The Ultimate Stealth Archer Build Guide: Rogue / Ranger Multiclass | Baldur's Gate 3

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[Music] hello my friends and welcome to the channel today we're taking a look at one of my favorite stealth-based combat builds in DND remade in Baldur's Gate 3 a multi-class combo of Rogue and Ranger that specializes in massive first turn sneak attack damage and has the ability to enter stealth in the middle of combat and continue getting off sneak attacks every single round if you have the right positioning this build is set up around a few passives that you get from Level 3 in both the Rogue and Ranger class so the core of the build will be basically fully online by the time you hit Level six so right around the time you hit Act 2 in the main story in combat this character is a ranged damage dealer that can often eliminate multiple Targets in the first round then disappear into the Shadows to plan their next strike outside of great sneak damage you also get the benefits of your traditional Rogue like lock picking and trap disarming and you're a sniper with the bow even when you're not hidden for this video I'm going to walk you through the important first six levels of this character and explain how the subclass specific passives work in combat so you should have a pretty good understanding of how this all works then I'll talk a bit about how I plan on leveling up for the end game from 7 to 12. with that intro out of the way let's start off at level one with the basic character creation and starting ability scores on this build we'll start out as a level 1 Ranger for your starting ability scores you don't need to worry about strength at all since none of your actions will use strength dexterity is your most important stat it's used for all of your important roles and you should set it to 17 with your plus two bonus the other two stats that are fairly important for this build are wisdom and Constitution wisdom will help with any spell casting you do as a ranger and Constitution helps add more HP to the build and it helps with concentration checks for your spells if you want a min max specifically for combat I would set one of these to 16 and one of these to 15. since we're making a ranged combat character I think it's safe to leave constitute F-15 and put wisdom at 16. if you want a bit less of a min max spread for these ability scores you can also drop a few points in Constitution and wisdom and put some back into intelligence for rogue skill checks and Charisma for speech but that's really up to you for weapons and armor on this character you're going to use a bow or crossbow as a primary light armor to keep your maximum dexterity bonus and you should look for any magic items that add dexterity stealth bonuses and useful spells for your level 1 Ranger passives will first take a favored enemy which is not really super important but I like either Sanctified stalker or Keeper of the Veil Just for the extra Proficiency in Arcana for your natural Explorer passive I personally like Urban tracker for the free proficiency and sleight of hand allowing you to do lock picking and stuff easier before you actually get the Rogue class at level 2 we're gonna take Ranger again and gain spell casting and a ranger fighting style for the fighting style obviously we're picking archery which gives a permanent plus two to every attack roll with ranged weapons meaning we're just overall much more accurate for spells we're taking Hunter's Mark 100 of the time every time this spell is invaluable to archery builds because it adds one D6 damage to every single hit against any enemy that it's applied to and you can move the Hunter's Mark to new enemies as a bonus action which means you always just deal extra damage on every single hit if you remember to move it to New enemies for your second spell I recommend taking some kind of heel either cure wounds or the good berries at level 3 we're once again going into Ranger so we can pick up an important subclass for this build the Gloom stalker gloomstalker Rangers have some very cool key abilities first they get the dread ambusher ability which adds plus three to your initiative role and you get to make a second attack for free on the first round of combat that also deals extra damage you also get a special hide ability as a Gloom stalker that you can use as a bonus action in the middle of combat to try and hide regaining your stealth so you can make more sneak attacks the final awesome ability here is umbral shroud which allows you to become invisible for 10 Rounds in combat so long as you're obscured by Shadows or Darkness every single one of these abilities is going to enable you to do some crazy things on the first round of combat especially once you start taking levels in Rogue for the sneak attack bonus for your extra spell at this level I would take in snaring strike or just another other heel that's up to you the important thing is that you pick gloomstalker at level four we're gonna take our first level of Rogue and just in case you don't know how to do this you can add a new class to your build by clicking add class at the top right in the level up screen at Rogue level 1 you gain the ability to sneak attack which will really increase your damage in combat sneak attack damage increases every second level in Rogue so at Rogue level 3 5 and 7 you gain even more sneak attack damage as a rogue you can also choose to get expertise in sleight of hand and stealth making it even easier to hide in combat and to pick locks out of combat at level 5 we're going to take another level of Rogue which gets us the cunning action special passive this might seem kind of underwhelming at first glance but with this passive a rogue is able to use their bonus action to reposition in combat in several ways first you can Dash as a bonus action doubling your movement which means you can move to high Vantage points or Retreat from melee combat and still make an attack on that turn second you can disengage as a bonus action which means melee enemies cannot opportunity attack you when you move by them so it becomes much safer to run away from melee enemies third you can hide as a bonus action technically we could already do this with Dread ambusher but in any case the other two cunning actions are incredibly useful when you're a somewhat squishy ranged character finally we come to level 6 which is where this build really comes online and starts doing some serious work on the first round of combat for this level we want to take the Assassin subclass for the Rogue which is all about rolling big stealth damage and taking out enemies on the first turn before combat really even starts the first key passive for this class is called initiative which gives your character advantage on any attack role against an enemy that has not taken a turn in combat since this character is almost always going to act on the first turn because you attack from stealth and because of the insane initiative bonus from gloomstalker you basically always are going to have advantage on attacking in the first round of combat which means you basically are never going to miss the next passive is called Ambush and this one is really quite good Ambush makes it so that any attack made against a creature who is surprised becomes an automatic critical hit what this means is that your first sneak attack to start combat will always be a critical hit and then you will get two more guaranteed criticals in the first round of combat once the surprise round starts the final passive here is Assassin's alacrity and this allows your Rogue to regain their action and their bonus action at the first round of combat normally your sneak attack would take up your main attack action for the first round of combat but with this passive you get to make your sneak attack for free then regain your normal attack and your bonus action on the first round and then you also get to fire off your free attack from dread ambusher as well making at least three hits against surprised enemies in the first turn now after level 6 there's a few different ways you can take this class level six is when you really start to come online from the multi-class build and after this you get to decide whether you want to commit harder to Rogue Ranger or something else for my personal character I plan on taking level 7 and 8 to get Ranger up to level 5 which gets me an ability score increase at level 7 to bump dexterity and Constitution at level 8 I'll be gaining an extra attack from being a level 5 Ranger which basically just piles on even more of that first turn damage with a fourth attack that can be a guaranteed critical hit if it's a surprise round after that you can go pure Rogue for the rest of your levels which will basically just continue stacking your sneak attack damage higher and give you some cool stealth focused abilities for my personal character I plan on ending it on five levels of Rogue and five levels of Ranger with two levels of the fighter class added in since you want to be able to pump out as much damage as possible on the first round of combat when all of your passives are active and you get the free dread ambusher attack two levels of fighter to get action surge might allow you to basically double that damage output with this three-way multi-class you will have two attacks on normal rounds four attacks on the first round including your sneak attack plus the ability to action Surge and double that if you want you also get three sneak attack Dice from Rogue level 5 and The Uncanny Dodge which makes you very resistant to explosives and traps finally the two levels of fighter also give you another fighting style so if you want you can add two weapon fighting for those extra style points from dual wielding ultimately it's up to you and how you want to build your character if this was a regular DND where we could plan all the way to level 20 I would just say level Assassin Rogue all the way to level 17. but since we max out at level 12 in this game I think the extra Ranger and fighter levels will actually help a lot for just adding more and more attacks to the first round of combat that basically covers it for this Archer build so I hope you enjoyed and found this guide helpful in planning out how to make your stealth Archer build in Baldur's Gate 3. this multi-class setup is actually one of my favorite to play in real tabletop d d games and I've used it in at least three or four different scenarios the satisfaction of sniping down enemies from the Shadows before they can even react and then disappearing doesn't really ever get old to me and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do let me know what you think of this build down in the comments and feel free to criticize it and offer your own suggestions the beauty of DnD builds is in discovering something that you never thought of and I'm always Keen to learn new things that I can use to improve my own characters thanks for checking out the video I've got links to my twitch Channel Down Below for anyone interested in dropping by my stream to say hi and until next time stay safe out there everyone
Channel: J Dog th3 Wise
Views: 74,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate builds, baldurs gate rogue build, baldurs gate ranger build, baldurs gate stealth build, baldurs gate stealth character guide, is stealth good baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 sneak attack build, best stealth build baldurs gate 3, best rogue build, best ranger build, are rangers good baldurs gate 3, gloom stalker build, assassin rogue baldurs gate 3, stealth archer build baldurs gate 3, stealth bow build, baldurs gate bow build
Id: 26uHxqo2Mjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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