The Joestars Ranked From Weakest to Strongest

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[Music] how to make the comment section angry 101 is of course doing a tier list on the strongest Joe stars from weakest to strongest hello my name is medas and if of course if you know the history of my channel I've already done the antagonist weakest from strongest so I thought it was high time to do protagonists from weakest to strongest and unlike my antagonist video this tier list will be a bit more fun as I do have a couple variations of the list and a lot of variations of some of your favorite Jo stars in the list as well just to cover all my bases on if somebody has a lot of questions of why this specific version of a joar wasn't on the list and since I have a lot to talk about let's just jump right into it starting off in my weird d tier but not kind of D tier list because they don't have any scaling would be of course Joe Dio uh so this is kind of pretty self- obvious at the time of this recording Joe Dio and part nine JoJo land only has nine chapters and if I were to basically spell it out for you jod Dio has like almost no scaling and we barely know anything about his stand November Rain it has shown the power to flatten people with its raindrops that's the best way I would describe it and that's literally about it nothing else has been shown or talked about or jodo has shown any like crazy stats or crazy Feats or anything there's just really honestly nothing here for him and I know some people are going to bring up the fact that he was able to subdue Rohan okay here's the thing and I'm going to clarify this now just because steel ball run Universe Rohan has the same abilities and looks as the original universes were on doesn't mean they have the same stats that is just an association fallacy that happens pretty often in JoJo's even I do it sometimes but in this video I'm trying to keep it pretty concrete with the steel ball run Universe characters even though there's some like lore implications that it might be the same Rohan it's honestly really weird and this isn't the place to talk about it I might talk about it in a different video but yeah basically Jo Dio is at the bottom of the list because we literally know nothing about him in terms of scaling which I think personally is pretty fair moving on to c-tier we have the bottom of C tier with unshocking enough Jonathan joar now I think everybody in their mom is going to be coming to this conclusion it is a part one character and if anybody knows anything about part one scaling it is pretty lackluster I'm not saying Jonathan is weak by any means he is pretty strong but compared to his other relatives yeah it's not really fair in terms of scaling it's actually really easy to do this he basically scales 2 Doo if not a little bit stronger than him it's shown with other vampires Within part one they get ridiculously powerful around a small building level depending on how you count some of the scans on screen do is a proy and is supposed to be way stronger than those vampires on screen and is stated to be even stronger than Jonathan and zapelle at one time when not at full power Jonathan then absorbs zap's hmone gets even stronger than that version of Di and is able to match a full power version of di toe to- toe so you're looking at an AP or a character that is probably within small building level plus to building level in terms of AP and of course his durability should be be somewhere at that level two as he was able to trade blows with Theo and possibly could be higher as the steamboat explosion has been caled to be either in building level two large building level in terms of destructive capability quick side note on that one most likely deal was in control of Jonathan's body at the time so take that scaling with a grain of salt and of course we can't forget about hon in Jonathan's case with how he uses as hon it's more or less used for only combat and doesn't use any of the Exotic techniques we see later in part two he still can transfer his hone through metal and manipulate other people's bodies with it though so it is still pretty lethal and if anybody is wondering if it's fair to compare vampire powers and hon powers that being Jonathan to Dio yes it is completely fair to compare these two characters as all the vampire powers we see Within part one are basically shown that hamon can do a variation of that and even zelli states that hamon and vampire powers are two sides of the same coin and the major factor why he's at the bottom of CER is because well he doesn't have any speed scaling if he actually did have some speed scaling he would be placed higher but part one has no speed scaling as it's literally non-existent poor Jonathan so moving on to the top of C tier we have the first variation of a joar on this list which is old Joseph now the reason why I'm putting him here is because we kind of need him for young Joseph when we get to him so that's the primary reason why I placed him in the tier list to begin with so old Joseph in terms of scaling is a pretty massive downgrade compared to his part two counterpart young Joseph fought Strait so and Strait so directly Compares him and Dio one for one and says that he is better than Dio as he takes his fights actually seriously the pillar men are vastly stronger than Strait so by large margins as there is a rudimentary power scaling system within the food chain Within part two straight up stating that the pillar are stronger than vampires that young Joseph was able to beat all three of the pillar men and outscale them those pillar men at bare minimum in terms of AP thanks to WaMu and his Divine Sandstorm can be caled from building level to large building level Plus at bare minimum B light speed thanks to cars and in terms of durability should be roughly around their AP level and not to mention the fact that ACDC is just casually eating Dynamite that's a thing to add to their durability too so where old Joseph is scaled in here he is just a low bold version of young Joseph so his AP should be somewhere in that small building to building level in terms of AP in the case of speed he was able to outspeed Star Platinum which is a stand that has been caled to massively faster than the L plus and in terms of durability it should be roughly around the same area as his AP you have to critically remember here old Joseph is an out of prime not training with his hone type of character the only thing going for him is his combat experience and his hermit purple which is kind of okay it gives him a bit of a longer range able to conduct his HL through it which is not very good by the way and is able to gather information which is kind of useful for battle and the big one being here is his speed all that being said he definitely outscales Jonathan however in comparison to his older self and other Joe Stars yeah he's not very good overall looking at C tier I think I've done a pretty fairly good job ranking these characters I really wouldn't change it as I think it's pretty self- obvious due to the massive speed difference Joseph would [ __ ] destroy Jonathan now moving on to B tier in last place in B tier would be Jolene Kujo now this one is a pretty hard one to place while she does have very few Feats those few Feats and statements are extremely good however she is lacking the hacks to compete with the Jo stars above her on top of the fact that the Joe star above her are always being compared to being the strongest or having insanely op abilities and terms of scaling this is how it goes thanks to the meteor feet in part six and Jolene being able to stop those meteors and break them her AP should be somewhere in large building level plus to large Town level in terms of AP depending on the scan and calc you use for that meteor feat however when it comes to her durability it is most likely not the same the reason why in the meteor feat she does damage your hitting those meteors meaning that her AP and durability are not on the same level so I would guess here on the low ball it would probably be like in building level on top of that white snake and a plethora of other stand users who are not at that level do damage her so I think it's a pretty fair argument to say she's around that level it can be debated more where her durability does lie however when it comes to her speed scaling holy [ __ ] there is a massive difference she goes up against White Snake a stand who was able to outspeed jodo when sneaking up on on him and you have to remember part six jodo still has massively faster than light plus speeds even though he's not in his prime arguably at the lowest you can go is probably like massively faster than light on top of that she was able to tag a person with infinite to immeasurable speeds so I can genuinely come to the conclusion that Jolene in terms of speed scaling is somewhere in between like FTL FTL Plus or massively faster than light now when it comes to Stone free and it string abilities they're okay they're not anything too crazy while it's slightly impressive so impressive of that even jodo goes like oh damn my daughter's pretty strong they don't have any crazy hacks that come with them and while yes Jolene can use them extremely creatively they don't really do like a lot while they do like slice off people's like limbs in some cases and ears compared to her Joe star Brethren above her it's really not too impressive honestly if she did have like a better standability or like have a lot more hacks I'd honestly Place her higher but sadly no but overall with her due to her High AP her really good speed scaling and her overall intelligence and use of stone free I definitely do think she's better than everybody in C tier now moving on to the middle of B we have joske higashikata welcome to the weird scaling zone so the thing with joske here is that he's always compared to jodo but always a step or two down even jodo says it for a fact however in some data book guides it straight up states that joske is at jro's level if not higher now in these data books it doesn't separate en rage joske from regular Joe's gay on top of that a lot of data book guide statements and statements from the manga say that Red Hot Chili Peppers in terms of power is at jro's level during part four if not higher and jokke does beat the [ __ ] out of Red Hot Chili Peppers but then joske is also the guy to state that jodo is still much stronger than him so I'm hoping you're starting to see how like confusing and like weird this scaling gets in terms of speed I would say that juk compares to jodo during part four so he would be at that massively faster than light plus level if not just at massively fashion than light now when we get into durability and AP This Is Where It gets weird due to all the conflicting statements and stuff I don't think a base joke is at a part for joro's AP or durability level I would say here depending on the version of the suncal I'd put like joske at like a large Town level character to a city level character I would also then Place joske's durability somewhere in that area too as he's able to [ __ ] kind of mop the floor with Kira and Kira is able to give part four jodo a run for his money for a little bit so that's my reasoning there now if we take the enraged joske thing as his like maximum or his Peak I'd actually go a little bit crazy here and put him in low a the only major difference here now is the hacks here/ their stand abilities I will always say time stop is better than a lot of stand abilities and in this case it is true don't get me wrong restoration is really good it can make up defense or fuse people at an atomic level into objects or buildings or whatever you want to say jke fuses somebody with so it's good however time stop is just better and I think it's pretty obvious why he ranks above Jolene he definitely has a way better standability and being compared to jodo all the time in some guide books backing up the statements that he's stronger than him reinforce the fact that he's just better than Jolene now moving on to the top of B tier we have young Joseph joar this one is probably going to be the most controversial out of the entire list I think until we get to the top of s but that's besides the point the reason why young Joseph is so far up the list is because of the scaling and implication off a part three Joseph you see part three Joseph is no longer in his prime and does not keep up with his humel and training as he has gotone a little bit slothful with it with this narrative implication this means that young Joseph scales to part three Joseph and much higher therefore meaning in terms of stats young Joseph has massively fast than light plus speeds at minimum comparatively has the same AP Ender ability to that of the pillman especially WAMU and cars who have on multiple occasions been able to damage each other and vastly outrank vampires as they should outscale even Dio because the food chain Within part two so putting Joseph in the building level to large building level Plus in terms of durability and AP is not too crazy to say I would actually even say that Joseph's durability is even higher as he was able to take ultimate life form cars as hon to the body and just sit there as his insides were literally melting and the fact that he was able to move in stuff while that was occurring and eventually defeat ultimate cars is saying a lot now what makes up for the very lackluster AP compared to the other people in B is his intelligence Joseph is a tactical genius with I would say almost no rival compared to the other Joe stars as you have to remember Joseph took on people beings I would actually say that have lived for hundreds of thousands of years and have a pleora of combat experience underneath their belt and Joseph with his intelligence alone was a ble to beat them on top of the fact that Joseph's hmone is non-comparable to the part three variant of him and Jonathan as pillar are susceptible to hamon but your hamon has to be at such a caliber above everybody else's to even harm a pillar I would argue to say that Joseph had a much better control over his hmon that only a person like Caesar and ultimate cars could best them at with it and due to Joseph's intelligence pairing with how versatile and how really good hone is at affecting other people with bodies and life forms and materials and such it makes Joseph a massive threat even if he doesn't have the AP to really back himself up as his intelligence is really making him that guy don't get me wrong joske and Jolene are very intelligent and know how to use their intelligence with their stand abilities very creatively but when you're comparing it to Joseph who was beating guys with hundreds of thousands of years of life experience and combat experience it really isn't a fair comparison the only category he's losing in is AP and maybe stand abilities but his hon was pretty lethal now you can do some mixing and matching with the B tier honestly if you don't think Joseph is that guy for some reason which I find very OD of you and pretty disingenuous you can place him at the bottom of a b if you think the AP thing is too much I would place juk above Jolene just because of course joske is always compared to jodo which Jolene shockingly even though she is his daughter doesn't have a lot of like comparables to each other while jodo can be impressed by her he never directly states that she is on on his level so moving on to a tier fair warning this is probably going to get really complicated really fast so without any other character variations at the bottom of a tier we have Johnny joar now I know a lot of people are going to be questioning this choice and why is he here he should be higher let me explain it's mainly due to the fact that steel ball run has very uh questionable scaling and that even goes for the entire steelball run Universe for the most part in steel ball run there is barely to no speed feat out all and the only thing we really get in terms of attack potency and durability is characters like destroying large Boulders that can be caled like at small building level to like building level plus and that's quite literally it for most of the crazy scaling in still ball Run for the most part however it's not until d4c love train and Diego with his version of the world where scaling gets ramped up dramatically where some characters like Johnny joar can be Cal to be massively faster than light to massively faster than light Plus in terms of speed and in terms of AP it eventually gets to Infinity thanks to tus Act 4 however there is a newer idea that is being presented within the community where well sure Diego has the world but it's not Dio here and it's not stated in any guide book or anything that these guys are the same exact stands leading to the convincing idea that well Johnny joar is just a person that can shoot a really powerful bullet timer blast and to be honest with all the previous stuff that happens Within steel ball run and nothing really extraordinary happening yeah it's kind of convincing to be honest and in line with the steel ball run universe is scaling Johnny is just an above average human with an incredibly powerful one-hot ability basically he is one giant glass Cannon however the reason why he's an a tier and beats everybody below him is because of his hacks I'm over the philosophy that if your hacks are crazy good stats don't really matter and in this case it's definitely true like I said previously act for has the ability to on-shot its opponent as they will be hit with infinite damage and they will die and to add insult to injury this ability does indeed track you however it kind of ignores its user so if tus act for's bullet and infinite rotation were to Crossfire with Johnny once more he can be hit with it and he can die however that does require some prep time knowledge as in most cases if you don't know what you're heading into that bullet is about to hit you really really hard furthermore Johnny does have tus act three and in this state Johnny can hide in holes that he shoots and if anybody were to come in contact with these holes and put their I don't know hand or something in them they'll be instantly destroyed as these holes are infinite and will destroy your body infinitely as long as you place something in there on top of that Johnny is able to be inside these holes and not be damaged and can travel with these holes anywhere on the battlefield meaning that he can basically snipe you from any angle if you were to choose so it's kind of semi implied that tus Act 4 could also be in these holes during the world fight with Diego and just to keep on adding to this repertoire of hacks tus Act 4 can move during stop time for a very brief amount of moments in it leading to the idea for some people that it possibly could have FTL Feats as there is no time during stop time however to be unfair to Joo and to completely throw away the association fallacy argument if we were to compare the world from part 7 to the world in part three the only significant change here would be of course that his durability would Skyrock to jodo and Dio's level being somewhere in large city level plus to Island level in terms of durability and his speed definitely being in massively faster than light plus to at the lowest you could go massively ft coming back to the old idea that gr and tus Act 4 are right next to each other in terms of the power scaling chart however with the new ideas being presented and a more critical look at steelb run I'm not saying that Johnny joar is on fraud status but he's not where he used to be and since we are doing variations of these characters a part eight Johnny joar with scale above a part seven Johnny as he has much more experience with tus Act 4 and his stand overall so not much of a difference there so moving on to the middle of a tier we have jodo Kujo which is kind of a shock to I guess older power scalers of the JoJo Community as he was always considered like the third strongest in terms of the classic three that we always knew but now I've kind of moved them up a little bit here so in terms of jodo scaling it is pretty easy to discuss as I do it pretty damn often and I even really kind of discussed little bits of it here in this video the sun Cel from part three ranges from anywhere from large city level plus to Island level cver Chariot was able to block these rays which are at this level and has stated multiple times from pner of himself that jodo is stronger than him so he should get to these levels if not higher to reassure this fact Dio has the same speed and AP two star Plum and jodo and jodor was able to tank these blows and these punches from Dio kind of more or less confirming this feat and the fact that that jodo is now at this level you can also argue the fact that when jodo fought an awaken Dio who is even stronger than a space State joro's durability should be even higher and on top of a rage boost he gained at the end of that fight so should his AP putting him in like a mountain level to Island level AP range and in terms of speed he is definitely massively faster than light plus as there's many Cals from Silver Chariot which jodo skills off from and then are reinforced with Doo and there are a few stand stat guide statements and stand stats from the parts themselves stating that jodo is faster than light much faster than light in some cases and the cherry on top of all of that is that jodo can stop time for five whole seconds I think it's pretty self- obvious why jodo belongs up here his AP is insane his durability is even crazier his speed is up there with the fastest characters within Jojo and he has a really good hack ability with time stop honestly I expected nothing less from this guy and of course with his part six and part four variations well with part six I'd Place him at the very end of a and I would actually move en rage jke down to the top of B and then have at the very top of B part four jodo as part four jodo still has all the same stats as part three jodo the only significant difference here is he only has time stop for 2 seconds and the reason why part six jodo is up there is well he has time stop for 5 seconds again however it is semi implied that he doesn't have his full strength like his part three variant coming to no surprise if you know my Channel at the very top of a is jono giovana and gold experience reum now there are two ways you can scale jono either he's the ultimate stand user with the ultimate stand or he's on fraud watch there's no in between with him going with the ultimate stand scaling first using thematics from the story itself and a lot of datab book quotes and entries one can determine that jono giovan's gold experience reim is a stand that has comparable AP and durability to Star Platinum the world and has infinite to immeasurable speed as he should outscale Maiden Heaven as in a lot of data book guides he is right next to Maiden heaven but is always referred as the ultimate stand in those books while some of the strongest villain stands and hero stands are right next to them and never receed the title as the ultimate stand the only other person that receives the ultimate stand title is star Platinum the world which leads me into this segue inconsistency and fraud watch scaling the problem with G some of the time is that data book statements only give you so much and a lot of the time people want actual statements in Feats from the actual manga itself and if we look at it like that technically gold experience requium only scales above silver Chariot funny enough as King Crimson beat silver Chariot so therefore gold experience requium should be above silver Chariot where the problem comes now is that jodor ujo scales way above silver Chariot this is a pretty obvious fact I just said a little bit ago and with two stands having the ultimate stand status it really asks a lot of questions of who's the ultimate stand cuz there can't be two ultimate stands that makes no [ __ ] sense so it honestly leads to a lot of the data book guide statements being very um fishy not a lot of them are coherent or make sense at least when talking about gold experience requium so in terms of stats it's kind of up in the air either you look at jono as the ultimate stand narratively speaking here and using all the guide book statements to back that up or two he's on fraud watch however journo does have a lot of the hacks that benefit him a tremendous amount the biggest one being here is Return To Zero any actions to harm journo will be reverted back to zero allowing gr and jordo to attack first or whatever they want to do it's pretty overpowered on on top of the fact it is passive so it's on all the time the next would be gold experien his abilities of Life creation it's pretty self- obvious jordo is able to create small animals through his stand on top of that thanks to that ability he can actually self-heal with his life creation and potentially has a One-Shot ability through life exhaustion as he puts a whole bunch of Life energy into a living being making them cycle through their entire lifespan within mere moments no matter how you look at it jono and gold experience ultimate stand user or not is still extremely powerful the lowest you could probably rank them depending on who's on this list if we put all the variations of all these characters is like tied with en rage Joe gate and b or in like the lower parts of the a tier however I'm a man who likes to take in the whole knowledge of the entire story to power scale and the narrative implication with G are is that he is the ultimate stand the idea of the requim arrow powering up the stand is that to rival God it's kind of supposed to be this massive elevation of power to rival something even greater and because of that I think it validates the fact that jeno should be somewhere in a tier and at least in my opinion the top of a tier but you can take it with the grand of salt and put them on fraud watch of course with a tier you can do some mixing and matching but in my opinion the joro jodo Johnny placing is pretty spoton at least in my book so coming in s tier at the very top all by himself to no surprise if you know my Channel's history is josuke higashikata AKA gappy from part H Jo Jolan with a soft and WIP go beyond oh god what have I not said about gappy in the past of course he is a steelball one character so the scaling gets pretty weird I I would say at the highest echelons of soft and wet goon's Powers they are at least relative to wonder views now wonder viiew scaling gets even dumber as Wonder viw scales to all JoJo villains and surpasses them now that comes from the volume 27 statement from oroi himself so that means you're combining the stats of part 3 Dio which I discussed earlier and smashing them with Maiden heaven and it speed Feats to make this Villain at this level a monster that can be caled in terms of AP somewhere in Island to Mountain level durability in that same range and speed in infinite to immeasurable Joe gate and soft and wet go beyond with a little bit of assistance did beat that guy so he should be at least around that level at the highest you can place it there are other ways of looking at it too his speed could be relativistic as there are cases where characters are attacking him and in the same moment he then therefore attacks them he's pretty damn fast he was able to beat vitamin C's user and literally strike him once killing him in the head and vitamin C's user was able to withstand a building level explosion from Killer Queen so his AP is around building level and in terms of durability he was able to withstand a lot of punishment from Wonder viiew during that ending Arc so I would say it should be somewhere around that building level maybe that one can be argued a bit though moving on to his hacks and his stand abilities this is where it gets pretty [ __ ] crazy plunder is his original ability before go beyond plunder has the ability to take away the property of things it can get so abstract that it can even take away friction from an object and in other cases has made people blind or remove all of their water from their body or most of the water from their body plunder in part A is never given a limit to what it can take away so you can get pretty abstract with it depending on how you're arguing with it next of course would be his strongest ability and the reason why I place him so high go beond go beyond is a bubble that does not exist in the Physical Realm and is so powerful it's able to transcend space and destroy destroy energy permanently arguably even be able to erase Concepts on top of the fact that you cannot interact with it nor can you defend yourself from it it does not care about anything it has no logic behind it it is ridiculously busted now goon's AP is still up for debate but the fact that it's able to completely destroy energy itself as matter cannot be created or destroyed and it somehow destroyed it it has to be really really powerful and since it was able to destroy Wonder viiew an aspect or the full power of Calamity energy itself the highest you can go with its AP is like conceptual damage on the low end you can just compare it to soft and wet and it's AP so like building level building level plus so on the higher end of soft and Wick go beond scaling with joske it gets pretty crazy as if you're comparing it to wonder riew at its highest level it is pretty nuts and definitely belongs in the number one spot it's pretty self- obvious why he's at the Top If he's really at that higher end of scaling he basically out stats everybody on this list on top of the fact that he has the ability to plunder critical aspects of of a person's like being from and let's not forget about go beyond nobody can defend from go beyond it doesn't follow by any rules or logic so a lot of these abilities aren't going to work on it on the lower end I would actually say he's around Johnny's level he is pretty nuts he does have a lot of good hacks and his stats are pretty decent to okay and that's the list so just to quickly go over it in s tier we have joske by himself in a tier we have joro jodo Johnny in B tier we have Joseph joske Jolene and in C tier we have Joseph and Jonathan and in the I just got here here would be Jo Dio and on screen will be all the variations of the list but the one I just said is kind of my definitive one at least in my head to be honest I don't think I really said anything controversial except for the young Joseph placing that's literally about it I think this is a lukewarm tier list when it comes to power scaling all the Joe stars together and formatting them from weakest to strongest well that's going to be the end of the video like comment share subscribe follow me on Twitter stay hydrated see you in the next one ladies and gentlemen doces
Channel: METAs
Views: 278,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: METAs, META, Anime, Manga, Review, discussion, jojos bizarre adventure, stardust crusaders, vento aureo, stone ocean, steel ball run, tier list, Ranked From Weakest to Strongest, strongest stands in jojo, joestars, joestar, jonathan joestar, joseph joestar, jotaro kujo, josuke higashikata, giorno giovanna, jolyne cujoh, johnny joestar, josuke 8, josefumi kujo, phantom blood, battle tendency, diamond is unbreakable, jojolion, The Joestars Ranked From Weakest to Strongest
Id: orF3gvzwKtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 55sec (1675 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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