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so today's video is finally gonna be another serial killer video i haven't done one of these in like a month but before i say anything else thank you so much for half a million subscribers 500 000 subscribers that is mental thank you for just liking my content enough to watch it never mind click a button to say that you want more of it like that's unreal but today we're gonna be talking about a case that i have wanted to do ever since i started my channel and like outside of true crime and everything i'm really big into like horror films and stuff and this case has inspired so many horror films and this case was suggested by one of my channel members named rebecca lee so thank you so much rebecca but before we get into the case i quickly want to thank 21 buttons for sponsoring this video if you follow me on instagram you will know i love 21 buttons it's essentially kind of like an instagram where you can post pictures and everything but you know how sometimes when you're scrolling through instagram and you see a really cute outfit and you want to know where they got it from but they haven't tagged it well on 21 buttons people can link the exact items that are in the picture so no scrolling through websites and looking for this specific item you just click a little button on the picture right on like say the t-shirt you like and it'll take you straight to the website to get that t-shirt i personally love using this app like when i've got an event coming up or a party or something and i have no idea what to wear i've got no inspiration i'll go on 21 buttons and like see what everyone else is wearing i also save all of my favorite pieces into what's called a wardrobe and it basically just keeps them all together in a little section so then when you do want inspiration they're all in one place and it's easy to find you'll also find exclusive pictures of all your favorite influencers on there as well pictures that are on any of their other social medias so you can shop kind of more exclusive looks i always post pictures of different like makeup looks i do so you can chop my eyeshadow palette my eyelashes my contact lenses even my phone case so if you want to download 21 buttons there will be a link in the description you can follow me my name's just ellen o'neill but yeah a huge thank you to 21 buttons for sponsoring this video i have loved the app for so so long you guys know i've been using it for ages so yeah now let's talk serial killers quickly before i get into it i just want to give my usual disclaimer that i mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone that i talk about in this video this video is for educational purposes and everything that i'm about to say is just information that i have found on the internet and i'm compiling into one video so edward theodore gene better known to the public as ed but to his friends as eddie was born on august 27 1906 in la crosse county wisconsin in the usa immediately from birth ed was never fully accepted by his parents augusta and george gene so we'll talk about them a little bit first his father george gean was orphaned at the age of three after he watched his parents and his older sister get swept away in a flash flood and drown right in front of him after that he was brought up by his grandparents and he turned to alcohol at a very young age and became addicted and was for the rest of his life he never got off it in his mid-20s george met who would one day become his future wife and the mother of his children augusta and she was a very fierce dominant very strict religious woman and this marriage was an awful pairing the two of them fell out of love very quickly augusta was just so dominant she ran the whole household because obviously george was too drunk to most of the time and when he would drink a lot george would become abusive physically abusive towards augusta and then in the future their children although augusta wasn't innocent she would abuse him back she would verbally abuse him she hated her husband and he hated his wife although due to augusta's really strict religious beliefs she refused to get a divorce and so the two of them were kind of forced to live in this loveless toxic marriage for the rest of their lives in 1902 george and augusta had their first child a little boy ed's older brother named henry although augusta really struggled to bond with this little boy and she probably suffered from a lot of different like postnatal illnesses that weren't diagnosed in the time and because augustus struggled to bond with her son so much she wanted a second child she wanted a second chance to try again and she really wanted this second child to be a girl she felt she might bond better with a girl in fact she prayed and begged god every night to bless her with a daughter but of course that didn't work and in 1906 the two of them had ed gein at first augusta didn't accept him george was a little bit more accepting but augusta felt like ed and his older brother were a punishment from god she felt like she'd done something wrong but augusta quickly had a change of heart when she realized that now she had two little children that she could brainwash and mold into her ideal human beings to follow all of her beliefs at this point she didn't really care if they were a boy or a girl she just wanted someone to control augusta hated women all women apart from herself she said that all women are born harlots apart from her but she also equally hated men she felt that they were all foul-mouthed and they used women for sex and i think at some point she had this realization that she now had two little boys that she could raise into respectable men in her eyes so for the first eight years of ed's life the family lived in la crosse county his parents owned a grocery store and the household was ruled by augusta although eventually augusta grew to hear lacrosse county the area that they were living in she felt like everyone living there was hypersexual they were all sinners and obviously she was trying to raise her son to be these perfect god honoring men she couldn't have them growing up in this town and being corrupted she couldn't allow them to be corrupted by any town for that matter and so the family sold their grocery store and they went and bought a really isolated farm house located in what's known as the great dead heart of wisconsin and when i say isolated this farmhouse was miles away from the nearest town the nearest town was called plainfield and even then plainfield was a very small town the population never really exceeded 700 people ed and his brother henry were only ever allowed to leave this farmhouse to go to school every day but even then they weren't allowed to talk to other children and while at school ed would never really talk to anyone obviously he was too scared of what his mother might do when she found out however he would sit in the back of the class and just randomly burst out into maniacal laughter and pretty quickly ed gein started being bullied at school because he was physically different he had a droopy eye he had a wonky smile he had a very kind of effeminate manner like i said their father george was an alcoholic all his life so he never really had an active part in the boy's childhood or raising the boys at all but ugh still liked it that way she had more control over the boys she could brainwash them easier if there wasn't someone else trying to raise them as well george would beat the boys as well as augusta when he got super drunk augusta would smother the boys but not in a loving way just marina everything is a lesson you always have to be learning like she wasn't an affectionate mother at all and ed grew a kind of love-hate vision of his mother he always wanted to impress her and prove himself to her and prove that he was a good boy that she'd raised but she was always just constantly tearing him down ed was never good enough and so he loved her on the surface but deep down he resented her and this isolated farmhouse where they all lived has been described by psychologists as a breeding ground of psychopathology and an incubation place for madness because it was so isolated yet so intense at the same time at age 14 ed gein decided to leave school to work full-time on this farm and then it was total isolation now he didn't have any human contact apart from his tiny radicalized family although years later when they were in like their 30s the boys henry and ed began taking like odd jobs in the town of plainfield and both boys had a reputation for being very hard-working very trustworthy just very good workers someone was quoted saying with eddie you pay him a dollar you get a dollar and a half work out of him and this was also around the time of the second world war however neither of the boys really had anything to do with it henry was too old and ed actually failed his physical exams because of his droopy eye his vision was kind of impaired and when i'd hit his early 30s his father george was very ill with his alcoholism like his organs began to pack in and he needed constant care from all of his family after three years of constant care from the family that had grown to resent him ed's father passed away when ed was 34 in 1940 aged 66 and the boys in augusta weren't heartbroken at all they were more relieved that they didn't have to look after this man anymore because none of them liked him after the passing of their father henry and ed began to pick up more odd jobs in the town that was kind of when they started working them a little bit more and henry actually through one of these jobs met a single mother and began dating her and this was the first woman that henry had ever had any kind of human contact with other than the girls when he was in school and his own mother he'd never spoken to a woman at all before and this speaking with another woman from the outside world really opened up henry's eyes to how radicalized and insane his mother was he began rejecting augusta's views he began finally standing up for himself after all these years and so augusta began favoring ed gein the boy that was constantly trying to prove himself to her henry would make fun of ed for his really close relationship with his mother he would make fun of ed for his kind of aversion and phobia of sex and of women something that his mother had taught him like i said henry began disagreeing with and defying augusta and he would speak ill of her when he was with ed and ed didn't like that at all and then on may 16th 1944 while ed and henry were outside in the garden of the farmhouse a fire broke out although it's never been confirmed how this fire started all we know is that this fire broke out at the farmhouse ed went and got some help from police and firemen and when they returned and the fire was put out ed was able to lead police and firemen straight to his brother henry's dead body somehow he knew he was dead and exactly where he was as well ed claimed that henry was the one that started the fire that day and the wind just kind of blew it out of control and obviously it was an accidental death by that story when henry's body was found he was laid face down in the dirt stretched out and he was completely untouched by the fire there wasn't a single burn on this man though he did have some unexplained bruising and blood on his head which to any normal person when paired with the fact that his brother led them straight to his body and that he was untouched by the flames to me that says that ed maybe had a hand in this not to mention the recent change in the family dynamic the fact that henry had suddenly started going against the mother that ed worshipped but the police felt that the gene family had already gone through enough they'd just lost their father and now they've lost a brother and so they just kind of ruled it as an accidental death there was no autopsy performed on henry and they just ruled it as death from asphyxiation they also believed that maybe like the smoke made him pass out and then maybe he hit his head on the ground and that's how he got those marks although in retrospect of the crimes that ed gein would go on to commit in the future researchers are pretty certain that it was not an accident and a lot of people think that maybe ed gean's first victim was his own brother and just like when george died ed and augusta weren't really that heartbroken augusta still had her favorite son and ed now had his mother all to himself but that happiness didn't last very long just a couple of months after george passed away augusta suffered a stroke which left her partially paralyzed and this meant that ed gein had to be her full-time carer but he didn't mind he was like i said eager to prove himself he really wanted to show his mum how good of a son he was and he nursed her pretty much back to health like i said she was partially paralyzed but she was mobile again and she never really showed him any kind of affection or gratitude for doing that for her and after that life just kind of carried on as it always had with ed never being good enough for augusta in the winter of 1945 ed and augusta went to visit a local farm some people that they were kind of friends with a guy named smith they went to go and buy some straw and while they were there for whatever reason the farmer started beating his dog to death this was a completely different time i don't know what the hell went on and as he was doing so a woman ran out of the house and began pleading with him to stop her in this dog now this woman wasn't smith's wife but she was kind of like his girlfriend or whatever and just the sight of this woman triggered augusta so much remember she hated women women that weren't married or owned by a man women that were sexual in any form and for this woman to be in smith's house and not married to him augusta was disgusted augusta began screaming saying that this woman was smith's harlot and ed had to actually take her home because she was so angry and this whole situation actually triggered a second this time fatal stroke in augusta she died december 29 1945 age 67 leaving her son ed gean alone in the world everything that ed had ever known was ripped from him in that moment for the last 40 years he had lived by his mother's rules he didn't have his own life his life was his mother's life and without augusta ed had nothing he was nothing without his mother at her funeral he was sobbing and wailing uncontrollably like a child would be at their mother's funeral with augusta ed's life died too she'd trained him almost to be scared of human contact particularly women and psychologists believe that when augusta died ed fell into some sort of psychosis and he dealt with this in the weirdest of ways so as you know they had this huge farmhouse it was really quite big it had a lot of land and he decided to board up every single room apart from the kitchen and a tiny little room coming off it he wanted the whole house to stay as his mother left it and so he never stepped foot in any other room in his house ever again it all just stared augusters and so now ed was living in this tiny little bedroom off of the kitchen and it was a mess it was filthy it was cluttered ed himself became filthy and unhygienic he stopped shaving he looked very tatty he didn't dress himself very well after his mother passed ed began going into the town of plainfield a little bit more often still not very often and he would frequent this tavern owned by a woman named mary hogan and ed liked mary hogan because she kind of reminded him of his mother she was a short stocky woman she was loud she was dominant like she was he saw his mother in her and so he would often go into this tavern just to see mary just to sit and stare at her and that is kind of creepy but mary understood why he did it and so she didn't have too much of a problem with it he began taking odd jobs around the town again including babysitting for the townspeople's children he seemed to kind of relate to children a lot more than other adults probably because he never had a childhood of his own and the townspeople considered ed to be very weird but not like in a scary way just more of an odd person like they described him as harmless but still very weird he became a victim of what would now be called bullying back then they just thought they were teasing him but he was bullied by other people in the town specifically other kind of farmers that he would trade with he was an easy target there were a lot of things that they could pick on about ed gein his physical appearance and his weird traits and he never really fought back like i said he began taking a few more odd jobs in the town and the women would often take the men lunch while they were working and when they would the women said that they would feel very uncomfortable around ed game because he would stare a lot like they understood the reason he was doing it because he'd never really had he'd never had a girlfriend before he'd never had sex before like women were a very foreign thing to him he was cooped up on a little farmhouse the only woman being his mother and as the years went by ed became more accustomed to being alone in this big farmhouse well it wasn't really that big because he only allowed himself these two filthy cluttered rooms and he began picking up a few more hobbies he would read comic books and magazines almost always to do with horror he would read about a lot of true crime a lot of like the current happenings in the world like i said it was world war ii time and so in the newspapers there were a lot of pictures of like concentration camps and things and he would love reading about that he was particularly interested in stories about cannibalism and sexual mutilation and grave robbing and he would read the obituaries just for fun but of course these were things that he would do when he was in his home alone so no one knew that this was going on behind the scenes of this kind of weird but harmless man and then one afternoon in may of 1947 an eight-year-old girl named georgia weckler disappeared from the town of plainfield she was dropped off close to her house by a neighbor not exactly at her house so she still had to walk a little bit but she never returned home and so obviously a lot of rumors were going around about like kidnap and murder searches did take place to find georgia but she was never seen again and over the next five years four more people from plainfield went missing in equally as unexplained ways evelyn hartley a teenage girl who babysat local kids went missing in 1953 and all that was ever found of her were some bloodstained clothes two men also went missing after leaving a local bar victor travis and ray burks however nothing of those two men was ever seen again then on december 8th 1954 local tavern owner mary hogan the woman that resembled ed's mother also went missing a local farmer was visiting the tavern that day to go and pick up some ice cream for his daughter and as soon as he walked in he knew that something was wrong there was money on the floor there were bullet casings on the floor and there was blood everywhere yet there was no sign of mary he called police who quickly began a full investigation of this disappearance they followed what very few leads they had but ultimately there was no real evidence to say where she was what had happened to her for three years mary's disappearance remained unsolved and because she was such a big character in the town she was such a big part of the town everyone still talks about her quite often one time they were all sat in the tavern and someone said you know i wonder where mary actually is to which ed said oh she's not missing she's back at my farmhouse and everyone laughed because those were the kind of weird jokes that ed would make the weird remarks he would come out with in fact he once went up to mary before she was missing while she was working he went up and cut her apron strings and told her to go home and enjoy her christmas because it might be her last and that was just ed's dark sense of humor to be fair at that time a lot of people had a dark sense of humor which you'll see a little bit more in this case then on november 16th 1957 a nine-day dear hunting event was happening in that area and this was an annual thing it happened every year it was a massive event for nine days all the men would go out and hunt deer competitively all through the day while all the women remained at home in the town just running things themselves and ed wasn't really one to go hunting and so he stayed at home as well and all throughout this event the men would keep coming home at the end of every day obviously but they would keep nipping back into town to go and pick some things up pick some food up pick some supplies up and around midday that day a small crowd began to gather around the hardware store in town men coming back for bullets and things but the door was locked and it was never normally locked the store was owned by 58 year old widow bernice warden and no one had seen her all morning she hadn't been in her hardware store no one had been in the hardware store actually eventually her son returned home from dear hunting around 5 p.m that evening and he unlocked the door to the hardware store wondering where his mother was and as soon as he walked in he noticed that the shop was in total disarray and then he saw a trail of blood on the floor and so he called the police immediately as police were on their way he decided to go and check the receipt book to see if the store was open at all that morning to see if his mother had been working at all that day or if she'd just never turned up but the store had been open that morning and his mother had been making sales the last of which was for a gallon of anti-freeze and immediately when her son read that receipt he knew exactly who had done this to his mother just the day before ed geen had been into the hardware store and inquired about the price of antifreeze because he wanted to buy some but he didn't have any money on him that day so he was just asking how much it was and then he said he would be back tomorrow to buy it and so bernice warden's son told the police he's done something to her and panic begun in the town as police raced to ed's farmhouse they quickly realized that ed wasn't home in the farmhouse and so half of them went to go and find ed while half of them searched the home and we'll talk about the home in a second eventually the other half of the police ended up finding him i don't actually know where they found him because i found so many conflicting sources on that some say he was in a grocery store some said that he was just on the street some say that he was at a car repair shop i have no idea but they found him arrested him and took him to the police station meanwhile his home was being searched now i just want to give a little bit of a warning here it is going to start to get very very graphic so if you don't like graphic things skip to this time um when we're finished talking about the contents of his home inside it was dark it was smelly it was a complete mess there were things all over the floor and so as the officers were walking around they were kind of shining their torches at the floor so that they didn't trip over anything and as one of the officers walked in through the door he felt something brush against his shoulder and so he turned and shone this flashlight on this thing that had just brushed up against his shoulder and there he saw the dead body of bernice warden hung up from the rafters by her feet she'd been decapitated hollowed out gutted and cleaned inside and then hung up by her ankles from the rafters and as soon as he saw that this officer ran straight outside and threw up understandably because that is one of the most awful things i've ever heard in a case ever and you guys know i've covered a lot of gruesome stuff but that is one of the worst things i've ever heard in a case so before we get into the other super gruesome stuff i want to talk about some things that police found that were just more creepy and weird to have in your house but not really gruesome this man had about four or five pairs of dentures yellow teeth dentures just sat on a shelf like ornaments he had a bunch of magazine clippings all over this house or the two rooms that he allowed himself to live in full of like true crime cases cannibalism grave robbins just little cut outs of obituaries he also had a jar full of chewed up chewing gum and i don't know whose chewing gum that was whether it was his own or other chewing gum that he'd found now as for the rest of bernice warden's body her intestines were found wrapped up inside a men's suit and her heart was found in a plastic bag on the floor in front of a stove one of the officers found a burlap sack and when he opened it steam came out of it and inside there was bernice warden's head but not just her head as if he'd like cut it off and put it inside this bag he'd actually messed with it he put two nails in both of our ears and bent them so that they were more like hooks and then he attached a rope from one to the other so that this head could be hung up like a decoration another officer found a paper bag and when he opened it he found a clump of hair and so he pulled out this clump of hair and as he did a full face came out with it it was still attached to a face not a head just the face just the skin off the face and one of the officers recognized that face as mary hogan so now i'm just gonna kind of list the rest of the things that police found in this house because there is a lot there are pictures of some of them online some of the pictures that you'll come across are from like movie reenactments so don't believe like every picture you see but there are a lot of pictures online of this stuff because reporters will let into the room straight away and that would never happen now but what i'm saying is i'm not really going to be putting many pictures in for obvious reasons because it is gross but if you do want to see that then you can look online because i know what you guys are like i might include a couple of pictures like the less gary ones i don't know but anyway police found four chairs upholstered in human flesh they also found lampshades made of human skin including faces they found whole human bones and fragments stored inside a storage basket that was made of human skin there were skulls on ed's bed purse that he put there as decoration there were also some other skulls with the top sawn off so that he could use them as balls to eat out of police found a shoe box containing the genitals of nine different women one of which ed had even painted silver and put a little red bow on it another box had four noses in it and a disused cereal box contains scraps of human head skin his coffee table was propped up using human shin bones he fashioned the drawstring on one of his window shades to have a pair of human lips as a puller police also found a further two sets of female genitals believed to have been from girls around the age of 15 as well as a dress believed to belong to another young girl around that same age they found a tray of female fingernails as well as human face masks female faces that dean sometimes dressed up in he also fashioned clothes from his victim's skin including an apron gloves leggings made of women's leg skin and a belt made of female nipples he also made an entire waistcoat from the whole torso skin of a woman breasts and all that he called his mammary vest ed gein admitted that he would often dress up as a woman ever since his mother passed away some people said that he wanted a sex change he wanted to become female other people say that he just wanted to dress up as a female i don't know what ed himself said about the situation but a lot of psychologists believe that he was either dressing up as his mother or dressing up as a girl to feel more like something that his mother would have wanted because if you remember his mother always wanted a girl and she always told the boys that as well she told the boys that they weren't what she wanted she wanted a girl and other psychologists believed that he just had a fascination with the female body because his mother taught him to be scared of it all his life and he'd never had any kind of sexual contact with a woman psychologists believe it might have manifested itself in such a horrific way he would treat the female face masks with motor oil to keep the skin kind of supple kind of like a moisturizer and he would put lipstick on the lips he would put the face mask on put this mammary vest on with breasts on it and sometimes even stick the female genitals to himself and then just go and stand in front of a mirror and just look like a woman so as this search was going on around edging's home as they were recovering all these body parts he was still being questioned at the police station and this was a huge nationwide story it was being covered in people magazine it was being covered in time magazine and reporters like i said were going straight inside the house and taking pictures of everything before it was all recovered everyone knew about the ed geen kiss everyone had read the articles everyone had seen the pictures and very quickly something known as gean humor began and this was very very dark humor about ed's crimes and his possessions and what he would do to these people well i believe that the jokes sort of was an outlet for how everyone felt and the fear that they felt one of them was what was ed's favorite dessert and he says lady fingers ed gein gave his girlfriend a present on valentine's day it was a box of farmers fannies you know uh there were actually people thrown out of the restaurant and playing fuel for going and ordering bean burgers and things for the first 13 hours that police had ed gein back at the police station he refused to speak to investigators he refused to speak to anyone really they then confronted him about the fact that they'd found and recovered bernice warden's body the body that was hanging from the rafters and i think at that point he just realized that there was no point in staying quiet he might as well tell his story he agreed to cooperate and speak to police but only on one condition that he was given a slice of apple pie with cheese on it and so police went and got him it and as soon as he ate it he told police anything they wanted to know so police's first set of questions were obviously what are all these body parts who do they belong to did you kill the people that all these body parts belong to and surprisingly ed gein's answer was no he didn't kill all the people that these bodies belonged to he killed some but not all it took him a while but he eventually admitted to killing mary hogan and bernice warden the two women that looked eerily similar to his mother augusta but then he said that the rest of the body parts were from bodies that were already dead when he found them ed claimed that obviously he would regularly read the obituaries we knew that but he would keep an eye on them and whenever a middle-aged woman that was kind of around his mum's age would die he would wait until the night of her funeral when she's just been buried and then he would go and dig up her grave during the night some of these were women that he knew some of them he'd never met before but he would go and dig up their coffin take out their body and then re-bury the empty coffin he said he did this as many as 40 times he would go to the cemetery in a dislike state and 30 of these 40 times he actually snapped out of it and went home empty-handed but around nine ten times he actually went through with it and dug up a body so obviously police needed some kind of proof that this was true because they can't charge him for murders that he didn't commit like yes he's committed a crime taking these bodies out of the ground but he didn't kill them so ed took police to two of the specific graves that he dug up and police re-exhumed these bodies to see if his stories were true if they were still bodies in there or if you'd taken them and when they were both opened they were both pretty much empty one of them had a cruel bar in it which seemed to align up with ed gein's story that he obviously opened the coffin so it's believed that he just kind of replaced the body with his crowbar by accident forgot to take it home with him and the other coffin was empty but on top of the coffin underneath the mud there were human bones found so it's believed that he took this body he took the parts he needed and then took some of the bones back to the grave but didn't bother putting them back in the coffin just kind of buried them on top of it ed also led the police to the remainder of mary hogan's body because like i said they only found her head like her face so the rest of her body he actually cut up and cremated he said he had no use for the rest of her body which i don't understand because he seemed to find uses for anything and everything but for some reason he burnt the rest of her body ed gein denies ever engaging in cannibalism on necrophilia with these bodies he said he simply just wanted them for their bodies no other use and psychologists believe him psychologists believe that he genuinely only wanted their body parts for whatever weird reason he wanted to do all these things and keep gloves of human hands and lampshades of human skin they believed that's all he wanted so if you remember we talked about those four disappearances before mary hogan's there was eight-year-old georgia evelyn the babysitter and those two men now ed gein has never officially been connected to those far disappearances although a lot of people believe he might be responsible for them however my own personal opinion i don't put my own opinions in often but i just wonder what you see had for the men because a lot of psychologists believe that he did all this because of his mother like he wanted his mother back so he wanted to dress up as a woman he wanted women's body parts what use would he have with two men you know i believe that he probably could be responsible for georgia and evelyn whereas the other two men i feel like as well ed gein was quite a small skinny man so how he could overpower two men i don't know let me know what you think in the comments below there's no official connection although a lot of people believe he is responsible for all four of those so now police had confessions from ed gein and they had evidence to support these confessions they knew he was telling the truth and so they decided to send him to a mental hospital to be assessed to see if he was criminally insane or not ed gein's official diagnosis was schizophrenic personality with neurotic manifestations making him not criminally responsible for his crimes he was found not guilty by reason of insanity and sent to live the rest of his life in a mental hospital i looked at ed he looked at me and i i could see he was he was nervous he was fearful and he says to me what are they going to do to me what are they going to do to me so the judge wraps everybody to be quiet and i had my hand down on the bench here and he's he's next to me and he reaches over and grabs my hand like like i was his mother or something and there at the hospital ed was regarded as a model patient he kept to himself he was well behaved he never caused any problems he was a good patient although it has been said by other patients at this hospital that during a full moon you would get glimpses of the psychotic ed underneath this kind of normal head he would talk about women and what he would do to their bodies after he found them dead or after he killed them he would talk about things that he would make with them and then these patients say that once the full moon went ed was fine again and he was this model patient again while ed game was in hospital the state decided to auction off all of his belongings his house his car all of his kind of major possessions that were just destroyed so that they could pay for lawsuits for the victims families funeral costs and things like that and these auctions had been advertised for a while they were an anticipated event everyone was waiting for this auction but during the night before the auction ed gein's farm house was mysteriously burnt down i went to ed's room and i i told him that his house had burned down and he made a gesture just as well the exact words that he said the cause of the fire actually remains unsolved to this day police obviously believe it probably wasn't accidental police believe that someone started this fire on purpose but who and for what reason we don't know the people in plymouth were so happy that this house burned down and this was going to go away we weren't going to be bombarded by the media we were not going to be having tourists come to plainfield to see ed gein's horror house ed's car however was completely untouched that was fine and it was actually auctioned off and sold to a man that ran a circus and this man turned edging's car into a very dark tourist attraction he would charge people 25 cents to come and look at the car and on his first viewing he had over 2 000 people come meanwhile in hospital ed was doing very well he was one of the only patients in this whole hospital that didn't require medication to behave he wouldn't act out or anything but he was also the only patient in the whole hospital that was denied any access to the outside world no one was allowed in he wasn't allowed visitors he wasn't allowed out which meant that there was never really any interviews with ed gein he did however have a lot of admirers a lot of women that would send him love letters and want to marry him request locks of his hair after 10 years in this hospital ed gean's doctors said that he was better now mentally and he was fit to stand trial and so he did and then he was officially found guilty of all of his crimes but because he was mentally unwell at the time they couldn't give him any prison time and so he was just sent back to the hospital for the rest of his life edward theodor gean passed away in hospital on july 26 1984 at the age of 77 after suffering with lung cancer and respiratory failure and his place of rest is the exact same graveyard that he would go and dig up his victims from the same graveyard that he'd been to over 40 times and his exact grave is actually between his mother augustus and his brother henry's grave of course as i'm sure you know and as i said right in the beginning of the video ed gean's case has inspired a lot of famous horror films norman bates in psycho leatherface in texas chainsaw massacre buffalo bill in the silence of the lambs among many others like i said season two of american horror story asylum dr oliver threadson is based on ed geen there's a lot of songs about him there's a slayer song about him called dead skin mask i think it's called yeah one of the most famous serial killer cases in the world and i have wanted to cover this for the longest time so thank you so much rebecca lee again but yeah thank you so so much for watching this video i hope you enjoyed again a huge thank you to 21 buttons for sponsoring this video if you want to download it the link is in the description and just before i go i just want to let you know that i have a second channel i know i'm a bit rubbish at uploading on it but i have it and i'm going to start uploading on it again soon so if you want to subscribe i'll link it up here and it'll also be on the end card if you want to see a little bit more of like eleanor like the person behind these scary videos then go and subscribe to that we have fun on that channel i'm also thinking about moving my makeup videos onto the second channel i still haven't decided yet let me know let me know your feedback do you want them to stay on the main channel i'll move to the second one i don't know but yeah thank you so so much for watching this video if you enjoyed make sure to leave a big thumbs up and subscribe down below if you want to see some more from me because i do scary spooky videos like this all the time a big shout out to all of my channel members all of their names are on screen right now if you want to become a channel member all you have to do is click the link in my description or you can click the join button if you're on a desktop if you do become a channel member you get access to a bunch of extra perks so you get your name on this end screen of every single video you'll also get access to a members only community tab where we talk about the cases i'll ask for care suggestions you'll get your suggestions fast tracked but yeah thank you so so much for watching and i will see oh just hit myself in the face and i will see you in the next one bye bye
Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 1,612,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: makeup, tutorial, eleanor, neale, eleanor neale true crime, review, fashion, style, beauty, 2019, vlog, mystery, unsolved, unsolved mystery, solved, ed gein, true crime, ed, gein, gloves, psycho, silence of the lambs, films, inspired, top 10, horror films, horror, scary, seiral killer, documentary, chills, criminally listed, rob gavagan, crime, news, bbc, itv, crime watch daily, the grindr killer, podcast, kendall rae, interview, ripper, john wayne gacy, ted bundy, netflix, skin, human, case
Id: DBW0y9ELcfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 21sec (2541 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2019
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