn't know him but he seemed like such a happy intelligent just amazing young boy that was gonna grow up to do so much he was gonna be so smart he was gonna be such an asset to the world and it's just so sad that he was taken so young and also the police work in this case I think it's so important to talk about cases like this as well for that reason so that people can be aware that the police and always a hundred percent and like as much as we want them to be if you have something as important as this going on in your life and the police seem to be taking a long time just pester them it's worth it it is so worth it don't think that you bothering the police that is what they're there for to protect you and if something like this is going on and you put in a police report and it's taking a long time to happen ring them again and just say I put in every part I'm really concerned is this being followed upon and and I just think that this case can teach us a lot about a lot of different things but yeah that completes this case thank you so so much for watching all the way through and now I'm going to tell you where I've been oh my gosh so as a lot of you know I do struggle with mental health issues a little bit and I'm not going to get into that too much right now I'm not going to get into it at all basically I suffer with a couple of different mental illnesses and I've not been having a very easy time recently so yeah I just took a little bit of a break just to let my brain calm down because it was gonna burn out it was going on overdrive and I just I needed a break and that's why I had and know I'm back and I'm better and I'm feeling good and I'm ready to make some content for you and another thing I do want to say is that I will not be attending summer in the city this year honestly I'm heartbroken honestly and I'm sure you can tell if you follow me on Instagram or Twitter you know how heartbroken I am about this I can't defend again because of the state of my mental health at the moment like I said I'm better but I'm better in the way that I can go back to making youtube videos because I do these in the comfort of my own home it is so much easier than going to London by myself staying in a completely different City at the other side of the country by myself for a full weekend like that I'm not that good yeah not better in the way that I could do that yet but I'm definitely better in the way that I can come back to YouTube and I'm feeling refreshed in my kind of mindset and I'm ready to make so much more content for you I've missed you so much and one last thing I do want to say I'm gonna win this video on a high note I am planning a true-crime week very soon if you've been a part of my channel for a long long time you'll know that I used to do like themed weeks a few months ago I used to do like one week every month and it had like a theme but that was before I used to put so much effort into my content don't get me wrong I've always put effort into my content but now I just it's so much more and honestly I love my videos so much better when I put more effort into them so there's no way I could do a full week of uploads every month now but I just wanted to do a full week of uploads to kind of make up to you that I will be at summer in the city and honestly I am so heartbroken all I wanted to do was see you guys and hug you and thank you for watching my videos in person but I mean I can do that right now thank you so much for just watching this video for this long for being subscribed to my channel if you are if you're not subscribed like that's fine just the fact that you have sat through this video for this long means the absolute world to me and I can't put it into words I can this is unreal to me this job and you guys and I've honestly never been so happy in my life as I am being a youtuber this is the most amazing thing that ever happened to me and thank you so so much and that is exactly what I wanted to say to you all it's the realest [ __ ] that I know what get chance to do but I will be there next year I promise you with every bone in my body I will be there whether it kills me but yeah wow I got really I got really into that didn't I yeah there's gonna be a true-crime week it's not gonna have a theme but the theme okay yeah it's got a theme the theme is requests because a lot of our videos our requests this one was very heavy requested but I mean some of the videos I choose myself because like my family have suggested them which is technically a request isn't it actually but I don't know a lot of the cases I do go out and find myself but the theme of this week that's coming I'm not gonna give you any deer it's for it just so that I'm not kind of tying myself to a particular deer just in case it's not ready by then don't want to stress my bread out any more than it has been of these past couple of weeks but yeah the theme of the week is gonna be requests so every single case in that week is gonna be a really highly requested case from you guys I've already got so many ideas for it but make sure you comment in your requests down below because I'm gonna be choosing them for that week and yeah again thank you so so much for watching this video thank you if you've ever watched any of my videos before those of you that sit and binge watch every single one of my videos that makes my heart like girl ten times its size you don't understand how much you've done for me just by watching my videos it's completely changed my life I don't get a really really soppy why but yeah thank you so so much for watching if you enjoyed this video please leave a thumbs up on it because that really helps me out it helps YouTube to suggest videos that you guys like and like something to do with that recommend and bar down there I don't know what's going on but yeah leave a thumbs up if you enjoyed it subscribe if you want to see some more content like this from me because like I said I've got a full week of it coming and yeah thank you so so much for watching I've said that so many times I love you so so much and I will see you in the next one bye oh my god I'm so sorry calm down early
Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 2,180,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2018, abducted, abduction, bella fiori, crime watch daily, disappearance, documentary, eleanor neale, interview, kendall rae, killer, lisbug, missing, mystery, now, serial killer, solved, solved disappearance, solved mystery, true crime, unsolved, unsolved disappearance, unsolved mystery, where is, breck bednar, breck, bednar, lewis daynes, daynes, 999, 911, call, chilling, this morning, lorin lafave, mom, mother, mum, catfish, predator, online, game, gamer
Id: Yo45nzePmDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 23sec (3143 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 19 2018
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