I Coded Your Terrible Enchantment Ideas into Minecraft

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The enchantment system in Minecraft is used by a ton of players, but uh, oh, don't worry about that. I think the most underappreciated and underused parts of this system are the curses. They have such unique functionality and there's, uh, probably a good reason to apply them to your items, right? For example, take a look at this helmet. It's got curse of binding, curse of vanishing, and uh... Wait, what? Curse of small? Oh, wait. Hold on. Now I can't take it off. Wait, help! I have a video to record! Wait, I can't get rid of it! I can't take it off! Well, I guess, uh... Today I'm adding your terrible enchanting ideas into Minecraft and submitting them to the council. The council has spoken! Zee! Reach for my hand! Oh shoot! Uh oh! WOAH!! Does anybody else smell burning flesh? BUH BUH BUH BUH BUH BUH! This poor map! I feel so bad! Ow. You guys always have some insane ideas for features, so I asked you on my community tab for your best ideas for custom enchantments. You guys never cease to amaze me with the features you come up with, and so that's why I'm small now. Oh, oh, hey man. Thanks a lot, Stevelocks. Also, I'm just gonna take this helmet off in creative mode because apparently you could do that. Oh, hey. Also, it doesn't actually do that to your voice. I just thought it would be funny. I'm just gonna put this helmet on this armor stand here. Oh, yeah, that makes sense. Anyways, with that all being said, what's the first enchantment? Rocks. When you hit something, it gives you cobblestone. Starting off simple. Love to see it. Let's see if I can get it on my sword here. Nope, this might take a second. One hour later. Rocks three. Let's go! Ooh, and sharpness three. So this is pretty simple. Uh, if you hit a mob, it gives you... it gives... it gives you cobblestone. That's what the comment said, so that's what we're doing. Conveniently, there's also a witch right here. Hi-yah! This is a whole new cobblestone generator. That's crazy. But it doesn't just stop at rocks three. No, if I search rocks here in the creative inventory, you'll see, uh... Uh... Uh... All the way up to level 20. Which I don't know if you can get that at the... in the enchantment table, but I'm just gonna apply it anyways. Hi-yah! Oh my gosh. Let's see how many exactly it gives me. Oh my gosh, 64 and 16. That's insane! I'm sure you can imagine, uh, this gets very overwhelming very quickly. Let's say, for example, you've got a skeleton farm somewhere, right? And you just decide to start taking them down. This is the most amazing cobblestone farm ever. I think if also... I enchant this with sweeping edge. Do sweeping three, you know? Oh, jeez. Look at all that cobblestone. Yup. Sure do love me some rocks. Oh my gosh. Yup. So that's rocks. Quite simple, but quite effective. Since this enchantment is pretty simple, we're placing it in the level one category for these enchantments. And as the video goes on, we'll build up all the way to level three with some absolutely wild enchantments. Like, look at this one. Yay! Those level three ideas are so wild, I actually ended up hiring a developer, the taciturn one, to help me with this video. She added all your wildest ideas into the game with way better quality than I could have done myself, so huge thanks to her, and I'll link her channel in the description. In the meantime, though, let's continue with level one. Moving on to eco-friendly. Killing an enemy summons a tree in its place. Eco-friendly! This is a pretty straightforward one. This does exactly what the comment says. When you kill a mob, it... Oh. That one tried to spawn a tree in a wall. It spawns a tree. A tree! Unless the mob is like in a wall, then it's like, nope, can't place it there. Now you don't even need to replant trees. You can just kill mobs. What happens if I do it on stone? Uh-oh. It... It grows on stone. What happens if I kill it in the swamp? Oh, yep. Swamp tree. What happens if I kill it in the water? Oh, a floating tree. What about the savanna? That's not a savanna. Savannah! Acacia tree! Spruce biome? Spruce? No tree. Spruce tree. Jungle? Jungle tree. Mushroom field? Oh, okay, that's fine. I guess these aren't trees, so that does kind of make sense. Beautiful. Nature. Oh, man. Yep, that definitely wouldn't be annoying at all for like a farm. Just trying to get some beef or something, and it's just like, "Oh, just kidding, tree. Wow." You'll never run out of wood, though, so that's nice. Anyways, I'm just gonna... I'm gonna stop destroying this ecosystem and move on to the next one. Bane of Squidward. "Steals 500% more damage to anything with a big nose. Includes villagers, pillagers, and iron golems." Bane of Squidward. Let me see if I can get it with this. Six and a half hours. Man, enchanting is such a process, you know? "12 seconds later." I cannot enchant this sword anymore. This sword is broken. "Eventually." All right, I'll just grab it from here. Bane of Squidward. Hello, big-nosed guy. Oh, my gosh. As you can tell, it does a lot of damage to guys that look like Squidward, and it includes a nice, good old-fashioned Squidward scream. Oh, my gosh. I feel bad. I don't want to do this to these guys. Yup. What about the Master of the Dark Arts? A witch. Uh, no one's home. Aha. Oh. I guess they're immune? Magical? I don't know why I said "m-m-m-magical." That was weird. Naturally, the pillager also gets destroyed. A vindicator, goodbye. The illusioner. Evoker. Ravager. And, of course, because they said "big nose," it also affects the sniffer. I don't know what to tell you, man. It's got a big nose. Okay? It counts, right? It counts. Bane of Squidwards. The thing that affects everything other than a witch, apparently. I'm gonna let Tac know about that. I didn't know that was a bug. That's a bug. That won't be in the final version. Uh, speaking of the final version, though, if you head on down to the description, you'll see a modrinth link to this mod download. Yup, that's right. It's a free mod that you can download right now, as of this video releasing. Go check it out with the link in the description. It's super fun. It's really chaotic, and I hope you enjoy it. An extremely rare enchantment that goes on a hoe, and if you put it on a netherite hoe, you get the achievement "Seriously Serious Dedication." The enchantment does absolutely nothing and exists only for you to get that achievement. Love the idea. Super great. But I also took it one step further. For context, by the way, if you make yourself a netherite hoe, it gives you an advancement. Boom! Serious dedication. Use a netherite and get to upgrade a hoe, and then reevaluate your life choices. Well, yeah, I'm gonna do that. Um, but in the form of more advancements. See, we didn't just do one advancement for this guy. Uh, we did a few more. Hold on. Seventy years. Serious, serious dedication. There it is. How much free time do you have? But that's not where it stops. If you grab a wooden hoe and enchant it with dedication, you get the not very dedicated advancement. The first step to greatness. I'm sure you can see where this is going. Stone hoe. Some dedication. You're getting there! Iron hoe with dedication. Dedicated. The halfway point. Gold hoe with dedication. Dedicated, but fancy. King Midas would be proud. Diamond hoe. Getting seriously dedicated. Wait, you're still going? Every single hoe has its own advancement now. And, uh, that's all it does. Have fun collecting all of those. And with that, we're done with level one. But there is one little book over here called Subscribe, and listen, uh, I actually don't know what this does. I told the developer of this, uh, to just surprise me. All I know is that it goes on a helmet, apparently, and I just have to put it on and wait for something to happen. What happens? Is it going to be a jump scare? I'm kind of scared. Hey you, that's right, you with the helmet on. What? It's me, your inner conscience. Oh! And you know what I think we should be doing right now? I think we should be subscribing to Knarfy. They make some really cool videos, and you don't want to miss out on any of them, right? Right? Good. Now go do that. That was my conscience speaking. That's crazy. I do. That's right. Oh my gosh. All right, anyways, on to level two, starting with the curse of small, which fun fact, we already talked about. The curse of small is great. It makes you tiny, and if you run, it's a little bit slower, and if you fall off things, it deals fall damage, and also, you can't get back up. If I have a slab here and I try to jump up, I still can't. It makes life a little bit more difficult, you know? This is a fantastic feature that couldn't possibly go wrong, but you know what it can do? Also go on other mobs. Tiny zombies. Tiny zombies. Look at them all. Look at them all. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Here we go. Oh jeez. Oh my gosh. Stevelocks this was a great idea. This is so good! This does work on any armor piece, so it doesn't have to be a helmet, but the helmet was the easiest one I could think of, so that's what we're doing. Who knew curses would be just this much fun. Alright, what's next for level two? Anti-knockback. When hitting something, it flies at you instead of away from you. Heck yeah, I'm excited about this one, because this one we called knockbad. You know how knockback just knocks mobs back? Well, this one is really bad at doing that, because it goes the opposite direction. It pulls mobs closer to you, and this could be a really interesting PVP mechanic, but it could also be really bad, because if I just hit this ravager, it comes towards me now, and I immediately die. But you may be wondering, what happens when you put both knockback and knockbad onto the same item? Well... Where did he go? They just get deleted. Hello. Look at all these guys. And this is also now where this other sword comes in, because this sword has knockback two and knock bad three. Goodbye! So wait, hold on. If this works with knockback and knockbad level 100, uh... This is also another great PVP option, because you can just launch players into the air. And especially playing this with other players, this is gonna be wild. Instability has a 50-50 chance of spontaneously combusting. 50-50, huh? That's it? Don't worry, I've got you covered. I don't have anything in my inventory. Curse of Instability 3. We, uh, took this one step further, and we actually adjusted the instability level based on the actual enchantment level. So I think this is the only curse that has, like, levels to it, which is kind of cool. So, uh, this is Instability 3, which means that it actually has around a 30-ish percent chance of it combusting, I think. Yeah, so it's about one, two, three, four... That, you know, once every four, kind of a 30 percent chance. But then, as we go up, it gets a little bit more insane. Naturally, Curse of Instability 1 is, uh, fine. It's just, you know, once... Oh, that was way faster. Okay, all right. About once every 10 hits, it'll explode. And you'll also notice that that explosion is kind of... It's fine. But Instability 3 here has a much larger hole. I'm sure you see where this is going. Curse of Instability 5. Originally, I think this is supposed to be a 50 percent, but it kind of ended up just being, uh, a hundred percent. So, bam! Giant hole in the ground. This, of course, does also work on things like bosses, and, uh, it takes out bosses super quickly. So why do 50-50 when you can just do 100 percent, you know? You know, it's a curse. It's a curse. It's supposed to be bad. Unless it's the Curse of Small, in which it's just funny. So, you know, there's that. Anyway. When you hit a mob with the enchanted weapon, it gives the mob the same weapon to have a fair fight/duel. Oh, yeah. This is fairness. Let's say for example you've got a regular old zombie here with a nice helmet on so we can actually see him in the sunlight And let's say I have a sword of fairness Renamed with sharpness two, bane of Squidward and the enchantment, fairness. Well if I go ahead and just hit this zombie here boom it gives him the same sword I have now. It's a fair fight Common hat grab bag What fro I'm wearing this for the rest of the segment. Now, let's say you've got a zombie with something in its main hand already like this iron shovel well if you hit the zombie It'll replace that item to make it a fair fight again Hiyah! Hiyah! Fairness. It's great! Definitely nothing could possibly go wrong. I'm just gonna take this off But the cool thing about this is that it also works on players Hello, me. How are you? Hello, me. How are you? If I go ahead and just, uh, smack myself here. I'm on fire. There you go. Same sword. Exact same enchantments, everything. It means my fight is fair now. And now we can fight. Yeet. It's a great idea. And that caps off level two, which means it's time for the final four. Level three. Enchantment idea, yeet, can be applied to swords, axes, pickaxes, shovels, and hoes. Now let me ask you something. You ever just get so annoyed about something that you just want to yeet? Well, now you can with this maybe possible enchantment. What does it do? Well, it's simple. It grants you the ability to charge up and throw your chosen weapon or tool, damaging on a mob or block it hits. Sounds fun, right? I hope it does. It sure does. Random 1960s announcer. That was weird. And as you can see, that idea was suggested by FeritWolf95, who, uh, we're gonna test this with. Hey, welcome to my server with cool things on it. Let me just get rid of these villages real quick. Anyways. I am in danger. I'm gonna head for the sea. THE SEA! Today we're covering your enchantment. Editor, blow up Knarfy! Oh no, no, please. If you check this chest, you've got all the enchanted books. I do with it. Hold on. It says yeet. So do I just go yeet? No, nope. Nope. It's an enchantment. Nope. It's that's right. Okay. That's not how enchantments work All right. In this chest is a bunch of stuff. You can grab one of the swords, I think, to start with. I'm coming up with a dumb name for it as well. All you got to do with that is right click. Knarfy catch! Oh, what are you doing here? Get out of here. hey catch! I missed. Yeet. Yeah! Where's my sword? It's right there. Oh geez. So this not only applies to swords and such and items, but you can also put it on blocks. Yeet. Oh geez. Screws luck. Yeet the flower. Bamboo. I missed. Wait. Ah. TNT! This is such a dumb enchantment And I was the one that came up with it. I bet you can't hit me when I'm tiny. See ya. Run. Oh, he's tiny. Where'd he go? Where'd he go? Where did he go? Oh. [LAUGHTER] [LAUGHTER] No. [GRUNTING] That's supposed to be an enchant showcase. Not a freaking-- PFFFFFFFF That's so absurd. What are you throwing? Oh, are those cakes. Cakes, yeah. Yep, so this is your enchantment. What do you think? Do you like it? I hate the fact that it's used against me constantly. Here's a peace offering. Blah. Oh. GG. [LAUGHTER] Next up, we've got disloyalty. Works on bows, tridents, crossbows, anything that shoots a projectile. When a projectile is launched, it'll curve back at the user with a speed level affected by the enchantment level. I'm not going to lie to you. We couldn't quite figure out how to do that. So what we did do is create the curse of disloyalty, specifically for tridents. As you can see, if I throw this trident, it'll just-- It comes back. But you can't pick it up, so it just kind of-- [LAUGHTER] It just kind of-- These sounds are in-game, by the way. This isn't edited in. This is actually what it sounds like. Bro skeedaddlin' In order to actually pick this back up, you have to kind of force it to land. So I have to kind of jump. I've got to like-- Come on. Come on. Boom, there we go. I've got it. It lands that way. But yeah, it just curves around. It just-- [GRUNTING] Yep. And my game crashed. This trident gets really fun, though, when-- Oh, I can't pick it up. I guess it's just stuck here. OK, you just sit right down there. You just vibe. All right, when you add loyalty and curse of disloyalty to the same trident, you can now throw it. It'll betray you, and then you can just pick it up from the air, which is kind of nice. If by nice, you mean it still attacks you. So now I can just repeatedly throw this over and over, and it'll hit me, and then I'll die again. You can still hit other mobs normally, and it won't betray you. But if you don't manage to hit the mob, it does come back and hurt you. So you know, it's a win-lose-- lose-win-- it's a situation, that's for sure. Love to see it. Bubble enchantment for the bow. When mobs are hit by the arrow, they'll be encased in a bubble that damages them as they levitate, but has a chance of making their head swell and explode. Oh, yeah. This one's fun. I might not have done every piece of this, but the actual bubble aspect of this is pretty fun. Let's just grab ourselves a fun little pig, and we'll launch with an arrow. There he goes, up, up, and away. And then when it pops, boop, and he lands. Where's that zombie? Oh, hello, bubble. And oh, I missed. Oh, bubble, oh, bubble, get bubbled. I do love bubble. It's pretty cool. As part of this, we didn't actually add the damaging as they levitate, because they actually fall from a high place and take fall damage. So it felt like more balanced that way. And then also the head swelling and exploding is cool, but we already got instability. So like, you know, explosion. But I do also know that it does work on players. And when they're encased in the bubble, you can't leave the bubble. I'm spamming my Shift button right now. You can't leave it. Uh-oh. So even without the explosions, it's still quite overpowered. Something about this comment feels oddly suspicious though. I feel like it was inspired by something maybe (distant) when you place it, Oh! Oh I didn't mean to! Oh I didn't mean to! Wait no I'm in-- (laughing) I'm inside of a bubble! Have you seen my liquids video? It reminds me of the bubbles I did in that one I don't know though. Just a hunch. Just a just a hunch. Maybe maybe it is anyways that all being said who's next Shield, uno, reverse. Yeah, literally an uno reverse card, but not only does it reflect damage and knockback, but every time your opponent hits the shield, there's going to be an uno jump scare, similar to the totem. I like this one a lot. But you can't enchant things in the enchantment. You can't put shields. Thousands of tears later. All right, we're going to give this to me over here. And then me over here is going to block with it. And if I hit Escape while I'm blocking, I can stay blocking, which means I can see what happens here. Hi-yah. Oh my gosh. The uno reverse card. Also, that's a lot of knockback. Oh my gosh. Hi-yah. Hi-yah. Hi-yah. Hi-yah. Hi-yah. What happens if I hit it with a fire aspect sword? Oh my gosh, so much damage. It doesn't do any extra fire. OK. So this is a fun one. This is another good PVP option. It's really fun. It's really cool. If you can't tell already, this multiplayer segment is going to be wild. So now it's time to bring all these enchantments to the council and there's really only one good way to do that with a new venue I mean, you know this random spot in the middle of nowhere with a village and just grass I mean, it's great, but like we can do better. Oh Yeah, this is nice. This build right here is an incredible abandoned village transformation done by the immensely talented Jeracraft I've been watching his videos for years and I recently decided to join his patreon So I'm super excited to show you this world his video where he actually builds This is one of my favorites He's ever done so I'll link his channel and his video in the description if you want to check him out and support his work We'll just be making a few very small changes to this map to fit this videos needs I'll go ahead and add an enchanting room transform this upper chamber a little bit and add some Enchanting minions to the village to bring it all to life along with a villager hat and a royal robe I found on modrinth, the council chamber and uniform is complete now We just need to call all our members here to rate your terrible enchantments Everything the light touches is our kingdom. Oh, hey guys. How do you do that? All right council members? We only meet once in a blue moon. Why have you gathered us here? I have heard from the minions that we have new enchantments to review. Are you all ready? Yeah!! Lets do this baybee! Yeah!! WOOO! Yeah!! Yeah!! Fundy I see you cut your hair. It looks beautiful Very nice. I'll get him out of here. Get him out of here. Lemme show you what's going on. I cut the hair by making it tremendously longer. WOW! Lookin' nice! Yeeeeeah. You likin' that? It's not a wig. I know you can see a little bit of my hat underneath it, but it's not a wig Was there a reason the hat's still there? Please I'm embarrassed about it I wish I had a bat to bang my head right now So anyways The first enchantment that we have Ok he's gone. He's out. Bye! And we lost him. LETS GOOOO!! I nearly died Help! Rapunzel let down your-- Fundy! Let down your hair! It's not long enough! It's not long enough! I've been growing it! It's not shaking loose We're gonna start with level one starting with the rocks enchantments, I'm gonna give everybody a sword Oh, I need once once Zee gets back up here. I'm gonna need everyone to hold this Alright, everybody hold your sword. We're gonna do our magical enchanting powers that only the council can clearly 3, 2, 1 poof! Oh Zee didn't get it. There we go. Rocks five! I'm just gonna summon a pig! Ok. YEAH! Wait guys! Mine has another functionality. Guys I just thought if we all kill Knarfy, do you reckon he drops rocks? (chaos) I just wanna eat this cookie real quick. Stay away! EEEEEE! I'm gonna getcha. I'm the rock collector baybeee. Give them to me! Give them to me! And I was the last council member. SNEAK ATTACK! Wait where did I go? This looks different. I feel like we're going on our own adventure right now lets continue. Where is this? Oh my god. Lets get some rocks baby!! Hey I found the castle! Lets get some rocks baby!! AWWWWWWWWW!! Ruined bit! No! We got so close! Hold on guys let me just empty out all these rocks out my pockets. Oh my gosh. All right, this is rocks it's basically cobblestone generator, what do you think do we like it? This is this is like the most simple... two out of ten two out of ten? in the sky block aspect This would be useful. Yeah, but look around it's not sky block now is it? Okay. Fair point. We decided on two of ten that kind of sucks. So sad everybody hold your sword The council has spoken. Boom, we got it. (crowd chattering) I don't like it when Mom and Dad are fighting! I don't know if it works inside. Let's go outside (laughing) - This is what it does. - I still have rocks in my pockets! - Oh my god. (laughing) - Wait, what does it do? I missed that do it again. I missed that do it again. Okay. I'll do it again More! YEAH! It also drops rocks! Knarfy is not a tree guys. Don't worry TREE TREE TREE TREE TREE TREE TREE YEAH!!! Get Fundy! Get Fundy! Yeah!! NO!!! He didn't grow a tree TREE TREE TREE!! Hey, hey Insert bad tree pun here. You think it's a cool tree pun. Well, I think this is a tree out of ten, baby YEAAAAHHHH!!! (HEAVY METAL) All right, you should have a new sword and I want you all to hold the new sword this is the next one Bane of Squidward Let's go! Let's go! Bane of Squidward I have a question for you all which Minecraft mobs look like Squidward? squid squid Villagers villagers is the more correct option. Let's go Do you ever think they accidentally, you know end up eating their nose every time they try to eat something You know I've never thought about that and I never want to think about it again. (Laughter) (Laughter) What the f- (Laughter) That was a war cry. Was it meant to sound like that? Wait, wait, wait, wait, I think I can cry. Wait, wait, wait, let's do it again. Here, let me cry. (Laughter) Here, kill- somebody kill me, kill me. You're not a squidward it doesn't count. No that was close! That was close That's true actually it's a good point it also works on this guy That was really fast. Me as well. I got in the crossfire there. Hey nature nature, come with me real quick. you were right on this, too YEAHHH!!!! See I wasn't wrong Nature come here. Come here. Yeah, I gotta show you something Now just just kill me real quick Wow was that a squidward back there? That was crazy Crazy moment there! Oh look there he is! That was crazy! Wow! Okay squid bane, what do you guys think bane of squidwards? What do you rate it? For comedy, I think it's like an 8 out of 10 for usefulness. I think it probably like a one Knarfy you brought us here for these silly enchantments. Show us the good stuff Right guys, right guys, yeah! Yeah! Yeah! I was busy at IKEA! Instead of the bad stuff, I wanna see like the not bad stuff. I'm gonna give everyone a wooden hoe. Are you ready for this? You know how ever you know how like, you know, you make a netherite hoe and it gives you like serious dedication this Not very dedicated Yeah, yeah. Yeah, you know, what's great too. If I give you all a stone hoe... Take that If you hold that, now you get some dedication. Some dedication? Now, if I give you an iron hoe. Okay. Oh gosh. You get dedicated. And then! I like this I like this a lot. Halfway point, okay. - You take the golden hoe, and you get dedication, you get dedicated, but fancy. - Yeah, it's true, King Midas will be proud. - And then, yes we did every single hoe. - Oh my god. - Take the diamond hoe, you get getting seriously dedicated. - Oh no, my god. That's some deditated wam right there. There's serious dedication And then Wait-wait, hold on SERIOUS serious dedication. WOW! If only it actually worked And that's all it does it literally doesn't do anything helpful That's it. that's literally the only bit. Hey guys, I have a trade a proposition Fundy. I've got this amazing netherite hoe that Dedicated to what kind of dedication does it have? It's dedicated to not doing its job. Okay. Okay. Well, I have for you a netherite hoe Instead of your netherite hoe, which is dedicated to not doing its job. My netherite hoe is dedicated to doing everything but its job On a serious note, I think if you're an advancement hunter, it'd be super fun to do. Yeah I still think it's like a five though. I'd agree. Yeah, five's fair. All right. All right, everybody choose an article of armor All right, everybody needs to hold it in their hand. Here we go Curse of small? I don't think I want to make sure to WOAH! WOAH! Hey guys! How's it going everybody? Yeah! Make sure to subscribe! Oh wait don't jump down, don't jump down, don't jump down you can't get up Zee! Zee! Reach for my hand! Zee! Reach for my hand! Help! I need uppies! Look I'm a worm! He's actually a worm! I need uppies! I got you, I got you! You jump and I hit you! I don't think this is working Fundy! You jump and I hit you! I hit you you jump in I hit you Come on hurry! We gotta get back to the council meeting place yeah, we're not gonna be able to get up there cuz we can't go up stairs Yeah... I will frolick my way there. What dp you guys think of this one? 10 out of 10, baby! YEAH! I would give it a 0.01 out of 0.010 baby Ah that was good I'd give it a 2 I like being able to climb stairs. Yeah, you know I kind of agree with that. Hey Zee come here. Come here. Yeah, did you know that's such a small size you can get a really nice sight Over the ocean little guy business little guy Two in one baby!! Two in one!!! Hey guys I'm sure you'll be fine. Uh oh. Alright Ferit. If you- did you know that if you take a peek at the ocean- AHH- Hey, hey wait, don't worry, Knarfy. I'll go get the boat (laughing) - Ah, it's gonna take forever, I gotta see this. (grunting) - There it is. (laughing) - Oh my god, he reached them. What? - Oh my god, he's strong enough. - Guys, watch out, the salmon is bigger than you. - If I kill it, does it turn into a tree? If I kill it, does it turn into a tree? - Oh! (laughing) - All right, our next enchantment is this. Knock bad. - Knock bad. - You'll never guess what it does. Oh, it apparently doesn't work on players still. - That's still a bug. - I didn't realize that was still a bug. - See, it doesn't work on players. - Did you hear the man? It doesn't work on players. - I'm sorry. - Stop hitting me. It doesn't work on players. It doesn't work on players. - I'm not here. - See, it doesn't work on players. There is another piece that does work on players, but oh geez. Oh. (laughing) - Y'all, we got an intruder. I'm not here Pay no attention to the shadow lurking behind you. Yeah in broad daylight (laughing) - Uh oh, Ravager. (screaming) - Uh oh, I get it. - Oh I get it. - It's really bad at being knockback. - We actually got it somehow, that's impressive. - All right, so I've also applied knockback to you. (screaming) - Slam dunk boiiii! wait Knarfy get me up here get me up here (laughing) - Hey nature, how's it goin-- - Zee Zee Zee wait wait, Stand by the ledge, you jump, I hit you as you fell. - Jump jump jump jump jump. (cheering) Okay, hit me when I jump. - Yeah yeah yeah yeah. (cheering) - I like this one, Knarfy. (cheering) - Jump jump, I can get you, I can get you. Don't you worry. - You got this. - I'm trusting you, Fundy. - Weee! (laughing) - Oh, I get out of here. (laughing) - Come here. Just inch out just a little bit Help! Help! Zee! Zee what did you do? Where are you? Zee!! Don't worry Fundy! Let down your hair! Let's all stand in a circle and aim at the person to the right of us and see if we can all Okay. Okay. Okay. We need it. We need a Proper count down By the way, Did you guys see the Lakers game? This is so funny. 3, 2, 1, go. Oh! It worked! That was so cool! All right, Knockbad. What do we think? What do we think? I really like this one. This is fun. This is good This is like a solid seven and a half out of ten for me. Okay. Yeah, I'm gonna say this now It takes uppies to a new level Wait, wait, wait, yeah, Knarfy get give me give me slow falling (laughing) Keep me from falling! Hey Ferit! I'm gonna get you. I'm gonna get you. NOOOO! Yes! Anyways now that we've given our rating Curse of instability curse of instability? What do you think this could do? Oh. Wait so what does it do the instability one? Does it just explode the enemy? Yeah, so-- So it explodes but it's like a bigger explosion based on how high the instability is, and It's just a chance so like instability one is like a 10%-- He was explaining! Up to five is like 100% so this is okay sweet. Yeah, this thing's so crazy. It takes me out of this Okay, okay, Knarfy Knarfy Could you give me a wooden sword with instability one and then I want to do instability roulette OOOOOO yeah lets give that a go. Wait, should we be small for this? I feel like the explosion Oh yeah we should be small for this. That's a great idea. Zee! yeah, I challenge you for a diamond to a battle of Russian instability Do you take IOU's cuz I don't have a diamond. I'll take Okay, okay me first (laughing) Yeah I don't think that worked Fundy! I don't think that worked that well. (laughing) - I don't think that worked, oh yeah! - Yeah, that was crazy! - We try it, let me get it! It genuinely does have a chance so that was kind of just impressive. I'm not gonna lie Woah!! Trick shots! All right, well now that we've ruined the bridge, what do you guys think? This poor map! I feel so bad! What did we think of instability? Wouldn't it be crazy if uhh... I think this was like I guess six It was not bad. Yeah, I'd say six. Yeah, yeah, like, yeah. Okay, next up I need everybody to take this sword we're not gonna enchant it yet We're gonna each individually enchant it with this enchantment table And if you want you can get some XP levels with the ultra magic xp button. Yeah, so go ahead and do that enchant your sword I got eco friendly You got eco friendly Rename your sword to something. Okay now everybody hold your sword. Boom. All right now we each have fairness It gives you your opponent that same sword. So now I have the eco warrior whoever sword is the last one standing wins (laughing) Oh my god. Oh god. (laughing) Come here, yeah! No! No! I have a strategy I have a strategy I'll kill everyone who spawns. Everyone everyone has dagger of trees now dagger of trees wins and now I also have Knarfy slayer We're just gonna enjoy the peacefulness of the tree. Yeah, I just wanted to climb this tree real quick Wow, nice Let's get back to the video. So so hit me right now. I'm not holding a sword. I just gained a new sword. Yep, so now it's fair. That's a pretty cool mechanic. Right ten out of ten now, it's a fair fight also does that with mobs works? Oh that is a tree You know, I have my council thoughts are really coming to I think this is a very well balanced and very well thought-out feature for the game And definitely on par with everything that is usually added to the game I think that players who might find this they might find an advantage sure But at the end of the day at what cost does it come I give this a nine you are so boring What is it seven out of ten? So now we do level three onto one of the best ones Yeah, yeah, I know this one. This is the one that Ferit knows Everybody just needs an item. Hey, give me your wallet Alright, now your item is enchanted - Yeet? - Oh, what? - Oh! (all laughing) - I'm gonna throw like the item. - Yeah, you can throw it. - Yeah, you can throw it. - The Yeet Enchantment! Oh shoot! I placed my button! No! No! I placed it! No, gimme it back! I placed it. Hey Knarfy this one rocks. Council members, what do you think of yeet? I love it. I liked it. I like it works for literally any items. I love it. So that's yeet ten out of ten Box. Give me the box. I have the box! Good thing I have another box Alright. All right next up Involves the trident. I like it. Are you ready? Yeah, we're gonna start Oh I lost my trident way. No no no okay? Everybody hold the trident everybody hold the trident disloyalty. Oh God OW! Oh shoot oh shoot! (panic) It basically just attacks you when you throw it. [laughs] Well, well, well! Do I feel smart not throwing it yet? [laughs] Guys, I think Scooby-Doo is trying to run behind me. (laughing) You have to like force it to land, yeah. All right, okay, everybody hold your disloyalty trident. I can't get it off! If you can pick it back up. How? You have to force it to land. Hold your tridents if you combine disloyalty with loyalty. It actually works better so you can still attack other people, but there's like a risk because if you miss it hits you Oh I missed OH! Knarfy I'm gonna get ya I'm gonna get ya Hey Zee hey Zee hey Zee Take this Take this You reckon I can outrun it? I'm gonna throw that way and run away yeah Zee, you've used a trident before right? Yeah, let's go fight the wall of flesh now. I think I'm ready Yeah disloyalty what do you think? What do you think? I think it's a health hazard. Yeah It's all is a health hazard. It's pain. So 10 out of 10 is what I'm hearing. Here's here's how I look at it Knarfy Disloyalty is betray betray is funny funniest content ten out of ten. All right, okay, these last two are probably two of my favorites ope I don't have my uniform on any more I need my uniform! Wait who's this guy? I'm back. Hey I'm back It was me the whole time. All right, everybody's gonna need a bow Right there go ahead and hold your bow. There you go. There it is Yup. Woah! Hey! I'm familiar with this one. Yeah. Oh, geez! Oh hey. Oh hey. Bubble! Bubble! Bubble! Bubble! Bubble! Oh, you're stuck. Wait. Oh my gosh. Bubble! Bubble! Bubble! Bubble! Where am I? I can't see. Hey We're so high up! Oh my god Oh no! You are leaving! No! Hey Fundy Yeah I cannot hit Fundy Yeah try it I'm un-hitable Hey, you little This is wild on my screen Okay, okay bubble What do you guys think? 10/10 Yeah, this is a solid 9/10 I like this one a lot Does anybody else smell burning flesh? Oh thanks Knarfy, you saved me Yeah anytime anytime This last one this one's this one's also really fun And we can get it out of the enchantment table usually you can't enchant shields But we actually made it work so that we could do this You'll know what it is when you see it If you need the grindstone Did you get it? I sure did I got it. I got it I got it We both got it right? Wait hold on let's say the enchantment in three two one unbreaking Ah Oh wow okay Uh oh I love this Yeah, it's so good. Wait hold on Ferit. Can you stand like right in front of me and then hold the shield? Okay, okay stand right here Does that work? Wait hold on keep going keep going keep going BUH BUH BUH BUH BUH BUH God my vision is covered. There's so many-- Wait Wait nature hold the shield That's sick. That's so cool! What do you guys think of that last one Uno reverse. I'm not gonna burst your bubble, but this shield was was backwards man. All right. I'm gonna go on my lunch break early. So, um, yeah Yeah I'm gonna join Ferit. Alright lets go. Hey Fundy. Look at me look at me. Yeah, uh-huh. Just like that Hi. 4AM Subtitle Knarfy here! Thank you so much for watching <3 We love making these videos for you. I really need to go to sleep lol. So who's got insurance Cya next time :)
Channel: Knarfy
Views: 1,810,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: knarfy, knafy, mods, minecraft, clean, family, friendly, fun, funny, gaming, youtuber, breaking minecraft, breaking, dumb ideas, enchantments, coding, goofy, addition, wild, chaos, showcase, ideas, comments, coding your ideas, your dumb ideas
Id: XvMq9hhaxbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 15sec (2475 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2024
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