how to make Shadowheart ACTUALLY hit things in Baldur's Gate 3

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so Shadow heart I've seen a lot of memes about her not hating things and that's because she is at her base level really not well ultimized in her build whatsoever she is really not built to hit things very well okay I'll explain why and also explain what you can do to fix that otherwise at its core I would recommend that you just immediately respecker because the subclass she has is terrible and um her overall point build is just not great right so if you want to keep her as a cleric uh you know you can take whatever you want I'd always recommend you take whatever can trips you like but always I mean I always say take a damaging One thickered Flame is nice but we'll get on to why sacred flame is a problem later so produce flame isn't necessarily a uh a poor option if you want a damaging count drip because you also don't really want to use Fireball and I'll explain that as well okay so I personally would always change her subclass I like light domain because light domain it gives you a way to make enemies Miss so you can use your reaction to give disadvantage for an attacker so that's really nice but also at fifth level when you get third level spell slots you also get fireball on cleric it's really good I love it but if you'd prefer the player as sort of a front line tank you can do that too War domain Tempest domain nature domain and life domain all get heavy armor proficiency uh so that's always really good I mean that's those are those are heavy armor is amazing especially for your tanks and then you can focus on your strength right so at her base and you see where the trickery domain you know selected her stats are balanced like this wisdom the highest because cleric is a wisdom class after all that makes total sense absolutely after that her next highest is Constitution great that gives you extra HP and it means that you've got a better chance of making your concentration checks really good problem comes with the rest of her stats specifically strength decks and intelligence Okay so because she is a high elf half elf she gets uh the cantrip Firebolt the problem is that it uses your intelligence to try and hit things you do not have a great intelligence so you're gonna miss most of your hits right honestly unless you're respecting her as a wizard I'm pretty much would never use Fireball now next up is for her actual physical attacks her strength and decks are for some reason equaled out at 13. which is really bad you're going to want to focus on one of the two of these now if you want to do heavy armor and do a lot of melee attacks you're going to want to focus on your strength we're going to bump that up as kind of high as you can I would completely dump decks there and put as many of them into strength as you can that's going to help you a lot when you're fighting although personally I'd actually swap it around and make a constitution it won't let me do the plus one I personally make her Constitution the plus one with their wisdom the plus two giving her more HP to start with and again better concentration checks and then pump the rest of them into strength so she has a plus two that's what I would recommend if you're going for heavy armor or you want to do a lot of melee attacks because what it's going to do is it's going to give you a plus two to your attacks instead of the 13 which is a plus one all right it goes up every even number it goes over plus one right you do not need decks and strength at the same time now the reverse of that if you wanted to go more back line you want to wear light or even medium armor um I would instead dump strength and pump it up into decks it does the opposite where you're better at ranged so if using bows crossbows stuff like that uh from a back line you're better off there or if you're focusing on using finesse weapons you could also go with dexterity the Finesse tag on a weapon means that you can use strength or dexterity for your attack rules and damage so stuff like your daggers and your short swords I personally would pick the light domain I like that one the most because it gives you Fireball I would have my stats looking something like this I'd maybe even jump down intelligence as well down to eight and pump that into a 15 decks leaving strength Charisma and intelligence low letting other people fill those slots uh alternatively you may be want to go slightly more balanced and keep that dexterra plus two and keep intelligence at 10 whatever it is you want to do that's fine but the point being wisdom should be your highest I recommend Colin as your second but you can interchangeably choose con and Dex or Corner strength so even by doing this you've increased her ability to hit things quite significantly I mean an extra plus one is is pretty huge so the reason she's missing all over attacks in the first place is because she's only got A plus one to her normal Attack rules she can't use Fireball very well because she starts off with a 10 intelligence which is plus zero and the main issue is sacred flame is just not very good against a lot of the enemies that you're going against at this point in the game and start the game um it's a dexterity saving through sacred flame requires a dexterity saving through uh by your enemy most enemies are gonna have either at least a 10 indexed area meaning they have a plus zero or they will have bonuses very few have negative dexterity and some of them will even have proficiency and dexterity saving throws which means they get to add an extra couple of points to that so they're going to roll pretty consistently pretty high on their dexterity saving throws so unfortunately when it comes to when it comes to uh Shadow heart the secret flame country not very good Fireball worthless and she's built for for some reason to have equal strength and decks even though focusing one of those makes way more sense so that's why she's terrible when you start playing the game that's why she misses all the time 100 recommend you go in your respeker you pick a different subclass depending on whether you're interested in having heavy armor with these four here or if you prefer uh having Fireball which is my personal preference that is the way to do it that's why I'd recommend and that is how you should rebuild Shadow heart to be much much better on your team I never had any problems with her that's not to do
Channel: Jolmes
Views: 171,618
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5pzrHFJlNfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 59sec (419 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 11 2023
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