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so today's video is day number seven we've did a full week of ten days of terror if you are new to my channel every single they're open till Halloween and on Halloween I am uploading a new true crime video and it's called ten days of terror and I mean there's only three days left after this but if you do want to be a part of that if you do want to see those videos make sure you subscribe to my channel and you've got my notifications on so like I said in yesterday's video the video about Bible Jon this is kind of like a part two to that but kind of not at the same time I would recommend watching yesterday's video before you watch this one but you don't have to but if you are like binge watching these videos I would recommend going back and watching that one and then coming to this one because they kind of are linked but not kind of maybe who knows that's for you to decide but I recommend that you watch both of them don't matter what order I suppose so today we're gonna be talking about into the serial killer today we're gonna be talking about pizza turban he was one of Glasgow is one of Scotland's most notorious serial killers one of the UK's most notorious serial killers and I'm gonna structure this case a little bit different to my normal ones I'm not gonna do it in a biography style I'm just gonna kind of do it in the way that the police learn new things about this man anywhere all that being said I feel like this has been a really long intro let me just give my usual disclaimer that I mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone that I talk about in this video this is all just information that I have found on the internet and I'm compiling into one video so I'm Julie Kirk Luke was a 23 year old Polish student studying Scandinavian studies in Poland and then in the summer of 2006 she decided to go overseas guess on a job and some money to be able to pay for her classes but also learned English at the same time so Angelique had decided to move to a quiet town in Gloucester in Scotland named Aniston and that was where she worked for the summer there really wasn't much to do and understood in 2006 and don't know if it's the same now but there was just a couple of pubs a couple of shops but just mainly houses and the focal point of the whole town was sent Patrick's Roman Catholic Church where Angelica got a job as a cleaner for the summer for this job Angelica was paid in money obviously but also on top of that she was given a living quarters to stay in she was given food to eat every single day all the meals for kids and fall so this job was pretty much ideal Angelique who was a very friendly welcoming smiley Gail and so she quickly befriended a lot of people the priests or the workers at the church people that would frequent the church quite often then on September 25th 2006 Angelica didn't show up for her cleaning job and the priest realized that he hadn't actually seen her about the church all day and so the priest went to her room in the living quarters to go and check on her see if she was feeling okay but she wasn't there all of her belongings were there but Angelica wasn't that by the evening angeleka still hadn't turned up and by this point she hadn't been seen by anyone for 24 hours and so the priests decided to report her as missing to the police so police came to the church they interviewed everyone they could all the workers that were there but none of them seemed to know anything none of them really knew her that well since she didn't speak great English no one was like best friends with that so none of them were with her none of them knew of anything she hadn't told them anything that she was doing that day and sir police sent everyone home and said they'd carry on the investigation the next morning so the next morning police got back to the church and then we're going to re question everyone about like where they were that day and everything but then they noticed that the church handyman Pat McLaughlin hadn't shown up for work well the people in the church confirmed that Pat McLaughlin never missed a day of work he was a very hard worker and he'd never done this before so everyone was immediately quite suspicious so police continued their interviews with everyone turned up at the church that day and it was found that Angelique ik Luke was actually last seen in Pat McLaughlin his company the day before she went missing so at this point police considered Pat McLaughlin a person of interest and they needed to talk to him they needed to interview him about angeleka but obviously he wasn't there and they didn't have any way of contacting him and for some reason the church didn't have a telephone number or an address on books or anything I mean it was a church it wasn't like a massive business or whatever they did however have a picture of him on the wall like they have pictures of everyone that at the church on the wall and so they gave that picture to police and so with no other option really police decided to take this photo and put it on the news and hope that someone recognized Pat McLaughlin and gave his number or his address so this picture aired on the news at around 1 or 2 minutes past 6:00 and by 5:00 past 6:00 police form lines were full of people ringing in to give information about this man in the picture Pat McLaughlin but a lot of these calls were saying the same thing but that man in the picture wasn't called Pat McLaughlin his name was Peter turban so police went back and looked through all their records for Peter turban and they found that he was actually a convicted sex offender they also found that pizza turban was actually wanted by police at the time for an attack on a woman a year before this and so with that mixed with his previous convictions mixed with the fact that he'd gone missing police realized that they probably had the right person so as the search for Peter turban began a search for Angela Kirk Luke began as well because she was still missing and so police started at the church which was the only place anyone ever really saw her because she worked there within minutes of entering the church one of the police officers noticed that the floor was raised slightly under the carpet in one part and so they pulled this carpet back and they found a trapdoor in the floor lead into underground storage which a lot of churches do have and when they opened this trapdoor they saw a bunch of bin bags a bunch of tarpaulin and then underneath that was the body of Angelique ik Luke she had her legs tucked up under air probably done by the killer so that she could fit into this very tiny storage space and her hands were actually peeking out from under their bags and tarpaulin her hands had actually been tied with caramell ties and they were covered in blood and that was all police could see at this point until her body was removed and these bags were removed that was all they knew and so they knew she was probably dead under there a woman named Carol Rogers was the senior forensic scientist on the case and it was her job to get down into this storage space with angeleka to do like testing and looking for evidence and things before everything was moved and taken out and this underground space like I said was not big at all it was it must have been such a disturbing experience to be down there with a dead body the entrance to the space was actually so narrow that Carroll couldn't fit down it with her pager on a belt because that added just the tiniest bit more width and she couldn't fit through so she had to actually take the pager off to be able to fit down into this space and Carol was there in that underground space with Angelica's dead body for three hours and she just had to gather as much evidence as much information from the scene as she possibly could before it obviously had to be moved about quickly she realized that angeleka's body had been put there after she was killed this wasn't where the murder took place obviously due to the very narrow entrance into this space if she'd been killed once she'd been put in there they'd be blurred around the floor surrounding the storage area and there wasn't any blood anywhere actually around the scene on the floor Baga scene there was no blood other than that on Angelica's body and coming out of Angelica's body and also from the way that the blood had settled in Angelica's body and the discoloration on different parts of her skin they could tell that that wasn't the position that she died in and remained in for a while she was moved a while after death so now the next step was to figure out where angeleka was actually killed because that might have some kind of evidence as to who the killer was and so the first place that police searched was actually the last place that Angelica was seen alive the garage on the church the garage of the church obviously wasn't used for cars or anything it was more used as storage and kind of like a workshop for the church handyman Peter turbines so they went into this garage and it was full of stuff because it was storage for the whole church it had like ladders in it it had decoration in it for different times of year it was just full so they knew that this was gonna be a big job to search it however after being in the garage for just a couple of minutes one of the police officers noticed a tiny little spot of blood on the floor only a couple of millimeters in diameter so police began searching the floor for more blood spots and they just found more and more they began circling each of these tiny little blood spots with a black marker just so that there were more noticable once they stood up and when they did they counted over 30 and when they looked on the walls and on the ceiling they were everywhere they were all of the furniture in that room they were just everywhere police quickly determined that these blood spots were from impact spatter and that this was the room in which Angelique ik Luke was killed and like I said they found blood on the ceiling and this is known as cast-off blood which is when a weapon that is already covered in blood is swung back again and like sputters everywhere and they could tell from this cast-off blood all the way on the seal in the Angelique Luke was probably hittin many times with the same long weapon pathologist could tell from splinters in Angelica's head that she was probably struck several times with a wooden weapon and when pieced together with the state of the garage the state of the murder scene police realized that the murder weapon was a missing table leg although this wasn't angeleka's actual cause of death Tobin had just knocked her unconscious with this table leg he then tied her wrists with cable ties further assaulted her and then put her onto a polythene sheet so that he could drag her around at this point she was unconscious so he could drag her body around without getting blood anywhere like on the carpets on the floor so he dragged her unconscious body on this polythene sheet out of the garage the outside way and back into the church near where the trap door was he then raped her inside the church and stabbed her 16 times before then puttin her body in this underground storage and then trying to cover it with the bags and the tarpaulin and police know this because in her post-mortem her body was tested for any kind of DNA samples and a semen sample was found inside so police tested this semen sample against the Scottish DNA database hoping that a match would come up but no matches were found and then some officers requested that the DNA sample be tested against the national DNA database so the whole of the UK rather than just Scotland in hopes that maybe a match would be found elsewhere and a match came back within minutes and sure enough it was 60 year old Peter Tobin's DNA pizzas fingerprints were also found on a bag wrapped around Angela his body and so they knew based on these two pieces of evidence that they definitely have the killer at this point that it had been around a week since anyone had seen Peter Tobin or Pat McLaughlin as he was known when he was last seen and so a nationwide manhunt began his picture was all over newspapers news channels along with his real name Peter Tobin and people were also warned that he liked to give fake names or aliases news channels also ran a warning that if anyone did CP determine not to approach him because he is a very dangerous man and they believed that he was capable of doing this all over again and it wasn't long before Tobin was spotted actually hundreds of miles away in London in England by a nurse in a hospital Tobin had checked himself into a hospital in London under the name James Kelly complaining of chest pains and one of the nurses on this ward saw this James Kelly and thought he looked eerily similar to the picture that she'd seen on the news so this nurse called the police fearing the worst that this was actually Peter Tobin and when police got there Pizza didn't even try and lie he just straight up admitted his identity so police arrested him then and there in the hospital luckily he wasn't having any kind of serious surgeries our treatment or anything so they could just take him and detain him the next day after he was arrested Peter was taken from London all the way back up to Scotland for his legal proceedings since that was where the crime took place his child began in March of 2007 and despite pleaded not guilty Peter Tobin was found guilty of the rape and murder of Angelique a clue throughout his trial all the things that he was saying and all the details that were coming out about this murder police were growing more and more suspicious that maybe this wasn't Peters first murder everything he did was just so well thought out he did with such ease and with confidence first of all he was 60 years old when he killed Angelique ik Luke which is pretty old for a first kind of random murder don't get me wrong some people do commit first murders later on in life however those murders are normally kind of crimes of passion they're normally people that they know it's very rare that some waits until so late in their life to commit such a random kind of unprovoked sexually motivated attack they not only start doing that back in their 20s or 30s and police begun fearing exactly that maybe Pizza Tobin had started in his 20s and 30s and he was only just being caught now and Tobin like I said handled Angelica's body and the whole crime scene and the whole getting rid of the body so well it was almost as if it was from memory and the way that he just carried on after the murder as if nothing happened he was being questioned by police he was talking with co-workers at the church like he was just carrying on as if nothing happened as if he'd done that before that's really hard to do for a first time and police also learned through the trial of Angelique Luke that Peter Tobin often used fake names throughout his whole life and troubled up and down the UK at constantly like not even just up and down Scotland he'd go all the way to the South of England and then got all the way back up to Scotland and police were concerned that maybe there was a reason why he was doing those things maybe he was running away from something maybe he was purposely trying to hide his identity because maybe police were on to him about a previous murder who knows and so police made the decision to look into Peter children as a possible serial killer although it wasn't gonna be easy like I said he travelled a lot and used a lot of fake names he lived in England sometimes lived in Scotland sometimes some of his criminal history will be with English police some of it will be with Scottish police and all the fake names and things that he used it meant it was going to be really hard to piece together like jobs he worked out all friends he had or anything it was jus was like trying to track down multiple different people all at once and so police set up a specific investigation into the life and past of Peter Turpin named operation anagram and basically operation anagram was gonna track Peter Tobin's life right back to the beginning right back to his birth and then build it all up from there with all these different fake names all these relationships all these jobs to get to where we are now at the killing of Angelique a clue and so with this new timeline of Peter Tobin's life they could see where he was at sir points in his life and with that they could kind of compare that to old police records so say that Peter Tobin was in Glasgow in 1991 they could have a look on police records and see if there were any unsolved murders or disappearances in Glasgow in 1991 and if any of them looked promising enough they could look into Peter Byrne as the suspect so as I said they traced pizza to him right back to his birth his full name was Peter Britten turbine and he was born on August 27 1946 in Renfrewshire in Scotland he was the second of eight children four boys and four girls his father worked for the local council and his mother was a stay-at-home mother Peters and many of the families in their area were working-class they lived in a relatively poor area of Scotland his family were all Irish Catholic and even though Peter wasn't devout to his religion he still maintained his Christianity all the way through his life so Peters parents raised their children with very little compassion they were more like property rather than human beings to be loved and nurtured and because of this parenting style none of the turban children ever had good relationships with their parents and this quickly started showing in the behavior there's reports that Peter and all of his siblings would all be violent to each other and the parents would just kind of watch it and not put a stop to it at just six years old Peter Tobin began misbehaving in school and also picked up a hobby of theft and burglary at six years old and because of this in 1953 at age 7 Peter Tobin was sent to an approved school so an approved school also known as a reformed school is basically a boarding school where children are sent if they commit offences or if they are completely out of their parents control and Peter Tobin was both of those honestly not that his parents really cared that he was out of that control but even if they did try to discipline him it wouldn't have worked and these reform schools back in the 1950s were brutal with the way that teachers would treat the kids the regimes that the school had it just wasn't a nice environment for a child to grow up in at all it was that when he left school in his teens and early twenties that Peter Tobin began moving about using different names and he stepped up a lot of his crime and he got arrested multiple times at age 21 in 1968 Peter Tobin was a regular attendee of the barrel and Ballroom in Glasgow and there he met a girl Margaret Martin II was only 16 years old when 21 year old Peter turbine approached her at the barrel and and asked for a dance he was well dressed he was attractive he was polite he was charming and Margaret was completely taken with Peter straightaway and after that night Margaret and Peter kept in touch and they began a relationship and everything was perfect for a while they would go dancing every weekend he would pick her up and get her home on time every weekend they would go driving in his car Margaret said to all the friends that she really thought that she found the man that she was going to marry but unknown to everyone around them and even to Margaret herself Pizza Tobin was wearing her down he was draining her self-esteem making her dependent on him and Margaret didn't even know that this was going on and then one day in 1969 the two of them were just round up pizzas flat as normal when he asked her to stay over for the first time and Margaret just politely turned him down she was still very young she would have to ask a mom first and besides at this point it was getting pretty late and so she said she actually had to go Pizza was practically begging Margaret to stay over for the night but she said no I can't and so she got up to walk to the dock it was that and Peter Tobin jumped up and got between Magra and the door so that she couldn't leave and for the next year and a half Peter to have been kept his girlfriend Margaret borderline kidnapped in their flat she was rarely allowed out to see parents and friends she was allowed out from time to time unsupervised but when she was home she was Peters property he would physically abuse Margaret he would rape her whenever he pleased he would monitor a constantly she wasn't even allowed to the bathroom by herself Peter Tobin had to come and stand inside the bathroom with her when she used the toilet when she had a shower anything because he was scared that she might trying to scare and then one time in 1970 Peter went to rip Margaret once again as he'd done many times before but this time magret protested she begged him not to and she even said she would rather he killed her and continued to treat her like this and it was that when Peter just got off Margaret and walked out the room then margaret started pelicans she thought there is nowhere that he just stopped just because she asked him to charlie he's mad now and Peter was mad he returned back into the bedroom with a long serrated knife that he'd got from the kitchen he then thrust it inside of Margaret and twisted it around and then Pizza just got and left the flap presumably just leaving Margaret to die and she almost did she actually bled so much that her blood sucked through the floorboards and onto the ceiling of the flat below there's and she was so close to bleeding to death had it not been for a neighbor that heard her screams and came and knocked the door down luckily the neighbor called Colin ambulance and they saved Margaret's life however she was in a very bad way the attack left Margaret in a coma for three weeks and she will never be able to have children on top of obviously all the emotional scarring and trauma that came with it as well after a month or so of hospital treatments Margaret was then discharged back into the care of Peter turbot and after this incident pizzas started to get a little bit concerned that maybe people around them were catching on to their abusive relationship Margaret said that at the time she never told anyone how she sustained those injuries and I don't know what excuse she gave because Charlotte she gave an excuse because those are very hard injuries to acquire accidentally and pizza feared that maybe friends and family are maybe even the neighbor that found her bleeding to death in their apartment would get suspicious that maybe Pizza had something to do with those injuries and so he picked up Margaret and they moved he took Magra almost 500 miles away from her friends and family from her old life all the way to Brighton in England and there he told her that they were getting married and Margaret at this point just felt like there was no way out there was nothing she could do to stop this marriage there was nothing she could do to get out of this relationship with Peter and so she just let it happen so the two of them got a flat together in Brighton and once again Peter would rarely let her leave if he did let her leave she was only allowed out for certain times and when he would leave the apartment he would lock her in a certain room so not just lock her in the apartment but he would lock her either in the bedroom or even the bath room sometimes and before long Pizza started to notice how depressed and lonely migrant was getting in that apartment by herself all this time and so he came up with a solution instead of letting her out Marla and I have a social life letting her see friends or even instead of him staying home a little bit more and keeping her company he didn't want to do either of those so he bought her a dog instead he bought her a little black collie dog that Margaret named beaut and that dog was supposed to be a substitute for human interaction and Bute was only a puppy he was on the 10th we called when they adopted him and so he was going through being trained he was back in a lot because he was only tiny and that's what puppies do and then one day on the rare occasion that Pete's a let my car out of the flat she went out and then she came home and noticed that she couldn't see the dog anywhere so she asked Peter what he'd done with Butte and he said he was sick of it barking and peeing everywhere and so he threw it out of the window but it turns out he did more than just throw this puppy out of the window he'd actually be headed this 10-week old puppy that same night Margaret heard noise outside of the flat and so she looked outside and she saw just a group of teenage boys playing football outside of the flat but when she looked closer she realized that they weren't kicking about a football they were kicking about her puppy's head but then after a few months of living in Brighton pizza turban was once again arrested for a theft that he'd committed in Glasgow while they were there and so he and Margaret were taken back up to Glasgow for questioning so the two of them spent the night in cells and then the following morning they realized that Margaret wasn't guilty of this it was just Tobin's crime and so they let her go so Tobin remained in his cells for questioning to do with that crime whereas Margaret was picked up by her parents the following morning and that was actually the first time Margaret had seen her parents in over a year and it was then she was finally able to escape Durban and she actually divorced him in 1971 in the two years following this divorce Tobin was imprisoned another two times and then married again in 1973 this time to a 30 year old nurse named Sylvia Jeffries that he met in Brighton but once again as I'm sure you can imagine the marriage was abusive again on Peters part both emotion I'm physically the two of them had two children together a boy and a girl and the girl named Izzy and actually passed away shortly after birth after suffering three years of abuse at the hands of Peter turban Sylvia finally decided to take her son and leave and divorced Peter Tobin in 1976 for the next decade Peter Tobin was in and out of prison for theft forgery he could never hold down a job he could rarely get jobs because of his criminal past and so to make money he was robbing Mara and then he was getting caught for that I'm being put back in prison and it was just this vicious cycle that it was in and then in 1987 when Peter Tobin was 41 years old he met sixteen-year-old Cathy Wilson and the two of them began a relationship Cathy had been brought up in foster care and by different family members all alive and was actually living by herself at the age of 16 when she met Peter turbit and she was very vulnerable and she's admitted herself that she was very easy to manipulate at that stage in her life once she was very young and too she'd been through a lot she was looking for someone to give her the love and attention that she needed and that's the thing Peter Tobin always seemed to go for women that he thought were gonna be easy to manipulate because he liked to have a lot of power in relationships once again the abuse began very early on in the relationship and after just a couple of months Cathy actually fell pregnant by turbit and even during the nine months that Cathy Wilson was carrying his own child he was still regularly abusive to her in 1987 Cathy gave birth to their son Daniel and just a few months later when she turned 17 her and Peter got married the three of them moved around a lot between different rented houses Peter was actually unemployed the whole time and just committing different crimes to earn money and then a year into this marriage Peter picked up the whole family again and moved them 500 miles away from Brighton in England all the way to Basket in Scotland he persuaded Cathy to move all that way by saying that he'd found a really cheap three-bedroom house there was a really nice big garden for their son to play in and obviously she wanted the best of her son and her family so she agreed but once they moved Peter got a lot more violent and began beating Cathy dearly from my point of view I've gone through so many atrocities when I was a child and actually someone's throwing up against a wall put their hair around your neck and calling you horrible names isn't that bad I really think I was just a possession and I think the anger from him was that the possession was not conforming the way it's meant to conform that's all it was after a wild calf Yvette noticed that the abuse was taking a toll on her son Daniel and she knew that she needed to protect him from witness in there but when she told Peter that she was leaving him that she was taking Daniel with her Peter completely flipped Peter told Kathy that if she tried to leave he would kill their son Daniel while Kathy watched that he would kill Kathy and then he would kill himself and after Kathy had said that Pizza didn't let her or Daniel out of his sight for three whole months because he was that scared that she was gonna leave him and then one day in 1990 Peter left the house for a full day and Kathy saw her opportunity to escape she grabbed Daniel she grabbed some money that she'd been saving over time and she went to the bus station and got a bus all the way back to Hampshire in England look Peter Tobin despite treating Cathy really badly he seemed to adore their son Daniel he was never violent never even aggressive he never shouted or laid a finger on his son at all and after Cathy left him pizzas still wanted to see his son and so he went through the courts and got granted regular access and to be able to get this regular access Peter decided to leave his home in Glasgow and move all the way down to England so that he could be closer to Daniel in 1991 he got a house in Margot in Kent where he would regularly have Daniel over to stare he stayed there for a couple of years before moving even closer to Daniel and getting a flat in Hampshire on August 4 1993 Tobin had five year old Daniel round at his flat to stay over for the night and then at around nine o'clock that night Peter heard knocking outside although it wasn't on his doll it was two girls one aged 14 and one aged 15 knocking on pizzas neighbours door to see if their friend was in at this point the girls had been knocking for a while and it seemed as though the neighbour wasn't in and so Pizza went to his door and asked if the girls wanted to wait inside his flat for the neighbour to come home so the girls said okay they were all sat in the living room Peter his son and these two girls and then Peter decided to finally put five-year-old Daniel to bed so he did that and then he came back into the living room and then he turned on the charm with these two girls however this time it wasn't working and this had never really happened to Peter before he was normally very good at choosing his targets he knew what kind of women would just fall for him and do what he said but this time he didn't get to pick his target today this was very opportunistic these girls literally appeared on his doorstep and so Toby realized he'd have to go about this a different way and so he went to the kitchen and made the girls some drinks and these drinks were a mixture of cider vodka and a drug he'd crushed up named amitriptyline and he threatened the girls with a knife to drink here before long the girls were borderline knocked out there was still conscious but they couldn't move their own body they couldn't do anything and that was when Peter began the assault he raped and sodomized both girls and then stopped the younger of the two several times it was only when five-year-old Daniel woke up and walked into the room and this assault was taking place that Peter Tobin finally stopped Tobin actually asked his five-year-old son to go to the kitchen get some ice from the freezer and bring it to him so that he could put it on those girls wounds Peter then called his ex-wife Kathy and a stroke she could come over and pick Daniel up because Peter wasn't feeling very well he was having chest problems and he wanted to go to the hospital and get them checked over so I took Daniel from him at the front door and I said you want me to wait for the ambulance to arrive you know your case no I don't feel quite so bad now but still take him because I think I will going to be checked have a check out I'll put my son in the car and we came home went to bed once Cathy left with Daniel Pizza turned on all of the gas taps in his apartment and left and it's believed that he left the girls there believing that they would die of asphyxiation but luckily they didn't the girls came round after a couple of hours they managed to escape the flats and then call the police and obviously because this whole assault a tick and placing one person's flat they knew exactly who to look for Peter Tobin but by the time police went to question and arrest him Peter had taken off Peter had taken on a when enjoined a religious sect in commentary and wasn't found for 40 days in 1994 pizza turban pled guilty to the attack and served 10 years of a 14 year sentence before being released in 2004 at the age of 58 on his release from prison pizza turban decided to move back to Glasgow in Scotland and because he was now a registered sex offender he always had to tell police where he was going they had to constantly monitor it and not long after his release from prison to have been met yet another young girl that he could manipulate and win over with his charm his new neighbor named Debbie they would go to each other's flats and drink and talk together and luckily police got word of this friendship between Debbie and Peter and they actually got involved and sparked a debate they basically sent Debbie a letter just saying that Peter Tobin was a registered sex offender for the rape of two teenage girls and as you can imagine debbie was horrified so she went in conference and Peter about it and Peter was very defensive he said that none of it was true and that he was actually gonna seek legal advice for these malicious rumors that were being spread about him I'm Debbie believed him and their friendship continued as normal until 2005 when Peter actually moved to a different flats and groomed a different young woman this woman was named sheryl mcglochlin and she used to see Peter about town all the time they used to smile at each other every time for months and then one day they saw each other again she smiled at him but this time he came over and asked her to go for a drink and she did and the date went well and the two of them began seeing each other and then one day as Cheryl went over to her boyfriend Peter Tobin's house for her coffee after a while Cheryl got to leave and that was when Peter to have been janta grabbed a knife put it to a throat and then asked her to lay on the floor presumably so that he could rape her but Cheryl had been in the army she'd been raised alongside eight brothers she knew how to defend herself and so she managed to wrestle the knife off of Tobin but she actually cut around in the process she then opened the door to run out but as she did she dropped the knife and Pizza picked it back up and began chasing her with this and it was at this point that Peter realized that Cheryl was probably gonna get away from him and if she did he would be in big trouble and so he thought of another plan pizza turban pretended to have a heart attack whilst chasing his girlfriend with a knife hoping that she would stop and come back and look after him and she did she went back she was looking after him for a while and then she persuaded him to go to the front door to get some fresh air and when they did as soon as that door opened Cheryl ran and Peter knowing that once Cheryl was out she was going to go to the police she was going to tell them exactly what Peter had done to her he knew that he had to run as well but at this point operation anagram loses Peter Tobin's trail so Cheryl was taken to hospital where she was being treated for the cuts on her arm that she got during this altercation and police came and visited it the next morning to tell them that they'd gone to pizzas flat to go and arrest him but when they kick the door down he'd gone over the next few months Peter stayed in a range of different hostels all over Scotland before eventually settling down in understood I'm from there we know the story he took on the fake name Pat McLaughlin and became a handyman at the local church where he killed Angelique a clue and this brings us back to the timeline Peter Tobin has just been arrested for his first murder although police believe there must be more on a search of Peter Tobin's home police found a hard of women's jewelry although pizza didn't have a wife he didn't live with any women so whose jewelry was all of that police feared that maybe all these different bits of jewelry were actually trophies that he'd taken from his victims over the years so according to operation underground Peter Tobin's first conviction for a serious crime was in 1993 for the rape of those two girls when he was 47 years old but 47 he's still pretty old to be doing your first-ever serious crime police believe that he must have been doing them way before that and he seemed to carry out this attack on these girls with a lot of confidence like he'd dropped someone before like you to stop someone before I could rip someone before and so police decided to look into the gaps in operation underground where it seemed as though Pizza Tobin was laying low for a while our fears that maybe he wasn't laying low at all and one of these kind of quieter periods in Peter Tobin's life lined up with one of the biggest unsolved disappearances in Scottish history so Vikki Hamilton was a 15 year old girl from Falkirk in Scotland and she'd been missing since 1991 vicki was one of four siblings two of which still lived at home with Vicki and the parents and her older sister actually had her own place Vicki was very friendly she was very lively she had a lot of friends she always did really well in school and then on February 10th 1991 Vicki set off from her sister's home back to her family home her journey home was around an hour long and it involved one bus change in a town called Bathgate the town that Peter Tobin lived in at the time so she got on her first bus and then she got to back it where she got off of the bus she went and got some fish and chips and then she sat at the bus stop waiting for her second boss and that was the last ever sighting of Vicki Hamilton at that bus stop eating her fish and chips and she never actually got on the second boss and like I said this was one of the biggest disappearances in Scottish history Vicki's face and name were everywhere for weeks there was barely any developments in this case at all that was until one day Vicki's purse was found at Edinburgh bus station and this bus station when the purse was found was 20 miles away from where Vicki was last seen in the opposite direction of where she was headed and so this gave police a theory that maybe Vicki had run away off of her own accord it's relatively common for teenagers that gone missing in Scotland till later to be found in London in England after trying to run away and so police theorized that maybe she was doing that but Vicki was only 15 and she didn't have a right lot of money obviously she didn't have a job or anything so what money was she moving to London with and besides it was way out of Vicky's character to ever do anything like that she was relatively still dependent on her parents I mean she was only 15 and she would never do anything without telling a parent or at least a friend or a sibling first she would never move to a different country without telling anyone so police continue to look into Vicki's disappearance but with lack of evidence with lack of witnesses the case quickly went cold that was until 2007 when operation anagram became a thing in 2007 police realize that Peter Tobin was living in basket at the time of her disappearance and so police went back and searched Peter Tobin's basket at home that he lived in in 1991 so many years before this and unbelievably 15 years after Peter had moved out of this house police found a knife hidden inside of one of the house walls and this knife even had a substance on it that police believed was a piece of human skin although that was all they found they didn't find any evidence of Vickie or her body anywhere in that house so the knife was forensic ly tested along with that flesh substance and both of them had DNA profiles of Vickie Hamilton on them Vickie's purse was also forensic ly tested at the time of her disappearance in 1991 but nothing was found however now in 2007 with improved technology police decided to do it again and this time police found male DNA on this purse however it wasn't Peter turbines it was very similar to Peter turbines but it wasn't a match to his and it was then the police remembered that Peter Tobin actually had two sons who would obviously have very similar DNA to him and so their DNA samples were taken and the match was found - Peter Tobin son Daniel who was just three years old at the time of the disappearance and since Peter was serving time for the murder of Angelique a clue police could call on him anytime and ask for a questioning and that is exactly what they did after they received these DNA results so Peter was presented with the knife that they'd found in his house and he was just ask general questions to which he said he once owned a knife that looked very similar to that one but then when police told him the significance of this knife and about the DNA profiles that they'd found on it he suddenly said he'd never seen that knife before in his life and the same with Vicki Hamilton herself he said he'd never heard of her before in his life he'd never seen her in never met her and at this point police knew that Peter had something to do with Vicki Hamilton's disappearance but without a confession or without a body they couldn't charge him and so all they could charge him for was abduction and it's believed that his son Daniels DNA was on her purse because he actually gave it to him as a toy to play with after he'd killed or abducted Vicki Hamilton meanwhile operation anagram was also looking a separate unsolved disappearance back in Hampshire when Peter lived there in August of 1991 so just six months after the disappearance of Vicki Hamilton from Scotland another girl went missing from Hampshire in England 18-year old student dynamic Nikol was last seen on August 5th 1991 she lived in Essex but at the time of her disappearance she was actually attending a music festival in lip hook in Cheshire with a bunch of friends so during the festival Dinah met a boy who she got on really well with and then at the end of the festival he said that he was staying on for an extra dear as many campers did Dinah's friends had to be home for Monday morning so they had to leave on the Sunday evening but Dinah decided to stay over with this boy and all of his friends and then when it came time for them to leave the first of all the next morning they were all gonna hitchhike on they all lived in the same kind of area apart from Dinah and so Dinah and this boy decided to hitchhike together as a pair although he didn't live quite as far down south as she did so they got to the m25 the two of them parted ways this boy was going to hitchhike in a different direction and Dinah continued in the car with this man and after that Daniel was never seen again and immediately when she didn't return home that night her family knew that something was wrong see this was a time before mobile phones but Dinah and her whole family were all very good at communicating even without mobile phones if plans changed or if they were gonna be late or something they'd go to a phone box I'll then borrow someone's phone they would never leave the rest of their family wondering where they were and this was nothing like Dinah to do that the only clue that police had was that Diana's bank card was still being used even after her disappearance Stanners mother had recently passed away and left her 2,000 pounds which was in her bank account when she went missing and it was very strange that Dinah was using that money because she did Express to everyone family friends even her mother before she passed that she was going to use that money to go travel in one day so police found that Diana's bank card was being used in Margot in Kent however this didn't turn up any more leads they searched Margot but didn't find Dinah and it wasn't until 2007 when police realized that Peter Tobin lived in Margot in Kent at the type of diamonds disappearance this Holman market was the first place that he moved when he came down from Glasgow to be closer to his son Daniel so police went and spoke to pizzas neighbors from that home just to get an idea of what Peter was like as a neighbor just the kind of things that would go on and Peters neighbor Dave Martin recalled him being a very good neighbor he was never really noisy he would always lend him things if he needed the two of them would often talk over the fence if they were both out at the same time and the conversations were not only really good apart from one one day the two men was stood outside of the front doors just having a conversation over the fence when two teenage girls walked past and Peter Tobin pointed out how good-looking they were and Dave was a little bit taken aback by that comment but he just kind of laughed it off saying Pete you're old enough to be their dad and Peter laughter as well saying you know what you very actually and then police asked Dave if Peter was ever into any kind of DIY housework gardening anything like that and Dave actually laughed at that question from police because he said he'd never seen Peter do anything like that in his life but then he remembered one strange instance after a couple of months of living in his market hum Dave looked out of the window and saw his neighbor Peter Tobin digging a rather deep hole in his back garden so Dave went outside to talk to Peter and he made a joke about how deep he was digging this hole he said he trying to dig he went to Australia and people laughed and said no it's just a Sun pit that he's building for his son as a surprise when he comes over at the weekend and while Dave thought that this hole was a bit deep for a Sampat he also thought well what do I know about some pits that might be the ideal depth for a sample and job him said to him if you're gonna do it do it properly and that was why you made it so big it was around seven foot by five foot to be exact but then a couple of days later Dave looked out of the window and noticed that the hole had been filled up with soil again so Dave asked him what had happened to this son pit and Peter told him that the social worker actually deemed it unsafe for his son and so he had to fill it back in and obviously when Dave told police about this years later they were immediately suspicious and so they got a warrant to do forensic excavations in Peters old home and so police began digging exactly where this some pit was being built and they found human remains although they weren't the remains dynamic nickel like they were expecting quickly identified by her jewelry these human remains seem to belong to 15 year old Vicki Hamilton and if you remember vicki was last seen she went missing in Scotland but her body was found 500 miles away in the South of England and Vicki's body showed signs of a brutal murder she'd actually been cut into two so her tosser and her legs were two separate pieces both parts of her body were put into bin backs there were 13 over Hatala and 11 over her legs and then she was buried in the garden so police theorized that Peter had lured Vicki from the bus stop in basket to his home and there they believe that he killed her on the same day using that knife that police found they believe he then cut her up wrapped her body in bin liners and kept her in the back of his van until he bought a new house down south he then drove 500 miles down to the South of England with Vicki's body still in the back of his van and Dave the neighbor from Margot actually recalled on Peters moving deer he had some black bin liners in the back of his van and due to have been wrapped in these bin liners so tightly her body was badly decomposed and so she was easily identified and because Vicki's body was so well preserved her postmortem could reveal her cause of death quite easily even after all these years the post-mortem revealed that she'd been drugged and her cause of death was actually strangulation she also had marks all over her chest believed to have been where Tobin was actually kneeling on her body as he was strangling her so after the discovery of Vicki Hamilton's body police believed that if they kept going if they kept digging up this garden they were shocked to find dynamic Nichols body and sure enough two days later when they got onto the last patch of garden they found the body of a 18 year old dynamic nickel Dinah's body was actually all in one piece but once again wrapped up very tightly unburied only a few metres away from Vicki Hamilton's body Dinah's cause of death couldn't actually be established from her post mortem but it was found that she was drugged by drugs prescribed to Peter turbine at the time so obviously when police discovered these are the two bodies Peter was already serving a life sentence for the murder of Angelique Luke and so they added on another to murder charge making Peter turban now officially a serial killer he was first found guilty of the murder of Vicky Hamilton and thirty years were added on to his sentence for that and then seven months after that Peter Tobin was due to stand trial for the murder of dynamic nickel however that had to be postponed because once again Peter Tobin faked a heart attack psychologists have since diagnosed Peter turbine as a psychopath a typical behavior of which is a need to control the situation Peter felt in this situation as if he wasn't in control he knew he was about to be found guilty for the murder of dad McNichol and he thought what can I do to regain control of this Peter knew that if he was suddenly seriously ill everything would have to stop for him and police would have to pay attention to him and do things for him and that would give him the power back so eventually Peters trial resumed and his old liver did was brought to testify against him and when Dave walked up to the sand Peter saw him he smiled he put his thumbs up and said hi Dave haven't seen you in a while how's it going this man is on trial for the murder of a young girl yet when he sees his old friend that he's given evidence against him to say that he is a murderer he puts his thumbs up and asks him how he's been doing but anyway after just three days of trial Peter Tobin was once again found guilty of murder and this added another life sentence on to his existing huge sentence so altogether he had one life sentence for Angela ku klux murder 30 years for Vicki Hamilton's and another life sentence for Dinah McNichols so Peter Tobin will never be out of prison so Peter Tobin is officially believed to have committed nine murders slash assaults all of which we've just talked about in this video however police believe there to be a lot more and Jobin himself claims that he's actually killed 48 women in his life although there's no evidence for any of those other than the ones that he's been sentenced for so officially in the eyes of the law Tobin's first murder was Vicki Hamilton when he was 45 years old well as I've been saying all the way through this video 45 is still rather old to commit your first random murder and again he did it with such callous knows he put her body into wrapped it up and buried it in his garden that shows some confidence when it comes to murder and dead bodies and things but the average person wouldn't be able to react like that to a first murder I mean yes Peter Tobin was diagnosed as a psychopath but it was like he knew what he was doing he had this knowledge based on previous murders and dismembering a body professionals said that that is not easy to do it's nothing like dismembering an animal like a butcher or something as you can imagine it's very mentally traumatic for the person doing it but it's also very physically hard to do if you've never done it before if you don't know the correct ways to go in it's hard to do and sir operation anagram continued because they thought no where did he start at 45 years old surely there's some even before this and they found a further seven unsolved murders and disappearances that they believe could be connected to Peter turban but at the same time they've got no conclusive evidence for any of these that I'm about to talk about the first of which was 18 year old Louise Kerr who went missing from Eastbourne in 1988 at the time of her disappearance Tobin was living in Brighton in England and worked in Eastbourne just a mile away from where she went missing although Louise's body has never been found and no definite links have ever been made to Peter Tobin in 1980 a 22 year old student Jessie L went missing again very close to Eastbourne her body was found nine years later and her wrists were bound by her own brass so her death definitely was an accidental or natural it was obviously a merger and a very traumatic one at that yeah her killer has also never been found and before that there was Pamela exile in 1974 who went missing while on a walk on a beach in Norfolk and Pamela's family have actually come forward since Peter Tobin's been found to be a serial killer and everything saying that some of the jewelry that police found in his house looks very similar to some of the jewelry that Pamela earned before Pamela was 18 year-old Susan long who was sexually assaulted and strangled to death in 1970 Susan have been out dancing that night and her body was found the next morning by the milkman and finally the last three murders believed to have been committed by Peter Tobin and the Bible John murders I did a whole video on the Bible John case yesterday if you do want to stick around for the Bible John bit or if you do just want to skip forward I've got some more information after the Bible John theories if you already saw yesterday's video and you don't want to sit through it twice just skip to this time if you want to go and see some updates on Peter Tobin and his prison life and his family I'm basically just gonna talk about all the same things that I talked about in yesterday's video so I'm sorry if you've seen that one however in the context of this case some of the things might click a little bit more in your brain because a lot of you where more than I expected commented on yesterday's video saying that you felt like the killer was not Peter Tubb and that Bible John was not Peter Durban so basically if you don't know and if you haven't seen yesterday's video I'm gonna give you a quick rundown of who Bible John is and his connections to Peter turbit so Bible John is actually a whole of the serial killer that committed three murders in 1968 and 1969 in Glasgow in Scotland and a lot of people believe that Bible John is Peter turbine because Bible John has never been found no one knows who he is and so people believe that those murders could have been committed by Peter turbit so Bible John very much like Peter to have been targeted specifically petite brown haired brown-eyed women like I said he committed three murders all of which he picked up his victims from the barrel and Ballroom in Glasgow he had three victims over the two years the first of which was 25 year-old Patricia docker she went out dancing on the Thursday evening at the barrel M ballroom and the next mornin her body was found she'd been beaten raped and strangled to death it's believed by the attackers on belt and she was found naked with the exception of one shoe another important detail to note is that Patricia was actually on her period at the time of her murder and her murderer had left her sanitary towel by her body on purpose the next murder wasn't for another year and a half this time it was 32 year old Jemima Macdonald once again Jemima went dancing at the bar ilan ballroom and she was killed that night and her body was found two days later in an abandoned building again she'd been beaten and raped although this time she wasn't found naked she was actually partially clothed and she was also strangled to death but this time by her own stocking once again Jemima was on her period and her sanitary towel was left by her body and witnesses said that they saw Jemima leaving the barrel and ballroom with a man of about 6 foot in height with reddish hair and the last of the Bible John murders was 29 year old Helen Puttock who attended the barrel on ballroom and again was found murdered the next morning once again she was beaten raped and strangled with her own stocking and once again Helen was on her period at the time of the murder however this time her killer had left her sanitary towel under her arm intentionally possibly because it was a windy night and he felt that that was a very important detail for his murders and so he wanted to make sure it was still there when police found the body so Helen on the night that she attended the Maryland ballroom actually attended with her sister Jeannie so someone was with her all night and at one point Helen got talking and dancing with a man who introduced himself as John and Jeannie remembered his surname as either Templeton simple cenar Emerson she couldn't quite remember the three of them Helen her sister Jeannie and this John guy all got a taxi home together and Jeannie was the first drop off leaving John and Helen in the taxi by themselves that night well before she did leave the taxi she got to know John a little bit and she quickly realized that he was very religious oh he seemed to be religious he was always referencing stories from the Bible but they were actually used out of context he told the two women this story from the Bible about an adulterous woman that got stoned to death which is an unusual topic of conversation for the first time that you've met two women and because of this interaction that Jeannie had with this guy that is why he is known as Bible John because the name that he gave was John and he loved the Bible and Helen's sister Jeannie because she got quite a good look at this guy in the taxi she was able to make a police sketch and it does kind of look like Peter turban facially so let's go through the reasons of why Peter to have been might or might not be Bible John first of all the description yes officially he looked very similar to the police sketch however that is literally the only thing that is alike between Peter turban and Bible Jones appearances Bible John was reported to be around six foot tall with reddish hair and that was by multiple different witnesses whereas Peter Tobin was actually five foot six a whole half a foot shorter he can't mistake that and Peter turban also had dark brown hair not red hair and Helens sister Jeanne the woman that shared a taxi ride with this man said that when she saw pre-determined she said that that definitely wasn't the man that she shared the taxi with that wasn't Bible John however she did say this forty years after sharing that taxi ride with him and that was just one night it wasn't like a fist that she saw every day that she would definitely recognize she was quite drunk that night she only saw him for a couple of hours that night so how could she identify that face for definite forty years later when she's much older and I'm not trying to like purposefully discredit her account I'm just saying that logically forty years later that is a long time for your memory to fit and at the time of the murders Pizza Tobin was living in Glasgow just a few miles away from the barrel and ballroom which we know he was a regular attendee ah like I said in the late 60s he met his first wife Margaret there so we know that he went there a lot and subsequently when he and Margaret moved to England in 1969 that was when the Bible John killin stopped so the significance of the women being on their periods might be down to a couple of reasons if Peter Tobin is Bible John he hated it when his wives or girlfriends were on their periods he would never let them use like sanitary towels or anything like that he'd just let them bleed which just as a side note now that we know he's a serial killer it's so eerie to know that he had that fascination with blood the whole time he would also become violent when his wives and girlfriends were on their periods but he would also rip the mob another promising connection was Peter Tobin's religious roots like I said he was Roman Catholic and kept them religious beliefs all the way through his life often when he was on the run from police he would join a religious sect or Church like he did in 2007 it was just where he felt comfortable and where he felt like he could maintain a life and as Helens sister Jeanne said this guy that she shared the taxi with was referenced in the Bible quite a bit as for that guy's name Helen thought she remembered it as John Templeton John simple sin John Emerson something like that and we know that Peter Tobin like to use fake names a lot but one of his kind of go-to fake names was John Semple and Jeannie also said that the guy she shared this taxi ride with had an overlapping tooth in the top right of his mouth and since the sixties Peter Tobin has actually had a tooth removed from the top right of his mouth could that be the overlap in too because that's quite a send out feature of someone how many people do you know that's got an overlapping tooth in the right top corner of the mouth so as for reasons as to why pizza Tobin is probably not Bible John obviously his hair and his height away off but there's also the mud of the killings Bible John and Peter Tobin had completely different modes of killing and usually serial killers when they find something easy something they're good at something that they find enjoyment in they will stick to that because that's obviously why they're killed because they find enjoyment in it and so they'll find their way of killing and they will very rarely step out of the lines of that and Peter Tobin's murders for example always have to involve blood so stabbings are putting up knives things like that he liked to see blood as we can tell whereas the Bible John murders never involved any weapons he always just beat the women with his own hands and feet and then he would strangle his victim with anything that he had on him like his bell on their stocking pizza Tobin also tried to hide every single one of his murder victims bodies either burying them in his garden or putting them under the floorboards of the church but not Bible John Bible John left his victims out purposefully he even put the sanitary towel there for police to find because he wanted police to find these bodies he didn't want to hide them and that shows a complete different psychology in these killers like I said in my Bible John video one of them wanted to see blood he did it because he wanted to see blood the other one just was happy struggling and beaten he didn't really care to see you blood that much one of them felt like he had to hide his crimes and hide the bodies whereas the other one wanted police to find the body so I will I went to the same bar ilan ballroom every single time he wanted to pick up a victim he was very cocky in that way he didn't try to avoid police wear his pizza turban was constantly moving around changing his name trying to avoid police detection joining religious sects they were completely different completely different yet the most promising piece of evidence as to why Peter turban is not Bible John is actually in DNA sample like I said all of the Bible John victims were raped and semen samples were taken from each of their bodies however only the last one from Helen Puttock was good enough to be tested in 2007 it was tested against the national DNA database that we know Peter Tobin is in yet no match was found so then it was tested specifically against Peter Tobin's DNA yeah still no match was found it was not Peter Tobin's DNA of course there's the possibility that she could have had sex with someone else and the semen could have gotten a stocking somehow however with the circumstance that she was murdered we can probably guess that that semen did come from her attacker and the police force itself is pretty much polarized on the matter half and half believe that Peter is Bible John and half believe that he can't be Bible John if Peter took him was Bible John that would mean that he committed his first murder at 22 years old which does sound a lot more likely because as I've said a million times in this video he started or seemed to have started pretty late in life okay so that's it for Bible John and now for some updates on Peter Tobin and his life and his family it seems that Peters niece jig Jackson is actually fallen in his psychopathic footsteps in 2016 20 year old Jake Jackson harassed and threatened a twelve-year-old girl over the span of four months because she believed that this 12 year old girl was talking to her 20 year old boyfriend Jayde got this girl's snapchat and was sent in her pictures holding up a blade saying how she wanted to slash her and one of the pictures was captioned it'll be cool to see the blood pouring from you jade would send this girl almost half a ridge between five and ten snaps every single day saying that she'd messed with the wrong person threatening all sorts of violence towards this girl and her whole family after the picture with the blade this girl finally told her mum what was going on and they got the police involved and June served nine months in prison for these threats and since then she's been in constant trouble with the police for racist attacks theft threats violence all sorts so as for Peter Tobin himself in 2015 age 69 he was actually attacked by a fellow inmate in his sleep Sean Mannion was a double rapist who held his victims at knifepoint and he said that he was infuriated with Turban like I said Peter Tobin clamps he killed 48 women yet he won't tell police where any of the bodies are he won't tell them names anything he also said to police that he doesn't give a [ __ ] about his victims families and so this infuriated Sean Mannion and so he decided that he was going to attack Peter Tobin and possibly try and kill him so he made his own weapon it was a blade fitted with a handle and then he went to Peter turbines prison cell around lunchtime Tobin was actually asleep at the time when Sean approached him and began slashing his face and his neck so Tobin obviously woke up and struggled with Sean for a while until Sean finally left his cell and then Tobin sounded his cell alarm and the officers responded to Turban cell alarm actually past Sean in the hallway on their way to his cell and Sean had blood all over him and the blade still in his pocket but police didn't notice and as soon as Tobin told them what had just gone on their run straight to Sean's cell who just said to them I slash turban across the face and throat just so calmly Tobin was left with a 20 centimeter long deep slash all across his cheek and onto his neck it required immediate treatment obviously and it's left him with a huge disfiguring scar Sean was sentenced to a further two and a half years on top of his sentence for that attack and ever since then Peter Tobin hasn't been searched she also said he's become a nervous wreck ever since the attack and he barely leaves his cell and due to his anxiety he can't even eat with the other prisoners anymore he gets his food brought to his cells so that he can stay away from other prisoners so Peter turban is currently 72 years old he's very frail and in quite bad health he still has his heart problems and at we recently had a stroke but yeah that is everything for this case I feel like this one has been so long do you think Peter Tobin his Bible John now after hearing the rest of this story and maybe a little bit more information I don't know if I included all of that information in the Bible John video but yeah it is currently far in the morning so I'm gonna go to bed I've literally been sat in this chair for five hours five hours filming this video so I don't know how long it is if it's been super super long I'm sorry but it probably hasn't even turned out that long because I have a stutter and half of my recording is probably just me messing up but yeah thank you so so much for watching this video if you enjoyed make sure you leave a thumbs up and subscribe down below because I'm doing a full 10 days of terror did I mention that at the start of this video I'm doing 10 days of terror every single day up until Halloween and on Halloween I am gonna be uploading a new true crime video and I mean there's only three days left of it after this but subscribe anyway but yeah thank you so so much for watching and I will see you tomorrow for a brand new true crime video bye
Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 1,914,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2018, crime watch daily, disappearance, documentary, eleanor neale, interview, killer, missing, mystery, serial killer, solved, solved disappearance, solved mystery, true crime, unsolved, unsolved disappearance, unsolved mystery, peter tobin, bible john, tobin, peter, peter tobin documentary, dateline, bbc, itv, britain's darkest tabboos, uk's worst serial killers, uk, england, scotland, ex, wife, now, neice, house, netflix, book, serial killer documentary, criminally listed, kendall rae, bella fiori
Id: UWGhQ46fygw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 15sec (3795 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 28 2018
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