Which Parts Could Ultimate Kars Survive? feat. @KalebIA

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so welcome to the video uh today with me I have I thought you were gonna say it hi everybody I'm Caleb yes I write I brought Caleb today with me to talk about a subject that I have thought about for a while you see I like ultimate cars he's always a fascinating character to talk about because the ultimate life form power scaling Shenanigans so I thought to myself what if I were to put him in a gauntlet type of scenario like I did with Caleb back on his channel but we also talked how like josuke could survive in part three so I thought hey we might as well try that with ultimate cars kind of like you know up the stakes a little bit and see what cars you know could do in other parts could he survive all the parts I think it's just a fascinating subject and this is the type of [ __ ] I think about and Caleb does too so I've you know here's the video I guess me and Caleb are just gonna be really talking I'm not really gonna go too heavy into the power scaling of it because there's a lot of stands here so so yeah just FYI by the way and I will be using the scaling I did use in my villains tier list video where basically cars should be scaling to like some of the strongest villains in the series at least in the original universe that being like part three deal with his vampiric abilities so just imagine a cars with like all the speed Feats and all the AP Feats of a part 3 deal so it should be really it should be really cut and clear here where cars should stand on top of that I think everybody knows that ultimate cars has the ability to like have all the powers of all the animals in the animal kingdom that's like over 8 million species he can just become or slash do so yeah that's all I'm really gonna say for ultimate cars we're also going to say this and me and Caleb did talk about this before the recording of the video there is a lot of ways you could say cars could see a stand here and I mean there is a lot of me and killed might actually make a whole video on it in and of itself in the future but one way is he's able to sense like air pressure with his antennae like a weirdo and just being the ultimate life form uh second we could just give him the fallacy of just being able to see stands for this video just for the fun of it or three and this is the really weird one and I might have to put it on screen hormone might just be able to give you the ability to see stands it's really weird and complicated and being Caleb will talk about it eventually but it's it's weird but cars can just see stands in this for this video okay we're just gonna say that for the fun of it that's the scenario let's just see what parts he can survive anything you want to say Caleb I want to get into this I'm really interested this is how we'll do it I'm not going to talk about all the stands but we're going to talk about all the stands I think can actually beat him or at least be able to fight him and also side note here if we don't talk about a stand that you think is able to beat Ultima cars we did it for a few reasons here one if you don't see a stand you think cars is going to lose to uh the reason why we do that is because well cars is a majority of the time here is either out scaling them or out hacking them or they just don't have the AP or the ability to kill cars the ones that we're going to be talking about in this video are the ones that we think could beat him and that's really about it and we'll explain it so yeah well that's kind of the whole idea or at least the premise of this video just what stands or just what characters can actually beat cars so I think with part three there's a few here but we'll get into probably why he's able to just [ __ ] body the part in general but we think the worlds are here okay we want to talk about this so one of the biggest things that we have with cars is his regeneration factor and it's it's great definitely but the fact of the matter is that in terms of hands he doesn't have the capacity exactly but it's more so like the idea like he loses I guess the initial fight but eventually you can get cars coming back in some sort of way basically uh jodaro and Dio just can't actually outright kill the man unless if whatever you think I'm gonna reference exports here because he said it in the video once and I thought it was hilarious store Platinum the world could just launch him into space you could do that it sounds wacky as [ __ ] but maybe uh I highly doubt it though I love the idea of it though like I'm just like oh what like if if they were to it's like then you have like cars in like a football type mode and then you you Chuck them as hard as you can it's like oh he gets Looney Tunes funny it has to be some Acme type stuff yeah Looney Tunes it really is so the next one we have here I guess we're just gonna go off with just random villains now none of this is an order by the way we're just listing off ideas here would be Anubis now this is one coming from me here I think Anubis wins is because nobody in JoJo's really has Soul resistances so that would technically mean if cars were to pick up Anubis for whatever reason Anubis would just therefore then control cars and that's how he wins uh by the way if you want actually like the people that were controlled by Anubis none of them would win by the way they'd lose the only win condition here is cars literally picking up Anubis and then he becomes Anubis that's the only way he's going to win there's no other win conditions it's a really funny one there's a lot of these by the way of just like one-off like yeah if cars does this the he loses you'll see it throughout the video it's really funny it's like a symbiotic relationship too like if if because here's the thing like you see Anubis like with anybody like let's say Chaka Khan and cars Cuts them down and he say he wants to pick up the sword it's not really like it's like yes a loss because he got his soul taken over but at the same time it's like oh wow now giving a card giving cars a sword just cause and he didn't need it but oh wow now he's like armed I guess yes it really doesn't make any sense and now that I'm looking at it uh Seth or alessi I'm gonna say this now no I know somebody is going to bring it up cars does not age anymore so just FYI on that that's another like One-Shot win condition I think somebody's gonna think of but that one wouldn't work on cars because cars is the ultimate life form he does not age anymore yeah so just FYI on that I think the next one's gonna be the funny ones the Darby brothers so this is also another one shot win condition in part three not really one shot but basically if cars gambles here or is a gamer and loses he loses his soul yeah and then he loses but that's on the fact that cars would even take the bet in the first place and if he doesn't take the BET under the first place he wins because the Darby Brothers is just kind of really regular people once you start to really look at it and if they're not in a gaming scenario or a you know poker game scenario they really can't win so just uh yeah car should be able to beat them but if it's like a playing card game or a video game and for whatever reason if cars don't got that dog in them he loses just an FYI I guess yeah and it's like it also puts into question I guess the cars is intelligence too because he could definitely I think especially on like the card game part because he has to understand video games but I think even if he got the he would get the ideas like oh okay like this is I'm not like for example the the driving one he's like oh this is similar to navigating and he's very like adaptive and he works on the Fly for the most part so we honestly could even see them be him just beating them in the game too like in the games and then just beating them up in real life just because like it's unfortunate he he yeah yeah Terence might lose here maybe Daniel wins but that's just not a technicality uh the next one here cream so it's cream uh I I think this is the most obvious one in part three he just gets eaten alive but he might be able to beat cream because Vanilla Ice is also kind of new to his powers and he doesn't really know what the extent of a vampire can do so maybe he can win but I really really doubt it yeah because like the we're gonna see him like blast right through let's say he takes everything besides like uh the knee down right but when he sees cars regenerating essentially like oh okay I have to spin back again and most likely could be able to take care of him yeah cream can do it but it it's you dream has to do at his absolute best to beat ultimate cars because it really doesn't have anything else but you know the ability to erase him by the way so yeah it's it's kind of interesting so overall with part three I think yes cars would be fine a lot of these stands are just cool scenario based and like you really need them to get the benefit of the doubt to even beat him the only one here that I think can actually do it is cream but even then it's really like we gotta gas up cream here in Vanilla Ice to actually do the job which I just doubt Vanilla Ice is not the smartest guy in the toolbox so I'm just saying you know cars is just beating him because of his regeneration and his intelligence so yeah cars would be really absolutely fine here he's also got his Ham on him too like he like he's his Newfound Homa and he's really loving using it and he can most likely oh yeah I forgot about that he'd just be using them he most likely can sense that Vanilla Ice is a vampire because he's just had so much experience of that like there's probably like some sort of like I guess scent or something that vampires have and cars would definitely abuse that so the next one we're gonna move on to part four because part three seems like a pretty much a wash I think cars would be fine regardless so with part four starting off with a hand this one is another technicality scenario sure yes the hand and okiasu could beat ultimate cars but it's okiasu he is a dumbass I don't think he'd be able to do it sadly I I definitely think that like because we're gonna give Okies who uh like let's give him a key moment in the fight it's like oh okay yeah so you did it you swiped away his arm and he's like hell yeah I got him and then he he grows it back oh and then he shoots a bunch of feathers at him he's like huh they missed me and then the feathers turn into tentacles because they did that on the point why do you why just why'd you say tentacles why'd you make it weird we know this is an anime Humanity getting that man okay fine they turn into like uh rabid well not on land they turn into Lions dude they do something yes and then okay else is like whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa I didn't know he could do that this guy's one and then okay Austin loses yeah that one's just another technicality one that I would like to bring up but yeah okay does lose that fight too so the next one here and it's surprisingly so far and probably gonna be the very few ones that actually do in here Heaven's Door and Rohan Rohan is probably going to be the only few characters that actually have a chance at winning if not do win because well Heaven's Door is [ __ ] busted Heaven's Door can just ride in cars you cannot attack Rohan Kishi Bay yeah Rohan can just ride into cars you cannot attack Rohan Kisha Bay that would have no ability to defeat Rohan then because he can't touch him ggs Heaven's Door wins get [ __ ] Loser yeah no basically be that he can also remove the memory of even being written upon he can remove cars complete intent in general just make him an average Joe and that's just part four on because technically if we go into the spoke Rohan Kisha Bay it gets a lot weirder yeah heaven's door works so yeah Heaven's Door definitely does win guaranteed uh but that again it's it's wrong I don't think really anybody came into this video expecting Roland to [ __ ] lose he's the OC of Iraqi yep uh so this is another interesting one it's not like okiyasu but it is fascinating Killer Queen Killer Queen in theory can completely atomize cars but here's the here's the kick Kira [ __ ] sucks at fighting so this is another interesting one to like to okayasu but like he Kira smart and could maybe win but he got blasted by Crazy Diamond even josuke said dog you [ __ ] suck at fighting it's it's understand in verse like he he he he don't got that dog in him he really doesn't but he does have the ability to blow him up that's the only thing he has here he's also going against like sucking again like sucking in a fight against josuke like oh like that's that's one thing this is cars who is essentially one of the greatest tacticians of History ever this universe ever like he wrote The Art of War bro basically he was he was posted up with Sun Tzu talking about like oh actually this is what you should really be doing bro make a woe Jack out of your enemies cars said that bro this is the one of the greatest Minds ever so having Kira who's really just like most of his kills he gets on like all of his kills he gets on like the regular person he has a stand and they don't he's really just abusing the fact that like he just has that part over them and he's going against the greatest bind it's not happening and shugeshi literally got prep timed he like his fat ass just couldn't get to the door fast enough bomb he's like I will put that there now you were already lost bro so yeah in this scenario We're not gonna give him that leeway we know we did give cars leeway of seeing stands but that's the only thing we're giving him but like yeah like maybe Killer Queen could do it but I just really highly doubt it and sheer heart attack is just gonna get distracted by literally any other thing like cars does here's a [ __ ] turtle or an alligator yeah or an eagle or a literal human being to worry about and like Kira's gonna get blasted into a [ __ ] Oblivion and he yeah he really doesn't matter he has the ability because he has come on and we know that he can radiate he if he wanted to and he could just just confuse your heart attack he can make just a hot rock nearby and a sure-hearted and sure heart attack doesn't have the same effect as uh Killer Queen where it's just like oh decept bomb and then the whole entire thing being atomized like sheer heart attack itself is blowing up it just blows and he can survive that easily like it's not it's not going to destroy him yeah here's the thing if cars doesn't get [ __ ] atomized or like flash frozen or just okay I'm gonna explain it like this if cars lives with one cell literally one cell mitosis can occur and mitosis can lead into regeneration and our generation leads into cars just being alive if cars does not get absolutely killed on a cellular level you are not beating him he's he's JoJo's perfect self like that's not that's what I had a whole thing about that too like I did a cars versus Cell thing like that's that's why like because he's just this ridiculous in the context of Jojo yeah he's he's OD so the next one here is uh boys to man so this is another gambling slash like game stand technically yes cars would lose his ultimate powers to a child in the most optimal scenario for Ken yes that is it but even then arsiola situations yes but like even then we know that within that fight [ __ ] can get weird like both players can start doing things to each other so like there could be a scenario where just cars just outsmarts the literal child you understand and he just could win so like this is another like one of those iffy ones like yeah sure but technically no so yeah wait plus like this is the idea like a bad she's just like hey hey like old guy in cars like what he's like yo let's play Rock Paper he sticks out his hand and then cause like uh so what were you saying and it's like oh I don't want to play you cut off my hands that hurt wow wow I didn't know this was an option didn't do this to me I broadcast it's like he's like wow this is the part two characters huh oh man this one is mean of my hands Mommy okay so moving on we have cheap tricks so this is another of course causality one me and Caleb were confused on this one because you can't really defeat Cheap Trick unless you have the alleyway in part four but it's also implied that Heaven's Door ripping off Cheap Trick would get him off of his body and you could live it if I am remembering correctly no there's not a lot of information gathering with his video so I could be wrong on that by the way but if that is the case to defeat Cheap Trick is just to actually forcefully remove him from your back cars could live that he would be fine cars could like eject his back off of his body like it's not even or he could just like it's another weird thing could he just make another version of himself this is the thing with ultimate cars there's just a lot of cases where he just might be able to make another ultimate cars and just like not care anymore because there could only be one cheap trick I would assume here yeah yet again I know I'm entering headcanon territory but like no cloning the easy thing that he could have done like it's it's it's nothing yeah it's just I don't know maybe it's just a character thing but like you might be able to kill him but I I don't think he would be able to like it's weird Cheap Trick is just one of those like strict marks maybe depending because it's going to it's going to be like Oh I'm on your back and then cars because I I get the idea like one of the things against cars like cloning himself is like the idea that it's just him he's the only ultimate life-formant about it but if it's like a conditional thing where like because cars could separate and then fuse himself back together like just cuz and it just it just makes sense in the context of cars like it's just like oh okay this is a current obstacle that I have to do to get over this thing in specific I will do that because it's just me anyway real no that is real so yeah also I'd like to mention Superfly here because there's also like cheap trick yet again I just clone another person in Superfly and I leave yeah done so yeah anybody who's gonna bring up Superfly just because it's Superfly no he he would be fine there too so in part four he actually does lose he loses to Heaven's Door only everybody else though gets [ __ ] yeah maybe trick so it's just like man on that one so moving on to part five so part five is I think personally the most interesting here so we're gonna start off with purple haze so this is we also had a discussion with this in private with me and Caleb he technically could lose the Purple Haze but cars might be smart enough to make like an anti-venom yeah maybe but even then the virus Works incredibly fast and with speaking about the anti-venom mengiorno jono barely got a little bit and was able to react fast enough to actually get the poison out of him when a loser got hit he got hit with the full totality of Purple Haze Point [ __ ] blank and use crumbles and he literally instantly died there was no time to regenerate so there might be a case here where purple A's could actually do this out of all the stands that were in the maybe category I think he is the definitely the best maybe stand that could actually beat ultimate cars I think if if you have I think if he gets off all of like if he breaks all the like the things that he has on his knuckles like just in one go like a direct shot to car so it's just a one shot yeah cars because one of the things that we've seen cars in a state of panic before like he he can get flustered and if he isn't thinking critically in that time I can definitely see him just like losing it out getting getting completely [ __ ] demolished so the next ones are the most obvious ones here uh the requiems chair Requiem just switches his body out with somebody else which was and then he just that's just funny because it's just like yeah you're not even ultimate cars anymore you're just some random Joe schmoe and like there's also a lot of things too I explained this in past videos and assuming that my uh gold experience raccoon versus made in heaven videos out too Requiem stands just have the ability to dominate souls and life in general so the Requiem stands here just might be able just to win out of like writing standpointing at it because you know they just can beat them because they're living beings and Requiem energy is apparently an actual energy this is a new thing to me too by the way so chair at Requiem might just be able to just swap his body out with somebody and cars not being ultimate life form anymore might not actually have the IQ anymore to actually figure out to look behind you and he's also not a stand user in this case too as well so he might not actually be able to see the sunlight behind him to destroy it to eventually defeat Chariot rack William maybe I don't actually know about that one that one's a little bit fishy but Chariot Requiem is kind of like a yeah he probably gets his ass beat so the next obvious one here would be a goal experience Requiem do I really need to talk about this Caleb do we really need to talk about both experience record I don't think we really do it's cool it's just the clear for cars uh gold experience Requiem has just never been that strong of a stand yeah no no he's he's actually ass skull experiences doesn't do anything I remember like when I was working on like my Top 10 Weakest stands I was like man it's just so easy to put gold experience Requiem at the top and all the comments agreed with me and we all cheered it was amazing yeah yeah it was amazing and just a giant [ __ ] ass you know on the screen gold experience Requiem just [ __ ] annihilates he's fine uh I I yeah it's it's g r uh it's unfortunately not close no it's just it's just it's just different plane of like existence ultimate life form no stands shut the [ __ ] up get annihilated yeah so yeah that one's for basically that a next one would be man in the mirror so this is another one shot ability so if men in the mirror actually gets cars in a mirror and in the mirror Dimension and leaves ggs yeah this one's not really complicated this is basically the easiest one to explain yeah it's over just get get get [ __ ] full get scammed I will say though he he's gonna like the the funny thing about this I like eventually well if breaking like a mirror if like if aloozo dies right uh dude are you stuck in the man no yeah you come out right I think you do no yes you do because uh uh fugo came back yeah so aloozo is going to die eventually like he's he has a he has a Time Clock Cars he'll be back sooner or later like that's that's the case so the next one here uh this one's kind of my personal favorite and it's also kind of almost in the same way vain as a purple haze White Album so this is an interesting one uh White album is just uh outer space but mobile but not as cold as outer space what I'm meaning by that is cars tries to throw Punch or throw an octopus at White Album for whatever reason and then just gets flash frozen yeah yeah car like White album is just gonna flash freeze ultimate cars and make his sales useless because Flash freezing you know living tissue makes it rendered like impossible to use or come back so like ultimate cars could just do that and win there might be like a case of tartar grades being able to survive but we actually know for a scientific fact that there are places on Earth that are colder than in outer space so White Album might actually be able to actually kill cars funny enough here because he can just freeze them to the point where you know I just can't exist anymore so there might be a case there but you could bring on the whole like well he's the ultimate life form so you have like the ultimate tardigrade ability or like the ultimate whatever animal can live in sub temperatures for whatever reason so that one's a little bit iffy but I think White Album can do it if you just highball them and you really don't think cars is that [ __ ] guy it might be in my case because I might be a little bit biased with White Album but I think he does stand a really good chance here yeah I'm definitely thinking because it's like of the biological species that we have here like on Earth even if we were to push them to like the best of their situation like I think the whole thing about like tartar grids like water bears they one of the things that they have like survivability is like if they're put out into this temperature they they get frozen but they're alive but that's it they can't act or do anything it's just that when you bring them back to a temperature where they can survive again they can get unthawed but the idea is that if he's just Frozen and it's just like that he's Frozen that's it then he can't act yeah he's yeah while one of them should be able to just we we think so the next one here and the last one being in part five is Notorious B.I.G this one's an interesting one because big can't die yeah cars can't either and Vig would just like nibble on Cars and Cars could just like remove his like armor leg and just be like you munch on that yeah I think it'd be fine cars is gonna get pissed off because it's not like he's gonna realize that this is like nothing's happening with this thing and eventually he has to just like this is pointless and I'm going to leave the fight but it doesn't mean I lost even though it does it means he lost like he's going to exit the fight because he's like I can't do anything to this guy and Notorious B.I.G just is this gonna act on its own and on paper like you would give that the W to Notorious B.I.G regardless of even if they both lived like it is a stalemate but one you should definitely gonna get tired boy he's gonna be like annoyed if anything yeah she should be fine I like cars should be able to live against Notorious B.I.G it's just big just can't die yeah unless like maybe you can pull some like really dumb things because you know that some species in real life can just do like flash like degeneration and like that's on the most up level because he's the ultimate being so that those like poisons or toxins can just destroy maybe big on a cellular level if you think that's how Stan's work in this case with big so maybe but like no this was like either a stalemate or cars this is like you can't kill me I can't kill you I'm just gonna dip bro yeah so like because that's so good here's Big can't do that that thing doesn't know anything so yeah it literally will probably just end up becoming a pet firm if anything so yeah there we go so when it comes to part five he actually loses in this one too just because of the requiems and probably Purple Haze definitely uh and maybe even White Album so out of all the parts so far and maybe the entire thing golden wind is actually a part where maybe ultimate cars doesn't survive funny enough so in stone ocean there's not a lot of stands here uh well that can probably do it there's just a lot of maybes so the biggest one here is uh weather report slash heavy weather we say maybe on this one because cars could just you know choose not to see and use his other senses to figure [ __ ] out like he was a jellyfish yeah or a bat okay because you can use echolocation and it's just the weather and a lot of animals can survive in some crazy ass weather conditions so weather report's a really iffy One-Shot ability that I really don't think he can actually get one shot to buy personally speaking Yeah I I think when because he's gonna like let's say heavy weather is out and weather reports also like trying to do the most like he's just like oh lightning lightning just just uh just keeps on blasting with stuff and cars is living that whole time and eventually Carl's gonna be like oh wait oh this this like this whole snail thing is like it's only tied to my vision you know like it's and after that as when once you remove that he's like oh I can still see you even without my vision like he has the ability to sense him in All merits because the rest of his senses are still very busted and he would be able to finish up the fight like that yeah so he he would be fine here uh at least in that scenario I only say maybe because you know turning into a snail maybe is a thing because there's an entire argument with if you actually get turned or turned into a snail or not that thing that has been around for literal decades like whether or not like you're actually a snail or just you perceive yourself as well yeah it's weird and anyway we'll we'll talk about that eventually when I talk about that stand in depth on my own channel but yeah he's weird so moving on surprisingly only the few main villains I can probably actually defeat him uh poochie and all of his stands uh I'll briefly go over this because there's three I need to talk to here about uh White Snake in one shot because he can just take your memories away leaving you immobile and just like a plush pile uh second would be seamoon because of gravity manipulation cars wouldn't be able to touch him because no species on the planet has been shown like to be able to survive in zero gravity environments well enough to even move let alone fight so I think Moon would be fine I think that one is at best a stalemate and should be weird but I think poochie still should be fine and of course made in heaven I talked about it in my own video on the on the tier list with the villains made in heaven in theory is really funny because he just could send him into orbit because he's moving at infinite speeds and just launch him into space because he is moving too fast for Gravity to actually care about so yeah made in heaven's just one of those stands where he could just out speed him into Oblivion and he really wouldn't care because he's just made in heaven poochie because he's just that guy yeah so that yeah like he just he just outstats him this is the only case I think in this entire video where it's not hacks he just gets outstanded by him and should be enough and Pucci is not dumb and should be able to like do some smart things made in heaven should be able to beat him I'm just gonna clarify that I'm gonna bring this up just quickly uh Highway to Hell and Marilyn Manson uh one's a gambling stand that cars can just regrow in Oregon for he should be fine Highway to Hell he just might be able to just tank it out regardless yeah so there's just two things that killed regular people yeah yeah cars isn't a regular thing by any means so he should be fine uh the next one and the last one here on my list uh Bohemian Rhapsody might be able to do this so this is another like causality one it depends if cars knows the story so if I don't know something like an old Egyptian or like old pillar Man story gets brought up and cars has to relive that or just live that scenario in general he could lose here because regardless of your standability and power you have to live out the story if you get hit or connected to Bohemian Rhapsody so even if you were the ultimate life form cars can lose here unless he pulls out some [ __ ] weather report Shenanigans and figures it out like Giga brain style which could be a possibility yeah he could survive it but on the off chance he doesn't yeah he'd actually lose the Bohemian Rhapsody but that's on the chance that those stories get just made up in general so I don't think it happened I don't think there's a story from that long ago that even is like known to the public or known to even like uh like his user in general there's just no way so yeah I think cars would be fine like I don't think anybody except the speed wagon Foundation knows about the pillar men so he should be fine in that regard yeah unless he knows a story like I don't know Spider-Man you think cars is a Spider-Man fan Caleb the only way is like if you tell cars like hey do you know about like what is it called like the the the tale of Gilgamesh or something like that and oh he definitely is and he wouldn't know that but like it like that's like you have to get him on specific things and they're almost historical you know yeah like this doesn't even technically really count it's not actually a story this is historical information no exactly right like so it's really weird it's really weird so yeah Bohemian Rhapsody is a maybe so I think in stone ocean yes he does lose again but realistically it's only to one character and technically only two of them really matter just because of you know white snake's ability to take away memories and just getting outstated or just or just getting outstanded by a maid in heaven so yeah he should be able to live a majority through Stone ocean except for me to heaven the White Snake everybody else just kind of gets [ __ ] clapped so moving on to the new universe so surprisingly here there is only technically two that beat him and two that are maybes so the obvious one here is Tusk act four he gets he gets he gets one-shotted Spin to Win baby yeah that's how you do it I love it yes I love the idea of it because I oh my gosh especially seeing uh funny Valentine he's just like hey hey I ca hey this it's still spinning like that's we're going to see cars with like as much fear as probably more than would but like when he was getting launched into space because he literally has nothing for this he's just it's just continuously happening to him and it won't stop and I don't think Johnny would really let up either because come on you can you can feel the intent on this guy like he is not a trustworthy person no no he he'd get blasted so yeah to us act four is a is an easy clap gets one shot at Gigi's uh you fool so the next one I'm just gonna put in two like just Giant Circles uh d4c uh this is the regular version and d4c Love Train uh grabs another cars from an alternate universe explodes them because two molecules can't live in the same place ever because that's how the stand rules work so yeah that's how that scenario kind of plays out because d4c just kind of does that that's its thing and d4c love train is you know the removal of Calamity or the removal of Misfortune to some place other in time and space or even another dimension so yeah cars wouldn't be able to touch d4c love train and love train but just be able to just [ __ ] I don't know send the ability of a volcano's explosion to his [ __ ] Dome if you really wanted to yeah so yeah and just get launched into space like unironically so yeah the d4cs are just fine they they clap um so yeah easy wins ggs I love how like our like we're we're it's pretty funny because this like okay so this is how cars loses all right so this is how their stand ability works and then he gets launched into space like that's that's how what do you want me to say like they have stats comparable to him like I've talked about this in the past in my channel before and I and I know I said in the beginning of the video I'm not gonna go crazy in depth with the power scaling because I don't want to be for very long but like they just win yeah like it's it's just like unfortunate for the guy yeah just just get get smacked up uh so the next two are just another causality ones uh Sugar Mountain and scary monsters scary monsters of course turns you into a dinosaur but that one takes a little bit longer but cars can turn himself into a dinosaur and is the ultimate life form so we might just be able to beat the [ __ ] out of Diego or the original Stand user if we're gonna use her or is it him is it him or her no when you're talking about Dr Ferdinand is is that a girl I think so right I hope so I'm Gonna Leave This in the video oh no wait no is it a guy yeah it's a guy please tell me oh I got that oh oh god oh I've been getting that wrong for years and then I'm not gonna lie he's a baddie though hey yo brother oh I would smack too anyway so yeah that one might be an interesting case where uh where you know cars just might be able to live it because he's the ultimate life form and he might be able to survive the virus for a bit longer because he's the ultimate life form uh the next one would be Sugar Mountain and this is of course you know just spend all your money and just get rid of it all yeah absolutely zero uh cars could do this probably in an hour because of mitosis but on the case that cars doesn't figure it out yes Sugar Mountain could one shot him and that's really about it and also I'll bring up 20th century boy here cars wouldn't be able to defeat him but 20th century boy wouldn't be able to defeat cars so that's just another stalemate and I just like to bring that up because somebody might be able to you know make an argument for him but cars should be fine there so yeah part seven is another part he loses wait wait I'll just because of when we were talking about this before the video we have to bring up Civil War off of the funniest part of it yeah this guy he has no sort of guilt or anything like that so you bring back everyone cars brought back bro axelrove is just gonna be sitting there just like oh my gosh it's Bloodshed this is this is insane what's going on and cars are running through every person he's ever fought oh my gosh he'll be so happy he he'd just be happy he'd be fine like part seven part seven he loses two but he might have the most fun in this part unironically no so just like yeah he'd be good so entering into Joe jolian so this is going to be interesting uh soft and wet I think yes Caleb was kind of a little bit like a little bit like I don't know man but I think something went could do it because of plunder not because of go beyond uh and joski does have some defensive capabilities with uh the the soap bubbles yeah I think this is what a lot of people can agree with like I don't know take away your brain waves or take away the ability for you to act to hold yourself to the ground with friction you wouldn't have friction yeah soft and white can do that like soft and wet is very powerful and you have of course add go beyond and the ability is to bypass anything and just go right through you because it's go beyond the infinitely spin close to zero so yeah yeah like honestly speaking it's like you have cars is going to be dealing with the the bubbles of the universe essentially like josuke is just free styling it and he's trying to figure out like in that in this idea the cars was trying to kill Joe skin as hard as he can but josuke with his defensive capabilities and just like just like Theory crafting of like how is he gonna destroy cars eventually like yeah we can get to the idea like oh he just break he's like let me just remove the brain waves because everything else about you you just keep on you just keep on finding ways around it and cars is also trying like again he's trying to put the hands on josuke but the bubbles he can't get to this guy yeah no he just wouldn't be able to I think personally I think this was a pretty like mid-dift to high difficult fight for josuke but I think he could do it maybe so the next one here would be space Trucking get sealed away forever because of playing cards no the only reason why I bring her up again or at least the mother of all the higashikatas is Kato because she can just seal away cars forever yeah and she'd never be able to deal with him ever again but that's on the case that she has the stats to even do that in the first place which is a maybe because part you know stupid run Universe scaling is very very contentious so I don't know if she could but she definitely does have the hack to do it so I think that is fair for everybody here to understand that just I I thought I'd mention it because her stand is a little bit more unique than the others a Blue Hawaii and ozone baby I'm gonna put this both together because they're a little bit unique a Blue Hawaii wins because if Blue Hawaii or anything like touches cars he becomes a zombie this is understood in verse to be very very powerful josuke was running away from this thing constantly during this fight with Blue Hawaii so if Blue Hawaii ends up touching cars cars could just end up becoming a vampire and we don't know if you can have resistances to it so yeah Blue Hawaii is interesting this is another one where it's all like what about the stats very similar to California King bed so it's just like maybe Blue Hawaii could do it but I don't really know ozone baby is next and ozone baby might be weird because of pressure and stuff but we know animals can survive a lot of types of pressure air pressure definitely so this is another maybe one if cars doesn't figure it out fast enough but it's ultimate cars so I think he could be fine he's also like the best we have the four in terms of all biological life forms so he's he has a lot more to take yeah he could just become a whale I I was gonna say it bro we have to spin the block on Milagro man so this is crazy the only way to escape Milagro Man's power is to return the money to the previous owner or have the money destroyed by another person after which Milagro man is transferred to the new victim oh you Googled it good yeah so the whole idea is that the the money is meant to crush you or make you like it's like asphyxiate you essentially it just gives it to some random fun and you can't asphyxiate cars exactly like it's not it it just become one with the money like yeah it's not it's not too difficult he also still has like uh because you can't destroy all the money obviously but he he has the ability to outlive the stuff better than anyone else has yeah it's because he's the ultimate landform basically he's his last three malario man blue Hawaiian ozone baby are just really like if you either get touched or you just like beat the stand user in general or just be able to outlive it you'll be fine these are all the kind of the caused Audi ones here in Joe jolian so FYI uh so I'm gonna bring up this guy last because I know everybody was waiting for him wonder if you it's [ __ ] Wonder of you what do you want me to you want me to look into the face and think cars wins no it's wonder if you get into get sent into [ __ ] space you dork what do you what do you want it's wonder if you like do you think I was gonna actually make an argument here for him no it's one to review no I really you have to get that panel where Wonder of you was all like huh you got really close it's like I think I was like well what's gonna happen it's like I don't know this never happened before and then cars just like a volcano just spawns from underneath like has that always been there has that always been there it's like so yeah and then he just and he just gets [ __ ] obliterated by it or something or like or like some nuclear killing I do or like he gets or he gets like like iterated by like some nuclear waste because it just was there for some reason Mario earthquake or some [ __ ] it would be something stupid like a massive explosion or like a war goes on or like literally caves in on itself and then it's just all like oh man the tectonic plates have also just shifted to cover up where cars is going and it's it's actually this specific amount of weight that he can't act on anything at all and like just yeah it just puts it into the worst case scenarios possible unironically everybody here on this list out of everybody we said he could lose against Wonderview is the absolute guarantee right next to Rohan there is realistically out of everybody on this list two stands that could definitely do it with no like [ __ ] for me and Caleb explaining it those two were definitely the only ones that can really do it and that should be like the d4cs but that's only because their stats are weird that I put them underneath both of them but like those two it's [ __ ] Wonder review and [ __ ] Heaven's Door if they're just OD like that yeah Rohan might be uh back in JoJo lands just FYI that's the only reason I bring him up during this part of the video we're not going to talk about JoJo lands because there's like barely like four stands we know about at least at the timing of this video yeah so just FYI so yeah there's probably like what maybe guaranteed one party is able to cream Maybe was a smarter person or vanilla ice specific if Vanilla Ice was just a smarter person it would be easier to give him for that because like we're able to put Vanilla Ice against most stand users right and he's able to just like oh that's good enough but the problem is he's cars he's not like the other stand users he's he's freaking he's like the smartest being there is definitely no no you are right so in theory and technically how this video was described there is only one port where he actually does win and every other part in JoJo's there is one stand that has the ability to either one shot him or kill him over time yeah surprisingly and I'll put them here on screen for the definite ones I do think can actually beat him because there is literally one in each maybe two so yeah surprisingly cars gets his ass beat by a few individuals shockingly enough go figure the ultimate life form gets beat by random people with punch ghosts which is weird can you imagine being the ultimate life form again beat up by a comic artist that'd be [ __ ] hilarious bro this is the money dc-ass [ __ ] ever like oh man so yeah he he yeah there's he cars does survive one part definitely and of course Parts one and two if anybody wanted them to be brought up here I I think I said in the beginning of the video I might have forgot but it's Parts one and two the fact that car is even lost in part two to begin with is is like hey wonder if it was actually exactly there the entire time like literally the reason why he actually lost in part two was because of this video's mentioning of him and this fight happening by the way actually I'm actually Rocky in disguise that'd be terrifying but I know what I don't know what this video is going I think we need to end it here uh so if you like the video like comment share subscribe Caleb you got anything else to say at the very end of the video um make sure to watch Pluto when it comes out by naoki or Asawa that stuff is fire or read it I don't really care well thank you for watching I hope you agree with us no like I said there's not a lot of power scaling in this but you know I thought it would just be fun to describe this stuff with Caleb and stuff and just tell you to you guys the audience and maybe get you guys thinking there might have been a few stands that I just oversaw or just didn't think of very well but I think the ones I did give to you surprisingly enough could defeat cars so yeah I'm just FYI yeah I think he does surprisingly only live in one part technically three the other ones he actually loses to at least one or multiple stance so just yeah pretty cool video well I hope you enjoyed the video like comment share subscribe follow me on Twitter stay hydrated I'll see the next one ladies and gentlemen and subscribe to Caleb and subscribe to me I'm almost at 100K goodbye Godspeed thank you
Channel: METAs
Views: 370,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: METAs, META, Anime, Manga, Review, discussion, analysis, joseph joestar, battle tendency, jojo, jojo bizarre adventure, joestar, ultimate kars, kars, kars jojo, ultimate kars jojo, How Strong Is Ultimate Kars, joseph vs kars, part 2, jojo's bizarre adventure, ultimate, pillar men, How Powerful Is Ultimate life Form Kars, Which Parts Could Ultimate Kars Survive?, wonder of u, gold experience requiem, tusk act 4, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, soft and wet go beyond
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 40sec (2920 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 20 2023
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