Kakyoin - The KING of Heritage for the Future

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if you hear those words it's already too late nyaki kacin is considered top one in Heritage for the future and I've talked about it many times but I can't help but feel that none of these discussions have ever done him Justice kacin is broken no doubt and what allows him to supersede every other character in the roster is a multitude of things that cause him to shine as a versatile Beast who makes the meta his [ __ ] however there are two other characters in the game Who resemble kaco visually and in some ways gameplay-wise if you can believe it all three of these characters are incredibly strong the main purpose of this video was to cover new cacin but I feel that in order to do that a revisit of the original is necessary so let's do just that cacin is as stated before often put smack dab at the top of most tier lists the only other character in that position is Pet Shop and both characters are commonly banned in most tournament rule sets I've mentioned this before but most people already know Pet Shop is broken and banned because of unblockables so what could possibly make kacin even stronger the first thing to highlight is his Mobility kacin is an active stand character and fights alongside hierophant green whether in stand on or stand off he's capable of traversing the screen very very fast his dashes are incredibly fast and travel very far both forward and backward cac's forward Dash if held basically lets him travel full screen and his back dash does the same this not only makes his maneuverability very strong but gives his Dash normals even more utility in standon mode kacin has a double jump as as usual but he can also air Dash kac's air Dash travels far and he has good normals for starting offense with instant air dashes more importantly kaco is for some reason able to perform this air Dash an infinite amount of times combined with double jumps in a special move I'll talk about in even greater detail later KAC is able to Camp better than almost anyone on the roster if you want to play lame kaco is your guy generally people who want to point out how busted C's normals are will highlight his standon normals but even without hieron green his normals are still very strong 5 a is as fastest normal and a very solid jab it's three frame startup and recovers extremely fast making it good at close range and you can use it to start combos 2A is similarly strong and decently fast with five frame startup it hits low and can start combos also it has an odd Quirk where you can cut the recovery by letting go of down which improves the advantage on hits slightly not sure if this is actually helpful but hey you can do it 5c so okay this game's button structure is ABCs A being light B is medium C is heavy and S being your stand button in most fighting games heavy buttons are longer ranged and more damaging but also have longer startup to compensate kacin 5c is four frame startup it's faster than 2A and 5B CAC 5c is pretty incredible even outside of the fast startup which lets CAC link get out of his light normals it also Sports an incredible hit box the dish joint and speed make it one of the best close range buttons he has and it's cancelable into supers and specials you can also cancel it into CX roll which lets him save himself from getting whiff punished by certain supers going back to his mediums 5B is a bit weird as KAC has two of them one at close range and one at long range neither are particularly good close 5B has a good hit boox for anti- airing but because they need to be close to you it's pretty situational fire 5B is just a kick that's slower than 5C and does less damage for a poke it's generally outclassed by other tools 2B is pretty good though as it's fast and hits low but isn't advantagous enough to link into anything unfortunately 2C does two hits the first hitting low and the second knocking down it's good range and the knockdown is nice just be careful about the slow startup cac's Dash normals are very similar to a standing normals with the same animations and similar Frame data but because of his incredible forward and back dashes they're all pretty good for getting in in the air you have ja and JB both of which are pretty fast and have nice hit boxes ja is a higher up hit box making it slightly better for air DARS while JB is better suited to jumpins but they're both great JC is once again faster than his other two air normals but where this normal excels is stand crashing this [ __ ] does like half a stand gauge on hit and on Block it's pretty good too if you're fighting someone who's in stand on use it CX throw is worth highlighting is it causes a hard knockdown which lets him get Oki off it in the corner and believe me getting knockdown is not something you want to do against this character all right now let's talk about a standon buttons this is where things start getting absurd first of all I mean just [ __ ] look at this this the range on some of these normals is insane and good Christ these dish joints compare these to a Lessie stand on normals which which are also extremely long ranged and we can observe what top tier privilege truly is he can perform these out of a dash too in case you were dissatisfied with the range despite how insane his longer range normals are we can't gloss over his shorter ranged buttons stand 58 is very fast tied with some others for his fastest button at three-frame startup it's one of cac's best starters for his Combos and pressure making him one of the hardest characters to contest at close range when he's in standon use it it's an incredible tool similarly stand 5B is also a great close range button which might seem weird as the range is really good but it also has fast startup it has two hits they don't combo into each other but the hitbox on the second hit is amazing this is cac's go-to anti-air and altogether makes for a wonderful button that CAC will be using plenty in scrambles stand 5c is also very fast the same start up a stand 5A for some reason nice little poke it should be noted that while CX normals both in stand on and standoff are notable for their more broad utilities like damage range and their Bonkers hit boxes they're also busted because he can special cancel so many of them I'll explain why this is important later don't worry one final obnoxious little normal CAC has is Stan j3x this is a command normal he can activate with any of the three attack buttons and act sort of like Dam's drill quickly traveling downward and hitting overhead it's very good for his mixups thanks to how close he can do it to the ground now for CAC specials there's one primary move that if you have even the most vague knowledge of this character you're eagerly awaiting for me to talk about we'll get to it later got to build up that anticipation you know 236 X or stand 236 X is the icon iic Emerald Splash both versions are projectiles but the standoff version is more like a wimpy little poke with poor range and damage hierophant green lingers during the recovery and even though CAC can attack while he's still on screen he loses access to any normals that use his stand until hierophant green is completely gone which is pretty lame the standon version is thankfully much better this is a real projectile that travels full screen and hits eight times it's good as a combo Ender and to harass people and it has mad push back on block it does take a little while to start up on top of the time the projectiles actually take to travel so it shouldn't form the Crux of your CAC game plan that's for a different special a fun little tidbit about all of CAC specials is that CAC will perform one of five poses upon doing them this is mostly just for visual variety but one of them actually does have a slightly slower recovery it's random which one you get but it can cause certain combos to drop so watch out Ty wrap snake 46 214x is a move you might struggle to use as the input is pretty tricky but it's still hella stylish hierophants arm stretches along the ground and will entangle anyone it touches during which you can slap them up in any way you desire after a while the opponent will get launched away in wall bounc which you can combo off of pretty nice move for combo extensions but KAC has better and less awkward options in standoff note that if you don't hit them fast enough any character caught inside can Mash left and right fast enough to escape with stand on WAP KAC instead fires Emerald splashes at the opponent for generally worse reward including the fact that it doesn't always cause a knockdown KAC has quite a few supers including both stand on and off super Emerald Splash 236 AA okay so I'm going to add a warning for this in the opening but if you've suffered from epilepsy please for the love of God skip this section and also don't play this character or newak for that matter seriously the bright white flashing lights when the super hits is just obnoxious this super is a generally use combo in it for the most part cat can move during the standoff version which you can use to get in if the opponent blocks it 214 AA is Indie as arm a rather weird move that changes a lot based on whether or not you have your standout the standoff version sends hierophant 10 out in one of many different patterns depending on which two buttons you use to initiate the super if you perform with a b and c at the same time it'll draw a star cute but this is not the star of the show actually it's pretty bad I'm not sure what the purpose of this was supposed to be it'll stand crash on hit which is nice but the hits rarely connect properly which leads to characters falling out of it all the time before the attack finishes CAC is fully vulnerable while performing it and the hit boox is only located on the arm of the tentacles so anyone who manages to get by it which isn't that hard is going to tan your [ __ ] hide also some of the patterns are even more worthless in the corner as the arm will go off screen for an extended period of time stand on India's arm is fully controllable by the player it has high damage potential and it's much easier to keep CAC safe while it's in use but it's still not that useful due to the inconsistencies and damage and hits and the fact that KAC is toast if the opponent gets to him before he can cover himself with the tentacle hierophant finish and Punishment time are both standon only the former's input is 623 AA and it's not that great first of all the range for the initial hit is pathetic which makes it very hard to connect you can combo into it but there's little flexibility in the routes you get with it due to the small range also like with India's arm it's not very consistent some hits of the final Emerald Splash that CAC does at the end will sometimes just not connect so the damage this super does will change radically sometimes ultimately it's pretty impractical punishment time has the same input as akuma's Raging demon and is a command throw just like that move it can be jumped but there are setups to land it guaranteed it's pretty solid and does give you okon hits just be careful because if it's jumped you will suck ER so I blue balled all of you long enough with this stuff let's get to the main attraction this is 214x hierophant field known by the community as net of considered to be the absolute best move in the entire game this is the bow that wraps up cac's very strong kit and makes him such a menace you see him do this move in neutral on offense defense and by this point you've probably seen it in your nightmares at the same time there's nothing outwardly broken about it on first glance in fact when I first played the game in 2019 and tried caco outs I had no [ __ ] clue how to use these things the deeper you dive the more obvious the strengths of Nets become so let's waste no time 214x will set a net down on screen they're invisible for some reason so keep in mind that you'll need to remember the position when you set them down each button will put its respective net at a slightly different point on the screen a is slightly in front of him C behind him and be right on top of him Nets will immediately activate upon being placed down but you can delay this by holding down the button used to place the net if you keep the button held down it'll remain there for a period of time anyone who's never played this game want to guess how long if you said 29 seconds then you absolutely looked it up shame on you yeah these things last for an insane amount of time although realistically you're going to end up releasing it before that point there is a coold down after a net hits though so keep that in mind that's about the gist of how they work so how do you use them on hit Nets will ins snare the opponent and keep them stunned for quite some time essentially if they hit you get a free combo and kac's Nets also cause a guaranteed stand crash it's hard to pin down one thing that's the most busted about them but I would say that in a vacuum what makes Nets so broken is their versatility there isn't a single part of KAC yin's game plan that Nets do not contribute to KAC already has very good normals up close for pressure and Tech chasing but that becomes even more evident when he has Nets up since kaco can full combo off of Nets they demand lots of respect when KAC is pressuring you trying to mash push block or roll out of his pressure can all be punished by Nets and since they're Mega Plus on block and push block even just trying to block it out is fruitless with his instant air Dash and variety of tricky overheads and lows kaco gets very strong mix off of a blocked net so trying to maintain defense against CAC is really not an option I mentioned earlier that cac's normals are so good because they can be special canceled and Nets are precisely why anything you block from CAC will be followed by a net which makes his offense very oppressive there's really not a single answer to this situation because K can do so many things here and is rewarded in almost all scenarios and before anyone brings it up yes Nets can be cut by certain attacks but never minding that some characters can't even do that which I'll get into later this is still not a foolproof answer to Nets in the slightest remember CAC can control when the Nets activate so not only can he preempt your button and snag you but you can also just whiff punish whatever button you use to cut the net down and that's not even mentioning how much reward CAC gets for his correct guesses and net scrambles when you have a net up you have the advantage in almost any situation on offense oh and I mean Nets as an oky tool do I even need to explain this waking up into a blocked net into a 50/50 that's top tier privilege on defense they're just as scary Nets Excel as a tool for screen control and when paired with kac's already fantastic mobility and ability to Turtle chasing the Green Man Down becomes an even harder task especially since again if you overextend and get hit or block a net you either eat a high damage combo or a mixup it shouldn't take much knowledge of the game to realize why a fast low commitment move with such insane scre control utility that gives KAC a full combo or mixup and lets him remain advantageous in almost any situation offense or defense is so busted the only real flaw outside of the cooldown is that CAC has to sacrifice at least one of his attack buttons to keep a net in play but that barely matters because he has cracked normals on a b and c this plays into Kacoo's matchups even though KAC is so strong he obviously still has to try versus most top tiers as they also have very strong buttons damage and Oki but his remarkable versatility lets him adapt on the Fly against any situation no I want to talk more about the low tier side of things and I know that it should be obvious that the best character in the game beats most low tiers but it's much more evil than it might come across at first so as mentioned earlier kac's Nets can be cut down if you hit them with a stand type attack the net will be removed from the screen the rules of this are a little strange and inconsistent for example despite many of Alessi's normals using his stand to attack many of a stand on normals just straight up don't affect Nets so was only method of cutting them down to Stan ja Honestly though alesi and some other characters with limited net cutting methods have it good because there are some characters who straight up cannot cut them at all being able to cut them is the one soulless to the Havoc they wreak and some characters straight up do not have that luxury in a world where Mariah Whole Horse young Joseph and some others are already disadvantaged with passive stands and weaker kits this is just like rubbing salt in the wound and then shooting it other characters like alesi and old Joseph struggle with pitting CAC down because of a strong defensive play and like I said said he can switch between being the aggressor or the defender very seamlessly cac's kit and game plan are immensely open-ended Nets alone allow him to do so many different things and you can add his other more eccentric tools like as Raging demon or Tha rap snake for extra style it's a shames band for most tournaments since he's very cool but the oppressive control Nets give him over a match as well as the amount of characters that legit might as well not be on the [ __ ] character select when you're playing CAC are seriously something else especially when combined with all his other strengths he's the best at everything as some might summarize it so what happens if your favorite character happens to be kaco but you can't play him in tournament due to the ban you put on the shades kaco who overcame his fear is known by the community as newak or ncac or short he's one of the six secret characters seeing the extreme visual similarity between both cacs it's reasonable to assume the two are simply clones of each other the reality is this couldn't be any farther from the truth much like with the two Josephs while their kids do contain very similar attacks both kacs have many differences and ultimately are playing very different games if you decide to go from CAC to new CAC and all you plan on doing is running the same game plan you're going to have a bad time because new cac's tools do not lend themselves to playing the game the same way regular CAC does and vice versa newak is definitively considered a worse character than the original model but he's still very strong don't think of newak as a flat down grade consider him a different character altogether the biggest similarities between the two kacs mostly lie in their standoff normals for the most part they share extremely similar damage and Frame data with some minor differences like newak 5c being one frame faster to start up where things start to Pivot is with stand on normals whereas kacin stand 5A is a three frame jab newa is n frame startup it's okay with the range hitbox and damage opportunities not really making up for the slow startup other normals are different in regards to hit boxes and range but new CAC still has lots of amazing stand-on pokes in spite of this stand 5B stand 5C and stand stand 6B are all great pokes to throw out in neutral and he still has that Infamous stand 2C with Godly range and a nice knockdown on hits stand 4C deserves mentioned for being one of his best up close options it's three-frame startup not entirely sure why they made this faster than stand 5A but it's real good it shred stand gauge and it's a very strong normal for hit confirming especially in the tandem newak mostly shares his specials with CAC Emerald Splash 236 X is mostly the same in standoff but the standon version is much weaker it doesn't travel nearly as far which ultimately makes it pretty useless as a projectile Tha rrap snake is a pretty unwieldly move for regular cacin because of the input but newx Ty rra snake has a much easier input of 214x it proves to be one of his most pivotal specials for damage when he's in standoff and it's an important part of his bnbs as a result it also knocks down which gives him ok e however because this move is so important to him and confirms it also becomes victim to the problem of pose RNG remember when I mentioned how out of the different poses cacin assumes when performing a specials one of them has more recovery newak has this problem too and because typ is more important to him in bnbs it can screw him over much harder and it's all up to RNG unfortunately finally we have net it's a terrifying thought to have two characters on the roster with this ungodly move but make no mistake new cac's Nets are definitely much weaker than the original there are two major reasons for this the first is the properties on hit while the a net acts mostly the same as cacs the B and C Nets actually launch the opponent on hit which the opponent can Tech out of this makes the combos newat gets from these nets hitting severely limited which in turn makes them much less threatening and neutral as well there is one advantage of new cac's Nets that the original doesn't have which is that new cac's Nets are unscaled which makes his damage out of a net starter much higher a net is still very scary but the fact that you can only really threaten with one net position is definitely a bummer on the bright side since your light normals aren't that great for neutral you don't give up much sacrificing them to keep a net hell down the other problem is that unlike regular CAC new pin's Nets are only usable in stand on you must have hierophant green now to use his Nets this isn't a problem for the move itself but more for new's overall game plan kacin is able to make himself extremely threatening and standoff because of his ability to special cancel his normals and the Nets and newak not being able to do this definitely makes him much weaker note that you can set up a net and stand on and then go into standoff while the net is up but this doesn't really solve the problem I just mentioned despite the reduced reward on hit and weaker properties new KAC Nets are still a solid tool for combo extension screen control and laming and although being unable to summon them in standoff sucks it's less of an issue because newak as a whole prefers to be in standon mode for most of a match let's talk about the real game changer and what sets new CAC apart from regular kaco while he maintains the amazing standoff Dash and the infinite air dashes and stand on the big new thing newak has is a totally different grounded forward and back dash and stand on rather than moving him directly left or right newak standon dash sends him Upward at a diagonal angle similar to Jetta and vampire savior now at first glance it can seem quite unimpressive the slow rise into the air and slow fall down but this is a dangerous movement option that gives newak some of the strongest mix in the game new's Dash can be canceled during the animation period and you can do this extremely early to cut the momentum and pretty much turn the damn thing into a short hop the normal typically used to set this up is stand JB which truly shines since it becomes a very fast and hard to block overhead option when performed quickly out of newa Dash constantly performing stance 66b looks silly but it's actually a very effective way of moving around the screen and if the overhead hits you can easily convert into a combo for a nice little knockdown and begin to set up new CS extremely dangerous mixups cross uper same side is very hard to see with him as are ambiguous high lows thanks to Stan j3x which can perform early after a jump to fool the opponent into thinking he's going to do an overhead and go for a low Stan 665b is also a great mix-up option especially when combined with his low hitting stand to B having a net up helps tremendously as you can keep newak safe if the opponent blocks his mixups the best part is it's very easy for him to end these combos with a knockdown and loop into even more mixups which is known as a Vortex newak is all about switching on the Fly between a strong offense and a strong neutral control his standon buttons are all great poking options so his mid-range game is one of the best and he has Nets as a um safety net and a method of playing lame but after a knockdown he can start up his Vortex and deal some very high damage his combos are generally shorter than regular CS because of the nerfed Nets but he gets lots of openings with his mixups to Le alleviate the issue somewhat and he can convert off of a lot of things especially when he has a full screen super he also has unblockable resets which helps a lot also remember to mix in his standoff tools wrap is a very sneaky pressure tool and he gets good damage and Oki off of it you can delay when the wrap comes out which can be a tricky way to scare people into playing suboptimally in neutral while new's game plan is very strong and can be hard to deal with there is one big monkey wrench in the operation newak is one of the worst defense values in the game this is why you need to make sure to remain defensive and neutral newak is very good at camping with a life lead but one right guess on isoki or simple mistake on his part can allow his opponent to yank that Health away and cost him the life lead or even the round it's less of an issue considering newak can and often does spend shitloads of time in the air allowing him to avoid full combo punishes but be careful especially if you're going to be spending lots of time in standon mode one stand crash could be all it takes for the victory to slip out of your hand and into the opponents as I said he's a very different character from regular kaco having a less rewarding and safe game plan he's definitely more of a risky character to play due to his low defense but his very strong Vortex great screen control with his buttons and net and great Mobility make him flexible and give him ways to escape most situations he's not so much a worse version of kaco because like I said and just described he's a very different character but he's still very cool he spent many years as a borderline top tier but heavy optimization by project potato the most active new cacin player have allowed him to rise up the tiers recently and solidify his place as one of the most feared characters on the roster and also he has a cool ass pair of sunglasses that alone makes him worthy of being top five to close this out we have Rubber Soul bearing the St yellow Temperance a big old yellow blob goo that he can shape into whatever he wishes rubber is another secret character and the second to mimic kaco now Robert does use yellow temper to mimic KAC in the manga but capcom's design for him in their game was just to make him a yellow and slight taller kaco uh okay then rubber Bears a visual resemblance to kaco but make no mistake much like with new KAC and honestly even more so he's a completely different character despite shared animations and maybe some similar specials he's his own character with a radically different game plan Rubber Soul is a passive stand character but he manages to defy the odds by being a passive stand that isn't whack in fact he's very strong although it wasn't always that way he was once regarded as a low tier but like with newak dedicated rubber players have optimized him and his reputation has improved tremendously now I haven't been playing this game that long I got back into it like last year but even back then I always found the old tier placement of rubber kind of insane he does have some notable flaws and being a passive stand does weigh him down but as a whole this character is crazy and if I'm being honest I [ __ ] hate fighting him unimportant though let's get to the goods rubber's normals mimic hierophant green which means many of them share the same long range and disjoints although his normals are for the most part distinct from cacs and new cacs rubber's got fast Jabs he can convert off of with his two-way in particular being very good to work into his offense you definitely don't want to get hit by this 5B is an excellent anti-air and poke 2C is very strong and grants a hard knockdown the Real Money Maker though is Ja it was a solid normal for CAC and new CAC and rubbers has a very similar hit box the major difference is that rubber ja has infinite active frames from the moment he presses the button until he lands rubber ja will remain active and cinti can start combos off of it in the air and on the ground even off a high connect it's an extremely powerful jump in air to a and just a great Button as a whole it does lack vertical coverage though so watch out for anti-airs worth highlighting is rubber's throw which is also pretty incredible building meter which is something only rubber's throw does and also being the highest damage throw in the game strike throw with this character is certainly very effective as the reward for landing a throw is high as a passive stand rubber's s button does various attacks involving his yellow hierophant green with these he gains access to some very long range pokes which he can move alongside and cancel out of his other normals which makes a lot of his s moves highly Plus on block rubber can use them in his pressure for extremely suffocating sequences that can be tough to escape even with push blocking and in some case he can land unblockable resets with JS and 2s some of these setups only work on standon characters but an unblockable is an unblockable and lets him capitalize for great reward on the launching properties of some of his s normals 6s is a great poke 5S is a good Ender since it does a hard knockdown and 4S is an amazing button with many uses as an anti combo extender and also allows him to set up unblockable resets rubber has a solid projectile with 2 36x which you can use to start combos with but the main standouts of his specials are 2114x the wrap and 214s the counter the wrap is similar to newx wrap but with slightly faster startup like with newak you can sneak it in during neutral to catch people walking back since it hits low and once it hits rubber gets a free combo combos into the wp can be very damaging since you can ended with the supers so do watch out to avoid getting snatched up if you don't hit the opponent fast enough they can Mash out of the RPO be quick about it the counter oh my God this is a tool that is extremely strong and extremely annoying rubber's counter is two-frame startup and activates on all strikes it's active for a very long time and on hit it guarantees a stand crash and launches for a combo This truly is a scary tool to deal with obviously it can be baited and punished but just a bit of delay can allow rubber to use it again and counter your punish attempt which is so [ __ ] irritating the damage he gets from it with meter is also pretty insane which makes it extremely rewarding just remember that there is risk involved you can be punished for whiffing it and it's also weak to throws in projectiles rubber's 236a is one of the most dangerous supers in the game sending a volley of fulls screen projectiles out it gives rubber an extremely easy way to advance in neutral since he can move while the projectiles are flying out being able to combo off the counter and wall bounce from the rep lets rubber get very very high damage and even on block it does a serious Chunk in case you pesky active in weapon stands we're thinking about going into stand on mode to nullify the chip damage it also does massive stand gauge damage on block so uh good luck with that it's a very powerful super at far distances but be wary of the long startup while not a factor at full screen doing this up close is basically asking for the opponent to roll through you and punish the super his other super incidentally is solely a close range tool 360x is coconut back breaker with a hilarious name and even funnier inspiration it's a short-ranged command throw that does a sizable chunk of damage on hair it's jumpable after the flash so use it sparingly in your pressure there are setups you can do in your Oki to make it harder for the opponent to deal with but remember that you also have a regular throw that while not as damaging and also not techable builds meter instead of spinning it also it's a very solid wake up and combo Ender the weirdest thing about the super is the effect on hit it launches but because of an odd quirk in the game's code this launch changes between being techable and untechable the basic gist is that there's a value which decides whether a move will cause a techable knockdown or not this value usually gets changed by certain moves when they hit but the back breaker does not do this this means that whether coconut back breaker can be teched or not is dependent on the last move you hit the opponent with and whether or not it caused an untechable launch definitely something to keep in mind is it can be punished on hit if teched rubber is considered a grapper by many people and a big part of that is a strong emphasis on Oki zit with both high low as well as strike throw rubber has numerous ways to land a hard knockdown and his mix off a knockdown is very strong making the opponent have to guess between a low 2A or a delayed Js after a jump is very scary because rubber can combo off of both and even when the opponent is blocking ja can make for some very tricky setups as you can either go into AA or cancel ja into JS what makes rubber's mixup so strong is his ability to seamlessly combo into a hard knockdown and put them right back in the guessing game you can throw in his very strong throw to threaten the opponent further and his counter is great for calling out attempts to counter poke during his pressure rubber's Vortex can be very difficult to escape from and he has many options to keep the opponent guessing not to mention his Vortex doesn't have to be mod ified to account for different wake up timings or character Heights his unblockable resets help in that regard as well and give him great damage potential in certain situations however since rubber ideally wants to be close to his opponent so he can get a hit and knock the opponent down he struggles at longer ranges the flaw in rubber that immediately stands out is his Mobility it's real bad his Dash is extremely poor and although ja makes his air approach okay that's also fairly committal this forces Robert to either use meter on a super to get in or slowly make the journey into the opponent's face using his normals to poke and his counter to call out other characters pokes he can counter poke with the best of them but this still gives other characters more chance to play their game which obviously isn't good for rubber rubber has to play neutral very defensively due to his speed and that's where he excels even when he's defending he's very good at slipping out of these situations not only because of his counter but his guard cancel which is one of the best in the game he gets Oki off of it it's extremely fast and its stand crashes on hit use these tools and rubber becomes much harder to pressure another problem he s suffers from is the limitations of his Vortex although his looping Mix-Ups are very strong rubber gets limited damage off of them because he cannot combo into the rap afterward so his higher damage can be a little more situational than some others also he's a passive stand he's good enough for it to not Doom him completely but it's still a flaw as he has no way to nullify chip damage or knockdowns and he doesn't have access to tandems rubber's limited Vortex damage means that in many situations he has to make a lot of right guesses but he can control space very well so returning to neutral the opponent escapes The Vortex isn't the worst thing ever and as many strong defensive options lets him gain access to okit too some matchups can be tough for him as some characters have strong wakeup supers to counteract isoki and some characters have a much easier time dealing with this pressure due to their good buttons and good Mobility rubber May lack the same explosive offense and damage other characters above him have and it might take him several interactions to win games but is extremely strong and consistent Oki and his great defense make him very scary to deal with just keep cool and continue breaking the opponent's defense down and they'll eventually succumb to the power of yellow Temperance so that's the three cacs when I first got into Heritage for the future I was under the impression that new cacin and Rubber Soul were just inferior clones of the original but having finally done research and watched them I'm glad I can finally understand the two better now it really gives me a lot of respect and admiration for how Capcom designed these three characters while they share many moves they all end up being three very different characters with completely distinct gameplay yet they all still feel complete not to mention they're all very cool even though he makes me very mad I got to admit rubber is pretty neat this was a fun video and I'm glad I got to both revisit kacin again and talk about why he's considered top one as well as go into more detail on new kacin and finally talk about Rubber Soul hope you all enjoyed this video thank you for watching have a great night and take care hey guys this is the part of the video where I thank my uh YouTube channel members so thank you to old man han triangle God Cammy the killer jba mortis Isaac The Collector ARG seals wormy Terry hints and perfect orange sorry that this took a while I ended up uh working on a video for a few days that I ended up scrapping that combined with some other things ended up making this a pretty hectic week for me so uh apologies if this took longer than uh expected but I I hope you all enjoyed thank you for watching and have a great night
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Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cOyLUf1mTFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 43sec (1963 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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