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so today's video is going to be another solved ish true-crime case now this is not officially solved in the eyes of the law however police believe that they kind of know who did this however I am not accusing anyone in this video so technically this video is unsolved this case is unsolved today we are going to be talking about the case of Lindsey bomb and this was a channel number suggested care so thank you so much to Caroline who suggested this one so yeah before I get into this I just want to give my usual disclaimer that I mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone that I talked about in this video this video is for educational purposes and everything that I'm about to say is just information that I have found on the internet and I'm compiling into one video so Lindsey bomb was a ten year old girl born on July 7th 1998 in Tennessee USA she had an older brother named Joshua and when she was still very very young her parents had quite a messy divorce and following this divorce Lindsey's mother Melissa decided that she was gonna take her two kids move to Washington moved to a very small town named McCleary and they were just gonna start over they were gonna start a new life and McCleary was like the perfect place to raise two children it was very very small very remote it was on its own there wasn't many neighboring towns and cities the population was around fifteen hundred it was very very safe everyone knew each other as for Lindsay herself she was a very very outgoing little girl very energetic very active very opinionated for someone so young she was one of those characters that kind of like when they walk in the room you know then they're her mother Melissa said that Lindsay was always talking no matter what it was about she just always had something to say and they always used to joke that she came out of the womb already talking she was just a very happy lively girl she was very creative she really liked to create him right in and like telling stories and things an age 10 her dream career was to be an author on Friday June 26 2009 Lindsay and her older brother Joshua set off walking to Lindsey's friend Mikayla's house and on the way they got into a bit of an argument now I just want to say that this part of the story is a little bit messy and the details a very contradictory between a lot of different sources so I'm not 100% what went down during this part of the story but I'm gonna try my best so I think Lindsay and Joshua got into an argument over if I can at some point during this walk the two of them were arguing and they passed a family friend and this family friend told Joshua to go back home and let Lindsay go to Mikayla's by herself because they were arguing maybe they were getting upset I don't know Joshua turned around he walks back home he was back home and in five minutes and Lindsay watched the rest of the way to Mikayla's house alone so I believe the idea was that Lindsay and Josh were going to walk to Mikayla's obviously now it was just Lindsay they were going to meet Mikaela stay there for a little bit and then I think they were gonna walk back to Lindsay's and have a sleepover at Lindsay's I don't really know what happened but somehow plans changed and they were no longer allowed to have this sleepover and so at 9:30 p.m. Lindsay sets off walking back from the killers house back to her house alone so around half an hour went by and it was starting to drop dark at this point because it was summer and it was getting to around ten o'clock and Lindsay still wasn't home and this walk back from Mikayla's did not take half an hour Lindsay had done this walk hundreds of times before and her mother Melissa knew how long it would take her and it was taking her longer than normal so Melissa aside to worry a little bit she rang Michaela's mother who obviously told her that Lindsay had left at 9:30 and she should have been home by that and so Melissa knew something must have been wrong and so she went out in the car and began driving around the streets on Lindsay's normal home looking for her and Melissa did this for a little bit longer she kept going back home to check if Lindsay had come home yet and then around 11:00 p.m. it was getting properly dark outside and she realized she needed some help and so she called the police and reported Lindsay as a missing person so immediately a mini search party was formed with some police officers Lindsay's family a couple of neighbors and they were out searching the whole of McCleary not just the route that Lindsay would have walked down but there was no sign of her there was absolutely no trace that she'd ever been that and this continued into the next year and then the next year and then four weeks and pretty much by the end of the search the whole of McCleary was in on this search party everyone was looking for Lindsay bar there were cadaver dogs there were air searchers there were people on horseback there were people searching woods and forests and bodies of waters rivers streams ponds but there was nothing ever found of course there was a little bit of speculation right away that maybe Lindsay had run away from home maybe she had purposely left and that was because she'd just been told that she couldn't have a sleepover with her friend Michaela she just had an argument with her brother Joshua and people think that maybe she was angry and upset at all these authority figures being unfair to her and so she ran away and maybe she got lost and couldn't find her way home this whole time but at the same time she was 10 years old she didn't have her phone on her she didn't have any spare clothes her toys no money she had absolutely nothing with her so she wouldn't have been able to get out of McCleary at least she wouldn't have been able to afford travel because she had no money but the whole of McCleary had been searched so she obviously wasn't in McCleary but she couldn't have got out of McCleary by self realistically so police immediately thought that third party must be involved so police interviewed pretty much every single person in the immediate area specifically the people that lived along the route that Lindsay would have walked that evening to get back home they were interviewing everyone to see if they've seen any kind of vehicles obviously if they'd seen Lindsay or if they'd seen any unusual activity in that area and one person had seen something here on this picture you can see the route that Lindsay would have taken home from Mikayla's house the little red marker is Mikayla's and the blue one is Lindsay's house but the yellow markers sure we're neighbors had seen Lindsay gap dare I believe the second yellow marker the one closer to her house which is the blue one I believe that is where Lindsay and Josh was seen by that family friend and where Josh was sent home but that first yellow marker between fifth and sixth on Maple Street is actually where a neighbor saw Lindsay walking back home at 9:30 p.m. that night but what was really frustrated in this case of course among other things is that it wasn't getting the air time on like news channels and newspapers and things that it deserved and that was just down into really really unfortunate timing Lindsay actually disappeared the deer after Michael Jackson passed away and of course Michael Jackson's passing was one of the biggest things that I remember ever happening in my lifetime like everyone was talking about it for months it was on every top headline it was on every news channel local national it was all anyone was talking about whereas on a normal day if a child goes missing that's all that anyone's talking about because Lindsay's disappearance was still shown on the news and it was still on newspapers and things but not as much as it would have been any other time of year not as much as it deserved to have anyway despite that police and all of Lindsay's family were working as hard as they could to piece together any possible evidence because obviously there wasn't really anything it was like Lindsay had vanished into thin air and I know that's a very common thing for people to say in disappearance cases but there was no evidence left there was absolutely no lead that they could have possibly taken and so Lindsay's mother Melissa began thinking about things that might have happened in the run-up to her child's disappearance that might have any connection to it and I just want to mention a couple of things these don't have any connection to it really it's just interesting pieces of information that a mother recalled from the week before going missing the mother has said in interviews that about a week before Lindsay went missing the whole family was sat watching the movie taken and I mean I haven't seen taken personally so I don't really know what it's about but I believe it's about a girl getting kidnapped in itself it's very eerie but the fact that Lindsay actually turned to her mother as they were watching this film and she said mom is this kind of thing real like does this actually happen in real life and Melissa said to a daughter yeah cos it happens in real life that's why I'm so careful about where I let you go and why you're not allowed out after a certain time like that's why we have rules because this kind of thing is very real and then just a week later the exact same thing potentially could have happened to Lindsay but even more eerie than that the night before Lindsay's disappearance she went and spoke to her mother Melissa she sat down and she just said mom I have a really bad feeling and Lindsay couldn't explain why she had this feeling that something bad was gonna happen she didn't know what was gonna happen or when but she just had this gut feeling that something bad was gonna happen and obviously Melissa tried to comfort her saying oh don't worry you've probably just got a bit of anxiety today but within 24 hours Lindsay had disappeared and was never found again Melissa also remembered a couple of events that happened in the run-up to Lindsay's disappearance in the week before it as well one of them being that the girls now I don't know who the girl but this is how Melissa tells the story so I'm assuming that one of the girls is Lindsay and the rest are her friends I don't know how many girls but the girls say we're in a public bathroom at a local park when a man walked in opened the door on two little girls in the bathroom and he just stood there in the doorway he looked at them I don't know for how long and then ran away he ran he got on his bike and sped away in the opposite direction and then in that same week Lindsay and her friend were walking down the road a very close road to her house when they felt like a white vehicle was following them and as soon as Lindsay's mother told police about this white car they began looking out for a white car they were already checking CCTV pretty much every place in McCleary to see if anything had happened around that time and then they checked from the night that Lindsay disappeared they checked the CCTV at a local gas station and there they found a white car now personally I don't really like this piece of evidence because Lindsay didn't mention a make or model or any specifics about this car she said a white car and then police took it and ran with it and found a white car a gas station on the night of her disappearance and they thought of it to be real evidence and to me that's just that's a little bit ridiculous white cars I don't know how common they were in that particular place in 2009 obviously because I wasn't there but white cars are not the rarest in the world police did try to track down this car and find the owner and everything but obviously it didn't really go anywhere because it's just a white car now as for specific suspects not suspects but people have interest in this case a man named Tim Hartman on a jewelry shop on 4th Street and 4th Street was on Lindsay's route home from Mikayla's that night she would have crossed over 4th Street to get home so obviously Tim had was questioned just as every other person on Lindsay's group was at the time of her disappearance and he initially said that he didn't know Lindsay he didn't know who she was it never met before he wasn't even in McCleary on the night of her disappearance he was actually volunteering or training with an ambulance company or something and so police just kind of took his word for it you know whatever and as police continued with the investigation they were looking at CCTV footage and then they came across one particular lot of footage from one particular shop in McCleary around the time of Linda's disappearance and there was Tim Hartman a man that was supposedly out of McCleary doing volunteer in our training so he lied to police or gave a fake alibi for what reason like obviously that was suspicious not only was he in McCleary in that shop on the night of Lindsay's disappearance when he left the shop he also left in the direction of the street where Lindsay would have disappeared from and remember this Madden said that he had no idea who Lindsay was he never heard about never matter didn't know she was missing however Melisa Lindsay's mother then told police that he'd actually helped with the search that night he was actually going above and beyond to help with the search he had Melissa Lindsey's own mother in his car and they were driving around looking for her going to certain places that they knew that Lindsay liked to go double check in if she was there so of course he knew who Lindsay was he knew what she looked like he knew she was missing happen had a lot of inconsistencies with his whole story not just his alibi but every part of his story so police asked Hartman why he said he was doing his volunteer and training thing when he was actually in McCleary and he said it was because he didn't realize how early it was so when police asked him where were you at 9:30 on he thought he was still training he didn't realize he'd come home so early and initially he was pretty cooperative with police so obviously they wanted to talk to him quite a bit because nothing was adding up and he was seeming very suspicious and he understood that he understood that his story had been very inconsistent so he went to every single question in every single appointment police wanted him to be at I think Tim was just getting very annoyed because police were calling him in for questioning all the time and they were asking him the same questions and they knew the answers and Tim knew that they knew the answers he'd already given him these answers and so he stopped cooperating he was never actually a suspect in the case he was always just a person of interest because there was no evidence against him there was no reason for police to think he was a suspect other than his bad alibi which at the end of the day could be an honest mistake he could have just messed up his time in so Tim Hartman did actually take two polygraph tests in this case now if you don't know what a polygraph test is it's a lie-detector test they're not that accurate they're not admissible in court just because it comes up that someone's lying doesn't mean they're actually lying it's just a good indicator so I haven't talked the first polygraph test right at the beginning of the case when all of the suspicions started he'd just given that fake alibi so they gave him a polygraph test and he passed but then a couple of weeks later police called in and said oh no actually you failed so police asked him to do a second test Hartman went back he sat this second test and the answer was inconclusive meaning it wasn't a pass or a fail and then police asked for him to take a third test and he felt like police were taking the mick again and so he refused to do a third test so we don't really know whether he passed or failed the first one we don't know what happened with the second one either and for a long long time that was it for this case there were no more suspects no more people have interests absolutely no evidence no sign of for years that was until nine years after Lindsay disappeared her remains were found in September of 2017 hunters found Lindsay's remains in a very remote area in eastern Washington which is actually hundreds of miles away from where Lindsay disappeared and they weren't actually identified as Lindsay's remains for a long long time because they were so far away from where she went missing no one connected the two until finally they were sent to an FBI lab in Virginia and DNA tests proved that there were the remains of Lindsay bombs so now this case had turned very very quickly from a missing person search to a homicide and obviously with the drastic change in location police decided that they now needed to look closer to where her body was found for a suspect maybe so police ran a check of local criminals in the area to see if anyone was capable of doing something like that and one result in particular came up that they were very interested in and these were three elderly brothers all living in the same house all in their 70s and 80s and there were all known pedophiles their names were Thomas Edwin and Charles Emery and they're better known in this case as the Emery brothers so the men's home was searched and police found thousands of indecent images of children videos there were letters of the men writing about things that they wanted to do to girls unimaginable things not even just sex crimes but like torture and murder and horrendous things but not only that police also found in this house a lot of girls clothes and toys and shoes and underwear and it's very very concerning how they might have gotten ahold of those kind of things and yes this home where the Emery brothers lived was hundreds of miles away from where Lindsay disappeared from however during this background check they also found that the brothers owned a house 30 miles away while Lindsay disappeared which if they were at that house at the time it puts them closer to the area close enough to just be driving around looking for someone to kidnap potentially so like I said before these brothers were known criminals they done things and they'd been charged for them before Thomas and Edwin actually pled guilty to their charges and served time whereas Charles was ruled incompetent and so his charges were completely dismissed it's been a year a full year since police have made this link between the Emory brothers and Lindsay Baum potentially and I believe the investigation is still ongoing like I said no one has been officially charged for this crime for anything to do with Lindsay well police are still working on this case they still want any information if you have any information I'll leave contact links and numbers and everything in the description not even just about the Emory brothers but if you feel like you have any kind of information about Lindsay or any other potential suspects make sure you get in contact with police I don't believe Lindsay's cause of death has actually been established maybe have family know and maybe it's just not public information or maybe her body was so badly decomposed that they couldn't find a cause of death she'd been dead for eight years before they found her remains the likelihood is that she was very very decomposed so that's it for this case like I said please do get in contact with police if you do have any information links will be in the description or any other contact method I can find you so as for today's charity shout out I know I said in my last true crime video that the next one would be another LGBT charity I kind of want to do a little switcheroo I'll make my next one and LGBT charity but for today I couldn't not do a mental health charity and you'll understand why in a second I'm sure a lot of you will have heard of this if you keep up to date with the YouTube news but recently on June 25th a gaming youtuber that goes by the name of Etica was found dead after he'd taken his own life he was showing very very obvious signs emotional distress online he was posting videos he was person very concerning things and then he went missing and he was missing for six years before police eventually found his body now there is a GoFundMe that you can turn it however I don't know where the money is going for that and so I don't really feel comfortable promoting that on my youtube channel you can go and find it if you're interested in it and you can read up on it I don't know how comfortable I feel promoting that on my youtube channel so instead I'm just gonna promote a mental health charity just in general because literally the day after etic his body was found his mother did get in contact with keemstar and said while that wasn't and GoFundMe at the time she would like for anyone looking to give money in attica's name to just donate it to a mental health charity of their choice and that was his own mother's words so I feel comfortable promoting a mental health charity in place of this GoFundMe that I don't really understand so of course with this being a member of our own community another youtuber I of course wanted to talk about this in one of my videos so today we're going to be talking about mind charity which is a mental health charity from the UK and I know I do a lot of UK charities but I saw a lot of youtubers donate into u.s. mental health charities like Olivetti cos friends like youtubers that knew him because he was American so a lot of people have already donated to us mental health charities so I just wanted to promote a UK one so the charity mind provide advice and support for people that are going through mental health issues they come in to improve services they raise awareness they promote understanding of different mental health issues just three pounds can put a mine leaflet in a local GPs office so if someone's thinking about getting help if they're going through something and they see this leaflet they'll have all the right contacts information in it for them to take the first step and to get some help just eight pounds can fund a phone call to mind and while I don't think they have a hotline or a helpline or anything like that when people call mind they can direct them in the way of like a local group or a local organization that can help them 21 pounds can help to run an online support session of multiple different people all helping each other talking to each other being there for each other for people that maybe don't have anyone in real life if you want to donate to mind of course the link will be in the description as always of course I donated to mind in memory of etiqa because it's just heartbreaking it's heartbreaking when anyone takes their life when it's a part of your community it really hits hard but yeah thank you so so much for watching this video it means the world to me that you have stuck around for this long thank you so so much if you enjoyed it make sure you leave a big thumbs up and subscribe to my if you want to see some more from me because I make videos like this all the time feel free to suggest some kisses down below because I'm working on 500k special probably gonna hit 600 care by the term I managed to get it out but you know it is coming a huge thank you to all of my channel members all of the names are on screen right now if you'd like to become a channel member you can click the join button under the video if you're on a desktop or if you can't find the join button it'll be a link in the description if you become a channel member you'll get access to a bunch of extra perks you get your name on this end screen at the end of all of my videos you get access to a Members Only community tab where we talk about the cases you can suggest cases for me to cover on my channel and you get your suggestions fast-tracks but yeah thank you so so much for watching and I will see you in the next one subscribe to my second channel if you haven't already and yeah bye [Music]
Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 1,358,428
Rating: 4.9541378 out of 5
Keywords: makeup, eleanor, neale, eleanor neale true crime, beauty, 2019, mystery, unsolved, unsolved mystery, true crime, solved, lindsey baum, lindsay baum, brainscratch, lordanarts, crime watch daily, kendall rae, podcast, true crime podcast, h h holmes, remains, found, update, itv, bbc, documentary, mile higher, Washington Girl Goes Missing After Seeing Friend - Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen, dateline, criminally listed, creepypasta, chills, stephanie harlowe, danelle hallan, case, movie, netflix
Id: xAyHH7aFQBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 11sec (1511 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2019
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