The Lululemon Murder

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I love Eleanor for true crime! You should watch Kendall Rae too! And Bailey Sarian!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 11 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/anayeli6794 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 05 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Morbid: A True Crime Podcast covered this too in episodes 93 and 94

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/oohblahdee ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 05 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

She's a great storyteller. I lived in the area where it happened and it was all everyone talked about. It was really sad and disturbing.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/awkwardzar ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 05 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

My Favorite Murder did this story back in 2016 (episode 31 - Namaste Sexy)

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/axolotl4me ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 05 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I love Eleanor!!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/heatherrose88 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 05 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
so today's video is going to be another solved true crime case and I'm not joking when I say that today's case is probably my most requested one so far of 2020 there's recently been a tweet going viral about this case you might have seen it I'll put it on screen right now and I have never been tagged in a single to eat more in my entire life I've had it damn to me literally hundreds of times and in that tweet this girl tweeted a screenshot of the Wikipedia article so I just quickly read that and as soon as I did I was like I have to cover this case like this is insane so that's what we're doing today today we're gonna be talking about the Lululemon murder this video is gonna be a two-parter so this is of course part 1 just putting this in here really quick this is actually filmed on a different day I've done my makeup quite similar Anna and part two about two is gonna be out on Friday I completely forgot to mention that in the beginning in this video so part two on Friday make sure you've got my notifications onto your message yeah before we get into this case I just want to thank our sponsors for this video Skillshare Skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of different classes teaching you new skills and new information on a range of topics from like creative stuff art and stuff like back to business 'link entrepreneurial skills to like lifestyle stuff my personal favorite category of the skill shack classes are the productivity ones I've watched nearly every single productivity class on Skillshare the most recent class I've taken that I really liked was simple productivity how to accomplish more with less by Greg McEwan and this class teaches you pretty much how to prioritize your to-do list but there's classes for literally everyone on Skillshare if you don't fancy them all kind of business stuff cooking classes there's kind of video production classes so if you wanted to be a youtuber or something like that there's all a different editing software tutorial photography music production literally anything you could think of Skillshare probably has a class in that and Skillshare have been kind enough to offer the first 1000 of you guys to click the link in the description of this video to month free Premium Membership and that means you get access to any and every class on Skillshare you can watch as many as you want in that two-month period and then after the two months free it's only about ten dollars a month but yeah thanks again to skill chef the sponsor in this video and now let's get into the case before we do I just want to give my usual disclaimer that I mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone that I talk about in this video this video is made for educational purposes and everything that I'm about to say is just information that I have found on the internet and I'm compiling into one video so today's case happened in 2011 in Bethesda in Maryland in America I believe it or not in a Lululemon store this particular Lululemon star that we're going to be talking about today was in the Bethesda Row shopping district which was like an outdoor shopping complex type thing you know like high streets full of shops it was one of those and just in case you don't know what Lululemon is because I think it's just an American brand Lululemon I'm gonna stop saying the actual store name because it's driving me insane but they specialize in like workout gear I think they're particularly famous for their yoga leggings although they are very pricey they are very high-end workout gear I was looking on the website as I was doing research for this video and the leggings retails for like a hundred dollars a hundred dollars on a pair of leggings man and then they have even more expensive ones for like a hundred and forty dollars like I don't know he was shopping at less at this shop but I mean they're pretty popular and the Chamberlain shop set I don't know they have that very specific target audience of kind of like upper class like well middle upper class like good vibes yoga girls so you know I mean you know the type I'm imagining those kind of like Pinterest DIY kind of girls would like poke through in like a mason jar of water you know I mean those kind of girls is their target audience but yeah this one specific Lululemon store was located in Bethesda which was quite like a comfortable cozy safe friendly area it wasn't like ultimately rich but it also wasn't a poor area you know I mean I mean they had a Lululemon store right next to an Apple store does that tell you the kind of wealth but this area it wasn't like a rich area but you know people have money back but on March 12 2011 alumina lemon employee the actual store manager named Rachel went to open up the star as usual just before 8 a.m. when she found one of the most horrifying scenes imaginable as soon as she got to the DA and she got like hickeys out and stuff to unlock the door she realized it was unlocked now this is a luxury brand on a high street that is the most important thing that they teach employees on the closet shift to do lock the door so this is a huge red flag already before she'd even stepped in the shop but she just thought it was one of her employees who had forgotten to lock the door someone was probably gonna get in trouble for that but you know and she didn't think too much of it so she pushed the door open and she walked inside anyway and that was when she noticed a few out of place things in the storefront it wasn't particularly ransacked but there were things knocked over so like an odd clothing rail was knocked over and there were things kind of thrown on the floor t-shirts off the hangers just on the floor and stuff sir immediately Rachel panics and she runs back outside the Lululemon store and begins to call the police and that was when she noticed a crowd of people gathering outside the Apple store which was right next on the new iPad 2 was set to launch that morning so there was like a queue of people outside the Apple Store before it even opened you know what it's like when Apple launches a new product and one of the men in this queue noticed Rachel and obviously she seemed very panicked and worried so he went over to her to see if she was okay so he went over ritual explained the situation and asked him how long he'd been outside the Apple store far and had he seen anyone go in or out of Lululemon in that time this guy's name was Ryan did I say that I don't know if I said that Ryan said he'd been waiting outside of the Apple store for at least an hour at this point maybe even two hours and in that time he hadn't seen anyone even approached the Lululemon store never mind go in or out of it however he did offer to Rachel to go in the store with her and just kind of check everything over see if anything had been stolen so the two of them go back inside the star and as they're walking through the storefront towards the back rooms and towards the tail the closer and closer that gets it in the more and more things then notice in her a bit out of place and then as they got right to the back where all the tills were are the cash registers there looked behind it and all of the cash registers were open and empty so this had been a robbery and there were a few safes behind there as well I think they were also open and empty and there were a bunch of like receipts scattered on the floor as if like the robbers had tried to take them thinking they're Windows and then realized they were receipts and then just thrown them to the floor so then Rachel and this guy Ryan walk into the first back room and it is a mess the smashed glass everywhere there's stuff thrown and knocked on the floor and there's blood and a lot of it not only was there a trail of just blood kind of like dragged blood like an actual trail but there were also footprints in the blood mainly in those back rooms but a couple of them kind of wore out into the man bit so whoever had been walking in the back had gone into the men like front of the star as well and on one of their walls there was kind of like a handprint but not a handprint more like a swipe like a palm thing as if someone had like leant on the wall to kind of push himself up kind of thing so the store manager is still on the phone to police and she decides to stay in the front of the Lululemon store while Ryan goes further into the back to assess this situation obviously this was terrifying they walked into this star expecting to find you know a few things stolen maybe all the money stolen behind the cash registers they did not expect to see this much blood something very very serious had happened here and they didn't know if people were still in the back O'Brien very bravely decided to go into the back and assess the situation so he followed these blood trails and followed these footsteps till he found a dead body this dead body seemed to be a woman due to the length of the hair that is literally all he could go off at this point but he assumed it was a woman because this was a Lululemon star most of the employees were female this woman was lying face down in a pool of her own blood and when I say a pool I mean a thick like puddle of her own blood there was a lot of blood there she had a rope around her neck and she was very clearly deceased so Ryan is obviously a very panicked very overwhelmed at what he's just found in this back room and so he turns around and begins walking back to the front of the star to go and tell Rachel when he hears another noise coming from another room and so once again Ryan very bravely decides to go and check out this noise and when he did he got into the employee bathroom and he found another woman lid on the floor covered in her own blood this woman wasn't led in as much blood as the first but there was still a lot of blood around her and her hands and her feet were both zip tied and her hands were like above her head but as he's looking at what he believed to be a second dead body he notices this girl stopped breathing so she's still alive but there was a lot of blood around her so it would be a race against time to get her to hospital and get her treated because they don't know how bad her injuries actually are this woman because she was laid on her back Ryan could actually visibly see a lot of her injuries whereas the other woman she'd been laying facedown and just the whole back of her was like covered in blood so you couldn't really see anything but with this woman in the bathroom he noticed a lot of just like cuts and slashes just all over her body not like stab wounds or like it seemed as though they've been done with a razor just like slashed all over her body on her arms her stomach her legs she had quite a bad wound on her fall head that he could see but other than that that was just blood everywhere so he didn't know exactly what had happened so Ryan brings back to Rachel who is on the phone to police and he tells her to get ambulance they're as quick as they could because one of these women is potentially still alive and that is when Rachel realized exactly who these two women were there were the two women the only two women that had been working the clothes and shift at Lululemon the night before the woman that they believed to still be alive and still breathing was 28-year old Brittany Norwood and the woman in the back room that had very clearly already passed was 30 year old ginamarie so police and ambulances arrived at the scene very very quickly and half of them rushed straight over to Brittany Norwood who is the surviving victim of this like I said she had her feet zip tied together her hands zip-tied together and her answer above her head she was left on the floor so her arms like a bobber she had her shirt pulled up over her stomach but not over her breasts so it wasn't like oh I don't know but her stomach was on show and she had a lot of injuries all over and there was a lot of blood all over the floor so immediately it was assumed that this was a really bad attack and while she was still fully clothed her stomach was exposed but she still had a top on in her bra on and everything she still had her leggings on however the crotch area of her leggings had been cut aware so immediately police believed that there was a sexual motive behind this attack there was also a Lululemon [ __ ] tied around her neck so literally one that the attacker must have gotten from the front room like the front part of the store taking it off the hanger in there and run over to Brittany and tied it around her neck it wasn't strangling her it wasn't choking her or anything but it was like just tight on a neck just uncomfortable also in that room police found a rock on the floor that was covered in blood and so they believed that this was the men weapon used on Brittany Norwood because she had a pretty bad injury right in the middle of her forehead right at the front so police believe that was used to maybe bash her head and there were obvious signs of struggle in this room everything was kind of knocked off the sides there were things on the floor there was a random Buddha statue just lid on the floor with blood on it there was a cut on the fly with blood on it there were two bottles of Windex kind of almost emptied and they were just knocked on the floor that would paper towels all over the floor a lot of them were soaked in blood as well meanwhile other paramedics had gone to the back room where Jenna Marie was to assess her and unfortunately she was pronounced dead at the scene in that room police found an open toolbox which was the stock property was for like use around the Lululemon star and this toolbox only had a couple of tools left in it the rest of them were scattered around the room a lot of them with blood on so police believe them to be weapons there was a wrench a hammer and two box cutters just kind of lid on the side all covered in blood and the toolbox itself was actually on top of Jenna's body now I can't understand why or how whether the attacker I'd literally just dropped it on her body just as one vinyl like disrespect to the body or something if anyone couldn't theorized why the toolbox might have been on top of her body please feel free to do in the comments and this room itself where Janet Marie's body was found was the most bloody of all the back rooms there was a thin layer of blood on the whole floor but then particularly around Jenna's body where there was a thick pool of blood like a full puddle of human blood there was blood spatter in all the way up the walls some even six feet high just a warning be careful if you do go and do your own research on this case because there are photos of the crime scene very easily available online and I know a lot of you guys like to kind of Google along with the cases as I'm telling them just and kind of do your own research and your own kind of further reading but just be careful if that's something that you don't want to see but yeah like I said in these back rooms there were a bunch of bloody footprints now crime scene investigators identified these to be from two different people two different pairs of shoes one of them seemed like a small women's size shoe maybe five or six whereas there were a bigger pair of shoes pair of footprints around the UK size 12 or a US size 14 which is freaking huge so it was likely that the first pair was maybe from Jenner or Britney but the second pair of those huge shoes immediately stuck out to police at one point these large shoe prints led up to a sink in one of the kind of kitchens or bathrooms in the back of the store and they just stopped there they didn't walk away again so the theory is that maybe the killer or maybe the person wearing these shoes took them off rinse them in the sink and then either put them back on or put them in their vibe or carried them out or some things there was a fire exit door right at the back of the star there's the front of the star with all the product in and then there's the back rooms where all of this happened where the two women were found and then there's an even further back of it where there's a fire exit door and this fire exit door actually had blood leading up to it and then blood all over the handle of it but then they opened this fire exit car and there's no blood outside no footprints no kind of dropping kind of trail absolutely nothing so it seems as though maybe one or both of the women tried to escape however they were caught before they could actually leave but interestingly this fire exit door actually had an alarm system rooted to it so that it couldn't be you know opened and someone get in and out without people in the store knowing because it was right at the back so you actually had to put a key in this door to disable the alarm and that key was in the door which suggests that maybe it was the women trying to leave the star another theory being that whoever had done this the murderer the attacker had made one of the women put the key in to disable the alarm and then tried to leave out that way and that's why there was blood leading up to it but then maybe when the attacker opened the door maybe they saw someone or something outside and they kind of got scared back in sir Jenna Murray's body was removed from the crime scene and taken for an autopsy and before I get into this I just want to said that these are the absolutely worst autopsy results I've ever heard and I've been doing this job for three years I've been reporting crimes like this murders vicious ones for three years and I have never heard anything quite like this before Jenna's autopsy revealed that she had sustained at the very least 331 separate wounds to her body at the very least that was all the individual ones that they could count however a lot of the injuries were kind of layered on top of each other of course there's only so much human body for another person to injure sometimes they're gonna hit the same places twice you know damage the same places twice and there can't be counted because they're layered injuries so at least 331 a lot of these were mainly stab wounds but there were beating wounds a lot of them were self defense wounds on her hands and her arms where she tried to stop her attacker there was the marks around her neck from the room so the 330 331 that they could count on her body was separated into two hundred on her face head and neck that is 200 on this one very small surface area 200 different wounds and then on the rest of her body mainly on her arms chest and torso were the remaining 131 because obviously it was very hard for them to determine what had happened to the skin on her head because imagine 200 wounds on one very small surface area there is not gonna be much skin left however with her skull they counted 13 different fractures so much so that part of her skull had actually caved in words the saddest thing that comes out of this autopsy is that pathologists believe that jenna mourey was alive right up until the last blood they don't know whether she was conscious for the full 331 wounds it's very unlikely that she was especially with all the damage it happened to her head however she was still alive right up until the last blur which was a singular stab wound to the back of her neck that severed her spinal cord pathologists found at least five different wound patterns on Jena Marie's body so that means at least five different weapons were used and they believe that this included the wrench the hammer the rope that was found around her neck and a Buddha statue that was found close to her body like I said there was a Buddha statue were also found close to Brittany Norwoods body so it seems as though the same kind of weapon was used on both women but this was a Lululemon store and they just kind of had these Buddha's around the store for decorations her body was also found with clumps of her own hair in her hands which I can't quite figure out myself how that would have happened be it like self-defense maybe she was trying to grab hold of her head and like protect her face and then she ended up pulling her own hair out sir anywhere Brittany Norwood was raced to hospital for her wounds to be treated because they really didn't know from looking at her how severe they weren't they just saw a lot of blood on the floor and they panicked thinking that this could be life or death but before we carry on with the story and before I carry on with like telling you about Brittany Norwood injuries that she sustained I just want to talk a little bit about our murder victim jinnamuru so ginamarie was 30 years old she was born on November 22nd 1988 in Kansas before quickly moving to Texas which is mainly where she grew up in the school Jenna was very well-behaved she was a high achiever she had that combination of like hard-working she was willing to put in the work but she was also just very naturally talented very naturally smart she'd worked at that particular Lululemon store for quite a while and she was very popular among her co-workers they all knew her is just very happy very vibrant she was always smiling she was always laughing she was one of those people that just has that like infectious energy about them you can't be sad when you're around them and her family described her smile as a megawatt smile she was very outgoing adventurous very energetic she was very outdoorsy she was one of those people that was always doing like mad extreme sports she did bungee jumping she'd done multiple sky dives she was just one of those women that was just fearless Gina was an average dancer she regularly attended different dance classes at her local studios she did salsa and tapped specifically she was very good at this she didn't take it ultimately seriously she didn't do like competitions and stuff however from time to time her instructors would encourage her to think about making it her career because they saw real potential in Jana Jana was also very into traveling and experiencing new cultures she'd actually visited almost every single one of the continents she was just missing one which was Antarctica she studied abroad in Spain for a while well she studied abroad in a lot of different countries however this kind of studying abroad program that she was on was mainly focused in Spain but yeah she spent a lot of time studying in Spain until eventually she settled again in Washington for the remainder of her degree and it was during this time that Jana actually met her long-term boyfriend Fraser and this is actually really heartbreaking because Jana and Fraser was so in love and they had planned on spending the rest of their lives together they knew that that was it for them and just a few weeks are a couple of months before Jana's murder Fraser was actually looking at engagement rings and planning to propose Jana studied business and communications which is two different degrees she was working on getting two different degrees all while holding down her job at Lululemon I don't know if the Lululemon job was kind of a part-time thing until she got her degrees or whether she was planning on working her way up in the company to do like what she got her degree to do you know but she didn't love working at Lululemon all the values that the company has aligned with her own and she just thought it was a great company to work for and at the time of this incident I believe Jana was some sort of manager so she wasn't like a top top manager but she was quite high up the general hierarchy in that star which is what put her on the close in shift because she had her own set of keys so with this kind of kiss obviously it is vital for police to act fast they had one very very brutal murder and a second attempted murder on their hands and this person that had done this was still on the loose somewhere of course Brittany Norwood the surviving victim was rushed to hospitals she was checked over and treated and luckily a lot of her wounds most of her wounds were very superficial she didn't require many stitches or bandages or anything she just needed cleaning up and kind of you know making sure that things didn't get infected and stuff as they were healing but they would heal on their own and because her wounds weren't too bad police decided to question her that same day that's him evening after she'd been cleaned up at the hospital because they needed to get to her as soon as possible while this was all still fresh in her mind but before we get on to that witness interview let's talk a little bit about who Brittany Norwood was the surviving victim Brittany Norwood was 28 years old and she was born on May 19 1982 in Seattle in Washington to a very big family she was one of nine siblings she had four brothers and four sisters and everything that I could find about Brittany's childhood pointed towards it being very happy very loving very supportive they were a very close family they had no kind of major fallings out or anything it was a very functional nice family her family were well educated her father owned his own business they had a decent amount of money they weren't majorly rich but you know they had a comfortable amount of money especially for that size family because money doesn't spread easy when you have nine children but they had a decent amount of money everything was comfortable everything was happy and just like jannah' Brittany had been a very high achieving student in school and she was very into sport even though she was quite a small petite girl she was very strong Brittany loved all kinds of sports she got involved in almost every but a particular favorite spot and the one that she was the best at was football on soccer and she was one of the best players in her university which eventually landed her space on the team like the official team however her time on that team was a bit rocky to say the least after Brittney joined the soccer team the girls noticed that whenever they would have practice and they were in the changing rooms and stuff things would go missing so it was like a lipgloss or a pair of earrings or $10 that one of the girls left on the side or a shirt like little things that you could misplace but after a while it was just getting way too too coincidental and too often for it to have just been stuff going missing someone was taking these things and as soon as the girls connected in their head that it was as soon as they let Brittney on the team that things started going missing they decided to confront her and say look we know that you're stealing from us and when they did Britney broke down and she said she'd made a mistake and she was so sorry and the girls did to an extent forgive her but once that trust is broken you can never really repair it again the girls started taking Britney off more and more games and they stopped spending time with her outside of practice just because they couldn't trust her they didn't want to be around her and this took a temporary toll on Britney's mental health because this was everything she'd worked for she was such a athletic sporty person all she wanted was to be on a team and she finally had that she finally had like-minded athletic friends and she'd given all that up to steal some random things that she didn't need like I said her family were decently wealthy if she wanted a new top or if she wanted a new lip gloss she could get it she could ask her parents follow the money for that she didn't need to steal it wasn't like she was stealing things to get by while stealing things because she couldn't get them herself she had the money I think it was more of a adrenaline thing she was just a kleptomania Brittany eventually made new friends at University and built up her social circle again however that side of her never really left she began stealing in her adult life from her jobs and because she loved sports and just generally be an active when it came to getting a temporary job in her adulthood Lululemon was the perfect company for her just like with jayna Brittany aligned with all of their views and their general just vibe Brittany had actually worked in another Lululemon store before she worked at this one in Bethesda and the reason she got fired from the last one was because she stole from her job but yeah these jobs at Lululemon were never supposed to be a long-term thing they were just a temporary thing just until she got her dream job which was a personal trainer well her dream job was to on her own gym one day and kind of run it all but a step in the right direction was a personal trainer and she was actually due to have an interview at a local gym named Equinox just a couple of days after this incident which of course she couldn't go to sir anyway back to the timeline Brittany is in the hospital and she's being checked over of all her injuries and she told the hospital that she'd actually been ripped and sexually assaulted as part of this attack and so a rape kit was done on her and everything and like I said a lot of her wounds were superficial so they were just kind of cleaned up wiped up disinfected to make sure she wouldn't get infections and she only actually had two wounds that required actual proper attention like stitches and bandages so it seemed as though Brittany's attacker wasn't actually trying to kill her just ma-maybe torture her or just prolong this kind of pain and fear that they were inflicting on her I don't know so yeah she had a pretty bad wound on her forehead and one on her hand and they were bandaged up stitched her whatever and then she was ready to tell police her version of events she said that it was just her and Gianna on the clothes in shift that night everything went as normal they cleaned up the store they picked up best earth they left the star locked the door behind them and actually set off her Jenna went and got in her car and she sets off driving back home where as Britney was getting the subway back home so she was walking and she got all the way to the kind of station following a train and she realized that she didn't have her MetroCard she'd left it in the Lululemon store so she needed to go back to the store to get that card otherwise she couldn't go home but Jana was already halfway home in her car so how was Britney gonna get back in the star because she didn't have keys Jana was the only one out of the two of them that had keys because she was higher up in the company than Britney was and Britney was very new to this job she was only about six weeks in and so she didn't actually have Jana's number to call her and be like please keep going back to the star I've left my card so Britney was ringing around all her other co-workers asking one of them to give her Jenna's number which one of them eventually did and she called Jenna and she just explained the situation and she was like I'm really sorry can you please just come back to the star and let me in so I can get my MetroCard luckily Jana had actually left something in the star herself she said she'd left her laptop so she didn't mind driving back and letting Britney in the store to get her card because she had a reason to be there too so Britney walked back to the Lululemon store and she was just sat outside it for a while when Jenna pulled her car in and just parked like illegally outside of the star because they were only gonna run in and like pick up the things that they'd left there so Jada Park sir she unlocks the door both her and Britney go in Jenna goes and gets her laptop and Britney's looking around for her MetroCard but she can't find it both women are looking around they didn't bother turning the lights on or anything on you know locking the door behind them normally when employees are in a stall by themselves after closing time to lock the door and the number could come in but you know they just left the front door unlocked they left the lights off just because they were literally running in to pick up these things that they forgot it eventually Jenna was getting and she was like look do you want to just use my MetroCard I don't need it I'm driving home and I'll be driving back here tomorrow sir take my MetroCard pay for it with that and then we'll find yours tomorrow when we come in sir Brittany's very thankful she accepts Gina's MetroCard and they go to leave the star again but when they walk into the star front they realized that the front door is wide open which is not how they left it and it was then that the two women were ambushed by two men that had been hiding behind clothing racks they were dressed in all black with ski masks on Britney says that she was walking just a little bit behind Jana so when these two men popped up they went straight to jail there was a taller man and a shorter man the taller man was about six feet tall and he focused more on Jana whereas the shorter man who was about five foot three to five foot five went straight from Brittany the guy that went to Jenna hit her in the head and knocked her to the floor and then picked her up and was dragging her to the back by her hair so from this point on Britney has no idea what is happening to Jenna she doesn't see Jenna again for a while this smaller man grabs her and he's dragging her also by her hair to the cash registers and he tells her to unlock them get all the money out and put it in his bag like this backpack they brought want to shoot them that her attacker also dragged her into the back although they went into a different room so she never actually saw Jenna or the other guy in there Britney says that this guy's zip tied her ankles together and then zip tied her hands together above her head and began torturing her and by torturing her I mean that he was hitting her but not overly hard like not trying to kill her with these hits and he was slashing her with races and stuff which is why her cuts were very superficial because he wasn't stamina or trying to kill her he was torturing her and this whole time he was calling her racial slurs and shouting racist statements just designer Britney told police that she believed that both of these men white men just because of how they were talking the way that that voices sound the things that they were saying and of course the racism Britney said that this man was threatening her he said her full address to her so he knew where she lived he was threatening to slit her throat she said that he then cut open her leggings raped her and then when he finished he got up and just left her in there a couple of minutes later he returned to that room where he left Britney with a court hanger and he sexually assaulted her with that as well and this whole time Britney said that she could hear Janna in the other room screaming so much banging and this was going on for a long time so she felt that Jenna's attacker was probably torturing her as well because this was going on for so long Britney said that after a while these screams that she could hear from Jenna were getting fewer and far between and they were getting quieter until they eventually feared it out and around that time Britney's attacker actually picked Britney up who was already tied up dragged her into this back room where Jenna and her attacker were and the two men threw Britney on top of Gina's dead body and then Britney was told by the attackers that they were gonna spare her life but only because and I quote she was more fun to [ __ ] the men then dragged her off of Jenna's body threw her in the employee bathroom where she was eventually found and there left the star Britney really struggled telling police this story as I'm sure you can imagine she was traumatized by this she was crying all the way through she kept having to stop she was particularly traumatized with how much blood that was she kept commenting saying there was so much blood there was so much blood and she kept blaming herself all the way through there saying if I just remembered my card or if I hadn't wanted to go back for my card then Jenna would still be alive of course everyone around her was reassuring her that this wasn't her fault she just had really bad survivor's guilt and how was she supposed to know that these men were going to or that men like that were even out on the streets Brittany actually asked the police officer said that was questioning her and getting her account how her friend was doing how Janna was doing so she didn't know that Jenna had died the detective that was doing the question and didn't actually know anything about Janna she had literally just been put in this room with Brittany to question her and so she didn't know how jayna was doing so she said that she would find out and she wouldn't get back to Brittany so the first thing that police did now that they had this account from Brittany was check CCTV footage now the only thing is none of these shops on this Bethesda Row shopping district had cameras apart from one shop and luckily that one shop was the Apple store next door to Lululemon because of course the Apple star has a lot of expensive equipment in there whereas the other shops like the clothing shops and stuff didn't bother having cameras so police went and collected this CCTV footage from outside the star and believe it or not they saw two men dressed in all black walking down the road around the same time as when the women would have been leaving that night around 9:30 10:00 p.m. the story hit the news that Sam dere the same day that the women were found the story was at that same evening in these news reports the public was informed of these two white male suspects that had been seen on CCTV and everyone was urged to get in contact with police if they knew anything and the whole of Bethesda was terrified they were very very panicked by this because one this was Bethesda and like I said it was a very comfortable cozy nice safe area to live and to this was a shopping complex at like 10:00 p.m. it wasn't like it was the dead of night and so these men that had done this seemed to absolutely feel us if you gonna commit a crime this bad you would do it in the dead of night when no one's around but to do it at closing time when a lot of the shops employees are still gonna be there everyone was so scared of these men reoffended that profit sales in that specific area of Bethesda dropped by 50% half as many people were going out to that shopping district because they were so scared and sales of like self defense items like pepper spray had gone up in that particular area as well so police thought the next best thing to do while they wait for some leads to come in is to question other people that were in that area that night because of course they have these two people of interest caught on camera so had anyone else in that shopping complex seen these men that night so they started at the Apple star which was right next door to the Lululemon and they asked the staff on that close in shift that night if they had seen or heard anything and they had just after 10:00 p.m. that night a girl named Yana that was working the closing shift of the Apple star heard what she described to be screaming squealing and a lot of banging at first she thought it was coming from the street outside because this was a Friday night you know she just thought it was a group of people messing around but the noises continued and she could hear it like almost everywhere in the stop even when she was right at the back of the store she could still hear it and so she was thinking well where could that actually be coming from the noises continued and she described them as high-pitched screams mixed with lower-pitched grunting and dragging noises as if something heavy was being moved and it was then that she realized that these noises were actually coming from next door at Lululemon and so she goes and approaches one of the Apple store security guards because they've always got at least one on the side this guy was called ricotta and she approaches him and she says look I think I couldn't hear some noises will you come and check it out so he comes in and he hears the noises as well and he even puts his ear up to the wall to hear what's going on the noises are still going on and so eventually Ricardo just goes up to the wall and bangs on it to kind of tell them to shut up and it worked the noises stopped not one point during all of this when they were hearing squealing three men banging dragging of a heavy object did they decide to call the police they didn't even decide to go around and check if everything was okay you know they didn't do anything this man was a security guard and all they did was bang on the wall to stop the noises Jana actually told police that she heard two women's voices that night one saying please don't do this just talk to me and another saying god help me please God help me and in these kind of cases I'm really not one to blame people for not acting on things because I think it's really harsh to blame people for things in retrospect obviously me sitting here reading this case it's obvious that something is going on next off but if y'all sat in your house and you're hearing screaming outside maybe a lot of y'all brains go straight to crime because you're interested in this kind of thing but a lot of people's brains won't go straight to cry a lot of people's brains would think oh there's some kids outside playing or maybe it's someone drunk walking home and they're just really loud I don't like to blame people in retrospect however this is insane if you are hearing that many noises and they go on for so long and there's screaming and squealing people saying God help me please don't do this just talk to me and you're not calling the police what the hell is going on I could not believe what I was reading as I was researching this case for them to hear things like that and to not think that something was wrong it's insane to me like I say I'm not one to blame but it's ridiculous the Apple employees told police that they just thought it was some kind of co-worker drama maybe they'd kind of drop to clothing rail which was the banging and I don't know I just don't like these Apple employees I can't sir anyway I'm gonna I'm gonna stop getting heated so the police were trying to establish a timeline of events what time exactly did this attack take place now the Apple employees said that they were hearing those noises just after 10:00 p.m. and in another interview with Rachel who was the store manager at Lee the woman that actually found the crime scene the next morning she said that she was actually speaking with Jenna on the phone when she was in the car the night before so as she was driving home before she came back to let Britney in she was on the phone to Virgil Gina was just on the phone to Rachael saying that she'd successfully locked up the star in that she was on her way home and this was almost bang-on 10:00 p.m. Rachel said so in the time it took for Gina to get the call from Britney and then get back to the star and then the Apple employees started hearing this maybe like 10:15 that is when the crime must have happened and when these men broke in between 10 and 10:50 trying to narrow this down as much as they could they got Rachel into kind of log on to the alarm system from Lululemon and see exactly what time the alarm was turned off when the women went back into the store that night they found that the alarm was originally set at 9:45 p.m. which will have been when they left the star and then it was disarmed does her home to set the right word it was turned off again at five past 10:00 so just 20 minutes later so now they had an even shorter window of when this crime took place between 5 past 10 and 15 plus 10 plus 10 15 past 10 so as the investigation continued by the way this was a very quick moving investigation they already had their first suspect within like two days which we'll get onto in a minute but bear in mind this was probably like still the first or second day of the investigation that they've got this much down they realized that they actually have no idea where Gina Marie's car was because Britney said that jayna had parked it illegally outside to the front of the store because they were literally just running inside to go and pick up some things but it wasn't there when the crime scene was found so where was it so the immediate thought was obviously these attackers had come here to rob this star and they took all the money out of the cash registers so they probably took her car as well so now they needed to find it so discussions began back at the police station all the officers on the case were told to familiarize themselves with this cat they were shown all these pictures and that was when one officer said hang on I've seen this car and it was quite a unique captain not really unique unique but her car actually had Texas plates on it so it wasn't like a you know it was easy to identify on the night of the attack this officer that had seen Jonah's car thought he'd seen it parked in a random parking lot a few blocks away from Lululemon and it still had the lights on and it had someone in the passenger seat and this officer said he'd seen this around half past twelve that night so this was two hours after the attack two hours after Jenna had passed away someone was sat in her car three blocks away from the crime scene but then two hours after that at 2:00 a.m. the officer was still going past I think it was just on patrol that night and when he went past the car again the lights were off and no one was in it so he didn't think much of it luckily this patrol officer remembered the exact location of Gina's car and so he was able to take the rest of the team back there and the car was still there a couple of days after the attack so the car was impounded and taken for some forensic tests to see if there was any DNA or blood in that car or anything however it was gonna take a couple of days to get those results back so the most solid thing that police had at this moment was the CCTV footage these men looked exactly how Brittany described her attackers so they decided to focus in on this a little bit more unfortunately because it was the camera footage of the Apple store next door they couldn't see the Lululemon store in the actual frame so they couldn't see the men enter or leave the stock so police decided to play around with this footage and kind of go back to the scene and open the door to Lululemon and stuff to see if shadows would show up in this video and to see if the men have maybe opened the door but unfortunately because of the angle and the placement of this camera they just couldn't see anything there was no indication that these men did or did not go into the store so detectives did all they could really in this situation and they decided to plan a stakeout mission hoping that maybe the men would return I mean the likelihood of them robbing another star in the exact same area when this was such a big crime scene was very unlikely however police thought this would be more of a method of eliminating them as suspects so the main detective on this case was called detective Reuben and two days after the Lululemon murder he decided to go and park his car outside of the star just like jayna did that night and he just sat and people watched every single person that walked past and while he was sitting there in his car detective Reuben spots two men with a high difference one taller than the other both wearing all black and he knew that these were his men they were walking down the exact same road at the exact same time and they both have the exact same black clothes on and so Reuben got out of his car to go and speak with them Reuben got out some pictures that he printed some stills from the CCTV footage and he just asked these men like do you know who these people could be on this CCTV footage and they said oh yeah that's us however there was an innocent explanation as to why these men were on the footage they actually worked at a restaurant which was a few doors down from Lululemon and they were just on their way home from work just like they were on the night of the attack they wore all black because they were waiters and the reason that they were walking together was because they both lived in that direction so now police were back to square one and they were feeling pretty defeated because this big piece of evidence that well a thing that they thought was a big piece of evidence for such a long time proved to really not have anything to do with the case at all so they did all that they could do while they were waiting for all these different forensic tests and stuff to come back and they appeal to the public once again to come forward with any potential suspects one man that a lot of kind of Bethesda res and workers especially in that shopping district suggested was a harmless man named Keith Keith was learned to hang around that area in Bethesda and he was also known to have a very aggressive violent reputation he was particularly aggressive with women he would make unwanted sexual advances on just random women in the street this guy was a bit mmm he was always getting in people's faces trying to start fights he was always drunk he actually spent a lot of time at a local pub near that shopping district and on the night of the murder he actually wasn't in that pot and one thing that police believed there could link Keith to from the crime scene was a pair of shoes that they'd found that were covered in blood size 14 men's Reebok trainers he's with the trainer's that had met those big prints in the blood and it seems as though the killer had just kind of ditched their shoes there because they realized they had blood all over them and the leases thought process behind this was well this guy's homeless he keeps all of his belongings in his back including a spare change of clothes he had like two outfits that he went between it would make sense that if he wanted to ditch a pair of shoes he would just leave them there and then put on his clean pair to leave the star around the same time in the investigation detective Reuben was at a hardware store completely unrelated to the investigation this was just in his free time he was just doing some shopping and the guy that was helping him in this hardware store knew that Ruben was on the case and he was just kind of asking him how it was going and stuff when this guy at the hardware store said something about Keith this homeless man he said that he'd actually seen Keith walking along the street a few days prior to this with a backpack on he was wearing all black and he was walking with a white man he was also wearing all black now keith was a lone traveler type he was not one to hang about with other people especially not other homeless people he very much stayed himself too himself so the fact that this guy at the hardware store saw him with another man it was interesting that Keith had suddenly made a friend and they both wore all black you know so the search was on to find Keith and question him but obviously he was harmless so police didn't have an address to go and find him it was gonna be very hard to locate this man that was until the next day when he was located at a hospital around 10 miles from Bethesda where he'd shown up the day before covered in blood and injuries looking for police keith was actually wanted for another crime to do with like alcohol or something and so they went to the hospital and they arrested him there and took him to the police station obviously they couldn't arrest him on suspicion of the murder of Jenna Murray because they had absolutely no evidence but they still wanted to question him but they didn't have grounds to arrest him on so it was it was very lucky that they had him for another charge so the first thing that they asked Keith when they get him in the police station is how did he end up in hospital and why was he covered in blood and he said that he'd actually gotten into a fight with another homeless man and Keith seemed very you know out of it he was quite disorientated and as police were listening to him tell this story about this fight that he'd had with this guy they were thinking this man is not capable of the crime that they are investigating this murder of Jenna Murray and the attack on Brittany Norwood required some serious brand power whoever done this was very smart very organized very methodical very planned out and they just didn't think that keith was capable of doing all of that either way police took all of Keith's clothes that he'd actually turned up at the hospital in all the ones covered in blood and they sent them for forensic testing however they did think when they looked at these clothes that they didn't seem consistent with a murder especially not the murder that they were investigating the absolute brutal murder of Jenna Murray when there was puddles of blood all over the floor there just wasn't that much blood on Keith's there were just a few spots on certain things a little bit of blood on these shoes a few likes I don't know a little splashes on his jeans and the blood seemed fresher than it would have been if it was the blood from the murder scene it did seem as though he probably got into a fight maybe the day before I don't know if he was the murderer if he had actually killed Jenna Marie police expected him to be absolutely soaked in it but yeah his clothes were sent off for forensic testing all the again that would take a couple of days to come backs police had to do other things in the meantime so they were going over and over the cares notes they were looking back at all the evidence and they were thinking hang on a few of these things just don't quite add up just some little things that didn't quite seem right but they'd overlooked in the beginning part of the case because they were just rushing to try and find you know the nearest suspect that they could but now they were going back and looking at it in more detail they were thinking maybe we shouldn't be able to look in these little weird things and that is where I'm gonna leave part one today I'm sorry to leave you on a cliffhanger like I said part two will be out on Friday so make sure you've got my notifications on make sure you subscribe so that you don't miss that thanks again to Skillshare for sponsoring this video remember the first 1000 people to click the link in my description will receive two months of free premium membership which means you get access to all the glasses thank you so so much to all of my channel members on both tier 1 and tier 2 for their support with the channel but yeah thank you so so much for watching leave a thumbs up on the video and subscribe down below if you enjoyed it I want to see some more from me and I'll see you in the next video in part two you're [Music]
Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 2,679,507
Rating: 4.9402404 out of 5
Keywords: eleanor, neale, eleanor neale, eleanor neale true crime, 2019, mystery, unsolved, unsolved mystery, true crime, solved, documentary, LULULEMON, the lululemon murder, brittany norwood, jayna murray, murder, serial killer, killer, 2020, crime watch daily, podcast, true crime podcast, netflix, tiger king, lululemon murder, creepypasta, grwm, buzzfeed, buzzfeed unsolved, news, bbc, itv, dateline, storytime, forensic files, emma chamberlain, yoga store murder, yoga, yoga store, leggings, interview, makeup
Id: iPADvKWu4n4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 29sec (3329 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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